DA Fight Club
Chapter 10 - Boyfriend Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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DA Fight Club: Chapter 10 - Boyfriend

E - Words: 5,469 - Last Updated: Aug 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 15, 2012 - Updated: Aug 12, 2012
934 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: Well my birthday was March 28th and it is officially over in my time zone.. yay. I'm just happy I am able to give you another chapter in this story!Warning: I like to think it's really really hot smut! Hope you like it.Disclaimer: They created the characters, I created this story.
Chapter 10 – Boyfriend

"Are you ready for some fun?" Kurt gave Blaine a look.

"I'll follow your lead." Blaine gave Kurt a reassuring smile.

"We'll need to check you in as a guest at the office and then we are off to class." Kurt smiled a smile that actually looked genuine. "I-It's kind of nice that you wanted to come to school with me." He blushed at the underlying thoughts in his mind. Blaine was starting to become a kind of boyfriend to Kurt. He found himself giving into Blaine's wants more and more because he truly wanted to be with Blaine too. If he could just get all the feelings of doom out of his head, this could work.

"I'm excited. Plus, I don't trust Sebastian. He's the type of idiot that will try to show up here." Blaine smiled at Kurt as they walked into the building. Kurt glanced around the parking lot and noticed a lot of people walking in. Some holding hands with girlfriends and some alone. Blaine immediately saw what Kurt was looking at. Finn was walking into the school holding hands with his girlfriend. "Would it be too much to ask to hold your hand?"

"I don't know Blaine. That would be like me asking to get beaten up." Kurt looked like he really wanted to but his fear was taking over in the decision. "I would really like it, but no one else would like it or approve."

"Are you opposed to holding my hand?" Blaine knew he read Kurt correctly, but wanted to make sure that he really wanted to.

"No. I guess I'm just scared for you to get beaten up or hurt or even slushied."


"Oh yeah. I guess I didn't tell you that if the football players aren't shoving me into the lockers, they are usually throwing slushies in my face or over my head."

Blaine stopped before getting to the door of the school. "I won't let them do that to you. At least not today. I don't know about tomorrow or the next day, but when I am with you, those things will not happen."

"You're really sweet Blaine, but I doubt you'll have any control over them. They kind of think they rule this school and do whatever they want. The crazy thing is everyone just stands there and stares."

"I know. But, today, it's not going to happen. Okay?"

Reluctantly, Kurt agreed. "Okay."

"So, Kurt, I want to ask you again. Can I hold your hand?"

Kurt smiled still unsure. "Umm. Yes." Blaine took his hand and squeezed Kurt's assuring him that nothing would happen. It was so perfect. Blaine was holding his hand and Blaine was this hot, gorgeous guy. Girls were already turning to look at him. As they walked by a group of girls he heard one say. 'Shit that guy is hot and he with that gay Kurt guy.' Kurt smiled smugly thinking. 'Yeah he's mine.' Kurt didn't realize how much Blaine really belonged to him.

They stopped in the office and Kurt signed him in getting a pass for Blaine to come to his classes with him. As they exited the office, Blaine once again took his hand as they walked through the halls. Kurt found himself blushing at the eyes that were all on him. He felt like he was on display. Kurt wasn't sure if he liked or hated it. All he knew was that he was falling for Blaine every second he spent with him. It was hard not to.

Blaine was confident as he smiled at people and proudly held Kurt's hand. He would never have been this daring a few years ago, but Dalton and Fight Club taught him how to be smart about the homophobes and how to fight. "This is my locker." Kurt looked so uncomfortable and then proceeded to open his locker. Blaine noticed how Kurt glanced around the hallway looking out for something. Then Blaine saw the line of red jackets headed their way and Kurt immediately looked frightened as he slammed his locker door shut. Blaine saw someone in this group of red jackets that was of interest to him.

