Aug. 12, 2012, 11:26 a.m.
Aug. 12, 2012, 11:26 a.m.
Chapter 13 - Secrets
"Hi Dave." Sebastian turned away to the bartender. "I'll have a Miller Light draught." He turned back to Dave. "Sebastian." He nodded his head in acknowledgement.
Dave continued to stare at Sebastian. He was sure Sebastian was under age like him. "So, do you come here often? You don't look the rest of the regulars here and I don't think I've seen you here before." Even though Dave had only recently started coming here, he thought he could get the information quicker if he bluffed.
"I come here enough. Never seen you here before."
"Must've missed each other."
"So, you in college?"
"Don't waste your breath, you're not really my type." Sebastian smirked. Dave was definitely too big and burly for his taste.
"That's okay, you're a little too tall to be my type. I like well-dressed guys. You really don't qualify in your rugby shirt there."
"So, you look young yourself. Are you in college?"
Dave smiled. "Sure."
That was all Sebastian needed to know the truth. "So you're in high school too."
Dave just nodded. "Where do you go?"
"Westerville High School? You?"
Sebastian knew this was worth pursuing. He wasn't sure how yet, but this guy being at Scandals tonight was like a sign and definitely worth pursuing to see how he could use him. "So you know a Kurt Hummel?"
"Yeah." Dave smiled and it seemed his face lit up a bit. So Sebastian knew that it might be the Kurt Hummel type that Dave liked, just like Sebastian himself. "Now, he's a different animal altogether."
"Oh.. You like him?"
"He's definitely my type." Dave turned back to his drink. "But he has a boyfriend."
"Of which I know." Sebastian was going to try to play the card that if Dave helped him break them apart, he could have Kurt, which in fact would be a lie. Why not use him though. Kurt couldn't possibly like someone like Dave.
"So Kurt seems to like guys that are pretty athletic, on the shorter side." Dave smirked. "What is your type?"
"I like shorter guys and the athletic side."
Dave turned to face Sebastian. "So it seems we both have a similar problem."
"Yes. Very convenient, don't you think?" Sebastian was the best liar. He knew this would be worth it. "I want Blaine and you want Kurt." Like Kurt would even give you the time of day, Sebastian thought to himself.
"Nah.. He told me that I would never have a chance anyway. I kissed him last year and was really mean to him at school. Even if I wanted him to like me, that ship sailed long ago."
"Ahh. But that is my specialty my friend. If we could get him to see a different guy underneath all this, maybe?"
"Probably not."
"Kurt will need someone to lean on when I take Blaine away from him. That someone could be you. Don't you think?"
Dave scrunched his face in thought. "Possibly. How do you propose we do that?"
"Leave all that to me. I have a master plan." Sebastian nodded to the dance floor. "So you want to dance?" Sebastian needed Dave to trust him completely and frankly, he was horny as can be jerking off every night to visions of Kurt. Might be nice to fuck someone and pretend it was Kurt.
"Okay. I'll dance.
"Oh fuck! That..That's fucking..shit!" Dave was bent over the side of Sebastian's bed with Sebastian pounding into his virgin ass.
"You're so fucking tight. Take it like a man."
There were tears in Dave's eyes from the burn and the stretch, but it felt so fucking good to him. Sebastian was hitting something inside him that made him want to come right then and there. "Keep doing that. Right there!"
"No problem, I aim to please."
Sebastian was close as he continued to grunt while slamming into Dave with all his strength. He held tight on to Dave's hips knowing that he would have bruises on this his hips after this. Sebastian's hips moved erratically as he started coming in the condom. He felt Dave squeezing tight over him as Dave moaned while he came. "Fuck. That was incredible!"
"Just wait till you have to walk." Sebastian smirked. He didn't care about Dave, but wanted to seal the deal and this was part of sealing it. They shared something like this and Sebastian knew he could use it to his advantage if he needed to.
"Okay. Is it too soon for me to say that I miss you?" Kurt was still reluctant to believe that Blaine could be real and that Blaine was really his.
"No. I miss you too. This is going to be tough." Blaine admitted.
Kurt sighed on the other end of the phone. "Do you..Do you want to see other people?" He hoped not.
"No. No way.. Um.. Do you?" Blaine bit his bottom lip.
Blaine sighed in relief. He couldn't imagine Kurt with anyone else. "Good because I just couldn't bear to see you with anyone but me." Kurt laughed.
