Jan. 30, 2013, 11:04 a.m.
Jan. 30, 2013, 11:04 a.m.
“Mr Anderson, could you please come to my office please.” Mr Ripley said as he spotted Blaine with the other five friends. “Oh okay Mr Ripley Sir.” Blaine answered suddenly having a very bad feeling then suddenly remembering last night with Bas.
Blaine groaned “Oh No! How can I be so stupid!” Nick looked at Blaine and asked “What do you mean?” and as Blaine explained telepathically to the other four excluding Kurt grew increasingly annoyed and wanted to find Sam and Bas doing something not in keeping with the ethos of Dalton Academy. Blaine reluctantly said he would hopefully see them soon and tell them what had happened after his visit to Mr Ripley’s office.
“Ah Mr Anderson, come in please sit down. It has come to my attention that something went on last night would you care to elaborate on your side of things before I make any judgement call.” Mr Ripley stated.
Blaine sat and gulped but quickly explained what had happened last night/early hours of that day, stating that he was extremely tired and annoyed that he had been summoned by Bas to the common room. Then his misgivings of what Bas wanted with Kurt leaving out nothing as his Dean wanted ‘All’ the relevant information.
When Blaine finished Mr Ripley pursed his lips bringing his fingers to his own lips and then said “Blaine, for what you did showing your powers like that I should expel you for it especially as you threatened a fellow student. As Blaine went to interrupt Mr Ripley in his own defence, Mr Ripley held up his hands and said “Like I said Blaine I wouldn’t make any hasty decisions before hearing your side of the story and I must say I am a bit disappointed in you for letting your own feelings get the better of you. Yes, I know of your and Mr Smythes’ animosity towards one another, but I must say I had hoped that you two could move on with it.” Mr Ripley sighed and nodded his head once “Right this is my judgement on the matter and you were on very thin ice Mr Anderson.” Mr Ripley looked sternly at Blaine, but also said “You will have detention for a week and no Warblers that is my final call. Consider it a lucky break Blaine I can see you were only looking out for Kurt but you must remember why you are here. Don’t worry about Sebastian Smythe I shall be having a few words with him too. You may go now and just to let you know” as Blaine went to leave the Dean’s office he turned back and looked at the Dean “ Mr Smythe will be joining you for detention on his deceitful act but do not say anything if you meet him Blaine I shall deal with this!” with that Mr Ripley reached for his telephone leaving Blaine to consider the circumstances that brought him here then left.
Mr Ripley asked for Mr Fredericks to come to his office as he had something important to discuss and would two pm be okay for a meeting. When that was done he let Mrs Jenkins his p.a. know of the meeting and asked her to make sure they had coffee and biscuits ready.
Blaine dispiritedly walked over to where the others were seated for break and drank his coffee that someone had gotten him. Again, Nick asked “What happened? Are you…..” leaving the sentence unfinished, Blaine looked up and made sure no-one could over hear them and said he had a week’s detention and no warblers too. Wes shrieked, “What! Blaine you do realise we only have 6 weeks to rehearse right you did tell Mr Ripley that?” Blaine said he thought Mr Ripley already knew that. The others looked at one another then as one located Bas and Sam with their little gang and noticed the smirks on their faces. Kurt asked “Why are they looking at us like that?” then realisation turned to Blaine asking “Did they have anything to do with whatever happened for your visit to the Dean’s office?” Blaine couldn’t lie but wouldn’t answer in case he got into more trouble but looked around with pleading eyes. David turned to Kurt and said “Kurt, can you come with me for a few minutes I want to explain some things on what has gone on in the past before you came okay” Blaine shook his head but Jeff said “Blaine he has to be warned now leave it David will explain it ALL to Kurt okay.”
Kurt looked at his friends wondering what on earth he had gotten himself into now but capitulated and got up and left with David. Blaine looked at their retreating backs and sighed if only he had ignored the note and not bothered to go but knew that would never happen if he could protect Kurt from Bas he would do so again.
