Forever Love
Chapter 1 - Everything Next Chapter Story Series
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The Epic Love Affair

Forever Love: Chapter 1 - Everything

E - Words: 7,093 - Last Updated: Jul 22, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 92/92 - Created: Dec 30, 2011 - Updated: Jul 22, 2013
1,989 0 23 0 0

Author's Notes: Well, here it starts. Senior year for my favorite couple. I hope you like the way this starts out. This includes the Prologue and Chapter 1. I plan on posting updates about twice a week. Longer Chapters! Every other day was getting too difficult on the last one, but if I happen to get a chapter done quicker, you know me, I will not hesitate to post! I like writing the longer chapters.I always welcome suggestions as the story develops and I think I tried to fit most things into the story last time. It was kind of fun trying to get them into the storyline. I liked making it fit.Warning: Smut . If you read Ambassadors, you know I like to write smut. There will be some angst as in the previous story. This is a continuation and there might be some reference to the prior story, but I don't think it will be too hard to follow even if you didn't read the previous one. I already have some things mapped out, but things change and build organically as I write sometimes.Disclaimer: As always, I wish I owned my favorite couple but I don't.ENJOY!
“Everyone needs to shut up!” Rachel was demanding and Santana had enough.

“Listen Hobbit, how long do we have to wait for them to get here? I gots things to do and people to see.”

“Santana, shut up! Finn was picking them up at the airport and they should be here any minute. Look at everyone that has come here for them. Even their parents and grandparents are here.” Rachel was pleading for Santana to cool off a little. “What’s more important than this party? These are our friends Santana and this is their engagement party. I can’t believe you would consider skipping out on this.”

“Honestly Hobbit. Your parties have a tendency to be lame and really, really suck.”

“We have alcohol. What more could you want Santana?”

Brittany stepped in. “Come on Sanny. Blaine and Kurt are the brightest and best unicorns. I love them and would hate to miss this. I can’t wait ‘til they open my gift. I think they’ll love it.”

Santana gave in. They were both right, but she hated to be wrong about things.

The New Directions and the Warblers were all at the Hudson - Hummel’s new house, huddled in the kitchen. It was Friday night and Blaine and Kurt were coming home from a trip to Paris. Blaine had surprised Kurt with this trip since school was starting in 2 weeks. They had been gone for 10 days and Rachel and Finn were worried that they would extend their trip. They knew how much Kurt loved Paris. So many great things happened there for him..Well..and one bad thing. Rachel and Finn planned this party a month ago. They considered moving it, but so much had been planned the cake and invitations done, so they went through with the engagement party. Rachel knew it had to be fantastic because Kurt is a fantastic party planner. He lived for this stuff.

Blaine all but lived at Kurt’s since returning on their trip because his parents traveled so much. They were, after all, engaged and so in love. Since they were engaged and committed, both sets of parents really didn’t see the harm in it. If they forbid it, they would end up sneaking around. This way they always knew where they were. In the month since being home, they had stayed at Blaine’s only a few nights. Catherine and JR were always so busy, but made time to spend a weekend with Kurt and Blaine with no interruptions. Catherine and Kurt really bonded over discussions about wedding guest lists and where to have the reception. Kurt and Blaine were running into roadblocks on where they could actually get married, but it was a work in progress. Catherine was working on a plan to get them and the guests to a place where they could actually have a marriage ceremony.

JR was making good on his promise to get to know Kurt and they were enjoying getting to know Kurt so much. His sarcastic sense of humor was so endearing and the way he took care of Blaine and vice versa was everything he could ever want for his son. He hated to admit that he was wrong about it, but he was. He had come around to understanding how much each of them did for each other. Attitude, strength, conviction were words JR used to often describe what he saw.

The two were inseparable since returning and Burt couldn’t blame them. He loved Kurt and understood so he didn’t get in the middle. His son was growing up. Burt didn’t know that a 2 week trip would turn his son into a young man, but he was happy for Kurt and would always be there if Kurt needed him. Burt found himself sad when he would see Blaine and Kurt together sometimes. He lost his son to Blaine. He lost the last thing he had left of Elizabeth to Blaine. Blaine was who Kurt turned to now. It was Blaine that held him tight when he was scared. Blaine was the person who wiped away Kurt’s tears when he was sad and gave him companionship when he was alone. It was Blaine’s arms that now comforted him when he needed it. Blaine’s hands were the ones that Kurt reached for when he was excited about something and it was Blaine ears that he demanded the undivided attention of.

Burt, Carol, Catherine, JR, Ellen and Jack were there huddled with the rest of Kurt and Blaine’s closest friends, the Warblers and the New Directions. “JR, why am I crouched down on the floor in the dark? Please remind me?”

“Because your grandson is getting married and his wonderful friends are throwing him a surprise engagement party.” JR laughed at his father.

“Son, this old body is really not equipped to stay in this position for very long. I sure hope they get here soon.”

Jack was really fine, but wanted to give JR a hard time.
Burt listened from his crouched down position next to Jack and JR. “Rachel, has Finn texted you to tell you when he would be here with them. We elders are dying a slow death over here.”

