May 31, 2017, 7 p.m.
May 31, 2017, 7 p.m.
10 weeks later
"What do you mean Levi had a fit ?!!" Kurt shouted into the phone shaking . "Is he okay??" He asked again as Blaine approached him. "We are taking him still I don't care what you say !" Kurt responded to the man on the phone "we will get him a therapist , we will love him ! " Kurt sobbed "please !" Kurt begged .
The 10 weeks had been a blast they had bonded as a proper family they were happy. But the morning of actually adopting Levi came around Levi was in trouble. He had been having fits of horror and pain most days and told no one about it until Caroline caught him . "We will come right away." Kurt sobbed as Blaine held him close and explained what happened . And soon Blaine himself was in tears . "Come one we will bring him Monkey and take him home !" Blaine stated . Monkey had been the toy that Blaine had brought him on the visit to the zoo and ever since he had been attached .
"Okay little man you ready to go home?" Blaine asked smiling. "Yes!" Levi squealed as he cuddled into Blaine's leg."now now now please!" Levi said as he jumped up and down on the spot. "You wanna get rid of me that quickly huh little one?" Caroline asked tears in her eyes. "I'll miss you Caroline ," Levi said walking over to give Caroline a big hug "I miss you too Levi, now go and enjoy your new life," Caroline smiled through her tears.
Levi latched his left hand on to Blaine's left hand and his right hand on to Kurt's hand. "Come on daddies let's go," Levi smiled . Blaine grabbed Levi's little suitcase with his free hand "is this all you have little man?" Blaine asked. "Uh huh,"Levi spoke sadly "well I guess we need to go shopping then," Kurt spoke excitedly "no!" Blaine moaned "yes papa shopping!" Levi said excitedly."well you two can go shopping and I will stay home." Blaine declared happily "but you be lonely ," Levi frowned "and I would miss you !" Levi smirked and started on the puppy eyes. "No you don't !" Blaine said shielding his eyes from Levi . "Blainey," Kurt spoke . Blaine looked up at Kurt and there he was with similar eyes to Levi's - very similar blue eyes which were in puppy dog mode. "We can go tommorow but right now we are having a movie marathon!" Blaine states happily "Disney, Disney , Disney!" Levi chanted ! "Okay okay if we must we will watch disney ," Blaine smiled "don't lie B ,I know you love Disney!" Kurt chuckled "yay" Levi smiled as they started walking to the car .
"Daddies did you find monkey at your house because I think I left him," Levi asked as they approached the car. "Yeah he's on your bed with a little gift from me and papa," Kurt replied. "You got me a present !" Levi shouted "shush little man no need to shout ," Blaine scolded but smiled and replied "yes we did now come on let's get in the car,"
Kurt grabbed Levi under the arms as Blaine opened the door to his navigator and Kurt placed Levi in his new car seat. "Okay so it's only 10minutes to get home so what do you want on the TV?" Kurt asked as he strapped Levi in and placed himself in the pass never seat. "That's a stupid question ," Blaine responded as he switched on "inside out" "yay," Levi chanted as he became enchanted in the film."you and this film is going to be the death of me,"Kurt chuckled.
As they drove home Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and shared a little smile as they drove extremely slowly not wanting to put in danger their little boy in the back. "Do you think he will like his gift?" Kurt asked "what did you get him?" Blaine asked "well I kind of got a gift for you and him," Kurt smiled "what is it!?" Blaine moaned . "What's wrong papa?" Levi asked "daddy won't tell me what he got you !" Blaine giggled "well we can open it together then!" Levi smiled. Kurt cooed at the cuteness of his son .
HIS SON. He had a son. He had a son with his wonderful handsome bushy haired husband. His high school sweetheart , his best friend. His life was perfect . His dad healthy, Carole was happy again. Rachel just winning a tony. Mercedes releasing her 2nd album. Sam teaching at McKinley. Mr shue running McKinley. Santana and Brittany moving back to Ohio , Mike getting married ,Tina and artie announcing their pregnancy . Jesse and Rachel's wedding coming up . Everything was perfect.
Well except for the pure fact that Blaine hadn't spoken to his family in years. The fact that his mom went to their wedding when he was 19 and Kurt was 20 and the fact that they hadn't spoken since they got back from their honeymoon 7 years ago. That fact that cooper hadn't visited in a year and the fact that his dad was still the slightest bit ashamed of having gay son. Kurt's life was perfect but Blaine's family ( Kurt's now family ) had been ignoring him. Burt and Carole were coming to visit in a week once Levi had settled in but Pam and Blake didn't even know that Levi existed . Cooper knew but he hadn't made a effort to come and visit . And Kurt's heart broke and he was going to speak about it with Blaine when Levi was asleep. He needed to. He needed courage...
