Ambassadors Abroad
Chapter 68 - Something New Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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The Epic Love Affair

Ambassadors Abroad: Chapter 68 - Something New

E - Words: 5,042 - Last Updated: Dec 18, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 73/73 - Created: Jul 28, 2011 - Updated: Dec 18, 2011
890 0 2 0 1

Author's Notes: Warning: Pure smut chapter.. I had a wild hair and needed to write some smut.. here it is!
Off stage Blaine turned to Kurt while tugging at the stark white collar of his Dalton Uniform. “Wow. Is it hot in here?”

Kurt shook his head. “Nope, not more than normal under the lights.”

“I’m hot.” Blaine was fanning himself with his hand.

Kurt’s eyes turned deep blue gray at that statement. It was instantaneous the way Blaine could sometime affect him. “Well, I would agree with that statement.”

Blaine smiled broadly unable to hold it in. He saw the desire in Kurt’s eyes that washed over him. “You know I’m not talking about that type of hot, but, you know, sweaty and hot.”

“I like when you’re sweaty and hot.” Kurt knew what he was doing and taking advantage of the situation was exactly what he was trying to do. Now this was turning out to be a very interesting game.

“Kurt.” Blaine’s eyes were darkened. There were still a few more songs to sing. Kurt took a finger and ran it along Blaine’s jaw just looking into Blaine’s eyes. He was being evil. He knew they both had to be on the stage soon. Blaine had to be on stage for the next song. They were ending with Born this Way and Kurt didn’t know it, but the Warblers were going to join them on stage with their own shirts today. It was going to be a surprise.

Kurt patted Blaine on the shoulder. “Well, I must go and change now. I’ll see you soon honey.” Kurt walked away with a sway in his hips and his pants were tight as usual showing off his perfectly formed ass. The ass that Blaine wanted to squeeze right now. Blaine had a huge problem right now.

“Blaine, we’re up.” Wes walked by grabbing him by the arm.

“Wes, I can’t.” Blaine rested his hands clasped in front of him.

“What do you mean you can’t?” He was so confused.

“I have a problem.” Blaine moved his hands to his sides now.

“Are you okay?”

“Umm yeah. A little too okay as he moved his eyes down and crooked his eyebrows knowingly.” Wes followed where Blaine was motioning silently and saw his problem.

“Oh my God Blaine. Seriously, you must control yourself.”

“It’s Kurt’s fault. He kept looking at me and giving me these eyes and saying I was hot and then his ass and his walking and ….” Blaine was flustered beyond belief.

Wes held up his hand. “Enough. I don’t want to know how your boyfriend got you all hot and bothered. Just get on stage and deal.. Think about women or whatever turns you off.”

“Oh, yeah. Vaginas.” Wes let out a huge belly laugh. Blaine felt his problem dissipating slowly. “It’s working. Thanks Wes.”

“Don’t mention it.” Wes smirked. “Sick boys.”

The Warblers were singing Raise your Glass as Blaine led them in the dance. At one point the New Directions entered the stage and began to sing with them. It was cool when the girls joined in. They didn’t disrupt the formations much at all. Kurt was probably instrumental in this since he was a Warbler when they sang this and knew all the choreography. The crowd was up and out of there seats dancing and cheering. Kurt was moving his body and Blaine had to turn away and attempt to continue the song. This was turning out to be the best concert so far for a few reasons.

The song ended and the lights went low. The Warblers scrambled off stage while Kurt moved to center stage preparing for Born this Way. Blaine hurried to change. He was so happy that he brought the tightest pair of jeans he owned. He initially brought them because he thought they were fashionable, but now he was glad because Kurt was evil before. This was payback time Kurt. Blaine thought to himself. He smiled as he put his shirt on bearing the 2nd part that he knew would totally turn Kurt on.

The song started and it was getting to the point where the entire New Directions paraded their shirts. Blaine and the Warblers came out to center stage with shirts covered up. Kurt shed his flannel to boast his standard likes boys and now, loves Blaine on the back. Kurt noticed that the Warblers were doing the same thing they did as they joined in. He was very interested in what Blaine’s shirt said as he strutted past Blaine to the back of the stage. Then Blaine shed his shirt. The front said Loves Kurt. The back said loves Kurt’s eyes, close up there were more handwritten things, loves Kurt’s smile, loves Kurt’s voice, love’s Kurt’s hair, love’s Kurt’s hands. Uh.. Oh my God. It was a tribute to him and Kurt wanted to get Blaine alone, but he had to finish the damn stupid song.

