Falling in Love With Love
All the Rest Are Too Deep For You and Me to See Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Falling in Love With Love: All the Rest Are Too Deep For You and Me to See

E - Words: 1,673 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Aug 07, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2012
477 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A little shorter than usual. I wanted to get this out before I start classes again. Gotta love working full time and going to school full time. Don't worry I won't abandon, I need some kind of distraction to keep me sane.


They walked back to their building in silence.  It wasn’t an awkward silence; more of a concentrated silence.  The boys were both completely lost in their own thoughts, both terrified of how this night might end.


“Hey Blaine, why don’t you come to my place so we can talk?  Rachel has rehearsal tonight and Finn is doing second shift so we will have some privacy.”


“Okay.”  Blaine replied and the continued the walk without words.


By the time they reached the apartment both of them were a bundle of nerves.  Kurt opened the door to his apartment and put his satchel next to his discarded shoes on the floor.  Blaine followed suit and went to join Kurt in the living room. 


“I’m so sorry Blaine.”  Kurt blurted out, keeping his eyes down, as he plopped onto the couch. 


“Did you mean those songs you sang?”




“Then why did you do what you did Friday?  I thought we were hitting it off.”


“We were, and that’s why I did it.  I- I panicked.”


“But why Kurt?  Why did you panic?”  Kurt remained silent with his head bowed.  “Kurt please look at me and talk to me.  Regardless of what may or may not happen with this conversation, I am still you’re friend; which means, that you can tell me anything.  I am here, listening.”


Kurt looked up and took a deep breath.  After a few seconds his eyes met with the twinkle is Blaine’s hazel eyes.  “I am so, so, so sorry Blaine.  I never meant to hurt you.  It’s just that I feel something different with you; something stronger than I have ever felt before and that terrifies me.”  Kurt pauses as Blaine’s hand came to rest on his knee.  Blaine sat silent, waiting for him to continue.  “Well, a little over four years ago Santana tells me that she met the ‘perfect’ guy for me.  It’s a line she has used for every guy that she has tried to hook me up with.  I had only had one serious relationship before, and that was in high school, so I finally gave into her and said that I would meet him.  That’s when I met Nick.  I fell instantly for him.  He was absolutely gorgeous.  We had pretty much all of the same interests, only he was going into the theatre; whereas, I was all about my fashion.  I spent the next three years falling harder and harder for him, completely blind to what was really going on behind the scenes.” 


A lone tear fell down his cheek as he continued.  “A little over a year ago I went to his place to surprise him with dinner.  It’s something we did regularly.  I was a little shocked when his door was a little ajar.  So I just went in.  I called his name and I heard fumbling around in his bedroom.  I figured I just woke him up from a nap after a long night at rehearsals.  I walk into the bedroom and there he is, with another guy.  I couldn’t believe my eyes.  Everything had crashed down on me.  I left and walked home.  And believe me, that was a long walk.”


He chuckled as Blaine grabbed his hand with both of his, clasping shut.  “Suddenly, it all made sense; everything that I was too blind to see.  We had been together for three years and he never brought up the future.  He just lived in the present.  In three years we had never talked about the possibility of moving in together, marriage, hell, I didn’t even know if he ever wanted kids or not.  I had never even met his parents for more than a quick dinner about six months into our relationship and even then he didn’t even introduce me as his boyfriend.  Later that night he came by to pick up his things.  When I confronted him on how long that affair had been going on, he basically told me that I was the affair.  I had always been the other person to someone.  He was not one to settle down.”


The tears started flowing at the memories that his confession had brought to the surface.  “He- he told me that he only kept me around because I was a good fuck.”  Blaine felt his skin flush with fury.  He pulled his hands away from Kurt in order to embrace him with a hug.  After a few minutes of silence Kurt regained his composure and finished his story. 


“I am just so afraid that you will hurt me too.  I can’t go through that again.  I don’t just want to be someone’s plaything.  I want to be someone’s everything.”


