Aug. 12, 2012, 11:26 a.m.
Aug. 12, 2012, 11:26 a.m.
'….You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on…"The alarm clock sung out to wake them.
Kurt cracked and eye open and found that he was tangled in a web of Blaine's legs and arms. He slept more soundly than he could ever remember sleeping. He grumbled softly at the sound of the alarm clock going off. "Blaine, I think you need to get up. Your alarm clock."
"No." Blaine was still in a sleepy haze as he groaned. "Wanna stay."
Kurt giggled. "Come on Blaine." He kissed him on his nose. He was too cute. "No. Stay miff Kurt." Blaine turned into Kurt nuzzling into chest and sighed
Kurt smiled broadly at the gorgeous guy he could now call his own. "You are so cute."
Blaine giggled and smiled with his eyes still closed. "You're beautiful."
Kurt's breath hitched at Blaine's admission and then his eyes met golden brown that seemed to glow in the morning haze seeping in from the drapes. "No. No, have you seen yourself? You glow."
"You're ridiculous."
"Get up then." Kurt nudged him pausing to look into his eyes and he couldn't resist kissing Blaine's unshaven jawline. "I – I sorry."
"For kissing me?"
"Well, I-I"
"You're my boyfriend and you're allowed to kiss me, just like I can kiss you." Blaine kissed Kurt with a little more passion than Kurt, but it was enough to take Kurt's breath away.
"Thank you." Kurt shyly stated.
"Thank you for being my boyfriend."
"Now get up and get dressed in your cute uniform and get to class. I'll shower when you're done."
Blaine got up and started toward the bathroom and at the last minute. "Join me?"
"I think I'm starting to become your shower whore." Kurt didn't hesitate to accept the invitation. How could he decline an invitation to see this hot guy naked? Kurt tripped up a little as he stood up not even realizing before this moment that his ass was on fire from the activities of the evening before.
"Aw... I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Blaine took his hand as he neared the bathroom drawing him in to a sweet hug still holding his hand. He kissed Kurt's forehead gently noticing tears in Kurt's eyes. Blaine cupped his face in his hands and kissed him on his cheeks before resting their foreheads together. "I'm sorry if I hurt you. I never meant to hurt you."
Kurt covered Blaine's hands with his. "Blaine, I'm not crying because of the pain. I am a little sore, but I'm crying because, I don't know, because I'm really happy." Kurt was still nervous about this whole relationship thing. "I just. I don't know, you're just so perfect and I can't believe you picked me. There are other guys out there that are manlier or stronger. I think you should be with one of them, but you're not, you're with me." The tears streamed slowly and Kurt felt embarrassed, his eyes turning to the ceiling. Blaine felt his chest constrict so much that it was actually painful.
Blaine wiped away the tears. "Look at me Kurt. Please." Kurt obeyed. "It hurts when you say things like that because you have no idea how perfect you are. I've been with other guys before, but you do things to me that I can't even explain. My chest is in pain right now. Hearing you talk like that make me hurt. I don't know why it's you that my heart wants, but it's you. I want to hold this feeling in my heart for as long as I can." Blaine continued to look into the watery pools of blue. "Okay? Is it okay if we hold on to each other as long as we can?" Kurt nodded and they entered the bathroom.
Their shower was filled with kisses and caresses, but there wasn't a need to go any further this morning. They needed to feel each other. Stay in that comfort of their own world where they could just feel and trust and learn each other.
"I wish I could skip class again, but I just know that they'll call my parents if I do."
"Go get smart Blaine. We both need to graduate and see where this all takes us." He motioned between himself and Blaine.
"Okay. I'll walk you out to your car. It's not quite on the way to class but I'll gladly take a detour to see you a few more minutes." Behind the words was a concern of how close they actually were to Sebastian. "Keep your phone on you Kurt. Sebastian lives far too close for my comfort. Plus, he's crazy."
"I'll be fine. I'll keep my phone in my hand at all times so that I can press send at any moment." They walked out to his car hand in hand and Blaine kissed him. "When will I see you? I hope tonight even though I'm afraid to meet your dad. I just know I can't wait until Friday."
