DA Fight Club
Chapter 23 - Like a Nightmare Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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DA Fight Club: Chapter 23 - Like a Nightmare

E - Words: 3,589 - Last Updated: Aug 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 15, 2012 - Updated: Aug 12, 2012
461 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: I know.. I told you I was trying to get back to the writing! I'm trying to finish this one up. I'll be working on Forever love mostly after this is done, but now I have a new idea for a story that I will probably start to post before Forever Love is over.Warning: Talk of RapeI don't own any of the characters just the story.


Chapter 23 - Like a Nightmare

Kurt gripped the sink with both hands and lowered his head. In the most calm voice he could muster, "Why can't you just leave me alone Sebastian?" Kurt needed to remain calm if he was going to get away. It's not an easy task when someone is on the edge, obsessed and running from the law. "I'm sure you're a very nice person, but I'm with someone right now and I want to be able to see where it leads me."

"But, you weren't very polite to me, Kurt. You didn't give me a chance." Sebastian seemed normal. His eyes were a little hazy, but other than that small detail, he seemed normal and a little shaky. Well, normal based on his experience with Sebastian.

Kurt was sweating. He was afraid to turn around and face the reality that was right in front of him. Sebastian was there in the men's bathroom. The confined space was a typical bathroom for a small and nice coffee house. The block glass in the window were deceiving and security probably didn't realize it wasn't real glass block, but some kind of window that could be opened. It was clear to Kurt that Sebastian made his way in through there. The sun had set in Ohio. It was almost winter and it was normal for the sun to set early in Ohio.

"Aren't you going to turn around and look at me, Kurt?"

Kurt reluctantly turned. The gun in his hand was real. It had to be real. It didn't look like any play gun that Kurt had ever seen. "Sebastian, you don't need that." Kurt hoped that he could get Sebastian to put the gun away or get rid of it. He needed to keep Sebastian here long enough for someone to think he was taking too long.

"I would, but I think I need it to keep you moving faster. So, let's go Kurt." Sebastian motioned toward the window with the gun. "We need to move before someone gets suspicious. Let's go."

"Please. Let's just talk Sebastian." Kurt begged. He was trying not to sound desperate, but he was truly scared now.

Sebastian got really close. He was in Kurt's space, noses almost touching. "I'm not going to ask you again Kurt. You have two choices. You go with me now, or I shoot the first person to come through that door and then I shoot you. It won't end good. Either way you and I die today. Or, you can go with me willingly and we can work out a deal."

Kurt was shaking in fear and a few tears fell. "O-okay. Just don't kill anyone Sebastian. That's not who you are."

Sebastian seemed to anger at the statement. "You don't know anything about me. You live a charmed life compared to me. Now go! And be quiet."

Sebastian had a car parked in a spot right outside the back window. "He hit Kurt over the head with the gun. Kurt fell to the floor of the car." Sebastian got in and drove slowly, not wanting to draw any attention to his vehicle. The security and police would never suspect this vehicle. It was you run of the mill car. There were thousands of black Camry's on the road and this one wasn't stolen. This was his dad's friends car that he borrowed for a while.

Blaine glanced at the clock on the wall. Kurt had left for the bathroom almost 15 minutes ago. The security guards were still at their posts trying to play customer. They were situated on either entrance. Blaine knew there was a car outside keeping surveillance. When 5 more minutes passed, Blaine started to get nervous. He walked to the head security guy, Jim. "Kurt went to the bathroom about 20 minutes ago. Something's wrong." Blaine was nervous. It showed.

They headed toward the door to the bathroom and it seemed that all of a sudden all the security guys were right there. "Kurt are you okay?" Blaine was being held back away from the door while their security detail handled it.

"Something's wrong. I feel it! You need to go in!"

Over the headset, Blaine could hear, "The window's open. You need to go in now!"

They barreled the door down and chaos broke out in the Lima Bean. Blaine knew it was too late. He didn't see or hear anything and Kurt would have been going nuts if someone broke the door down. "He can't be far!"

Blaine slumped down wrapping his arms around his waist. "Someone needs to call Burt."

"We'll handle this."

"Like you handled Kurt! You were supposed to keep us safe!" Blaine was angry and ranting. "How could this have happened? Where's his cell phone!"

"We're trying to track it." All the security men were on their phones talking to someone different.