Levi was bouncing excitedly as Kurt lifted him out of the car. Levi snuggled into Kurt as he started babbling about the film as Blaine , whilst smiling to himself , got Levi's little suitcase out from the boot of the car. As Blaine placed a chased kiss to Kurt's cheek and ruffled Levi's hair before going on and unlocking the front door. "Welcome home little man," Blaine chanted as he let Kurt and Levi enter . "Home," Levi smiled.
Blaine jumped directly onto the couch causing laughter to escape Levi and Kurt's mouth "Right you hungry little guy?" Kurt asked "yes," Blaine and Levi responded simultaneously. Levi giggled at Blaine's response "not you papa!" Levi giggled happily as he jumped down from Kurt's arms and onto Blaine's lap. Blaine tickled him mercilessly which caused Levi to let out extremely infectious laughter "papa papa stop , daddy help," Levi laughed as he started to attack his papa. "No no Levi ," Blaine spluttered as he pretended to be in pain because of the laughter. Kurt marvelled at the gorgeous sight in front of him that he couldn't not take a photo. After snapping a quick pic he decided to start on lunch.
After lunch, Levi suddenly remembered about the present and ran upstairs to get it. He plonked himself on the couch next to his dad's and tore it open. "Read it out then," Kurt smiled "to Levi you are gggg.." Levi could t read it "getting," Kurt finished "a puppy!" Levi squealed !! "What ," Blaine smiled excitedly "when ?" Levi asked "two days !" Kurt smiled "that's amazing !" Blaine smiled "I'm so excited," Levi said happily "you truly are the best," Levi said . Soon after the excitement fizzled out Blaine Kurt and Levi surrounded the TV and watched the little mermaid. "You look like prince Eric papa," Levi stated out of the blue that made Kurt and Blaine smile . "And daddy's my Ariel," Blaine smiled "I could not make red hair work so no way," Kurt joked . Right at the end Levi stated to fall asleep. "No little man you have to stay awake, " Blaine spoke sadly. "Okay papa, can we go outside,"Levi asked suddenly more lively "do you want to play soccer?" Blaine asked "yes please," Levi replied happily.
Trying to get Levi to pay any attention to American football was wasted the moment he found a soccer ball and fell in love . But Blaine and Kurt didn't mind they still thought he was perfect the way he was even if Kurt would rather not put him in any danger .
"Come on then , you coming daddy?" Blaine asked sneakily "I'll watch !" Kurt stated as he followed the boys out of the house and into the garden .
After a long day of soccer and settling in and the little mermaid Kurt decided that he would cook tea instead of Blaine as he was feeling creative .
"How does jambalaya sound?" Kurt asked . A gigantic nod from Blaine was what he noticed. But Levi expression faded "I've never had that before , what if I don't like it," Levi started to well up with tears "hey Levi it's okay , if you don't like we can make Mac and cheese , but I bet you will love it , it's papas favourite ,"Kurt spoke proudly "daddy makes the best jambalaya in the whole world," Blaine smiled proudly at his husband. "Okay ,"Levi said as he smiled at Blaine. "Papa can I go and play in my room please," Levi asked shyly "of course little man , don't make a mess though ," Blaine smiled as Levi jumped off his lap and ran up the stairs and into his room.
"We are so lucky," Kurt smiled as he plonked himself down on the couch next to Blaine. Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt and Kurt snuggled into him. "I thought you were cooking, " Blaine stated confused "it's in the oven it should be ready in 40 minutes I've set a alarm ," Kurt smiled "sleep please," Kurt giggled "okay just for a bit,"
Kurt dozed off in a few minutes but Blaine couldn't find it in himself to sleep. That was when he heard little footsteps coming down the stairs. He made eye contact with Levi and placed a finger to his lips before gesturing for him to come over . Levi settled on Blaine's lap and played with Kurt's hair before asking when tea was as he was hungry . As the question left Levi's lips the alarm sounded which woke Kurt with a start and he jolted , shocking Levi.
