DA Fight Club
Chapter 19 - Out Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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DA Fight Club: Chapter 19 - Out

E - Words: 6,841 - Last Updated: Aug 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 15, 2012 - Updated: Aug 12, 2012
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Author's Notes: A/N: I'm so sorry. I didn't realize how long it had been since I posted. My MIL is visiting and it changes my schedule so I've been very tired at night. This chapter is quite long so I hope this more than makes up for my late posting. This story is almost finished... I'm happy and sad, because it gives me time to focus on Forever Love and my fictions outside of fanfiction, but sad that this story will be over.Lots of story in this chapter.. Everything is coming to a head here.Disclaimer - I wish I could write for these characters then I would have some say in the season.. Sadly, I have no rights.. :(


Chapter 19 - Out

"Hello Burt.  Is Blaine okay?"  You could hear the fear in Claire's voice. 

"I didn't mean to worry you.  Blaine is fine.  I just needed to talk to you and Jonathan about the boys.  Both of them."  Burt made it clear it was both boys.

"Hello Burt.  Did something happen with the boys?"  Jonathan put the phone on speaker.

"No.. No..  Nothing happened.  Well, maybe that's not right.  Something's happened alright.  They are in love.  I've got to say, that son of yours is quite the charmer."  Burt didn't want to sound mad.  He was more concerned.

"Wait a minute, in love?"  Jonathan seemed shocked

"I'm actually not surprised."  Leave it to the mom in the group to throw that one out, Burt thought in his head.

"I was surprised.  I was even more surprised when Blaine asked to talk to me in garage."

"Go on Burt, we're listening."  Jonathan urged him on.

"He told me he loved Kurt and that they were planning on going away to college together.  I was shocked, but then your son said, and I quote, ‘I thought I knew what my dreams were before I met Kurt.  I realized I didn't know shit.   Since I met him, there isn't one dream of mine that doesn't include him.  I want to be with him.  I want it to be forever and I want to marry Kurt someday'."  They heard Burt sigh.

"So what are going to do, Burt?  Should we do anything?  Maybe it's just a phase.  No offense, but they are still very young."  Jonathan didn't mean to sound like Kurt wasn't good enough, because clearly with a Congressman father, Kurt came from a good family.

"I don't know.  I think you should try to come for Thanksgiving.  Do you think you can make it here for one day?"

"Well, we could probably make it if we flew out in the morning and back on Friday.  Can you make arrangements for us Burt?"  Jonathan knew that Burt would have more pull to get a private jet than he could.

"Let me see.  I'll call you back as soon as I have something set up."





Kurt woke up with his head rested on Blaine's chest.  Like the previous mornings, he reveled in the soft hair and the heartbeat beneath his head.  He was swimming in the smell and warmth of Blaine.  Kurt whispered while he ran a finger around Blaine's nipple.  "Happy Thanksgiving."


Kurt giggled as he lifted his head up to kiss Blaine on his stubbly chin.  He whispered again, "Love you."

"Hmmm.."  Blaine sighed at the kiss and his arm tightened around Kurt's back.  "Love you too."

"How did you get my dad to let you sleep with me?"

"I told him the truth about us."  Blaine smiled proudly at Kurt, brushing his hand through Kurt's mussed hair.  "I told him that I love you and that I applied to all the colleges in the same cities as you and that I see our future together."

Kurt's eyes filled with tears as he felt Blaine's love for him.  "I want that too.  We've known each other such a short time, but somehow I feel so connected to you, like it was meant to be."

"I would've never believed in fate until I met you, Kurt."

"I believe in it too.  Now I do."  They just lay in bed for the next fifteen minutes wrapped in each other and the comfortable silence of the room.  They just breathed in and out savoring this time together to just be.

"Oh.  Happy Thanksgiving."

Kurt laughed.  "So, you were awake."

"Nope.  But I woke to the sound of your voice and that was nice."

"We should probably get ready.  I'm sure Carole has probably started something for breakfast.  We usually eat our Turkey midday."

"Okay.  You want to shower first?"

"I like showering with you.  Remember?"

Blaine blushed.  "Okay, but no funny business.  I promised your dad that I wouldn't do anything to betray his trust."

"Now you grow a conscience.  You sleep with me on the night I met you.  Then again after that and now you want to keep my innocence safe.  It's a bit late for that."

"Not innocence.  This is about gaining your dad's trust.  He's not going to believe we're serious about being together.  We're young and I could see that he thought that.  We have to earn his trust and faith."

Kurt stared into Blaine's eyes and knew he was right.  "You're right."