"Maybe you're right about us. Perfect match?"
"I think so." Blaine missed Kurt. This was going to be hard. "So, can we meet for coffee tomorrow?"
"Coffee? Just coffee?"
"Kurt, you know I want you, but we probably won't have time. Well….maybe."
Kurt laughed loudly. "I don't even mean sex Blaine. Sometimes it would nice to cuddle and maybe make out a little or just hold hands and talk"
"We definitely have time for that."
"Now to the serious stuff. Have you seen him at all?" Kurt was still worried. "He's crazy Blaine. Please be safe."
"I haven't seen him. Calm down. I'll be okay."
"What if he's following you? Just don't go anywhere alone." Kurt paused. "I guess that includes coming to see me. Have someone drive you to the coffee shop and I'll bring you home before coming back home."
"Kurt. That's ridiculous. It's way too much driving."
"I don't care. I just want you to be safe."
"Thank you Blaine. Now I have to go and finish my applications to NYU and Parsons."
"I applied at NYU and Columbia."
"If fate is on our side, we'll both end up in the same place right?" Kurt felt heavy in his heart. He hated that he became attached to Blaine this quickly. In some ways he hated that he hoped for a future with Blaine, but there was no turning back now. "I hope fate smiles upon us."
"Me too, more than you know." Blaine felt a pang in his chest. "I really do love you, even though you don't really believe me yet."
"Don't say that. I feel love for you too. I mean.. I love you too." Kurt stumbled but said it and it wasn't in the heat of love it was in a normal discussion and he felt almost relieved to say it like this, even though it wasn't face to face.
Blaine appreciated it all the same because with Kurt, it was huge. Those words did not come easily to Kurt and he knew it and would cherish hearing it every time Kurt said it. "I'll call you before going to bed okay?"
"Kurt?" Burt was leaning against the door frame. Kurt immediately looked frightened. How much had his dad heard. "I think we should probably talk about some things, okay?"
"Sure dad." Kurt was nervous.
"Downstairs in the living room."
"Okay. Give me a second. I'll be right down." Kurt texted Blaine. I think my dad was listening to my whole conversation. I'll call you after our talk.
Good luck!
It was the longest walk downstairs. Kurt felt like his feet were a thousand tons. He wished he could disappear into quicksand. Maybe struck by lightning. Kurt mumbled to himself. "Fat chance of getting out of this one." He took a deep breath as he reached the bottom step and turned the corner. The entire family was there. Kurt went to the open spot next to Finn on the couch, glancing at Finn as he took his seat.
"Welcome to the Hudson – Hummel family meeting." Burt looked at Finn and Kurt. "Does anyone have anything to share with the Hudson – Hummel family heads?" Kurt and Finn both shook their heads with guilty looks on their faces. "Do we need to have another discussion about trust? You know, Carole and I can come home every weekend instead of staying in Washington. This family is about trust and both of you will be heading off to college in a few months. I want to be able to feel like you are ready for it."
Kurt looked a Finn and got a dumb look. "Fine. Dad, I met Blaine several weeks ago and have been seeing him which you know, but he is a really good guy dad."
"But, you should have told me. Finn, did you know?"
Finn looked at Kurt and he nodded. "Yes. I kind of helped Blaine get Kurt to go out with him."
"I see."
"Well, Kurt is so guarded all the time and Blaine called me and said he really, really liked him."
"And where did we meet Blaine? Was the story at lunch the truth?"
Finn stuttered and then quicker than Kurt could respond, Finn answered. "Puck's cousin lives in Westerville. We went to play video games at Samuel's house. Before we shut ourselves in for the night we went to the mall and had some dinner and just hung out. We went to a coffee shop. That's where we met Blaine and some other Dalton Academy guys. Then during Glee Club they told us that we would be competing against four teams and one of them was the Dalton Academy Warblers." Finn had just realized that he didn't even ask Kurt if he told the truth.
"Okay, so the story sticks. I must say, that's a lot of coincidence." Burt looked concerned. "And he pursued you?" Then Kurt caught on to where Burt was going with all of this. "How do you know that he's not after me?"
"He's not dad. His parents are FBI. Why would they be after you anyway?"
"Honestly, some of my policies are not the most popular Kurt. The point is, you need to be careful." Burt rubbed his forehead.
