Second Chances
Chapter 5 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Second Chances: Chapter 5

M - Words: 2,081 - Last Updated: Sep 19, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Apr 30, 2012 - Updated: Sep 19, 2012
397 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes:

Chapter 5 :D things start to get better for Klaine here, chapter sort of goes fluff-full-full-fulff...get the picture :)

I just thought i's say that this is probably the last time i plan to update for a little while (i probably will end up updating, but it's just incase i don't) In about 2 weeks, my exams are coming up, so i feel i should take a small break for now, but i promise it won't be too long :)

Anyway, as per usual, thank you Azaelia67 [FF.Net] for BETA-ing :)




Blaine and Kurt reached Kurt's apartment, after leaving Sebastian they headed there immediately. Kurt noticed how Blaine was flinching every time he walked and took a breath, he knew it was because of Sebastian, so he didn't say anything. He was sure that Blaine had a broken rib, Sebastian was going to pay for this.

They walked in the door and were immediately met by Rachel, who upon seeing that Blaine was there, had an exasperated look on her face. Kurt saw that she was about to say something and knew now was not a good time.

'Not now, Rach,' Kurt said quietly as he helped Blaine down on to the couch. So she made her way to her room, presumably to go and talk to Finn, Kurt really didn't care, he needed to look after Blaine.

'Are you okay?' he asked in a small voice and immediately regretted it, what a stupid question.

'I-I think my rib is broken, but apart from that, yeah, I guess.' Blaine saw that Kurt looked extremely worried. 'Hey, it's nothing that I'm not used to,' he said, feeling bad about worrying Kurt too much.

'I know, but he hurt you Blaine...' There were a couple of seconds of silence. '…why didn't you tell me?'

Blaine just looked at Kurt, as Kurt returned the gaze. Amber met serene blue properly since they had met. It was tense, but the question had to be answered. Blaine swallowed the lump in his throat.

'I don't know Kurt, how can you tell someone that you're in an awful relationship? Especially you…' Blaine decided to be truthful; he honestly didn't know how to tell Kurt this.

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean...' Kurt thought for a few moments. '…you should have told me.'

'Don't be sorry, I guess I was just blown away by seeing you again, Kurt. I just wanted to talk to you, about normal things, not that.'

'Blaine, you know that's not what I meant.'

Of course it wasn't. What Kurt meant was : all those years ago, when Blaine had left him. Deep down, Blaine knew that was what he had meant; he just couldn't bring himself to talk about it.

Blaine closed his eyes and exhaled… It was time to talk.

'Kurt, I… I want you to know, that what I put in my letter… I mean it.' Blaine's eyes started roaming all around the room, and eventually landing on Kurt, who was looking at the floor.

'Which part?' Kurt said looking up.

Blaine reached his hand out and took Kurt's in his, placing them on his lap.

'I know that you know but I'm going to tell you anyway.'

Kurt didn't know how he felt at this stage, he didn't know how to prepare himself for this talk. He moved around on the couch, not feeling uncomfortable, but definitely unsure, so to speak. Blaine continued.

'I'm sorry.' Blaine looked into Kurt's eyes once more and started to rub his thumb over Kurt's hand. 'I know that I explained a lot in my letter, but I want to tell you how I feel now, not back then, right now.

'When I left, I knew deep down I was making a horrible decision, and I really just couldn't even contemplate what might happen to you, I couldn't risk it, not ever. At first when Sebastian started doing…what he did, I couldn't imagine him hurting you, or whatever. I didn't think he was capable or doing that, but when he beat me up, I knew he was not to be messed with.'

Kurt's grip on Blaine's hand tightened, he felt overwhelmed that Blaine would do something like that for him, just to make sure Kurt never got hurt, not even a scratch.

'I wrote you that letter I guess because I had hope… hope that one day, you would read it, and…' Blaine stopped, he didn't know how to finish that. '…I guess I don't know what I was expecting.

