Jan. 30, 2013, 11:04 a.m.
Jan. 30, 2013, 11:04 a.m.
Bas and Sam left alone again in the room decide it was time for them to have another conversation and left a message with one of the other students in the classroom that they had headed for the cafeteria for a coffee to wait.
Meanwhile Richard and Blaine were sitting in the lounge of their home with a disgruntled looking teenager glaring angrily at his father “What the hell DAD! You can’t just do that to me what about what is going on ….. OMG Kurt!” as Blaine got up off the chair and reached for his cell to tell Kurt where he was he received a message from Mercedes telling him that he knew who was safe but not to tell anyone at the moment until Kurt had calmed down and what the hell had he done to make her boo so unhappy and angrier than she had ever seen him. Blaine quickly replied to tell her to inform Kurt he was at his home as his Dad had pulled him from Dalton.
Richard noticed that his son had received a message and replied then demanded who it was from. Blaine was livid now and told his father to go to hell storming up to his own room and banging the door shut behind him. Blaine used his powers, as a thought to put a spell on his room not to allow anything or one into it unless he allowed. Blaine’s father had indeed followed and was clearly shouting for Blaine to open his door right now and to come down to the study.
Richard tried to magically enter but Blaine’s spell was so powerful because of his emotions behind it that the spell held and prevented Richard entering. He was shocked enough to realise that he may have over stepped the mark with his youngest and thought Maria may have better luck talking to their wayward youngest at the moment, so left Blaine to his own thoughts while he went to locate his wife and inform her what had happened.
Blaine had first heard then felt his father trying to enter his room and was overjoyed that his magic’s held, it never had before so he had won a fight not the war; which quickly brought him back to Kurt and the upcoming battle to come. He rang Mercedes “Blaine what’s happened I’ve never seen Kurt this angry before” Mercedes said “Just give him your cell Mercedes and let me talk to him okay” she did as instructed by Blaine and told Kurt Blaine was on her cell wanting to talk with him.
“Blaine where the hell are you” Kurt ask him angrily and Blaine thought here goes nothing “Kurt I’m okay, I’m actually at my house had an argument with Dad, but fine where are you and how did you get to Mercedes so quickly?” Kurt didn’t answer at first “Kurt..?” Blaine tried again then he heard him sigh and Kurt said “I’m here babe, I was so angry over you disappearing and not being told enough, and I have an inkling that one of us will be severely hurt or even killed in this battle made my blood boil and then your Dad appears taking you out of school without giving me a chance to say goodbye…. I kind of lost it and ended up appearing in Mercedes room not long after you left”
Blaine replied “Oh…. Then OH Kurt! Firstly how the hell did you manage to do that, we aren’t that powerful yet and did anyone follow like Coop?” Kurt responded by sighing heavily into Mercedes cell and saying “no…. I didn’t think, but I need you and they took you away from me expecting me to cope with all of what is going on… ARGH!” Kurt shouted surprised as Blaine heard Kurt and Mercedes Screaming down the cell and then the phone line cut off, Blaine paNicked shouting “Kurt… Kurt!” then without a second thought ran from his room nearly bounding into his parents in his haste to get to Mercedes home. “Whoa there young man!” said his Mom stopping him but he struggled to free himself still trying to go to his Kurt, Maria looked at Blaine then said “Blaine Thomas Richard Anderson stop this minute and tell me what is going on”
Blaine was in full blown panic mood then and quickly told his parents about the call he was having with Kurt then the screams. Maria used her powers to locate Mercedes home and teleported all three there to find the room in a mess with Mercedes and Kurt missing. Blaine’s parents turned when they heard Blaine’s sharp intake of breath “Oh no!” Blaine said brokenly “Blood” and sure enough there was blood pooling on the carpet.
Maria teleported them back home against Blaine’s wishes, as he wanted to follow but his parents then asked him to where? Which Blaine couldn’t answer as he didn’t know where Kurt or Mercedes had disappeared? Blaine just cried into his mother’s arms then not knowing where his Kurt had gone and feeling so alone and desperate. Cooper and Clarice materialised then and Clarice was livid at Richard for doing something so stupid without thought of the consequences of his own actions.
Then Maria told her about what had happened and found at Mercedes room and then too shocked for words sat down. Coop immediately disappeared himself back to the council and informed them about the disappearance of Kurt and Mercedes. They immediately started trying to locate them both with the locators and seers utilising their powers to try and find Kurt.
Meanwhile, Kurt had hold of Mercedes in his arms inside a protective bubble and was holding her gently as Karofsky tried to batter his way into the bubble.
Karofsky Shrieked, as he was tormented from reaching his goal by Kurt’s force field and asked him “Why Kurt do you torment me let me in, let me… let me help your friend Mercedes isn’t it yeah let me into help her I’ll call the paramedics we didn’t know she would be there Kurt… look Kurt she’s bleeding let us help you she’ll die if you don’t”
Kurt didn’t take his eyes of Karofsky but held Mercedes and started to weld his power into himself checking cautiously around outside his bubble and ….. there, he felt it the entity that was controlling Karofsky and ultimately the one that had hurt his Cedes.
Kurt brought most of his power ready for a blast of pure energy that would destroy the entity and when he was ready, Karofsky shouted again at him hitting the barrier. This nearly broke Kurt’s concentration but he held it and with a look of pure malice and frustration from Kurt he let his blast go.