"Honey, he seems like a nice boy." Carole tried to decrease the stress in the room. "How about you make a call, Burt. Check up on his story."
"What? No! Why would he lie about something like that?"
"Kurt, I know you don't like it, but the reality is that there are people that may be out to get me because what I stand for. One way to do it is getting to you. It won't hurt him. Don't you want to be safe too?"
"I guess." Kurt hung his head in defeat.
"And Kurt, I know you want to be safe. So, while we are talking about being safe. Why are you worried about someone following Blaine? I heard you on the phone."
Kurt felt betrayed by his dad. "I can't believe you were listening."
"I didn't at first, and started to walk away when you asked him if someone was following him and to be safe. I just couldn't turn a deaf ear on this Kurt." Burt crossed his arms and waiting in silence.
"Kurt, just tell him. Maybe he can get help on that too?"
"Finn, shhh. It was supposed to be kept quiet."
"Boys, I'm waiting. Don't make me ground you for the rest of your life Kurt."
Finn finally sighed. "Fine.. If you won't tell him, I will. There's this guy that met Kurt and he tried to, well.. He tried to.."
Kurt cut in. "Shit. I might as well tell him."
"Watch the language Kurt."
"He tried to take advantage of me. Blaine rescued me and everything was fine. Well, except that he's following me and Blaine around. He is apologizing and says he still wants to go out with me."
"This is crazy Kurt. Did you file a police report?"
"I tried to, but they said there wasn't enough information and witness accounts to do anything about it anyway." Burt decided that Kurt was telling the truth. "Please don't do anything yet dad. He's just a kid that thinks he's tough. I'm pretty sure he's all talk."
"Finn, did you know about this?"
Finn was resigned and hung his head. "Yes. I knew about it. I've been taking care of Kurt and looking out for him. I promise."
"And who's looking out for Blaine. I could tell that kid was head over heels for Kurt and from the conversation, he's not worried about himself. You boys need to learn to take some things very seriously." He stopped to think for a moment. "For now, I'm going to do a check on Blaine Anderson."
"No but's Kurt. I need to protect myself and my family. I'm going to run a check on him. End of discussion." Kurt hung his head as he felt the tears stinging behind his eyes. "I love you Kurt, both of you. I don't ever want anything to happen to you or Finn. For that matter, if Blaine is who he says he is, I want him to be safe too. You know that right?"
"If anything, and I mean anything happens with this other kid. I want you to call me at any time. I will get someone to you ASAP. I trust you to let me know when things are bad." Burt looked tired and he was ready for the few days he had at home. "I'm so glad that I'll be home for a few weeks. Well, except for next week. We are actually leaving on Friday boys. There are some holidays gatherings that we'll need to attend, but when we get home for Thanksgiving, we may need to have a discussion about the schedule. Kurt, make sure Blaine knows he's welcome for Thanksgiving. Well, he's welcome unless I find out he's lying."
"Hey baby! I'm sorry, can I call you that?"
Kurt giggled. "Of course, but after I tell you what we talked about, you may not ever want to call me again." Kurt was completely serious. It showed in his voice.
"It can't be that bad."
"Oh it is. I got a lecture about the fact that you could be using me to get to him because people disagree with his policies."
"I'm not, you know that Kurt? Do I need to drive over there right now and prove how much I care about you?" Blaine sounded a bit exasperated with the idea.
"No. No. No. No.. Don't be silly. It's just.. Well…" Kurt trailed off.
"You can tell me Kurt." Blaine was so sincere and Kurt hoped that Blaine wasn't lying about his parents being FBI agents.
"My dad is making a call to someone, probably secret service to check on you and your parents." Kurt let out a breath that he didn't even know he was holding.
"Oh.. Really.. Okay."
"Yeah, but I should probably call my parents so they know that they'll get a call."
"What do they really do?"
"They are what I told you. FBI agents. White Collar crimes." Blaine was honest. Kurt could tell that much. "It wouldn't be the first time a Senator or Representative checked up on them. It may be a first to find out that they're checking on me, but not them."
"So I shouldn't worry?"
"No, not at all. Do you want me to come over tomorrow night?"
"No. They're leaving for Washington Friday and will be gone for a week. I would like to spend some time with you since they'll be home for 2 weeks before they head back again. We won't have any alone time."
"Are you saying you want alone time with me?"
Kurt laughed. "Well who wouldn't want alone time with you. You're hot!"