Blaine turned to take a spot right next to Kurt and smirked seeing the impact his shirt had on Kurt. It was visible and Kurt knew it as his concerned eyes tried to focus on something else. Blaine whispered, “vagina’s” in Kurt’s ear making him cringe and Blaine laughed. He helped. The lights went black and they were done.

Kurt grabbed Blaine’s hand and led him off stage quickly. He turned to Rachel. “I need to do something. Don’t wait for us and don’t follow us. Kurt was desperate. Blaine was being dragged by Kurt into the back of the stage. Kurt was franticly looking around. He was mumbling to himself. “There’s got to be somewhere to go in this God forsaken place. Shit.”

Blaine laughed but started to help look. “Closet over here Kurt.” They found a props closet that was pretty deep and it looked like no one had been in there for a while. They disappeared into the closet into the back. Kurt shoved Blaine up against a wall and dropped to his knees. All Blaine could do was gasp at the frenzy that ensued as Kurt’s hands pawed at his belt and jeans zipper peeling them to the floor with Blaine’s boxers. “Oh-“ Blaine spat as he felt the first touch from Kurt’s hand and in the next minute he felt his cock inside the hot wetness of Kurt’s mouth. He looked down at Kurt as he licked and sucked Blaine with his eyes closed. He was definitely concentrating on the mission he had, which was presently to get Blaine off.

Kurt stopped for a minute to breathe as he continued to stroke Blaine’s full length. “I’m so sorry for doing that to you Blaine. I know it must hurt to be hard for that long. Fuck.” Kurt circled Blaine’s head with his tongue, gently tonguing the slit at the top of his perfectly shaped cock. “Fuck, you taste so perfect, Baby.” He opened his mouth and worked all the way down Blaine’s cock taking every bit of Blaine that was available. As Blaine’s cock hit the back of Kurt’s throat, he let out a loud groan at the feel.

“Oh.. Kurt… Baby.” Blaine was starting to buck his hips a little. He was trying so hard to hold them back, but couldn’t resist a little movement into that hot, wet, perfect mouth of his lover. “Yooouuuu are so fucking hot. I love you sooo much. Oh- Don’t stop that. Oh God.” Blaine’s mind was somewhere else now. All that he could think or feel was the movement of Kurt’s tongue. The suction of Kurt’s mouth. The flush of his soft skin. The sureness of Kurt’s fist. The sounds that he made as he moaned around his cock. Kurt wanted him to come. He continued to pump with his hand as he begged Blaine for reprieve.

“Come for me Blaine. God, I can’t wait any longer. I need to taste you.” That was all it took for Blaine to let go. The hot coiling in his belly and the strain of his legs finally released all into Kurt’s mouth. He came with a force that he never experienced before. Kurt tasted his warm come in his mouth and it was perfect. Blaine filled him and he gladly swallowed every bit his lover had to offer and Kurt never stopped. As Blaine softened, Kurt continued to suck and lick at his over sensitized cock. Blaine whimpered with every tongue stroke and every touch.

Blaine dropped to his knees after coming so hard. He took a few deep breaths as he pushed Kurt to the floor. Blaine was still not even thinking straight. He was high from the sex. He pushed Kurt on his back and kissed him hard plunging his tongue into Kurt’s mouth battling Kurt’s tongue for dominance. Kurt was spent from sucking Blaine, but managed to grab tight to Blaine’s ass as he ravaged him. Blaine seemed to not need to think about anything as he ripped Kurt’s pants off of him completely, standing Kurt against the wall that he recently vacated. Kurt was now on the receiving end of Blaine’s expert tongue on his cock. “Blaine. Fuck. I need you. I want you to fuck me so bad.”

“Not now Baby. I promise later.” Blaine stroked Kurt expertly as he knew Kurt liked it. Kurt fell back to the ground unable to hold himself up under the current state of pleasure he was in. Blaine seated himself between Kurt’s legs to continue the assault of his mouth on Kurt’s cock. Blaine gained his senses back as his new mission was to pleasure Kurt to the point of him passing out. Well not a bad passing out, but he wanted Kurt to come so hard he blacked out. This was payback for earlier. He crooked Kurt’s legs up toward his chest and continued to suck and roll his tongue over the soft head. Blaine licked his finger getting it nice and slick, gently he brought his finger to brush over Kurt’s entrance and Kurt gasped.

