Aug. 12, 2012, 11:26 a.m.
Aug. 12, 2012, 11:26 a.m.
Chapter 22 - If you only knew
"Oh my God." Kurt whispered in Blaine's ear. "How have we even gone the few days that we have without touching."
"Sh. Kurt, we need to be quiet. I promised your dad." Blaine moved away from Kurt wanting to cool off and hopefully regain some control over himself. Kurt was going to be the death of him. He was sure of that, but he wanted Kurt just as much and his resolve was at the end of its' rope. They were used to being able to do whatever they wanted when Burt was in Washington.
Kurt rolled on top of him and pressed his hips to Blaine's. Blaine moaned softly feeling Kurt's erection press against his own beneath the thin fabric of his boxers. Blaine knew that they were only millimeters away from their bare cocks rubbing together as he held his breath to suppress the moan coaxed out by his boyfriends rutting of their hips. "Come on Blaine. My dad won't come down here. He'll be 2 floors up and won't hear us."
"The vents Kurt. He'll hear and then kick me out or have me killed or something." Blaine spoke breathily as Kurt refused to stop the torture of his hips. Blaine hand's roamed Kurt's bared chest that Kurt himself stripped of his shirt. "God, you feel so good... Uhhh. We should stop Kurt."
"Do you want me to stop?" Kurt pressed his hips down again.
Blaine moaned deep in his throat and whispered, "No." Kurt crooked his fingers under Blaine's waistband and pulled his boxers to his thighs so that he could cup Blaine's balls rolling them between his fingers. Blaine could barely keep his noises to a whisper. "Kurt.. God, I am so in love with you."
Kurt giggled because something told him that he had found his soul mate in Blaine. Everything about Blaine was intoxicating and nothing ever seemed to get old. It was actually getting more exciting the more time they spent together intimate or not. Kurt should have known it from the first time he saw Blaine. It was like an instant attachment. "I love you too, Blaine. I'm sorry for not letting you love me from the moment I saw you."
"Ungh.. It doesn't matter. We're together now." Blaine moaned as he felt Kurt's hand surround his throbbing cock. Kurt started to stroke him steadily. Blaine barely had the sense to pull at Kurt's boxers and release his cock, but managed it. Kurt was propped on one hand hovering over Blaine stroking him and Blaine soon found a rhythm matching Kurt's. "lie down next to me, Kurt. It'll be easier for both of us."
It took Kurt only seconds to lie next to Blaine as he continued to stroke. They were eye to eye, breathing in the same air. Kurt swallowed Blaine's moan with a kiss as he felt like they were moving toward the finish line together. Their eyes were trained on each other. They felt their breaths upon each other. Kurt whispered, "together, Blaine." Blaine could only nod because he was right there too.
Blaine moaned feeling his release hit him hard and pressed his forehead to Kurt's so that he could look into Kurt's eyes. What he found was Kurt's eyes trained on him with a similar moan as he felt the moisture on his hand. Kurt looked spent. It had been a long day. Kurt was about to say something but Blaine cut him off. "Sh.. Close your eyes. I'll clean us up." Blaine crossed the room to the bathroom and dampened a towel. He returned to find Kurt spread eagle on the bed and sleeping. He looked so tired and gorgeous. Blaine wiped Kurt down who, surprisingly, barely moved. Blaine threw the rag in the laundry and nestled into Kurt's side. In his sleep, Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine with a contented smile.
"Get off of me..." Kurt struggled to get free. He didn't know where he was but the room was dark and his hands and feet bound. He cried to himself. He was on a bed for who knows how long, bound to the four posters that he could make out in the dark.
An evil, yet familiar voice spoke to him from the side of the bed. "I could make you happy Kurt. You should trust me."
"How can I trust you when you keep me in the dark. I can't move. Please let me go. I love someone else."
"Why would I let you leave to go with someone else. Here, you would be mine for always." The nameless faceless person was taller and thinner but stronger. "I wouldn't hurt you, you know."
"You're already hurting me. My wrists hurt and my ankles hurt." Kurt couldn't help but cry. Where was Blaine?
"I'm sorry. It's necessary to keep you with me. You understand?"
"No. I don't understand."
"I love you Kurt and you're mine now."
"I belong to someone else! I'll always belong to someone else." Kurt's heart ached for Blaine. "Only Blaine...." Kurt whispered softly as he tried to picture Blaine with him. His dark curly hair and his olive skin rough around his jaw with stubble. He tried to remember the smell of Blaine's cologne. When he thought he had himself wrapped in the memories of Blaine, the voice would speak or laugh.
