Aug. 12, 2012, 11:26 a.m.
Aug. 12, 2012, 11:26 a.m.
All afternoon Blaine saying 'you'd do anything for the people you love' seemed to be playing on repeat in his head. He liked Blaine a lot and he truly felt a connection to him, but there were so many things to consider. Kurt only had one heart to give and he was still afraid that this one small heart of his would be crushed someday by someone. Yet here he was allowing himself to be with someone and playing a couple. Or was this a trial couple. Whatever Blaine said it was, Kurt liked saying sweet nothings and smiling at Blaine and kissing him when he wanted to. More than any of that stuff, he loved the shower with Blaine and now he had a new favorite which was cuddling with Blaine.
They were on Blaine's bed watching a movie cuddled together. They were watching Harry Potter movies and decided that they would watch them all of them and see how far they got. They were in the middle of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. "I hate spiders."
Blaine laughed. "I hate spiders too." Kurt blushed and smiled turning away from Blaine a bit. "Don't be embarrassed."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Why do you want to be with me? I mean..based on the whole try out being a couple thing, you must want to." Kurt looked worried but deep in thought. "I'm not hot or built or anything. I guess, what I'm saying is, you have this amazing house, you go to an all boys school with a bunch of other rich, good looking guys. Now I have this crazy guy after me. You can walk away from me and not have to worry about any of this stuff, yet you seem to want to spend time with me." Kurt was trying to reason. "You could cut your losses with me and find someone that's more like you."
"I don't really know what else I can do to convince you that this is real for me." Kurt picked up on the tone that Blaine was speaking with. He was starting to get frustrated. "I can only give you what I have to give. I only have so much in me before I will need to walk away and protect my heart. Just try to give us time. I know you're not used to being wanted. You've said it in so many different ways." Blaine wrapped Kurt in his arms as tight as he could and shivered a little at the feel of him in his arms. "I can be patient until you're ready to say we can be a couple. And this thing with Sebastian? I want to protect you, so just accept it. I'm here for you."
"Thank you." Kurt didn't know how else to accept it from Blaine. "I like being with you too. People are starting to know about us and I just don't know how to answer."
"Answer however you want, but I'm going to say that we're dating. The labels are really not important to me. We're going to take this slow."
"I like being with you in your home. Public gets me a little nervous."
"Whatever you want, but Kurt, I want to take you out and woo you."
"The caf� earlier was okay. It was quiet and we got a table that was kind of secluded. I felt okay about that. I like the coffee shop because we go there a lot and people don't seem to notice."
"We can do those things." Blaine smiled because he knew that Kurt was trying to expand his comfort level with having a boyfriend and being public about it. Blaine broke through today. He realized in this discussion that Kurt was concerned about being out in public as a couple. "There are lots of places I can take you that are either dark or secluded if that's what you want."
"I want to try to get out more and meet your friends. They seem nice and they didn't treat me weird or anything. I'm just used to getting shoved or made fun of by people. It's made me a bit introverted lately."
"Okay, so we're officially dating?" Kurt hesitated for just a second and he looked a little nervous but nodded his head. "Kurt, I want to hear you say the word."
Kurt leaned his head into Blaine's neck and sighed. "Yes."
"Okay, now that that's settled, I want to kiss you silly."
Kurt even laughed at this. "I would actually like that. Your mouth is sort of amazing."
"Oh no. You're mouth. Do you remember me saying that there should be a shrine built? I wasn't kidding."
"You…" Kurt was silenced as Blaine closed his lips to Kurt's, mid-sentence. He took advantage of Kurt's mouth being open and slipped his tongue gently in looking for Kurt's tongue to play with. Their tongues massaged against each other and it all felt right to Kurt. His last thought before losing himself in Blaine was 'this could work'.
"I just called Finn and Puck and told them to bring Samuel."
"Nick and Jeff are bringing Jon and Trent from Dalton. Don't worry, they are really cool too. Plus, you said you wanted to try meeting my friends."
