Aug. 12, 2012, 11:26 a.m.
Aug. 12, 2012, 11:26 a.m.
In the lunch room Kurt asked Finn and Puck to go with him to fight club. "I need both of you there. Blaine and I saw Karofsky and Sebastian together at the Lima Bean. They were talking about something they were going to do today."
"Maybe it's something else." Finn was hopeful to not have to deal with them.
Puck laughed. "I don't trust either of them guys. They are up to no good for sure. I'll make sure Samuel comes too. Maybe we should get Sam and Mike to come with."
"Blaine has Nick and Jeff watching out. I think Jon and Trent are going too. They aren't fighting because of the holidays, so they are going to watch out for us. We need more people watching us."
"Kurt, of course we'll be there. What kind of brother would I be?"
"Thanks guys." Kurt glanced over his shoulder to see the jock table. Dave and Azimio were making a lot of noise. He caught Dave's eyes as he looked over briefly. He had a look of guilt on his face. Kurt was certain that whatever was going to happen wouldn't be good.
Blaine woke with a feeling of dread. He had a gut feeling that whatever was happening that night was going to be bad. Really bad. He didn't want Kurt to come to fight club. What if he didn't get to Kurt when he was in trouble? What if they were planning on doing something bad to him? He was deep in thought during breakfast when Jeff interrupted his thoughts. "You okay Blaine?"
He shook his head. "No."
"We're your friends and we're here for you."
"Yesterday, Kurt and I saw Sebastian with this guy from his high school. This guy has been tormenting him for 3 years. They were at the Lima Bean yesterday when I was dropping Kurt off at the Lima Bean."
"Where were you guys?"
"I brought him back here."
"Oh really?" Jeff winked at Blaine.
Blaine sighed. "Yeah. But can we get back to what happened?"
"Sorry Blaine. I'm just impressed with your sexual prowess. I would have never guessed it." Jeff laughed even though Blaine appeared slightly annoyed. "Go on." Jeff tried to keep a straight face.
"They were actually heading straight toward us and we heard them talking about something they planned for tonight. I think it has to do with fight club tonight."
"We can cancel it."
"No, Kurt wants to fight tonight and I think they're going to try something." Blaine looked more worried than he'd ever looked before. "We really need you guys to watch out for us."
Nick reached his hand up to tell Jeff to not talk. "We'll be there and we'll be your lookouts. All of the Warblers that go will definitely have your back, right Jeff?"
"Of course we do." Jeff nodded seriously.
"I was hoping you guys would be there for me." Blaine was happy. "I need everyone to watch Kurt. I'm not worried about me."
"Dude. You're our front man. We're worried about you." Jeff knew that they needed to protect him.
By lunch all the Warblers knew about what they needed to do. Nick caught Blaine on the way to the lunch table. "All the Warblers that go to fight club know what the problem is and know to keep their eyes open. Are you going to be with Kurt the whole night?"
"That's the plan. Unless he or I are fighting, I plan to be right next to him the entire night. I don't want to leave him alone even to go to the bathroom."
Nick laughed. "Okay. That's a bit much, I think. A guy's got to have some privacy don't they?"
Blaine answered completely seriously. "Not tonight. I don't care. I'm not leaving him unless he is fighting or I'm fighting. I'm considering making Finn hold his hand if I end up getting in a fight."
"Why would you even fight?"
"Well, when I went to school with him on Monday, I kind of challenged a guy name Azimio to a fight. I can't go back on the challenge. He's a big guy, but I'm sure he's really slow and not trained like me. It'll be no problem." Blaine was confident. "I think Dave is going to bring him tonight."
"Okay." Nick turned to the group. "Blaine might be fighting a guy named…. Uh… " He turned to Blaine.
"Okay, what he said." Nick thought to himself. Azimio sounds like a scary name. "Anyway, while he's fighting, we need to keep a really close watch on Kurt. They might try something at that time."
"Thanks Nick. Everyone thanks. I'm really worried because I think this guy is capable of a lot of things. He tried to rape Kurt and then challenged me to a fight. I think he's a little on edge and he might be crazy."
