DA Fight Club
Chapter 25 - Take Me in Your Arms Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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DA Fight Club: Chapter 25 - Take Me in Your Arms

E - Words: 2,908 - Last Updated: Aug 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 15, 2012 - Updated: Aug 12, 2012
433 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: ----I forgot to post this a few nights ago--A/N: I know this is shorter than most chapters, but I couldn't find it in me to write more right now. After watching 4x04, I was too sad to think. I think I'll spend the rest of the night reading happy Klaine stories.Really close to done now. Yay for my Forever Love readers.. This means I'll get back to it.Disclaimer: I wish I owned the characters because things would always end up perfect for them.


Chapter 25 - Take Me In Your Arms

"I wondered when Kurt's knight in shining armor would come to save him." Sebastian smirked. "Oh and he brought daddy too. How nice, he brought daddy to watch him save his whore of a son."

Burt's face burned with anger at how this crazy kid was talking about his son, his precious Kurt. "Don't you call him that. I swear I'll-"

"You'll what?" Sebastian waited as Burt weighed the options available right now. "I thought so." Turning back to Blaine, "So here to rescue your little nymph yet again, Blaine."

Blaine softened because this was heading down the wrong path. "Sebastian. We just want to help. You need help. This is not going to help your situation at all." He hoped reasoning would help. "Kurt looks okay, you don't need to do this."

"I know Kurt likes this." His hand wandered to Kurt's thigh running his hand up toward Kurt's crotch.

"Please stop." Burt begged.

"Oh but surely you know that your son isn't as innocent as you like to pretend he is." Sebastian's mask of smugness covered his face. He knew how to get to people. That was is specialty. "He's been screwing boy wonder over there. Probably right under your nose."

"Shut the fuck up Sebastian. I love Kurt. There's a difference. I didn't take him like you did." Blaine needed to hear that Kurt was alright so he cocked his head to the side trying to make eye contact. "Kurt? Are you alright?" It was then that Blaine really took a second to see the condition of the room, but more so, the condition that Kurt was in. He gasped at what met his eyes. His face fell at the sight of Kurt, bare chested and pants clearly breached. Blaine was too late. His heart sunk.

"I-I'm fine. He's got a gu-." Kurt's voice was cut off. Sebastian was too quick with his hands, but it wasn't a gun that met Burt and Blaine. It was the shiny hunting knife that he admired. It wasn't even the knife, it was the fact that Sebastian was sitting near Kurt's head with the blade resting gently against his adam's apple. His face was so close to Kurt's. His lips mere inches from Kurt's cheek and ear.

"Sebastian! Don't do anything stupid." Burt yelled out in desperation. "I'm here and I have a lot of power to get you where you want to go. Just name it. I'll do anything for my son."

"I'm quite comfortable. Thank you Representative Hummel. By the way, I admire all you're doing in Congress right now. My rights and Kurt's and even boy wonder deserve rights like everyone else. I feel like I've put my freedom in your hands."

Burt tried to remain calm. "Why don't you put the knife down?" Burt held his hands up as he slowly laid the flashlight on the ground next to him. "We can talk. Okay? I can help you."

"Help me right to jail." Sebastian humphed.

"Sebastian, you clearly care about Kurt. Everyone can see that." Blaine started to try a different approach. He tried to identify with Sebastian.

"Shut the fuck up. You talk and all I can see if you pompous attitude. You never even gave me a chance against you." Sebastian almost looked like he was sad, but that was fleeting as the mask of smugness descended back into place. "I'm going to prove to all of you that I can make him happy. You don't know anything, Blaine. You're a fucking boy scout. You have no idea how a real man should act." Sebastian's hand wandered toward the pillow reaching under as he pulled out the gun that was carefully moved to that spot in case they got interrupted while making love.

Both Burt and Blaine took a gasping breath in. Blaine heart was pounding in his chest. "Y-y-you d-don't need that Sebastian."

"Apparently I do."

Sebastian placed the knife in a holster on his ankle while the gun found a new home in his left hand pointing it at Blaine and Burt. It gave him little more freedom to touch and torture all at once. "His chest is smooth. I'll bet he moisturizes every night." Tears were streaming down Kurt's face as he could feel Sebastian moving his hand up and down his chest inching closer and closer toward his crotch and his very limp and scared cock.

"S-sebastian. I'll do anything you want. Just let them go. Let my dad and Blaine go. I p-promise, I'll do anything."

Sebastian giggled. "We'll see." His hand moved into Kurt's pants as he scooted down closer so that he could still effectively hold the gun and look at the two men he was completely tormenting. Sebastian rested his chin on Kurt's belly so he could see Blaine and Burt clearly.

Blaine closed his eyes as he saw Sebastian's hand dip into Kurt's pants. His breath caught in his throat and the tears were beating at his eyelids just begging to be released. Blaine didn't want Sebastian knowing that it hurt him. It would just give him more fuel. "S-sebastian! Please don't do this." Blaine didn't even realize it was him that was talking. His voice was shaky.

