DA Fight Club
Chapter 16 - Fight For Your Love Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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DA Fight Club: Chapter 16 - Fight For Your Love

E - Words: 4,181 - Last Updated: Aug 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 15, 2012 - Updated: Aug 12, 2012
690 0 5 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: WOW.. I am so sorry that it has been a long time since I updated. Forever Love has kept me busy and I have been honest that that story is my priority right now, but I also promised everyone updates on this consistently and they've been less than consistent. I will try to do a better job at consistently updating weekly. I can only try, no promises.My other excuse which is a very valid one. I was on vacation for 10 days in sunny California. If you have not gone to Universal and ridden Transformers.. YOU HAVE TO! It is the best ride I have ever and I repeat EVER been on. I can't even put into words how awesome that ride was. Hands down best ever!I am jet lagged and just landed from Pacific to Eastern time about 5 hours ago.Thank you for being patient with this story. I hope this chapter makes up for the long overdue update.

Chapter 16 - Fight for your love

"Are you ready for this?"  Sebastian was a bit annoyed tonight.

"Yeah.  Why are you so worked up over it?"  Dave noticed how irritated Sebastian was.  "This probably won't work anyway, so you better get yourself prepared for an epic failure."

Sebastian got up in Dave's face.  "I need this to work.  I don't like to fail at things.  We are going to win this game.  You get Kurt and I get Blaine."  In the back of his mind he thought ‘I get Kurt and you get nothing you stupid football player'.

Dave pushed Sebastian back.  He was bigger than Sebastian, but something told him that he was a little crazy and that he can pack a punch.  "Back off Sebastian.  He might not want you.  Did you ever think of that?  Just stick to the plan and whatever happens, happens.  We can't make them like us."  Dave was a bit crestfallen as he thought about the impending rejection that he knew he would get.

A large guy came up behind Dave.  "Is this the idiot that's going to pick that Blaine guy up off the floor when I beat the crap out of him?"

Dave nodded, rolling his eyes.  "Yeah.  This is the idiot that thinks he can get him to care about him."

"I plan on beating the crap out of him, so you better have a first aid kit handy when you pick him up off the ground."  Azimio looked at Dave.  "I normally don't help fags, but beating this one up will be a pleasure.  Then Hummel is next."

They got in 2 cars, Dave and Azimio together and Sebastian in his car as they pulled out of the parking lot at the Lima Bean.  Dave was thankful that Azimio didn't know his secret and Sebastian didn't slip up either.  He knew he could never be as popular and trusted if they knew his secret.  Dave followed Sebastian as they headed to Westerville for a fight that he hoped ended with Kurt liking him just a little more.




Blaine felt a vibration on the bed somewhere.  "Kurt, get that."  He nuzzled closer into Kurt's neck.  There it was again.  "Kurt, is that your phone?"

Reluctantly, Kurt looked over to the nightstand where his phone was and there was nothing happening.  "Not my phone Blaine.  Must be yours."

Blaine shot up quickly realizing that they fell asleep.  "Oh shit!  What time is it?"

Kurt shot up at the question.  "It's 9:15.  Crap."

"We fell asleep."  Blaine popped up to a sitting position, legs hanging over the edge of the bed, still hazy from sleep.  "I can't believe we fell asleep."

Kurt smiled at Blaine.  "I can.  You were sort of fantastic."  He blushed at the admission that Blaine truly wore him out.  "It was nice having some time to lie down with you, Blaine."

"Aww.  Baby.  Me too, but when you run a fight club, it's kind of common knowledge that I should be there when it starts."

"Who helped you start it?"

"Jeff and Nick.  They're there.  Jeff is the one that's texting me."  Blaine was grabbing his clothes as Kurt stood to get to his bag for his fight club clothes.  "Let me text him and then we can drive down to the barn.  It's too far to walk."

Kurt threw on what he called his crappy jeans and his black v-neck and added converse shoes to the outfit.  It was very dressed down for Kurt Hummel.  "I think this the only time you will ever see me dressed this casually."

