Trust In Our Love
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Trust In Our Love: Chapter 10

E - Words: 3,549 - Last Updated: Apr 07, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Oct 23, 2013 - Updated: Oct 23, 2013
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Author's Notes:

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Chapter 10

"Can you be at home by three oclock?" Kurt asked from the hallway outside. Im so busy and theres so much going on. Mitch was yelling something in the background about being late and doing a shit job. Kurt tried to peek in and saw a girl start crying. She didnt look much older than himself, but knows shes already graduated. He couldnt remember her name, but Mitch was picking up her patterns and the fabric.

"Kurt? Did you hear me? Kurt!" Blaine yelled through the phone.

"No.. Sorry. I didnt hear you. Its crazy in here and Mitch is yelling at someone." Kurt plugged his other ear.

"I said I can be home. Whats going on?"

"Fashion week is in about two weeks and were just a little behind. Thats why I need to stay later today. Im sorry."

"Kurt. Dont be sorry. Dont worry. Ill be there. Whats being delivered?" Blaine felt bad that he didnt know.

Kurt looked at the reminders on his phone. "The bedroom set, the sofa in the bedroom, my desk, the ottomans for the bedroom and the closet and I think some furniture for your music room."

"Okay. Dont worry. Ill make sure everything is in good condition and scratch free." Blaine knew that Kurt would freak out if the furniture was scratched when it was delivered.

"Thank you baby. Ill text you later to let you know what time Ill be home. Ive gotta go. Someones getting in trouble and I dont want to be the next one." Kurt was hurrying off the phone.

Blaine turned to his partners. "Guys, I know the symposium is next week, but I have to be out of here at two-thirty at the latest. I have to meet the furniture delivery truck at my apartment. Kurt is stuck at work because of fashion week coming up."

Lauren nodded her approval and Corinne didnt mind. She was the easiest to get along with, but Justin just got a rise out of Blaine anytime he spoke. "So the golden child gets to leave? I see how all the work gets done in his family."

Blaine stood up over the table. "You dont know anything about my family and as for the work? The way I see it, the three of us came up with ideas, we put time into the presentation and were doing the most work to make this good. You just want to say you did work while you sit on your ass and play Candy Crush on your phone. Trust me on this one, itll show when you get up there to present your piece. You know what Im going to do when your drowning in your own bullshit? Absolutely nothing. Ill let you die on the vine of your own stupidity." Blaine was livid and his face was red. He turned to the two girls. They stared wide eyed. Blaine just smiled at them genuinely. "Im going to get a refill ladies, can I interest either of you?" Both nodded but found no words to describe how they felt.

Blaine walked away while Justin smirked and went back to his phone. "Its too bad hes gay. Ill bet hes amazing in the sack." Lauren finally said still watching Blaine from afar. "I dont even like guys with curly hair, but I would make an exception for that one."

Corinne giggled. "Yeah. I know what you mean. Hes so damn hot when he gets mad like that. Its like you want to surrender everything to him."

"You guys are pathetic losers." Justin said.

"Youre just jealous." Lauren bit back at him. "Kurts got himself a good one there. Hes hot, smart, sexy, charming and sweet all at the same time." Lauren looked off with dreamy eyes. "All the good ones are taken and we get stuck with him." She pointed at Justin and both girls laughed.

"Funny." Justin hissed back. "Im leaving when he leaves because all work will stop when pretty boy leaves anyway."

"Do whatever you want to do. Its your part of the presentation. I feel pretty good about what Im going to present." Lauren responded smugly. She knew what Blaine had a plan for when Justin crashed and burned at the presentation.


Kurt heard Mitch yelling for him from across the room. He looked at Ava with fear in his face. "Shit. I hope I didnt mess anything up. Is it okay to see a gay mail intern cry? Will he spare me the embarrassment?"

As Kurt continued toward Mitch. "Dont worry. At least youre still in school. Everyone will take pity on you when he bites your head off." She laughed and Kurt flipped her off.

He neared where Mitch was holding the pattern and fabric. "Look at this Kurt. We dont have any more of this fabric and Jillian, here, decided to fuck it up by cutting the entirely wrong pattern." Jillian was still crying. "I need someone to make something of this and youre supposed to be the up and coming extraordinary designer at Parsons. See what you can do this this." Mitch dropped it down on the table. "Wow me and the rest of us here... and Jillian can stay to see what its like to have real talent."