"B. It's okay. You don't need to convince me. Jeff and Nick were really nice. Must be a prep school thing. Do they do fight club?"
"Yeah. Jon is the really tall guy. You can't miss him."
"He's pretty big too."
"Good. Finn is big, but not intimidating. Puck is intimidating but not big."
"Don't worry."
"I'm worried." Blaine still thought that Sebastian, even with the threats, was probably all talk. "You can't be with me at school or in Lima to protect me. I'm going to be out there a sitting duck."
"Don't forget he threatened me too Sweetie."
Kurt's face brightened at the term of endearment used by Blaine. "I know, but your school is guarded and he probably can't get past that."
"True." Blaine thought about it more. "Are you going to tell your dad?"
"NO! I don't want to worry him. Let's just try to handle this. Okay?"
"Okay. But if it gets even a little out of hand, we are calling him. Okay?"
The doorbell rang and Finn, Puck and Samuel entered. Blaine brought them into the Great Room. "Blaine, this place is cool." Finn had a goofy look on his face, like he just entered a candy shop.
"Thanks. Kurt's in here."
"Hey Finn."
"Hey buddy." Finn looked happy to see Kurt. "You keep disappearing for days Kurt. I feel like I'm living by myself."
"Sorry. I've been with Blaine."
"Yeah, I got that. For the record, I want credit for getting you two together because you wouldn't be with him if it weren't for me."
"Really Finn.. I think you were butting in."
"Wait a minute, you two are together?" Puck just caught on. "This is where you've been hanging out? This is sweet!" Puck held his fist out for a fist bump. Kurt obliged even though he thought it was completely juvenile.
"Puck, we are dating." Kurt gave him a look that Puck had seen often and it was to back off and shut up.
"Whatever. Dude's rich." Kurt just rolled his eyes. "So what are we here for. Finn said it was something about Sebastian."
Samuel perked up immediately now knowing why they wanted him there. "Did something more happen with him?"
Blaine looked at him very seriously. "Yeah. Let's wait til my friends from Dalton get here to go into it more." Just then the doorbell rang and the 4 Dalton boys came in. After introductions were made, Blaine pulled out the letter and showed it to the guys that had not seen it yet.
Finn got angry instantly. "I am going to kill this guy." He was pacing the floor.
"Finn calm down. He's a complete idiot and he'll make a mistake. I guarantee it. I'm worried about Kurt at home since his dad and your mom are gone most of the time." Finn calmed down and nodded his understanding of what Blaine was getting at. "I'm afraid that he'll get to Kurt at your house."
Nick added. "What about you Blaine? You are so worried about Kurt, but he threatened to get rid of you. You keep forgetting that. He's probably mad at you for the ass kicking you gave him on Friday night."
Finn finally smiled a little. "You kicked his ass?"
"Yeah. I got hit pretty bad on the lip and the eyebrow." He pointed. Kurt pulled Blaine to sit with him on the couch. It was becoming quite comfortable for Kurt to act like this with Blaine in his home and around the people he was close to. Blaine took his hand and Finn smiled just enough to let Kurt know that he thought it was okay.
Kurt told the real story. "This started because he tried to take advantage of me and then Blaine beat him unconscious."
Finn was shocked. "So then what happened?"
Puck filled in the blanks of the evening. "Samuel and I took him to his house and dumped him there."
"I figured it was my fault he was there in the first place. He goes to my school. I didn't even realize he was gay. I told him about the fight club and he's been getting the messages, so I needed to take care of my responsibility."
"Samuel. It wasn't your fault that that jerk tried to take advantage of me. It's my own fault for not wanting to cause a scene." Kurt harbored a feeling of responsibility for what happened to him. It made so much more sense about rape victims blaming themselves. He understood because he couldn't help but blame himself for the situation.
