Forever Love
Chapter 58 - My Eye Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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The Epic Love Affair

Forever Love: Chapter 58 - My Eye

E - Words: 2,767 - Last Updated: Jul 22, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 92/92 - Created: Dec 30, 2011 - Updated: Jul 22, 2013
578 0 5 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: Geez.. I'm so sorry. I'll be completely honest. I got hooked on another story that I somehow missed by one of my favorite authors on here and I was reading instead of writing. Don't kill me! However, I did have this done yesterday, but I was as a cheerleading competition all day and didn't have any time to upload it until now..I promise I'm working on the next one. I really want to get back to updating every 3 days or so.. at least twice a week! I feel like and underachiever.. LOLSo in honor of my laziness to write, I provided you with the smut you all deserve to read.. Last chapter fluff, this chapter smut.. I couldn't resist. It didn't start out smutty, but my brain goes to that place and I had to write it.. Don't worry, we'll be moving on to Christmas very soon! More wedding planning to come, Christmas gifts, family and holiday double date (yes - Ethan).Love you all!


Chapter 58 - My eye

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Kurt lay on the floor in the living room looking up at the eight foot tree that Finn helped them get into the condo and into the stand.

"It is beautiful." Blaine lay next to Kurt in the middle of the floor.

"It needs something, dudes." Finn laid next to the two of them. They were a sight of brotherly love all laying on the backs with their hands tucked under their heads.

"No kidding Finn. We still need to go buy ornaments and lights. I was just saying what a perfect tree it is already." Kurt reminded them.

"We need to make ornaments and garland." Blaine added.

Kurt and Finn both turned to Blaine in unison. "Make them?"

"Yeah." Blaine kept his eyes on the tree. "I always dreamed of making ornaments for the tree and then stringing popcorn garland for the tree."

Finn burst into laughter. "You're such a girl! Even Kurt wouldn't dream of making ornaments."

Kurt gave Finn the evil eye. "I think it's sweet but it'll take forever to make all the ornaments. Can we buy some and make some?" Blaine turned toward Kurt with a smile. "I like the idea of stringing popcorn, so let's definitely do that. Deal?"

"I love you." Blaine kissed Kurt on the nose.

"Eww.. You guys are going to make out again. I think that's my sign to leave."

Kurt slapped him and inadvertently elbowed Blaine in the eye. "Ow!" Blaine turned his head down and covered his eye with his hand. Kurt could see the tears streaming out of Blaine's other eye.

"Blaine! Oh my God. I'm sorry baby!" Kurt glared at Finn and just shrugged. "Are you okay?"

"No. You hit me hard right in the eye. It feels like my eye is going to pop out." Blaine kept his right eye shut just holding pressure on it.

Kurt brushed the tears away. "I need to see it Blaine." Kurt was frantic trying to pull Blaine's hand off of his eye. "Please baby. I need to see your eye. I hope I didn't hurt you too badly."

"I'm sure it's fine." He batted Kurt's hand away. "Just give me a second."

"Dude, you're totally beating your fiancé up. I'm gonna tell." Finn was in one of the annoying moods today. He was joking, but being annoying just the same.

"Finn, shut up." Kurt turned back to Blaine who finally gained some composure back. "Can I see it now?"

"Yeah. It's fine. You're worrying for nothing really." When Blaine uncovered his eye, you could already see a faint bruise forming underneath his eye.

Kurt's eyes were wide open as he gasped drawing his hand over his mouth. "Um. You look fine b-baby." He turned to Finn. "Right Finn?"

Blaine turned to show Finn. "OH MY GOD! You're eye is totally going to be black tomorrow."

Kurt sighed. "Subtle Finn. That's what I was going for." He shook his head.

"Do I really have a black eye? Did Kurt really give me a black eye?" Blaine darted toward the bathroom to look. Kurt heard the light flip on. "Kurt, you totally gave me a black eye!"

"I know. I'm sorry baby! Really sorry." Kurt was starting to worry.

Blaine returned from the bathroom looking completely unphased by the whole thing. He noticed the worry in Kurt's face. "Hey... No.. Don't be upset."