Kurt looked at Jillian. "What was this supposed to be?"

She handed Kurt the picture. "I just didnt realize that I had two on my table from the same designer. Hes so pissed. Please help me Kurt." Jillian was so upset. Kurt loved a challenged, but he also feared failure. He held up the cut fabric and looked at the picture to see what he could make of the cut. A smile appeared as he formulated the idea in his head.

"Come with me. Bring pins, scissors and the picture. Were going to make a masterpiece. I dont think Mitch knows the talent that is Kurt Hummel-Anderson, but he will."

Blaines eyes stared widely at the furniture Kurt had picked. It was beautiful and not overstated. It was perfect for Blaine. Blaine liked the lived in look. He hated to feel like he lived in a museum and Kurt definitely had him in mind as he watched each piece brought in. The sturdiness of the wood and deep richness of the color were totally Blaine. he smiled goofily at the bed as they brought it in and started to put it together. His mind was already thinking of ways he could make love to Kurt on this bed. He definitely liked the bed. The piece that screamed Kurt were brought into the bedroom. Kurt failed to mention a more modern cut chaise. While not exactly Kurt, it wasnt Blaine either. It was perfect. Even though it was more modern and more structured, it fit in with the rest of the furniture that was meant to be used and loved.

"Mr. Hummel-Anderson. Heres the list. Would you like to go through it while we continued to bring in additional pieces?" The head delivery person said.

"Sure. Where do I sign off and where do I mark any problem?" The man pointed a spot on the clipboard and then the furniture started to come in. There were a lot of men there carrying all the furniture. It was moving quite quickly and Blaine started to inspect the furniture knowing Kurts eyes wouldnt miss anything. Blaine tried to contain his excitement for the new home they were building together. He couldnt wait for Kurt to get here. Blaine wanted to spend the night here for the first time. Hed have to work to get the bed made and some of Kurts clothes moved from the apartment, but he would do it for Kurt.

Blaine signed off on all of the furniture. He found only one small scratch on a table leg that would be in their bedroom in the sitting area. He moved quickly to bring some essentials from the apartment to their new one. They wouldnt officially move in for another week and a half, so Blaine brought some essentials for the night. Lube and bed sheets were at the top of his list. When he had things set up including Kurts facial cleansers, he headed to the Chinese Restaurant down the street. He grabbed cushions from the apartment to sit on at the small coffee table in the bedroom. Blaine had no plans to leave the room tonight. He set some candles up in the room and opened the drapes leaving only the sheers closed. The treyed ceiling had given depth to the room and the lighting made it glow with romance. What Blaine would have given to be back at the condo with the sky light in their bedroom. This was romantic, but theyd had so many nights where they made love and were able to look at the stars in the sky.

Blaine straightened the sheets out again in preparation for Kurts homecoming. He tested Kurt to come to the new apartment where hed be waiting with some dinner so that he could check out the furniture. Blaine took the Chinese to the oven and put it on warm to keep the food hot. He returned to the bedroom and decided to try the chaise. It looked modern, but something about it seemed inviting. Blaine laid down not expecting how comfortable it was. Before long, he fell asleep waiting. When he awoke it was pitch black outside. He sat up startled and confused. What day was it? He grabbed his cell phone to find it was after nine oclock. Where had the time gone? Where was Kurt?

There were no texts from Kurt and no calls. Blaine immediately panicked. He dialed Kurts number. The breath he didnt realize he was holding was finally let out when he heard Kurt on the other end. "Baby. Im so sorry I didnt call. Im on my way home now. I had to create a whole new outfit right after I talked to you."

"Thank God youre okay. I just woke up to find you not home yet. Did you get my message to come to the new place?"

"Yes. Does it look good?"

"Its perfect. Get home and Ill draw a nice warm bath for us. Well eat dinner and sleep. Youre probably exhausted."

"Im so tired. I could sleep for a century."

"Its okay. Just get home. Be careful baby. Ill be waiting."

So Blaine put away his plans in favor of caring for his husband after a long and stressful day. He checked on the Chinese and was completely shocked that it was still edible. Thank heaven for the Chinese boxes that the condensation managed to keep everything moist. When he returned to the bathroom, the bath was almost ready. He hadnt brought any bath things with him, so a plain warm bath would have to do. He waited somewhat impatiently for Kurt to get home. The idea of Kurt on the streets alone at night was unnerving to him. Blaine started pacing while waiting. He probably should have met him at the subway and come home with him. A knock at the door brought him back from his thoughts.

