The Fallen Star
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The Fallen Star: Chapter 11

E - Words: 2,615 - Last Updated: Dec 09, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Oct 14, 2012 - Updated: Dec 09, 2012
297 0 0 0 0

Seven weeks had passed since the night Blaine had found Kurt and his life had changed drastically. He and Kurt were getting on like a house on fire, which actually nearly happened a couple of times when he let Kurt try and cook. But everything was going peechy, well apart from one thing.

Ever since they had encounterd that 'incident' at the Roller Ring, Blaine had been having feelings, he obviously had feelings about Kurt before that happened and he didn't even think about telling him, but now they've grown stronger and he can't help but be pulled towards this beautiful star thats living in his home.

He wanted to wake up next to him every morning, kiss his tears away and hold him untill all his fears vanished, he wanted to spend his whole life with him and tell him that he loved him every single hour of each day. Was that too much to ask?

He's thought about telling him, but what would happen if everything went wrong? Would Kurt hate him? Would he run away and get hurt? He didn't want to risk anything, he wanted to keep him safe and thats what he was going to do, but he really really liked Kurt.

They were both in a cafe across from the mall, it wasn't the same one the visited a couple of weeks back, Blaine didn't even want to think about what happened when they last visited there. The weather was warm but breezy, just what the boys needed after being trapped in the house for a week while a storm came over.

Kurt was wearing the tightest black jeans that were humanly possible, a dark blue button down shirt, white converse with a short scarf and black desighner shades, finished off with his hippopotamus broach Blaine had bought him a while ago. Blaine had stuck with his original choices of outifit. Blue denim jeans that rolled up at the bottom, his favourite pair of boat shoes and a red t-shirt with a matching bow tie.

"So, how are you enjoying your stay here on earth?" Blaine asked, grinning over his glass of cola.

"Hardy har" Kurt rolled his eyes and smirked back over at him.

"I'm serious, i don't want you to feel unhappy because you have to live with me, you have nowhere else to go"

Kurt bit his lip and thought about it for a second, but he knew how he felt "I am happy Blaine, i love living with you and i wouldn't want to go anywhere else, i would miss you too much"

Blaine blushed at his words and he was sure he felt his heart stop. "You would miss me?"

"Of course i would" He said simply, smiling over at Blaine lovingly. "Would you miss me?" He asked hesitently.

"I wouldn't be able to live my life without you Kurt" He replied, freezing as he just realized what he just said, he looked over at him, expecting him to look confused or grossed out. But he didn't, he just smiled even brighter and took another sip of his beverage.

Another few minutes passed by when Kurt spoke up again. "You know, you never told me much about your past, i feel like i've yet to meet the real Blaine Anderson" He giggled lightly and stared at Blaine, eyes sparkling with the rays of sun beaming down on them. This boy is beautiful, i want him to be mine.

"Well, i could introduce him to you right now if you want, what would you like to know?" The shorter boy asked, sitting up a little and giving his full attention to Kurt.

"Well, i remeber you mentioning that you liked to write music, which i am still waiting to hear one of your songs. You also said that you had trouble at your old school, what kind of trouble?"

"You sure do remember a lot" He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck while letting all the thoughts of his past flood his head, if Kurt wanted to know then he had to give him the full truth, he didn't want to lie to him. "Well, lets just say my old school wasn't a very accepting one, when they found out i was gay, they bullied me and made my life a living hell"

Kurt leaned forward on his chair and rested his chin on his hands, listening to every word Blaine was saying, it all sounded so interesting. "What did they do?"

"One night, there was a dance and i took the only other gay guy from the school with me, we wern't an item or anything, it was just good to hang around with someone who was like you ya'know? They didn't do anything while we were at the dance, but when we were waiting for his dad to pick us up, these three guys beat the living crap out of us.." He ducked his head and avoided making eye contact with Kurt, he didn't want him to see him so broken.

Suddenly he felt a warm hand take his across the table, he looked up to find Kurt staring back at him with sad eyes. "I'm so sorry Blaine, i've been so busy complaining about how bad my life was, it didn't even cross my mind what your life was like" He smiled warmly and squeezed his hand.

Blaine smiled back and kept his hold on the other boys hand, he didn't want to let go, not now, not ever.

"But the past it the past" Blaine shrugged, trying to brake the tention and get it as far away as possible. "I mean, i'm out and proud and all that so, i have nothing to worry about now" He gave him a reasuring smile.