"But I gave you a black eye." Kurt cupped Blaine's face and inspected the damage. He ran his finger gently around the underside of his eye. "Should we take you to the doctor?"

"No. Kurt, it's not the first black eye I've ever had. I played football remember?"

Kurt started to cry. He felt like he really did something wrong. "But, I did this to you."

"By accident." Blaine pulled Kurt into a hug trying to relax Kurt by rubbing a small circle into his lower back. He looked at Finn and mouthed the words, help me.

"Think of it this way Kurt. You can scare people away if you tell them you gave Blaine a black eye." Finn was hiding his smirk under his hand.

Kurt turned to look at Finn with tears in his eyes. "But I ruined his beautiful face and pretty eyes."

Blaine actually laughed because this was high drama from Kurt. "My face is still fine, just bruised. My eyes are still the same, look. Neither are really that pretty." He pointed to his face.

"It's not funny Blaine."

"But it's not terrible either, okay?" Blaine kissed Kurt on the forehead. "Now, let's go buy the ornaments and lights for our first ever Christmas tree."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." Blaine looked at Finn, "Are you coming?"

"Nope. As much fun as this is, I think I'm going home to relax and eat dinner." Finn grabbed his jacket and started out the door.

Kurt gasped as he forgot to say something. "Don't tell dad I gave Blaine a black eye." Except it was too late. The door was already closed.

They arrived home with boxes of ornaments and lights. Blaine was happy to be home after the weird stares he got the whole time. After what seemed like forever and Blaine tangling himself up in the lights, Kurt proclaimed the tree done for now. "I think that's enough for tonight. It looks good and there's a ton of room to add our homemade ornaments and popcorn strings. What do you think?"

Blaine smiled and reached for Kurt's hand. "Let's turn off all the lights in the house and look at the tree."

"Good idea. I'll get us some hot chocolate and we can turn on the fireplace and listen to Christmas music. It's still early."

"I'll get some candles and light them and turn on the fireplace. Oh, and I'll get the Ipod." Blaine scurried to the cabinet in the dining room and then to his book bag, while Kurt disappeared into the kitchen.

Ten minutes later they were sitting on the floor tucked together staring at the twinkling lights on the tree. "This is the best first tree, Blaine."

Blaine pulled Kurt into his lap, turning him to face him. "I can't even express how much I love you Kurt. " Kurt leaned in to kiss Blaine, heart pounding firmly in his chest. He agreed with Blaine's sentiment. "I can't think of anyone more important to me. You'll always be mine. I like thinking it in my head."

"I want to be yours forever Blaine. I'll always be there for you. I want this when we're old and gray with grandkids running around, minus the black eye. I'm sorry." Kurt hugged Blaine tightly and grazed his fingers over the darkening area under his eye. Blaine could feel Kurt's heartbeat match his own. It was like their hearts synched together the moment they met.

Their eyes still on the tree, Blaine asked, "Did you think you'd find your true love this early in life?"

"No, but I'm happy I did. I'm really happy."

"Do you think you'll get tired of me?" Blaine turned to look Kurt in the eyes. He knew what the answer would be, but he wanted to ask anyway.

"How could I? You're amazing. You've saved me so many times Blaine. You're my rock." Kurt had tears in his eyes remembering back to before Blaine.

"But, is that the only reason you fell in love with me?"

Kurt's eyebrows knitted together. "Do you think that?"

Blaine was silent for just a second but took a deep breath and sighed. "No. I just never want to lose this feeling, Kurt. No matter what happens, I want to be able to come right back to this. This feeling. The feeling that this will always be. The feeling I have right here when I look at you and think about you." Blaine pointed to his chest.

"Good, because I still get butterflies when you look at me. You have such beautiful eyes and I really do swoon when you look at me." Kurt laughed because it sounded so stupid as he said it.

Blaine didn't respond with words, he responded with his lips gently pressing them, dry and firm, to Kurt's lips. Kurt responded with a sigh of contentment. His chest crushed under the firm lips on him. Blaine sucked on his lower lip gaining a needy whine from his lover. "We should go upstairs." Blaine stood pulling Kurt up to him. "I want to make sure you know how much I love you."