"Kurt, that's still a pretty nice outfit.  Especially for fight club, but I do like the tee shirt.  It makes your arms look big and your waist look trim."  Blaine tugged his clothes on.  "Don't forget the pointers I gave you last night."

"I won't forget.  It's not like I'm going to win anyway."

"You can win Kurt.  I know you can."  Blaine had decided since his little lesson, that Kurt deserved to do what he wanted whether he liked it or not.  He, most definitely, did not like it.  "I need you to promise me one thing."

Kurt looked at Blaine questioningly.  He suspected what Blaine was going to ask him.  "Okay, what?"

Blaine took Kurt's hands in his and led him to sit on the bed while Blaine kneeled in front of him.  "Promise me that if you fight a full fight tonight, win or lose, you won't fight again."  Blaine's eyes were pleading or begging or maybe a little of both. 

With a sigh, Kurt agreed.  "Okay, but I also have a condition."

"What's your condition?"

"If I quit, I want you to back off on fighting so much.  I know you have to continue doing it since it's your fight club, but I just can't sit and watch you get hurt.  I don't like it when your face gets hit Blaine.  You're so beautiful and I hate to see it all bruised up."  Blaine was still on his knees in front of Kurt as Kurt cupped his face, kissing him gently on the forehead.  Kurt was nervous asking Blaine for so much.  They really hadn't been a couple long enough for him to ask him to give up something that was part of his life. 

Blaine sighed heavily and Kurt could see the thoughts running through his head and suddenly, "Okay.  I won't fight every fight club, but I will have to fight sometimes."  A huge smiled graced Kurt's face and Blaine couldn't help but smile too.  "But, tonight I think something big is going to happen and we probably should settle this once and for all."

"I agree."  Blaine pulled Kurt by the hand as they headed out the bedroom door to Blaine's car.




Blaine and Kurt walked into the barn hand in hand to a fight already happening.  They paid less attention to what was happening in the fight than they did to the three people they had expected to be there.  Blaine's eyes immediately trained on Sebastian, Dave and Azimio.  He whispered to Kurt.  "It's funny that they're trying to pretend they don't know each other, yet they are standing together."

Kurt looked alarmed.  "Azimio is here."

"I am so ready for him."


"Sh..  I can beat him.  He's stupid and will make mistakes that I'll use to my advantage.  I promise you, I won't get hurt."

They walked up just as Finn, Puck, Jeff and Nick noticed them.  "Dude, I was worried about you.  You tell me to be here and then you aren't here and Jeff said he texted Blaine and there was no answer."  Finn stopped and there was a weird look on his face.  "You weren't-.  Forget it.  I'm just glad you are okay."

"They were totally getting it on."  Puck patted Blaine on the shoulder. 

Kurt looked offended.  "Why does he get the pat?"

"Because, Kurt, I know he has to be the one doing, not being done."

Kurt gave Puck a disgusted look.  "You know when you're gay there are no gender roles Puck."

"I know, but Kurt.. "  He looked at Kurt noticing a smirk.  It didn't matter that he hadn't topped Blaine.  Just the idea of putting a question in Puck's head was enough and it stopped Puck in his tracks.  Puck's brain was working and that always took time. 

Blaine laughed. "You amaze me, Kurt."  He patted Puck on the shoulder.  "Don't think about it too hard Puck."

Kurt smiled back at Blaine, blushing.  "It's so easy to get him thinking too much."

Blaine whispered, "You know I would like to try that."  He nodded back to what Puck had said.

Kurt's eyes widened.  "You would?"

"Of course I would.  I just never.. You just seemed to like it."

"I do.  A lot.  I like it a lot.  You have no idea how good it feels."  Then he blushed even more, his ears turning crimson.  "Well, unless you.. to yourself, I guess."

"It's not the same."

"I know."  Kurt smiled.  "So, I guess we need to experiment with you a little."  Blaine squeezed his hand. 