"You can belong to me, if you would just take a chance."
"I don't want to be with you. I would rather die." Finally the voice flipped a dim light on that cast the room in a dark orange light. The room was bare and dirty. When Kurt's eyes adjusted better, he could see patched holes in the walls, dirty carpets and just as dirty bedsheets under him. This was awful. Kurt pulled at his restraints yet again. He yelped from the pain until he realized that he could now see his captor. "Sebastian. Please let me go. Please..."
"Begging doesn't become you Kurt. You're too beautiful to beg." Sebastian had stepped to the bed and ran a finger down Kurt's cheek capturing a tear that was just released from his eye. Kurt was clad in only his boxers. Sebastian could touch him if he wanted to. "Let me make you feel good. They you'll know how good we could be together."
"No! Don't touch me! Please! Don't!" Kurt's eyes stung with the tears that failed to relent as Sebastian's hands continued to trace every dip and muscle on Kurt's body until he crooked his fingers under the elastic band. Kurt was crying and pulling at his restraints with all his might. He was sure his wrists and ankles were bleeding but he didn't care. He would rather die than live knowing that Sebastian had touched him where Blaine had and where he only wanted Blaine to touch him now.
"Shhh. Kurt. Don't worry. I'll take care of you, keep you safe." It was as if someone else besides Sebastian was there, but all Kurt could see was Sebastian and then his hands wrapped around his cock. "Such a pretty cock." Sebastian cooed and wrapped his hand around it starting to pump.
All Kurt could do was cry and beg for it to end.
Blaine was startled when he awoke to Kurt crying. "Kurt? Are you okay?"
Kurt was still asleep and he was crying loudly. He looked so pained that Blaine tried to talk to him. "Kurt, it's me Blaine. Kurt, please wake up." Blaine leaned over and turned on the lamp.
He mumbled, "My wrists hurt and my ankles hurt..."
"Shh. Kurt, wake up. Look at me." Blaine was getting desperate to waken Kurt, but he was scared that Kurt might get hurt or hurt him if he touched him. Kurt was obviously having a terrible nightmare and Blaine wanted nothing more than to bring him back to the reality of the two of them.
Kurt's face was scrunched up, "I belong to someone else.. only Blaine." He continue to mumble in his sleep. Blaine felt his heart ache at hearing Kurt, in his sleep, say he belonged to Blaine. Somehow, even in a nightmare it reaffirmed their relationship was real.
Blaine tenderly urged to awaken Kurt again. This time he touched his shoulder to see if he could waken him. Kurt flinched away, but Blaine knew it was part of the nightmare. He leaned in to talk directly into Kurt's ear. "Kurt, please wake up. You're scaring me. Please wake up."
He yelled loudly, "Sebastian, let me go!"
Blaine jumped at the scream. It was shrill and Kurt was afraid. He was very afraid and crying. Blaine heard the door at the top of the steps open. "Kurt?" It was Burt. "Blaine?" Burt was descending the steps swiftly and found Kurt thrashing on the bed with Blaine just staring at him. "What's going on?"
"He's having a nightmare. It's a bad one about Sebastian. I tried to wake him, but I'm afraid he might punch me." Burt just gave Blaine a funny look. Blaine shrugged. "He's strong."
They both trained back on Kurt when they heard him, "Please don't touch me!" Kurt was crumbling before their eyes.
Blaine had tears in his eyes. "I can't watch him suffer like this Burt. Has he had nightmares like this before, because I've never seen him like this."
"When he was little after his mom died, he would get them. He was just worried. Let's try to get him up.
"Let me." Blaine insisted. He wanted to learn how to help Kurt when something like this happened. He thought to next year, if they got to go to school together, he wanted to be able to protect Kurt and help him. He leaned in again with a little more firmness. Kurt was crying and obviously trying to hide. "Kurt, wake up. It's me."
Blaine shook him and Kurt finally shot up gasping for air, looking around. He was clearly startled. "Blaine!"
"Kurt. It's Blaine." Blaine held him by his arms just staring into his eyes to make sure he was really awake and aware.
Kurt melted into Blaine's arms and climbed into his lap. "Oh Blaine." Kurt sobbed loudly and Blaine just held him tight wrapping his arms firmly around Kurt and rocked him in his arms.
Burt watched as a bystander. His son seeked the arms of another man to soothe him after a bad dream. In many ways, Burt was happy that his son had someone, but sad because he was losing Kurt. It was happening, slowly but surely. He took the few steps toward the two boys and firmly put his hand on Kurt's back. "You okay Buddy?"
