Trust In Our Love
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Trust In Our Love: Chapter 11

E - Words: 4,435 - Last Updated: Apr 07, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Oct 23, 2013 - Updated: Oct 23, 2013
193 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I hope you liked it!

Chapter 11

"Mr. Hummel-Anderson, the floor is yours." The facilitator stated from the podium. Blaines group was last to present and as they went through the prior presentation, his group felt more and more confident that they own presentation would present far more discussion topics. The handouts that his group saw were boring. Only one other group had presentation with color but it was recorded. The timed and recorded the entire presentation. It was good, but it would have been so much more enhanced with live speaking. Blaines plan was to pose thought provoking questions throughout his presentation. The girls agreed and did the same with their parts of the presentation.

Because they all had different majors, Blaine presented literature and politics, Lauren did scientific research and politics, Corinne spun hers into language and politics and Justin chose entertainment and politics. Justin had such opportunity and though Blaine said he would let Justin crash and burn, he couldnt resist creating a backup presentation to do if Justin screwed it up. He loved entertainment and didnt want it to lose the needed discussion.

"First, I want to thank our distinguished panel for joining us here today. My colleagues and I plan to introduce the impacts to politics. The truth about politics is that its history of thought was born in literature, the sciences, language and even entertainment. It is our duty to learn from the past and let it shape our future. As each of us speaks today, we will begin to pose our theories for discussion and welcome your open thought and ideas as we delve into the intricate web of politics." Blaine was perfect. It didnt sound rehearsed though he rehearsed it a million times in the mirror and for Kurt at least a dozen times. Blaine was picture perfect as Kurt gushed over his husband. Kurt told Blaine he was destined to be president someday with how charismatic he was and smart and perfect and gorgeous. Blaine laughed at the idea that Kurt thought that being gorgeous should be a prerequisite for being president.

Dr Stein watched and nodded as Blaine took the lead and then turned it over to his teammates. Blaines introduction was perfect and the professor saw in action what he knew Blaine could do. It was in his blood to present to lead. Lauren presented her ideas and passed it to Corinne who passed it to Blaine. Blaine used quotes from the likes of philosophers such as Nietzsche, Locke and Plato and introduced current thought on gay rights and equality. He had clearly done much research and he saw head nodding in appreciation of his presentation. Dr. Stein, himself wrote down several ideas and thoughts to discuss in his upcoming semester. Blaine Hummel-Anderson was going to be an interesting and dynamic young man to follow.

Blaine looked to Dr. Stein and saw the approval from his professor as he turned it over the Justin. Justin started out strong but began stuttering about three minutes into his ten minute presentation. He completely stopped at one point and looked at his group for help. Blaine shut his eyes briefly in disappointment before Blaine stood and patted him on the shoulder apologizing to the panel that Justin was feeling under the weather. "Entertainment and pop culture are at the forefront or political impression. Songwriters write about it and when you sing the lyrics you dont even realize that you have taken a political stance. Movies provide you with experiences that you wouldnt otherwise have. These experiences shape your thought, provoke your feelings and push you to make conclusions about how you feel about certain very political agendas. Blockbusters like The Hunger Games and Catching Fire carry a deep political subtext that caters to most any thought." Lauren smiled at him. She appreciated him stepping in. Dr. Stein frowned at Justins failure, but basked in Blaine clear ability.

Blaine closed thanking the audience for indulging his team in their walk through politics by the side streets. They broke for the day and the rest of the week would begin the dissection of all the topics brought forward by each team.

"Blaine, may I speak with you?" Dr. Stein pulled him aside. "I was rather impressed with you and feel even more confident that you are a good fit at Columbia. You handled yourself with impressive maturity and charisma. The panel was clearly impressed. Your team brought a fresh perspective to this. You should all be ready to discuss tomorrow. I think your presentation was most memorable and will be the talk of the afternoon for this group of people."

Blaine beamed. "Thank you Dr. Stein. We worked hard on it."

"No need to be modest. You can be cocky. You were most prepared. However, I would make sure that you other cohort spends more time, shall we say, getting better for tomorrow?" Dr. Stein gently suggested.

Blaine walked back to his team. "We did awesome. He gave us tons of compliments." The girls were satisfied promising to be ready for tomorrow. They were all very prepared. He grabbed Justin by the arm before he walked away. "I dont know whats up with you, but Dr. Stein said you better be ready tomorrow. Quit screwing around. You can do whatever the hell you want with your life, but youre screwing with ours now."

"Chill out Blaine." Justin stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Ill be ready."