Carole laughed from behind him. “Burt are you men over reacting just a little bit?”

“Mr. H, I just got a text. He is just about here. Pulling into the neighborhood now.”

“Well, thank Heaven for small miracles.” Jack was ready to get the party started. “I hope you bought scotch for this old man, Burt.”

“Jack we got you some Glenlivet. I think you’ll be pleased.”

“Burt, I think just about anything would be good about right now.”

“Shhhh! Everyone, quiet. They’re here.” Rachel’s voice was starting to get squeaky from excitement.

“Finn, the house is completely dark. Where did Mom and Dad go tonight?”

“I think they said something about going to a movie tonight.” Thank God for darkness because Finn was sure that his face would have given it away. He was not a good liar.

Kurt was disappointed and Blaine noticed it. He leaned over and gave Kurt a kiss on the cheek and squeezed his hand. “I just thought they would want to be home when we got here.”

Finn noticed that Kurt was upset. “I think they thought that you might want to rest when you got home.”

“Oh.. Well I am tired. Are you Blaine?”

“A little. Just looking forward to being home.”

Finn opened the door and turned the hallway light on looking around to be sure that nothing and no one would be seen. He set Kurt’s luggage in the hall and Blaine followed him in with his own. “Are you guys thirsty? I heard the air in planes make you thirsty.”

Blaine looked at Finn oddly but went along with it. “Sure. I’ll get us some water. Kurt, is water okay?”

Finn interrupted and had a weird look on his face. “Why don’t you guys get the drinks and I’ll take your suitcases up to Kurt’s room.”

“Thanks Finn.” Kurt was still a little upset over the fact that his dad left. “Finn, why are all the lights off. Did we all of a sudden decide to save energy?” Kurt reached for the kitchen switch, turning it on.


Chapter 1 – Everything

Kurt stepped back startled. He screamed and stepped on Blaine’s foot which sent Blaine stepping backward and then falling on his butt. “Oh my God! Blaine. Sorry! What’s going ….” Kurt reached his hand out to help Blaine back up and Finn was standing behind Blaine laughing at the spectacle. “Finn! This is so not funny!” Finn tried to stifle his laughter and Blaine had a stunned look on his face, then in an instant the corners of his mouth began to turn up. Kurt saw Blaine’s face and remembered the loud shriek of people yelling surprise.

He turned to see everyone he loved in the kitchen. “Hey Buddy. You okay?” Burt’s demeanor never really changed much, but the laughter behind his eyes was evident.

“You mean except for almost killing Blaine? I’m fine.
What is everyone doing here?” Kurt turned to the family room and saw the sign reading ‘Kurt and Blaine Forever’. It was clearly hand made and hearts were drawn all over the sign. “Oh…” Kurt looked down at his feet trying to hide the tears and the shame he felt at that moment. “I’m sorry I yelled.”

Finn stepped forward and put his arm around Kurt’s shoulders. “Dude, it’s okay. Actually it was pretty funny how you almost killed Blaine.”

“He didn’t almost kill me. There is no way Kurt falling on anyone could hurt a fly.” Blaine winked at Kurt.

“But Blaine, you could’ve broke you neck when you fell or your back.” Kurt was finally calming down. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Everyone in the room was almost laughing at the three of them as they continued to have this discussion, totally excluding the rest of the people there.

“See JR. I told you. This is a regular night in the Hudson Hummel household. You’re lucky that you don’t have to endure it very often.” Burt actually laughed.

“Dad! Thank you for coming!” Blaine crossed the room and hugged his dad and mom. Then turned to his grandfather and grandmother.“Grandad. I can’t believe you weren’t traveling somewhere.”

Blaine’s dad spoke up first. “Blaine. You know that family is more important. We make time for you and Kurt.” Kurt moved to stand next to Blaine as JR pulled him in for a hug.

Kurt had tears in his eyes as the words tugged at his heart because Blaine’s dad had really changed his view of Blaine being gay. He had over the past month become more loving and outwardly accepting of them being together. Kurt noticed the wall he used to put up anytime they were intimate fall down quickly. Blaine and Kurt turned to Burt and Carole. “Dad, did you and Carole do this?”

Carole leaned in to kiss Kurt on the cheek. “This was all Finn and Rachel. Well, mostly Rachel. You know how this would have turned out if Finn planned it.”

Kurt turned to all of their friends who had already started to mingle and eat. This was the first time they had all been together since coming back from the trip. Cups were being filled with what looked like real champagne.

“Is that real champagne?”

JR heard the question and responded. “Of course Kurt. This is an occasion to celebrate. Jack had it sent in from France. Only the best for you and my son.” Glasses of champagne were passed to everyone.