Kurt barely turned to look at Burt. "I'm good dad."
"You want to talk about it?"
"Not right now. In the morning." Kurt stayed enveloped in Blaine's arms. He never wanted to leave them. If he had a choice, Blaine and he would sleep together every night like a couple. He wanted that now, more than anything.
Burt left the two alone and as he ascended the stairs and as he reached the top he heard Kurt. "Thank you for holding me Blaine."
"Don't thank me, Kurt. I want to hold you like this forever."
Burt's heart swelled for his son. Kurt was no longer alone.
Blaine and Burt were at the table eating breakfast. "He's still sleeping and after last night, he deserves to sleep in."
"He'll kill you when he wakes up." Burt chuckled.
"Kurt Hummel never sleeps in. Sleep is for the weary." Burt raised his eyes from his oatmeal to see Blaine's reaction. "Kurt just hates to miss half his day."
"I'll convince him that it was necessary." Blaine smiled smugly and Burt nodded putting the spoon in his mouth.
"Blaine!" The door from the basement shot open. "Oh my God! Why did you let me sleep in?"
"Kurt, it's only 9:30. It's not late." Burt chuckled into his breakfast just letting Blaine hang out there and defend himself. Burt wanted to say that he warned him, but this was Blaine's fight now.
"9:30 might as well be noon!" Kurt's voice was a little hoarse.
Blaine stood up to meeting Kurt as he approached the table. "And, I would let you sleep until noon if you needed to." Without saying a word, Blaine pulled out the chair for Kurt and Kurt absently sat down. Blaine kiss him on the cheek. "You had such a bad dream Kurt. You deserved to sleep in. Do you remember?"
Kurt knew it happened. "I remember. I also remember sitting in your lap and then you rocking me to sleep."
Blaine smiled proudly. "I did."
Kurt blushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry if you were uncomfortable."
"I wasn't uncomfortable. On the contrary, you're soft and warm. Like a teddy bear except a skinny one." Blaine was trying to make Kurt happy and comfortable.
"I'm sorry to both of you. I didn't mean to wake everyone up. It was kind of a bad nightmare and a little scary." Kurt was a little embarrassed by it.
"Don't be silly Kiddo. Everyone has fears and they come out in different ways. That's what's so great about people. Everyone's different." Burt always had a way of making things seem just perfect. "Now I've got to go to the shop today and go through months of invoices. You guys take it easy today okay?"
"We were going to go out." Kurt pouted just a little.
"Buddy, I think it would be best for you to stay in and rest. I'm going to make some calls this morning and hopefully we've made some headway on finding this kid."
"Blaine, come here." Kurt urged Blaine to join him at the car he hovered over. "I can't believe how little you know about cars." Kurt giggled and Blaine thought he was the cutest thing he'd ever seen. Kurt was covered in grease and looked hot in the dirty coveralls. He was glad that Kurt talked his dad into letting them come to the shop for a while.
"First of all, I'm far too distracted to do any work on cars. Second, my mom and dad weren't exactly home a lot and I lived at Dalton, so there wasn't a lot of driving happening. Everything I need is right there. Third, I'd rather sit and watch you." Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt from behind.
"No making out in the garage while you're at work!" Burt yelled from across the garage. Burt was smiling and shook his head. It was nice to be back in the garage. It was like being home. Burt was happy for both the boys. They seemed to be happy and enjoying each other's company.
"Dad!" Kurt blushed deep red as he heard a bunch of the guys making kissing noises at them. He grabbed Blaine's hand and pulled him toward the office. As they passed Burt, Kurt said, "We're going to be in the office making out." Burt stopped what he was doing and stood there stunned that his son just said that. Blaine was now the blushing one.
About fifteen minutes later, Blaine and Kurt were making out in the office. Burt pounded on the door. "Kurt. I think you made your point." Kurt opened the door to find Burt leaning against door frame shaking his head. "So, I know you boys are dating and stuff and I'm not used to it yet, but I get it. I get the want and stuff Kurt, but do you always have to show me up."
"It's how I keep you on your toes dad. So can you get us out of here so we can see a movie or something?" Kurt continued to make a case. "If you get security to take us to the mall or a movie, I promise to go easy on you the rest of the week."
Burt rubbed his forehead. "Fine. But you boys will need to be careful. The police have had calls on seeing someone that looked like him, but we can't be sure that it was him. They've checked everything out and there have been no clues and no evidence that he is in the area."
