Dec. 18, 2011, 3:05 p.m.
Dec. 18, 2011, 3:05 p.m.
Blaine drove them through the Steak ‘n Shake Drive through because he definitely wanted a burger. Kurt ordered a salad and they drove straight to Rachel’s house. It was already around 9:00 and people were still there. They were in the basement planning with empty pizza boxes around. “Hey Blaine and Kurt. Thought you guys were busy.” Rachel winked.
“For your information Rachel Berry, Blaine and I just wanted to get a little time to catch up and spend time together. It’s not like I get to see him every day during school. This was supposed to be our summer and so far this summer, we have been practicing.” Kurt was being proper.
So Blaine chimed in. “I haven’t gotten laid in several days and I was due.” Rachel laughed with Blaine and that comment earned him the bitch glare that Kurt was so good at. Blaine grabbed Kurt’s hand and squeezed. He leaned in and gave Kurt a kiss on the cheek and whispered. “I don’t care if anyone knows how much you turn me on and how much I just want to be with you and touch you”, ending with another kiss to the cheek that turned into a kiss on the lips when Kurt turned quickly to meet Blaine’s lips. Kurt returned the squeeze to Blaine’s hand and smiled at him. Blaine saw the sparkle in Kurt’s eyes and he knew Kurt wasn’t mad anymore.
“Hey everyone. Kurt and Blaine decided to come and help.”
“Sure, now they are here. They go home and get some and come over now that we have everything planned.” Puck nodded his hello to the couple and raising his eyebrows to Blaine, because he could tell by the couple that they did get some. Finn gave Blaine the fist punch. Kurt couldn’t help but think of what a boy Blaine was. That was actually perfect because he fit in well with the boys. Better than he ever did. “We are doing a Hairy Buffalo party dudes. I’ve got tequila, Vodka and Rum. Rachel is going to steal the whiskey from her dad’s liquor cabinet. Mercedes, Rachel and the girls are going to buy the fruit and cut it up in the morning. Rachel, crap… do you have anything to put it in. We need a HUGE tub.”
“Let me look around.” She was rummaging in an old dress up closet and found an old plastic tub that was used as a stage prop. “Will this work?”
“Perfect as long as you clean it out before putting the fruit in.”
“May I please ask what on earth a hairy buffalo is?” Kurt cringed at the sound of hairy buffalo rolling off of his tongue.
Puck explained, “It’s whiskey, tequila, rum, vodka. You pour is over fruit and throw some fruit juice like cranberry, orange, apple, and pineapple, and punch in it to water it down. It’s killer man. You can’t even taste the alcohol. But man, you gotta eat the fruit at the end.”
“Okay, sounds yummy. Rachel, where is the book. I am putting Blaine and myself down for at least a solo each and a duet before you fill in all of yourself. It might be nice to save some room for the Warblers to sing too.”
“I don’t have…..” she stuttered.
Kurt extended his hand with a no nonsense look. “Just hand it over.” It was relinquished to him in that second. Blaine loved to see Kurt take control when they were around his friends. It was secretly the hugest turn on. He smiled watching the entire exchange.
The party was set. They had missed the planning which was fine with Kurt. Everyone was getting ready to leave, though it was still light out. Finn and Rachel were going to the Drive in for a late movie. June in Ohio was so unpredictable. It was really cool this evening. Blaine and Kurt decided to head back home. They watched Mulan and cuddled in bed the rest of the night until they fell asleep.
Burt looked in on them when he got home. He was displeased at first to see them in bed together, but he was warming up to the knowledge that Kurt really felt like Blaine was it for him. Looking at the two of them, it wasn’t unlike any other couple. Kurt was lying on Blaine’s chest with his arm around his waist and Blaine had his arm around Kurt holding him close. Even in sleep Blaine seemed to protect Kurt. His son, his baby Kurt. He had to admit, the two of them together were like puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly. He watched them together whenever they were around. When they moved or sat, they were both very aware of where the other one was. Burt didn’t think that they even knew they did this, but they were considerate of each other and knew when to move closer or further away. It was like they could read each other’s minds. Though they did all of this without thinking about it. In Burt’s estimation, he knew, they could make it through school and college. He suspected that it would work out for them, but not without some difficulty. He truly loved Kurt and Blaine, feeling like even Blaine was his son.
Kurt woke to sun shining in from around the curtain. He was still sleeping on Blaine’s chest with arm draped over Blaine’s stomach. Blaine still had his arm around Kurt clutching him to his body. Kurt did want to move he wanted to savor the feeling of waking up another morning in the arms of his boyfriend. He didn’t think he could ever get used to the feeling. Someday they would be able to do this forever. Kurt held the hope of marrying Blaine someday. Kurt started to feel Blaine slowly grazing his fingers on his back, but he still didn’t want to let on that he was awake. He could lie like this forever. “Kurt, love, I know you are awake.”
“How do you do that?” Still not moving. “I didn’t even move.”
“I could feel you breathing change. I’ve been up just waiting for Sleeping Beauty to join me.”
Kurt edged up closer to Blaine’s face because now he wanted to see his beautiful hazel eyes. He found them and leaned in for a kiss. Blaine wanted more, but Kurt pulled away. “Blaine, I have morning breath. I just can’t.” He got up to go to the bathroom and brush his teeth. Blaine followed him they brushed happily together. This was about as close to life with Blaine that Kurt could imagine. Thoroughly brushed, Kurt grabbed Blaine’s hand and led him back to the bed. “I’m not sure I want to get back into bed. You ruined the moment.” Blaine was joking and flashed a smile.