“Attention Everyone!” So Rachel to take the center stage, Kurt laughed. “Thank you to everyone for being here tonight. This is a special night because we are here to celebrate Kurt and Blaine’s engagement. Kurt is my best friend and I love him so much. I am so happy that he has found someone that makes him smile, because he has the most beautiful smile and the world deserves to see it often.” Rachel paused to gather her thoughts. “Those of you that knew Kurt pre-Dalton, knew the Kurt I knew. He was so strong, but he had so much to deal with and no one to share it with. He bore all of the talk and the bullying without anyone’s help. He was a sad person and deserved so much more than what he was dealing with. Then he left his McKinley friends and found Blaine. You all love to make fun of Blaine with his texts of courage, but it took courage for Kurt to come to school everyday knowing that behind every corner there might be someone that was going to hit him or slam him into the lockers or call him names. It took courage to deal with it every day. It took courage for him to leave his family and friends to go to Dalton, but Dalton gave him something we tried to give him but could never really do. Dalton gave him purpose and confidence, but even more than that, Dalton gave him Blaine.” There were a chorus of awww’s from the girls in the room.

Finn took over from there. “Blaine..What can I say about Blaine. Blaine was the world to Kurt from the moment they became friends. Kurt needed Blaine, but not in the way that they need each other today. Kurt needed Blaine in his life because he gave Kurt the strength and conviction that he could do anything he wanted to. Blaine doesn’t know this, but Kurt needed you more than he ever needed us. He needed you more than he ever needed his dad or his brother. Heck, I don’t even think Kurt knew how much he needed you. Thank you Blaine. As Kurt’s brother, I want to thank you for giving us the Kurt that we know and love today. There are pieces of the old Kurt that are still there. The vulnerable Kurt, the quiet Kurt, but boy do we love the new passion that Kurt came back to us with.” Finn nodded to Blaine and Blaine smiled back at him.

“What about Blaine, you ask?” Wes stepped forward to speak. “I am so happy to see Blaine happy. Blaine always seemed happy before Kurt, but OH MY GOD! After meeting Kurt, happy wasn’t even what he was, he was ecstatic. Kurt gave Blaine purpose. He felt like he could actually help someone else. Blaine knew that no one else really understood his past and his inner turmoil, but then Kurt came along and he could finally share it with someone who would understand. Talk about dumb love. Blaine didn’t even realize how head over heels he was for Kurt. He chose to push it aside in fear of making any mistakes. I think the only mistake, which is big, is that he wasted so much time that the two of them could have been together. They both gained so much from each other by being together. Strong is not even a big enough word to describe the two of them.” Wes looked at the two of them. “I like to think I had a hand in getting the two of you together. After all, it was my wisdom that voted in favor of Warbler Blaine’s proposal to have a dual lead with Kurt. Without my vote, you would not have been able to practice together so much. I’d like to say that without me, you would not be here today.” Laughter erupted among the Warblers. “Okay, so maybe I’ve gone a bit too far with that. But, I would like to think that I, and the Warblers, made this couple what they are today.”

Rachel and Finn stood next to Wes as they all raised their glasses. Each one of them took their turn.

Rachel was first. “May you make beautiful music together.”

Then Finn. “May you have a long life together.”

Lastly was Wes. “May you always remember how Kurt and Blaine started.”

Together the three held their glasses high as everyone raised their glasses. “To Blaine and Kurt!” There were glasses clinking around them and Kurt turned to Blaine to toast his soon to be husband. He and Blaine took a sip and then Blaine took his and Kurt’s glasses and set them aside so that he could take both of Kurt’s hands in his.

Blaine pulled Kurt into his arms and whispered in his ear. “I love you, Kurt. I can’t wait to marry you.” Kurt answered with his lips as he took Blaine’s lips into the most gentle and loving kiss he could manage.
The room filled with clapping.

The party was in full swing when Finn suddenly came out carrying a screen. Kurt turned to Blaine. “Crap. I’m worried.”

“They would never put anything too bad in there. Would they?”

“Blaine. We’re talking about Finn and Rachel..and for that matter, Wes. It really could be anything with the 3 of them in charge.”

Rachel was ever the host. “We put together a slide show of Blaine and Kurt. I would like to add that I personally took many of the photos used in the slide show today. Finn provided the music and Wes provided all the pictures from their Dalton days. Enjoy!” She winked at Kurt and Blaine who took a seat next to their parents. The slide show started with pictures of Kurt as a baby and with Elizabeth. Instinctively, Blaine reached out and held Kurt’s hand. Kurt turned to Blaine with dampened eyes.

“It’s okay, Kurt.” Blaine squeezed his hand tightly as if to say that everything will be okay. The slide show continued to Blaine and his early days. It was like a history lesson in Blaine and Kurt. They compiled pictures of Kurt at McKinley and Blaine at Dalton. It was like they looked for the pictures that showed them happy but sadness behind their eyes. This must have been a common look because it seemed like they had hoards of those types of pictures. They had finally gotten to Blaine and Kurt at Dalton. The music in the background at this point was Animal by Neon Trees and Kurt glanced at Blaine with a chuckle. He was remembering back to when Blaine was trying to teach him to be sexy. Blaine leaned over and whispered. “You know you’re sexy right?”

