Nov. 3, 2012, 12:37 p.m.
Nov. 3, 2012, 12:37 p.m.
Chapter 9
Kurt dropped his head onto the pillows with closed eyes, letting out a deep breath. It wasn’t but a second until Blaine was resting on top of him, adjusting the covers over them, their lips quickly finding each other’s. Kurt relaxed his body and tried not to freak out when Blaine settled between his legs; one of his hands clenching the sheets beside Kurt’s head, the other rubbing underneath one of his thighs. It was safe to say he had never done anything like this… well yeah, they had made out in the movie theater quite a bit, but this was Blaine in his bed. Blaine’s tongue was in his mouth, and Kurt had his hands resting on the boy’s shoulders, one trailing up into his hair. They kissed slowly but passionately; Blaine trying to move closer and closer but they were already flush against one another. The boy took a deep breath, urging his boyfriend to wrap his legs around his waist as he pulled away to remove his eyeglasses.
Looking down at Kurt—he was so hot right now. Blaine licked his lips as he tried to find a spot on the night table for his glasses without removing his eyes from his boyfriend. Kurt’s lips were already so red, and his breathing was uneven. His eyes had darkened a few shades and Blaine bit his lip before lowering himself again.
Kurt tightened his grasp in Blaine’s hair as he closed his eyes once more. The dark haired teen started kissing his neck, hot breath fanning against his pulse point before the tip of his tongue teased the skin there slowly. Kurt bit his lip as he felt himself getting harder. He stared at the ceiling and took quick breaths, trying to think about the female anatomy in hopes that he could relax. Nothing helped when Blaine started sucking on a sensitive spot underneath his ear, and a broken whimper escaped Kurt’s lips as he tightened his legs around Blaine’s waist.
The noise went straight to Blaine’s cock. He buried his face in his boyfriend’s shoulder and rolled his hips forward, growling low in his throat. Kurt shivered underneath him as he gasped.
“’Mm sorry,” Blaine mumbled into his shoulder, frozen and trying to calm down. Kurt nodded though his boyfriend wasn’t looking. “It’s okay.”
A few seconds had passed and Blaine looked up until they were eye to eye. He smiled at the beautiful boy looking back at him and connected their lips.
“You’re an amazing kisser,” he whispered, smiling again when Kurt blushed. He kissed each pink cheek and reached a hand up to stroke through Kurt’s hair, putting all his weight onto one arm as he held himself up.
Kurt leant into the warm touch and a small grin ghosted his lips. He hummed from the comfort and started to caress his fingers along the nape of Blaine’s neck, his other hand rubbing up and down the boy’s muscular arm. “I learned a few things from this amazing guy. He’s pretty hot,” his fingers began to play around the tight sleeve hugging Blaine’s arm.
Blaine blushed, but rolled his eyes. “Hot? You’re definitely pushing it, beautiful.” He brought his arm down and lay back on top of Kurt, kissing his lips softly. Kurt smiled, shaking his head no, but before he could retort, Blaine’s tongue was slipping inside his mouth once again. Not that he minded.
It was happening again. He was hard and the way Blaine was positioned between his legs was only making matters worse—or better. Depends on how you look at it. Kurt’s hands started traveling everywhere he could reach before settling in his boyfriend’s hair again, pulling lightly and not caring about the mess it’d be in afterwards. Blaine liked that a lot, apparently. Instead of coming up for a much needed breath, he only attacked Kurt’s mouth harder, biting and sucking, pressing his body further into Kurt’s. They both gasped and Kurt arched himself into it, moaning when Blaine grinded down. The younger teen was breathing heavily into Kurt’s ear, his hips still snapping forward as his nails dug into the bed sheets. Kurt’s eyes snapped closed as he rocked his hips along with Blaine’s, whining heavily into his shoulder.
“B-Blaine… oh god,” Blaine pressed him further into the mattress, stroking at a quicker pace now, “Blaine…” Kurt groaned, tightening his grip in Blaine’s hair with one hand and hiking Blaine’s shirt up around the small of his back. “babyyy…”
Blaine was full out panting into Kurt’s ear at this point. He couldn’t remember ever feeling so good as he rolled his hips, reveling in the noises Kurt made and how he moaned his name. “You’re so hot, Kurt. So fucking hot…”
Kurt gasped when Blaine slipped a hand underneath his body, and again when the boy squeezed his ass. His eyes snapped open and he thrust up hard, practically falling apart when his boyfriend sucked on his earlobe. The Singin’ in the Rain soundtrack was still playing in the background, and hopefully it was enough to cover up the sounds of lust both boys were making. “So hot, K-Kurt…” Blaine’s movements were beginning to slow down. He stopped thrusting and kissed the boy on the cheek. Kurt licked his lips and turned his head so that they were face to face.
“Are you o-okay?” he asked sincerely. Kurt almost melted because of the gold shining in those hazel eyes. He nodded feverishly, lowering his hand from Blaine’s messy hair and smiling.