Kurt's heart pounded at Blaine's words. "We can't wait until Friday silly. You need to teach me how to box. You promised."
Blaine sighed. "Fine. I did promise. But I won't like it. Call me later and we can make some plans for dinner. I will have to get my game face ready to charm your dad."
"He's going to love you. Don't worry."
Blaine leaned in for a goodbye kiss. No one was around, not that it mattered because at Dalton everyone was treated equally. Kurt moaned into the kiss as Blaine's tongue pressed past his lips and wrapped around his tongue. When Blaine finally pulled away Kurt was breathing heavily. "You are so good at that. My boyfriend has the most awesome lips and tongue."
Blaine winked as he said. "You have no idea." Kurt had a shocked look on his face while Blaine turned and yelled over his shoulder. "Love you Babe. See you later!"
Sebastian was in a remote area of the school grounds with binoculars in hand. He seethed and gripped the binoculars tighter when he saw how Blaine kissed Kurt. Kurt was supposed to be his. He thought he staked his claim clearly when he sent the roses. Sebastian was tall and dressed well. Blaine was short and definitely too short for Kurt. Kurt deserved to be on the arm of a tall gorgeous man. He could draw attention to the perfection of Kurt's skin, eyes, lips and body. Sebastian was ready to punch something, but he had to get control of himself. This is how he always got himself into trouble. He could've had a chance with Kurt if he didn't let his hormones run rampant that night.
"Little Blaine. Little fuck." He said under his breath as he continued to follow Kurt's figure in the binoculars. He was definitely going to try to make contact today if he could. Kurt made this all too easy. He traveled right into Sebastian's backyard without knowing it. Columbus was his area, he knew where everything was.
Kurt decided to head to the Lima Bean and get coffee before going to the airport. As he sat down to plan out how he was going to tell his dad about a boyfriend that he'd been hiding from him for a while. That wasn't really the truth, Kurt decided. Blaine was technically only his boyfriend for a day, but he had been with him or in his thoughts for a few weeks now.
"Hi Kurt." Kurt looked up and immediately stiffened at the person he saw in front of him. He glanced around to be sure that there were people around even though he knew the coffee house was busy at this time of the morning. It was just a standard reaction.
"What are you doing here? Are you following me?" Kurt tried to put his tough face on. He was familiar with doing this as he did it every day at school. Kurt had just been getting comfortable with the idea that he might not have to do it since Blaine scared the crap out of the footballers.
"Did you get the flowers I sent you?"
"Yes. Thank you." Kurt answered flatly. "What are you doing Sebastian? I don't want you anywhere near me."
"Well, my note said it all. I was hoping I could apologize in person." Sebastian tried to keep his tone even though he really wanted to just grab Kurt and kiss him.
"So, you've done that. I would appreciate it if you would leave."
"You're not going to invite me to join you?"
"Why would I do that?"
"Well, I bought you roses and apologized and you didn't say anything about them."
"Sebastian, buying me roses and apologizing does, in no way make up for what you did." Sebastian sat down across from him. Kurt started to get up and Sebastian grabbed Kurt's hand. Kurt cringed at his touch and his heart was pounding. Even though he knew nothing would happen here with all these people, he still couldn't stop the fear that was coursing through him at this moment. "Please don't touch me."
"Will you please just sit down and not make a scene." Sebastian looked honest in this moment so Kurt sat down. "I know I made a mistake."
"Really, a mistake? That doesn't even begin to describe what you did." Kurt leaned in and whispered. "You tried to rape me."
Sebastian caught a whiff of Kurt's cologne and he lost his composure again. "God. You smell so good."
"You are unbelievable."
"Come on Kurt. Give me a chance." He reached out and grabbed Kurt's hand strongly as Kurt stood up to leave.
"Please let me go." Kurt said strongly and loudly so as to draw attention.
"You tease! You constantly lead me on and then take it all back."
"You're crazy Sebastian."
"That midget of a guy you've been with. What a loser. I guess you like losers."
"Blaine is so much more talented and stronger than you could ever be." Kurt paused. "I am proud to have him as a boyfriend. He knows how to treat people. He knows how to treat me."