“I want it.. I want you.. I want. Blaine.. please.” Blaine had his senses about him now as he gently pressed his finger into Kurt’s tight hole feeling the muscle tighten around him. Kurt’s face was flushed and he was moaning and hissing and his head was thrown back at all of the sensation happening. Blaine returned his mouth to Kurt and sucked hard and long and licked expertly at the entire length of Kurt’s cock, not leaving anything untouched or loved.

Kurt was right there on the edge. As Blaine sucked, he mimicked his movements with his finger and Kurt accepted all of it. He was trying to fuck himself on Blaine’s hand while Blaine was taking him in his mouth and sucking for all he was worth. Kurt started to whimper and tears formed at the corners of his eyes. “Kurt. You can let go. I’ve got you baby. I’ve got you.” Kurt was coming and he saw white lights and then darkness. He felt like he wasn’t even breathing and maybe he stopped breathing. He didn’t know. All Kurt knew was that when he opened his eyes finally, Blaine was there, cradling him tenderly and caressing his face gently with love in his eyes. “Are you okay Kurt? You were out.” Blaine smiled.

“That was so.. so.. intense. Did I black out?” Kurt looked a little worried.

“Just for a few seconds, but you never stopped breathing so I wasn’t worried.” Blaine continued to caress. “We better get going or people will really start to worry.” Blaine kissed Kurt on the forehead and helped pull up his pants lifting Kurt gently to standing. “I hope people aren’t looking for us.” Blaine led Kurt out and toward the cafeteria.

The food had just arrived and people were mingling. Puck and Finn strode directly in there path. “So, where’d you guys disappear to?”

Kurt stuttered. “I needed fresh air after all the lights and stuff. It was really hot.” Though he didn’t mean to, he giggled a little when he said the last part and that gave it away.

“So you were hot.” Puck tried to make eye contact with Kurt but Kurt kept glancing away. “You totally bumped uglies somewhere. You two are totally out of control. You have a problem, you know.”

“Puck. Shut up. Quiet.” Kurt responded a little embarrassed with their inability to control themselves sometimes. He reminded himself that they were teenagers and in love so it was normal.

“Wwwhat?” Finn’s eyes grew wide with understanding. “You guys? Oh my God. Where..when.. forget it. I don’t even want to know.”

Blaine took Kurt’s hand. “Let’s mingle.”

Kurt and Blaine were bombarded about questions about their relationship, their singing, everything. People really wanted to get to know them. Dinner arrived and they were surrounded by people that wanted to be around them. They really enjoyed themselves and met so many people that vowed would friend them on Facebook. In fact, many of them friended them while they were at dinner.

In the bus back to the hotel, Wes popped his head over the top. “You guys did an awesome job tonight. I think your song was a kind of turning point in the concert. By far, that was the best concert of the trip.”

Blaine wanted to give Wes his due compliments. “Great idea showing up unannounced on stage. It gave the concert an impromptu flair but still looked polished. Plus it was so much fun!”

“We are going to repeat this one tomorrow. You guys will need to put the same intensity into the song as yesterday.”

“You’ve got it Wes.” Blaine seemed very pleased with the result of the conversation. He was sure they would be upset over something. Wes and David were always planned and precise. Perfect Warblers. This was a welcome compliment.

Kurt was staring out the window totally unassuming. The bus pulled up to the curb of the hotel and people filed out. Kurt was tired. They had started the day off in a whole different country, drove through another one and landed in another one. All of this with a hangover. Then the concert. “Blaine. Do we have to go out tonight? I think I would rather stay in with you. I know we are in London and all, but I am just so tired from multiple things.”

Blaine was rubbing Kurt’s arm in comfort. They had been busy and started the day hungover. It was understandable and welcome since Blaine had already assumed Kurt would be too tired to go out. Blaine had plans completed and paid for already.

The group milled around the lobby deciding which groups were going where. Finn, Rachel, Puck, Lauren, David and Wes decided to walk over the Buckingham Palace to see it at night. Then they were going to look for a local Pub for coffee and hang out. It was s delight to see their best friends becoming best friends. Everyone seemed tired after the previous night of Gay bar partying. Finn called across the lobby as he saw Kurt and Blaine standing talking. “Are you guys coming with us?”

Blaine led Kurt over to the group. “Finn. We’re really tired after last night. I think we are going to just go up to our room and relax and maybe watch some TV.”

Puck responded first. “Is that code for have sex?” Puck, Wes and David high fived.