Blaine started to wave his hand up to stop all the blame going on around the room. "Listen. It's nobody's fault that this guy tried to attack Kurt and then stalk us this morning. We just need to be careful. The police can't do anything about it because they don't see a clear threat in his note. I'm a little worried about me, but I am more worried about Kurt. He really wants Kurt. I think, when he figures out we go to different schools and that Kurt is alone at his home a lot, he might try something."
Finn didn't often have good ideas but this one was. "We need to get him to come to us. We have to somehow get him to come to our house or here and have everyone there so we can end this. Kurt will have to be the bait to get him there. He goes to Samuel's school. We have Kurt write a note to get him to the house and Samuel can give it to him."
"Then what, Finn." Blaine looked interested but wasn't sure what they could do to him. Could they scare him enough to leave them alone? Do they get him to admit it and video the session. "I just don't know what to do to scare him."
Jeff chimed in with an idea. "What about fight club. We invite back to fight club after we have Samuel deliver a message that it's okay. He comes back and we end it then."
Kurt decided to put something out there. "We could do nothing?"
"What?" Blaine brushed it off like that was the stupidest thing he ever heard. "Let him just keep coming after you or me? Kurt, he really scared you today. You know how obsessed he is."
"Well, maybe if he sees that I'm never alone and that I'm with Blaine, he'll leave me alone or do something really stupid."
"I don't know Kurt." Blaine didn't like it, but Kurt was probably right about Sebastian. No one really knew him. He just might back off.
"My dad and mom are coming back for a few days next week so, they'll be around and he wouldn't dare do anything. Finn and Puck are always at school with me and so are other friends. What could he possibly do? He's obsessed, not stupid. At least I hope so."
"I don't like it either, but dude, Puck and I will be your bodyguards if we need to."
Kurt pleaded with Blaine. "Blaine I am not going to go running scared. I refuse. My dad taught me to be proud of who I am and I am going to do this."
Finn gave Blaine a look to back off. "Fine, but always have your phone on you. The only time you should be alone is when you are driving somewhere and lock you doors and windows."
"I could say the same for you Blaine."
"I'm not worried about me Kurt."
"But I am."
Blaine realized what Kurt just admitted in front of other people. "You are? I knew you loved me."
Kurt punched him on the arm. "I'm still going to fight, but I need help. Can we talk about it later?"
The Warblers stood up. "Blaine, we have practice soon. We are going to have to go."
"Go without me. I'll be there in a bit."
"Finn, I'll leave when Blaine leaves. Please, keep your cell phone on. I'm a little worried because I'll be on country roads for part of the drive."
Puck offered to stay and drive back with him. "No Puck. I'll just see you guys at home."
The house was quiet again. "Kurt." Blaine pulled him into his arms. "I'm coming to your house tonight. I'm not leaving you alone."
"Blaine. Don't be stupid. I'm not your responsibility."
"Dammit Kurt! You don't get it do you!"
Kurt was shocked by the reaction from Blaine. He'd only know Blaine a week and he was pretty much perfect, but Kurt needed time to accept that it could actually be. He wanted to be sure if he laid his heart on the line that Blaine was going to be there for him. "I'm sorry." Kurt knew Blaine was disappointed. His damn head was going to ruin it for him and it brought him to tears. He didn't want to look at Blaine.
"Wait a minute." Blaine softened. "I'm sorry. I said I would wait and I meant it. I'll wait Kurt, but I can't wait forever." Blaine turned Kurt's head to him and wrapped his arms around him.
Kurt nodded with tears falling gently down his cheeks. "I'm trying. I really am trying to let you in."
"Start by letting me come over. I'll even sleep on the floor. I just want you to be safe from that bastard." Kurt just nodded. "Warblers practice is for 2 hours. I'll be over in 3 hours."
Blaine put Kurt in his car and watched him drive away.