"Your boyfriend?" Sebastian started laughing and looking crazy. "That's hilarious. I could crush him like a little bug. Now if you would just give me a chance you might know what a real man is all about."
Kurt was furious and scared all at once. "Be at fight club Friday. I'm inviting you. You be prepared to fight me. You are going to fight me Sebastian. You got that?" He turned to walk away and heard Sebastian laughing so he turned around and went back to the table. "This is not funny. Blaine was right about you. You're crazy. I'll prove to you Friday how much I don't like you, got that?"
"He said I was crazy? I knew he was an idiot, but now he's a short idiot. I've got his number. You tell him to be careful."
Kurt walked briskly to his car looking back only once. Sebastian was crazy. He couldn't believe he told Sebastian that Blaine said that. Blaine might be in danger because of him. Kurt got in his car and drove to Dalton. He was still paranoid about Sebastian following him. He took out his phone. He needed to make sure that Blaine would be safe.
To Blaine:
Where are you?
To Kurt:
Just getting out of class.
To Blaine:
I need to see you. In the parking lot.
To Kurt:
Are you okay?
To Blaine:
Sebastian followed me to the Lima Bean.
Blaine panicked as he grabbed Jeff and Nick who were walking down the hall. "Guy's, I've got to go. That crazy Sebastian followed Kurt to the coffee place today. Cover for me. I have no idea how he is, but he's here in the parking lot and I need to go."
Jeff understood. "Go. We'll cover for you. Call us as soon as you know what's going on."
Blaine ran to the parking lot and found Kurt slumped with his head on the steering wheel. He knocked on the window. Kurt jumped in this seat. He startled him. What had Sebastian done to him? Blaine could see Kurt was crying. He threw the door open and fell into Blaine arms. "Oh my God, Blaine. You're okay."
Blaine was holding Kurt's head in his hands brushing his hair back on the sides and wiping tears away. "Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"
"He's going to come after you. I just know it." Kurt was so upset. Blaine tried to rub his back and offer some comfort. "He's crazy. You're so right. He's crazy, Blaine. What are we going to do?"
"Did he hurt you Kurt?" Blaine was looking all over Kurt's body for a sign.
"No. But I told him to show up for fight club on Friday. I want to fight him, but I'm scared. I don't think I can beat him."
"Kurt, look at me. I can teach you how to beat him. We have three days and I promise you that it will be easy. He's an easy target because he's cocky and thinks he's better than everyone else. I know what to look for. Plus, I'll be there if you need me." Kurt's breathing started to level and he glanced around the parking lot.
"I feel like he's watching us. I told him you said he was crazy and he went nuts and was laughing and the whole thing got out of control. He was unreasonable. He thought if he apologized and bought me flowers that I would go out with him."
"Okay. Let's just take one thing at a time. First, when are you meeting your dad?"
"His flight arrives at noon."
"It's 10:30, so let's go back to my room for a little while and then we'll go get him together. If you don't want him to meet me yet, I'll have Nick follow me in his car and he can drive me back here."
"No. I want you to stay. You might as well meet him."
Blaine took Kurt's hand and they headed to the dorms. In the safety of Blaine's room he called Jeff and Nick. "We're in my room for a while."
Within about 15 minutes, Jeff and Nick showed up. They were both worried. Blaine had Kurt recount the events of the morning with Sebastian. Jeff suggested that they cancel Fight Club indefinitely. "The Sebastian thing is getting a little out of control."
"I think I'm going to tell my dad." Kurt was resolved and Blaine didn't blame him. Kurt's dad could give him the security he needed to feel.
"I think you should. I want you to feel safe Kurt. I can't do that for you."
Kurt looked at him like he was crazy. "Blaine. You saved me from him. I have nothing but trust for you. I know you can protect me, but I'm afraid that he's capable of something serious now and he really has it in for you, because of what I said."
Nick chimed in after listening a long time. "Blaine, after Kurt tells his dad, I think you should call your parents."
"Because I think they can provide the same type of support." Nick looked at Blaine very seriously.
"I thought they were some type of sales people?" Kurt was so confused at this point.
"Well, not exactly sales, but I can't talk about what they do."
"Oh brother." Kurt was beside himself. "You lied to me?"
