Forever Love
Chapter 53 - Mean Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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The Epic Love Affair

Forever Love: Chapter 53 - Mean

E - Words: 2,182 - Last Updated: Jul 22, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 92/92 - Created: Dec 30, 2011 - Updated: Jul 22, 2013
581 0 8 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: Next one! Hope you like it! I'm not going to give you a clue or anything about the upcoming chapter.. Just read.. :)


Chapter 53 - Mean

"Home! I can't wait to get into our bed." Blaine was so excited. "I can't believe I missed our home this much." Blaine pounced onto the bed. It was still afternoon when they arrived home from the airport.

"You know what I missed?" Kurt said as he dragged his suitcases into the closet. "I missed the privacy. I love your family Blaine and I love mine too, but they were always everywhere. I felt like we needed to be discreet."

Blaine was looking out the skylight over the bed. "We failed miserably at that, you know."

"I know." Blaine felt Kurt sit on the edge of the bed. "I can't help that you're so damn sexy all the time. How can I resist your hot, hot body."

"I'll try to be less sexy babe."

"Not even possible." Kurt laid on his side facing Blaine. He just stared and smiled. Blaine turned to Kurt. Kurt wasn't making any sexual passes or innuendos, this was the serious thoughtful Kurt.

"Are you okay?" Blaine put his hand on Kurt's hip and squeezed. "You look sad."

"I'm fine, just thinking."

"Well, quit."

"Quit thinking?"

"Quit thinking about whatever it is that's making you look sad." Blaine hated to see him sad.

"I'm not sad. I think I'm just indifferent right now. We just didn't get done as much as I thought we would."

"Kurt, we have tons of time. We got tuxes and we met with the planners at the stadium. We picked caterers and flowers. We got so much done."

"I don't know." Kurt was playing with Blaine's hair and pondering.

"Are you okay with everything? Was it what you wanted?" Blaine was worried. Kurt only got down like this when something was really bothering him.

"You're what I want. Everything will be perfect." Kurt smiled but Blaine knew it still wasn't perfect. Blaine knew he'd have to wait to either figure it out or until Kurt had some kind of breakdown.

"Trust me, Kurt. No matter how everything looks or how many people are there, I wouldn't want to marry anyone else but you."

"I know that. I love you too."

"Now, we still have tons of time to be lazy and cuddle today. I say we grab your favorite fluffy blanket, I'll pop us some popcorn and make us some coffee and we'll watch movies all afternoon."

Kurt kissed Blaine on the nose. Blaine knew he needed something and he was so thankful that Blaine really didn't know what he was thinking or he might be freaking out a bit more. He wanted to feel close to Blaine right now and what a better way. "I would love to do that. Especially since we have school tomorrow and we'll probably have to continue our awful dance practice at glee club."

"Okay. I'll grab that Blanket and we can go downstairs."Blaine got up to get the blanket and Kurt flipped open his wedding planner. It popped open to the save the dates that he planned on buying. He never showed his family what they decided on and he never ordered them. They didn't really need them anyway.

"Step, step, slide, turn and then the arms!" Mr. Shue picked up where he left off with dance practice and it seemed that Kurt picked up at the same place as well. "Kurt, you need to stop the hip shimmy. This is a smooth sweet love song. You need to make it look like you are sweet and innocent."

"Mr. Schue, I'm really trying. I'm sorry I'm not the greatest dancer on earth like Mike or Brittney."

"Kurt, I just want to make sure the choreography matches the song. The song is about a first kiss between a couple and how they both want to kiss again. It's the romance that you always talk about Kurt."

"DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?" Blaine stopped in his tracks at hearing Kurt raise his voice like that.

"Kurt." Mr. Shue was as shocked as the entire New Directions at Kurt's overreaction.

"I'm sorry Mr. Shue, but you keep telling me to do something that I'm already trying to do. I know I suck at dancing and for that matter I know I'm not the most well spoken perfect mannered person on the earth, but I'm really, really trying."

"Okay. You don't need to get upset Kurt." Blaine urged from right next to him.

"Oh my God, Mr. Perfect, if you would just let me be upset for once, I might get it out of my system and be able to be myself again."

"Kurt. I don't know what's going on, but you really need to apologize to Mr. Shue and to me and to the entire group. You need to be more accepting of the criticism. Mr. Shue is only trying to help us be better so we can reach our goal." Blaine tried to calm Kurt down and reason with him.

