DA Fight Club
Chapter 7 - Day date Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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DA Fight Club: Chapter 7 - Day date

E - Words: 3,220 - Last Updated: Aug 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 15, 2012 - Updated: Aug 12, 2012
1,055 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: I know it's late. Had a busy week with work. New bosses and such. I'll get back on track... promise.. Especially because now it's getting good!Enjoy it!Disclaimer: Standard one..Don't own them!
Chapter 7 – Date Day

Kurt woke to the sound of rain pelting the window. Blaine was still asleep curled up to his side with his arm draped over his waist and his leg hitched over one of Kurt's legs. He listened to the sound of Blaine's breathing as he whined in his sleep. Kurt smiled at the cute sounds Blaine was making. This was peaceful. Lost in thought, Kurt remembered last night being awful then so fucking good literally. He searched his head for an understanding of the weird feelings he got whenever it came to Blaine. What the fuck was it about Blaine that screwed with his head? Blaine moved a little gripping Kurt's waist a little tighter. Then suddenly he spoke. "Hey, are you awake?"

"Yeah. Just listening to the rain." Kurt didn't want Blaine to think that he was some weird stalker type guy. Kurt was truly enjoying waking up to Blaine like this. He never had this settled feel before in his life and he could get used to it.

"Mmm. It's peaceful, isn't it?" Blaine cuddled even closer holding Kurt tight in place.

"Yeah. I like it." Kurt turned his head into Blaine a little. He wanted to see Blaine's face. "Umm.. Hi." Kurt smiled not really knowing what to say in this moment.

"Are you nervous?"

"Yeah, a little."

"Kurt, it doesn't need to be awkward. We've been talking all week. This is no different than what we've been doing all week."

"Except that we're naked."

"Yeah. Except that we're naked." Blaine touched Kurt's face. "You're gorgeous, you know that?"

Kurt blushed. "I'm nothing like you. You're so good looking. Your body is so strong and.. I don't know." He blushed deep red. Kurt didn't know how to describe how much he was into Blaine's body. All he knew was that Blaine was hot and he was in bed with this completely hot guy.

"Your body is soft and strong too. Your taller and your legs, God, your legs are long and lean and so, so sexy. So enough about how attracted we seem to be to each other, what do you want to do today?"

"I don't know. You want to hang out?"

"Yes. I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to. Do you need to do anything important today?"

"Not that I know of."

"So, will you spend the day with me? I want to take you on an all-day date."

Kurt laughed because it was a funny notion. Blaine laughed in return until he felt his lip throb. Bringing had hand up to his lip. "Wow. That still hurts."

"Oh..Sweetie." Kurt touched his lip gently. "Sorry. Didn't mean to call you that." Kurt was chastising himself internally for letting a term of endearment slip out. It was part of his need to keep his distance and not get too attached to keep his heart safe.

Blaine squeezed his arm tighter around Kurt and made eye contact with the gorgeous boy with him. "Okay. Listen to my proposal for today. Today, I am going to call you baby, honey, sweetie and anything I feel like calling you today. We are a couple today."

"But…." Blaine brought his finger to silence Kurt.

"Shh. We are a couple today. I want you to try this couple thing on for size. I want you to forget about all the people around us and just think about us as a couple. We talk at the end of the day. If at the end of the day, you think you can't handle it, we stay friends. If you aren't sure, we go on more dates like we've been going on and if you don't like it or you don't like me, we stop seeing each other." Blaine took a deep breath. "I hope you don't pick the last one, because I don't know if I can let you go." Blaine giggled a little because he was still smitten with Kurt after the past week.

Kurt listened closely and was mesmerized as he watched Blaine's lips move. His eyes were drawn to the cut on his lip. He hadn't responded to Blaine's last comment and Blaine just watched as the blue-eyed boy in front of him was examining him. Kurt's eyes moved north to the cut on Blaine's eyebrow and instinctively his fingers went to touch it. Blaine's eyes closed at the touch of Kurt's soft fingers to the cut. He shivered slightly to the touch.

"Kurt? Say something." Kurt realized he hadn't said anything to Blaine's request and Blaine looked nervous or sad.