“You are such a child Noah.” Kurt retorted. “You know we are getting married and we have a long life together. We do a lot of other things beside have sex. We have a lifetime to have sex.” Kurt grabbed Blaine’s hand leading him to the elevators. The Diva was out. “When you get bored, you can come watch.” Kurt winked, Blaine cringed and Puck laughed. “You know you want to.” Puck was silenced. “That’s what you get for being such a child.”

Blaine stopped them before entering the room. He wanted the surprise for Kurt. “Okay. Close your eyes.”

“Blaine. You need to stop doing this stuff. It makes me feel like I don’t do enough for you.”

“OH..You do plenty. Seeing you excited and happy is a gift to me. Trust me.” Blaine kissed his cheek and covered Kurt’s eyes with his hand just to be sure. “No cheating.”

“You know, you are hopeless. And the girls wondered why I fell for you. I’m so glad that it is all out in the open that you are a ridiculous romantic.” Blaine opened the door and pushed Kurt inside. Blaine had paid the front desk to provide champagne, roses, chocolate covered strawberries and candles.. Kurt immediately heard music. “Okay, can I open my eyes yet?”

“Not quite yet.” Blaine was going to keep Kurt blindfolded. “Kurt, I was going to blindfolded you, but I don’t want to miss your eyes. They are so expressive and gorgeous, just like you. Okay, open them.”

Kurt gasped at the sight. On the crisp white bed laid roses and rose petals with a plate of chocolate covered strawberries. “Silly Blaine.”
“What?” Blaine was starting to think that Kurt didn’t like it and Kurt recognized the hurt in Blaine’s eyes. “You don’t like it?”

“Of course I love it. ‘Silly Blaine’ is because you don’t seem to understand that you don’t need to do this to get me into bed.” Kurt laughed.

Blaine smiled at that. “I know, but it doesn’t change the fact that I love to romance you into bed.” Then he remembered back to the conversation downstairs. “If you’re too tired, we can just drink a glass of champagne and eat some of the strawberries and call it a night. I like just cuddling up with you too.”

“Blaine Anderson. You are not getting off that easy. You made a promise and I thought an Anderson keeps their promises.” Blaine paused to think back to what promise he made and the prop closet came to mind.

“Ah, yes I did make a promise to you.” Blaine picked up the roses that were on the bed and laid them on the table with the chocolate covered strawberries which he picked and up and brought to the bed. The rose petals still covered the bed and smelled wonderful. “Come here.” Blaine patted the bed next to him. I think I am going to blindfold you.” Blaine crossed the room to Kurt’s suitcase and pulled out one of Kurt’s scarves. “Do you trust me?”

“With my life.” Blaine brought the scarf to Kurt’s eyes covering them and tying behind his head.

“Kurt, if at any time you are uncomfortable with this, just tell me. I want you to enjoy yourself, not be scared.”

“I could never be scared with you.” Blaine pressed Kurt down into the bed kissing him all the way down. Blaine smiled at the sight in front of him. Kurt looked vulnerable awaiting for what would happen next. His breathing was heavy in anticipation. Blaine reveled in the moment at the boy before him waiting, hungry, anticipating, wanting him. The anticipation was getting the better of Kurt and he whined with need. “Blaine. Are you…” He was stopped with a caress to his cheek.

Blaine touched his cheek and leaned in close to breathe in Kurt’s cologne from tonight. It was a heady scent of cologne and sweat and lotions that Kurt probably used in the morning. The hint of coffee that always existed in Kurt’s scent was also there. Blaine moved to lay partially on top of Kurt and partially on the side so that the full length of their bodies could be felt. Blaine began kissing Kurt’s face avoiding his lips in favor of moving down his neck. His shirt needed to be removed if Blaine was going to move any further. Blaine placed gentle open mouth kisses to his neck touching the pulse points and any area that he knew would elicit a pleasurable sound from his lover’s throat. Blaine expertly unbuttoned and removed Kurt’s shirt while not losing the feel of Kurt’s skin beneath his lips.

Kurt gasped at the first lick to his nipple and followed it up with a throaty moan as Blaine chose to nibble gently on the raised nub. Blaine liked the sounds he was hearing and repeated with more effort on Kurt’s other previously ignored nipple. He received the expected response and then some. “Blaine.. Please.”

“What can I do for you love?” Blaine voice was low and guttural and clearly full of lust and anticipation.

“I love you. But..”

“But, what?”