David led Kurt off to a little used common room for the demi-gods use only and knew that Bas and his group wouldn’t be able to follow. Sitting down on one of the comfortable chairs dotted around the room he turned to look over to Kurt and then started explaining about what had gone down before Kurt arrived. Kurt listened bristling when David started telling what had happened to Blaine when he had gone out with Bas and the ensuing aftermath of that relationship with Blaine being terribly hurt emotionally and physically. Kurt seethed listening and felt an extremely strong purpose in his life to protect Blaine from anything that Bas could do to hurt his friend. He corrected himself from ALL of his friends.
Kurt held his hand up and asked “So, I have a question if Blaine is a Demi-God what is Bas?”
David thought for a moment then said “He is a Demon our opposite, but no-one knew of his ‘Special’ powers until Blaine nearly died from one of Bas magical attacks. But don’t worry, Blaine is much, much stronger than Bas now and can easily defeat him and Bas knows this to his own chagrin!” laughing at the last bit knowing the truth then looked over to Kurt seeing he had another question he wanted to ask “ Kurt anything else you want to know?”
Kurt looked intently at David and replied “Yes, what is Sam then if Bas is a Demon?”
“Ah, that is something of a sore spot for us as a group. You see Sam was an Angel-type, not as powerful as us but still powerful in his own powers. He was corrupted by Bas and is now re-classed as a ‘Fallen Angel’ and cannot change back, which is a great shame as he is basically a really nice person.” David shrugged his shoulders as if that explained everything.
Kurt sat further back into the chair and thought about all he had been told and decided he needed to hear his Dad’s voice to help clear his befuddled mind. David got up and said “I’ll leave you here for now Kurt so you can phone your Dad ok.” He looked down as he got up “Sorry I couldn’t help but see that you broadcasted that pretty loudly” smiling he left the common room.
Kurt reached into his pocket for his cell and pressed his Dad’s number, it rang twice before being picked-up by his Dad Burt, “Hey Kiddo what’s up?” Burt asked his Son as he knew it was still class time. Kurt said “I just wanted to hear you voice Dad” Burt replied “Kurt I know when you are lying something is up now tell me, maybe I can help.” Kurt sighed and told Burt some of the truth and waited for Burt to reply to him, “Kurt I think you should come home this weekend ok and I won’t take no for an answer. As to what is going on I think you need to stay with your friends and away from this Bas character or do I need to come over and sort this kid out?” Burt stated. Kurt quickly affirmed that he would come home that weekend to see them and no that his Dad didn’t need to come to, as he put it, ‘Sort out’ Bas for him he was quite capable to do that on his own thank you very much and to calm down because of his heart. Burt chuckled and said “I love you Kurt! Ok buddy you are my Son if you are hurting I will defend you and help in any way I can. We all will you know that, so see you this weekend Carol and Finn we be ecstatic they have missed you we all have.” Just then the bell sounded for classes to begin again Burt said goodbye to Kurt and told him to do well then Kurt left the common room only to walk into Sam who had obviously been waiting outside for him.
“Hey Kurt!” Sam said “Whas-sup?”
Kurt smiled and said “Oh I needed to call my Dad that’s all David showed me this common room.” He lied easily but kept up the pretence just then Kurt’s cell beeped to tell him he had a text, Kurt saw that it was from his Dad stating ‘Great talking with you see you this weekend ;D’ Kurt smiled and showed Sam.
“Oh you going home this weekend then” Sam seemed slightly deflated but smiled at Kurt, whilst Kurt smiled back “Yeah the family miss me” as he rolled his eyes but continued walking to his next class which was French. He reached the classroom and Sam said he would see him later okay Kurt waved and went in to see Blaine, Nick and Wes already seated at their desks. Blaine leaned over and asked “Everything okay Kurt?” Kurt looked at Blaine and nodded his head smiling shyly at Blaine. Then Miss Sauvent walked in and asked the class to resume last week’s lecture in French and everything was back to normal.