DA Fight Club
Chapter 20 - Where is he? Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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DA Fight Club: Chapter 20 - Where is he?

E - Words: 3,978 - Last Updated: Aug 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 15, 2012 - Updated: Aug 12, 2012
583 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: Truth be told. I am having such trouble keeping 2 stories moving at the same time. I'm actually glad that this one is over soon. I love this story and I hope you have been enjoying it too. 2nd truth... I am suffering from severe writers block. Not the story itself, the words just aren't there. My other trouble is that the spoilers for Season 4 are not motivating me. There are so many changes and I feel like everything is going to be so different and it makes me sad.The end is near.. I keep saying only a few more chapters and it truly is only a few.Disclaimer: I wish I owned Glee, because the story line would be so different and things wouldn't change so much for Season 4.


Chapter 20 - Where is he?


"Jim, I need security on my son and his boyfriend please.  I'll email you the details in a little while.  I also need you to get information on a Sebastian Smythe.  I need to know where he is, what he's done, where his family lives, where they work!  I want to know what their blood type is and when they peed last!  I'm pissed as hell."  Burt didn't want to make a big deal at dinner. He rubbed his forehead to decrease the tension that was building up in his head.  Then, his phone rang.  "Burt Hummel."

"Burt, it's Jonathan Anderson."

"Jonathan, you don't need to keep telling me your last name."  Burt laughed a little bit.  "I expected you to call."

"I just wanted to thank you for flying my wife and I in for Thanksgiving.  We really appreciate your hospitality."

"It's like I said.  The boys are in love and I figured it would be good for all of us to meet.  I think they are going to be together for some time.  They are very close."

"I'm glad it's Kurt.  He seems like a fine young man."

"Thank you.  I did my best."

"You did well.  Now about this fight club business.  I'm sorry that Blaine got your son involved in this stuff.  I knew that going to an all-boys private school would give a bunch of teenage boys the opportunity to get into mischief, but never in my wildest dreams did I think he would do something like that.  Blaine has always been an upstanding young man and I want you to know that."

"Jonathan, I know he is.  I'm quite fond of your son, actually.  He told me he wants to go to school wherever Kurt goes."

"So it's really serious."

"Yes.  I think it is, but I think if we can provide the right guidance, both boys will realize their own dreams as they had planned."

"I agree."  Jonathan sighed.  "It wouldn't be terrible if it worked out for the two of them.  Blaine has been lonely and I know that he hoped to be able to find someone.  He tried dating and that's what made us transfer him there.  He was beat up pretty badly for going with another boy to a dance.  It was a safe place for him."

"Kurt was very lonely too.  I'm glad they found each other. So, this Sebastian kid.  I'm getting him checked out now and then I'm going to get security for both boys."

"Thank you."

"The only problem is that I can't get him discreet security while Blaine is at Dalton."

"What do you suggest?"

"I'm not sure at the moment, but I was considering seeing if one or both could be approved for video class.  Maybe we won't need it if we find out where this crazy kid is."

"Let me know what Blaine needs to do.  If we need to get him distance learning for a short time, I'm sure Dalton will be more than happy to adjust his schedule for that.  He's a straight A student."

"I'll call you as soon as I get any information on this kid."

"Thank you Burt.  Thanks for everything.  When we return home after all this business, we'll get together.  Maybe take a trip."

"That would be very nice.  Let's do that."

"Okay.  Again thanks and we'll wait to hear from you.  If we aren't available then you know that we are close to breaking the case."

"Yeah.  I'll get word to you another way."

"That sounds good."





Burt entered the house.  It was getting really late now.  Blaine and Kurt had made their way back upstairs and were sitting at the kitchen table with a pumpkin pie, whipped cream and plates. "Hey Dad.  What were you doing in the garage?"  Kurt knew that Burt used to go in there when he was stressed about something.

"I had to make a few phone calls and I thought everyone was napping."

"Do you want some pie?  Blaine and I are going to have some right now."


"Why don't you sit dad.  I'll get everything we need.  It'll be nice to sit and talk to you.  I feel like I never get to do that anymore."

"I would really like that Kurt.... And Blaine."  He stopped while Kurt cut the pie in perfect eighths.  "So are you guys going to tell me about this guy that's been harassing you?"

"Umm.  We don't know that much about him dad."