"Here we go.  Now stay close to me, Kurt."

"Yeah.  I'm a little nervous."

"We've got this.  All our friends are here and the three of them are complete idiots.  They can't possibly hurt either of us.  I don't care how crazy Sebastian is.  He won't get near you."

"I'm just worried about what he told Dave and Azimio to get them to help."

"Again, Kurt, they're stupid and can't possibly understand what his crazy mind is thinking."

"Okay.  I'm a little nervous to fight today, but mostly because of who I might end up fighting."

"You'll be okay."  Blaine wasn't sure, but he was sure that whatever happened tonight, it would be Kurt's last fight.

They walked up to the group just watching the current fight.  They were standing across from Sebastian, Dave and Azimio.  Blaine nodded his head toward Azimio.  Azimio just smiled.  Blaine looked at Kurt.  "Looks like we are on for tonight.  He's here, I'm here." 

Kurt looked really worried and squeezed Blaine's hand tightly.  "Be careful."

"I'll be fine."  He turned to Finn, Puck, Jeff and Nick.  "I'm going next."  Truthfully, Blaine was a little worried about the fight.  He was half the size in height and weight.  As the fight going on was ending, Blaine was tearing his shirt off and taking some deep breaths trying to get his head in the fight.  He needed it.

Kurt took Finn's hand.  "Why does he have to do this?"

"It's like an honor thing, Kurt.  I know you don't get it, but a lot of guys would do it to defend the honor of someone they love or believe in.  You know what I mean?"

"Azimio made fun of me and threw me around a little and Blaine needs to show him that he can't just do that to someone for the fun of it."

"Yeah.  He's doing it for you."  Finn stood close and Puck was just in front of Kurt.

Blaine stood center of the crowd.  Azimio and Dave stepped forward.  Blaine put his hands on his hips and shook his head.  "I'm not fighting both of you.  I think I have something to settle with both of you, but I'm only fighting one.  If you want to fight it out, I'll gladly wait for the winner.  Your call."  He motioned for them to figure it out.

Dave stepped back and motioned for Azimio to move forward.  "He's all yours."

Sebastian was smiling in the background.  Kurt's eyes were trained on the fight now.  Blaine and Azimio were circling.  Blaine had a cocky smirk on his face.  Sebastian yelled out, "Come on.  You can take him, Azimio."  Kurt turned red with anger.  He released Finn's hand. 

"Kurt, don't let him get to you."  Finn Squeezed Kurt's hand.

"I want to kill him.  I hate him so much."  Kurt dropped Finn's hand and clenched them into fists and his knuckles were white.

Sebastian smirked at Kurt noticing how angry he was getting.  Azimio took a swing and just as Blaine predicted, he was slow and stupid.  He thought he could just swing at Blaine and land the punches.  Blaine moved swiftly away from some big swings that Azimio thought he could land and just as Azimio was off balance, Blaine took a few punches to his side and head.  Azimio stumbled sideways groaning as Dave helped him up by the arm.  He whispered something to him that no one could hear as Dave urged him forward back toward Blaine.  He lunged at Blaine reaching a fist out again while Blaine hit him with his elbow in the kidney.  This time it was Sebastian that was there to help him up.  Kurt was smiling at Blaine while Azimio got up slowly with Sebastian's help. 

Blaine looked around to find Kurt still flanked with Finn, Puck, Jeff and Nick.  He smiled just as Kurt had a look of surprise on his face.  Azimio tackled Blaine to the ground from behind and pinning him on his back and straddling him taking a few punches to the face and solar plexis.  Blaine was trying to protect his face more than his body, but Azimio was punching too fast.  "Stop!!"  Kurt didn't even know it was him screaming.  "Get the fuck off of him! It's me you want."  Kurt stepped out into the ring as Blaine stood, not quite able to get his bearings. 