Blaine heard someone say they found Kurt's phone in the trash. It was all a blur. "Blaine, we're taking you to the Hummel residence right now." He was being dragged from the building, but he was completely lost and out of it. All he could think about at this moment was Kurt. Kurt alone with Sebastian. Kurt screaming for help. How did Sebastian get the two of them away with no one seeing or hearing them? When Blaine came back to reality, he realized how dark it was outside. It was almost winter and that brought nighttime a lot sooner.


"Burt! He's gone. He went to the bathroom and not he's gone! We have to find him Burt. I need to find him. I'm going to go looking for him, Burt. I need to go. I'm going to look..." Blaine was frantic and lost and he looked so broken.

Burt felt like he was ready to break down, but he couldn't. Not in front of Blaine. Right now Blaine needed him to be strong. He held Blaine by his shoulders and forced him to look hin in the eyes and calm down. "Blaine! Listen to me. You can't go looking for him. We'll find him, son. I promise we'll find him." Burt was angry but also working swiftly under the pressure of his son being held captive somewhere.

Blaine was shoved in the back seat of some dark sedan and it wasn't until it was completely quiet on the ride back that he broke down. He cried quietly thinking about Kurt and how scared he must be. He didn't even have a phone. No ties to the outside world. Kurt had that dream. What if it wasn't just a dream. What if it was a premonition. Blaine never believed in things like that, but he had to do something.

"Hey.. Ummm. I'm sorry, I never met you, so I don't know your name."

"Will, sir."

"Have them check old hotels or old houses. Kurt had a nightmare last night that he was in a dirty bed. He said he was tied to a four poster bed by Sebastian and that the place looked old rundown and dirty."

"I'll call it in, but that's not much to go on sir."

What could Blaine do to help?

"I don't want to hurt you Kurt, but I don't trust you to not run away so I'm sorry that I have to tie you up. This bed used to be the best in the house. This hotel used to be one of the nicest around until everything got bigger and went to chain hotels. We'll be safe here." Sebastian turned to walk away.

"Where are you going."

"I'll be back. Don't worry, no one will bother us here."

"B-but where is here?" Kurt cried tears staining his alabaster skin.

Sebastian looked at him with pity. He strode back to Kurt's side. "Don't cry." He brushed Kurt's hair back with his fingers. "I promise that everything will be just fine once we get used to each other. Okay Love?"

Kurt cringed at Sebastian's touch and turned his head away. He wanted to throw up when Sebastian called him Love. Sebastian knew nothing about love. Nothing. The room was dark and dirty. Only one light shone at what looked like a desk. It was definitely some type of nasty run down hotel room, but where? Where had Sebastian taken him? They could be anywhere. Kurt had no idea how long he'd been out. His head was aching from being hit. "My head hurts."

Sebastian gently lifted Kurt's head and looked at the bump near the back. "It's just a bump, but I'll get you some medicine to make you feel better."

"NO!" Kurt was afraid of anything that Sebastian might give him. Maybe he would end up like Sebastian and he didn't want to. He would rather feel the pain. He suddenly wished he'd never said anything. "It's not that bad."

"But, I don't want you to suffer any pain when I can help you. Do you want me to help you, Kurt? I want to be there for you always."

Kurt looked at Sebastian and wondered what he was thinking. What could he be on? How can he think that he would want Sebastian around. Clearly on the edge, Kurt decided that agreeing would be the best course of action. If he could get Sebastian to trust him, maybe he could get loose and escape from wherever he was. "I'll be fine."

"Suit yourself. Why don't you get some rest? I'll be back in a while." Kurt watched as he left. The single small lamp was his only light.

"I PAID YOU TO KEEP MY SON SAFE!" After Blaine was safely gone to the house, Burt went ballistic on the security personnel. "I am amazed that you can call yourself security guards. These are teenage boys. Too tough for you?" Just then the head of security made his way to Burt. He placed a calm hand on Burt's shoulder.

"Burt. I'm sorry. I had a rookie outside. I had no idea how much he wasn't trained in as far as outside surveillance."

"Jim, we've been together a while now. You've completely let me down. How do you plan on saving my boy?" Burt was on the edge and knew he needed to keep his calm if he was going to get his son back.

"There were camera's and we're getting the images electronically now. We found the general timeframe that he was taken by the phone movement. It's only been a little over an hour, but we're sure he's in state because we set the amber alert within 25 minutes of his disappearance and you can't get out of the state in 25 minutes. He's got to be close. We also put an alert across the State. If he stops for gas or gets a room, we should hear something."