Kurt pulled him in. “Now we can cuddle and kiss.” Soon enough, Kurt had convinced Blaine that he wanted to do this. They had slept the night before in boxers so the only thing separating them was the thin cotton of their boxers. Blaine deepened the kiss and started caressing Kurt’s sides and thighs. Kurt was whimpering to the touch. “Mornings can be so fun.”
“Wow, Kurt, you have been so horny lately.”
“What do you expect? We are separated during practice. I know you are just down the hall, yet I can’t touch you or look at you. I have to sit and deal with a bunch of girls complaining about boys and hair and boys constantly talking about how to get in someone’s pants. Honestly, it’s totally childish. Anyway, aren’t I a teenager with raging hormones? You should like it."
“Ssshh. I’m not complaining.” Kissing him again and grinding his hips to Kurt’s.
The friction was especially delicious this morning. They had slept together the last 2 nights and still no repercussions from Burt. There was a need to be face to face today. Kurt was trying to get closer to Blaine, but they were as close as they could be. Their tongues were intertwined just dancing together. They fit well together. Continuing to grind against each other, they were content at being able to stare into each other’s eyes until they found their joyous release. Grunting into the release, Blaine mumbled Kurt’s name and Kurt, Blaine’s name. “Shower?” Kurt suggested as their breathing came back to normal after the high.
“I’m a little nervous Kurt. What about your dad and his gun?”
“But Blaine, my dad should be at work. Remember, it’s Friday.” Kurt smiled dragging Blaine with him. Discarding their soiled underwear, they entered the bathroom. Kurt was blushing because even though they had both seen each other naked before, it wasn’t quite the same as standing in front of each other in broad daylight naked. It was the ultimate in vulnerability. Kurt took in the sight of Blaine’s body. Blaine’s body was unbelievable. Kurt could not believe that Blaine was his. His unruly curly hair, his beautiful smile and those eyes. Beyond that, he had never really noticed that his abs were so strong he had a lightly defined six pack, but what really took his breath away was his clearly defined “V”. Kurt was starting to get excited at the site. At the same time, he was also getting nervous. Kurt was physically fit, but not like Blaine. Kurt skin was pale and silky soft, very little chest hair. He knew that he had great strong legs and arms and his waist was trim. He had countless compliments on his eyes and mouth. He knew how much Blaine loved his eyes as well. He personally thought his mouth was too big. Kurt looked down and found himself wrapping his arms around himself self-consciously. Blaine noticed immediately.
“Don’t. Don’t do that Kurt. I love you.” Blaine pulled him close and started kissing. “I love your hair. It smells like honey and melons. Your eyes are striking. I get lost in them every time I look at you. Your mouth.. “Leaning in for a kiss and biting on Kurt’s lower lip slightly causing Kurt to gasp. “I can’t even tell you how it turns me on. Your neck is strong but delicate at the same time. Your strong arms and legs, your trim abs, your skin. I love all of it. It’s exactly what turns me on. Then you talk and I’m totally gone. At that point I am putty in your hands.” Kurt let down his barrier.
“How do you always know to right things to say that make me feel okay with myself.”
“I am just the right person for you. We are like 2 pieces of a puzzle. And Kurt, you better believe everything I just said because it’s true. I wouldn’t be so attracted to you, if you were me. You are perfect and I will always want you.”
“I love you so much. Let’s get in the shower.” Kurt pulled Blaine in. They were soaping each other tenderly just knowing the places to touch. Even though they had never been so bared before each other, they already knew what each other loved.
Blaine groaned out of nowhere and pressed Kurt against the shower wall kissing his face, mouth, neck. Kurt was lost in all of it. The wall was cold, but he didn’t even notice it. Blaine grabbed Kurt’s ass and squeezed it parting his cheeks and allowing him to brush his fingers across Kurt’s entrance. Kurt gasped and opened his eyes to see Blaine. Blaine’s eyes looked hungry. Kurt couldn’t stand it. He wrapped his legs around Blaine’s waist kissing him feverishly. Blaine took Kurt’s ass and slowly pressed a finger in feeling Kurt tense at the intrusion. Nothing had ever been there before and Blaine knew to expect this, but he also didn’t expect to be so turned on by the feeling of Kurt closing tightly around him. Kurt gasped at the new feeling clinging to Blaine. “Do you want me to stop?”
“Just give me a second to relax.” Blaine felt Kurt relax around him and pushed deeper. He knew that he needed to find Kurt’s prostate to make this right. Kurt was on the verge of being ready to make love and if this didn’t work out, Kurt may take a few steps backward. Blaine didn’t want it to be bad for Kurt. It was supposed to be an unbelievable feeling. “okay, I think I’m ready.”
Blaine pressed his finger further in and curled it just a bit and that’s when it happened. Kurt let out a loud groan. Blaine had found the prize. He began to move his finger in and out reaching to the same spot every time. He had to commit this spot to memory. Kurt was becoming louder with the groans, the moans and gasps as Blaine hit his prostate with every thrust. He felt such pleasure in being able to do this for Kurt. He was on the verge of coming. “Oh Blaine, I-I’m going to come.” That was it. Those words coming from Kurt’s mouth the gasps and the moans and Blaine lost it. Thank God that Kurt came at the same time. Kurt unwrapped his legs and couldn’t stand. Blaine held him tightly still being pressed against the wall and still holding Kurt’s butt.
“Are you okay?” but there was no response from Kurt. He started to worry that Kurt was not happy. “Kurt, baby, are you okay?” Kurt was finally able to gain his composure back.
With a huge smile on his face. “I am more than okay. God, Blaine, I love you. If there were stronger words, I would use them. That was unbelievable.” Kurt’s eyes became very glassy. Blaine met those words with a kiss.
Oh wow the shower scene was really good!I like it how open everyone is with these two and that Burt let them sleep together.