"We need to be mature about this and make sure he sees how much we mean to each other already.  Especially, if we are going to spill all the beans during Thanksgiving dinner."

"Fine."  Kurt pushed the covers off and climbed out of bed.  "Come on.  We're still showering together.  No funny business as you call it."  Kurt smiled and reached out his hand.  Blaine took it willingly.  "Sometimes you are such a child. Who even used the term funny business anymore?"

"Fine, no sucking my dick."

"Crude much?"  Kurt raised an eyebrow to him.

"Sorry Baby.  Let's just shower."

"It's okay.  I know you were trying to be funny."  Kurt pulled Blaine to him.  "We can kiss.  A lot of kissing is okay, right?"

Blaine kissed him soundly on the lips.  "Kissing would be acceptable."

Kurt melted into Blaine's lips.  "Good, because you have the best lips."

"You have the sweetest lips."

"Can't be possible.  You're lips taste the best."

"Kurt, let's shower."





Kurt and Blaine climbed the stairs making their way into the kitchen where Carole was already working on making stuffed French toast.  "Stuffed French toast?"  Kurt clapped like a little kid.  "I love it.  I'm going to be a thousand pounds, but it's a holiday so I'm eating it!"

"Of course you are sweetheart.  We only make this for special days, you know."

"It looks fantastic!"  Blaine's eyes were wide looking at the breakfast spread.  "Everything looks fantastic.  There's so much food!"

Kurt explained, "Since we eat late afternoon dinner, we eat a really big breakfast.  Then my dad and Finn usually watch football until dinner is ready.  You'll probably want to watch with them, won't you?"

"I want to hang out with you."  Blaine gave him this look that Kurt could only describe as sad puppy eyes.  Where did he get that look?  Kurt sighed.

"You're going to watch football then, because I'm going to help with the Thanksgiving meal."

"I like football, but I'm here to spend the holiday with you."

"It's okay.  You could hang out and get to know my dad better."  Kurt winked.

"If you're okay with it."

"I'll be okay with it.  In fact, I insist.  He's going to have to get used to you if I keep you around for a while."

Once the French toast was done, they all gathered around the table to eat.  "This is unbelievable.  I can't believe I've never had this before."  Blaine was shoveling the stuffed French toast in his mouth.

Kurt laughed because Blaine was such a little kid sometimes.  "You're silly.  Somehow I knew you'd like it."

Blaine nodded.  "By the way Burt, thank you for having me.  I hope I'm not imposing on your break."

"Not at all Blaine.  We wouldn't want you to spend the holiday alone.  Besides, we invited a few guests this year too.  They should be arriving around 2:00."  Burt looked up at Carole and she nodded her acknowledgement that they should keep it a secret.

"Who would we have invited dad?  Thanksgiving has always been for family."  Kurt was a bit annoyed.

"Blaine's here." 

"Well, yeah, but he's..  Well, he and I are, you know.  We're in love and he's my boyfriend.  He's kind of family."  Kurt was beginning to pout.  For Kurt it was tradition.  His mom always made certain things and it was just the three of them.

"Kurt, family changes for all of us.  Someday, you'll move out and Finn might get married.  Did you really think it would be just us forever?"

"No, I didn't but strangers for thanksgiving is not fair."

"Just calm down Kurt.  Let's finish breakfast so Finn, Blaine and I can go watch some football.  You'll like our guests, trust me."  Burt wasn't sure what to expect, but he knew Blaine's parents would be calm.  They were used to being undercover and knew when to say thing and when not to say things.  They were trained professionals.

The meal was finished with stories and laughing from everyone besides Kurt, who sulked a bit the entire time.  "Kurt, come on.  Don't be like that.  I'm here and I'm not family, but I'm so happy that you invited me.  I would have been alone if you hadn't invited me."

"I guess.  Dad, are these people alone for the holiday too?"

"Yes, and they couldn't spend it with their family, so I invited them.  Think about it Kurt.  It'll be nice to have some people that appreciate having a family to spend it with, right?"

"Yeah Dad, I guess you're right."

"You didn't want Blaine to be alone, right?"

"Like father like son.  I didn't want these people to be alone either."  Kurt finally smiled at his dad.






Kurt went down to his room to relax for a little while.  Relaxing was not in the cards because he was panicking a little over telling his dad all of the things that have been going on over the last few weeks.  He hated to tell him about fight club because he knew it would effectively end it.  Part of him wanted to end it and part of him never wanted it to end.  He met Blaine there so it would seem odd without it.