Kurt stood with his back against his locker as he watched them approach. Blaine was ready to have fun with this one. He put either hand on the side of Kurt's head and leaned into him. He was a whisper away. Kurt could smell him right there. It was calming. "Relax Kurt. I won't let anyone hurt you."

"Well, well. Hummel has a fairy boyfriend." Dave Karofsky was a large boy that towered over Blaine and Kurt. "He's a cute guy Kurt. You have really good taste."

Blaine smugly responded. "You would know."

"What did you say?" Karofsky took a step closer.

"You heard me. You would know what a cute guy looks like."

"I swear, I'll…"

Blaine cut him off. "You'll what?" Blaine got really close. "You won't do a thing. You should be very afraid of me. I could kick the crap out of you and then how tough would you be."

"What makes you think you can beat me?"

"I know how to fight. I'm a boxer." Blaine gave him a look. Kurt really didn't get what it was all about but reveled in the fact that Karofsky seemed to be afraid of him.

Just then, Dave looked at him and started to take a few steps back. "Oh my God. You're.. You're that guy."

"Yeah. That's me. Now run away and never touch him again." Blaine motioned for them to leave. "If I hear that you have laid one of your dirty little fingers on him, I will beat the crap out of you." Blaine turned back to Kurt and leaned on his side still facing Kurt.

Kurt gave him an incredulous stare. "What just happened there?"

"I'll tell you later. Right now, I want to get you to class, Babe." Blaine winked and Kurt felt like his face was on fire. Blaine kissed him quickly on the cheek and whispered. "I like it when you blush. You're so cute."

"I get so embarrassed when I do that." Kurt was embarrassed, though he was really starting to like Blaine around. Behind the happiness was concern because, even though he had Blaine right now, what would happen when Blaine found someone better than Kurt. Someone stronger, smarter and better looking would eventually come around and he would be left trying to put together the pieces of his heart. It would be just like his crushes except this time, he would be breaking over a real boyfriend.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." Kurt was a trying to not give away his concerns.

"Liar. I know you're thinking about something and worrying too." Somehow Blaine could sense what the problem was. He responded by squeezing Kurt's hand tighter. "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. I really like you."

"And what happens when something better comes along?"

"Kurt, I totally understand your fear." Blaine stopped them in the hallway so that he could look Kurt in the eye. "I'm scared too. I want this to work and I know it's going to be hard, but I'm willing to try. I want to see if we can make a go of it." Blaine brushed his thumb over the knuckles of the hand he was holding.

"I'm afraid that if I give you my heart, you might crush it and I'll never be the same."

"I don't want to crush it, I just want inside of it. Even a little bit would help."

"You have a little bit." Kurt said shyly and smiled as they entered the classroom. Blaine wondered how much, but it was too late to explore how much since Kurt led him into the room and introduced him to the class. Blaine wasn't used to all the attention from girls and it was funny that he was there with Kurt, who was most definitely gay and girls were still giving him eyes.

Blaine leaned in to whisper during class. "Do these girls not get that I'm with you? They are still smiling and staring at me."

Kurt giggled softly. "Stop being so cute then."

"I knew it." Blaine smiled smugly. "I knew you thought I was cute." Kurt didn't respond, just a wink.

Azimio and Karofsky were headed in the opposite direction after confronting Blaine. "What was that all about Karofsky?"

"Nothing. I don't want to talk about it."

"Dude, you let that faggot push you around."

Dave grabbed Azimio and pulled him into the locker room. "That's they guy from the fight club that I went to that one time."

Azimio was laughing. "You mean the one that beat the crap out of you? He's like 5 feet nothing tall. You're weak man."

Dave grabbed the front of Azimio's jacket. "Trust me. He can fight. He's strong."

"You're scared."

"I dare you to fight him then. Next time I get a fight club text, you are coming with me."

"No problem."

"Blaine, this is Mercedes, Rachel, Brittany, Santana, Sam, Artie, Mike and Tina. You already know Puck and Finn." They all smiled and waved.

"Hey. Are you all in New Directions?"