"We get it Blaine. We're there for you."
"Thank you."
"We're a family and we stick together."
"I thought school would never end. My Dad is gone with Carole. They won't be back for a week and a half. For Thanksgiving." Kurt was enthusiastic and it made Blaine smile. "You're still coming for Thanksgiving, right?"
"If you still want me."
"Of course Blaine. I can't wait."
"What time do you want me to come over?"
"Now.." Blaine laughed. He didn't care when he saw Kurt as long as he was going to see him. "No, really. I want to see you as soon as you can get here, but if you have things to do, I can be patient."
Kurt smiled on his end as his heart skipped a beat. He was falling head over heels for Blaine. He didn't want to wait another second. "I'll leave in about 15 minutes. I have to make sure I pack a bag to stay with you over night."
"We'll stay at the house. Does that sound nice?"
"Perfect. No distractions and we don't have stay quiet."
Blaine giggled. "You want me don't you?" He was joking trying to sound all provocative, but deep down he meant it.
Kurt's voice was gravelly and lower than normal when he responded. "You know I do." Blaine felt all of his blood drain south immediately. Hearing the desire in Kurt's voice was all it took.
"Get to my parent's house as fast as you can. I'll be waiting. I'll pick up dinner for us and wait for you. Salad for you?"
"Yes please. I'll leave in a few minutes. I wish I was closer."
"Kurt, be careful. I want to see you at my house, not in a hospital. Do you hear me?" Blaine was firm and demanding. "Kurt, please drive carefully."
"I will. Just. I need to go so I can get to you, okay?" The need to see Blaine was overwhelming. Kurt wondered how he let himself get so lost in one person, but something about Blaine made him feel more whole than he'd ever felt before.
"I'll be waiting." Blaine needed to touch Kurt and not touch in the sexual sense. He needed to feel Kurt and see Kurt. He felt a need for someone that he never felt before. Its strange how one glance at Kurt several weeks ago had changed him. It changed what he cared about, it changed his attitude, and it changed him and made him feel like he could conquer anything as long as he had Kurt.
There was plenty of time to get ready. Blaine had almost two hours to get the house ready. He stopped at the grocery store for salad makings. Last minute he decided to get chicken breast to grill it for the salad. Luckily the grocery had pre-marinated breasts. He picked up candles for the table and then had a better idea to get more candles to set the mood. Blaine decided that Kurt was worth every penny he spent and any time with Kurt was worth it. In his mind, he already belonged to Kurt. He hoped Kurt would completely give in soon and tell him that he was it for Kurt too. Blaine couldn't be wrong about this. He felt it in every fiber of his body.
"Hello?" Blaine was at the florist buying rose petals and roses for the dinner table.
Jeff called. "Blaine. We didn't even know you left the dorms. Are you okay?" Jeff was serious for once and really seemed worried.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Are you worried?"
"Yeah. You weren't here and you didn't tell anyone."
"Sorry. I was in a hurry. Kurt is coming over before fight club. We're having dinner at my house."
Jeff laughed out loud. "Kurt is not dinner Blaine."
"Funny.. haha. You crack me up. I'm totally serious. I just picked up chicken breast and salad and candles."
"So Kurt is desert?"
Blaine blushed. "Wouldn't you like to know?"
"I know you. So I know that Kurt must be desert."
"Now, I'm picking up roses and rose petals."
"Oh my God. Kurt is desert!"
"Shut up!" Blaine smiled. His friends were excited for him, not embarrassed or grossed out by him. Dalton was so good for his self-esteem. He was bits and pieces of a broken boy when he first arrived, but now he was popular, gay and the final piece to complete him was found, Kurt. "I've got to go or I won't have dinner ready when he gets there."
"Okay. See you around 9:00?"
"Yeah. I'll be there. I suspect there will be a lot of someone's there."
"We got this, okay?"