He heard footsteps coming down and it turned out to be Finn and Blaine.  "So, dudes, are you ready for this?"

"No!"  Kurt responded.  "Dad is going to kill us and he might kill my boyfriend."

"I don't think he'll kill anyone."  Blaine rubbed Kurt's arm to comfort him.  "Now there's going to be additional guests.  He would be hard pressed to get really mad in front of guests."

"Says my beloved boyfriend who will be digging his own grave in the backyard five minutes before my dad pulls out a shotgun.  You don't know my dad."

Finn groaned.  "Just let me handle it.  I'm just going to play dumb and let it slip out."

"Well, that's something that never happens."  Kurt rolled his eyes because Finn could be really dumb and he often let things slip out of his mouth without thinking.  "Just kidding Finn."

"Are you going to be okay Kurt?"  Blaine was worried. 

"Yeah.  It's for the best.  I'm still scared he'll kick you out Blaine."

"He won't.  Your dad likes honesty and I've been nothing but honest with him.  Well.. Except for this.  Anyway, no one can resist my charm."  Blaine grinned.

"You certainly have confidence in your charmability.  Is that even a word?"

"It's not, but I like it.  It's my strength."

"You have other strengths too."  Kurt leaned in to kiss Blaine.

"Ewww.. Stop flirting in front of me.  I'm just going to go."  Finn turned to go up the steps.  "Blaine better come up soon or Burt will start limiting Blaine's time in here."

"Yeah.  Okay."  Blaine turned to Kurt.  "He didn't say that I had to come up right away.  We could make out for a little bit."

Kurt grinned.  Something about Blaine always calmed him down.  "I don't know how you do it, but you are my calming force."

"It's because I'm so charming and disarming."

"And full of yourself."  Kurt pulled Blaine on the bed.  He toppled on top of Kurt as he kissed him at first gently, then with much more passion.  "If you don't go up, we might get ourselves into trouble."

"I like living dangerously and you're lips are delicious.  How could I possibly leave you here all alone?"

Kurt blushed deep red and pulled Blaine's lips back to him, silencing his ridiculous boyfriend.  Kurt wasted no time pushing his tongue into Blaine's mouth earning him a moan from Blaine.  Those sounds were so damn sexy.  He, Kurt Hummel, was making this man moan and writhe and grind against him.  It was like a dream that he thought would never come true and now it was true, but for how long after his dad new the truth.





The turkey was almost ready and Kurt was starting to pull out the jello mold skillfully turning it over and crossing his fingers that it would release from the pan without a problem.  He grinned when it came out just as he planned.  "Carole, do you know anything about the guests?"

"No, Sweetheart."

"When will they be here?  I hope soon.  The turkey will be dried out if they don't get here soon."

"They'll be here soon.  I got a message that they're on their way." Burt called from the family room.  "We'll finish getting the table set."  Burt stood up and Blaine followed with Finn.

The table was soon set.  "Are you guys ready?  We're not going to wait any longer dad.  They are just going to have to jump in when they get here."  Kurt was completely annoyed.  "It's so rude to not be here on time dad."

Kurt turned to Blaine.  "I'm sorry.  Thanksgiving is usually not this disorganized."

"Why are you sorry?  I'm having fun.  I got to spend it with you and I got to hang out with your dad and your brother and watch football.  Now, I'm going to have an awesome meal.  The turkey looks fantastic."

"Thank you Blaine.  Carole and I worked very hard on it.  I'm proud of how tender it looks.  I sure hope the insides are tender because looks can be deceiving."

"I'm sure it's perfect."  Blaine took Kurt's hands in his own as the doorbell rang.

Burt stood.  "You guys start the cutting.  I'll get the door."

"Buy you always carve the turkey dad."

"I want you to do the honors.  You worked so hard on it."  Burt turned to walk to the front door.

Kurt stood next to the chair at the head of the table smiling down at his turkey.  Blaine was sitting next to him and Finn next to him.  The guests were set to sit directly across from the boys.  Kurt started to carve while he heard his dad welcome the guests in.  He looked up at Carol and sighed.  This was not the exact intimate Thanksgiving he planned to be breaking news to his dad.  Sebastian was out there and Kurt had to keep his head on.  Sebastian was dangerous and crazy.  This was for his safety and for Blaine's safety.  He knew it still had to be done.

Kurt looked up as he heard Burt coming toward the dining room.  "We just sat down so you're right on time."

"Thank you so much for inviting us.  We hope we're not imposing."  Kurt heard a female voice say. 