Catching his breath, he pushed Kurt away.  "Kurt, stay out of this.  It's me and him.  Those are the rules of the club.  Stay out!"  Blaine had a few small cuts on his cheek and his eyebrow, but otherwise, he looked a little bruised, but okay.  He shook his head at Kurt, "I'll be fine.  I just got distracted a minute."

"That's what you think!"  Azimio was pumped up.  The adrenaline was flowing and Sebastian smiled because this is what he expected to happen. 

Dave moved toward Kurt.  "You should probably let it be, Kurt."  Dave looked more gentle than he had ever looked and something about the look made Kurt pause.

"Okay."  He stepped back.  Jeff and Nick were behind him while Finn and Puck remained close. 

Blaine glared at Dave for even touching Kurt then turned to look at Azimio.  "You caught me off guard.  It won't happen again."  Blaine clenched his fist showing off his muscular arms.  Kurt's mouth went dry because this shouldn't have been a turn on considering Blaine almost got completely beat. 

Blaine went at Azimio landing a few small punches but Azimio landed a big one to his kidney.  Blaine chastised himself and Kurt could see he was angry for letting all of this get to him.  "Blaine, calm down.  You are better than him."  Kurt got through to Blaine and he did calm down immediately coming back into his head.  He moved back to Azimio and started in on him.  Azimio stumbled back after a few more hits to the gut and one to the head.

Kurt was clapping and jumping up and down.  Sebastian saw his chanced pissing away so he had to do something.  He needed to distract Kurt's protectors while Azimio was in this fight.  It became clear that Azimio would probably not win this.  He leaned into Dave, "You guys are both worthless pieces of shit.  You definitely fit the F-A-G role in the way you fight."

Dave was a hot head and his ears turned red with anger.  "What the fuck is wrong with you Sebastian.  I told you this wouldn't work."

"It didn't work because you guys are totally worthless.  You can't even beat up a bunch of fags that are half your size."

Dave bumped chests with Sebastian.  "Back off Sebastian."  It was working and people were starting to notice something else going on.

"Kurt.  Stay here close to Finn and Puck.  We need to break up whatever's going on over there."  Jeff and Nick left.

Dave swung at Sebastian.  "You are fucking crazy, you know that?  I was stupid to even get involved with you."

Sebastian smirked.  "Wait until I tell everyone how much liked getting fucked up the ass."  That was it.  Dave tackled Sebastian to the ground and started beating on him with both fists.  He pounded Sebastian's face and gut until Jeff and Nick grabbed him by the arms.  They had trouble controlling him as he flailed his arms and legs all around.  Finn and Puck noticed that they needed help and ran over to help.

"You are out of here.  We're kicking you out of this club for good."  Finn and Puck grabbed Dave's feet while Jeff and Nick had his arms and legs, literally picking him up to take him outside.  

Sebastian pushed himself up and dusted off.  Now it was his turn.  Azimio was giving Blaine a hard time.  Kurt's protectors had taken Dave away from the barn and would be out for a little while.  Kurt was moving toward the side of the crowd to see what they were doing to Dave when Sebastian grabbed him from behind clenching his arm around Kurt's neck and covered his mouth.  He dragged Kurt out a side door.

Kurt was struggling, and at this point he knew it was Sebastian, even though he couldn't see that it was him.  "Please let me go, Sebastian."

"Aw, isn't that sweet.  You recognized my touch."  Sebastian pushed Kurt to the ground and straddled him pinning his arms to his sides.  His head moved to Kurt's neck and he ran his lips across the side Kurt's neck sniffing the sweet coconut scent wafting form Kurt's skin before grabbing a bandana that he had stuffed his pocket and tying it into Kurt's mouth.  He took a second one from his pocket to bind Kurt's arms together.

Kurt had tears in his eyes.  It was happening again.  He didn't deserve this one bit.  "Get up, Kurt.  We're going to go on a ride."  He pulled Kurt up to a standing position.

Blaine punched Azimio one last time before Azimio gave up.  He was dripping in sweat and blood from the cut above his eye.  "Stay away from him.  Do you hear me? "  Azimio nodded his defeat.