"We'll be really careful, but dad, it's not like we will be alone at any time. The guys in the trench coats will be with us." Kurt was clearly making fun.
"Now Kurt. I know you like to make light of the situation, but this is very much real. You are in real danger. It's not the movies."
"Well, technically it is." Kurt made another play on words since they were planning on going to the movies.
"Okay. Clearly you do need to get out."
"I did it. Me alone. I'm the most awesome boyfriend on the earth." Kurt was spinning and dancing around. "We're going to the movies!" Kurt could've been drunk to an outsider, but it was just him and Blaine in his room. Kurt still had his coveralls on and it had to be the most adorable thing Blaine had ever seen. Kurt with grease smudges on his face and hands. His coveralls dirty. He was carefree and gorgeous. Blaine just stared and laughed. He hadn't even realized just how excited he had gotten watching Kurt like this. This was the most carefree he'd ever seen Kurt and Blaine could've been drunk from just soaking up the site of his boyfriend.
"So what movie do we want to see?" Blaine put his hands on Kurt's shoulders to stop him from moving. The moving was going to be the death of Blaine. Every movement of his hips and raising of his arms.
Kurt threw his arms up in the air without care. "I don't care. I just hate being cooped up like a caged bird." Blaine visibly gulped. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine hugging him tightly. Blaine smelled like a mixture of his cologne and grease from the garage. He felt Blaine chest heaving and Kurt knew he had done something good. He pressed his hips into Blaine and the proof was right there. Kurt felt his effect on Blaine and suddenly wanted him. "Thank God you're excited too."
Kurt pulled away to look into Blaine's eyes. Blaine raked hands down Kurt's back to his ass and squeezed effective pulling Kurt's equally hard cock to meet his own. "How could I not be excited?" Blaine grinned at Kurt, eyes wide and dark with desire. "Look at you."
"I like the way you look, personally." Kurt's eyes twinkled.
Blaine didn't waste any time pulling the zipper on the coveralls and stripping them off of Kurt quickly. He pulled him into the bathroom and turned on the shower before he even stripped off his own clothes. He kissed Kurt hard causing Kurt to moan out of the sheer excitement and promise that lived in that kiss. In the warmth of the shower, Blaine took his time with Kurt caressing and washing him until all the remnants of the grease monkey were gone. "Though I love when you look clean. I've got to admit that the little dirty Kurt is a big turn on. I can't believe that we're together sometimes."
"I hope we make it Blaine. I really want this."
"Me too."
"For now I'll settle for you making love to me right now."
Blaine wasn't about to deny the request of his boyfriend as he knelt down while pushing Kurt's back to the wall. "Hold on tight Kurt." Blaine's mouth sunk around Kurt's hardness and Kurt threw his head back against the cold tile. Blaine's mouth was too perfect to hold in any of the noises so Kurt just let them go. It was okay to let his boyfriend hear how good he was making him feel. Kurt's mind wandered as he felt his cock slip in and out of that perfect hot mouth. After a few more gentle thrusts into Blaine, Kurt wanted more. "You ready?"
"Yeah." Blaine stood and turned Kurt around. He ran his finger over Kurt's sensitive hole once before slipping in knuckle deep. Kurt hissed, but the intrusion was not unwelcome. On the contrary he craved Blaine's touch more and more. He begged for Blaine to continue and before long, Blaine's breath became heavy on his neck. "Please Blaine. I want you."
"You have me Kurt." Blaine's fingers were replaced by his cock and with the help of some lube, he was pressing in firmly and quickly. Kurt gasped at the immediate fullness he felt. It was always a little painful, but so perfect. Blaine fit him perfectly.
"Fuck, Blaine.. So perfect. More. Move faster."
You could hear the slapping of wet flesh upon wet flesh and Blaine was sure that Kurt was louder than he ever intended to get, but Blaine couldn't stop taking commands from Kurt and he continued to give directions that consisted mostly of more and harder and faster. Blaine could only watch Kurt fall apart. He took Kurt's hands and pressed them to the tile effectively making Kurt look spread eagle against the light colored shower tile. He was beautiful.
"I love you, Kurt. Mmmmnn." It felt so perfect. Kurt was right about that. He leaned back to watch himself move in and out of Kurt. It was hot and perfect and right. Being connected like this was unbelievable.
"Blaine.." Kurt moaned and panted as Blaine's cock brushed his prostate. "Fuck. Again."