It was Blaine's reaction that surprised him.  "Mom?" 

Kurt looked up to see a man and woman entering with his dad.  He looked at Blaine who stood shocked for a moment and then he crossed the room to his mom's outstretched arms.  "Blaine, my baby.  You look fantastic darling."

"I missed you guys."  Then Blaine realized they were the guests.  "How?  Why? W-what are you doing here?"

"That's quite a welcome son."  Jonathan reached out and shook Blaine's hand before pulling him into a quick hug.

"I'm sorry.  I'm just confused."  Blaine looked at his dad, then his mom and then finally rested on Burt's eyes.

"I thought it would be nice to our families meet and spend this holiday giving thanks together."  Burt took his seat while Kurt still stared at Blaine's parents.

"Um- Uh.  Mom and dad, this is my boyfriend Kurt."  Kurt finally put down the carving knife to meet them on the other side of the room.  Burt didn't miss a step, immediately picking up the knife to continue where Kurt left off. 

"I'm really happy to meet both of you."  Blaine had his Dad's eyes, but the black curls came from his mom.  "I guess you've already met my dad.  This is my stepmom Carole and my stepbrother Finn.  Please sit down.  I was just carving the turkey.  I hope you like it."  Kurt was clearly nervous.

Claire moved to sit.  "Kurt you don't have to be nervous.  As long as Blaine is happy, you'll be fine."  She smiled and Kurt recognized it immediately.

"He has your smile."  Kurt didn't even realize he said it out loud.  Blaine took his hand and smiled at him.  Kurt thought.  It's beautiful.  "And his dad's eyes."

Blaine tugged on Kurt's hand.  "Come on.  Let's sit and maybe we can find out how all this is happening."  Kurt reluctantly sat down. 

Burt finished.  "Let's all bow our head and give thanks.  We have a tradition in this family to each say what they're thankful for.  So I'll start.  I am thankful for my son Kurt and his boyfriend Blaine.  Thank you so much for giving him the attention he deserves.  Thank you for our new family members, Carole and Finn.  I love them both so much.  Thank you for new friends.  Kurt?"

"I'm thankful for my dad's health and my new mom and brother.  I'm thankful that my dad is in congress and has the chance to change the world.  I'm mostly thankful for Blaine.  I didn't realize how lonely I was until I met Blaine.  Now, you're my air."  Kurt turned to Blaine when he said the last words and noticed tears in his eyes.

Blaine whispered, "I love you" and they kissed quickly.

"I feel like I can't breathe without you Blaine.  Thank you for saving me."

"You saved me and I'm thankful that it was you, Kurt.  When I thought I was lonely and sad, you walked into my life and made it colorful again.  I'm thankful for Kurt's dad and new stepmom, but even more, I'm thankful for a new close friend.  Finn, you're awesome and I'm so happy to add to my growing list of best friends."  Blaine turned to his parents.  "I missed you guys so much.  I'm thankful that your safe and I want you to know I'm in love with this guy right next to me."

"Honey.  We know."  Claire responded with a smile.  "We needed to see for ourselves and when Burt invited us, we knew we needed to come.  What Burt told us made us worry about how young you are, but we can talk about it later."

Finn spoke up.  "Why don't you go Mrs. Anderson?"

"Thank you Finn and please call me Claire."  She paused a second to look at Blaine who was entranced by Kurt.  "It appears we may be family soon."  She smiled.

"Thanks Claire." 

"So, I'm thankful for new friends and my son and his new boyfriend, Kurt.  Oh.. and I'm thankful that we will be coming home very soon."

Claire turned to Jonathan.  "I'm thankful for new friends also.  I'm thankful to have friends in important places."  He looked at Burt.  "Most of all, I'm thankful to be spending this Thanksgiving with my lovely wife, my wonderful son, and his boyfriend's family."

"Finn, you go next."  Carol directed.

"I'm thankful for all my family and that Blaine came into Kurt's life.  Kurt never saw how unhappy he was and I'm thankful that in my infinite wisdom, I helped Blaine land my brother.  Plus, Blaine's really cool and he has some cool friends and a huge house with a barn.  But, he really makes my brother happy and I'm to thank for that."

Burt cut in because everyone in at the table was staring at him with questioning eyes.  "You almost done there buddy?"

"Oh yeah.  Sorry.  I'm thankful for my mom and my new dad and he's like a cool congressman.  But Blaine's parents are cool FBI agents and even though I don't know what they do, it's still cool."

Carole looked up at the table knowing she had to save them from Finn rambling on any longer.  "That's enough honey.  It's my turn."