Blaine grilled the chicken and cut it up to chill. The salad completed. He set up the coffee table instead of the table. The fireplace was lit and candles lined the room sparsely. It was truly romantic. Blaine never knew he was capable of being a romantic. He was wrong. He smiled at himself confident that this was perfect.
Blaine took the remaining few candles upstairs to his room to light and scattered rose petals on the bed. He took the remaining rose petals and trailed them down the stairs. As he looked around, he had one last thought. He took one of the roses from the face on the coffee table and brought it upstairs and laid it gently on his pillows. A glance at his watch told him that Kurt would be there in the next 20 minutes as long as Kurt was mindful of the speed limit as he requested.
Blaine grabbed his IPod to make a playlist for tonight. He wanted to make sure the message he was delivering was imparted properly. 15 minutes later, Blaine was satisfied with what he had for a play list and put his IPod into the home theater system and turned it on. It was now playing in the entire house. He made one last sweep of the house and adjusted the speakers in every room to make sure it would be heard but that it wasn't too loud. Then the doorbell rang. Blaine's heart started to race in anticipation of the bright blue eyes that he had grown to love.
He stopped in the mirror one last time. He had left his hair less gelled because he remember Kurt saying he loved the ringlets. He knew he could never leave it completely without gel, but instead of combing it straight, he styled it leaving the ringlets free. Kurt rarely got to see him dressed in street clothes because they would meet after school so he wanted to look good. He wore straight leg dark washed jeans and a dark grey fitted V-neck tee shirt. He hoped that Kurt liked to see the little bit of chest hair and his tight body.
"Hey gorgeous." Blaine popped the door open quickly and had to take a breath at the first sight of Kurt. This felt like a first date, yet like coming home at the same time. Kurt was breathtaking. He was wearing skin tight black pants and with his jacket on, Blaine was already wondering what Kurt was wearing on top. His eyes seemed to be glistening in the dim light from hall. It was already dark outside because Ohio in November is like living in the dark. Blaine took his hand. "I'm glad you did what I said and obeyed the speed limit."
"I wanted to get to you, not land in some ditch somewhere." Kurt smiled brightly at his first sight of the house. He gasped when he fully entered the foyer and saw the trail of rose petals up the stairs. "You didn't have to do all of this." Kurt blushed and dipped his head.
Blaine lifted Kurt's face to his holding his chin firmly. "I like taking you out on dates even if it is a stay at home date. I want to make it special. You're special to me and I should show you that all the time. Now jacket please." Blaine helped Kurt out of his jacket and scarf. He found a dark tee shirt that hugged his biceps tightly and a silver vest that showed off Kurt's broad shoulders. He was hot. "You look fantastic." Blaine hugged Kurt from behind kissing his neck.
"You left your curls loose." Kurt's eyes hungry and darker than normal. "For me. I know you did that for me."
"I knew you liked it."
Kurt turned to face Blaine and pulled him to him by his ass. "I like these jeans on you too. They make you look.. well.. good."
"Good? That's it?" Blaine faked a pout.
"You know you look better than good to me." Kurt sealed his lips to Blaine's.
"You're quite aggressive tonight. I like it." Blaine entwined their fingers. "Let's eat." They entered the family room and Kurt saw the coffee table and candles and heard the music playing in the back ground. It was beautiful. Romantic.
"Blaine." Kurt whispered. Blaine came up behind him and rested his chin on Kurt's shoulder.
"Do you like it?"
Kurt had tears in his eyes. This was the most romantic thing he had ever seen and he couldn't believe that someone went through the trouble to do that for him. Blaine was darn near perfect in Kurt's eyes. "I love it. I love you." Kurt hoped he had said those words with as much passion as he felt for Blaine in this moment. He turned on and kissed Blaine hungrily for a few minutes.
"Eat first, and then desert." Blaine brushed his thumb across Kurt's lower lip. He was in love with Kurt. Kurt appreciated him and everything that Blaine was. "You sit." He took Kurt over and pushed him down. Kurt couldn't help but laugh.
