The Fallen Star
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Fallen Star: Chapter 8

E - Words: 2,215 - Last Updated: Dec 09, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Oct 14, 2012 - Updated: Dec 09, 2012
286 0 1 0 0

When they got back after a long, silent drive, Blaine woke Kurt up from where he was in a deep slumber in the passenger seat.

"Kurt?" He shook his shoulder gently, after no reply, he spoke a little louder.

"Kurt" He began to mumble and shuffle slightly, his eyes flew open and he shot up, gawping at Blaine in shock.

"Oh my god, i'm sorry i fell asleep, i didn't mean to" He rushed out, shaking his head furiously.

"Kurt, calm down, it's alright. I'm not going to hurt you, i just woke you up because we're home now, see?" Blaine replied, gesturing to the house infront of them.

Kurt let out a long sigh, he smiled a little at Blaine and got out of the car, he walked up to the front door, waiting for Blaine with his arms wrapped around himself and his head down. Blaine looked at Kurt in confusion, he opened the door and before he could say anything, Kurt ran upstairs to his room and shut the door.

"Kurt" He called up. "Are you alright?" No answer.

Blaine decided to leave him for a while, he knew that he would be shaken up with what happened at the mall, he shiverd at the thought. Instead of dwelling on it, he went and retrived the bags out of the car and placed them in the living room, he didn't want to go through them just yet, incase Kurt wanted to get his stuff.

With a heavy sigh, he walked in to the kitchen and switched the coffee maker on, he ran his hand through his hair while he waited, hoping Kurt would come down soon and talk to him.

An hour after, Blaine was sat on the couch, coffee in hand and flicking through the TV channels. He needed to tell someone about this, about Kurt and what he was, it was killing him keeping it locked up inside, surley Kurt wouldn't mind right? If he told someone he trusted then everything would be ok, but he couldn't keep it in much longer. He sighed and picked up his phone, fiddling with it in his hands for a few minutes before dialing a number.

It rang a couple of times before someone picked up.


"Wes, hey" He greeted, sitting back and biting his lip.

"Blaine! Hey man, how are you? We havn't spoke since Scandals"

"Long story, can you come over? I need to talk to you" Blaine replied quickly, he needed to get this over and done with.

"Oh, wow. Serious Blaine, ok well i'll be over in a few" He stutterd.

"Thanks" Blaine said simply, smiling but then realizing that Wes couldn't see him.

"No worries" The the line went dead.

Blaine sighed deaply again and threw his head back, squeezing his eyes shut and running his fingers through his hair, he was sure it would be sticking out everywhere by now, but he didn't care. How could he let something like that happen to Kurt? Didn't he tell him he would protect him? Now he's probably too scared to come out of his room!

Oh god, Blaine thought. What if he actually thinks that guy was right? The one he mentioned about, the one who said that all humans were monsters and all they wanted to do was hurt people like Kurt? What if he never wanted to see Blaine again and he ran off because he would be so scared. This is bad, this is really really bad.

Blaine was instantly pulled out of his thoughts by the doorbell ringing. Oh right, Wes was coming over. He shook his head and headed to the front door to let him in.

"Hey" He greeted, a little smile stood on his lips.

"Hey man" He stepped in and patted Blaine on the shoulder as he walked passed him to hang his coat and scarf up. He slowly turned to Blaine with his arms crossed over his chest and eyebrow raised. "So, whats up?"

Blaine gestured for him to follow and leaded him into the kitchen. "Do you want anything?" Blaine asked, while pouring himself another cup of coffee, this was the 4th one tonight.

"Blaine i didn't come here to have a little coffee date with you, i'm here to listen to whatever your going to tell me, so get on with it" Wes said simply, pulling out a chair and sitting down at the kitchen table.

He rolled his eyes and sat in the seat across from his best friend. This is it. He thought. "Ok, well remember a few nights ago when we were at Scandals? and i went home early and took a short cut through the forest?"

"Oh Blaine, nobody can forget that night, the whole street heard our conversation" Blaine just rolled his eyes at him. "But yes, i do remember, why?"

"Well, something happened.." He bowed his head, looking everywhere exept from Wes's confused face.

"What do you mean? Something bad?"

"N-no, not really, well no not at all" He flaughed a little, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Did someone hurt you?! Because i swear to god Blaine if someone-"

"No! No, nobody hurt me, i swear!" Blaine said, eyes wide and his hands flailing infront of him, trying to convince Wes that it was the truth.

"Ok, then what happened?" He asked simply, raising an eyebrow and folding his hands together on the table.

"I found something, well someone"

"Blaine, your going to have to give me a little bit more detail than that" Wes replied, exaggerating the word 'little'.

"Ok, ok" He replied, running his fingers through his messy hair and leaning back in his seat, he closed his eyes for a moment to let all the memories flood his mind. Meanwhile, Wes was sitting patiently across from him, twiddling his thumbs and waiting for Blaine to finally tell him what's been going on and why he hadn't called him since.

Blaine sat back up, opened his eyes and stared directly at his friend, then he began. "When i was in the forest, i saw something, and i was scared out of my fucking life! So when you called me, asking where i was and if i was alright, i couldn't answer because i didn't really know myself, thats why i hung up on you"

Wes just rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Huh, figures"

"Anyway, what i saw was this light, i-it was huge. It was lighting up the whole forest, so i walked closer to take a look and i found something that i never expected myself to find" He pursed his lips furrowed his eyebrows, still trying to get over it himself. Wes was now leaning forward in intrest. "I found a person Wes, i person fell out of the sky. It was a boy, and h-he was glowing! He looked so scared, and i was scared myself. I walked over to him and he said his name was Kurt" He looked up at Wes, taking in his reaction. So far he looked confused, but still kind of understood what Blaine was saying.