Blaine scanned the crowd for Kurt, but Kurt was nowhere and neither were Jeff, Nick, Finn and Puck.  Blaine became frantic immediately as he ran toward the door.  He got to the door just as the four of them returned.  "Where is he?"

Finn began to panic as well.  "He's in here.  We had to take Dave out for starting a fight with Seb- .  Fuck!  That fucking bastard.  He planned this.  He knew we would be watching Dave."

Blaine turned wide-eyed scanning the crowd.  "Kurt!  Kurt are you here?  Has anyone seen Kurt?"  Blaine got no response from the room.

"Where the fuck is Sebastian?"  Puck was starting to get mad as he turned toward the door not seeing either of them. 

Samuel was just pulling into the barn parking area when he saw Dave walking very slowly to his car.  He didn't know Dave, but Dave had clearly been punched and was kicked out for something.  He just nodded at Dave.  As he was nearing the door, he heard a muffled yell from the field at the side of the barn and looked around the corner.  He really couldn't see anything in the dark of the night, but he thought it looked like the outline of Sebastian.  Out of curiosity, he moved the side of the barn and focused more because he was sure he heard muffled screams and if it was Sebastian, it was definitely no good.  As he neared the field area, he saw the Sebastian had someone pinned to the ground struggling.  Just as he was going to head toward them, he heard someone walk up behind him.  It was Dave. 

"Dude, that guy's crazy.  We need to go help Kurt."

Samuel's eyes opened wide.  "That's Kurt?"

"Yeah.  We need to go help him."

Samuel nodded as they both walked toward Sebastian cautiously.  "Does he have a weapon?"

"He might have a knife.  He's been bragging about having a knife."

"Anything else?"

"I doubt it.  He's crazy and stupid."

"I know he's crazy.  We go to the same school.  It's my fault he even comes to this fight club."

"I don't like him."

"Me either."  They paused and Samuel whispered, "On three?"

Dave nodded.  Samuel held up his hand and started with his index finger, lifting it up to signify one, then his middle finger together and ring finger.  They charged Sebastian.  Samuel tackled him to the ground pinning him down on his back.

"Kurt!"  Blaine was running from the front of the barn to the field where he was.  Dave was already untying him and Kurt slumped to the ground seemingly defeated.

Dave gently put his hand on Kurt's shoulder.  "You're okay.  It's over."  Kurt looked up at Dave.  "Your guy is here."  Dave motioned Kurt to go to Blaine.  Kurt didn't need to move.  Blaine was to him in the next second. 

"Fuck, Kurt.  I'm sorry."  He pulled Kurt to him tightly.  Blaine was crying into Kurt's neck. 

"Don't be sorry, Blaine."  He pushed Blaine far enough away to see his face.  Kurt actually looked mad.  Blaine thought it was directed at him, but it wasn't.  He turned to Dave Karofsky.  "So this is what you guys were planning?"

"Well, not exactly.  He said he wanted Blaine, but I should have known it was you he wanted."

"I can't believe you helped him."  Kurt thought to himself, after I kept your secret safe.  "How could you do that?  I knew you were mean Dave, but I guess I didn't think you would go that far.  It's been a school bully thing.  This- this is different."

"I know, Kurt, and I'm sorry.  I just thought...  Nothing."  Dave could barely make eye contact.

Kurt walked over to where Samuel and now Puck and Finn had Sebastian held down.  "You and I are going to fight, right now, in there."  Kurt pointed to the barn.  Sebastian looked worried.  His cocky persona had dissipated somewhat in the company.  Samuel and Puck stood Sebastian up holding his arms.  "You think you're so tough.  You grabbed me when I wasn't looking.  You got me in a choke hold.  How about I do this?"  Kurt kneed him hard in the balls.  "That's a different kind of choke hold than the one you had me in, but I prefer not to exert myself too much."  Kurt walked toward the barn.  "Get him inside.  I want to beat the crap out of him before we kick him off of this property."  He grabbed Blaine's hand on the way to the barn.  Blaine didn't say anything because he saw the fire in Kurt's eyes.  He was angry and Blaine kind of liked this.