When Blaine emerged from the kitchen he had 2 salads with grilled chicken and a container of salad dressing. "I believe you order vinaigrette every time you have salad so I hope you'll like this mango vinaigrette that I found. It looked good."
"I know I'll love it, if you picked it out." If Blaine could pat himself on the back, he would have done it now. They sat down and Blaine draped a napkin over Kurt's lap. "You look hot in that shirt. Your arms look big."
Kurt laughed. "They're sore from yesterday. I could barely move them this morning."
"I'll massage them later and make them feel better, Okay?" Blaine started digging in. "How was school?"
"Completely boring. Senior year is ridiculous because all my colleges have my transcripts already. It's not like they're even going to see the grades from this fall."
"I know. Have you heard back from anyone yet?"
"Not yet, but I applied early decision to NYU. I hope to get into their Fine Arts program. I had my audition in September."
"I auditioned in September too."
"You're kidding me. I wonder if it was the same group. There were too many people to even remember."
"We had seventy-five people in my group. I was the week of September 18th."
"I can't believe we didn't meet then. I was in that same group."
"Did you audition with vocal or instrumental, oh, or did you do acting."
"I did vocal and acting."
"I did too. I played the guitar and sang and did an acting piece from How to Succeed in Business Without Really trying."
Kurt jumped up. "Oh my God. I heard about you. Some other people that I was hanging around with were so upset about you. They had heard that you were incredibly good before the tryout. Someone was peeking in on your practices. I should have known it was you."
"I can't believe people were spying on me." Blaine laughed. "How about you?"
Kurt blushed a bit. "Okay, you can't laugh because I was good." Kurt waved his fork at Blaine.
"I would never laugh."
"I did Not the Boy Next Door from The Boy From Oz." Blaine stopped eating. He was stunned.
"I saw you. I watched your audition. It was unbelievable. I had never heard of it, so I looked it up on YouTube and you were so much better than Hugh Jackman."
"How did you watch my audition?"
"I snuck in to see some of the competition after I was done. I was in the light room so I was really far away and I was hiding so I didn't really get a good look." Blaine smiled so big. It was the biggest smile he had ever seen on Blaine. "You were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. You're going to get in on early decision. If they don't let you in on early decision, they're total idiots."
The food was almost gone. Kurt looked down at his food, because he needed more of Blaine right now. "How are you even real Blaine? I feel like I've looked forever for someone like you and then, poof, you're here. The man of my dreams. There's just no way that this can be true."
Blaine took Kurt's face in his palms. "I'll make it true for as long as you let me." He kissed Kurt and Kurt moaned out of need.
"Can I see what you have upstairs for me?" Kurt looked at Blaine seductively and Blaine found him hard almost instantaneously.
"Kurt, You can't look at me like that and expect me to last." Blaine caressed the side of Kurt's face as Kurt's eyes gently closed at the touch. His face tingled in the aftermath of Blaine fingers.
"I can taste before I make my decision if I want more, can't I?"
Where the fuck did this Kurt come from. Wherever it came from Blaine didn't care. He liked it. He liked it a lot. "You are so fucking hot Kurt. Let's go."
Kurt looked around in wonder as he realized he music played everywhere. Blaine kissed Kurt's hand as they ascended the stairs to his bedroom. He gently pushed the door open to find the room completely dark except for five or six candles lit around the room. The glow was enough to see the bed covered in rose petals. "You had plans Mr. Anderson."
"Does it bother you?" Blaine worried for just one second thinking that this must look like he just planned to have sex. "This is just for you. We don't have to do anything. I just want to be with you in any way you let me Kurt."
"I swear Blaine, if you don't fuck me soon, I will be so pissed off at you." Kurt whined a little pulling Blaine toward the bed. The scent in the room was intoxicating. Between the rose petals and the candles wafting some vanilla scent, Kurt's senses were completely enveloped. The lust taking over his body.
"You like it?" Blaine smiled against Kurt's lips.
"Yesssss." Kurt hissed because Blaine had pressed his hips to Kurt's and he felt Blaine's hardness pressing o his. He involuntarily jerked his hips back toward Blaine.
