Falling in Love With Love
He's My Mr. Incredible Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Falling in Love With Love: He's My Mr. Incredible

E - Words: 1,381 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Aug 07, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2012
390 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A short chapter, maybe some Klaine lovin in the next? We shall see. - As always I own nothing. Seriously, absolutely nothing, not even my car.



Kurt was on cloud nine.  He so desperately wanted to talk to Rachel and gush about absolutely everything that has happened over the past few weeks.  But, no, today was about Rachel, not him.  He has been going crazy the past week wondering what Rachel possibly had to talk about.  They agreed for Rachel to pick up Panera and Starbucks and to meet Kurt in his office. This way they would not be on time constraints – it is a really awesome thing being able to make your own hours.


At 11:59 on the dot Rachel comes bouncing, yes quite literally, into his office.  Rachel Berry was nothing if not punctual and bubbly.

“Daisy?” Kurt buzzed through to her desk.

“Yes Kurt?” A polite and meek voice replied.

“Hold my calls and do not let anyone disturb me unless it’s an emergency.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Make sure Jean Carlos knows that running out of the chiffon is not an emergency.”

“Got it.”

“Oh and Daisy –“


“Don’t call me sir.”

“Sorry Kurt.” She giggled.

“Thanks Daisy.”

Rachel was particularly chipper this Monday afternoon and for Rachel to be even more shipper was kind of off putting.  Some would even call it scary.  Rachel took their Paninies and soups out of the bag and placed them on his now cleared desk before handing Kurt his coffee.


Kurt leaned back in his chair and sipped his coffee.  “Okay Rachel, I have been going crazy for over a week now.  What’s up?”


Rachel looked down nervously and took a deep breath.  “Okay. I- I’m thinking of takingaleavefromBroadway.” She stuttered out.


Kurt shot straight up in his chair almost choking on his coffee.  “Oh my God, what?  Why?  This is all we have been talking about for the better part of 10 years Rachel.  You finally got there and you are going to just stop?”


Rachel put her hand up, signaling Kurt to stop rambling and just listen.  “Kurt, trust me, I know.  I’ve been so blessed and lucky.  Life has opened every door for me.  I mean the only thing that would have made my career perfect was to have played Maria.  But, there is still time for that, we are still so young.  If you haven’t noticed we can still pass for teenagers.”  Now it was Rachel’s turn to ramble.  She paused and Kurt chuckled at her last statement.  “On the flip side of that, we are not getting any younger and now I feel that there is something huge missing from my life.”


“What’s that?”  There was a long dramatic pause, of course, before she burst out with two words.  Two words that would blow Kurt away.


“A baby.”


Kurt nearly choked again, this time on his Panini.  “A baby Rachel?  Are you sure?  I don’t think you have ever even held a baby.”  Rachel opened her mouth to protest but Kurt stopped her before she could start.  “No, kissing babies and posing with them for pictures to please your fans does not count Rachel.


“I Know I don’t have a lot of experience, but I’ll learn.  This is why I wanted to talk to you about this.  I know I want a baby, I’m just unsure about the timing.  I’m thinking of giving my two month notice to the show tonight and start trying after the last show.  What do you think?”


Kurt remembered the look in her eyes when he showed her the pictures of Lexi.  He quickly got over his initial shock and started to become excited.  “Oh Rachel,” he stood from his desk and walked over to her.  She stood up and they wrapped their arms around each other. “when did we grow up?”  She laughed and stood on her tip toes to hold him as tight as she could.


“So what do you say?”


“I better be the Godfather who doesn’t actually believe in God.”  He replied and they both fell into fits of laughter.


“There wouldn’t be anyone else.”  She wiped away the lone tear that slid down her cheek; a tear of pure joy.  Kurt looked in her eyes and started tearing up himself.  How did he get so lucky?  Breaking the hug and going back to her coffee Rachel changed the subject.  “So,” she took a long sip of her coffee. “enough about me.  What’s going on with you and Blaine?”  Rachel laughed as a huge smile covered Kurt’s face from ear to ear.


Across town Blaine and Krissy sat at his desk sharing some leftover chicken parmesan from the night prior.  “Oh my goodness Blaine, Kurt can really cook.  I think I might steal your boyfriend from you.”


Blaine laughed heartily.  “I know right, I don’t know how I survived for 25 years without him!”


Krissy smiled.  “I still can’t thank you enough for this past weekend.  It means everything to me.”


“You’re more than welcome.  I think I had the best weekend I’ve had in quite a long time.  Your daughter is quite – how do I put this - something.”


Krissy laughed.  “That’s an understatement.  What kind of trouble did she get herself into?”  Blaine pulls out his phone and shows her all the pictures from the weekend.  Starting at the baby sleeping in naked in a pile of flour (carefully taken of course so it only showed her head and the mess), the picture Kurt took of him attempting to style her hair, their trip around the city, the fitting room at The Children’s Place where Kurt had her do a little fashion show, Kurt holding her sleeping on the subway, and to their Sunday journey to Union Square where they spent the afternoon in Barnes and Noble reading fairy tales and playing with the lego tables.


“Oh my God Blaine!  This is too funny.  Make sure you sent me some of these.”


“Already did, check your email.  Oh! And before I forget-“ Blaine reached under his desk to pull out an overstuffed Children’s Place bag. “Kurt kind of went a little shopping crazy.”


“Oh my goodness, he shouldn’t have.  I really can’t accept it.”

“Yes you can.  It was his pleasure; I think the only thing he enjoys more than designing clothes is actually buying them.  He was amazed by how cute, but yet affordable, it all was.”


“Please tell him thank you for me.  You know one of these days I really have to meet him under better circumstances than the last time.  Speaking of Kurt, I saw him in a lot of those pics.  Are things going well for you now?”


“Yea, things are amazing actually.  You know, seeing him with Lexi really opened my eyes and realize something.  It’s him and it’s always been him.  I honestly love him and I want to have a future with him.  It was actually around the time I took this picture here,” he paused to pull up the picture of Kurt holding a sleeping Lexi on the subway. “that I saw my future.  Instead of him holding Lexi I saw him holding our baby.  It was then I realized that someday I want him to be my husband and I want to have a family with him.  God Kris, I didn’t even know if I ever really wanted a family until then.  At that moment it was like it was something I have wanted my whole life.”


Krissy squealed in delight when she heard his confession.  “You know Blainers, you have me to thank for all this.”


“Oh yea, and how is that?”


“Well I dragged you out to the café that night that Kurt sang for you – aaannnnndddd it was babysitting my minion that have you that ‘ah-ha’ moment.”


“We live next door to each other. I’m sure it would have happened eventually anyway.”


“Mmm hmm, whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night.”  She said tolling her eyes playfully.  “So, Mr. Anderson, tell me – how good is he in bed?”  She asked with one eyebrow raised.


This time it was Blaine’s turn to choke on his food.  “Oh my God Krissy!”


End Notes: Review me maybe? (no songs in the chapter but the I got the chapter name from Mr. Incredible by Mya)


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