The Fallen Star
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Fallen Star: Chapter 3

E - Words: 1,458 - Last Updated: Dec 09, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Oct 14, 2012 - Updated: Dec 09, 2012
436 0 1 0 0

They stood there, intranced in eachothers eyes. The only reason Blaine pulled back a little was because the heat coming from Kurt was making him dizzy. Kurt didn't say or do anything, he just sat there, never loosing his gaze off Blaine, shouldn't this be weird? Shouldn't Blaine be running off, being scared of Kurt and calling the police informing them that a boy just fell out of the sky!?

But as soon as Blaine heard his voice, heard his name. He knew that he wasn't a threat. The silence dragged on, he decided to finally ask the question that had been nagging at him since he saw Kurt.

"What just happened?" Blaine asked, his hands shaking a little and his voice thick with confusion.

Kurt didn't reply, he just kept his head hung low and his eyes fixed on the ground, Blaine saw his posture change and soon he was holding onto himself, trying to close himself in. Blaine took a few steps toward him, but as he did, Kurt began to tence up and the heat that was radiating of him grew hotter. He winced and drew back a little, staring at Kurt dumbfounded.

"Who are you?!" Kurt spat, his eyes fixed on Blaine with fear but also anger. "What am i doing here?!" His voice began to raise and Blaine cowerd back a little more.

"I-I told you who i am, i'm Blaine! And your in a forest, you fell from the sky and-"

"I what?.." He asked, his expression suddenly falling.

"You fell from the s-sky" Blaine repeated, he wanted to keep calm, and try not to scare Kurt as much, but he was finding it hard as he was a little terrifed himself.

"Oh god.." Kurt mumbled, eyes wide with sadness. He dropped his head back into his knees and began to sob again.

Blaine didn't know what to do, should he go over and comfort him? Or keep his distance. But the caring person he was, he hated seeing people upset so he rushed to Kurts side with a worried expression on his face. He reached out his hand to rest on Kurts shoulder, but Kurt must have senced it and he flinched away, leaving Blaine kneeling beside him, not knowing what to do.

"Do you know where you are Kurt?"

"N-no" Kurt said between broken sobs. "I don't know why i'm here, i did nothing wrong!" His voice began to raise in fraustration.

What did Kurt mean? I did nothing wrong! Was he in trouble? Was this a punishment for Kurt? But what was his punishment for? He decided to let it go and try and help him.

"W-would you like to come home with me?" What the hell was he doing? Smooth Blaine, real smooth.

"What?" Kurts head shot up and he glared at Blaine, clearly getting the wrong impression.

"No, no i didn't mean it like that i swear!" He shook his head violently and tried to correct himself. "I mean to take care of you, to help you. I don't want you staying out here freezing to death when you don't even know where you are"

Blaines eyes looked desperate, he really wanted to help Kurt, he felt a connection to him and he wanted to make sure he kept him safe.

"O-Okay" Kurt agreed, nodding his head and wiping his tear stained cheeks.

Blaine smiled warmly and stood up, holding out a hand for Kurt to take. Was it weird that he wanted to help Kurt so bad? Let him stay in his house? He didn't even know what Kurt was. Besides, he had to get him somewhere warm anyway, they were both starting to shiver. Kurt stood up, wobbling a little on his legs and Blaine grabbed his waiste to secure him, he smiled and let Blaine lead him to his house. He pulled his jacket off and warpped it around Kurt, seeing as he was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans, and Blaine had at least 3 layers on.

The walk was silent, Blaine was itching to brake the silence and ask Kurt all the questions that had been playing on his mind, but he didn't want to make him feel uncomftable, so he decided to leave Kurt in his thoughts. Even though his wouldn't shut up.

When they finally reached Blaines front door, he unlocked it and stepped in, holding it open for Kurt. He hesitently stepped in, eyes roaming every part of the place as Blaine shut the door behind him, he watched Kurt walk around his living room, touching and feeling all the different things he saw. Hadn't he ever been in a house before? Blaine cleard his throat which scared Kurt a little and he spun around with alarmed eyes.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wonder around like this, its just..this place looks so different" And one again, Kurt was marveling at all the pictures and books that stood on a nearby shelf.

"Havn't you ever been in a house?" Blaine asked, walking slowly towards Kurt.

"Is that what its called? House?" He turned to Blaine, eyes wide with wonder.


"Well then no, i havn't" His thoughts were snapped straight back onto the things that were placed on the shelf, looking at every little detail.

Blaines phone began to ring again, he scooped it out of his pocket, this time looking at the ID. He glanced to Kurt.

"Sorry, i have to take this" He said, pointing to his phone.

"Take what?" Kurts brows were furrowed in confusion.

Blaine just chuckled a little, accepted the call and walked into the kitchen. Before he could open his mouth to speak, Wes beat him to it.

"Blaine, are you at home yet?"

"Well 'Hello' to you too Wes"

"Blaine, im serious, are you?"

"Yea, umm why?"

"Oh thank god.." He heard Wes mumble.

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, im just glad your home, i was worried"

"Why?.." Blaine walked over to the sink and poured himself a glass of water, also making one for Kurt and taking it into the livingroom while not really paying attention to what Wes was saying again. Kurt was still shuffling round the room, taking in all of the unusual things that he saw. He smiled and watched Kurt in amazement, untill he realized his friend was still speaking and hurried off back into the kitchen.

"-thats why i was worried about you, do you understand?"

"Umm, yea sure, totally understand" What was he talking about again?

"You wern't listening were you?" Wes sounded annoyed.

"Yes?" He heard a loud sigh at the other end, and he could just picture Wes shaking his head.

"Whatever Blaine, anyway i'm glad your ok and ill see you soon, bye."

"Bye" And then the line went dead.

He walked back into the living room and saw that the water wasn't touched. Kurt was still looking around the room, but was now marvelling at the rack of CD''s in the far corner.

"Kurt?, i brought you a glass of water" Blaine said, shuffling on his feet a little and motioning to the glass on the table.

"Oh, thank you" He smiled and took a few sips, before turning back to the rack of CD's.

"You like this room huh"

"Yea, its..different than any other room i've been in"

Blaine just nodded and took a seat on the couch, watching Kurts every move, the way his eyes would light up everytime he found something new. The way he would bite his lip when he was in deep thought. How gracefully his hips would- No you can't have these thoughts, you only met him tonight and you don't even know where he came from. Don't screw this up.

"Are you tired?"

"Yea, a little, i've been traveling a lot today" Kurt shrugged and blushed a little.

"You travel?"

Kurt bowed his head and shuffled his feet. He looked a little uncomftable so Blaine decied not to push it, but if he didn't want to talk about it, why did he bring it up?

"Its fine, follow me. You can sleep in the spare room" Blaine led him to the spare room and showed him how everything works, he got some clean clothes that would fit Kurt. He was a little taller than him so he mentally thanked David for leaving some of his clothes here when he stayed. Kurt smiled and stayed quiet while Blaine was explaining that he would be in the room next door and if he needed anything to just come and knock.

Soon there was nothing else to explaine so Blaine made his way out and left Kurt to sort himself out.

"Goodnight Kurt" Blaine said before smiling and closing the door.

"Goodnight Blaine.."

As Blaine lay in bed, he hoped that tomorrow he could at least get something out of Kurt, what he was, why he fell from the sky, why he was crying. But his thoughts and questions all drifted away as he fell into a deep slumber, smiling as he thought about those bright blue entrancing eyes.


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This chapter was really good and it was nice to see Blaine a little more happy and intrigued in finding out more about Kurt. I am curious see why Kurt fell from the sky and to see if he was meant to meet Blaine.