Rachel spoke first. "Yes. Are you in show choir?"

"I'm with the Dalton Academy Warblers."

"So, you're here to spy!" Everyone turned to stare at him. Mercedes, Artie and Santana all glared at Blaine. They had been here before with Jesse St. James.

"No! I'm here with Kurt."

"Shut up Rachel. He's not spying. He's with me today." Kurt crossed his arms ready for battle with the girl.

"And how did you meet?" Rachel stopped and waited for an answer. All she got was silence. "So, just out of the blue, some guy meets you and suddenly has you bringing him to school with you which includes going to our New Directions practice. Sounds quite familiar doesn't it?"

"Rachel, you're crazy. I met Blaine before he even knew I was in New Directions." He knew that anyone could really find out that he was in it, but he was not going to share any doubts with Rachel at this moment.

"Like he couldn't find out before."

Blaine held his hands up to calm everyone down. "Listen. I can skip Glee class if it makes everyone feel better. Besides Rachel, if I wanted to know what type of music you guys do, I could look it up on YouTube. It's not like its top secret anyway."

"So you have been looking."

"I looked after I got the letter telling us who our competition is, but really you're overreacting. We're an all-boys group. We don't use instruments. We are completely vocals."

"But you could be stealing our songs."

Kurt didn't even realize he was yelling. "That's enough Rachel. Blaine is my boyfriend and I won't have you attacking him because of your crazy need to be the best ALL THE TIME. Isn't it enough that you get all the solos?" He paused and looked around to see the shock. He knew it was because he called Blaine his boyfriend. "What?"

Mercedes quietly asked. "Is Blaine your boyfriend?"

Kurt looked at Blaine nervously, but when he saw those beautiful hazel eyes looking at him with desire and love, he couldn't deny that he was falling for the boy. He took Blaine's hand and smiled at him. He calmly turned to the table. "Yes. He's my boyfriend and if he's not welcome at this table, then we will gladly go sit somewhere else. I'm really disappointed in you Rachel. Really, all of you. Glee club has always been a place for the misfits to be welcomed and you have never made me feel as unwelcome as I feel right now." He turned to Blaine. "I'm so sorry they are treating you this way. Come on. We can sit over there." He started to lead Blaine away, but Finn grabbed Kurt's other hand.

"I want you guys to stay." Finn smiled at Kurt. "We can kick the Warblers butt anyway." He turned to Rachel. "Rachel, I love you, but my brother is more important. Blaine isn't here to do what Jesse St. James did. Trust me on this on."

"But, how do you…" Rachel spat out only to be cut off.

"Just I do Rachel." Finn felt guilt for how the entire table treated Blaine. "Dude, you are welcome here."

Puck chimed in too. "Plus you can kick ass and I want to talk to you about that."

Everyone quieted at the comment and then realized it was Puck, so it didn't have to make any sense really. The table settled to eat lunch. Kurt smiled at Finn who seemed as excited about Kurt having a boyfriend as Blaine was for hearing Kurt call him his boyfriend. "Finn. Thank you."

"Dude. Forget it."

Kurt wanted Finn to understand how important it was that he stood up to his girlfriend and chose Kurt's side. "Really Finn. Thanks. You're a great brother."

"I just like that I was right!" Finn held his hand up to Puck who high fived him.

"You're a child."

"I just like being right. I'd like to take credit in this relationship. I think I deserve some credit. I got Kurt to go out with you Blaine." Blaine was laughing because he had to do so much work just to get Kurt to trust him.

Blaine sucked it up because Finn was Kurt's brother. "Fine! Thank you Finn for bringing the gorgeous blue eyed wonder into my life." It quieted after that and went back to small conversations at the table. Blaine turned to Kurt. "So boyfriend?"

Kurt blushed and looked down. "Yeah, I guess."

Blaine took Kurt's chin in his hand and lifted his head up to see his eyes. "Yeah? I want to see your eyes when you tell me."

