Trust In Our Love
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Story
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Trust In Our Love: Chapter 14

E - Words: 3,060 - Last Updated: Apr 07, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Oct 23, 2013 - Updated: Oct 23, 2013
192 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Reviews? Dont worry too much.

Chapter 14

"Coach shoes for your thoughts." Blaine leaned down knowing that the look on Kurts face was distressed. Kurts frown turned into the biggest smile at hearing, not the words, but his husbands perfect voice.

"Yes, please." Blaine leaned over placing a sweet kiss on Kurts forehead. "Actually, Ill settle for a blowjob. Itll be much cheaper and we wont have to go shopping."

Blaine started to look around the coffee shop. Kurt glanced around in confusion. What the hell was Blaine looking for? "Who are you looking for?" Kurt finally asked.

"Im looking for the alien that took my husband. MY husband would never turn down shopping." Though every guy loved a blowjob, Kurt had a special penchant for expensive designer clothes and would usually choose them and then the blowjob. Blaine sat down and took his hand in his own, rubbing the palms of Kurts hands that had clearly been wrenched and clenched together far too long. "Relax. Youve been clenching. I can feel the tension."

"Im just really tired, but dont stop that. That feels really good." Kurt sighed, eyes closing for a few seconds in enjoyment of the care Blaine gave him. "It was a bad day. You would have thought I had a million classes today." Kurt took in Blaines appearance. He looked pretty good after his first day. "You on the other hand look quite chipper on your first day."

"I had a good day, so we can talk about that later. What I want to know is why your day was bad?" Blaines eyes turned from happy to concerns in a split second and Kurt hated that he turned Blaines eyes sad. "Youre design was just in a fashion show, you should have had a fantastic first day."

"From that perspective, it was an awesome day. My design class and history class were phenomenal. I already feel like I learned so much. Its my stupid Integrative Seminar. The professor has it in for me. She says I need to learn to communicate at a high level when Im in the fashion world. But all of this started because I really didnt know what the class was about." Kurt berated himself for not knowing, but hed been so busy and on a high from the fashion show.

"Dont worry. You know how to carry yourself. We know this and you shouldnt worry." Blaine thought back to his day. It was probably the best day he could hope for. He was placed in all the best groups and the teachers were very respectful of him, mentioning how they heard about the seminar and the superior presentation that gave. His team received accolades for the work they did. Yes, Justin received group honors as well, though his work was not exemplary, but it didnt matter to Blaine. "Lets go home and get in a tub until were shriveled up like prunes. Ill give you a massage and rub your feet... and other things too if you still want that."

At the mention of a bath, Kurt perked up. He loved taking baths with Blaine. Actually, Blaine was his life. Anything with Blaine was his favorite thing to do. "You know just how to cheer me up, dont you?"

"I know my subject well."

"Ummm. Soo good. Dont stop." Kurt threw his head back against the edge of the tub.

"Youre a whore for massages, you know that?" Blaine chuckled as his fingers kneaded the soles of Kurts feet.

"Ill be your whore for anything as long as you never forget how to do that." Kurt smiled with his eyes closed just soaking in the touch of Blaines fingers to his feet.

"Are you actually admitting giving up control?"

"Not control. The whore is always in charge. Ill make sure to require payment upfront." Kurt laughed loudly. "This has to be one of the dumbest conversations weve ever had. Certainly, Professor List would not approve of this conversation amongst the high fashion world." He said making the customary quote signs with his fingers.

"Kurt, it was the first day. Dont let it get to you. Shell come around once shes had a chance to read your writing and hear you really speak." Blaine begged for Kurt to not worry. He didnt want a repeat of yesterdays panic attack. It took too much out of Kurt.

"I know. I know youre right." Kurt sighed. "OH... Blaine, how was your day? I feel so awful that I didnt ask."

"I had a great day. My classes were awesome and my team got a lot of press today. Im sure there are some people that hate me now, but I dont care. I worked hard to get this and I deserve the recognition." Blaine pursed his lips, but his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"You seem a little.. I guess upset over something though." Kurt could see Blaine was holding something back. "I can tell. Tell me."

"Its stupid stuff and stupid people." Blaine shook his head. "Its nothing. Justin got his recognition, but he didnt deserve it. There were a few people in my classes that were sneering about the recognition my team got, but theyre just jealous. I got some gay comments, too."

Kurt took Blaine in his arms. "You deserve the recognition. They can all go to hell if they dont like you." He whispered in Blaines ear. "I, for one, know how amazing you are and I hope thats enough for you."

Blaine looked Kurt in the eyes. His Kurt with the hopeful eyes. "Kurt, youre the only one that matters to me. I dont need anyone elses approval but yours. I answer to no one but you for the rest of my life."

Tears blurred Kurts vision. "I changed my mind. I want you to make love with me Blaine. Thats what I want. Not a blowjob, not a hand job, YOU inside me."

"Dont cry." Blaine brushed Kurts hair back off of his face where it hung limply from the steam in the bathtub.

"Theyre happy tears, though." They now fell freely down his cheeks.