"Whats your family like? Do they support your..your choice?" He asked, raising his eyebrows in question and still holding onto Blaines hand firmly

"My parents are..they're um, dead" He replied biting his lip, the only thing that was anchoring him to the ground right now was Kurts hand ontop of his, otherwise he would be walking to the bathroom or something to try and dismay the subject.

", I'm sorry"

"Kurt, you don't have to keep apoligising all the time, its fine" He said, waving him off. "What about you? Does your family support your choices?"

"I didn't really have a choice.."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we know what we are as soon as we are born, we don't get a say in what our sexuality will be, it just happens, so even if i didn't like being gay, i would have to put up with it anyway. I think that's the main reason i didn't marry, my sexuality up there, i-its rare.. thats why it was so hard"

"Ah, i get it. But you are happy with your sexuality right?" Blaine asked, biting his lip.

"Of course i am, i would never change who i am" He replied, smiling. "And if i did get married, i wouldn't have been sent down, and that means i would never have met you"

"Your such a hopless romantic" Blaine giggled. He tried to keep a straight face, but inside he was literally melting at what Kurt had just said.

Kurt blushed and mumbled something like 'i know', Blaine just laughed and tried to even out his breathing because he and Kurt were still holding hands! Does he even know he's doing it? Should i mention it? No, no because that'll mean he'll stop. "Anything else you want to know?"

Kurt thought for a second, he had already put Blaine though enough bad memories today, even if he didn't mean to. He didn't want to cause him anymore sadness. "I think thats enough for today, maybe i'll ask some more tomorrow"

Blaine smiled. "I'll look forward to it" Then he winked. Winked? why did i just wink at him? Oh god now he's going to think i'm a complete idiot, smooth Blaine, real smooth.

Kurt blushed crimson and ducked his head, then realizing that he was still holding hands with Blaine, his eyes widened and he looked up at him. "You do realize we've been holding hands nearly all day"

"I know" He replied smugly.

"Do you want me to let go?"


"Me neither"

They both sat there, entranced into eachothers eyes. Forgetting the world around them and ust focusing on that moment, that perfectly, sweet innocent moment that none of them wanted to forget. Then they were both snapped out of there gaze by a girls voice.

"O.M.G is that a hippopotamus broach? That is the most precious thing i have ever seen, i seriously want to have babies with it, where did you get that?!"

The girl with bright red hair jumped up and down on the spot, gesturing wildly to the broach Kurt was wearing, neither of the boys actually heard anything she said because she was speaking so fast.

"E-excuse me?" Kurt asked, looking up at her with a confused expression. The girl was about 5'7, her eyes were a dark grey and were lighting up in exitment. She had pale skin and was wearing black leggins with matching black boots, a bright pink petticoat and a white wooly hat that hung loosly off her head.

"Oh! Sorry, i haven't introduced myself. I'm Phoebe" She said in a high voice and reached out her hand for Kurt to shake. Kurt glanced sideways at Blaine with a questioning look, Blaine nodded slightly, so Kurt took her hand and shook it.

"It's really nice to meet you! Even though i don't even though who you are yet. What did you say your name was?" She carried on, smiling brightly down at Kurt and completely egnoring Blaines presence, obviously not on purpose. She was just too interested in Kurts broach to notice anyone else.

"Oh i didn't, my names Kurt" He replied smiling. This girl didn't look like she was about to drag him off anywhere, she was actually being really friendly, something Kurt had never really seen in another human apart from Blaine. So he enjoyed it.

"Nice to meet you Kurtie!" She said, grabbing a chair from a nearby table and placing it next to Kurts.

"I-its actually Kurt. But nice to meet you too, i guess" Kurt was still a little confused about what was actually going on here, i mean, sure he was flattered that somebody wanted to talk to him and introduce themselves to him but he didn't really know how to take it because it had never really happened to him before. But she didn't seem dangerous so maybe it could be good to have another friend to talk to apart from Blaine, even if she was a little crazy.

"Anyway, what was the reason i was here again?" A moment of silence. "Ah! Yes, thats right, your broach! Oh Em Gee! It's like the best thing i've ever seen. Where did you get it?"

"My friend got it for me" He gestured over to Blaine who was sitting on the other side of the table, still holding Kurts hand and watching the whole exchange with wonder. He gave a little wave to the girl and smiled.