“Only to you.” Blaine gave him a knowing look considering what had happened this summer. And Kurt smiled wearily understanding Blaine’s thoughts. Blaine was amazed at some of the pictures that Wes must have taken when they weren’t looking. There was one at the Lima Bean. Blaine and Kurt were leaning in toward each other Blaine was looking at Kurt intently and Kurt had turned his head just so he could listen to Blaine. It was intimate yet so sweet at the same time. They weren’t a couple at the time this picture was taken.

The next two pictures stunned both boys. There was a picture of Kurt glancing at Blaine next to him at lunch. Blaine must have been telling a story or something, but it was clear as day that Kurt was smitten in the picture. His eyes told everyone. The following picture was almost identical with reversed roles. Blaine was looking up at Kurt with these dreamy eyes while Kurt was laughing. “Hey the puppy dog eyes!” Finn yelled out. Everyone laughed.

“What are you talking about?” Blaine asked everyone.

Wes was first respond. “You do these watery dreamy eye things with your eyes. They look like a sad puppy dog, hence the puppy dog eyes. It’s actually quite impressive.”

“Okay. Whatever.” Blaine focused back to the pictures on the screen.

“Wes. These are..they’re incredible. When did you take these?” Another flashed up of them walking down the hall at Dalton. Their shoulders were touching so innocently and they were looking at each other talking. Kurt looked to be laughing and Blaine’s head was cocked to the side a bit.

“I didn’t take these myself. We had this thing going on and well…” David coughed. The obvious signal to everyone present that he should shut up.

“Whoa.. Wait a minute. Rachel can we pause for just a moment, Please?” Blaine held his hand up knowing there was a story to this. Rachel obliged. “Okay..the cough David.. Really? I would like to know what this ‘thing’ was.” Kurt was nervous because their parents were here and it could be bad.

Kurt pulled on Blaine’s hand. “Maybe it would be better if he told us later?” He nodded his head toward the parental units.

“Kurt, I think it would be okay for them to share. Don’t you, JR?” There was laughter behind his want to hear, because boys were, well boys. Finn was always sticking his foot in his mouth and making mistakes so he hoped this would be good. Even more so, he was interested to see what went on at Dalton. He always thought a school for all boys was a recipe for disaster.

Wes stuttered the words out really fast not pausing for a breath. “Wehadabetonwhenyouguyswouldgettogether and wehadanongoingcontesttoseewhocouldgetthebestpictureofyoutwoflirting.” He took a breath.

Blaine didn’t understand one word. “Okay.. You are going to have to slowdown so that I understand you. Please repeat yourself. And, Wes, we won’t get mad. We are together now and I love Kurt. I just wondered how you got these because I would love to have some of them.” He turned and smiled at Kurt.

“Okay. We had a bet on when you guys would get together and we had an ongoing weekly pool to see who could get the best picture of you two flirting.”

Blaine was shocked. “Really? I think I caught Jeff one time and he said he was taking it for the yearbook.”

Jeff laughed. “Um yeah. I actually won that week.”

“What did you win?”

“We, all pitched in a dollar a week, so I won about 18 bucks.” Jeff grinned from ear to ear.

“Oh my God. This went on weekly?”

“Um yeah.” Wes looked so guilty. “Jeff won the most. How much did you win?”

Jeff looked guilty as did all the Warblers. “Well, I had the most classes with either one or both of you guys, so it was easy. You always met each other to walk to class or go to lunch and stuff. I won probably like a hundred buck over all that time.”

Wes had to ask. “Are you mad?”

“A little. But in the whole scheme of things, it really isn’t a big deal.”

Kurt interjected. “Blaine. Look at the pictures they got of us. I want them. They are our memories. See that picture.” Kurt pointed to the one currently on the screen. “I remember that day. We were walking to lunch from English and I was telling you that I got an ‘A’ on a really hard quiz. I was so excited and you made some kind of joke about how eloquent I was and I laughed. The first person I shared it with was you.”

Blaine needed to know. “So can you tell me why you had these bets? I think Kurt and I deserve to know since it was about us.”

David spoke up since Wes was feeling really guilty and he was just as much involved in creating the contest. “Well, Blaine. We knew immediately that Kurt was in love with you. You could see his face light up anytime you were in the room with him. It was like he sparkled and not literally like the vampires.”

“Okay David..back on track.” Kurt wanted to get past this.

“Right. Well, you did the same. Though it was much more subtle with you. You brightened up when Kurt was around, but you were always so good at hiding your feelings, at first Wes and I were the only ones to notice. Then one day when you guys were late to Warblers practice someone said something and then one thing led to another. We knew that you wanted to be with Kurt and Kurt with you. So, it turned into a game for us.” David looked down for a moment. “Blaine, Kurt. We really meant no harm. We just wanted a way to pass the time until you both figured out how you felt about each other.”

JR spoke up. “Blaine, I think we could forgive them, can’t we? After all, it was in fun and you know how boys are.”