"What the fuck!" Sebastian woke up on his front porch in the middle of the night. His car was parked on the street. Checking his pockets he knew he had everything. The last thing he remembered was fighting that mini guy in the fight club. Then he felt the ache in his head. He picked himself up off the ground only to be a little dizzy. After a misstep, he found the door handle and went to bed. When he awoke, it was raining outside. He still had an aching headache as he made his way to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, he got really pissed off. His face was cut and his cheek and eye was bruised. His eye was especially swelled. He groaned as he lifted his shirt up feeling the ache in his back and stomach. He was bruised on his chest, stomach and side too. "Holy shit! I really took a beating. How the hell did that little hobbit to this to me."
Turning on the shower, Sebastian remembered what led up to the beating. Kurt, the blue eyed, chestnut haired boy was hot. That's right. Sebastian had him pinned to a wood pole toward the back of the barn away from people. He was just about to get busy with this boy who was playing hard to get. He was playing hard to get. Surely, this boy wanted him. Who wouldn't? He was Sebastian Smythe. Athlete of the month in soccer. Basketball extrodinaire. Sebastian stepped into the shower, the hot water welcomed by the aches and pains of his body.
He closed his eyes and started stroking himself while he pictured Kurt in the shower with him. "Yeah baby." Kurt was on his knees with his beautiful lips wrapped tightly around his cock. His hot blue eyes staring up at him with want and need. Sebastian knew. He would satisfy Kurt's need soon. He wanted his dream to be a reality. Why would Kurt ever pick someone like that Blaine guy over him? Money? He had enough. Looks? No way. Sebastian knew he was a better choice for Kurt. Better than any snotty prep school boy that thought he was something with daddy's money.
"I could make you feel so good baby. I will fuck you like you've never been fucked before." Sebastian was back in his dream shower and Kurt was sucking fast and hard. "Fuck.. so good Baby.. That mouth, your eyes. I can't wait to have you long legs wrapped around me and my cock so far up your ass you'll be screaming my name in ecstacy. More..more..more.. keep going. AAaahhh.. Uhhh.." Sebastian stroked himself through his orgasm with the dream of Kurt still vivid in his head. It would have to do for now.
He finished his shower, and was fixing his hair in the mirror. He cursed Blaine for damaging his face. His face was impeccable and Kurt will see it. Over a bowl of cereal he started to obsess of the blue eyes and lean legs. The next think Sebastian knew, he was headed back to the fight club address. He wondered if he could find out who lived there. It was probably someone from fight club. He was at the end of a long driveway blocked by a gated entrance. In fact the place was a fucking compound. Last night the gates had been left open to driver right in. Today it was a fortress. He would wait..
By 10:00 a car drove down the driveway. It was some rich person car. Looked like a Porsche of some sort. Inside were Blaine and Kurt. Sebastian pounded his fist into the steering wheel. I figured that this was Blaine's house. He was a formidable opponent.
Sebastian decided that he would follow then and see if he could get Kurt alone to talk. Talk, right. He was not into talking and relationships. He wanted to fuck Kurt and get it out of his system. Who had the time or money for a relationship? When he pulled up to the caf�, he realized that Blaine was taking Kurt to eat. "What a sap. He's wasting his good money on dates.. haha" He didn't dare go in. They would surely see him so he patiently waited outside until they exited the caf�. They were holding hands. "Ugh..gross. Romance." Nice car. It was nicer than Sebastian's older BMW. No matter. I won't have him around long enough for him to criticize my car.
Laser Web. Now this became interesting to Sebastian. It's dark in there. I can try to see if I can get Kurt alone. He never gave me a chance to show him how good to him I could be. He reached into his back seat to grab a piece of paper from a notebook and he had a stray envelope in his glove box. He scribbled some word on the paper and got out of the car and put it under the windshield wiper. Thank God the rain stopped. This was a message he wanted them to see.