"Like today?" Blaine eyed him.

"I promise." Justin looked small.

"You better be. Im not saving you again." Blaine turned and walked away. He couldnt wait to get home to Kurt.

Blaine walked in with two coffees and piece of cheesecake and a bouquet of flowers. What he found when he got home was Kurt dancing with a vacuum cleaner and ear buds in his ears. He was so cute as he danced with the vacuum cleaner, sometimes using it as a makeshift microphone. Blaine didnt want to interrupt so he set everything but the flowers down on the kitchen counter. Kurt was doing a spin by the window and when he turned around, Blaine held the bouquet in front of him. Kurt gasped. "I love them!" Kurt quickly turned off the vacuum cleaner and jumped on Blaine wrapping his legs around him. "Howd you do baby?"

"Whoa." Blaine almost fell back with all of Kurts weight. "Babe. Did you forget that youre taller than me?"

Kurt kissed him hard. "I may be taller, but youre stronger." Kurt dragged Blaine toward the bedroom.

"Wait. I brought us some coffee and cheesecake." He turned back to the kitchen grabbing all of it. They sat on the couch in the bedroom.

Kurt was eager to hear. "Tell me. I want to know. They loved you didnt they? You were the most awesome right? I knew you would be."

Blaine couldnt even get in a word. He loved how much confidence that Kurt had in him. "I did good."

"I knew it." Blaine sipped his coffee before pulling Blaine to him again. "I missed you. I was so nervous and excited and I couldnt wait for you to get home. And hear that you were perfect."

"Most of us did well." Blaine looked down.

"It figures. The douchebag messed up didnt he?" Kurt hated Justin with a passion. He took wrapped his arms around Blaine.

"Yep. He did, but I saved him."

"Why would you do that? You shouldve left him to die by himself. He didnt care and didnt do the work."

"Dr. Stein knew and thanked me for the hard work he knew I did. He actually said that I was impressively mature." Blaine laughed.

"Dr. Stein has no idea what a goofball you are. Clearly, Blaine Hummel-Anderson is a great actor if you have him believing that youre mature."

"Hey." Blaine frowned. "I am mature. I was mature enough for you to marry."

"You were adorable enough for me to marry." Kurt kissed him on the cheek and then began to pepper kisses along Blaines jaw. "Youre adorable right now." Blaine peered through his eyelashes to find a breathless looking Kurt. He looked hot and aroused.

"Youre completely hot." Kurts demeanor changed to sweet and innocent in a millisecond and Blaine groaned lowly in the back of his throat to see where Kurt was going with this. Kurt was insatiable and he was an never ending catalog of kinks and experimentation. Blaine loved to see if it was close and intimate or wild and sexy. It didnt matter, with Kurt it was always good. Sex, fucking, love-making and all the other things with Kurt were always an awesome adventure.

"I feel hot. I think I might be wearing too much. I was doing all this hard work while you were gone. I vacuumed, cleaned the cabinets so theyre ready for the dishes and glasses. I even cleaned and conditioned all the wood so that it was nice clean and protected from fading. I feel like I was bent over all day. My butt in the air and no one to really bother." Kurt looked innocent while he listed all the things he did.

"I agree. I think youre wearing too much. I wish I was here earlier I could have helped. What can I do to help you now?" Blaine said innocently, kissing Kurts neck and chin.

"Maybe take some of my clothes off. I just feel so hot, after all of that cleaning, you know. Maybe you can help me with my pants." Kurt said innocently. "Theyre kind of tight and theyre so HARD to GET OFF."

Blaine was enjoying this innocent role play. "They are kind of tight. Howd you get in them? I should have been here to help. I feel like Ive abandoned you in your time of need." He started to run his hands down Kurts round ass and cupped his balls over his jeans.

"It took some doing. I had to lie on the floor and pull them up. It would have been nice to have help, but youre here now. You can help me get out of them since you werent here to help me get in them. Consider it your punishment for not being here earlier." Kurt said batting his eyelashes. "I hope you can help me out. I didnt realize how HARD it would be to get them off." He emphasized hard this time in a gruff voice the sexiness dripping from him. The innocent façade also dissipated in that moment.

Blaines hand trailed to the front of Kurts jeans where there was a nice hard bulge. "I see. So when youre HARD, it gets HARDER to get your jeans off?"

"Why yes it does. If you can help me, I can show you how HARD it gets." Kurts teasing brought Blaine to full attention at the first mention of being HARD.