He opened the door and flung his arms around Kurt. "KURT!"

Kurt laughed, but hugged firmly back. "Whats wrong with you?"

"I was just worried about you. I should have met you and came home with you. Its not safe for you to come home at this hour alone." Blaine looked completely wrecked.

"Dont be silly, Blaine. Im capable of taking care of myself." Kurt loved how much Blaine worried, but hated it too. Sometimes he thought Blaine felt he was weak.

"I know you can, but I just wouldnt forgive myself if anything bad happened to you again." Blaine kissed him on the cheek. "Ive let you down before and it cant happen again, ever."

Kurt took Blaines face in his hands. "You didnt let me down. It was unfortunate, but those things happened because of choices I made, not because of anything you did or didnt do. You understand that, right?" Blaine nodded. "So are you going to show me around?"

Blaine kissed Kurt gently on the lips and took his bag dropping it on the kitchen counter and then led him into the bedroom. Kurt gasped at the furniture. It looked even better than he expected. "Its perfect." He eyed the bed.

"It is perfect and that chaise that you got. Its quite comfortable. I personally tested it out for a few hours."

"You fell asleep on it?"

"Yes and it was so comfortable. You have impeccable taste, as usual."

"Im glad you like it." Kurt took in the scene and realized Blaine had planned for a night. "Honey, its so romantic, but-"

"But, were just going to take a warm bath and eat some dinner before we cuddle together in our new bed."

"I love you."

"And I love you. Now lets get undressed and into the bath."

There was nothing sexual about them getting undressed. Blaine disrobed Kurt gently, taking care to fold everything. He helped Kurt into the tub and then disrobed himself and stepped in behind Kurt. Kurt laid back into Blaine taking in the heat. "This is just what I needed. Its perfectly warm."

Blaine turned on the jets and began massaging Kurts shoulder and could actually feel the tension dissipate with each press into his shoulders. "Youre so tense. Was it really bad?"

"It was a stressful day, but Im proud of what I was able to do. This girl, Jillian, cut the wrong pattern on a piece of cloth so an entire outfit was needed from the wrong pattern. There was no additional fabric to fix it, so Mitch asked me to create something completely new."

Blaine gasped. He hadnt realized the pressure that Kurt would have to endure as a part time intern. "Wow. Thats big. Im sure you did fantastically."

"I hope so. I think I created something fresh and different. Im really nervous. I have no idea what Ill do if they hate it. My career will probably be over." Kurt leaned his head back on Blaine.

"Kurt. Youre so talented. Im sure its wonderful. Dont underestimate your talent. You got a scholarship to one of the most prestigious design universities in the world. Im sure its good." Blaine stopped massaging and wrapped his arms and legs around Kurt. Kurt melted into the feeling of being completely taken care of. Here with Blaine, he never had to worry, never had to stress about being good enough. He knew he would always be good enough for Blaine.

They didnt talk, just breathed in the warm moist air in the bathroom mixed with the new construction smell. Kurt was finally relaxed. "Whats for dinner? Im starving."

"I got Chinese from our favorite place down the street. Its been in the oven for hours, but it still looked okay when I checked on it. Ill get out and get it all ready."

"Ill get out with you. You dont need to wait on me." Kurt moved to get up.

Blaine held him down. "No. You had a very stressful day. You stay in for a few more minutes and Ill come get you when I bring the food in." Blaine stood as Kurt gave in to the water jetting all around him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Relax. I already had a nap earlier."

"This is wonderful. Im so glad we got this oversized tub with jets."

"Kurt, this is us. Do you really think we would have chosen something else. We love baths and bathtub sex. We need a nice tub and looks like we chose right." Blaine brushed Kurts hair back with his wet hand and kissed his forehead as Kurt sighed. "Ill be back." Blaine dried himself off and put on pajama pants. He opted to go shirtless because Kurt liked to see him shirtless. Kurt always told him what nice abs he had, but Blaine didnt think they were particularly fantastic. He worked out enough to keep a slightly defined six pack and trim waist. It always made him feel healthy. Kurt just loved his body. He smiled at Kurt as he watched him sink into the tub.