"Okay, now that you're all calmed down, we need to have some phone sex here."
"Blaine, you're so silly. You don't plan phone sex, it needs to be spontaneous."
"Fuck spontaneity, I need help with the hard on that I have every time I think about you."
"Completely ridiculous." Kurt giggled. "I don't even know what to say. I feel stupid."
"Wait a minute. Did you close your door? I don't think it'll matter if I pass any test if he hears us on the phone. I think he might kill me."
"He wouldn't. I'm a big boy."
"But, you're still his little boy Kurt. You'll always be his little boy."
"Okay, so you have a raging hard on? By just thinking about me?" Kurt lay down on the bed. If Blaine were there, he would have seen the embarrassment on his face. He never had anyone say that to him.
"You have no idea how gorgeous you are, do you?" Kurt could hear Blaine breathing lightly right now. His mind wandered to what Blaine looked like right this minute. Did he have clothes on still, was he stroking himself? Blaine naked was like looking at some type of God.
"I'm not. You are." Kurt wasn't sure about touching himself with Blaine on the phone. It just seemed weird to him. "Where are you right now and what are you doing?"
"I'm in my room lying on the bed. My sweatpants are pushed down over my thighs and I'm shirtless. What about you?"
Kurt laughed again. "I'm fully clothes lying on my bed."
Blaine's voice had gotten lower and gravelly. "Too bad for you. My fist is wrapped around my dick and it feels nice I'm stroking myself, imagining it was your hand."
Kurt gasped and he worked to unbutton and push his pants down because his problem arose quickly by just hearing Blaine's voice. It was hot and sexy and it was all for him.
"Oh God Blaine."
"I see we've disrobed?"
"No.. didn't have time, pushed my pants down my thighs but still have my vest and shirt on."
'Take them off Kurt. You're going to get come all over them if you don't take them off." Blaine could hear Kurt fussing with something on the other end before his hear a thump to the ground.
"I'm totally naked now. So much better."
"Fuck Kurt. You sound so hot Baby." Kurt could hear Blaine's breathing get louder. "I'm so hard for you, Kurt. God your lips, your eyes and that ass. I can just feel it around me." Blaine put Kurt on speaker because he was having trouble focusing on not losing the phone. "I put you on speaker."
Kurt swore he could hear Blaine stroking himself vigorously. He knew the sound of a hand on a slick cock, working hard at creating the friction needed. "Blaine, Oh." He gasped. "I want you so bad. I want to feel your hands on my skin. It hurts."
"I'm there Kurt. Close your eyes." Blaine closed his eyes imagining his words. "I'm caressing your face with my thumbs the way you like it and running my fingertips through your soft hair. Everything feels so good. I want to kiss you everywhere now and I will. I'm kissing your neck 'til I move to the sensitive place by your ear. Can you feel me?"
"Yesssss. Blaine" Kurt let his imagination run with Blaine's voice, feeling everything that Blaine described. It was unbelievable real in his head, probably because he could remember every touch of Blaine to his skin. It was emblazoned on every part of his body now.
"I'm licking and sucking you neck Kurt. You taste like coffee and cocoa. It oozes out of your skin. It's intoxicated." Blaine was panting a bit now. "Your nipples are soft and cute and I love to bite so I'm going to bite and suck on them until you let them stand up straight." Kurt could barely prop his phone on his shoulder while he attempted to pinch his own nipples still caught in Blaine husky voice. He was filled with such need now that Kurt moaned in pleasure of everything Blaine was doing to him.
"No whining Kurt. I'll take care of you. Promise." Blaine was moaning. "I feel like you're right here with me. Please.. Say something Kurt.. I'm right there."
"You're cock is so perfect." Kurt knew it would push him over the edge and sure enough he could hear Blaine's grunts and moans signifying the end was reached. It was enough to push Kurt to speed up his effort just visualizing Blaine falling apart on his bed, spread out naked and ready. "Oh fuck, Blaine. You're so fucking perfect." Kurt followed very quickly after.
"Wish I was there." Blaine voice was still husky with lust
"Me too." Kurt replied. "Wish we were out of high school and in New York. Maybe we could even room together."
"Do you think we could work out in the long run?"
Kurt was getting tired and he really needed to clean up. "Yeah, I think we could. Just never thought I'd ever meet someone like you."
"Me either." Blaine yawned. "We should sleep."
"Yeah." Kurt yawned.