Kurt sighed and his eyes watered a little. He always wanted someone to want him back and here it was in front of him. "Yes. Okay. I want to try this Baby." Blaine's heart melted at the sound of Kurt's voice. Kurt held some kind of tie to his heart and he was getting a chance to own Kurt's heart. He was going to make the most of it.

"Yes?" Blaine was clearly overjoyed. He could barely contain his excitement.

Kurt smiled gently and dreamily at the curly hair boy before him. "Yes. Definitely."

"Okay, we should get up, then."

Kurt whined. "A few more minutes so we can enjoy this?"

"What time is it?"

"It's 9:00."

"Okay. 30 minutes then I'm taking you for brunch. It's Saturday and there are places I want to take you to start our date day."

The 30 minutes was spent wrapped in each other's arms just kissing lazily and talking. Kurt liked kissing Blaine. His heart ached immensely as he whimpered in Blaine's mouth. "I like kissing you."

"Me too."

"Blaine, don't take this the wrong way, but I get weird feelings around you."

"Bad weird?"

"No, good weird. I just don't know what they are."

"I get them around you too. I don't know what it means. I don't know if it's just intense lust or if it's just… I don't know. Whatever it is, I can only describe it as intense."

"Intense." Kurt thought about the word. "I guess I would describe it as intense too."

"It's okay Kurt. We don't need to understand them. I just know that I like the feelings that I have around you and the way I can keep having them is having you around." Blaine paused watching Kurt's facial expressions. He was trying to figure something out and it showed. "Listen, don't over think things."

"No. I'm not. I just keep trying to ignore the feelings because I'm afraid of them." Kurt was calculating something in his head. "Do you really believe in love at first sight?"

"I don't know. I just know I wanted you the first time I saw you. Even before you uttered the first word through those beautiful lips of yours." Blaine kissed Kurt again, quickly and gently. "And you?"

"I don't know anymore. I just know that I found you more attractive than anyone else I had ever met." Kurt was getting hard at just the thought of Blaine's body and here he was pressed up against him. "God Blaine, I can believe how hot you make me." Blaine was running his hand along Kurt's abdomen gently feeling the firmness of his skin.

"Come on. Join me in the shower." Blaine smiled as he gently took Kurt's hand and led him to the shower. Kurt let Blaine lead him. He thought back to that first night. He was starting to feel like even that first night was a sign of what was to come. He had felt then that Blaine could lead him anywhere. Blaine turned the water on and glanced at himself in the mirror. "Wow, I really got a few good ones on my face, don't I?"

Kurt stood behind him looking at Blaine inspect his face. "It's my fault."

Blaine turned and took his face in his hands. "It's not your fault that jerk Sebastian did that to you."

Kurt let a tear fall from his tear swollen eyes. "Maybe I could've done things differently and not let him have the upper hand like that. It seemed to happen so quickly and before I knew it, I couldn't do anything about it. I was stuck."

"No. That was on him. He was just a bad guy." Blaine wiped away the now several tears that fell. "I wish I could take away that pain from you."

"You did Blaine. Thank you. For everything."

"Let's get in. I'm sure it's warm now." Blaine let Kurt step in first and then followed him. "I think I like this best. I love showering with you."

"Me too. There's something comfortable about you and the shower."

"Maybe it's because you're taller than me?" Blaine laughed at that but truly liked that Kurt was a little taller than him. It was the right height for Blaine to rest his hands on Kurt's sweet, smooth hips. Kurt loved that Blaine was the right height when he wrapped his arms around his shoulders. He could relax into Blaine.

"We're really close in height." Kurt grinned because he did like it. "You're the perfect height."

"Come here Baby. Can I wash your hair?"

"I'm not sure you have the right products, but okay." Kurt was letting go of the little things that would normally bother him. Blaine massaged the shampoo into his hair and Kurt closed his eyes to the feel of Blaine's hands gently massaging his scalp. There were few things that could be this relaxing and Kurt decided that he really loved Blaine in the shower. "B, that feels so good."