"Not technically." Kurt backed away a few steps and crossed his arms. "No Kurt, hear me out. I'm not really supposed to talk about what my parents do because it's secretive. It's the nature of what they do."
"Like FBI or CIA secretive?"
"Yeah." Blaine looked at Kurt with hope that he would understand. "That's why I stay at Dalton and why my house is always empty. If they are in the middle of something, they can't always come home. Nick's dad works in the same type of thing."
Kurt calmed and uncrossed his arms. "As long as they are doing something to protect us, it's okay." Kurt asked with questioning knitted into his eyebrows. "They don't work as assassins or anything, I hope. I want my dad to be safe."
Blaine laughed. "You watch too many movies. Nothing like that at all. They do investigative type stuff, but again, they can't always be around so I live here almost year round with Nick and few others."
Jeff knew so he just sat back. Nick and Blaine were close because they were in the same type of club. Jeff's parents just had money and sent him there because it was a good school. "I'm lucky because my parents are normal." He laughed.
"Yeah, Jeff's lucky. My mom is home though. For Blaine, it's both his parents so it tougher for him than it is for me."
"So, we're kind of the same Blaine. My parents are gone a lot and so are yours."
"Yeah. You have Finn which is amazing. You're so lucky."
"I'm also lucky that I have you." Kurt kissed Blaine gently on the cheek as Blaine blushed. "I think that settles it. Let's go pick up my parents and tell him everything that's been happening."
"Let's not forget that you have to introduce me as the boyfriend. I'm a little scared."
"Don't be. He's harmless, plus he spoils me." Kurt kissed Blaine again. "They're going to love you."
In his car watching Blaine running to Kurt's rescue and then the intimacy that followed, Sebastian seethed at the fact that he drove Kurt right back into Blaine's arms. Sebastian thought about giving up but he knew he was better than Blaine. Kurt had to know deep down that Sebastian was better than Blaine. Blaine was an over privileged kid like all the rest of these Dalton Academy boys were.
Sebastian decided that fight club on Friday would be another try at getting Kurt. Maybe if he let Kurt win, that would give him the lift over Blaine. As Sebastian's insiders told him, Blaine had beat Kurt up badly on Kurt's first night at Fight Club. That will be Plan B. He will let Kurt win.
"I'm not sure I know what that means, but sounds like they are in a position to help too."
"They could."
"Okay." Kurt put his hand on Blaine's knee and they waited for his dad to arrive. Blaine was tentative to put his hand over Kurt's because he knew that lying to Kurt was a big deal. He didn't lie because he wanted to, he lied because he had to. "It's okay Blaine. I still like you as much as I did before, but I can say now that I'm way more curious about your parents than I was when I thought they were sales people." Kurt laughed.
Blaine covered Kurt's hand with his rubbing small circles with his thumb. "I'm really in love with you Kurt and I don't want to ever betray your trust." Kurt couldn't help but smile. Blaine was everything he had hoped for in a boyfriend and he genuinely wanted to love him back.
"Well, let's not tell my dad you love me. I'm still not sure how he's going to react to the boyfriend thing." Kurt kissed Blaine on the lips, damn all the people around them if they didn't like it.
Wouldn't it figure that Burt would walk up right when Kurt was kissing his boyfriend? "Kurt?" Burt eyed Blaine suspiciously partly because he was kissing his son, but partly because he was in his Dalton Uniform.
Kurt pulled away quickly. This was not how he wanted this to go, but it was too late. "Hi Dad! Hi Carole!"
"Hi Sweetie. Where's Finn?"
"He went to school. He didn't want to miss the football game and if he missed a day of school, he wouldn't be allowed to play."
"Oh, I forgot." Carole's eyes wandered to the boy in uniform. "Who's your friend?"
"Carole, Dad, this is Blaine."
Blaine stepped forward and shook both Burt and Carole's hand. "So nice to meet you Representative Hummel and Mrs. Hummel." Blaine's flashed his perfect smile. He was trying so hard to make a good impression.
"Hello Blaine. I see you and my son are close?" Burt cut to the chase quickly. He figured it might as well be out there. "Uh… Well, I assume since I saw you both kissing."