Kurt giggled. "I'll get the tree lights. The cups can wait."

Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and they ran up the stairs like kids playing. When they got to the room, Blaine scooped the taller but leaner Kurt up in his arms and tossed him gently on their bed. "I need you naked sweetie. I need you naked now."

Just the sounds of Blaine's voice, lower and a bit gravelly, sent chills of anticipation up Kurt's spine. No matter how many times they had sex, which was a lot, he never got bored with the attention. He often wondered if they would ever get tired of having so much sex, but in reality, he knew he would always get hard for Blaine. "I'll strip for you. Mostly, because I want you inside me right now. I want you more than I want a new Burberry wallet."

Blaine chuckled, "That's a lot. I like to be wanted by people." He winked as he stood and stripped his shirt off.

Kurt sucked in a breath because Blaine's body had always been so enticing to him. Blaine always thought himself too hairy, but in reality Kurt loved the hair and in his opinion, it was the right amount of hair. "People?"

Blaine pretended to think about it. "Hmm.. I guess not people, just you."

"And, I'm not a person?"

"You're the only person that I want to want me."

"You sound like that old song my dad liked. What was that song?"

Blaine helped Kurt peel his too tight pants off. "You can't mention your dad when we're about to have sex."

"Sorry, baby. Just get over here."

Blaine was at the foot of the bed just looking at the porcelain skinned man in front of him. His skin was beautiful and smooth and soft. Kurt was everything he wasn't. He had striking eyes and a penchant for fashion. His skin was perfect and he was lean and strong. He could worship this man forever. He was sure of it. In fact, he was going to worship Kurt tonight and he was going to start at Kurt's perfect toes. "Patience Love."

Blaine started at the foot of the bed kneeling and kissing the bottom of Kurt's feet. Kurt gasped at the sensation. Blaine didn't stop there. He sucked Kurt's little toe into his mouth swirling his tongue around it and he heard the most erotic noise he'd ever heard Kurt make. It was a noise that caused him to harden instantaneously. Kurt moaned as he watched Blaine repeat the action on his big toe. "Oh.. Blaine. Shit." Kurt was stroking himself. Blaine's eyes shifted to Kurt while he sucked on his big toe. "Fuck, Blaine."

Blaine smirked before releasing Kurt's perfectly manicured toe and kissed up his leg to his thigh. He nipped and sucked on his hipbone causing a loud moan of utter need. Blaine had Kurt right where he always wanted him. He wanted Kurt needing and begging for him. Blaine kissed and licked to the base of Kurt's cock where it rested in a perfect patch of trimmed hair. Kurt was very attentive to his body. He always wanted it to look neat and clean and soft.

"Do you want me to suck you?" Blaine eyed Kurt innocently, further causing Kurt to lose more control with every second that Blaine played his game.

"Yesssss." He hissed and then sucked in a deep breath.

Blaine took Kurt into his mouth trying to deep throat immediately and was partially successful until he gagged just a little bit. He regained his control quickly as he bobbed his head up and down at a quickening pace, bringing Kurt closer to the edge. He lifted his mouth off of Kurt for a second, "Lube, now."

Kurt obeyed reaching into the nightstand to retrieve it. He placed it in Blaine's open hand, but Blaine didn't stop sucking and licking Kurt's painfully hard cock. Kurt wasn't sure he could last much longer as he heard Blaine pop the lid and squeeze some on to his finger. It was only a second later that Blaine's finger found it's hot tight destination. He rubbed his finger over Kurt's hole before pressing gently letting his finger slip inside. Kurt moaned at the intrusion but relaxed immediately as Blaine pressed farther inside. In the next moment, he felt Blaine brush against his prostate. It was really all too much. Blaine, if you don't stop, I'll come before..." After Kurt said that, Blaine just seemed to double his effort sucking him with his mouth and fucking him with his finger. Blaine felt powerful in this moment not willing to give up just yet. He wanted to see Kurt lose control. He moved his finger in and out brushing harshly against his prostate and sucked hard and long. Kurt was clutching the sheets desperately looking for something to hold onto. Before a minute was up, Kurt was coming. "Oh fuck, Blaine. Oh God.. So.. unnghh." Kurt was rendered speechless as he gasped for air. "God, I love you." He came down from his orgasm with Blaine at his side running his fingers through his hair and kissing his face. "That was fantastic Blaine." Kurt smiled shyly up at him.