“I really love this but I would love more than anything to see your eyes.” Kurt almost whined at this request. “I don’t want to ruin this for you, but your eyes..well, they do things to me but most of all, I love what I see in them when we are.. you know.. doing things.” Blaine smiled and understood. It was the same for him with Kurt’s eyes. He always felt loved and secure and special when he could see Kurt’s eyes. Frankly, Blaine could never deny a request from Kurt.

Without a word, Blaine removed the blindfold and finally kissed Kurt straight on the lips leaving no question of his intent for the night and his love for the boy in front of him. “I” kiss “love” kiss “you”. Kurt sighed into the last kiss that found himself grappling with Blaine for dominance in his mouth. In the end, Blaine would always win as he nipped Kurt’s upper lip with his teeth and finally released it.

“Skin. I want to feel your skin.” This was a simple request from Kurt and Blaine quickly rid himself of his shirt and began unbuttoning Kurt’s pants and pulling them off and haphazardly tossing them off the bed. Kurt’s milky white complexion against the stark white sheets looked good enough to eat. Speaking of which caused Blaine to lower himself to Kurt’s hardened cock. He settled between Kurt’s legs as he began licking and stroking Kurt. Blaine prided himself on being good at blowjobs as he expertly licked from balls to tip. Kurt gasped at the sensation of Blaine’s tongue and thrust his hips upward unwillingly. “Sorry.”

“No need to be sorry. I like that I can get you excited like this.” Blaine knew that he wanted to draw this out. He didn’t want Kurt getting ahead of himself. Kurt propped himself on his elbows so that he could see his lover licking and sucking him.

“Blaine, you are gorgeous.” Kurt hissed as he saw his cock disappear inside the warm moistness of Blaine’s mouth. Kurt lowered himself back to the bed and his head involuntarily threw back at the sensation of Blaine’s tongue swirling and circling his head. “Uhhng.” His breathing became raspy and his body refused to remain calm under the assault of Blaine’s tongue. Blaine released Kurt and sat up to remove his pants. Kurt pushed his head up again to see the view of his lover’s body. Blaine was gorgeous.

Kurt had always reacted positively to Blaine. It wasn’t just one thing. From the beginning it was Blaine’s voice, eyes and smile. Then as they got to know each other, Kurt became attracted to other things. Blaine’s arms, strong and sure. Blaine’s neck, sexy and manly. Blaine’s hair, soft and dense, when not drenched in gel. Blaine’s stomach, chiseled abs. Blaine’s ass, perfectly round and nice to grab. It was everything Blaine. It seemed he was created from the ‘Kurt’s perfect guy’ mold and now here he was worshipping Kurt in the way that he never thought someone would.

Kurt felt a need at this moment with Blaine there before him naked and loving him. Kurt reached up to stroke Blaine. Blaine jumped because he wasn’t expecting to be touched just yet and the surprise made Kurt’s desire heighten. Kurt quickly and gently pushed Blaine into his previous spot and began licking Blaine’s cock the full length as he had done for him. Kurt tenderly massaged Blaine’s balls in his hand as he expertly took Blaine into his mouth sucking and twisting the full length.

Blaine gripped Kurt’s shoulders urging him to return to his face where he kissed Kurt firmly and surely. Their tongues continued to lazily lick at each other’s lips and mouths as Blaine gently flipped Kurt to the bottom again. “Turn over.” Blaine had never asked Kurt to turn over, but Kurt fully trusted Blaine and did so. Blaine began caressing Kurt’s back with this fingers and hands, kissing down Kurt’s spine and lightly nipping Kurt’s ass with his teeth. Blaine caressed the swells of Kurt’s ass and unannounced, he let his fingers dip in the crack leading to Kurt’s entrance. Kurt whined as the shock from Blaine’s touch shook his body. They rarely made love in the doggie position because Kurt just felt it was demeaning to imply that they were like dogs, but surprisingly Blaine coaxed Kurt into just that position. Kurt was in no state to complain because his body was already under the spell of Blaine’s expert hands and mouth.

Kurt glanced over his shoulder and saw Blaine slicking his cock and fingers, but what happened next completely took Kurt by surprised. He felt Blaine’s hands on his ass as he spread his cheeks apart assuming ready to finger Kurt. The anticipation was heightened in this position, but it wasn’t Blaine’s fingers that made their presence known. Instead, something soft and hot pressed on him caressing gently, prodding gently, and loosening his opening ever so gently and erotically. “Oh my God, Blaine.” Kurt had seen guys in porn films rimming, but never thought that it happened in real life and he for sure never thought that it would feel like this. Somehow all of his preconceived notions about it flew out the window a few seconds after Blaine’s tongue convince him he was wrong about rimming. Moans escaped Kurt’s mouth as he attempted to hold himself up and not press against Blaine’s tongue that had already begun to breach the tight ring. “Ungh.. mmm .. uhhngh..”