'Today, I woke up and I was nervous, I'm not even sure why, there are so many reasons that I was; like I knew today was the day that I asked you to read that letter and I didn't know if you were going to. But I am so glad, and so thankful that you did.'

'Blaine, I…I at least owed you that,' Kurt said after Blaine had explained. 'I knew that what you did wasn't you and I knew that there was something else that was going on; and from day one, I told myself I would read it, no matter what.

'I'm not going to lie to you, it hurt. When you left, I was broken, in pieces, and it took me a while to start to get on with my life, but I never really got over it… over you,' Kurt corrected.

Blaine blinked and just listened to Kurt, by now the both of them had tears forming in their eyes. Blaine could hardly believe that Kurt was here, was giving him a chance to explain himself, but also that Kurt was telling Blaine he had never gotten over him. Blaine didn't know what that meant for them.

'Seeing you today, Kurt, I felt so many different things. I was so happy to see you, but then I felt really, really guilty, and then you smiled at me, and for once… I felt like things might just turn out the way I want them too.'

'And how do you want things to turn out?' Kurt asked curiously.

Blaine looked at Kurt. 'I want everything to be back the way it was.' And Kurt knew what he meant, he wanted them to be back together. 'I still love you, Kurt, and I know that you probably don't feel the same, but I have to at least tell you that.'

Kurt took Blaine's hand and placed it on his chest, over his heart. 'Do you feel that?' Blaine nodded, he could feel Kurt's heart beating like crazy inside of him. 'That's because of you, Blaine, that's what you do to me… I love you too,' Kurt said barely in a whisper, but that was all that was needed; Blaine heard it loud and clear.

Kurt moved a little closer to Blaine, and rested his forehead onto the smaller man's. He was going to kiss Blaine, to make things right again.

Blaine, panicking under the close proximity of Kurt, flinched and moved back instantly. He was only used to Sebastian being that close to him, and that only meant being hurt. It wasn't that he thought Kurt would hurt him. That was just the normal for him, when he got close to someone, he got hurt.

Kurt saw Blaine move away and instantly regretted his decision to try and kiss him, he should have known that would happen. He had been selfish, Blaine was obviously broken from being with Sebastian.

'I'm sorry,' Blaine said after moving. 'It's just, this is a big thing for me, I can't be close to anyone, because whenever I am, I ruin it.'

'No Blaine, don't be sorry… I'm the one who's sorry, I shouldn't have tried that.'

'I wanted to,' Blaine said, cutting Kurt off. 'I wanted to kiss you Kurt, but it's going to take time to get used to trusting others… God, that sounds so bad, I trust you Kurt, but I need time to get used to things.'

Kurt, seeing how upset Blaine had become felt genuinely heartbroken for him. Kurt's hatred for Sebastian had just doubled, how dare he make someone as loving, caring, beautiful as Blaine feel like this?

'I'm going to help you Blaine, we're going to overcome this, we're going to fix you…we're going to do this together.'

'I love you so much, Kurt.' Blaine was overwhelmed that Kurt wanted to help him, wanted to be with him again. It was going to take time, they both knew that, but Blaine knew that with Kurt, he could do anything.

'I love you too,' Kurt said. He hesitantly moved closer to Blaine again, repeating what he had done last time, and let his head rest on Blaine's, giving him time to move away if he felt uncomfortable. But this time, he didn't move away. This time Blaine closed the small gap that separated them and placed his lips on Kurt's.

The kiss was chaste and sweet, but still said everything they wanted to say to each other, both of them wanting to take things slow. Kurt didn't want to frighten Blaine, and it took all of his will power to not deepen the kiss.

'Thank you,' Blaine said as Kurt was stroking the bruise near Blaine's eye.

'What for?'

'Just, everything, Kurt. For forgiving me, for listening to what I had to say, for helping me, for… Everything… I don't deserve you.'