"Oh.. Sorry."  Finn just smiled at everyone.  In his mind he was laying the groundwork to be the brother that never shut up.  This was going to be epic with all the parental units there.

"I'm thankful for all the love that sits around this table.  We have brought together two families that really don't know each other yet, but I hope we have the chance to change that.  I'm thankful that the turkey looks good and we should eat it before it dries out."

Burt responded loudly.  "Amen."  He took the plate and began to pass it around.

Blaine hesitated, but was dying to know how his parents got there.  "So, how did you make this happen Burt?"

"It was easy.  I met your parents maybe a week ago.  I figured I should meet them after meeting you.  You guys seemed really close.  I was in the area where they were working and called them up and asked to meet for lunch."

"That makes sense because I knew you had checked me out.  My mom called."

"And you checked out okay.  Kurt seems real smitten with you."  Kurt blushed. 

"That's not how it started out."  Finn entered the conversation.  He looked at Kurt and Kurt shook his head not yet.  "I just mean that Kurt was a little standoffish at first."

"We can talk about that later."  Kurt kept passing around food until everyone's plate was filled.  Then everyone started digging into their meals.

"This is delicious.  Did you make the turkey Carole?"  Claire gushed.  "It's very tender."

"Kurt and I made the turkey together, but before me, Kurt used to make the turkey for him and Burt.  Kurt's quite a good cook."

"Kurt, this is excellent.  I've never had turkey this tender.  The stuffing is so well seasoned.  It's all so good."

"Thank you Mrs. Anderson.  After my mother died dad used to try to cook.  I was only eight and never thought about how bad my dad was.  By the time I was nine, I wanted to cook things that my mom used to make."  Kurt paused.  He gathered the courage to talk about her without crying.  "We were eating a lot of microwave dinner and eating out a lot.  I just wanted to remember her.  It was a sad time for both of us."

Blaine reached out to hold Kurt's hand and Kurt took it willingly.  Blaine hadn't known anything about this.  There was so much of Kurt that he wanted to love and hearing him talk about this, made him fall in love just a little more.  "Well, I'm glad you learned how to cook this because it's perfect."  Blaine gushed.  "Like you."

Kurt smiled at him and leaned in so their noses were touching.  He lightly brushed noses before kissing Blaine gently on the lips.  "You're perfect for me."

"We're eating you two."  Finn elbowed Blaine.  "Why is it that you two are constantly making out or something."

Burt picked up on it immediately.  "What exactly is, or something?"

Finn looked like he'd been slapped.  "Nothing really.  I mean, I assume that since they're dating that there's something."  Kurt was glaring daggers at Finn.  "Or maybe nothing." 

"Blaine, Kurt, is there any 'or something'?"

Blaine had the innocent puppy look down.  "I don't even know what an 'or something' is Burt?"

"MMhmm.  See, I told you they were in love.   Not sure what to do about them being in love."

"Burt, we don't either.  They seem very happy together and she said we should just let whatever happens, happen."  Jonathan motioned at his wife.

"You should just be happy they aren't involved in the fighting anymore."  Finn let it slip on purpose. 

"What's that supposed to mean Finn?"  Burt could feel his blood pressure rising.

"Umm.  Nothing."  Finn looked down as plate as if it was the most fascinating thing he'd ever seen.

Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand because he knew this was Finn's accidental planned slip up.  "I just meant that they aren't fighting anymore.  You know, like fighting with each other."

"I haven't seen them fight once since they've been here."  Burt trained his eyes directly on Blaine and Kurt.  "Is there something I should know about?"

Blaine was quick to respond, too quick.  "No sir."

"It was funny.  They were just playing around, but boy can Blaine fight."

"You fight dear?"  Claire questioned. 

"Blaine, where do you fight?"  Jonathan could be scary as Finn found out now.  The tone was questioning but also threatening.

"Oh, don't worry Mr. Anderson.  Blaine doesn't fight anymore and Kurt doesn't either."  Finn was laying on the innocent thing really thick and Kurt could feel the heat at the table rising.

"Okay.  That's enough, Finn.  I know you probably planned all of this."  Burt stood up with his palms flat on the table as he scanned the guilty teenage faces at the table.

"Dad, why don't we finish up and then we can all talk about it."  Kurt's eyes were desperate.  "In the living room.  We can get our coffees and all talk calmly about this."

"Kurt, you're asking for a lot of latitude when I don't even know what all this is about.  You suggesting that we do this in the living room tells me I won't be happy about it."