"Yes. I would like that very much." Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and held it squeezing it tightly. He was nervous about admitting it out loud and actually let himself believe it.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For letting me be your boyfriend. I promise I'll be good to you."

Kurt just smiled as the bell rang and the entire table was headed for the choir room. "Choir practice is next."

"Mr. Schue, this is Blaine Anderson. He's here with me for the day. He's with the…"

"The Warblers at Dalton Academy." Mr. Schue cut in. "We talked on the phone Blaine. What brings you here?"

Mercedes chimed in. "Blaine is Kurt's boyfriend." She smiled at Kurt who blushed again.

"Really?" Mr. Schue seemed surprised. "I didn't know you knew anyone at Dalton."

"I met him a couple weeks ago and we kind of hit it off." Blaine took Kurt's hand and sat next to him.

"Blaine, I know you aren't really in this class, but do you want to sing for us? Generally a student would sing as a sort of try out on their first day in Glee."

Blaine stood with a huge smiled on his face. "Well, I am the lead singer for the Warblers."

Kurt didn't know this. "You are?"

"Of course. That's precisely why there's no way that you would've been able to resist my charm in the long run. I'm totally lovable."

"And full of yourself." Blaine ignored it, because if there was one thing he could to, that was charm a crowds. He walked over to the band and asked them if they could play the song and they nodded. As he walked away. "Or just play the chords E, A and B. I think it repeats for the most part." Then Blaine turned to the Glee Club. "I think you guys will know this song and if you do, jump right in and sing back up. It would be cool." Then he turned to Kurt. "This is for you, because you just don't know what you do to me, so here it is in a song."

Blaine started looking right at Kurt.

You're insecure,
Don't know what for,
You're turning heads when you walk through the door,
Don't need make-up,
To cover up,
Being the way that you are is enough,

He pointed to all the people in the room bobbing his head with the beat until he got to the chorus and was jumping up and down signing. Blaine had incredible energy and Kurt smiled brightly at hearing Blaine sing for the first time and he was singing to him.

Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,

He turned and sang the next part of the chorus directly in front of Kurt making eye contact.

You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful

Blaine got on his knees in front of Kurt and took both of his hands in his.

So c-come on,
You got it wrong,
To prove I'm right,
I put it in a song,
I don't know why,
You're being shy,
And turn away when I look into your eye eye eyes,

Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,

Blaine went back to bouncing around. He had amazing energy singing this song. He actually lit up the room and all the guys joined in and sang with him. They became full of energy too.

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful

Na NaNaNaNaNaNaaa,
Na NaNaNaNaNaNaNa

Na NaNaNaNaNaNaaa,
Na NaNaNaNaNaNaNa

Blaine sat down in the chair next to Kurt and sang this quietly to him to match the way the song went.

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,

He repeated his prior movement of bouncing around occasionally making eye contact with the girls still sitting, grinning and tapping their feet to the beet. They were sold on Blaine Anderson.

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,

Blaine slid on his knees across the floor directly toward Kurt and with a true love expression, he clutched his chest over his heart and sang the last line.

That's what makes you beautiful

Kurt jumped up and wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck kissing him gently and quickly. "Oh my God that was unbelievable."

"Just wanted you to know how I feel."

"Thank you. I loved it. You are so good."

'I can't believe that asshole went to school with My Kurt.' Sebastian was sitting in his car in the McKinley High lot. Kurt should've given me a chance. He could only see Blaine Anderson. 'What a tool bag. The guy is a midget and he's not even a good singer. What am I going to do to get him?'

Sebastian decided to buy flowers and leave them on the doorstep with a message. Maybe that would help in getting his point across. 'I'll bet Blaine hasn't done anything mildly romantic for Kurt.' He needed to get going because it was almost lunchtime when he finally found a flower shop and bought the flowers and even longer to determine what to write on the card.

He ended up with:

Dear Kurt,

Forgive me for being a big jerk. I would really like to take you out on a date.