Blaine cut in.  "He never came to our fight club before, but we later found out that Puck cousin had been friends with him at one time and that's how he found out about it.  He just came in one day and had a thing for Kurt."  Blaine looked at Kurt because he didn't know how far he should go with the story.

Kurt became somber and quiet.  "Dad, he kissed me when I didn't want him to.  He kind of attacked me." 

Blaine reached an around Kurt to comfort him and them turned to Burt.  "I beat the crap out of him."  Blaine ducked his head trying to hide his smile, but he couldn't.  As it turned out Burt was smiling a little.

"I'm glad you did."

Kurt had a look of shock on his face.  They type of response wasn't expected from his dad.  "Are you okay dad."

"Kurt, I'm not condoning it, but I am glad that Blaine stood up for you and I'm glad he loves you.  You didn't deserve that."

"He did more than that Dad."  Kurt looked at Blaine.  "Blaine healed me.  He made me okay again.  He did it by caring and loving me and not making fun of me.  He understood." 

"I know he does Kurt."  Blaine glanced at Burt for a sign that he knew something of his past.  "Blaine's a strong person and he does understand."

Blaine smiled at Burt.  He knew his dad must've said something.  Then he turned to Kurt, "You're strong too."  Kurt smiled back at him.

"Dad, we don't know where he is.  He's disappeared.  Samuel checked his house after he wasn't at school.  It looks like the house was empty."

"Kurt, don't worry about that.  I'm taking care of it.  In the meantime, you are both going to be watched."

Blaine's face surprised.  "Watched?"


Kurt slumped over the table.  "Ugh.. what does watched mean dad?"

"I will have security for both of you until we figure out where this kid is and we can have a talk with him and his parents.  Based on what you both just told me, we still need to find this kid."

Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand as he stood to leave the room.  "I'm sorry that I caused trouble dad."

Burt stood and hugged both boys to him.  "You'll never be trouble Kurt.  Neither will Blaine."

Kurt smiled sadly.  "We're going to go to bed."

"Kurt and Blaine.  I want you to know that you can tell me anything okay?  You never have to go it alone boys."

"Thanks Dad."

"Thank you Burt."

"Now sleep boys.  I know the difference between sleeping and not sleeping."  He pointed his finger at the two of them.  "The walls are not as thick as they look."

"I would never betray your trust, Burt."  Blaine took Kurt's hand and let his boyfriend drag him downstairs. 





"Hello, Burt Hummel here."  Burt answered his phone in his standard tone.  "Hi Jim.  Do you have anything for me."

"Just the security detail.  I have someone that will be out there tomorrow morning."

"I've got two kids that have to be protected and they go to different schools.  You'll need to make arrangements for their security by Monday."

"Yes sir, Congressman.  I'll get my other guys on location and we'll be looking for  this Sebastian Smythe person.  I hope to have something to you by the tomorrow night."

"Thank you Jim."  Carole walked into the kitchen.

"Burt, it's late.  We should really try to get some sleep.  Nothing's going to happen to them while we're here."

"I know Carole.  I just wish the boys didn't try to hide this stuff from us. They know we love them, don't they."

"Of course they do."

"Then why live like this.  The Sebastian kid sounds like he's nuts."

"They were trying to be grown up about it Burt.  They want you to know that they'll be okay and that they can handle things on their own."

"I know."  Burt shook his head.  "I know they can't stay little forever."  Carole bent down to hug Burt.

"I'm proud of them Burt.  They took care of each other.  Finn and Kurt have become good brothers and Blaine was added to the mix as another protector for Kurt." She paused to take in the site of Burt, sad and happy about lots of things.  He looked like a mixed bag.  "They're good for each other, you know?"

"I see it.  Yeah, I think they are."

"Kurt's changed since we last really saw him.  We saw him for lunch that one time, but even since then, he's attached to Blaine in a way that we can't expect him to be attached to us."

"I think that's what scares me the most.  He's not my baby.  He's Blaine's boyfriend and they seem so serious.  I feel like I should pull them apart."

"It would only hurt them both.  It might push Kurt away.  We don't want that."

"You're right."

"Let's be happy about this.  I know I am.  You probably didn't notice how sad Kurt was and even mad about everything.  This has made him so happy and I love to see him smiling so much.  He such a special man with so much to offer."

"I am happy for him.  I'm happy for both of them."