Kurt cut in. It wouldn't have been fair for Blaine to have to explain. "I met Blaine a few weeks ago and we've kind of been going out." Kurt took Blaine's hand in his and Blaine blushed. "He's pretty much my boyfriend dad."
Carole's screamed and wrapped her arms around both boys and was hopping up and down. She looked at Blaine. "You're so handsome you know that?" Blaine blushed and just smiled because how do you really respond to something like that?
"Where does he go to school? I know in clothes like that he's not at McKinley." Burt was trying to be understanding while getting the information he needed.
"No Sir. I go to Dalton Academy here in Columbus."
"That's some kind of prep school? Not like a military academy right?"
"Yes Sir. Not military, though it feels like it sometimes." Blaine was trying so hard to make a good impression.
"Blaine, please start call me Burt. When I'm not at the capital, I'm just a regular guy."
"Okay Burt."
"Dad, I thought we could go to lunch and talk before you have to meet with people."
"Sure son. I actually don't have anything going on. It's not like an election year." Burt paused still soaking in the change in his son. He looked happy, truly happy and Blaine was clearly nervous trying to make a good impression. "Why don't you pick where we go."
We have a car waiting here that we're going to drive home. We can eat before heading home.
Blaine decided to try to take the lead here putting his hand on Kurt's thigh as a silent, wait for me to answer. "Well we officially started to date a few weeks ago. I asked him out."
"I see and you go to Dalton, so how did you meet?"
"His friend Puck's cousin lives near here. He attends public school but I met him a long time ago. Kurt was with them in town and I saw them at a local coffee shop." Blaine smiled at Kurt and could tell that he calmed after that.
"And what do your parents do, Blaine?"
"They work for the FBI." Blaine admitted it and Kurt smiled with approval and placed his hand on Blaine's. Burt didn't miss the immediate affection that Kurt gave Blaine and was pleased to see Blaine flip his hand over and squeeze Kurt's hand into his. The affection returned made Burt happy. "I can't really talk much about it, but they're very busy which is why I'm at Dalton."
"Are you an only child then?"
"Yes sir… I mean Burt."
"You don't have to be nervous." Burt looked at Kurt. "Now Kurt does, because he has a lot of explaining to do."
"You were busy, Dad. I didn't want to bother you with something like this."
"Bother me with the fact that you have a boyfriend?" Burt seemed to be happy about it.
"Well, yeah. That's not really a big deal. Finn has girlfriends all the time."
"That's Finn. You haven't..well… we can talk later."
"No. It's okay dad. Blaine knows I've never had a boyfriend before." Kurt turned to Blaine and Blaine couldn't resist Kurt when he looked so adorable like that. He leaned in and kissed him on the lips in front of his dad.
When he parted, his eyes were still closed and he slowly opened them and realized he forgot he was at lunch with his boyfriends' parents. He blushed and nervously said "Sorry".
"No. Nothing to be sorry about kid. I know how all this works. Just be good to my son."
"I will. He's everything I would have wanted in a boyfriend."
"I actually only let him call me boyfriend Monday." Kurt shot Carole a smile. She had told him once that playing hard to get sometimes worked. Kurt hadn't been playing, but in reality, it's what it probably seemed like.
Burt laughed as the meals began to arrive. "So, this distance thing is probably tough."
"We meet at the Lima Bean and do homework and coffee on the weekdays lately. It's been hard, but we're making it work." Kurt looked happy with the situation so Burt let it go.
"Um.. yeah. Okay. I'll see you at home later?"
"Yeah. Don't be too late."
Kurt turned to Blaine finally able to be alone and not under the watchful eye of Burt. He knew it would be another long discussion later again. "Can we go back to your dorm?"
Blaine leaned his forehead meeting Kurt's. "Sure. What'd you have in mind?"
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe a pre Warbler practice blow job or something else?"
"Something else sounds good, but I also like doing the other too." Blaine was smiling sheepishly. He never thought he would be so embarrassed talking about this stuff, but now he had a boyfriend that wanted him. And, even better, his boyfriend really liked.. no loved, him back. "So, let's get back before you have to go."