“I suppose.” Blaine looked to Kurt for agreement and got a nod and a smile. “Rachel, continue on with our story please.” As the slide show started again, the background music was Kurt and Blaine singing Candles in the background. “Unbelievable. I can’t believe you guys really dug all of this up.” The chatter rose again as the aww’s came from the girls as pictures of the two of them
together were in full swing.

Rachel was proud of all of her trip pictures. Kurt was so taken by every one of them. “Oh my God, Rachel. These are so beautiful.” The music in the background was Everything by Lifehouse.

“I took them when I managed to see you guys together. I just thought it would be nice for you to see what I see in the two of you. I would’ve put the two of you singing this song in the background, but we never taped any of those shows, so I went with the original recording.”

A tear slid down Kurt’s cheek only to be wiped away by Blaine’s finger. “I love you Blaine. Forever. I promise.” The photos of their fond memories of the Eiffel Tower, the Seine and them singing together. It was a tribute to their love.

Champagne bottles were empty and it was starting to get late. Blaine and Kurt were sitting on the couch with Kurt sitting draped with his legs over Blaine’s lap. They were talking to a group of Warblers and New Directions sitting all around the coffee table just snacking and singing and talking about the summer memories. This was the what family was like. This was a glimpse of Blaine and Kurt’s blended family and friends would be like. It was all perfect. Blaine’s parents and Grandparents stood to leave. “It’s late Blaine. We need to head back toward Westerville. It might be wise, Wes, if you got the Warblers moving soon too.”

“Yes Sir. We will.” Everyone was so formal for Blaine’s family.

Burt chimed in. “JR. Jack. Be careful on the ride home. Call me if you need anything.” Burt knew that they wouldn’t need anything, but was polite in offering. His relationship with Blaine’s family was very strong now.
Burt turned to the partygoers. “Carole and I are going upstairs. Try to keep it down everyone. I’m pretty tired and I have to open the shop tomorrow. If you don’t feel up to driving, please stay here. Finn, you will get them settled right?” Finn nodded.

Wes was so comfortable here with Blaine and Kurt and Kurt’s family. “Mr. H. We haven’t had anything alcohol in a few hours. I think we’re good to drive.”

“Wes. That goes for if you boys are too tired to drive also.”

“Thank you for the offer Mr. H, but we will probably heading out soon. We’ll be careful.” Wes looked at the honored couple of the night. “You guys look really tired. I forgot that you still haven’t unpacked or had a chance to rest since you got back. We really should leave.”

Blaine tapped Kurt’s legs to let him know to move. “You know guys, just because we’re tired doesn’t mean you have to leave. We can just as easily go upstairs to sleep. You guys can hang out as long as you want. Finn and Puck were planning to play Xbox all night. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you guys stayed. He likes the competition.”

Finn looked excited. “Yeah..Xbox all-nighter!”

Puck yelled. “I’m in.”

Next thing you know, Mike, Sam, Jeff, Nick and Jon are all staying as they are all jockeying for a good spot on the couch.

Kurt stood up and pulled Blaine up wrapping his arms around him. Their friends were now good friends and it was because of them. “Okay everyone. Blaine and I are going to bed. We’re tired after the flight and need to sleep. Apparently Finn is having and Xbox all-nighter and I know the girls are sooooo excited, but my dad said anyone can stay the night if you are too tired to drive. So! Please be careful if you are leaving, please be quiet so I can get my beauty sleep and please respect mine and Blaine’s privacy.” Kurt looked directly at Puck.

“What did I do?” Puck feigned ignorance.

“Goodnight Noah.” Kurt gave him a look reminding him what he did.

They trudged up the steps hand in hand. “Finally, alone.” Kurt sighed in relief as he closed the bedroom door behind them. “That was an awesome party. Remind me to thank Rachel and compliment her on her party planning skills.” Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine’s neck as they stood in the middle of Kurt’s room. “I love our friends so much, but not as much as I love you.” Kurt leaned in to kiss Blaine. He pulled away slightly to look at Blaine. “I need to take a shower and get the plane off of me. Do you want to join me?”

“Well. I would like to get the plane off too.” Blaine flirted with Kurt.

“How do you make everything sound so sexual?” Kurt slapped Blaine on the arm.

“My strength, Sweetie. I’m a master at sexual innuendo.” Blaine laughed knowing that he was just a dork. But it worked and he knew it.

Blaine turned the shower on in the bathroom while Kurt unpacked his toiletries. “I’m too tired to unpack anything else tonight.”

“We can do it tomorrow. It’s not like we have anything to do until school starts.”

“Which you still have not enlightened me on this brilliant plan, yet. You promised Blaine. You said you would make a decision.” Kurt almost looked hurt. “If you don’t want to.. I’ll understand. I just know that I want to be able to see you every day. It would make my senior year perfect.”

Blaine came out of the bathroom and started to remove his clothes. Kurt took a deep breath when he was faced with Blaine’s bare chest. He loved Blaine’s body and was sometimes jealous of how muscular he was. Blaine continued to strip but paused as he looked up at Kurt. He was just about to remove his boxers. “Like something you see, Mr. Hummel?” Kurt didn’t even realize that he had stopped moving and was staring at Blaine.