Carole grabbed Burt's hand and pulled him to standing and hugged him tightly.  They headed upstairs to bed.





"I think they went upstairs to bed," whispered Kurt.


"So, they can't hear anything that happens down here."

"No..no.. no, Kurt.  I promised not to betray his trust and I'm not going to."    Blaine held Kurt's hands down at his sides. 


"No."  Blaine looked as serious as Kurt had ever seen him.

"Blaaaaaaiiinee.  Puhleeeeaaassse?"

Blaine chuckled at how pathetic Kurt was acting.  "You're begging Kurt."  He pulled Kurt close as he rubbed small circles into his back.  Kurt moaned as his body molded to Blaine.  Blaine's breath tickled his ear, "It's totally hot."

"Then, come into bed with me."

"I'm going to get in bed with you, but we aren't doing anything." 

Kurt crossed his arms but could see he wasn't going to get anywhere with it.  "Fine."  Kurt started to strip his clothes off and stopped at his boxers.  "I'm going to do my moisturizing.  Be right back."

Blaine nodded and stripped to his boxers.  He watched Kurt go into the bathroom before pulling aside the sheets and getting in bed.  He started to think about Kurt and how much he wanted to mess around.  Blaine's resolve was slipping slowly away as his thoughts about Kurt started to wander down to his cock.  He pressed his hand down groaning.  "Dammit.  I'm trying to be good here," he said to his cock. 

Kurt emerged from the bathroom.  "Please tell me you're not talking to your dick."   His sassy voice went south on Blaine.

"Kurt, stop talking, stop reprimanding me... Just don't say anything.  Don't even look at me."  Blaine was frustrated.  Why did being good have to suck so bad?

Kurt just smiled as the wheels started turning.  He knew Blaine was turned on and on the edge of just giving in.  They were very in tune with each other.  Kurt moved toward the bed as Blaine decided to turn away from Kurt to try and calm down.  With a snicker, he turned off the light and reached into the drawer pulling out a bottle of lube.  He made no secret of it as he put it harshly down on the nightstand.

Blaine heard all of it and sighed because Kurt was the kind of guy that got what he wanted when he decided he wanted it.  Kurt settled in behind Blaine wrapping his arms around his waist his half hard cock pressing into Blaine lower back.  "Good night, Blaine."  You could hear the smile in his words.

"Good night, Kurt."  Blaine knew it was only a matter of minutes before Kurt would try something.  Sure enough, Kurt's hand was down the back of his boxers caressing is ass.  " I knew you would try to seduce me."

"I just like touching you Blaine.  You are so gorgeous.  I just want you so badly."  Kurt whispered in his ear.  Blaine tried to hold in any sound of pleasure that was trying to make itself known, but a small whine slipped through his lips.  Kurt knew he was close to winning.  He stepped up his efforts by moved from Blaine's ass to his cock.  "Such a gorgeous cock too.  I love sucking on it.  You taste so good Blaine."

Blaine groaned loudly as Kurt pressed against his now fully hard cock.  "You know when I told you I loved you?"


"I totally lied.  You're evil Kurt Hummel.  I'm trying so hard to be good.  Your dad is a member of the House of Representatives.  I'm pretty sure he can have me taken care of."

"Blaine, he really likes you.  I can definitely tell.  There is no way he would have let you down here if he didn't understand."

"Understand how much you love me and I love you."

"It doesn't make it right to make love to you while he's upstairs."

"I know, but what if you get grounded soon.  We won't get to see each other.  This will have been wasted time."  Kurt knew he wasn't getting too far.  He squeezed Blaine's cock.  "You know you want me."

"I do.  So much."  Blaine broke.  "So much Kurt."  Blaine turned over to face Kurt, kissing him deeply, moaning from need.  He started grinding his hips into Kurt roughly.

Kurt pressed back toward Blaine's hips, their cocks meeting in the middle rubbing harshly together.  Blaine pushed his boxers down and did the same to Kurt holding both their completely hardened cocks in his fist, pumping them together. "Please make love to me Blaine." Kurt panted between breaths.  His eyes half closed.  "I need to feel you inside me.  I need it so bad.  Please?"

Blaine couldn't resist the begging.  He pushed Kurt on his back and lifted his butt up pulling quickly at his boxers and tossing them over his shoulders.  "You're so beautiful and even more when you beg."  He reached for the lube.  "You play innocent, but tease me with the lube on the nightstand." 