"mkay." Kurt shut his eyes to relax.

Blaine quickly placed the food on plates that they could share. He grabbed forks and chopsticks, napkins and water. He wished they had already moved in because the paper plates the Chinese place gave him werent exactly the look he was going for, but he was thankful he brought placemats. Kurt would freak out if they ruined the coffee table on their first night. He set everything down and grabbed one of the already lit candles. And put it on the coffee table and set the cushions on the floor.

"Im back love." Kurt looked so serene, Blaine almost hated to bother him. He grabbed a towel and Kurts pajama pants and tee shirt. Kurts body did things to Blaine, but Blaine also knew that he was sensitive about his pale skin and not being as manly and attractive as Blaine. He was so wrong. Men found Kurt attractive. He was the perfect height and his body was firm, not overly built. His arms were the strongest part of his body. Kurt worked with his arms in the shop and now with designing. It helped him keep his arms built. Muscularly, Kurts arms were bigger than Blaines. They were quite complementary. Blaines abs and chest were strong and Kurts arms were muscular. Blaine was shorter, Kurt taller. Kurts eyes were striking as was his hair. Blaine on the other hand had the most unruly hair given to any man. He hated it and loved it all at the same time.

He remembered back to Kurt seeing his hair for the first time. I like this so much better. Its natural and curly. I can curl my fingers into it. The gel just mats it all down into a big helmet of goo. Blaine laughed at the memory.

"Are you laughing at me?"

"No. I was thinking about how beautiful you were and how completely jungle I look." Blaine tried to brush his hair down.

"Your hair is getting long baby." Kurt stood while Blaine took a towel and spread it out to wrap around him. Kurt stepped into Blaines arms. "We should definitely get it cut before you big thing."

Blaine glanced into the mirror. "I guess youre right. Its getting bushy."

"Come on my little bush man. Lets eat. Your man is starving at the present moment." Kurt got dressed quickly and they settled into dinner, sharing plates of food and feeding each other with chopsticks. It was simple, intimate and so relaxing like they hadnt done in a while. They had just finished laughing about an old story when Blaine just stopped and stared at Kurt. Kurt could see so much love in Blaines eyes. "Whats up?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Blaine ducked his head.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like Im the best thing since cheesecake."

"Because you are. Kurt, youre perfect and beautiful and smart and funny. Im so lucky." Blaine felt a blush creep over his face.

"Id say were both lucky. I promise to keep reminding you until were two old men." Kurt leaned forward and kissed Blaine on the nose.


"Yes, really."

Lying in their new bed, Kurt wanted to be wrapped in Blaines arms forever. "This is the life. Its what we have to look forward to for years to come." Blaine whispered in the darkness.

"I completely agree. I could do this forever."

"We will. Were lucky that we met so young Kurt. We get to do this for a long, long time."

Silence fell over them as they reveled in the feel of skin against skin. It was a comfortable silence that only two people that are completely trusting of each other share. The same silence that comes with content, love and devotion. "I miss the skylight." Kurt said finally.

Blaine laughed at the fact that they both thought the same thing, but more so that it was unexpected. "Thats why were married. I thought the same thing when I was making the bed. That stupid skylight."

"Its not stupid. Think of how many wishes we made and how we held each other as we both fell asleep safe and loved. I held you at nights during your concussion. I would sometimes look up at the stars while we made love. Now I see ceiling." Kurt giggled. "Dont get me wrong, I love this place, but Im really glad we kept the condo back home. Itll be weird to go back and stay there, but the one thing Ill welcome is that damn skylight."

Blaine sighed. "I agree. For now, I think Ill just stare at you."

Kurt reached a palm to Blaines face. "Youre too sweet for your own good." He yawned loudly. "Wow.. Excuse me. I guess Im more tired than I thought"

Blaine kissed him gently. "You need to rest. I dont think either of us needs to get up early tomorrow. Itll be nice to just hold you and enjoy this time together."

Within a few seconds, Blaine heard snoring. Kurt only snored when he was really tired. Blaine hoped that everything worked out for Kurt. He knew that Kurt was talented and by the sounds of Kurt, he worked hard. He couldnt wait to see the design Kurt created today. No matter what, Blaine knew he would love Kurt and think he was the most talented man on earth. Blaine fell asleep with his arms wrapped around his love.


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