Reality hit him. “I love something that I am about to see.”

“Now, who’s the flirt.” Blaine smirked as he removed his boxers and turned back to the bathroom. He grabbed two towels from the linen closet and hung them on the rack and got into the shower. “Kurt, it’s really lonely in here.”

“I’m coming. You are acting like a child, Blaine.” Kurt glanced in the mirror and he did look tired, but was ready to get in the shower with his soon to be husband. He stepped into Blaine’s waiting arms.

“I thought I would shrivel up waiting for you.”

Kurt looked down to find Blaine was as aroused as he was. “All evidence to the contrary Mr. Anderson.” Kurt pressed their bodies together harnessing their cocks between his firm and Blaine’s chiseled abs thrusting his hips up ever so slightly. This caused Blaine to mimic his actions.

“Too tired Blaine?”

“Is there such a thing, Baby?” Kurt still loved when Blaine called him Baby or Love or actually anything, as long as it came out of Blaine’s mouth.

“I was hoping that would be your answer.” Kurt blushed as he kissed Blaine softly sighing into Blaine’s mouth.

Blaine took his sign and poked his tongue out to trace Kurt’s lips gently. Kurt shivered at the touch as he reached his tongue out to meet Blaine’s. They played lazily in the shower, tongues twisting and licking, lips sucking and teeth nipping. Every so often, Kurt and Blaine would get a little excited and thrust their hips reminding the other that they were painfully rock hard and would eventually need to take care of this need.
There was nothing more intimate than Blaine washing Kurt and Kurt washing Blaine. They explored each others bodies like it was the first time. “I want you Kurt. I want you right now.”

“Then take me right now. What are you waiting for?” Kurt was flush and water was running down his chest sometimes dripping from his chin drawing attention to his gorgeous face. He was ready and waiting for Blaine to make the move and take him. “I want you, too.”

The last word hadn’t even fallen out of Kurt’s mouth and he was pressed against the shower wall, moaning in pleasure as Blaine’s fingers toyed at the muscle guarding the entrance to Kurt’s hot cavern. Kurt pressed his ass toward Blaine’s hand expressing his need for Blaine to be inside him. “Patience Baby. You’re so hot right now, I want this to last for both of us.”

A whine escaped Kurt’s mouth and he shut his eyes tight trying to hold back all the anticipation. Finally Blaine pressed a finger inside. Kurt whispered a moan into the shower as Blaine quickly replaced one finger with two and began to move his fingers in and out preparing Kurt. Kurt was holding his breath at each stroke of Blaine’s finger. Three fingers deep would have caused Kurt to moan loudly and usually turned him into jelly. Kurt was on the edge and trying to hold onto every ounce of control he had left. “You’re holding in those beautiful sounds you make, Kurt. I want to hear them.” Blaine kissed down Kurt’s spine never stopping his hand assault on Kurt’s prostate. “Kurt.” Blaine firmly stated. “I need to hear you, Baby. I need to know that this is good for you too.”

“My Dad.. Blaine. Fuck! Mmmmnnh. God Blaine. I – I – I know that you want to hear me, but I’m really on the edge right now and it’ll be over very quickly if I let go.” Kurt was holding his breath. At that confession, Blaine wrapped his free hand around Kurt’s aching cock and began to stroke in concert with his fingers plunging in and out.

“Let go Baby. I’m pretty sure I know what to do to get you excited all over again. Then we can really have some fun.” Blaine could see that Kurt continued to try to make this last. Blaine decided that it was time for him to get Kurt to come. He leaned into Kurt’s ear so he could hear him. “Fuck Kurt. You are so fucking hot, your round tight ass is incredible. I want to see you come. I want to know that I did that to you.” Blaine had basically stopped moving his fingers and focused on just one place deep inside Kurt. He rubbed his finger against it over and over again. Kurt was becoming completely undone and his moaning was getting so loud that Blaine was sure that even the boys downstairs might hear them. Blaine covered Kurt’s mouth with his as he now started to pump Kurt faster and faster all the while stimulating his prostate.

Kurt moaned into Blaine’s mouth releasing everything. He bit down harshly on Blaine lip trying to contain the noises from his own throat. Blaine was so aroused he barely noticed that his lip was bleeding as Kurt crumbled into him. Blaine was panting. The angle that all this occurred in was not an easy one, but so well worth the extra effort that he put into it. Blaine held Kurt tightly until he regained his senses. Then gently he cleaned them both off and urged Kurt out of the shower.

“Blaine, let’s get to bed.” They both dried off and Kurt headed to the door.

“Um, Kurt. I’ll meet you there. I have something..”

Kurt laughed. “I didn’t mean sleep, Sweetie. I was actually hoping to continue where we just left off.” Blaine smiled and grabbed Kurt throwing him over his shoulder and carrying him into the bedroom and gently laying him down on the bed. Kurt laid on his back propping himself up on his elbows. “If I didn’t know better Fred Flintstone, I would think you are in a hurry to do something. Another guy?”