He was going to leave his phone number then decided against it as not the right time yet. He also debated on staying to see him get them, but then decided to leave because if Blaine was there, he didn't want to see them together.

Kurt was beside himself the rest of the day. He was at school with Blaine. Blaine was holding his hand, he stood up to the football players and sang him a song. Kurt knew there wasn't a chance he would be able to resist him now. As it was already, they were in Chemistry class and Kurt could smell his cologne and found himself staring at that gorgeous jawline. A hint of a five o'clock shadow already daring to make itself known. Kurt was becoming aroused at the thought of Blaine on top of him dominating him. The song he sang today was enough to get the hormones working and though he blushed at the song, he had become hot and bothered.

"Is there something wrong?" Blaine turned to see Kurt staring at him.

"No." Kurt hadn't even known how long he was staring at Blaine. He took a finger and ran it along Blaine's jawline gently and quickly so as not to draw attention to them in the middle of class. He saw Blaine's posture tighten and shiver at the touch. When Blaine looked at Kurt again, his hazel eyes had darkened considerably and that caused Kurt to shiver. Kurt reached down and Put his hand on Blaine's thigh rubbing his hand along the top of his thigh and then sneaking for about two seconds on his inner thigh. He heard Blaine take a deep breath and knew he was aroused. Thank God, Chemistry was the last class of the day.

As papers were being passed out, Blaine leaned and whispered to Kurt. "I want you." Kurt froze.

"Five more minutes." Kurt winked and smiled as they both seemed to stop and stare at the clock and it's painstakingly slow movements. Kurt was already have hard just feeling the electricity pulsing between them as they impatiently waited for the final bell of the day.


"Finally Kurt. We don't have bells at Dalton. Class sometimes ends early and they just let us go. Come on." Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and became immediately confused at which way to go. His movements were almost frantic wanting to get Kurt to his house and into his bed.

Kurt laughed. "Blaine. This way." He tugged him down the opposite direction. Finn's locker was across the hall. "Finn are you going home?" It was like Finn knew that they needed the house to themselves.

"No. I'm going to Rachel's after school for a couple hours. If her dads are cooking, I might stay there for dinner." Finn smiled. "Is that okay with you?"

Kurt just smiled. He opened his locker and grabbed his books placing them in his messenger bag quickly. He didn't even stop to look at Blaine he just reached his hand out hoping Blaine would just take it. He walked quickly to his car with Blaine in tow as Mercedes, Tina and Mike were yelling good-byes. "Come on. Get in."

"In a hurry are we?"

"God dammit Blaine. I need you in my bed like hours ago." Kurt looked like he might just die before getting home. "That song. Fuck. Your voice is incredible. Why didn't you tell me you were the lead singer for the Warblers?"

"Then I would have missed out on this Kurt. This totally hot and bothered Kurt." Blaine giggled at the possibility of Kurt getting out of control and being able to bring him back down.

"Fuck you Blaine Anderson." Blaine slid his hand on to Kurt's thigh for the drive home. He rubbed up and down his leg and slowly moved over the zipper of Kurt's pants feeling Kurt's hardness pressing against his pants. Kurt moaned. "If you want to get home in one piece you better stop it now."

Blaine was enjoying this just a little too much, but he knew it was getting dangerous so he just took Kurt's hand in his and rubbed gentle circles into Kurt's palms. Kurt moaned at his touch. "That's getting you excited too?" Blaine took Kurt's hand and brought it to his lips kissing his knuckles one by one.

"Blaine. I swear you're going to be the death of us." Kurt took Blaine's hand and placed it in his own lap. "Be good until we get to my house." Blaine just smiled and Kurt's heartbeat sped up because he was so damn cute.

Kurt drove as fast as he could without getting into trouble. They both ran to the front door and looked down. Blaine held his hand up stopping Kurt from picking them up just in case it was something bad. He opened the box and they were staring at roses. "Wow. Looks like a dozen long stem red roses." Blaine looked a little sad as he read the card and handed it to Kurt.