Kurt just nodded and he grabbed Blaine's hand.  Their eyes met as Kurt mouthed ‘I love you'.  His eyes said it all.  Kurt was worried.





"Where should we start?"  Kurt asked all the adults.

Jonathan spoke first.  "Let's start with the beginning.  I've always found the beginning would be best, hmmm?"  He looked at the other adults in the room. 

The three boys were seated on the sofa by themselves while Jonathan and Claire were on the loveseat adjacent to them and Carole and Burt were in high back chairs directly facing them.  Kurt thought it looked like Judge and jury to him.

Finn opened his mouth to start speaking, but Kurt cut in.  "I think I should start."  He waited for both Blaine and Kurt to acknowledge agreement.  "I was bored and Puck was over.  It was about 4 weeks ago now.  Puck talked about going to a fight club because he and Finn were bored too.  I decided to go with them."

Burt was steaming but trying to hold it all in.  "And Finn?  You've been to this fight club?"

"Yeah, a few times but I only fought one time.  The other times I mostly watched Puck or his cousin fight."  Finn admitted, "That's how I even knew about the fight club.  Puck's cousin has gone off and on for about a year."

Jonathan sat forward coffee in hand.  "Son, how do you fit into this?"  There was silence for a moment while the three boys looked between each other.  "Well?"

Blaine sighed and Kurt put his hand on his knee to show his support.  "I kind of run the fight club."

Jonathan stood up.  "Son, are you crazy?  Why would you do something that stupid?  You could get hurt and get in a lot of trouble."  Claire was trying to calm him down.  "Burt, how did he get past your security check?  I would've thought that they would find that out."

"I'm just as pissed off.  I'm definitely going to talk to them about it.  Kurt, why on earth would you even think to go someplace like that?"

"PLEASE!"  Kurt stood and yelled at the top of his lungs.  Everyone quieted immediately.  "We have more bad news if you would let us get to it."

"Kurt, how much worse does it get.  You get mixed up in a fight club and this kid.  I thought you were smarter than that."

Kurt had tears in his eyes.  He knew this would disappoint his dad, but what hurt even more was that he thought less of Blaine when Blaine was nothing short of perfect.  "Blaine is a good person dad.  I went there because I was tired of getting beat up every day or thrown against a locker and not being able to fight back.  This was my chance to hit someone and not feel bad about it.  I hide so many things dad.  I don't like for you to worry about me."

"Where is Finn when all this is happening?"

"I-"  Finn was cut off by Kurt.

"Dad, he can't follow me around school all day.  He has his own classes to worry about."  Kurt's shoulders slumped under the weight and Blaine wrapped his arm around him.  "This is about me and me fighting my own battles.  I wanted to do this."

"Blaine, I don't believe you've explained yourself to me and your mom."  He sat back crossing his arms.

"It wasn't just me, it was Jeff, Nick and me.  We started a fight club because we needed to blow off some steam after exams last year.  The adrenaline rush was great for doing this.  Then we kind of got more known and it expanded.  It's still only high school kids that come to it."

"And you met Kurt on this night 4 weeks ago?"

"Yeah.  I actually fought him."

Burt looked like he was going to jump out of his chair.  "Finn, how could you get him mixed up in this?"

"Finn, I'll answer.  Dad, I begged him.  I made him take me along.  I wanted this.  Blaine tried to send me away when he saw me.  He all but pushed me out the door, but that made me even madder so I punched him."  Kurt looked at Blaine.  This was not a good time to kiss him, but he wanted Blaine to know that he still loved him and they would make it work out.  "I punched him a few times actually and he had to punch me back."  Kurt looked at Finn because he knew Finn didn't know what happened that night.  "He told me he was gay while we were fighting that he wanted to get to know me better, so I told him to punch me hard and I would fake an injury.  I did and we got together."  He looked up at the shocked faces.  "Oh.. not like that."  He wasn't about to tell them they were intimate.  "We talked and found out we really liked each other." 

"Okay, so now what?'  Jonathan looked at the adults. 

"Fight Club is over.  Right now.  It's over for good Kurt.  Blaine, you are shutting it down forever.  If you plan on being with my son, you will not do anything that could be construed as illegal or negative.  You understand me?"  Kurt's heart was pounding and crushing.  His dad liked Blaine and understood how much he meant to Kurt.  Burt looked at Jonathan forgetting that he had no right to hand down any punishment.  "I'm sorry Jonathan.  I guess it's your decision to punish, not mine.