"I dont care. I hate to see any tears on your beautiful face. Im sure tomorrow will be better. Just give this professor time to learn the real you. Then shell be asking you for lessons on how to speak."

"Youre ridiculous." Kurt stood pushing on the drain so they could get out. "Make love and then we need to make dinner and then homework."

It was Kurt that led Blaine to their bed and pulled him on top of him. He ran his fingertips lightly along Blaines sides inciting shivers all the way up Blaines spine. Blaine giggled and then moaned at the sensitivity. "Nice.. That feels nice."

"You feel amazing, Blaine. Your skin is damp, but rough. I just love your body and skin." Kurt continued to ghost his fingers up Blaines back to the nape of his neck.

"No way baby. Youre smooth and you taste..." Blaine took that moment to run his tongue over Kurts nipple, licking it to a peak, before sucking on the nub. " sugar." Blaine licked Kurts throat to his ear lobe.

Kurt keened under the wetness of Blaines tongue on him. "Oh fuck Blaine. Baby." Kurt moaned turning his head to the side allowing Blaine complete access.

"I know what you like and Im going to take us to the edge before I back off." Kurt whined at what was in store. "Then Im going to bring us to the edge again and... hmmm... Maybe we can come or maybe well eat dinner first."

"Fuck Blaine. Youre so damn hot right now." Kurt glanced at the clock. "Thank God its only four oclock."

"...and we both have shorter days tomorrow." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Which means we can both come home and pick this all up again tomorrow."

Kurt gulped and his mouth salivated at the prospect of fucking all afternoon. Well, making love was the term he liked to use, but really the tension of their school days made Kurt want to just fuck. Fuck hard. "I think I might need an afternoon nap."

"Im going to guarantee it." Blaine smiled into the kiss before plunging his tongue into Kurts mouth to tangle with his briefly. Kurt just gave in to him, letting Blaine take charge like he seemed to want right now.

Take charge he did, claiming Kurts mouth as his own while his hands slid gently over the pale expanse of skin. He felt Blaines breath hitch as his chest reacted in the same. He sucked on Kurts collarbone while Kurt wriggled underneath him arching up to Blaine trying to get as close as humanly possible. "Come on Blaine. Dont make me wait." The desperation sizzled off of Kurts body.

Blaine hurried into the drawer immediately popping the cap off the lube. "On your hands and knees." He gently demanded, though he would fuck Kurt any way Kurt wanted. Kurt seemed very amenable to the request as he scrambled as quickly onto his hands and knees. Blaine quickly spread his cheeks and pressed a finger inside slowly working Kurt into a relaxed state to accept him. Kurt started moaning and pushed his ass back to meet Blaines fingers in rhythm. "Fuck, youre so hot." Blaine was ready for this. Some of the pent of anger over his peers bothered him and this would offer the much needed release of energy.

Kurt moaned. "Quit talking and fuck me already. Do it." Kurt was in need. He didnt want to worry about anything anymore and in Blaines loving hands with his body joined to Blaines he knew he could let go and just give in. No more worries was the last thought in his head before he felt the blunt velvety head of Blaines cock press between his cheeks and then inside him.

Blaine wasted no time setting a rugged pace and Kurt was consumed with desire. He moaned loudly without regard for anyone or anything. Blaines hands would leave bruises he was sure. Blaine gripped him so perfectly and plunged inside of him deep and hard. "Ku-urt. Youre so perfect baby. Youre so perfect for me."

Kurt lifted off of his hands to his knees grabbing at Blaines thighs behind him as he tangled his fingers tugging harshly into Blaines curls at the nape of his neck. Blaine hands splayed on his chest, fingers teasing Kurts nipples as he sucked a dark hickey onto Kurts shoulder. Kurt responded with a loud moan followed by a whimper. Blaine would ask for forgiveness later if it showed. His movement relentless as he pounded Kurts ass hard. Then suddenly he stopped, buried deep in Kurt, he swiveled his hips. Kurt whined and gripped Blaines neck. "Please.. Please.."

Blaine kissed Kurts neck gently now, soothing the hickey he just made. The majority of his aggression subsided as he came back into his own body and mind. "Im not going to hurt you honey."

"Doesnt hurt.. feels good." Kurt kissed Blaines rough jaw. "Please.. I need to come. Blaine, I need to come."

Blaine understood in that moment that Kurt needed to feel good. Kurts day, in Kurts mind, had gone poorly or at least not as well as expected. Kurts expectations were always too high. "You feel so good baby." Blaine knew that this was something he could do for Kurt. He knew how to make Kurt feel good, make him feel perfect. Blaine pulled his hips back before pushing in hard. He knew exactly how to make Kurt fall apart, knew how to massage his prostate just right and before he knew it, Kurt spilled clenching around his cock, screaming his name and clutching to Blaine for dear life. There was no way for Blaine to hold back. Just the feel of Kurt tightly wrapped and pulsating with his orgasm around him, the fact that he knew he could make Kurt come without touching him. Blaine knew he had done something for Kurt. Something that Kurt really needed and wanted.

Kurt collapsed on the bed sated and exhausted. His breathing evened out quickly and Blaine rose to retrieve a towel from the bathroom. Kurt was spent. All the worries of the day piled up in his head as the stress took its toll. Blaine gently cleaned up what he could and then covered Kurt up so that he could nap peacefully.