“Nope. You know there’s only my fianc�e. He drives me crazy with his flirty methods. Do you know him?”

“Maybe. What’s his name?”

Blaine was already laying on top of Kurt with his face a mere inches from Kurt’s. “His name is Kurt Hummel. He is totally hot.” Blaine licked at the shell of Kurt’s ear.

“He has this body to die for and then his eyes. His eyes can melt you from the inside out, but the best part of Kurt is his cock. It’s smooth, long and perfect. It fits in my fist perfectly, like it was made just for me.” He grabbed Kurt’s cock in his hand and started to stroke, causing Kurt’s eyes to shut at the sensation. “And he tastes..mmmm.. tastes like heaven. So, do you know him? My fianc�e Kurt Hummel.”

“Fuuuck Blaine. Fuck me.” Blaine knew that would be all it took. Kurt loved this game. When Blaine talked like this it drove him wild. The visions he would get in his head were unleashed. Blaine always did his best to fulfill those dreams that Kurt had and he was well on his way. Not just in the sexual arena, because that was something they did together, but in life. He was excited to get married, something that he also thought would never have.

“I love you Kurt.” Though recently stretched, Blaine would never just fuck him, well, unless that’s what Kurt demanded, but even then he would think twice about it. Blaine reached for the lube in the nightstand and coated his fingers. Kurt wouldn’t need too much stretching with all the activity in the shower.

“No Blaine. Now please. I’m okay.”

“Are you sure Kurt?”

Blaine began to add lube to his hand and moved to coat his cock instead. He propped Kurt’s hips up on a pillow to make it easier, then lined himself up and gently pushed through the tight ring of muscle. Kurt gasped and then swallowed what Blaine knew was a scream. Maybe he wasn’t quite ready. Blaine stopped until he felt Kurt relax and then eased in very slowly.

“Kurt. Baby. Did I hurt you?” Blaine was truly concerned. Kurt didn’t respond, but let out a deep breath he was holding in. A tear escaped his eye and his brow was covered in sweat. Blaine didn’t move. “Oh God. Let me pull out.” Blaine’s heart was crushing under the weight that he hurt Kurt.

“No, I’m okay now. Maybe I wasn’t quite ready.” Blaine ran his fingers along Kurt’s jawline leaning down to kiss Kurt softly and lovingly. Blaine couldn’t bear the thought that he hurt Kurt in any way. Blaine kissed his brow and down his neck and nuzzled into the side of his neck sucking gently, but not hard enough to leave a mark. He licked a hard line from his neck all the way up to his ear. Blaine felt that this would relax Kurt and hopefully ease the pain from what he just put Kurt through.

Blaine ghosted kisses along his jawline, and when he felt Kurt was relaxed enough started to move. Kurt didn’t sound like he was in pain anymore so Blaine took that as a sign that things were much better. Blaine’s tongue found its way into Kurt’s mouth as he continued to thrust in and out varying his speed and angle. Blaine pressed in deep and swiveled his hips a little. Kurt gasped and moaned softly as his eyelids fell at the sensation. They still explored sex because they had only really been sexually active for 2 months. There were still things to learn.

Kurt’s dad was right, they wanted to have sex all the time and sometimes, they really needed it that they didn’t think about experimenting. Blaine being the top primarily wanted to make sure Kurt wasn’t bored with it. “Is this okay, Kurt?”

“Ohhhh..mmmffh. Really good, Blaine. Really good.” Kurt gasped again as Blaine thrust his hips lifting Kurt up a little as he bottomed out.

“I love making love to you.” Thrusting yet again pushing in and swiveling his hips. This was getting good and Kurt’s face was covered in a layer of sweat and he was flushed. Blaine had been trying to research different things to do and though these were simple changes, Kurt seemed to like them.

“I love you, Blaine” Kurt’s eyes fell shut just concentrating on the new gyrations of his lovers hips.

“Uuunnghh, Blaine, You’ve learned some new things.” Kurt gasped his next breath as Blaine plunged deep with a new angle holding deep inside Kurt for a few seconds enjoying the positive reactions he was receiving from the new feelings. Kurt was panting. “Ss-s-so Deep..Ss-s-so good…” Kurt was whining and Blaine was getting so aroused by the noises from Kurt’s mouth. The moans, the whining in need, the gasps. The act of all of it was starting to push him over the edge as the familiar pull in his stomach started to announce his orgasm.

Blaine was at the point of wanting the release as he sped up his actions, moving in and out at a faster pace than he even knew he had the energy for. Blaine was starting to groan as his stomach and leg muscles began to tighten and he reached down to wrap his hand around Kurt’s stiff cock.

Kurt was almost screaming and Blaine was sure that everyone could hear them now. There would be someone to answer to tomorrow, but who were they kidding, everyone on earth knew that they were sexually active. Kurt’s name was spilling from Blaine’s mouth and shortly after, Kurt was coming again.