"Oh yeah, and the way we are getting to that goal is by not knowing what other songs we're going to sing and to let two gay guys sing a duet that no one wants to hear because we're gay and we shouldn't be allowed to live. That's exactly how we get there. Thank you Mr. Shue, you're brilliant."

"Kurt!" Mr. Shue had heard enough. Blaine put his hand up motioning Mr. Shue to stop and let him take over from here.

"Kurt! I have no idea what's gotten into you, but you need to apologize right now. You need to apologize to Mr. Shue for being so rude. Then you need to apologize to the glee club including me for your behavior." Blaine was speaking to Kurt like a child because he was acting like one. He was acting like a spoiled brat. "After that, we need to get back to work so that we can compete at Regionals and win so that we can go to Nationals."

Kurt had been tapping his foot and his arms were crossed. He acted as if whatever Blaine was saying was completely boring him. "Is that it?" he responded completely disinterested.

"What do you mean?" Blaine sighed and rubbed his forehead. He just couldn't figure out why Kurt would act this way.

"Are you done future husband or shall I call you Master, because you are treating me like you own me."

Blaine groaned in frustration, "You know what, Kurt? If you continue to act like a child, I'll treat you like one. Stop acting like a spoiled little brat and apologize, or else."

"Or else what?" Kurt was angry and was purposely pushing buttons.

"Kurt. Don't press me right now. I'm warning you." Blaine's face was red and he was steaming mad at this point.

"Should I be afraid? Should I be obedient like your mom or your grandmother?" Kurt knew he didn't mean it, but he couldn't stop himself. It's like his mouth went on autopilot and his head was too far behind to stop his mouth.

"Go! Go out of this room right now."


"NOW KURT! I MEAN IT! GO OUT OF THIS ROOM AND GET INTO THE CAR AND GO HOME!" Blaine was screaming at the top of his lungs. He had passed the point of angry. Kurt crossed the line and what made it worse was that Kurt seemed to be doing it on purpose.

Rachel and Tina were hugging and crying. Mercedes stood with her hand covering her mouth. Finn was dumbfounded. Kurt stood there looking at a Blaine that was scarier than anyone had ever seen him. Blaine walked the few feet that separated him from Kurt. Blaine was right in Kurt's face. He was so close, he could smell Kurt's cologne and the coffee from his breath. He spoke quieter now, but in a far more fiery tone. "You need to leave this room until you're ready to work as a team. You need to treat everyone in this room with respect including Mr. Shue. When you're ready to apologize, you can come back, but until then, leave." He hovered close and Kurt knew he meant it. Kurt was slightly frightened but he wouldn't show it. He considered for a second mouthing back at Blaine again, but he knew he hit a nerve so he turned and left.

Blaine was thankful that his back was to the entire glee club. Kurt deserved it. He was being hateful and rude. His fists were clenched tight, his head was bowed and he was trying to regain his composure. He felt a hand on his shoulder. "Dude, don't feel bad." Blaine relaxed a bit under the grip. "Kurt was acting like a baby. What's wrong?"

"I don't know. We stayed in yesterday just having a good time and watching movies, but I sensed something was up. It's like he was trying to push everyone's buttons, Mr. Shue's and mine." He turned to the rest of New Directions and Mr. Schuester. "I'm sorry for Kurt's behavior Mr. Shue. I hope he can come in tomorrow and make a real apology. I'm sure he didn't mean what he said. I'll try to talk to him later."

"We're all under a lot of pressure Blaine. I know Kurt doesn't act like that normally. I hope you can figure out what's eating at him."

"I will. I'm sorry, I should probably see where Kurt went to." Blaine walked out of the room.

Kurt was no where. Blaine looked at the parking lot and their car was still there. He started to wander the place. He stopped in every bathroom and classroom and found no trace of Kurt. He tried to text, but got no response back. He went out the back of the building to find Kurt sitting in the stands at the football field without his jacket on. Blaine ran back to his locker and got his and Kurt's coats and headed out there to find out what was bothering Kurt.

"Are you going to sling more trash at me or are you better?"

Kurt looked forward with tear streaming down his face. "No and no."

"Are we going to talk about this?"

"Not now. Please, Blaine. Not now."

"I think you need to apologize."

"I can't. Not right now."