The got to the middle of the barn.  Sebastian was limping and sort of dragged in by Samuel and Puck.  Blaine leaned in to Kurt.  "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Positive.  He's done messing with me."  Kurt looked serious.  He was ready to teach Sebastian a lesson.  Sebastian stood tall and smiled pretending that his nuts were not lodged in his throat at the present time.  Kurt swung at him as he stepped back slightly losing his balance and falling down.  "Get up Asshole."

Sebastian got up with less of a smirk as Kurt walked to him and swung punching him in the stomach.   To Kurt's surprise, Sebastian hunched forward.  Kurt packed a punch that he never expected.  His knuckles already hurt but Kurt was angry at what Sebastian had done to him.  He was relentless.  He punched him in the face and again in the stomach followed by another kick to his groin.  Sebastian was slumped over as he tried to punch back.  Kurt paced in front of him never losing eye contact.  "I am done being your victim Sebastian."  Kurt punched him in the face again.  "You come near me or anyone I know or love, I will have you disappear quicker than you can blink your eyes."  Kurt was serious.  He looked more angry and more scary than Blaine had ever seen him.  "I swear to God I have the means and I will use them.  I'm done with you, you piece of shit."  Kurt punched him over and over again until Sebastian was on the floor unmoving.  Sebastian never got a punch in.  Kurt never gave him the time or opportunity.  He had been so angry that he never really stopped.

Blaine had to stop Kurt.  "Baby, that's enough."  Kurt was raging until that moment when he felt Blaine's arms around him holding tight.  Blaine brought him back to reality and he slumped into Blaine's arms holding around Blaine's back tightly as he sobbed loudly.  Kurt was wrecked.  He didn't realize how relentless he had become while punching Sebastian.  "Come on, Baby.  Let's get you cleaned up."  Blaine led Kurt toward the door.  He turned back for only a second, "Get rid of him.  Make sure he knows not to ever show his face here."

He led Kurt to the car and Kurt tried to hold it together as long as he could, but he completely lost it when the car started.  "Blaine.  I'm sorry."  He sobbed loudly unable to control himself.  He wrapped his arms around himself in an attempt to console his hurt ego and calm his evil rage.  He had so many feelings coursing through his veins.  They ran from anger to hurt to helplessness.

"Hey, stop it.  He deserved it."  Blaine knew he was struggling with the things he'd done.  He knew Kurt would need him when he was able to comprehend everything that happened.

Kurt nodded.  "He did deserve it, but I have never been like that before.  I've never been so out of control like that before."

"Under the circumstances, I think it was fair what you did to him.  You treated him with the same respect he gave you.  None."  Blaine wanted to ease his pain, but knew he would have to wait until they were in the comfort of his home to do it.

Kurt nodded in agreement, but still felt uneasy with how easily he lost control.  He was also unsure that Sebastian would stop pursuing him, but he had to hope that the power he exerted today was enough to make him scared.  "Okay, let's go."  They drove to Blaine's house to deal with the aftermath of what had just happened to everyone.


End Notes: Reviews?


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This chapter was really intense, especially the fighting scenes. You've written them so well, and I was a bit scared seeing Kurt like that, but I'm so happy he was able to kick Seb's crazy ass.

I know it was intense, but I really wanted Kurt to do it himself. i went back and forth about how it should happen, but in the end I wanted Kurt to have 2 things: beating someone's butt and beating Sebastian at his game... I wasn't sure how people would respond, but so far, it seems that everyone likes it.. Thank you so much for continuing to support my story. It's so different than the way I write them usually.

I hope that's a good "ahhhh this!!" :)

dddaaaaaaaaammnnnn!!!!! that was so fgreaking intense! glad kurt finally beat him up! and that kurt beat up azimio. muahahaha!