"Is he for real?" Kurt shook his head in disbelief.

"They are really nice." Suddenly Blaine felt like he wasn't good enough for Kurt. He had not done anything like this for Kurt. "The card seems sincere." Kurt could see immediately that Blaine was feeling uncomfortable.

"Come on Blaine." Kurt took his hand and led him upstairs sitting Blaine on the bed. Blaine had never looked small before, but right now he did. "What's wrong?"

"I-I never bought you roses or anything like that."

"Blaine, you fought for me. You took me on an unbelievable date until he ruined it. We had coffee dates; we talked and shared dreams in the shower."

"With a lot of sex." Blaine almost looked ashamed because that's what they were just going to do and Kurt was more than that to him. "I mean, I like it with you so much, but that's not all you are for me Kurt. You are, I don't know, more." Blaine's eyes were filled with tears of regret that he had not bought Kurt something.

"Blaine, I hate him. He tried to rape me. He is an awful person and nothing he says now will change the way I feel about him." Blaine put his head down. He couldn't look Kurt in the eyes. How could he be a boyfriend if he didn't think about the romance part of it all? Kurt got down on his knees and held Blaine's hands on his knees. "Blaine, please look at me. You have been everything I have ever wanted in a boyfriend. You have been so respectful of me and you've loved me. Well, I don't know if love is the right word, but you have treated my body with love and care every time we have touched. You romanced me already. You took me on the date we had a nice quiet lunch. The roses are things. They are bought things that mean nothing. Your hands on me, the way you look at me, the way you kiss me tells me how romantic you are. I want you Blaine."


Kurt answered by kissing Blaine as he slowly stood not letting Blaine's lips go. He took Blaine's hand and moved it right over the front of his jeans, which housed his still hard cock. "Really. This is for you. You make me feel. You make me feel wanted and desired."

Blaine's eyes were watery. "How can I fall for you even more than I did yesterday?"

"Because I think I fall for you more and more every time you touch me. Every time you look at me." Kurt didn't know what happened in that moment, but his chest suddenly felt heavy. "Please Blaine. I need you."

Blaine breathed in all of what was Kurt. He smelled so good, so fresh. He smelled like comfort, like home. "God Kurt. You're so perfect."

Kurt pushed Blaine down on his back and crawled up his body straddling him. "Blaine, make love to me. Please. I need to feel you. All of you."

Blaine wanted to do this right for Kurt. He was going to do it all right. He kissed Kurt on the mouth with all the passion he could put into it. His lips sucked on Kurt's tongue, he explored every part of Kurt's mouth tasting every bit of Kurt that he could before he kissed down his jawline, licking at his pulse points. Kurt moaned and his hips were moving looking for friction, for anything. Blaine lifted Kurt's tee shirt off his body and kissed down to his shoulder dipping his tongue into Kurt's clavicle and sucking a mark to the flesh between his neck and shoulder. Blaine moved down to Kurt's chest where he licked down his sternum before moving to his left nipple. Blaine teased his left nipple flicking it several times with his tongue and gently nipping with his teeth before sucking, causing it to peak in the wake of his breath. "Blaine, fuck." Kurt's breath stuttered as Blaine worked to bring Kurt closer and closer to the edge.

Blaine whispered at Kurt's nipple and Kurt's breath hitched as he felt the vibration of Blaine's voice over his nipple. "Kurt. Tell me what you want me to do. Tell me and I'll do it. I'll do anything."

"Uuuhhhh… Oh Blaine. Please touch me." Blaine continued his slow decent licking and kissing his slightly defined stomach muscles. He dipped his tongue into the Kurt's belly button for just a second as Kurt giggled at the sensation. Blaine tugged at the button and zipper before relieving Kurt, finally, of his jeans. He stripped them from Kurt's legs and moved his head over Kurt's cock licking the precum that had gathered there. He swirled his tongue over the head as he stroked him with his fist. His hand was firm as he continue dot stroke him.