"See ya tomorrow?"
"At the Lima Bean." Kurt's eyes were closing.
"Looking forward to seeing you."
"Me too."
Blaine was groggy the next morning and it was really early. "H'lo." His voice was scratchy with sleep.
"Blaine! Blaine.. Are you okay?"
Blaine shot up. "Mom?"
"Yes. Blaine are you okay?"
"Yeah Mom. I'm fine. I see the check's been done."
"We got a call late last night about you. Someone is checking on you?" Blaine's mom seemed worried about her only son. "Did you get mixed up in something? If you did, you should've called me or your dad and we would have come straight home."
"No Mom, it's nothing like that. Didn't they tell you why I was being looked into?"
"We haven't talked to anyone yet. You know how it is honey. It's a huge deal just to talk to someone when you're working a case like we are. This is two years into it and they're not going to let us slip up when we almost have what we need."
"Sure. Okay. Well, Mom, It's nothing big. I'm just dating son of Representative Hummel. Do you know which one he is?"
"Well, who doesn't. I guess it makes sense that he get anyone checked out. Dating his son?" Blaine's mom was still not completely comfortable with Blaine being gay, but at least she tried, both of his parent's tried.
"Yeah. He's so perfect mom. He's smart and a good dresser and gorgeous. His eyes are so expressive."
Kathy laughed. "Well, it sure sounds like you're head over heels for this boy."
"Um.. I really am. I can't wait for you to meet him."
"Of course Honey. School is going well?"
"Yes. Straight A's. My applications to college are done and sent in. The Warblers will be competing at Districts in a few weeks." Blaine felt his stomach drop. "Did you say you were almost done?"
"We are Blaine. We'll be back at home and back to the old routine in no time."
"Sorry Blaine. We won't be, but you have been invited to your Uncle's house."
"I might be spending it with Kurt. That's my boyfriend's name. Kurt Hummel."
"You've been so mature about everything Blaine. We are so proud of you and I promise we'll do some real family things when we are back at home. You know how we get long breaks, maybe we can travel."
"It would be nice to see you instead of just over the phone."
"I love you Blaine. You're dads still asleep, so I need to wake him for our busy day. I'll call you later."
"Okay Mom. I love you too. Tell dad I love him too."
"I will. And, I'll call back and make sure that Mr. Hummel knows that you're a good boy."
"Thanks Mom." Kathy hung up.
Blaine suddenly felt alone again. It was very strange the way he always felt like he was a grown up. On a day like today, he realizes how much he misses having a family around. Kurt was in the same boat, but not for as long as he had been. Blaine's parents worked in white collar crimes and he wasn't sure what they were working on because he wasn't allowed to know, but the last time he overheard them discussing it was before they left to stay in New York for an extended period. It sounded like a Ponzi scheme or Pyramid scheme. His parents want him to follow in their footsteps but he's just not so sure that the FBI is for him. Someday he would have to have a discussion with Kurt. He wanted to share what he wanted, his hopes and dreams with someone and he hoped that would be Kurt.
"There he is." Jeff yelled across the cafeteria. "We thought you may have disappeared on us Mr. Anderson."
"Nope. Still here. What's nice is we haven't seen crazy Sebastian in over 24 hours. I think that's a record. He couldn't possibly give up."
"Not likely my friend. Nick here has been talking about Thanksgiving Break in eight days. What are you doing?"
"Nothing yet. My mom and dad are almost done with whatever they are working on. They should be home soon, but not before Thanksgiving."
Nick always thought of Blaine. "You can come home with me."
"Well, I was hoping that Kurt might ask me." Blaine blushed and smiled sheepishly.
"You should tell him that your parents aren't around. I'm sure he would want you there anyway."
"I'll tell him when I meet him later. Okay, so back to Sebastian. Jeff, you need to text out the fight club meeting place and make sure everyone knows that this probably the last one before Thanksgiving and might even be the last one of the year. That would get everyone out there."
"I'll take care of it." Jeff reached into his pocket and pulled out the new throwaway and texted.
Kurt looked at his phone. He figured, this would probably be his last chance to really fight. He still wanted to, but not as much as he did before. It's funny how Blaine changed his view on it.
Sebastian pulled out his phone. "Perfect. My chance is here." Sebastian texted Dave and asked if he wanted to meet him for coffee later. Dave agreed. It was time for Sebastian to start really planning.