'Hey, yes you do, Blaine, you deserve someone to help you, he has messed you up so much.'

'I'm a horrible person, I hurt you Kurt and you're just forgiving me, I can't thank you enough.'

'Don't say that, you're not a horrible person, you're kind, compassionate, loving…Brave.'

'Brave? How am I brave? I haven't been able to stand up for myself in years.'

'You're brave because you've taken a first step, and told me. Maybe you haven't said anything to him yet, but who's to say you won't ?'

'You're amazing.'

'He's messed you up, and I'm going to fix that.' Kurt was going to make sure of that.

Just as Kurt was saying this, Rachel had chosen this particular time to come out of her room. Kurt gave her a look that told her she was ruining what they were talking about.

'I'm sorry, I had to pee, you guys have been talking for hours,' she informed them. 'And Blaine… It's nice to see you again,' she said smiling at him. He and Rachel had been good friends in high school and had done several duets together. And, they had been each other's Tony and Maria in their school's performance of West Side Story. Truth was, Blaine was happy to see Rachel too.

'You too Rach.' He smiled back, genuinely happy to see her.

The next few hours, the three of them had decided to order pizza for dinner and sit and watch a movie, during which Blaine fell asleep as Kurt and Rachel sang every song. It wasn't that Blaine was bored, he was just tired, and exhausted, and the sound of Kurt's singing voice really did have an affect on him; he was lulled to sleep by it.

Kurt felt Blaine's head on his shoulder and smiled warmly to himself. He heard the gentle breath of Blaine as he was falling asleep, and when Blaine's breathing evened out he felt relieved to know that he was getting some sleep; today had been stressful.

Rachel saw that Blaine had fallen asleep on Kurt, and how Kurt was just watching him sleep and smiling. This was the first time she had seen Kurt this happy since…since before the break up. She started smiling to herself as she watched Kurt move a few stray curls from Blaine's eyes.

'What are you smiling at?' Kurt asked as he looked up and saw Rachel smiling at him.

'You two are just the sweetest,' she answered simply.

'He's so brave.'

'I know,' Rachel answered, having heard most of the conversation through the wall. 'He needs you, Kurt.'

'I know. I don't want him to get hurt anymore,' he said, looking down at Blaine and how peaceful he was; Kurt was running his hands gently through Blaine's thick curls.

'And so long as he has you, he won't.'

They sat and talked about how work was, and that Rachel had finally gotten a piece of backdrop finished that she had been painting for ages. Also, she had an audition for a part in a musical in a few weeks, for which of course, she would be singing Don't Rain On My Parade.

'I'm going to bed,' Rachel said as the credits of the movie had appeared on the screen.

'Okay, night Rach,' Kurt said still with a sleeping Blaine on him. Rachel walked over and kissed Kurt on the forehead goodnight before disappearing into her room again.

Kurt, who was far too comfortable to move to his bed, had decided to move Blaine so that he was now in Kurt's arms, and he got them into an even more comfortable position.

The scent of Blaine was powerful and Kurt had missed how much he loved it, he had missed this a lot. After all of what happened today, Kurt took his time to just enjoy this moment, having the man he loved in his arms. He felt complete having Blaine there, and with these thoughts in his mind, Kurt drifted off to sleep.



End Notes: Please Review, they are like oxygen ! :)


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I just went nuts looking for the next button, and it wasn't there! Please, put me out of my misery and update? Xxx Brilliant story!

Ahah :') i promise i will update as soon as i can :) Thank you!! xx

Awww, this is awesome! I will review after every update now that I found this. It's so different from what I've read and has my utmost attention. Love it!

Ahh thank you! :D that would be amazing if you could do that! :D and i will be updating as soon a i can :D x

we need happy klaine as possible and will be fine... keep it up .

Yeah, don't worry...happy and fluffy Klaine to come :D i must say i have some good fluffy stuff coming up :D wooo and thanks for reviewing :D x