When they arrived back at the dorm, Kurt remembered the Nick and especially Jeff wanted to meet his dad. "Jeff is going to be disappointed isn't he?"
"He'll get over it. Crap! I forgot to text him" Blaine pulled out his phone and texted Jeff that he was okay and was with Kurt in his room. Blaine pulled Kurt into his dorm room and held his hand up as he seductively pulled off his tied, then turned to the door and hung it over the door handle. "Just to be sure not to be bothered."
Kurt was already lying on Blaine's bed just waiting for him to settle on top of him. "Get over here already. You skipped class all day. Again! For me again!"
"You're worth it." Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear. The feel of Blaine's breath on him made him squirm a little. Blaine felt him squirm and decided to torture Kurt even more as he started to lick the shell of Kurt's ear and then suck on his ear lobe until Kurt was panting and whining. Kurt clutched Blaine shirt in his fists and began thrusting up into Blaine feeling how much Blaine was enjoying this too. "The sounds you make are fucking gorgeous."
"Kiss me."
Blaine didn't respond with words and he knew that Kurt wanted him to kiss him on the mouth. Blaine stripped his shirt quickly off and while he made headway on Kurt's shirt while they were making out, his shirt was not entirely unbuttoned yet. Kurt's hands were moving as fast as he could make them move. He finally got to the last button and shrugged the shirt off as he started for Blaine's pants unbuttoning them and unzipping so he could slip his hand in and squeeze Blaine's rock hard cock over his boxers. Blaine moaned at the touch as he settled back down on top of Kurt kissing his neck and licking over his pulse points before going back to work on his ear. Kurt was begging to be kissed.
"Blaine, Kiss me!"
Blaine still didn't respond as he started to move lower palming Kurt's hardness over his pants to give him some relief. He kissed Kurt's Adam's apple and licked a line to the center of his chest kissing and moving over one of Kurt's nipples already hardened from excitement. He took one between his teeth biting gently and licking around it before sucking on it and then moved to the other one to give some attention. Kurt was whining and his fingers were digging into his back. "I can't wait to be inside of you."
"Yes.. Please Blaine.. Please.. Please kiss me." Blaine finally gave in to his begging. Catching Kurt's moan into his mouth and plunging his tongue inside wrestling with him for dominance. Kurt had wanted this kiss for a while and Blaine refused him to see how excited it would make him. Kurt was hungry.. practically starved for Blaine's mouth. "I want you more and more Blaine. God, you are so hot."
Blaine made his way back down to Kurt's jeans quickly unbuttoning and unzipping them. He peeled them off as quickly as possible and took Kurt into his mouth sucking hard then licking a stripe up the underside of his cock and licking his balls. "You taste perfect Kurt. Fuck, you are so hot." Blaine returned his mouth to Kurt's cock bobbing his head up and down quickly creating the much needed friction until Kurt was at the edge. He wanted Kurt right there. He returned to kissing him cherry red lips swollen from kissing and from Kurt himself biting down on them to contain his rapture. Blaine kneeled to admire Kurt. Kurt sat up and pushed his pants down pulling Blaine down on top of him and using his feet to kick them down to his ankles.
"Finally! God, what's a guy got to do to get laid." Kurt was serious and Blaine giggled as he reached over Kurt to the nightstand to get the lube and a condom. Kurt grabbed the lube right out of his hands and poured some in his own palm putting it aside and rubbing the lube onto Blaine's fingers. "Come on Blaine."
"Anxious are we?"
"I want you so bad." He pushed Blaine's hand down toward his ass and pulled his legs up to aid in the process.
If Blaine could get any harder, he would have because Kurt was laying there in front of him spread out wanting to be taken. He wanted Blaine and everything he had to give. Blaine didn't waste any time as he lowered his finger massaging around Kurt's hole just teasing him. Kurt was moving his hips trying to get Blaine to move faster. Blaine did everything in his own time. He slowly inserted a finger pushing gently through the tight muscle as it contracted at the intrusion. Kurt's took a breath in feeling a little soreness from the previous night. He didn't care. His dad was so right when he said once he started having sex, he wouldn't want to stop. It was a huge understatement that he'd have to talk to his dad about one day in the future. "You feel so good around me Babe." Blaine said as he pushed in to rub against his prostate. Kurt moaned loud enough for Blaine to react. "Kurt, Babe, you've got to be a little quieter."