Blaine knew what happened in the moment and worked to repeat it. To hear Kurt say his name in that breathy tone was worth the work. Kurt started to moan his name with every brush of his prostate. It was like a mantra. The shower was steamy and the air was already thick and heavy with damp air. Blaine took hold of Kurt's cock and began to pump to the motion of his hips. Within minutes, Kurt screamed his name in a high pick and clamped down tight around his cock. The tightening caused Blaine and push forward with his stomach muscles seizing at the strength of his orgasm.
Blaine slumped down on Kurt's back slipping out at the same time. He kissed Kurt's neck and his arms wrapped around Kurt's waist like a life preserver. "T-that was.."
Kurt finished, "Perfect."
The movie was not as interesting as Kurt expected it to be. The Rom Com they chose wasn't as funny as they thought it would be so they used the time to make out under the watchful eye of the security guys. "Does it make you feel important or annoyed," Blaine asked.
"I don't know. I know they're here to keep me and you safe, but my freedom is gone. Our freedom is gone."
"Maybe that's why this movie isn't very good."
Kurt chuckled quietly so they didn't disturb anyone. "No, I think it's a bad movie. Maybe we can go for coffee after this."
"I'll ask. Or you should."
"I guess I'll have to ask my dad and then he'll tell them what we can do. Let's step outside in the hall to text." When Kurt stood he glanced over his shoulder and saw Sebastian. The grip on Blaine's hand caused Blaine to turn and look. Kurt pulled him to the door. Hi heart was pounding so hard, you could feel it in your ears. "I just saw Sebastian."
Blaine crunched his eyes up. "Kurt. It's not possible. The security guards are here and they didn't see him."
"I saw him Blaine." Kurt was getting defensive. "I know I saw him."
"I know you're scared sweetie."
Kurt was angry that Blaine didn't believe him. "I'll show you." He nearly pulled Blaine's arm out of the socket. When they got inside, there was no one in the seat that Kurt thought he saw him in. It had been only about 5 rows back. "I swear he was there."
Though Blaine hadn't seen him, he knew Kurt wouldn't lie. The fear in his eyes was real. "Let's go talk to killer over there." They went up to him and explained that they saw Sebastian. He talked into his wrist and two men walked up and down the aisle. It was really too dark to see, but they checked. They found nothing.
Kurt was frustrated. "Maybe I was seeing things. I think being cooped up in the house for a few days is really getting to me."
"Do you want to go home?"
"No. Maybe being stuck there is causing the nightmares and delusions. I want to do something we'd normally do. I'd like to get coffee." Kurt wanted to shake off the fear he felt.
"Okay, I'll call Burt." After Blaine got off the phone with Burt. "We're going. I didn't tell him about the sighting, but I'm pretty sure our beloved security guy over there will tell him later."
They were comfortably seated in their favorite coffee place and just talking like nothing was weird, like they weren't being followed by security, like no crazy teen was after them.
"It's kind of weird always being watched like this. I can't wait until Sebastian is found and we can be free again. Have you heard from your parents?"
"No. They must be close to the end of the case though. They said they might be. It'll be nice to have them home for a little while, not that I'm there very often."
"You know what'll be weird. When we're free again and I don't get to see you every day and sleep in bed with you every day and...." Kurt trailed off.
Kurt blushed. "You know. The other stuff. I'm kind of used to you being around now."
Blaine took Kurt's hand, "We'll make it work. We only have a few months until school is over. I still have high hopes that we'll go to the same college."
"Me too." Kurt looked away sadly. "But even if we don't, I'll never be sad that I took a chance with you. You're the best thing that's happened to me."
Blaine looked like he won some huge prize because his face lit up and he was smiling so widely. "Me too!" He squeezed Kurt's hand.
"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Kurt stood and made his way there.
Closing the door to the bathroom and locking it, he figured he would take some time to fix his hair. It was a single bathroom with a lock and one stall inside. Generally nice. As he leaned forward, he heard a chuckle behind him. "Your hair always looks nice you know. Whether your boxing or shopping, it always looks perfect. Why mess with perfection."
Kurt froze as he saw Sebastian come into view in the corner of the mirror, but it wasn't even Sebastian that sucked the air from his lungs, it was what he was holding. Kurt stared with fear in his eyes.
I usually hate leaving cliffhangers, but the chapter was definitely long enough. Thanks for reading. I'm hoping to work on it tonight.
Omg! It's a gun isn't it?! Ah can't wait for the next one!!
I can't tell you!.. I am glad to be back though. Trying to work on the next chapter tonight.