"Wait." Blaine reached on the pillow as Kurt's lust filled eyes followed them to the rose lying on the pillow. He held it up to Kurt's nose. Kurt sniffed in enjoying the scent before Blaine trailed the rose down to Kurt's lips tracing them. Kurt's eyes closed and he gulped audibly. "Let me undress you Kurt."
Kurt just nodded, eyes still closed. He was trying to control himself. Blaine trailed the rose to Kurt's Adams apple and in its' wake, Blaine sucked gently, licked then kissed. Kurt shuddered at the intimacy. Blaine placed the rose on the nightstand and returned to Kurt's ear, breathing heavily licking the shell of his ear and whispering, "I'm going to make you beg for me." Kurt whimpered.
Blaine started to unbutton Kurt's vest kissing him deeply the entire time. Blaine's tongue explored Kurt's mouth and Kurt just gave into him completed, resting his arms around Blaine's shoulders. His heart was pounding with anticipation. Blaine removed Kurt's vest tossing it gently to the chair and lifted Kurt's tee shirt so lick at his nipples. Blaine sucked and licked at both of them providing equal attention to them. Kurt reached to the hem of Blaine tee shirt and lifted in one swift movement. Blaine lifted his shirt the rest of the way and gently pressed Kurt to lie down. "Blaine" was all that Kurt could say. He wasn't ready to beg.
Blaine moved to Kurt's feet pulling one shoe off and then the sock and repeating the act with his other foot. What shocked Kurt was that Blaine didn't proceed up to him, but took his big toe and sucked it in his mouth. "Kurt, I don't know what you bathe in, but you taste so delectable. Even your toes." Blaine kissed the rest of his toes and the soles of his feet. Kurt never knew how much that would turn him on. He was never into feet and if Blaine would have said something before doing that, Kurt would have certainly cringed, but now he found himself so turned on.
"Shhh." Blaine worked his hands up Kurt's legs finally unbuttoning his and unzipping his pants and pushing them and his boxers down far enough to release Kurt's beautiful hard cock. "I can't get over how gorgeous your cock is, Kurt." Blaine stuck his tongue way out using the tip of his tongue to play with Kurt's head as he gazed up at Kurt. Kurt propped himself up on his elbows and watched Blaine as he lowered his mouth around him. Blaine began to work expertly at sucking Kurt, hollowing his cheeks and pressing his tongue firmly along the underside of his cock. It was all becoming just a bit too much.
"Please Blaine." Blaine let his cock go with a pop and pulled Kurt's pants and boxers down and off his feet, leaving Kurt completely bare. His alabaster skin against the red rose petals looked pristine. Blaine was definitely going to 'fuck' Kurt as requested. Kurt pulled Blaine up to unbutton and unzip his jeans and pushed them down. He took Blaine ass in his hands pulling him to straddle his chest. Kurt pushed his jeans down far enough to release his cock and immediately started to suck bobbing his head back and forth. It was an awkward position, but Kurt was too hungry to even think about it. "Mmmgh, Taste good Blaine."
Blaine was moaning. "Stop Kurt. I want to be inside you when I come."
"Well, come on then." Kurt was demanding. Blaine smiled at the need Kurt expressed and how demanding he was. "I've been ready forever. I'm craving the feel of you inside me Blaine."
Blaine reached for the lube and condoms when Kurt said, "No condom".
Blaine was stunned and looked at Kurt. "What?"
"Blaine, I-I just want to feel you. I want to feel all of you, not something else."
"But, Kurt." Blaine looked so worried. "I don't want you to regret this."
"Do I have a reason to?"
"No. I love you. I feel like you and I could conquer the world." Blaine's eyes were glistening with tears as he laid it out on the line. "I want us to both get accepted at the same school and live happily ever after. I know it's childish, but it's what I want."
Kurt seemed resigned. "Then no condom Blaine. I want you. All of you."