It hit the entity squarely and it obliterated it into nothing Karofsky screamed in pure agony and passed out from the blast and his sudden disconnection from the entity. Kurt nearly passed out himself from the effort but remain lucid enough to telepathically connect to Blaine, he was weak but his inner diva kept him going; ‘Blaine’ he thought ‘help me follow me here… Cedes hurt… Karofsky unconscious and….. entity dead… help me’
Blaine was still in a panic, pacing the lounge where everyone was arguing or trying to calm things down between his father and Clarice who were both on the verge of actually battling between them. Suddenly he heard Kurt’s beautiful voice but it was weak, he listened intently and his face showed his emotions of relief and then horror and then concentration. Maria who had been trying to calm Clarice down then her husband looked over at Blaine who had stopped his agitated pacing and then she said “Blaine what is it?”
Blaine then said “I know where Kurt is but I need help. Mercedes is hurt badly and he is just holding it together but he is very weak at the moment…” Maria then was at his side saying “Show me” then they vanished, Richard and Clarice looked at one another with shock and disgruntlement.
Maria and Blaine appeared in the room where they found Kurt holding Mercedes and an unconscious Karofsky. Maria went straight over to Mercedes and gently prised her away from Kurt and got to work with her healing magic and repaired the damage done to her by the entity. Blaine wrapped his arms around a weeping Kurt who released Mercedes when he saw Blaine and his Mom. Blaine just sat cradling Kurt saying soothing words to help Kurt ad soon enough Kurt was fine enough to smile tremulously at Blaine who smiled back at him.
“Better now” Blaine said to Kurt, as Kurt just nodded his head and replied “how’s Cedes?” Blaine looked at his Mom and she smiled then said “She’s doing just fine Kurt look” and Kurt saw that indeed Mercedes was okay.
Mercedes looked at a beautiful older woman who was kneeling beside her and then talking to Kurt. Mercedes looked across and saw Blaine was holding Kurt and Kurt was looking at her with sorrowful tearful eyes. “Boo?” Kurt came over to Mercedes and said “Don’t worry you’re fine, you’ll just be tired but fine” smiling down at her.
Maria and Blaine both looked down at Karofsky and saw he was breathing, but was comatose. Maria said “I think he needs more help because of that thing that was controlling him, then when Kurt blasted it away he was caught in the crossfire”. Blaine looked down at Karofsky thinking he would be better off just to have died, himself and then Kurt wouldn’t have to worry. His Mom noticed his expression and quietly said to Blaine “You’re not turning into a’ Vengeance God’ my boy, stop it right now.” Blaine blinked at his Mom and turned pink at being caught out.
Kurt asked weakly “Can we get away from here, I need to get Mercedes back to her room before her Mom freaks out and tidy her room” raising his eyebrows knowingly. Blaine caught his action and nodded slightly and said “Okay let’s get going” Maria said to Blaine “Where to first” but Kurt said “Maria can you take him to the council for help and Blaine and I will take Mercedes back and tidy her room, okay” Maria looked at Blaine pointedly as she knew what they were going to do, but grabbed the unconscious body of Karofsky disappearing.
Blaine looked down as Mercedes gasped “How did your mom do that Blaine” Blaine looked to Kurt and Kurt said “Cedes we need to talk but I also need to get you back to your house so don’t freak out okay” Mercedes looked unsure but nodded his head and let Kurt and Blaine help her up. Still holding hands Kurt said telepathically you will have to help me, Blaine nodded and they vanished back to Mercedes room. Then out of a darken corner a vile creature stepped into thee filtered light and laughed manically vanishing itself leaving the room truly empty this time.
Mercedes looked at her surroundings and realised that she was back in her room holding Kurt’s and Blaine’s hands. She almost fainted with the shock but battled back as they caught her and gently led her to her own bed to lie down upon. Recovering she looked at the pair and asked “How did you do that, who did that, what are you?” Kurt sighed and then began to tell Mercedes his story and transformation to what he was becoming.
Blaine was busy putting everything back into order and removing the blood stain in the carpet as he also listened to Kurt tell his story. At the end Blaine had finished the room and was sat next to Kurt with an astonished Mercedes looking at the pair. Then she smiled “OMG you guys are so awesome” then thought “Kurt what can I and the New Directions do to help” she saw Kurt and Blaine look at one another then before they could either say no she continued “Look Boo I now know what you are, both of you and I want to help. If you are worried over the others then I won’t tell them anything okay”
Kurt looked at Mercedes and said “Cedes I love you but Finn already knows but has a spell put upon him to stop him blabbering anything out. I could do the same for you I trust you but we have to be careful okay Hun” Mercedes stared at Kurt then nodded and smiled “Okay Boo if this is what it takes then spell away and Blaine” Blaine looked at her, as she leant over and kissed his cheek “Thank you and your Mom for your help” Blaine smiled at her and said “No problem I glad everything is alright and I found Kurt” smiling and hugging him.
Mercedes smiled as Kurt giggled at Blaine’s hug and dorkable face, then Maria reappeared and made the three jump “Sorry” Maria atoned “but I have been sent back from the council to bring you ALL to them” Blaine looked at his Mom and she said “It’s serious Blaine this isn’t over and now the Council want answers, they think that only you two can give those answers and they want to talk to Mercedes too about what happened”
The three got up and closed the small distance to Maria then all held hands again as Maria transported them to the Councils chambers.