Levi started to panic and ran into the corner and curled himself into the fetal position and started to cry constantly , his cries quickly turned into screams. Blaine rushed over and gathered the boy in his arms , whispering soothing words hoping he would calm down. But Levi flinched away from his touch and just started to scream louder . Blaine turned to Kurt who was silently crying and Blaine knew what he was thinking but Blaine knew that it wasn't Kurt's fault. Levi started rocking back and forth . Blaine didn't know what to do , that was until he thought about all the times Kurt had been upset and he had sang to him. Levi stated clutching his head in pain and it broke both of the men's heart. So Blaine started to sing .
"You think I'm pretty without any makeup on
You think I'm funny when I say the punchline wrong,
I know you get me,
So I'll let my walls come down, down,
Levi's cries started to quieten and Blaine took him into his arms , Levi welcoming the embrace.
You make me feel like a teenage dream,
The way you turn me on,
I can't sleep ,
Let's run away,
And don't ever look back ,
Don't ever look back,
As Blaine finished his short version of the song Levi was silently crying into his T-shirt. He noticed Kurt had taken the jambalaya out of the oven but was still shaking with disgust in himself for doing that to his son. "Kurt," Blaine said. As they made eye contact Blaine's heart broke . Both his boys were upset and he needed to comfort them. Although Levi's panic attack had scared him and upset him he stayed strong.
Kurt rushed over and Blaine embraced both him and Levi into a embrace . Levi cuddled into Kurt and with Kurt whispering his apologises Levi also whispers his sorrys . Blaine sat there with the two most important people in his life gathered in his arms apologising for no reason."look at me ," Blaine asked Levi's head shot straight up but Kurt wouldn't bring his head out from Blaine's shoulder or let go of Levi . "Both of you ," Blaine corrected . Kurt slowly moved his head to look at Blaine ."it was neither of your faults okay , Levi you did nothing wrong you couldn't help it and Kurt it wasn't your fault okay Levi was just scared," It's not your fault daddy," Levi explained cuddling into Kurt "don't cry," Levi asked "I love you daddies," Levi said pulling Blaine into the hug as well. "I love you too Levi," Kurt responded . Levi looked expectantly at Blaine "I love you both more!" Blaine declared happy. "No you don't ,"then they got into a little light hearted bicker about who loves who more before Blaine remembered the food .
"I'm still hungry you know !" Blaine declared which caused both Kurt and Levi to giggle. "Me too - tea now please !" Levi asked / demanded with a slight grin . "Okay Blaine , Levi set the table whilst i dish up ," Kurt asked placing a kiss on both boys cheeks.
"Night daddies," Levi whispered as Blaine and Kurt tucked him in after reading a bedtime story. "See you in the morning ," Blaine said as he kissed Levi's forehead "sleep tight , don't let the bed bugs bite ," Kurt sung happily whilst kissing Levi's forehead and turning the lamp on. "Night son," Blaine said from the doorway "night papa," Levi said before rolling over.
Blaine and Kurt collapsed on to their bed and Kurt settled in Blaine's embrace. "He's perfect ," Blaine stated "but i think he needs to see a therapist or doctor though ," Kurt added "yeah me too ," Blaine spoke.
Kurt sat up and pulled Blaine up with him . "We need to talk," Kurt said seriously "you can't break up with me I'm your husband you know !" Blaine smiled . "Do you miss them?" Kurt asked seriously . "Miss who ?" Blaine asked confused . "Your family," Kurt finished . Tears filled Blaine's eyes. "Every day," Blaine finished looking down. "What if I tell you that whilst you and Levi were playing soccer I called your mum and cooper and invited them to stay for a week after my dad and Carole had gone back to Ohio." Kurt smiled "they didn't say yes though," Blaine said and tilted his head down by Kurt lifted his head back up again. "Cooper and your mum are coming , and your mum is asking your dad," Kurt said "Blake can't come,"Blaine stated . "Why not Blaine?" Kurt asked "he will influence Levi and make him have a panic attack," Blaine spoke clearly . "Well..." Kurt started but was interrupted by a little voice.
Both men rushed out of the bed to see Levi cowering in the corner. "What's wrong Levi?" Kurt asked "nightmare about scary man," Levi cried . Kurt ran to him and scooped him up in his arms. "How bout you sleep with me and daddy tonight , and we'll keep those nightmares away," Blaine suggested . "Yes please ," Levi sobbed.
As the three boys lay in bed they felt the feeling of completeness ,the feeling of happiness and the feeling of love .They were the anderhummels and they may have a struggle ahead of them but they are happy. And that's all that really matters .
Hey guys how was it ? I don't know what a panic attack looks like really do it tried my best. Please leave suggestions for other baby names and maybe even dog names for their future puppy!!! PLEASE REVIEW!