Kurt was at first startled with Blaine.  Then he knew just by the happy, caring look on his face that Blaine was just overly aroused.  "You scared me for a second there."

Blaine frowned.  He didn't want Kurt to feel like that.  He slowed down holding the lube in his hand.  Laying down on top of Kurt, "I'm sorry Kurt.  I just got so into the talk.  You were begging and I wanted to dominate you.  I just really want you all the time.  You walk with your hips swaying just so and your tight jeans showing off that beautiful ass of yours.  It's almost too much all the time.  I'm a teenager Kurt and I have real needs."

"Then, let's take care of those needs, Blaine."  Kurt pulled Blaine's boxers off and immediately stroked Blaine tenderly as Blaine kissed his neck and nibbled on his ear.  "God.  You are so hot Blaine.  You have no idea what you do either.  Sometimes you look at me and those eyes are so expressive, it's like you're constantly saying how much you want me.  Then you speak and it's like listening to music.  Your smile, your laugh.  Everything is intoxicating.  If I pay too much attention I feel like I'm drunk."

Blaine listened and got more excited.  He moved down Kurt's body to his chest, licking and sucking on his nipples.  Kurt threw his head back barely able to handle the excitement.  Blaine reached for the lube and lifted Kurt's legs up so that he could see his hole.  Gently running his fingers over his balls to his hole, he pressed in a finger in immediately teasing Kurt's prostate.  Kurt was starting to moan fairly loudly.  "Kurt, shh.  Your dad.  Please.  I don't want him to kill me."  Kurt stifled a moan by turning his head into a pillow.

Blaine moved to prep Kurt faster.  A few minutes and three fingers later, Blaine lubed up his cock.  Kurt could feel the blunt tip teasing his hole, as Blaine rubbed his head over Kurt's hole before pressing slowly in.  Kurt held his breath because the alternative was to yell out from the initial pain of the stretch.  Kurt knew it would be over soon.  He spread his legs to allow easier entry.  "Move Blaine.  I want to feel you."

Blaine obeyed pumping his cock perfectly in and out to the pleasured quiet gasps and whispered encouragements from Kurt.  "You're beautiful."  Blaine laid flat against Kurt feeling the smoothness of his skin on his chest.  Kurt's hands had wandered to his ass where he was squeezing and spreading Blaine's butt cheeks apart.  Kurt was starting to moan louder with every thrust so Blaine covered Kurt's mouth with his own, swallowing up the moans coerced from Kurt's body with the deep penetration of his cock.  Blaine was so turned on with feeling Kurt's moans into his own mouth that he jerked his hips ever more forcefully now hearing and feeling the grunts from Kurt in his mouth.

Blaine lifted off of Kurt's mouth.  "Oh.. Blaine.  Feels so good."  Blaine got up on his knees and took Kurt's cock in his hand and began to pump with his thrusts.  They were both really close at this point. 

"Kurt, I'm going to come."  Blaine released with a stifled groan and that was enough for Kurt as he was pushed over the edge arching his back off the bed as Blaine's erratic thrusts slowly came to a stop.

Blaine collapsed on top of Kurt.  "I love you, Kurt.  I mean it.  I want to be with you."

Kurt was breathing heavily.  Blaine pulled out and pulled off his condom tying it off and tossing it toward the vicinity of the trash can.  "I love you too.  Do you think after only a few weeks of knowing each other that we can really be in love?"

Blaine was propped up on one elbow, his one leg resting between Kurt's, "I believe in finding the right person.  I feel like you're it."

"Is it realistic though?"

"I don't know."  He ran his fingers through Kurt's hair.  "I feel like we have a special connection Kurt and I never want to take it for granted.  I feel like we could be together for a long time."

"Why do you feel it?  What does it feel like?"  Kurt reached his head up to kiss Blaine chastely on the lips.  "I'm not asking because I don't feel that way.  I just want to know if you have feelings like I do."

"What feelings do you have?"

"I feel like my heart reaches to you all the time.  I feel like I can't breathe if I can't see or talk to you every day.  I feel like I'm at home when I'm with you."  Kurt was as honest as he could be.  "It scares me a little bit.  I've had crushes on so many guys before, but this doesn't feel like that."