Blaine kneeled in front of Kurt as he sat back on the couch. His hands moved to unbutton and unzip Kurts skin tight jeans. He started at the top and began to peel them off of his body. Kurt lifted his ass to assist his lover, coffee and cheesecake forgotten. Kurts hands went to the back of the couch as Blaine peeled his pants back inch by inch kissing the exposed skin. Blaine was glad that he got out early. Now he could spend a late afternoon in bed with his husband. When he got to Kurts toes, he licked and sucked on each one. Feet in general were gross, but not Kurts. Kurts feet were perfectly groomed and cared for. Frankly, so were Blaines but Kurt showed extra care with every part of his body and that meant feet too. Blaine sucked on his instep and Kurts breath hitched. He never knew how erotic the feet could be, but perhaps they were worth experimenting. "Im carrying you to bed so we dont do any damage to furniture. We just got everything, after all. It would be ashamed to soil it so soon."

Kurt chuckled at the promise that this was all leading toward. "I dont understand how theyll get soiled?" Kurt kept with the innocent play. "Will you show me?"

"Why anything for you. Maybe soil was not the exact correct word, but COME would be better." Blaine picked Kurt up and placed him on the bed. Kurt sat up while Blaine pulled his shirt off and threw it.

"I think you have too much on. Arent you HOT?" Kurt smiled.

"Im really not hot right now, but I am HARD." Blaine looked down at his bulge and then back to Kurt. "I wonder how that happened and what should I do about it." Blaine could barely keep a straight face. All of this hard, hot, innocent talk had him so turned on.

"Well, I believe you do have to take clothes off to take care of that thing." Kurt pointed innocently to his husbands package. "See how mine is completely free of my jeans." Blaine giggled at that one. Kurt was good at this.

"Okay. Can you help me?" Kurt got up and helped Blaine out of his pants and pulled his bowtie and shirt off. Kurt urged Blaine to lie down on the bed as he kissed his chest and played with his nipples, something he knew Blaine loved. "So now what? It appears I still have a problem."

They both looked at Blaines erection with wonder. Kurt put a hand to his chin in thought. "Hmm. I wonder if this might help." Kurt stroked him with his hand feeling Blaine tense his leg muscles and then release. "Well I think thats just making it worse. I think maybe if I kiss it, it would get better. You know like a boo boo?"

Blaine nodded his head barely trusting his voice to work properly. "Um.. y-yeah. o-okay."

Kurt kissed the length of Blaines cock and spent some time kissing and sucking on the head. "Well, I think kissing isnt enough, I may need to suck on it and see if that helps." Kurt innocently took Blaine into his mouth and lowered his head slowly pressing and wiggling his tongue the whole way down before pulling his head up sucking strongly. Blaine moaned loudly and gripped the sheet. His head threw back unintentionally just so he could hold his orgasm at bay. Kurt lifted off with a pop. "Hmm.. I think maybe its cold. Ill have to find a way to cover it up."

Blaines eyes darkened with need. Kurt was going to ride him and he could barely hold back an orgasm just from the visual of Kurt on him riding him. "Okay. I think you know best."

"I do. But when I cover it up, you cant move. Its might burst if you move and that wouldnt be a good thing." Kurt stood and got the lube from the night stand. "Do you think you can stay still?"

Blaine didnt think he could. Kurt knew he was at the very edge holding back. All the talk and stimulation after a huge adrenaline rush at the symposium had Blaine just at the brink of bursting. "I dont think.. I can try.. I dont know."

"I can do something to help make sure you dont move. Would that help?" Blaine just nodded. He needed Kurt on top of him. "Yes?" Blaine nodded again as Kurt returned to the night stand. That tease brought binding and cuffs with him. "Now move over here and be still." Kurt pushed Blaine to the center of the bed and took each wrist gently placing the cuffs on them one by one and securing them to each of the posts at the head of the bed. Then he cuffed Blaines ankles to the other posts. Blaine was beautiful laid out spread eagle ready and willing.

"I think I can now properly take care of that." Kurt pointed to Blaines throbbing purple headed erection.

"Please.. Please take care of it Kurt." Blaine begged so prettily.

"Alright. I know it must hurt, so let me get it nice and warm." Kurt opened the lube and coated Blaines throbbing cock generously. "Im going to warm it up now, okay?" Blaine just whimpered and to that, Kurt giggled. He didnt straddle Blaine facing him like he thought he would, but rather facing away from him. "I think with the way Im going to cover it up, it might be easier to see if its working if Im facing this way. You can see much better, right?"