"What if he doesn't get a room?" Burt almost wanted to cry at the thought that Kurt might be dead now. He had to believe he was alive or there would be no way to make it through. "What if he holed up somewhere else?"

"We're doing the best we can."

"You need to do better." Burt knew he was hard on them. No one was perfect, but this was their job. This was his son. Burt hung his head. There was nothing more he could do but wait. The TV stations were there. They had gotten there 15 minutes prior and he avoided them. He didn't want anyone to see him. His aide was in transit to assist him, but wouldn't get here for a few hours, so it was up to Burt to make a statement. He pulled out his phone to call Carole and then his aide. "Carole honey. How's Blaine?" His other son. So he felt like it now. Blaine would be his tie to Kurt or Kurt's memory if he had to deal with it.

Blaine was in a daze at the Hummel's. His phone was ringing but he didn't hear it. "Blaine, Sweetheart. Your phone." Carole looked at a completely broken Blaine. She crossed the room to him and answered Blaine's phone. "Blaine Anderson's phone, Carole Hummel speaking."

Blaine's parents were notified as soon as his aide had heard. It was the small things that he could take off of Burt's shoulders. "How is he Carole? We heard about Kurt. Burt's aide.. I forget his name.. called us."

"He's shaken up Jonathan. He was with Kurt and he was the first to suspect anything."

"We'll be home in about 4 hours. Tell him we'll be there. Please let him know that we are so worried about him."

"Blaine, would you like to talk to your dad?" Carole offered.

Blaine took the phone. "Dad?" Blaine cried. He didn't even know what to say, so he just cried into the phone. "Why can't he just leave us alone?" Blaine sounded so young in this moment. He was like a five year old begging for his bully to leave.

"I don't know son, but we'll be there as soon as we can. We're finished with the case and we're coming home. We love you Blaine. You're mom wants to be there with you right now."

"I love you to dad. Bye." It was such a strange exchange, but Carole was just glad Blaine spoke.

Carole pulled Blaine into her arms and they cried together. "We have to have hope Blaine."

"I keep picturing Kurt alone and.. I can't save him.. Because I don't know where he is." Blaine sighed into Carole's neck. "What if?"

"Blaine don't say it. We'll find him."

"I think Kurt is my soul mate Carole. I love him. I love him so much I can't breathe sometimes. I know it probably sounds childish, but I feel like a completely different person when we are together. I feel.. whole."

Kurt didn't have the strength to pull on the restraints any longer. Sebastian knew how to tie knots for sure. Kurt was scared, but now he was hungry and tired and a little angry at the same time. He knew there would be rope burns on his wrists and ankles. He had been pulling on the restraints for hours hoping to loosen them. All he accomplished was hurting himself. The door creaked open. "Hello Love."

"H-hi." Kurt tried to remain calm and treat Sebastian like he was normal and not some crazy drugged out person.

Sebastian came to inspect him. "Oh.. This is bad Kurt. You've been bad. You've been pulling on the ropes. Now you have rope burns on your wrists and ankles."

"I-It's just uncomfortable Sebastian. I can't get comfortable." Kurt tried to put on the sweetness if he was going to have a chance at getting through to a person inside Sebastian's head. "Maybe if you could just let my legs loose or my arms, or give me a little more slack."

"I don't think I can do that Kurt. I promise to make you feel good later."

Kurt's fear was true. Sebastian was so conversational while standing there talking about raping him. "I'm fine, really."

"I know, but I can make you feel better. I'm sure of it. I'm sure Blaine couldn't do for you what I could." Sebastian's demeanor changed a bit. He was getting mad. Saying Blaine's name seemed to get him angry. "He knows nothing about love and I know that I can make you happy."

"Y-yes. I'm sure you can." Kurt had tears slowly drip from his eyes. "I know you're a good person, Sebastian."

"Don't patronize me Kurt!" Sebastian screamed at him. "I know what you're trying to do. You are never leaving me. You're never getting away." Kurt was extremely frightened in the change in demeanor. Then he softened again. "You must be hungry. It's really late. You should eat before we get acquainted. I'll get you something to eat."

Kurt cried out a sob, but managed to say, "Thank you."

"We've got them on camera. This is the car and here.. Look.. Sebastian knocked Kurt out and threw his phone in the dumpster where we found it."

"Can't you get a license plate, Jim?" Burt was starting to feel hope. "It's been 4 hours. The longer it takes to find him the less likely we'll find him alive. It's eleven o'clock." Burt was losing hope."