“Are you okay Kurt. Is this alright.” Blaine paused to question. He knew that Kurt was probably toying with a bunch of random thoughts about this in his head right now. He received no response from Kurt and decided to return to the position he was in just prior. Kurt was leaning into Blaine’s tongue savoring the unbelievable feel. He never knew how good this would feel. He knew that Blaine had asked him something but fuck if he could attempt to speak at this moment. Then the words that pushed Kurt over the edge. “Kurt, you are unbelievable. You are delicious.”

Those words, that tongue. Blaine’s tongue, Blaine’s words. “Fuck. Blaine, I want you to fuck me now. Please fuck me now, now, now.” He was frantic to have Blaine pumping into him at this second filling him and making him scream. Blaine was not moving fast enough for Kurt as he fumbled the lube that he needed yet again. Then there were orders being barked at him right now. “Blaine. If you don’t fuck me soon, I think I might just die.”

Blaine aligned his cock and pushed forward slowly, not stopping until he was completely covered. “Do you ..”

“Shut up and fuck me.” Wow, Kurt was a bit worked up so Blaine began working on Kurt pumping in a rhythm as Kurt’s moans matched up. Blaine was hunched over Kurt kissing his spine and caressing his arms that held them up. Kurt reached back and grabbed Blaine’s ass applying additional pressure every time Blaine pushed into him. Kurt got up on his knees moaning at the new angle as he arched his back to Blaine and turned to kiss Blaine and wrap the other arm around Blaine neck. “Fuck.. So good baby. Uhngh..ooohhh..nnngh.”

Kurt reached down to his own cock to stroke himself, Blaine was watching him from over his shoulder and batted his hand away. “My job.” Blaine wrapped his hand around Kurt’s cock and began to pump in rhythm to his thrusts. Everything felt so perfect. Their bodies were pressed flush each other. Their sweat and scent mingling between them. Blaine was grunting and moaning with Kurt on each thrust. “Never felt like this. God Kurt. I wanna come with you baby.” Kurt nodded into Blaine’s neck as he panted and pressed his mouth into Blaine’s neck licking the sweat that was lightly covering Blaine.

“Close Blaine. Really close.” Kurt was so close to the edge. Blaine thrust a few more times before Kurt could feel a hot rush of Blaine’s orgasm deep inside him. It was so erotic after the rimming that Kurt let go coming in long and hard spurts on Blaine’s hand, his stomach and the previously pristine sheets. Kurt collapsed unable to hold himself any longer, but thankfully Blaine was wrapped around him tightly. He lowered them down as they continued to breathe heavily coming down from their lovemaking high. Blaine had yet to pull out as he kissed Kurt’s head and neck. They remained in the position they were in and Blaine held tight to Kurt.

“You were perfect Baby.” Blaine whispered in Kurt’s ear. “Simply perfect.”

“No Baby. Unbelievable, what you did for me. You were unbelievable.” Blaine pulled out and come was leaking out as Blaine took his shirt from earlier to wipe Kurt. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Kurt’s eyes remained closed as Blaine came back down from his high. He caressed Kurt’s side getting a chuckle as response.

Kurt turned around to face Blaine. “That was. Indescribably, unbelievable, perfect. I’m not sure there are even words to describe it.”

“So you liked it?”

“I think that’s an understatement. It was amazing Blaine.” Kurt kissed him and caressed his face.

“So good surprise.”

“Excellent surprise. I’m glad you didn’t tell me, because I may have not let you. Just the thought of it seems not right, but it was amazing.”

Blaine smiled and reached for the champagne. They laid naked on the bed just kissing caressing and talking. They were tucked into each other with legs intertwined as they chatted until they couldn’t keep their eyes open anymore.

“I will always love that you are the last thing I get to look at before I close my eyes and the first thing I see when I wake up. I’ll see you in the morning.” Blaine closed his eyes finally giving in to sleep.

“Not if I see you first.” Kurt followed suit and fell into a calm and restful sleep clutched to Blaine and legs entwined as one.

End Notes: Review?? lol


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Wow! Well written...

Thank you very Much!