Kurt emerged from the bedroom about two hours later just in time for Blaine to serve dinner. "Hey sleepy head. Nice hair."

Kurts hair was sticking up every which way and he hadnt bothered to put any clothes on. "I smelled food."

"Hope youre hungry. I made us grilled chicken with rice and broccoli." Blaine was just plating the food. "I set us up at the table."

Kurt hadnt even glanced at the table, but now he felt underdressed. "I should put some clothes on. "

Blaine walked by holding the plates of food setting them down on the table. "Dont worry sweetheart. Just grab a pair of lounge pants. No need to dress up." Blaine smiled at just how adorable Kurt looked right now. He watched Kurt yawn, stretch and turn back toward his room. "Nice ass!"

Kurt giggled. "Thanks!"

"So? How is it?" Blaine hoped he cooked everything just right. He wasnt the best cook but he wanted to be able to prepare some meals.

"Its good." Kurt swallowed down the mouthful. "You did really well Blaine." Kurt honestly liked it. The rice could use a little more seasoning, but overall it was very good.

Blaine grinned with pride. "Thank you. I tried really hard. Youre a much better cook than I am, but I need to start doing more."

"We can start cooking together. Wouldnt that be fun?"

"Yeah. Id like that." Blaine took a few more bites. "Maybe we can take a cooking class together."

Kurts fork stopped mid way to his mouth. "Really?"

"Yeah really. When you have time, see if you can look into it." Blaine was totally serious. "It would really fun to do that together."

Kurt smirked. "Yeah.. in all our free time."

Dinner was cleared and they sat down to look at their schedule for the next day. "Im done at two-thirty tomorrow, but I need to stop and see my advisor after that. I should be home around three fifteen. What about you?"

"Tomorrow I start at nine, but Im done at one. I need to go by work and see what my new hours are. They gave everyone a week off to get used to school and make sure our schedules stayed the same. I think I still work two days a week for a few hours, but itll be good for me. Especially if I get to do that after the evil ladys class." Kurt dreaded seeing Professor List again.

"Remember what I said. Take it all in stride. She doesnt know you yet. Shes gonna love you, Kurt." Blaine was ever positive.

"You seem so positive."

"Its because I know. Im sure of it. Youre going to knock her socks off. Just like you do with everyone else." Blaine was a confident person all the time. "Do you want to meet at home or at the coffee shop."

"Coffee shop of course."

"Of course." Blaine flipped on the TV. "Some TV then bed?"

"Sounds like a good plan." They started to watch a re-run of Project Runway. "Are we boring Blaine?"

"Because we are sitting in our living room watching TV?"

"Yeah. If we lived on campus, we would probably hanging out in someone elses room talking. We might be drinking beer and looking at magazines." Kurt wondered a little what that would be like.

"I dont want to live on campus. I want to live with you and thats why Im living with you. It would be weird if we lived separately since were married, dont you think?" Blaines eyes were trained on the TV.

"Well. I meant if we didnt get married until after college. We might be doing totally different things than this."

Blaine turned to Kurt on the couch. "Are you having second thoughts?" He took Kurts hand in his.

" Dont be silly." Kurt stuttered. "I love you Blaine. I want nothing more than to wake up with you and go to sleep with you. I just want to be with you."

"Okay." Blaine wasnt convinced. "I just dont want you to ever regret this. I dont want you to regret us."

Kurt wondered, but he knew Blaine was it for him. "I wont. Im happy. Dont worry."

"Im worried. I just dont want you to someday wake up and feel like a whole part of your life was missed because you didnt get to live in the dorms and party till all hours of the night, puke in your bed and sleep with a bunch of random people. Thats all part of growing up and experiencing college." Blaine looked down at their rings taking the magnitude of the conversation in. "I just want you to be honest with me Kurt. If at any time, you need a break to see whats out there, you need to tell me. You need to trust me with how you feel. I understand if you feel that way. If you at least tell me, we could work together to find a way for you to have that experience. Okay?"

"Trust me Blaine. I have no desire to sleep with random people or puke in my bed." Kurt smiled at Blaine. Blaine was ever so trustworthy and loveable and perfect. "Why would I want that when I have you?"

"Because its a new experience. I know you want to experience it all." Blaine cautiously continued. "Just because you want those things doesnt make you not want to be with me. It makes you human."

"Well, forget it. Im happy Blaine. Were okay. Youre exactly what I want, now and forever. Youre my husband and I am so lucky that you wanted me. Dont worry. I was just pondering the whole thing. I dont need those experiences, I was merely just pointing out that we would be doing stupid stuff if we lived in the dorms on campus."

"Just take what I said and put it away. If you ever feel like you need to take advantage of a little freedom, you tell me." Blaine was serious. "I mean it Kurt. It would hurt me more to know that you couldnt be honest with me."

"Of course, Ill tell you. its just not going to happen." Kurt settled it.

"Okay." They settled back, Kurts head in Blaines lap and their fingers intertwined as they watched TV in domestic bliss.


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