"I think I can make you come again." Blaine looked at Kurt hoping he wasn't too tired. He still had a terribly hard cock to deal with.

"I challenge you." Kurt looked tired, but he also looked ready for another round. Blaine was still full of energy having still not come, but excited over watching Kurt come unglued at his hands.

"I take the challenge." Blaine started to stroke Kurt's soft cock again and lowered his head to kiss him hard. His tongue slipped into Kurt's mouth and he moaned at the salty taste to Blaine's mouth knowing well that it was himself.

Kurt was still stretched and was being kissed breathless. Blaine's hand stroked him perfectly because, frankly, Blaine knew how to get him hard and ready again. Afterall, Kurt wanted Blaine inside him. He whispered, "Fuck me already, Blaine."

Blaine didn't waste a moment since Kurt was demanding that he do it. He took the lube, careful to lube himself up, and moved to kneel between his beloved's legs. Throwing Kurt's legs into the air, he pressed his cock against Kurt's waiting and stretched hole. Kurt whined as Blaine pushed through the tight muscle ring and continued until he felt Blaine's balls against his ass. "Do you like that?" Blaine asked.

Kurt thought to himself how stupid that question really was. Of course he liked it, he practically begged to be fucked. "Move, come on Blaine." Blaine laughed and pulled back before pushing faster and harder back in to hear Kurt gasp and then moan at the drag as he pulled out again.

"You feel so good, baby." Blaine breathlessly whispered as he moved his hips faster.

"S-so d-do you." Kurt was in a place that was perfect. He had Blaine hovering over him making love to him and he had just had an incredible orgasm at the hands of the same man. It didn't' get better than this.

"Baby, I'm close." Blaine was panting faster and his hips were moving faster as he took a hold of Kurt's hard cock. He knew he could do it as he felt Kurt's painfully hard cock. Kurt's head thrashed around with every push inside him. Blaine knew he was hitting Kurt's prostate and knew it would push him to the edge to meet him. In an unexpected moment, Kurt started to come with a scream. As he felt Kurt's body tense around him while Kurt came, it pushed him over the edge and he was coming long and hard inside Kurt. "Oh Fuck." He pumped himself through the orgasm and that was about all the energy Blaine had left.

He slowly pulled out while Kurt moaned at the loss of fullness. Blaine reached for the tissues Kurt kept on his nightstand and wiped Kurt clean from his own shower of come. Blaine reached down and wiped the come oozing out of his hole. Kurt was in a euphoric state having come twice and his eyes drooped shut. "'m sleepy Blaine."

"Sh. Sh. Go to sleep. I'll get the alarm for tomorrow." Blaine pulled the blanket from where it was pooled at their feet, set the alarm and snuggled up to Kurt under the blanket. His last whisper before succumbing to sleep. "I'll love you forever."


End Notes: Reviews? So I know everything has been rainbows and sunshine, but it can't always be.. just a warning. Not next chapter but soon.


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I'm excited for that warning to come! Any scene with Klaine and Finn is perfect. Something always happens. And the smut, as always, is wonderful!

Thank you! Things can never be perfect.. that's just life and it'll keep happening to Klaine, but for me, their always together figuring out how to deal with things.

We have had lots of sunshine and rainbows!! I'm ready for a little storm as long as it blows over! Great chapter!! Thank you!! What story were you reading, if you don't mind sharing!! I love love love Klaine fics!! Till next time!

I am reading Bittersweet Memories by Zavocado and Only a Fortnight in your arms by Zavocado.. I love both!My angst never lasts long because I hate when they aren't happy! LOL

Yey! Nice chapter! But I like rainbows and sunshine!! :/