Blaine put the box down and lubed his fingers up before hitching up Kurt's legs and slowly running his lubed finger across Kurt's hold back and forth. Kurt responded with a whimper at the feel of Blaine's finger across his hole. The second swipe found Blaine slipping his middle finger inside to the knuckle. Kurt tensed for a second before spreading his legs wide open to ease the movement of Blaine's hand. Kurt's mouth was hanging open and his breathing deep and loud, his eyes were shut and Blaine swore he never saw anything more beautiful in his life. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on Kurt. I can't believe you picked me."
"We picked each other. Now, please Blaine. I'm begging."
Blaine continued to move his finger in and out and inserted a second and soon a third. Kurt had become ever vocal over the stretching that Blaine was doing. "You are so hot. Are you ready for me?"
"Fuck yeah. Please fuck me." As Kurt got the words out, Blaine was pushing slowly inside of him holding his feet up near his face kissing his calves. "Oh God, Blaine.. Go, move!"
Blaine started to move in and out slowly savoring the feel of Kurt. He could feel the heat and tightness, not dulled by a condom like many times before. He even slid in and out easier and it felt incredible. "Kurt, you feel so good. Oh my God, I never expected it to feel this different, this much better. I love you so much."
Kurt felt the difference too. He could feel Blaine inside him. It didn't feel like plastic or something else. It felt like Blaine. "So—different for me- too" as Blaine continued to thrust inside Kurt. "You feel – so—good Blaine, so good inside me. I could do this all night."
Blaine stilled for a moment. "Except that you would be completely sore." Blaine leaned down and kissed Kurt and started up his motions again thrusting deep. He liked this position because he wanted to see Kurt. "So I'll settle for pleasuring you for the next, oh, say fifteen minutes?"
"I don't think I'll ever want anyone else." Kurt gasped at the closeness. It added to what he was feeling for Blaine now. Kurt clearly was in love as he kissed Blaine, their moans being eaten up with each kiss.
Blaine got up on his knees and began to pump with speed as he was racing to the finish line. "Kurt, I'm close." He reached out a hand and took Kurt in his fist and began to pump with the rhythm of his hips until Kurt screamed and clenched down on Blaine's cock. That was enough for Blaine as he spilled inside Kurt. It was then that he remembered that they didn't use a condom and he could feel the insides of Kurt and his come sliding along with his cock. "You are incredible Kurt." Blaine collapsed onto Kurt, tucking his face into Kurt's neck. Kurt rand his fingers through Blaine's curls as he continued to come down off his high.
"I'm leaking Blaine."
"Huh? Oh, sorry." Blaine ran to the bathroom and got a wet washcloth. He returned and wiped Kurt's problem clean. "Kurt?" Blaine looked worried.
"Just come here." Kurt pulled Blaine down to him as he positioned Blaine on his back and Kurt draped a leg over him and settled into Blaine's side. "I wanted that more than anything Blaine. I'm still comfortable with the decision to not use a condom. I want you to know that I trust you and I love you too."
Blaine pulled Kurt even closer as if to place him in his protective custody. "This has to work for us Kurt. I can't even imagine being away from you anymore. Everything has to fall into place for us. I don't want to lose you now that I've just found you." Blaine had tears in his eyes.
Kurt looked up into Blaine's hazel orbs and knew it would work. "We'll both get in. Then we can start planning our future." Blaine smiled at Kurt. He had been waiting for Kurt to give in completely and it finally happened. The tears that were welling finally fell from his eyes. Kurt took his thumbs and wiped every tear away.
"I can't wait for our future, Kurt." Blaine turned his head to look at the clock. "We have some time for a nap. Nap with me?"
"I couldn't think of a better thing to do right now than sleep in your arms." Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt and held him tightly. Both succumbed to the sleep.
they're just too sweet :)
Thank you so much! I just realized I never responded.. I hate not responding to my readers. You're the reason I write!
aww i absolutely love this chapter!! soo freaking adorable!! im glad kurt finally let his walls down completely for blaine! im nervous however for whats going to happen at fight club...