Sebastian's hand was moving, probably stroking Kurt trying to elicit a response at this moment. He smiled Blaine's way and glanced to see Burt's reaction. "This is so much fun, huh Kurt?" Kurt just nodded. He was frightened for his father and Blaine's lives right now and would do anything to ensure their safety. Kurt continued to cry with the realization that Sebastian was making his boyfriend and father watch him get raped. "I can't hear you!" Sebastian sat up and waved the gun around. "You want me to hurt someone?"

"No.... Please don't. Don't hurt them." I love them. Kurt was sobbing from the realization that not everyone would live through this. Blaine and Burt were stuck with a gun pointing at them and he was tied to a bed. He would gladly die knowing that his dad and Blaine were okay. Blaine? Yes, Kurt decided, he would die for Blaine too. He knew in his heart that he loved Blaine and not just any love. He knew it was a deep love that spanned time and space. It just wasn't meant to be this time.

"Are you enjoying this Kurt?" Sebastian looked really serious right now and Kurt feared him. Sebastian was unstable and everything tonight had shown it.

"Y-yes," he murmured softly as if he felt like he was cheating on Blaine. He didn't like it. He felt like he's let his dad and Blaine down. He was cheap, he was used. He should enjoy this because he's trash now. It'll be the last thing he has and then Blaine can move on to find someone better than him. He was the lowest he'd ever felt.

"Why don't you just sit down for a second so we can talk Sebastian. I've not had the time to actually meet you. You seem to be very passionate and you seem to really like my son." Burt would do anything to keep Sebastian from touching Kurt any longer. It pained him to no end. The only sign Burt showed were his white knuckles from his fists clenched at his sides.

"Save it. I'm going to do this and you're going to stand there and watch. You and the snotty prep boy will watch me. You know who's in charge." He became colder and his face hardened at the patronizing he felt he was receiving from Burt.

"Sebastian, have you taken any pills?" Burt would be willing to try anything at this point.

"With all due respect, fuck you!" Blaine and Burt jumped at the sound of Sebastian yelling at them.

Blaine reached into his pocket trying to get his speed dial to work. He knew he could speed dial his dad. He hoped it was the right one. Sebastian had turned to Kurt for a moment and Burt must have thought the same thing. Maybe they could jump him. He saw Burt's weight shift a little as he tried to quickly look down and hit send. Blaine wanted to get him talking. "So this place Sebastian. It must have been some place you loved. Did you come here a lot?"

Sebastian was confused at the change from wanting to stop him to asking about the building. "What do you care?"

"Well, Indian Lake is a place where local people go for mini getaways. Most people own the places up here. I've been here before and I really have some good memories."

"Like you really care."

"I do care Sebastian. I care because I know you must have fond memories here to bring Kurt here to see it. I looks like this was beautiful at one time."

Sebastian seemed to cave in just a little bit. "It was. It was my aunt's place. I used to play here all summer. She died a few years ago from cancer." He seemed to fade out a little and then shook his head. "Quit messing with me!" Sebastian was starting to look a little distressed.

Blaine held his hands up shaking them trying to calm him down. He was waving the gun in their direction. "No, no, no, no. Sebastian, calm down. I just wanted to know how you were feeling. I know what it's like to be alone. I'm always alone."


"My parents ship me off to boarding school because they're never around. I love them and they love me, but it's lonely. This was a way to have people around me and I know that's why they did it. What I'm trying to say is that they loved me."

"I don't give a shit. You have no idea what my life's like."

"I can guess."

Sebastian was amused now. "Fine, give it your best shot, champ."

"You're parents are divorced and your dad is far enough away that you don't see him. I guess you came here a lot when your parents first got divorced and your aunt took care of you. She was nice, wasn't she? She took care of you and made you feel loved and carefree."

Sebastian's hand started to shake at the memory. "Yes." His hand with the gun was quivering.

Blaine knew he had somehow broken into Sebastian's guarded memories. It was this place. This was where he felt like home. That's why he brought Kurt here. His best memories were at this place. "She loved this place. It must have been like home. You brought Kurt here because it was special for you and you wanted it to be special for him."

Sebastian blinked his eyes repeatedly and Blaine felt like there might be time to get to him. He looked at Kurt who still had tears in his eye, but seemed to understand what was happening. Blaine, amazing Blaine, was going to save him not with his fists and fighting. He was going to save him with his heart and caring. "I did. I wanted it to be special. This place. I was happiest here." Sebastian looked around the room. "My family let it get like this. It was so pretty before."

Burt started to take a step forward, but Blaine put his hand on Burt's arm signaling for him to stay put. It wasn't time. That gun was still dangerous and so was the knife tucked away at his ankle. "It can be pretty someday again, but you need to get help. You need help Sebastian."

The gun came down to his lap. "Yes." That was all that came out. He admitted to needing help. He admitted that he took drugs.