If he got in there, he could probably watch Kurt inside the laser tag room. He went up to the desk and paid. They had just release the next group and he was lucky enough to just make it in that group. He stood above, in one of the high up rooms and looked all over for Kurt. He should have been easy to spot since most of the people in there were little kids. Then he was him. He was as hot as he remembered. Then he looked right at him. Sebastian thought Kurt saw him, but it didn't matter, he wanted to get a better look at he soon to be lover. Sebastian made his way to the lower level and was not more than 10 feet away from Kurt. Kurt made eye contact. Sebastian smiled and he saw the look on Kurt's face as he turned and was looking for, presumably, Blaine. He knew he needed to make a quick exit or they would find him. He couldn't risk Blaine getting in a punch. He had already damaged his face.
Sebastian had not stayed around to see how the note went over. He knew it would be epic whether Kurt or Blaine read it first. He had followed them around for several hours. He needed to go home and make some plans for how he would get Kurt into his arms and in his bed.
Kurt was annoyed. "Finn, technically we are just dating."
"Well, whatever." Finn glanced at Kurt. "You guys look like a couple. He's kind of short for you, but I can see the attraction. The guy can fight."
"Why are you talking about me like I'm not here?"
Finn laughed. "Just not used to you being here. Anyway, wish I would've been there to see you beat the crap out of him."
Kurt put the magazine down. "I'm going to go upstairs and watch TV in my room. Finn. I am locking all the doors." Blaine didn't automatically get up. He wanted to make sure that Kurt wanted him to go with him. Kurt turned to Blaine. "Are you coming?"
Blaine looked at Finn. "Yeah." Kurt didn't wait or take his hand until they were out of Finn's sight.
He allowed Blaine to enter his room first before closing the door behind them. "Well, this is it! Not as nice as your room, but nice enough."
"I like it." Blaine smiled as he stood awkwardly in the middle of the room.
Kurt crossed the room and took the TV remote from his nightstand flicking the TV on. It sort of shocked Blaine, but Kurt started to just undress. He stripped down to his boxers. Blaine just stared. "Are you getting in here or are you just going to stand there." Kurt laughed. "This is the first time I've seen you uncomfortable. Why?"
"Well, you just told Finn that we weren't a couple, this is your room so I'm waiting to be invited like a polite person would."
"I'm inviting. And anyway, didn't we say we were a couple today. According to my watch, it's still today, so technically we are still a couple for a couple more short hours."
Blaine obliged by slipping all of clothes off to his boxers. Kurt held the cover up for Blaine to get in. As soon as Blaine laid back, Kurt's head was on his chest and he wrapped his arm around him. "This is more like it Babe." Blaine settled more and pulled the covers up. "Can I ask you something and not have you get mad?"
"Last weekend, you said your parents would be home, but now I know that he is a busy congressman. Why did you make up that story."
"I don't know really. I just wanted you to know that there are people that would miss me if you harmed me."
Blaine's look was utter shock. "Did you think I could really hurt you?"
"No. Not really. I thought you looked nice and cute then too." Kurt couldn't help kissing Blaine in that moment. He really liked Blaine. He wanted to give Blaine everything and be a real couple and not be afraid, but he just need to take it slow. He didn't want to be the cause of anyone's pain and he certainly didn't want to get hurt. "I just try to not let that get out too much. My dad likes to keep a normal life for all of us. Plus, some of the things he supports aren't exactly well liked by everyone.
"Okay.. so you wanted to ask me somthing?"
"Okay. It's not a big deal. I was just wondering if you could teach me to box."
"What? No Kurt. You don't need to learn to fight. You shouldn't have to fight."
"I know I shouldn't have to, but I want to be able to defend myself if. Please?"
"I don't know Kurt."
"Blaine, Please? I want to be able to fight Sebastian off. I really need this for myself."
Blaine knew that he was in trouble. He was in love with Kurt and here Kurt was begging for something and Blaine knew he couldn't say no to that face. That gorgeous perfect face. "Okay. Okay. I'll teach you to box."
There was cute fluff!! I love fluff. ThIs was an amazing chapter!!! Yay!!
Thank you so much.. I struggled with it a bit but was happy with the outcome!