"Blaine, you will need to gain our trust again.  I can't even begin to tell you how disappointed I am in you.  This whole fight club thing is over.  You will go to the headmaster and advise of your illegal activity and accept any punishment handed down.  Your friends will go to.  You will not take the blame alone in this."  He looked to Claire.  "When this is over, we are going to have a long discussion, in which grounding will most likely occur."

"Yes, sir."  He worried about not being able to see Kurt during all of this, but this was definitely not the time to think about it. 

"You too Kurt.  There will be suitable punishment that would include grounding from the entire universe.

"Okay.  But there's more dad."  Kurt was nervous about the next part.  He was pretty sure that his dad might kill them.

"How much more.  I'm not sure I can handle much more Kurt."

"Okay.  Then you need to calm down because you are really not going to like this at all."

Burt settled down and Carole took his hand.  "I'm waiting."

"So, there was a guy that came to fight club that liked me.  He was gay and I was already kind of with Blaine.  I said no and he tried to take advantage of me."  A few tears rolled down Kurt's face.  "I'm sorry dad.  I tried to fight him, but he had me pinned."  The tears took over and he quietly bowed his head to try to collect himself and continue.

Thankfully, Blaine took over.  Pulling Kurt close to him, he whispered in Kurt's ear, "You're alright Baby.  I'll finish."  He continued where Kurt left off.  "I was fighting at the time and as soon as I finished, I looked everywhere for Kurt and just as the guy was going to really touch him, I pulled him away.  I beat the crap out of him and then I took care of Kurt."

"He did."  Kurt nodded.  "We tried to file a police report, but there were no other witnesses that could come forward or the fight club would be in trouble.

"Kurt, I would never think you're weak.  You didn't have to deal with this alone."  Burt understood.  Claire and Carole looked at him lovingly like a mother that wanted to fix everything, but it was Blaine that he needed the most.  Blaine who saved him more than he realized he needed.  Not just from Sebastian, but from his loneliness.

"It gets worse dad.  He came after me again.  He's been stalking me and Blaine and threatened to hurt Blaine.  Finn, Puck, his cousin and the Warblers have been helping.  All the while, Dave Karofsky and Azimio were also trying to get to Blaine too."

"Why Blaine?"  Jonathan was confused at this point.  "And who are the other two guys."

"I went to school with Kurt to protect him and ran into a guy that I fought at fight club before."

Kurt cut in.  "It turns out that he's one of my tormenters.  They challenged Blaine at the next fight club which was a week and a half ago.  What we didn't know was that Sebastian tried to get Dave to help him.  He still wanted me."

"It was going to be the last fight club for both of us.  I promise."  Blaine looked at Kurt.  "I love Kurt and didn't want to see him get hurt."

Kurt said while still looking at Blaine, "I love Blaine and I didn't want him to fight anymore.  His face is to gorgeous to get hit anymore.  We had already decided to not participate in fight club any longer."

"It would have disbanded because everyone was pretty much done with it.  Dad, I swear, it served its purpose for us when we needed that outlet, but we were all done with it." 

Kurt spoke up one last time.  "He tried and almost succeeded in getting to me, but Dave and Puck's cousin were first there and everyone was there seconds after."

"Kurt, I don't know why you felt like you needed to get involved in something like that."

"Dad, let me finish.  Sebastian is truly crazy.  After they found me, I beat the crap out of Sebastian."  Kurt smiled.  "It felt good, but since that night, no one knows where he is.  It's like he disappeared."

Finn finally spoke.  "Me, Puck and his cousin dumped him at his house and he was fine and breathing, but now no one knows where he is."

"I'll be honest with you boys.  I mad as hell, but I'm also glad you came clean and told us about it.  Now, I need to know everything about this Sebastian kid.  If he's out there and still stalking you, I might kill him."

"We don't know much about him."

"Puck's cousin told me his name is Sebastian Smythe and I know where he lives.  Isn't that enough information for you?"

"Blaine, I'm extremely disappointed in you.  We will have another discussion about your punishment as soon as we're done with this case, which we expect to be in 2 weeks.  We are calling Dalton on Monday after the holiday and you will talk to the Dean and accept whatever punishment they deem appropriate."  Jonathan paused.  "That being said, I am very proud of the way you helped Kurt.  It was very brave of you to take on a psycho maniac, as you've described him.  However, it does in no way excuse you from all the things you did wrong."

"Dad.  I know.  Can I please spend at least the rest of the week with Kurt?  When I get my punishment from Dalton, I might not get to see him."

"Burt, how do you feel about this?"