"Are you okay?" Blaine didnt answer, he just whined. "Okay then, lets see if I can fix this problem of yours." He sunk down on Blaines cock not even hesitating. Blaine watched himself disappear between those beautiful alabaster orbs that Kurt called his butt cheeks. Blaines dark cock in contrast to Kurts skin was easy to see as Kurt started to raise and lower himself slowly. It was truly erotic being bound with Kurt riding him reverse cowboy. He could see every inch that Kurt took.

"Fuck, Kurt, youre so damn hot."

Kurt kept the role play. "Thats a good sign. Nnnghh. Shit.. Thats a good sign that its warming you up. I think you should be fixed.. mmmph.. in n-no time." He stuttered as he sped up."

"Kurt, can you face me please." Blaine lifted his head up as far as he could. "I love being at your mercy, but I miss seeing your beautiful face."

"I suppose that could be arranged. Let me try to spin around here without lifting up. I dont want this to get cold." Kurt managed with difficulty, Blaine moaning at the change in feel around him as Kurt slowly rotated. "That was difficult, but I managed."

"Do something Kurt."

"Do you feel like youre going to burst?" Kurts innocence alone was going make Blaine come.


"Well, let me help you." Kurt started to bounce up and down fast and hard. He took hold of his own cock and stroked while he repeatedly impaled himself on Blaines cock. He moaned like a whore as he pushed down as hard as he could, Blaines wails of pleasure just egging him on.

"Fuck me. Harder Kurt, faster. Baby, Im right there.. right there .. almost.. OH MY GOD.." Blaine came hard his hands and feet tugged hard against the restraints. Kurt stroked himself coming in long stripes on Blaine chest some reaching Blaines face and landing in his mouth and on his eye.

Kurt was out of breath, his skin glistened with a sheen of sweat from his workout, his thighs burned from hard work and his body completely spent. He toppled down on Blaine kissing his face and licking his own come off of Blaines cheek. "I love you Blaine."

"Kurt.. that was so fucking hot. So hot." Blaine was barely coherent. He was breathing heavily.

Kurt kissed him on the lips tasting himself there. "Why are you so tired. I did all the work." Kurt mumbled into his neck.

"You have no idea how hard I had to hold back from coming. Everything you just did was so hot. I loved it. I love you."

"Good, I loved it too. I love making you feel good. You had so much stress today, I thought it would be nice for you not to have to do anything." Kurt sat up reaching for the restraints to undo them. "Do you like these?"

"Yes. Definitely. I want to make love to you while youre spread eagle on your stomach." Blaine could see it.

"Save that for Friday night after the party."

"Party?" Blaine knew they had something, but couldnt quite recall.

"Fashion Week kick off party?"

"Oh yeah. Thats right."

"Is the symposium over on Thursday?" Kurt hoped with all hopes.


"Good, dont shave on Friday. I want you looking perfectly scruffy on Friday night. Its hot and I want to show you off." Kurt got up to get a towel from the bathroom to wipe them clean.

"Its really crowded. I never knew how these things were and Ive been to a lot of events in my life, but never something like this." Blaine looked a little intimidated by the crowd. There were celebrities that he recognized and designers that he didnt recognize, but just knew of them. It wasnt until a tap behind him that he realized how high class this was. He turned to see his mom and grandmother. "Mommy! Grandma!" he turned to Kurt. "You didnt tell me. Did you know?"

Kurt laughed eyes shimmering with love. "Yes. I saw their names on the list. Apparently, Ellen here donates a lot of money to this place." The event was being held at a local park instead of the standard fashion house. This was more of a kick-off party than a fashion show, though there would be a standard runway show at the close of the event.

Blaine was strangled by his mom. "I miss you so much darling. You didnt shave." She held his face in her palms rubbing his jaw a little.

"Kurt likes when Im a little unshaven." He kissed his mom.

"Yeah. Its kind of dangerous looking." Kurt blushed admitting why he liked it.

"I guess if you dont let it get too much thicker, it will be okay." She kissed him on the forehead. "I much prefer you clean shaven. You look my little boy when you shave."

"Catherine, let Blaine be. Hes not a child any longer and his husband likes it that way." Ellen scolded slightly. "We have good seats for the preview. We are going to be behind that Usher fellow and Justin Timberlake."

Blaine became fanboy in about two seconds flat. "No way!"

Kurt laughed again. "I was surprised he never asked who would be here. There are lots more celebrities here than that. You just need to open your eyes my silly husband."