"B? Like Bumblebee?" Blaine couldn't help but laugh.

"No like your initial. You said we could use any terms. I have decided that I would call you B. I like it."

Blaine leaned in to Kurt's ear. "It's sounds nice when you say it Sweetheart."

"I love when you address me with some type of term. I've never been on the receiving end of anything like that, so I like it a lot." Kurt blushed in embarrassment with that admission.

"I like when you blush." Blaine and Kurt just remained there for 25 minutes when Blaine mentioned that his skin was getting pruny.

Kurt was stuck wearing the jeans he had been wearing all night, but Blaine gave him a shirt to wear. "Ready for our date?"

"Yes. I just need to text Finn and we can go. So what we doing?"

"We are still going to brunch at a caf� in town." Kurt had not been in Blaine's car yet though he recalled it being a small black car from the Lima Bean. Blaine opened the door for Kurt like a real date.

Kurt couldn't believe how plush the inside was and everything was state of the art down to the video display console. "What kind of car is this?"

"It's a Porsche Panamera."

"Oh.. I've never been in one before. We don't see a lot of these in Lima." Kurt's was touching the leather interior. "Uh..how much does one of these cost?"

"Does it matter?" Blaine didn't seem to be phased by any of this.

"No, but I was just wondering. My dad owns a mechanic shop in Lima."

"I thought he was a state senator."

"He is now. He used to work in his own auto shop before that." Kurt was proud of his dad. "He's a real down to earth guy. He raised me by himself. My mom died when I was 8. He married Carole, Finn's mom, last year."

"You sound like you are really close to him."

"I am. I love him because he raised me and he never made me feel bad to be who I was."

"I want to meet him someday." Kurt didn't respond. Blaine just let it sit out there.

"Here we are." Blaine decided on a day of fun things. Kurt had been at a place just the week before that he wanted to be beat up. He was going to make sure Kurt had the best day of his life today, with Blaine.

The caf� was small and Blaine requested a secluded table. They ordered and while waiting Kurt finally gathered up the courage to respond. "I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier."

"To what?"

"To your statement about meeting my dad."

"Oh. That's okay. I didn't want to push it. It's okay if you don't want him to meet me."

"No. I want you to meet him. I guess if we might be dating, it would be proper, right?"

"Yes. If we were dating." The food was brought to the table. Blaine whispered to Kurt. "You know what I want. I'm content to patiently wait for you to come round to what I already know."

"That's pretty bold of you Mr. Anderson."

"I know what you're feeling Kurt because I'm feeling the same thing. I'm just waiting for you to come to the same understanding and accept it." Kurt just smiled.

Brunch continued and they talked about colleges that they either applied to, or were planning to apply to before the deadlines hit. Blaine wanted to go to NYU for film production and surprisingly Kurt, was looking at NYU for acting, but also UCLA. By the end of brunch, Kurt was happy and really enjoying their time together. Blaine wasn't kidding when he said he would treat this as if they were a couple. Blaine was constantly holding Kurt's hand or squeezing his knee and rubbing circles on his thigh. He did all this with that familiar sparkle in his honey eyes. Kurt couldn't help but blush to his touch. Kurt felt like part of a couple.

Blaine paid for lunch and was ready for the next part of the daylong date. "Okay, we're here."

"Where exactly is here?" Kurt looked around seeing a pet store and a Bed, Bath and Beyond.

"Laser tag." Blaine shook his head like Kurt didn't notice the obvious.

"I don't know."

"Trust me, you'll love it."

Blaine dragged him into the building, paid for the two of them to do 3 missions and they got their laser pack on. "So I just shoot with this? This seems kind of violent B."

"This coming from the guy that is desperate to fight every weekend."

"And I still haven't been able to fight a real fight. AND you still want to keep me from fighting."

"I'll make a deal with you. If you beat me in there, I will let you fight next week, if I win, you have to give up this notion about fighting."

"That doesn't seem fair"

Blaine gave him a knowing look. "Take it or leave it."