"Do you want me to suck you, Kurt?"

Kurt's eyes rolled back at the rightness of Blaine's fist moving confidently around his cock. "Yes.. Blaine."

Blaine's mouth stretched around Kurt's perfect cock as he used his tongue to put pressure on the underside of his cock the entire time he moved up and down. He sucked hollowing out his cheeks providing suction until he could hear Kurt closer to the edge. He could see Kurt's toes curling in and he was starting to cave in on himself and Blaine sped up sucking strongly as Kurt spilled his perfectly bittersweet seed into Blaine's throat. Blaine never hesitated as he swallowed and sucked Kurt until he was complete. Blaine quickly stripped his clothes off and stroked himself. He reached into the bedside table for a condom and lube. He rolled the condom on himself. "Are you ready Kurt?"

"yes. Fuck Blaine. Finally."

Blaine lubed his fingers inserting two immediately twisting and moving in and out reaching for his prostate so he could hear Kurt make those noises that drove him crazy. Then he heard him whine or moan or whatever that noise was that Kurt made. He continued to massage over his prostate preparing him. Kurt started rocking into Blaine's fingers, so Blaine added a third still moving them in and out and attempting to stretch and scissor to prepare Kurt for his cock. Kurt was ready as he hitched his legs up while Blaine lined himself with Kurt's entrance, pressing in slowly until he was completely sheathed inside Kurt. With a nod from Kurt, Blaine began moving in and out angling just right as Kurt's moans were becoming more intense sounding. Kurt was hard again just from Blaine massaging his prostate. Blaine knew he couldn't possibly last. He had been hard since they left the school. Really since chemistry class. "Fuck Kurt. You feel amazing. You're so tight and hot and just perfect."

Kurt moaned as Blaine penetrated him deeply plunging strong and deep within him. Blaine sped up out of necessity to come soon. Kurt was stroking himself in tandem with Blaine's thrusting. He knew Blaine was too far gone at this point. "Come for me Blaine. I want to feel you go over the edge, Baby." That was all Blaine needed to hear as Kurt's name spilled out of his lips and Kurt moaned into the wave of pleasure coming all over his stomach. "Fuck, Blaine."

Blaine collapsed on top of Kurt. He kissed Kurt tenderly and buried his head into the crook of Kurt's neck just breathing in the sweat and cologne that smelled of lavender and something sweet. Kurt's smell was so comforting to Blaine. "Kurt. That was fantastic. You were fantastic and you taste so good. I'm not going to say the words Kurt because I know you're not ready to hear them, but I'm certain I'm falling in love with you. You make everything feel right and I promise to romance you every day that you'll let me. Please say you'll be mine for as long as I make you happy."

"Blaine. I could never be anyone else's now."

"Not even Sebastian's?"

"Especially not his."

"I'm feeling such strong feelings for you and you're right. I'm not ready to say or hear those words, but I want to be with you. You make me feel right when the whole world always made me feel wrong."

End Notes: What did you think? Hot or not..Blaine has to go back to his school.. Burt has to come home.. There has to be another fight club soon!


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Someone's gonna get there ass kicked!! *sang in sing-song voice!! He name starts with an A!!

Yes!! it will be good. Thanks for reading!

Oh holy fuck I can't even process how amazing this is I just I can't! Nom nom nom

Thank you so much! Glad you liked it!

I love this story so much! My sister tweeted this yesterday: "Is Will Schuester really covering WMYB on Glee? He has a good voice, but no. Please let Blaine or Kurt sing it!" The fact that you had Blaine sing this to Kurt was so beautiful. I love how strongly Blaine feels for Kurt, and I love that day by day Kurt is letting Blaine in just a little bit more.

I would love to see Blaine or even Finn sing it.. The song is too youthful and fun for a teacher to sing.. :(Thank you for reading and reviewing!