Blaine started scanning the crowd, but didnt react at all until his eyes landed on Kurt. It wasnt the sight from a minute ago, this Kurt was scowling. "Babe?" He followed Kurts line of vision to a model looking guy. "Kurt?"

Ellen put her hand on Kurts shoulder in comfort. "Kurt, sweetie, are you okay?"

He didnt take his eyes off the model walking toward him with a tray of food. "Its Caleb."

"Caleb..Caleb.." Blaine couldnt remember where he heard the name.

"The asshole model, Blaine." Kurt rolled his shoulders like he was trying to relieve the stress.

"Oh him." Blaine stood straighter and taller in his custom Armani. "He is a good looking guy." Blaine acted a little jealous.

"No worries Blaine." Kurt looked him in the eyes. "I love you, remember?" He smiled brightly and Blaine remember why he loved Kurt all over again.

"Fancy seeing you here Kurt." Caleb said from behind Kurt. Kurt turned to find Caleb greet him with a smile and wink.

Kurts face changed to smug as he shook his head and took Blaines hand. "Im here for the party and pre-show. Nice to see you working Caleb." Kurt said as politely as he could squeezing Blaines hand. "This is my husband Blaine Hummel-Anderson, my mother in law Catherine Anderson, and grandmother in law Ellen Anderson." He motioned to them.

They all smiled genuinely politely. It was Ellen that spoke to him. "So how do you now Kurt?"

"Im a model and Kurt worked on an outfit for me earlier in the week." Caleb said.

"Oh, so will you be in the show tonight?" Ellen was so very polite and dignified all the time.

"Yes, I am." Caleb said happily. "I have been modeling pretty regularly. I am working on my first cover next week." Caleb said a little cockily. "I hope to have a long career in modeling."

"Then I wish you luck young man." She leaned over. "You are a handsome young man. Frankly, this type of clothing isnt my type, but I like to look anyway. At my age, I prefer Gucci and Burberry."

"And you look fantastic in it all the time Ellen." Kurt pointed out. "Just like Blaine looks perfect in just about any designer. This suit is perfect for him."

Blaine smiled at Kurt. "Thank you baby." He kissed Kurt on the cheek and whispered. "Love you."

"Love you too." Kurt said nuzzling gently against the stubble on Blaines jaw.

Caleb knew the show was for him. Catherine stood by watching the entire scene as Caleb glanced to the side at the boss. "I should be mingling."

Kurt cockily said. "Yes, I believe you need to make sure you make the rounds with the champagne. It is work after all."

Caleb gave Kurt a look before turning away. "It was nice to meet all of you. Perhaps Ill see you later."

Kurt rolled his eyes as Caleb turned away. "So whats that all about Kurt?" Catherine asked.

"Hes vile. He was hitting on me the entire time I fitted him for the outfit. Hes completely rude. He kept talking about sex and me. Some guys just dont get it, I guess."

"He didnt try anything, did he?" Catherine worried after everything Kurt had been through. "Hes quite full of himself."

"No he didnt try anything except my patience. I think he just likes to annoy me." Kurt said as the foursome turned to walk around and mingle a bit. It turned out that Ellen knew quite a few people and introduced Kurt and Blaine to some athletes, some Broadway actors and even a few local restaurant owners. It wasnt until they sat down that Kurt and Blaine realized where they were.

Kurt leaned over to Blaine. "Usher looks so good and so does Justin."

"Yes they do. Am I going to lose you to one of them because they are just a bit more fabulous than little old me."

"Never baby. Youre my one and only." Kurt squeezed his hand and took it to hold in his lap while the show began.

They watched the first few outfits and Kurt gasped as his design walked out on Caleb. He wasnt told his outfit would be previewed tonight, nor did he realize that it was finished. "Oh My God. Thats mine Blaine. That one that Calebs wearing. Thats the one the girl messed up earlier this week."

Blaine opened his program and scanned the information finding that Versace sponsored the kick-off event. "Kurt, did you know that Versace only sponsored this? This is previewing all the designers lines in anticipation of the next few weeks of fashion." Blaine looked at the outfit. It was unique and manly. It was very nice. "Thats an amazing outfit that you created. I told you baby. Youre so talented. You deserve this Kurt."

They listened intently to the full description of the outfit as Caleb sauntered down the catwalk. It was something Kurt knew would be unique and hoped it wouldnt be too out there when the designer finally saw it. It wasnt until the end when they announced the designer of the outfit that Kurt realized the magnitude of this moment. This night on the town outfit was designed by Kurt Hummel-Anderson from Marc Jacobs.


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