They entered the laser city and it started. Kurt was laughing so hard because there were smaller kids that were really good at this. He and Blaine were split into opposing teams as were the other people in the dark with them. He was having so much fun until at one point, Kurt looked up and thought he saw Sebastian on one of the platforms above. He was shooting and looking down at Kurt. It was impossible to tell because it was pitch black except for the black light. When Kurt looked up again, the person was gone, but it was enough to scare Kurt who was now looking in every corner and window, paying closer attention to people around him.

Kurt was moving through the shadows trying to find Blaine. His heart was pounding remembering how Sebastian had managed to get him away from the crowd. If Blaine hadn't shown up, who knows what would have happened. Kurt looked across the room and saw a boy that was tall and lean like Sebastian. He was sure this time that it was him. Kurt began to panic. "Blaine! Blaine!"

Sebastian turned around and smiled at him. He made sure that Kurt saw him and made eye contact. Kurt's heart was racing at an unnatural pace. He was looking around everywhere for Blaine. Kurt felt like he was cornered and that Sebastian would take him out from somewhere in the dark. "Kurt! Gotcha!" Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt playfully only to receive a scared looked that turned into relief.

"B!" Kurt dropped his gun and fell into Blaine holding on tight. He had Blaine in a vice grip. Blaine didn't hesitate a bit and wrapped his arms tighter around Kurt immediately understanding that Kurt needed comfort. He held Kurt's head to his neck and felt moisture on his neck. Kurt was crying.

"Kurt.. Baby, what's wrong. Shh.. I'm here. Let's get out of here." Blaine kept his arms around Kurt and led him toward the exit ramp. When they were finally out. Kurt sat down and looked around the room. Sebastian was nowhere to be seen. Blaine took Kurt's face and held it in his palms. "Are you okay? What happened in there?"

"Sebastian." Blaine immediately felt anger at just the mention of his name. "H-he was there. At first I thought I was just seeing things, but then I saw him not more than ten feet away from me. He was in there."

"Hey. I'm here." Blaine took Kurt in his arms again and held him tightly. "What is with this guy? Come with me." Blaine led Kurt to the cashier. "Can I ask you if a tall guy with light brown hair was here?" They confirmed that there were a couple. "Can we see the list of people in our group?"

"It should come up on the screen in a minute. But I did notice a guy leave before you guys came out of there."

They went to the screen and read the list. One name with only 2 hits caught their eye. "Basstian." Kurt read aloud.

"That asshole. He's following us."

"Can we leave? I'm sorry you spent all that money." Kurt looked hopeful that Blaine wouldn't care and he didn't.

"I don't care about the money. I care about keeping you safe. Let's go back to my house. It'll be safe there. We have an alarm system. We can cuddle and watch movies. Call Finn and let him know what's happening. Do you think you should call your dad?"

"Not yet. I don't want him to worry." Kurt smiled a little and let Blaine lead him back to the car where there was a note under the windshield wiper. Kurt opened it up. "It's from him." Kurt was scared and you could see the fear in his face. "What did I do to deserve this. I don't understand why he won't leave me alone."

"Let me see it." Blaine was turning red and he became angry as he read the words on the paper. "Before we go to my house, we need to make two stops. The Police Station and Dalton. We need to call Puck and Samuel too." Blaine was seething and his fists were clenched.

"I'm so sorry to be trouble Blaine. If you want me to….." Blaine turned to Kurt and took both his hands in his.

"Don't .. Don't say it. Please don't let this change how the rest of our day goes. I know that's a lot to ask, but us staying home in the safety of the Anderson compound is a good thing. WE will enjoy every minute of it."

Tears welled in Kurt's beautiful blue pools and spilled over slowly. "I feel like."

"Like this crazy lunatic is going get what's coming to him?" Blaine squeezed Kurt's hands tightly. "He's not going to stalk us and get away with anything. If I have to, I won't ever leave your side."

"Blaine, you couldn't skip school or anything. I'll have to call my dad."

Blaine sighed because he sensed that it would become a problem for them to see each other if his dad got security for him. "Okay.. but let's see what we can accomplish before you worry him."

End Notes: Reviews? I hope you like it.. It's getting going..


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Awww.. I do too! It will get better I promise!