"Fine." Blaine knew that in the cold dark stadium was not the place to settle it. "Here's your coat. Put it on. We're going home." Kurt took his coat and stood. He would follow Blaine because Blaine drove and even though he knew where the keys were, he wouldn't leave Blaine stranded.

They got home and Kurt went straight to their bedroom. Blaine grabbed some toast and sat down to watch TV. He was still very angry at Kurt and wanted to know why he started attacking everyone. Burt texted Blaine to say he'd heard.

To Blaine: What's up son?

To Burt: I don't know. I'm still angry at him.

To Blaine: Heard he acted like a 3 yr old.

To Burt: He did and he hurt a lot of peoples feelings.

To Blaine: He should apologize to you.

To Burt: I just want to know what's wrong. He won't tell me yet.

To Blaine: Hold your guns Blaine. Finn told me it was bad, but don't go giving in to him. He needs to know he was wrong.

To Burt: I'll try.

To Blaine: I need to make dinner and then try to figure him out. And then hopefully try to get some sleep.

To Burt: Thanks. I'll keep you updated.

It was almost midnight and Blaine decided it was time to head to bed. This was the first time ever that Blaine didn't want to go into the bedroom. He was long past the anger, but he was still unhappy with the way Kurt treated everyone including disrespecting his grandparents.

Instead of going to their bedroom, Blaine decided to sleep in the guest room. For the first time since they lived together, Blaine was going to sleep alone in the guest room. He knew it was the right thing to do. Kurt needed to know he was wrong. Blaine walked up the steps and entered the guest room. He pulled the covers down and got in fully clothed. He was exhausted from the fight and from trying to figure out what had gotten into Kurt. He laid down and fell into an immediate, deep sleep.

Kurt was hungry but refused to leave the room and face Blaine. He laid there for hours until he heard the TV turn off and heard Blaine's feet pad up the stairs. He would apologize to Blaine and everyone else. He anticipated the door to the bedroom opening, but what he heard instead was Blaine going into the guest room. In shock he stood and quietly opened the door. He looked at the guest room door and from under the crack under the guest bedroom door, he saw the lights go out.

Kurt's heart sunk. Blaine was really angry. Angry enough to sleep in the guest room. He knew what he did was wrong and he did it on purpose. Kurt realized that for the first time in a very long time, he would be sleeping alone. Kurt didn't bother to change either. He pulled the covers back and laid down. He stared at the pillow where Blaine's head should be right now. As he stared at the empty space, his tears were hitting the pillow.


End Notes: Reviews? Sorry to leave you hanging again.. I hate doing that to you guys.. I know you want more, but the shorter chapters are much easier for me to tackle right now.. Hope you still liked it..


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writing tonight, but I probably won't get it done.. I'll try though.

I couldn't have asked for anything better! I wonder what's bothering Kurt. As soon as he said something about Blaine's mom and grandma, I was shocked. I could picture everything happening. Excited for the next one!!

Kurt is worrying.. so many little and big things worrying him.. Things will always get better between them because I love them so much!

Thanks for reading.. I can't wait to write them making up..Always fun!! lol

Well I loved isn't always perfect right?? I love these two's great to see them so happy but it's great to see some agnst then some awesome making up ;) thanks for yet another great this story!

Hi :)I have been reading Ambassadors Abroad and Forever Love these last few days, and I must say I really liked the story! This last chapter thogh i have mixed feelings about. A bit drama is good to keep it interesting, but this have me hanging. I do not like the fact that i can't press next and read on. Want to find out whats bothering Kurt, and what the whole "don't need save the date-cards"-thing was al about! I want to know now!! :oBut I do wish you owned Glee! I do not like the turn of events this season! I want season two verson of Klaine back. Original songs is still my favourite episode. Thank God for fanfiction and its lovely writers, like you, that helpes me mend my Klaineloving heart! Looking forward to the chapters to come! I have a few ideas for you, if you are interested, as well :) But first, things need to be happier in the next chapter! I love your take on Kurt and Blaine! This is how the should be, not all tensed an selfsenterd as Ryan writes them these days! :)Keep up the good work, I'll be nerveously waiting...

I have the same problem with stories that have a little angst.. I hate to be left hanging. I have been updating quicker these days and I'm happy about it. It's sometime hard to find the time to write since I work during the day.. I'll do my best to update as quickly as possible! Thank you for reading my stories.. It makes it worthwhile for me to write them.xoxo