Blaine collapsed on top of Kurt from complete exhaustion and he could feel Kurt still trying to gain control of his body as he continued to shake from the intensity of his orgasm. “Blaine. You are so gorgeous when you come. I can’t stand to look at you sometimes.” Kurt smiled into Blaine’s neck. “Hey. Are you alive? You’re getting a little heavy.” Blaine finally moved giggling under his breath as he grabbed some tissues to wipe them off.

“You are so loving after sex baby.” Blaine was joking because they would normally cuddle. “You know I need to cuddle with you, however, I am so damn tired now that I think I will just curl up right here next to you.”

Kurt looked at Blaine and he did look tired. Kurt whispered in Blaine’s ear because he wasn’t sure if Blaine was asleep yet or just had his eyes closed. “You were awesome. I love you.”

“You won’t think that tomorrow when you have to explain to your parents and our friends why you were so loud.” Blaine smiled and laughed a little at the vision of Kurt stuttering through an explanation. “I love you too.” Blaine whispered

“I’ll have to tell them it’s because you are such a good lover and you have a huge cock.” Laughing, Kurt turned on his side facing Blaine.

Blaine’s eyes shot open. “You wouldn’t.”

The only response he got was laughter. “Of course I wouldn’t. I need you around for a long time. If I said that, I would guess that you may not be around for your next birthday.”

“I want to share all my birthdays with you Kurt.”
“Me too.” They drifted to sleep tangled together under the sheets.

End Notes: Reviews?


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Thank you so much for reviewing! I don't get a lot of reviews from this site, but I love this site so much. It's so much nicer to look at than most. I was so happy to get back to writing my favorite couple! I hope to post either New Years Day or Monday.

Aw they are so much in love. So happy you are doing a sequel to Abassadors Abroad. Looking forward to seeing what happens with our favorite loving couple! :D

So I just finished Ambassadors (did it before midnight like I wanted!) and I'm so excited for the sequel! This story is fantastic. I adore it. I'm so glad I decided to read this one I normally stay away from long fics because I end up in my bedroom all day or for several days and don't do much of anything. But it was definitely worth it. I'm excited for more! You're Kurt and Blaine are fantastic.

Thank you for reading it! I know it was long. I never intended that one to be so long but it grew as ideas organically grew in my head. Next thing you know, they are on your computer and you just have to finish it.. LOLI'm to same way about disappearing for a day or two with long ones.

This was AMAZING and can't wait to read about our favourite two boy's senior year!

Thank you again!!

Sorry for the late reply! I am having such a hard time with my technology lately.. LOL Thank you so much for the comments on Kurt. I have slowly made him more equal and stronger, I think, on purpose.. As they move toward a life together, I want them to be equally strong. Kurt will be the more feme all the time and a little more questioning all the time, because that's how I see his character. My favorite scene is first time when he meets Blaine on stage and subtly tells Blaine about what is bothering him.. very indirectly. Blaine understands him and that's what I always want to portray. Thank you for reading!

I have been tracking your story since it has come out. Already, I like it better then the first. Seeing their interaction and witnessing the growth in their relationship is amazing. Now it is more apparent that Blaine needs Kurt as much as Kurt needs him. I will be the first to admit that your portrayal of Kurt I think is much better. I agree that he does seem like more of the feme in the relationship, but your writing of him I think has improved a lot. Thanks for your response to my last review of Ambassadors Abroad. Cannot wait to see where the story develops =D!

Amazing start :)

OMG.. You are one busy reader! I know you just finished Ambassadors.. Thank you so much for reading my stories!!

Thank you!!

Need another chapter!!!!

Thank you for another great chapter!! As far as waiting for another installment...October isnt so far I have something to look forward to ;)

Another great chapter!! Hope you are feeling better soon!!!

Is this fic on hiatus? I miss this fic! I hope everthings well! I check everyday to see if it's updated... But no luck! Im not gonna rush you, take your time! Just know im here when your ready to contintue this beautiful fic!

I wanted to finish DA Fight Club and I am back to writing this. My life has been a little crazy the last few weeks but I am ready to be back and will be continuing it. PLUS - now I will only have this to update! Thank you for asking! I will never abandon a fic.. I just needed a little break.

MY NAME IS JILLIAN! But people call my jill! Ahh... I feel so cool! ANYWAY I loved it like always! Honestly it gets better and better! Keep up the good work! Xoxo

LOL.. thank you for reading... I've never had anyone so excited to see their name! I'm excited that you can really relate... it is cool..Thank you for reading!xoxo

I miss the longer chapters! So so much! But it's still good! It's just over too quick! Lovely as always! Xoxox

Honestly I always love your chapters. Looking forward to their wedding! Happy holidays!

Love love love 88!!! Sweet small wedding, great sex before. Can't wait for the big one and the wedding night!!! Great story!!

Hey, I agree with everything you said about Cory, and having Finn in your story, a must. I love your stories and always anticipate your updates!!! Wedding and honeymoon!!!! Finally!!!!

Thank you so much!