"Burt and I will help you. You can't keep living like this." Blaine took a few steps toward Sebastian. Burt placed a hand on his shoulder to make sure he was careful. "We'll help you make this place what it used to be. You'll be able to love it again."

Sebastian was crumbling, but hadn't yet shed a tear. He could never be happy again. Kurt could've made him happy, maybe. As Blaine neared Sebastion, the voices in his head were fighting over what to do. Shoot Blaine, give up, shoot Blaine, give up. Blaine was almost upon him now. "No one can help me. Especially you." Sebastian raised the gun to Blaine, who was now a mere 2 feet from him.

"Blaaaaiinnne!" Kurt screamed. "Dooonnn't."

There were only a few seconds to make a decision. Blaine was wrong about Sebastian. He thought that he could get through to him. He thought he would find a heart beneath all the evilness. After all, Sebastian was only a kid like them. They had so much life ahead of them. He saw the smug look return to Sebastian's face, but he was too close to get away.

Blaine heard the gun shot and fell to the floor. Kurt was screaming in the distance. Burt was right next to him. He was breathing heavy and was unclear of the events that just happened, so he just sat there waiting for it to come back to his memory or waiting for someone to tell him what happened.

"Blaine, son, are you okay?" Burt was the first to come into his vision.

Blaine looked dazed and then down at his body. "Yeah. I think so. What happened?"

"Blaine, you charged at him, but as he was going to shoot, Jim came in and shot him in the shoulder. You're okay, just caught the side of your arm. Sit still for a moment. The ambulance is on the way."

Blaine tried to stand up but stumbled a little. "No. Fine. Kurt. I need to see him." The police were just releasing him from his bondage as Blaine took the few steps to the side of the bed. "Kurt."

Kurt was crying. "You're okay. You idiot. Don't scare me like that."

"I don't care about me. How are you?" Blaine reached out to touch Kurt and he flinched a little at his initial touch until he sat still. He was safe now.

Kurt shied a bit but nodded, "I-I'm going to be okay."

Blaine looked at the policeman. "Can I do the last one here?"

"Sure," the man shrugged.

Blaine looked at the tool they were using and it was a knife similar to the one that Sebastian had been using. Do you think I can use scissors or something else. He didn't want Kurt identifying him with a knife in any way. If he was going to help Kurt heal, he would need to make sure to be gentle and patient. Blaine could do that. He'd waited to find someone like Kurt and now he had him and didn't want to mess anything up with him.

The police gave him a look and Burt yelled to Jim. "Jim! Scissors - now!"

The best they could come up with was a swiss army knife set that had scissors, but Blaine accepted them happily. He cut the last of the ropes tying Kurt to the bed as a gurney was being rolled in. "Don't move." Blaine went over to Burt and the emergency people. "Please let me transfer him to the gurney. I need to know that he will let me touch him."

Burt nodded with a big sigh because he saw the apprehension in Blaine's eyes. "Sure Blaine." Blaine started to turn, but Burt stopped him, "If it doesn't work, you give it time. He's in love with you. He'll let you in."

Blaine tearily nodded knowing that it could go either way. He was responsible for some of this happening in the first place. If he never started the fight club, Kurt would never have come to fight that night. Maybe if he hadn't beaten Sebastian up, he wouldn't have been eager to continue to come back for Kurt.

Blaine's shoulder heaved at the weight on his shoulders in this moment. This would be telling. He leaned over to Kurt and said very quietly, "I'm going to lift you up and put you on the gurney okay?"

Kurt looked okay with it so Blaine didn't hesitate. At first, Kurt refused to put his arms around Blaine's neck, but then he felt the warmth and sureness of Blaine's arms lifting him, holding him, cradling him and he clutched to Blaine's shirt only now noticing that Blaine had been bleeding on his arm. He buried his face in Blaine's shirt and smelled him. This was right. This was where he belonged, not with Sebastian in this dark, musty and dirty hotel room. He belonged with Blaine who smelled perfect and smelled like home. He nuzzled into Blaine shirt until he had to let go when he was lain on the gurney.

As they rode together in the ambulance, Blaine felt like he won the best prize. Kurt let him hold his hand, Kurt looked at him like he still loved him and Kurt let him kiss him on the cheek. He still had to ask, "Are you okay, Kurt?" Blaine paused thinking about what he just asked Kurt. Of course, he's not okay. He was just raped and tied up for about seven hours, held against his will. He can't be okay. "Sorry. That was stupid of me to ask that question."

"Blaine. It's okay to ask it. I don't think I'm okay yet. He hurt me. He touched me when I asked him not to and held me against my will. I don't know if I will ever really be okay. You, Blaine. You make everything just a little bit better and I love you."

"I love you too." The started each other until they came to a stop.


End Notes: Reviews? Next chapter will be up before the end of the weekend... Expect good Klaine moments


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Thank you!! I've enjoyed writing this for you and everyone of my followers.. Love you all!