Blaine shared his heart with Kurt.  "I feel like my soul opened up and was swallowed whole by you.  I feel like you breathe for me and you're the reason I breathe.  I feel like the strongest person on the planet.  I feel big and tall."  Kurt laughed at that one.  "Can I finish?"


"I feel like our bodies are one and when I'm not with you, I feel like part of me is missing.  Maybe it's stupid, but I think we were meant to be.  I think we're soul mates."

Kurt sighed, "Soul mates.  That's what it feels like."  Blaine rested his forehead on Kurt's and they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Yeah."  A feeling of calm came over both boys as they entwined their hands together.  Their legs remained linked together and Blaine wrapped his other arm around Kurt as they settled into a deep sleep, content and loved.





The next morning, Burt answered the phone noticing, his security head, Jim's number.  "He's where?  Missing?  When did that happen?"

"He was reported missing right before Thanksgiving by his mother."

"Where's this kids dad?"

"Not sure.  We got from the local police that the mom says the dad took him out of the hospital."

"Wait a minute.  He's missing from a hospital?"

"He was admitted by his mom into a rehab center.  It's called..  uh..  Here it is.  It's call Turning Point.  It's way down south from where you guys are at.  It's part of a hospital in Dayton."

"Great.  What kind of drugs?"

"Stimulants.  This kid has been ADHD since he was young.  It was his prescription meds."

"Let's find this guy.  He sounds like a loaded gun right now."

"The police say his dad is in the area of the hospital.  Low life addict himself.  Mom has custody.  They already checked his place out and the guy hasn't been home since the kid went missing.  They may have skipped town."

"I want security at my house and wherever these two go.  They may be home schooling for a while."

"Yes sir."

"I'm just glad I'm here for a break from Congress.  Let me know as soon as this kid shows up."

"Will do."

Burt hung up with Jim and immediately dialed Jonathan Anderson.

"Jonathon, Blaine's going to have to make arrangements for school.  I think it would be best."

"Where is this kid?"

"He's missing from a rehab center in Dayton, Ohio.  Mom reported him missing.  Divorce situation.  He's got a problem with stimulants.  He's an ADHD kid and it's those meds he's been abusing."

"So now what.  I'm pretty certain Claire and I will be out of pocket for the next two weeks.  I can phone in emergency decisions on Blaine's well-being to you for that timeframe, but what do you think we should do immediately."

"I think they either need go to the same school or home school for now.  Video learning?"

"I'll call Dalton and see what can be done."

"Okay.  I'll wait for you call."

Within 20 minutes, Jonathan was on the phone.  "They'll send his work to the house.  I had them fed ex all of his books and assignments for the next two weeks.  He will have to contact the teachers through email if he needs help.  Will that work?"

"Yeah.  I think so.  I just have to figure out how to keep those two focused on school."

"Can I speak with Blaine?"

"Sure."  Burt called Blaine from the top of the steps.  "Your dad needs to talk to you."

"Be right up!"  Blaine rolled out of bed.

"Jonathan, they don't know yet.  They're still asleep."

"Oh, okay.  I'll let you tell him the details.  I think that would be best."

Blaine made it to the kitchen where Burt was standing.  "Here Blaine.  It's your dad."

Blaine's face was questioning.  "Dad?"

"Hey son.  Sorry to wake you, but I needed to let you know that we won't be available for two weeks.  I've put Burt in charge of your well-being for the next 2 weeks and you'll be staying home from school for a bit also."

"I'm so confused.  Why home?"

"Actually you'll be at Burt and Kurt's home for a bit until this Sebastian kid shows up. Okay?"


"Dalton is fed exing your books and assignment for the next two weeks.  Burt is in charge so you listen to him.  I don't want to hear that you gave him a hard time."

"You know I wouldn't."

"Of course son.  We'll see you soon."





Kurt drifted upstairs.  "What's going on?"

Burt proceeded to fill him in on Sebastian being missing and his dad too.  "So what that means is that you'll both be under 24 hour surveillance and you'll study from home."

"But Dad!  We have a concert next week and Sectionals the following week!"

"Shit, I forgot about that."

"Let me see what we can do about you practicing with your choirs."

"Thanks Dad."

"Yes.  Thank you Mr. Hummel."


"Umm..  Thanks, Burt."


End Notes: Reviews? Sorry it took so long.. It's getting close to done.. I think I'll be happy because I'm having trouble keeping 2 stories going..Hugs all!


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