"Are you two boyfriends?" She asked, compleatly dropping the subject about the broach.

Both boys eyes widened at the question and they both stutterd, trying to find an answer.

"N-no, we're just um..we..i-i" Blaine didn't have the ability to speak at that moment, the question was so off gaurd.

"We're just friends" Kurt said, smiling over at Blaine, then to Phoebe. Blaine was positive he felt his heart brake into two. Just friends he said, that's all we'll ever be.

"So..why are you holding hands? Are you one of those 'Friends with benifits' things?" She wasn't being rude, both of the boys could see that, she was just curious.

Both boys quickly unlocked their hands and blushed furiously, ducking their heads and not making eye contact.

"W-we're just friends.." Blaine mumbled.

Kurt nodded and soon Phoebe started talking to him again, they got on pretty well and talked about nearly everything. Blaine felt a little uncomfortable about this girl, showing up and suddenly acting like best friends with Kurt. He was his best friend, nobody else's. No he thought. I'm not going to get jealous, she seems nice and she just wants to talk, Kurt needs someone else apart from me and i'm going to help him. I just wish i could be his boyfriend instead of his friend.

A few hourse later, the three were still sat at the cafe, refilled drinks in their hands and chatting away, Blaine had been brought into the conversation a while ago and he actually started to like this Phoebe girl. He and Kurt learnt that she had moved to Ohio from New York and she didn't have a lot of friends here and she just didn't want to be lonley.

Kurt found out that she loved to paint and collect rocks, they asked her why she moved to Ohio from New York and she said that she wanted a fresh start. Wern't you supposed to move to New York for a fresh start instead of coming back?

Phoebe was different to any other girls Kurt had met while he had been on earth, she was always so happy and enthusiastic about everything she talked about, even when she told them that she didn't have a lot of friends back in high school because she was a little different, she didn't even look like she cared about it. But it was the past, and it kind of catches up on you if you keep hold of it for a long time, thats why its always good to let things go.

Half an hour passed before it was time to say goodbye. "I have a self-defense class to get to, and you don't want to know what happens if your late"

"You do self-defense classes?" Kurt asked, smirking a little and staring at her in disbelief while she put her chair back.

"Of course, you never know whats out there. There are some bad people in this world Kurtie, and you don't want to get on the wrong side of one" Kurt actually wanted to tell her that he did get on the wrong side of one once, but he guessed that could wait untill next time. Was there going to be a next time?

"Hey, can i have your number? I would love to talk to you again sometime Kurtie" She asked, holding her hands behind her back and swaying back and forth on her tip toes.

"My number?"

"You know, your phone number. So i can text you, or call you, whatever"

Blaine stood up and dug his own phone out of his pocket. "Kurts phone is broken, you could give me your number and maybe you and Kurt could chat on my phone untill i get his fixed?"

"Sure, no problem..what was your name again?"


"Blaine! Right, that's it" She clapped her hands and exchanged numbers with Blaine, he told her where she could get a broach like Kurts and soon she was heading down the street towards her self-defense class with a huge smile on her face, promising Kurt that they would talk again soon.

Blaine smiled warmly and looked down at Kurt from where he was now stood infront of him. "I think it's time to go, we've been here for.." He glanced at his watch. "Four hours".

Kurt laughed and stood up, stretching his arms a little. "Yea, i think that's a good idea" He started to walk in step with Blaine "So what do you think of Phoebe?" he asked.

"She seems pretty cool, do you think you'll be seeing more of her?"

"Yea, i like her.." The taller boy said, smiling to himself.

"I'm glad" Replied Blaine, smiling warmly over at him. "I have something for you when we get home"

"You do? What is it?" Kurt asked, scooting closer to Blaine so they were brushing shoulders as they walked.

"It's a suprise"

End Notes: Wonder what the suprise could be..Hope you liked this chapter! :) And can i just ask, did anyone else cry when they found out Blaine had sex with Eli.C in this weeks episode? Thats just not right, i cried for hours..ANYWAY..The girl Phoebe in this chapter was a character that one of my veiwers on Fanfiction.Net created, they have been a really good reader and i wanted to say thank you so i gave them the chance to play i minor character. So a HUGE thank you to Heracratzarism on Fanfiction.Net for being an awesome reader and reviewer :)Love you all! :) - J.


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