Kurt nodded his acknowledgement and bit lightly on his bottom lip because Blaine was continuing to rub his prostate over and over again. Instead of a moan, he whined his need for Blaine to stop. Blaine recognized it and was ready himself. He stroked Kurt a few times before he positioned himself at his entrance and pushed in slowly not stopping until he was fully sheathed. He paused to make sure Kurt could adjust to the fullness and stretch, especially because he was sore this morning. "Blaine, you can move now. Please." He whined
"I don't want to hurt you. You were sore this morning." Blaine began to move slowly careful not to pound into him. He wanted to be gentle. Kurt was pushing back against him at the same time and Blaine leaned in to kiss Kurt as they created a rhythm that they were both enjoying. Kurt stroked himself as he rocked his ass down to meet Blaine's thrusts. Blaine swallowed up the moans leaving Kurt's mouth as he continued to thrust slowly into him.
"Faster Blaine." Kurt said breathlessly. "I'm close." Blaine got up on his knees to thrust faster and deeper as he headed to the finish line too. It was beautiful watching Kurt stroke himself as Blaine felt his stomach muscles contract and his toes were curling under.
"I'm going to come Kurt."
Kurt stroked faster and faster and as the first string of pearly white come hit his stomach, Blaine was coming inside him, hips moving erratically and Blaine above him looked like some kind of Greek God with his hair curling from the sweat and his body damp and shiny.
Blaine collapse on top of him as he let his legs drop down. They didn't move or talk while trying to come down from their high. "Blaine, my dad might not like you as much if he knew you were suffocating me."
Blaine moved to the side. "I don't think he would like me that much if he knew why I was suffocating you right now." Blaine took a hand and ran it through the side of Kurt's hair. He gently leaned in and kissed Kurt on the cheek.
Kurt leaned his head into Blaine's head. "I know you have to start getting ready for Warbler practice and I guess I need to get home so that I don't miss anymore school."
"Talk about using me for sex and leaving." Blaine smiled jokingly.
"Stop making me feel incredible and I'll stop using you for sex." Kurt winked at Blaine as their breathing normalized. They lazily kissed with their foreheads pressing together. Blaine was lost in the pools of blue that he adored. He swore they sparkled more today than they did yesterday.
"How do you do it?"
"Do what?"
"How do you look more gorgeous every time I see you?" Kurt blushed because he never had anyone say that to him before. He worked hard at it, but most of the time, people made fun of him for his clothes or hair. Blaine liked him just the way he was.
"You are too. "
Blaine was sort of lost in Kurt's eyes. "Too what?"
"More gorgeous every time I lay eyes on you. You are built like some God; I swear they drew all of them with you in mind." Blaine blushed now.
"We're a perfect match you know. I can't believe I found you." Deep down, Blaine knew this was so much more and would always be so much more. He had to wait for Kurt to get there too.
The reveled in their lovemaking for a while longer and Kurt got up kissing Blaine. "I'll call you tonight. Promise me you'll be safe. I'm worried about Sebastian. Can you sleep in another room until we're sure he's not going to kill you?"
"I could sleep in Jeff and Nick's room, but I can always lock my door you know. Kurt it will be hard for him to get into the building. They lock down after 9:00 PM. It gets harder to get in here after dark because of security and the cameras. The gate requires an escort after dark. You need a key to get in the dorms. I'm more worried about you."
"My dad will be home. He has a gun. If it gets bad we'll tell my dad and your parents, okay?" Blaine nodded as he dressed to walk Kurt out to the car.
Sebastian was perched in his same spot, binoculars in hand. He would go to fight club Friday. It might be the last time he could see Kurt before the holidays started. They might not even have fight club over the holidays. Maybe Kurt was right and he was off a little. He had been feeling a little out of control lately. Why couldn't he control his temper or his jealousy. In the end, it didn't matter. He was going to convince Kurt to go out with him. At fight club, he would fight Blaine, not Kurt. He wanted to show Kurt that he was better than Blaine. That would drive him into his own arms.