Knowing that Kurt was finished they made eye contact and Blaine spoke for the first time since Kurt began.  “Kurt, I am so sorry, if I had known you felt that way I wouldn’t have kissed you, not so soon.  It was horrible what he did to you, and I can promise you I am not the kind of guy.  I would never do that to you.  And if you let me, I want you to my everything.  But I will give you all the time you need.  You have been hurt, it takes time to heal and I respect that.  Will you give me the chance to earn your trust?”


Kurt smiled.  “Thank you, I would love that.”  Blaine lifted Kurt’s chin with his finger and leaned in for a peck on the lips.  The two men smiled at each other.  Desperate to change the subject Kurt thought on his toes.  “So Blaine, do you want to watch a movie?”


“Sure, I actually have the perfect movie.  It’s at my place, I’m going to go change and grab it.  I’ll be right back.”  Blaine popped up, pecked him on the forehead and bounced out the door.  Kurt couldn’t help but smile.  There was definitely something different about Blaine.  He made a mistake when he ran the other night.  Blaine didn’t need to earn his trust, he already had it.  His heart had made a decision, now he just hoped his brain would follow suit.  He jumped up to change into something more comfortable.  The pants he was wearing were way too tight to be able to sit comfortably to watch a movie.




Blaine bounced through the door and ran straight into his room.  He pulled out his college logo sweats and a clean t-shirt and rushed to take a quick shower.  It may have been September, but in New York, it’s still the summer and he still feels gross.  He was still internally fuming over what that jerk did to Kurt, but at the same time he couldn’t help but smile because he and Kurt were something.  What the something was, exactly, was still a little hazy, but something none the less.  He showered and got dressed in record time.  He went to his DVD rack and quickly searched for the movie he had in mind.  He grabbed his keys and set his phone on the charger before leaving the room.  He did not want any distractions tonight.


Santana and Brittany were cuddled on the couch watching re-runs of Two Broke Girls.  “Bye guys.” Blaine yelled over his shoulder to them as he left.  Santana smirked and stayed quiet.  There was only one place he would be going in his pajamas. 


“Get it Triangles.”  She said towards the empty room. 


“Our dolphin is happy again.”  Brittany stated matter-of-factly.


“Yes he is baby.  Yes he is.” 




Kurt left the door cracked so that Blaine could just come back in.  When he crept through the door he found the living room empty, Kurt must be changing.  He went over to the TV and started the movie while he waited for Kurt. 


Kurt had the same idea as Blaine and took a quick shower before he changed.  He was just pulling on his pajama pants when he heard the door shut.  He walked into the living room only to laugh at what he saw paused on his TV.


“Finding Nemo Blaine, really?”  Blaine looked back to sit Kurt standing there with his arms crossed, feigning annoyance.


“Oh don’t act like you don’t love this movie.  I thought we could use something to lighten the mood.  And besides, you know whenever Dori starts singing ‘Just Keep Swimming’ you want to jump up and down like a five year old clapping your hands like Hercules Hercules Hercules!”


Kurt burst out laughing.  “Of course.  This is one of my favorite movies ever.  Do you want a beer or anything?”


“What do you have?”


“Well I have Corona’s and Finn and some Bud Light.”


“I’ll take a Corona, thanks.”  Kurt pops the top of the two beers and sits down next to Blaine to start their movie night. 


Blaine burrowed into the corner of the couch putting on leg along the backside of the couch.  “Come here.”  He says to Kurt in a voice slightly louder than a whisper.  Kurt lies down on his chest, without reservation, and gets comfortable.  He inhales deeply, completely enthralled with how good Blaine smelled.  He could really get used to this.


Kurt looks up to Blaine.  “I meant what I sang to night.  I really do want to be your man.”


“I do too.”  He said and responded with kiss; a simple and romantic kiss.  Kurt turned back to his side to watch the movie.  Blaine rested his hand on Kurt’s waist.  Kurt just smiled.  It really was different with Blaine.  For the first time in years Kurt felt safe in arms of another man.  ‘I’m definitely going to get used to this.’  He thought to himself as the open credits rolled.

End Notes: Aww Disney time for the boys. I have some shinanigans planned for the next few chapters. We need happy Klaine. :) Please review. Title is a line from one of the songs in Finding Nemo, can you guess which one? I'll give you a hint, it invoves a sting ray


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