Burt scratched his head and looked to Carole.  He didn't want to be unreasonable.  He really did like Blaine and Kurt was clearly in love with him.  Blaine had saved his son several times.  That had to be worth something.  Carole leaned in, "I would hate for them to lose each other in all of this.  Kurt is happier than I have ever seen him Burt."

"Okay.  Blaine, you may continue to spend the week with Kurt.  You will not leave this house unless we know exactly where you're going and what time you'll be home.  I need addresses if you are going to someone's house.  You boys both have Carole to thank for this.  If she hadn't just told me that Kurt was the happiest she'd ever seen him Blaine would be leaving here right this second." 

Kurt smiled from ear to ear.  He couldn't believe what he was hearing.  "Blaine, you will obey every one of Burt wishes."

Claire cut in with a sheepish smile.  "You look very happy sweetheart."

"Mom, I am so happy."  Blaine didn't want to wait one more second because he just learned that he would be with Kurt for 3 more days and he didn't have to break up.  Yeah, things will be more difficult during the punishment, but they were together.  They were boyfriends, they were in love and hopefully they would be going to school together soon.  He leaned in to Kurt and kissed him on the lips.  "I love you, Kurt."

Kurt's hands went to Blaine's head and threaded into his curls.  "I love you too!"  Kurt turned back into Blaine kissing him more deeply slipping his tongue into Blaine's mouth.  Blaine didn't hesitate to meet Kurt with the same enthusiasm that Burt wasn't kicking him out and that after punishment; they could be a normal couple.  Well, as normal as they could be.

"Burt, make them stop!"  Finn was laughing as he said it.  Blaine and Kurt pulled away from each other at the same time, resting their foreheads together, blushing but kept their eyes trained on one another.

"Okay Blaine, we need to get going.  Burt has a hotel room for us and will be flying us back out tomorrow morning."  He turned to Burt.  "Thank you so much for flying us in.  You'll take care of Sebastian?  We'll report him too.  Maybe from both sides we can find this kid and see what needs to happen."

"That sounds like a good plan Jonathan.  A car will pick you up in the morning around 5:00 AM."

"5:00 AM?  So I won't see you again until you're done?"  Blaine walked over to his parents.

Claire reached out and hugged him.  "Oh Sweetie.  We'll be done in 2 weeks and we'll be back home with paperwork up to our ears for the rest of the year."  She kissed Blaine on the top of his head.  "We love you so much Blaine.  Just because you make mistakes doesn't change how much we love you and how proud of you we are.  It's all part of growing up."  She held Blaine by his cheeks.  "You are growing up to be a fine young man.  Even fine young men make stupid mistakes, but you'll learn from them."

Claire pushed Blaine toward his father.  "Son, I'm pretty mad too, but I understand how much pressure Dalton can be at times.  I also understand that we haven't been around a lot and it leaves you a bit lonely.  Your mother is right, it's okay to make mistakes.  Learn from them son.  We're still proud of you."

Blaine walked them to the door where there was a car waiting.  "I love you mom and dad.  Thank you for letting me see Kurt.  I really do love him."

"We know."  They turned and walked to the car waving before getting in.  Blaine let the few tears fall down his cheeks.  A pair of familiar arms encircled his waist hugging him tightly and gently kissing away the tears.

"You'll see them in about two weeks.  I know you miss them."  Kurt comforted Blaine in the hallways rocking him gently and running his fingers though his curls.  It was soothing.  Blaine cried for only a few minutes before he realized he and Kurt could hang out and hug all night.

"Thank you for being there for me."  Blaine looked up at his boyfriend, tears gone.

"I'll always be there for you.  I love you, silly."  Kurt kissed his temple and as he looked up from hugging him, he saw his dad and stepmom in the hallway smiling at him.  They were happy for him.  Even amongst the chaos, they saw how much love was between them.  "Let's go downstairs for a while.  We can listen to music or watch TV.  We usually have desert a little later.  Sound like a good plan?"

"Best plan ever."

They descended to Kurt's room and decided they just wanted silence.  They spent the rest of the evening feeling each other's heartbeats and reveling in the taste of each other.  Fingertips roamed and touched innocently as they memorized the dips and curves of each other's necks, faces and spines.  Blaine found several spots that made Kurt shiver and whine for more.  Kurt found a spot behind Blaine's ear that made Blaine moan as he kissed it.  This was all they needed.  Burt trusted them and they wouldn't betray his trust, at least not today.


End Notes: Reviews?Almost done. I think there will be 1 or 2 more at the most. Still need to tie up some loose ends..


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