"We got a license plate when the kid drove off." One of the other security guys came to advise. "It belongs to a female relative of the dad."

"So, how does that help us?'

"They still have family scattered between here and Columbus. The dads family was from Dublin. It's possible he borrowed it while she was here. We're getting information on their family now."

"GET THE INFORMATION STAN! We need it now. Not in an hour."

Stan walked off on his phone. "Yes Sir!"

"Jim, you need to do what you do best. Just calm down. Sorry I lost my cool with you, but it's my only son. You've got to understand that he's my life." Burt bowed his head down. "I think he's Blaine's life too."

"Why don't you get home. I'll call you as soon as I have more information. We're going to find him and he's going to be alright."

Burt nodded and walked out the door to a barrage of reporters yelling out questions. 'Representative Hummel, do you know where your son is?', 'Do you know who took him?', 'How are you holding up?', 'Is it true he was under survellience?', 'where is his boyfriend, Blaine Anderson?. "I'm sorry folks. This is a very difficult time for me and my family. I have a lot of people helping me to find my son. Now, if you'll let me get back to my family. They need me and these people need time to find my son." He waved and got into the waiting car.

Blaine sat at the window looking at the news vans that had gathered outside the Hummel residence. He whispered, "If you can hear me Kurt, I love you. I'll always love you." A tear slid down his cheek.

Burt walked in and Blaine ran up to him fearing the worst news. Burt hugged him tightly. "We know who owns the car and we have a license plate, make and model."

"I-is he still a-alive?"

"Honestly? We have no idea, but I hope so. I hope he knows that we're looking for him and that we love him." Blaine only nodded and the tears returned as Burt pulled him into his chest gently rocking him and then broke down himself.

"W-who owns the car?"

"A relative of his dad's. We're hoping it's a lead we can follow." Burt took off his tie. "We should get some rest, Blaine."

"There's no way I can even sleep." Blaine still made his way toward Kurt's room. "But, I'm going to go get my computer and try to do some homework to get my mind off of it a little." Before he headed down the stairs. "Burt, if we ever find him, I'm going to marry him. I never want to be without him again."

"I know kid." Burt tried to smile, but it was so unfair that Kurt had found Blaine and a crazy kid found Kurt. Kurt deserved the happiness for once in his life.

"I figured you would want a salad."

"I'm not hungry."

"You need to eat Kurt. I want you to have strength for me tonight." Sebastian smiled smugly.

"I don't care." Kurt was non responsive to Sebastian. "You can do what you want to me. I'll never be yours. I'll always belong to Blaine."

"DON'T SPEAK OF HIM IN FRONT OF ME." Kurt's heart started to pound.


"Now, we are going to eat. I'm going to unhook you from the bed, but your wrists will still be tied together. I will feed you your salad."

Kurt just nodded his agreement because he still feared Sebastian's mind. He was unpredictable and the gun was on the dresser where he laid it when he came back in the room. Just as Sebastian promise, he untied his arms from the posts and tied them behind his back. Kurt was happy to be able to have his arms in a different position. They were somewhat numb. Sebastian made him sit with his legs still tied to the posts on the bed.

Sebastian fed Kurt in silence and Kurt tried to draw out the mealtime. He knew when the meal was done, Sebastian would take advantage of him and he knew it would be difficult to bear it. With every bite he tried to take in his surroundings in the dim dingy light. If he ever got free or lived to tell, he wanted to make sure the authorities could find Sebastian, or at least trace him from here. There wasn't much to go on though. The window was completely covered up and there were no signs to what hotel this used to be. Kurt was starting to feel hopeless.

"Had enough?"

"More to drink please."

"You're just stalling. I don't like that Kurt. You'll have to get used to me. We're going to be together tonight. I promise to be good for you."

Sebastian took his hands and now, Kurt tried to fight him. It was futile because his feet were still tied to the posts. The tears came back as he knew he lost the battle and Sebastian was securing his wrists back to the posts. Kurt cried for himself and cried for his future and for Blaine and his dad. He cried because this would change everything.

"Please don't Sebastian. I'm begging you not to do anything to me. Please, let me go and I won't tell anyone. I'll make up a story any story. Just please." Kurt sobbed.

Sebastian brought a hand to Kurt's cheek wiping away the tears only to have new tears replace them. Then he reached into the drawer at the side of the bed. A flash of something silver caught the light. A knife!


End Notes: Reviews! It's so close now. I think one more chapter then Epilogue.


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