"Wait, so you found this guy, who fell out of the sky, and you just go and walk up to him and intoroduce yourself?! I'm all for you being polite and everything but really Blaine? Do you even know if he was human? He could have been dangerous"

"He's not" Blaine said simply.

"What do you mean 'He's not'? How do you know? he still here?" Wes asked wide eyed.

"Maybe" Blaine mumbled, ducking his head.

"Blaine! What were you thinking!?"

"It's not like that! He's not dangerous ok? I mean, he was scared and he had no place to go, what else was i supposed to do? And he's actually really nice Wes, he's just like any other human, but..not really human i guess" Blaine shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his coffee that was slowly getting cold.

Wes sighed and put his head into his hands, mumbling something like 'I can't believe you Blaine'. His head suddenly shot up and he stared at Blaine. "Wait, we went Scandals on the Saturday night and it's now..." He grabbed his phone and touched the screen. "Sunday night" He started blankly into space for a few minutes before looking up at Blaine "You've had him here all this time?"

"It's not that long, just overnight" He replied, trying to bury himself into his chair.

"Are you planning on keeping him here any longer?"

"Yes" He mumbled.

Wes shook his head and sighed. "How long?"

"H-he is moving in here" He said into his coffee cup, just wishing his chair could swallow him up right now.

"What?! Blaine you can't be serious! You don't know anything about this guy! And your letting him live with you?"

Blaine finally sat up straight and placed his cup on the table, he stared back at Wes with a smirk on his face. "I actually know quite a lot about him, i know that he's all alone in this world and i'm not going to just leave him out on the streets when he doesn't even know whats right or wrong"

"What do you mean?" Wes asked, a little more calm now.

"He isn't from this world Wes, he's a star" He replied simply, like it was the most normal thing on earth.

"He's a what?"

Blaine chuckled as he felt a little deja vu coming on. "He's a star"

"Yes, i heard that bit but-how?" Wes was now looking more confused as ever, and it humoured Blaine that he looked like that because he was never really the type to get confused a lot.

"It's a long story"

Wes wanted to argue with Blaine and ask him to tell him, but Blaine had told him enough already and he didn't want to push it, and he knew Blaine wasn't ready to tell him just yet.

"Right" There was a small silence, Blaine got up and made himself another coffee and also made Wes one, they sat there, sipping their coffee's. It was Wes who finally broke the silence.

"So where is he?" He asked, tilting his head in question.

"Where is who?"

"You know, the star boy"

"Oh, you mean Kurt? He does have a name you know" Blaine replied, glaring a little at his friend.

"Yes, Kurt. Where is he?"

"He's upstairs, he won't come down" Blaine said, sighing.

"Is it because he knows i'm here?"

"No, something happened today, and i don't want to disturb him so i left him to it"

"What happened?" Wes asked, putting his coffee down and leaning in closer to Blaine across the table.

"I-i took him shopping, because he doesn't really have anything, and he can't really wear any of my clothes because they're too small" Wes nodded in understanding and gestured for Blaine to carry on. "It was going great, he was opening up to me a little more and we were having fun. After we visited a couple of shops, we got tired and settled down at a small cafe" Blaine leaned back in his chair and sighed deeply. "I went to the bathroom and when i came back he was gone"

Wes's eyebrows shot up as he took in what Blaine was saying. "What happened?" He asked.

"I went to find him, i was shouting for him everywhere but there was no answer" Blaine began to tence up at his own words. "I heard a scream, and there he was, trapped in some back alley with a dirty old man trying to get into his pants" He made a disgusted face and balled up his fists. "He looked to scared and helpless Wes, i felt so sorry for him. I thretened the man and he fled, but Kurt was still shaken so i took him back home, and then he ran back in his room and he hasn't come out since" A single tear fell down Blaines cheek and he wiped it away, hoping Wes didn't notice but he did.

"He'll be ok Blaine, he just needs some time to recover, if he's never witnessed something like that before it's obviously going to be a shock to him" Wes said in a calm voice, trying to comfort Blaine.

"I know that but, it's just that i told him that i would never hurt him, that i would protect him and take are of him, and then i go and leave him alone for a few minutes and something like that happens. I just feel that i've let him down and i'm scared he's going to close off and he won't trust me again" Blaine buried his head in his hands and sobbed.

Wes was shocked at Blaines reaction, he suddenly ran over to Blaines side and placed a hand on his back, giving him some comfort. He had never seen his friend so distraught, and he hated it. He just hoped that Kurt would come to his sences soon and talk to Blaine.

Twenty minutes later, Blaine was showing Wes out of the door, he had calmed down now, and now that he had finally told someone about what was happening, he felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Wes said his goodbye's wished Blaine the best, he smiled and then closed the door. He turned around to walk back to the kitchen to clean up when he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Kurt" He said, as he saw him standing at the bottom of the stairs he didn't know wether to smile and be happy that he's finally come down to talk or frown and be worried at the state Kurt was in.

"Hi Blaine"

End Notes: Yay, Kurt's finally come down! Sorry that this chapter wasn't very Kurt centric, but i promise the other chapter will be.Hope you enjoyed this chapter once again. Took me ages to write because my laptop was being really slow. :(Please review, and i guess i'll see you guys when the next chapter will be up, probably sometime this week, depending on how much schook work i have because the holidays are over witch sucks right?Love - J.


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It was nice to see Blaine and Wes talking and getting along which seemed to be a rare occasion after reading chapter 1. It was good to see Blaine have someone to talk to and to see that Wes didn't think he was crazy. I found myself wanting to give Blaine a hug when he was blaming himself for what happened and was glad that Wes actually did comfort him. I am really enjoying this story and can't wait to see where Blaine and Kurt go from here.