“I’m perfect.”
Blaine nodded. His hand moved from underneath Kurt’s body to in between the both of them, cupping Kurt gently. He bit his lip when the blue eyed teen threw his head back and his breathing hitched, exposing a pale neck. Kurt’s legs relaxed as he spread them wider. Blaine gulped hard, beginning to move his hand up and down slowly, but a little more firmly.
“Can I-I see it?”
Kurt looked up with dark eyes, possibly to see if his boyfriend was serious. Were they moving fast? They’d just gotten together a couple hours ago, after all. But the things this boy’s hand was doing to him right now. He needed to answer before he came into his pants.
There was a knock on the door before it swung open at the top of the steps. Kurt’s eyes went wide as he pulled Blaine next to him, covering up both their lower bodies.
“It’s time for dinner, Kurt!” his father shouted, closing the door shortly after. Blaine felt his heart begin to beat again as he collapsed against the pillows, exhaling loudly. Kurt’s eyes closed for a second before he did the same.
“Dear god I thought he’d come down here.”
Blaine groaned at the thought alone. “He’d kill me wouldn’t he? You told me he has a shotgun…”
Kurt laughed a little, though his erection was really hurting him right now. “I don’t know if I should answer that.”
He smiled when his boyfriend made a frightened face and leant over to kiss the boy on the cheek. “It’s okay. I was just kidding… a little.” He kissed him again, this time on the chin. Blaine smiled and leant up, capturing his lips. They stayed like that for a moment until another knock sounded from the door as a reminder.
“I need to go anyway. I have curfew,” Blaine sat up on the bed and reached over his boyfriend for his eyeglasses. “We should um… I know that we don’t have to do the project anymore…”
Kurt winced. “Sorry about that. I was really mad so I handed it in…”
Blaine nodded. “I know. But that’s great because we have free time to hang out now, right?” he smiled and Kurt could only stare at his lips. Those gorgeous, delicious lips. He nodded his head yes after a while.
“Yeah, free time. What do you want to do?”
Blaine licked his lips and moved forward a little. “You could come over to my place after school…. No one will be home until a little after 6. We’ll have a few hours to ourselves if you want to,” he blushed a bit as he and Kurt locked eyes, “we could watch a movie… Hairspray maybe. I’ll make hot chocolate and we can head back up to my room.”
Kurt nodded a little more than he had to. “T-That sounds good.”
Blaine gave a half smile as he stared at Kurt’s lips. “So I’ll pick you up for school tomorrow and I’ll drop you home after we hang out.”
“Okay.” Kurt smiled softly, watching Blaine put his glasses on. The boy hopped to his feet and went to get his cardigan, tucking his shirt back into his pants before putting it on. Burt knocked at the door again and Kurt let him know he was coming as Blaine hurried to get his shoes.
“I hope I don’t get you in trouble.”
Kurt grabbed a comb from his dresser and gave it to his boyfriend. “I’ll be fine… if you fix your hair,” he said with a blush. Blaine winked and combed his hair back the best he could. Kurt took the time to adjust himself in the tight jeans he wore as he waited.
They headed up the stairs together. Kurt quickly dragged Blaine to the front door without waiting to see whether or not they were spotted. They stepped onto the front porch and it had gotten a bit chilly now; Blaine wrapping his arms around Kurt.
“So. Thank you… for today.” He smiled and Kurt shook his head.
“I should be thanking you, don’t you think?”
Blaine shrugged. “I’m just happy we’re together, Kurt.” He cupped the taller teen by the chin and pulled his head up, smiling when they were finally eye to eye. “So thank you.” Before Kurt could say anything more, he connected their lips chastely, smiling into it.
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow, beautiful.”
Kurt nodded, moving to kiss him again. “Text me when you get home.”
“I will.”
Eventually they released one another and Blaine waved goodbye as he walked the path to his crookedly parked car. Kurt sighed watching him go. It felt good to be happy again.
After his boyfriend pulled off, Kurt went back inside for dinner. He closed the door softly behind him, smiling to himself as he locked it. Everyone was already at the table when he arrived in the living room, and he smiled softly before taking his seat.
Sam looked at Finn and then Burt—Finn had his jaw dropped while Burt only stared blankly. Carole smiled at him knowingly and it was then that Kurt remembered he wasn’t wearing pink tinted hair or body piercings. This dinner would be more awkward than the ones he had when the piercings were in.
“Salad, honey?”
Kurt nodded at Carole, stroking the hair out of his face. “Please. Thanks.”
Burt sat back in his seat, staring at his son. Kurt did his best to ignore the heated gaze. Of course it was Finn who had to say something, though.
“Hah, Rachel thought it was bad for Blaine to hang around the skanks because you and Quinn would rub off on him.” He looked at Sam and motioned to Kurt’s bowtie, “Looks like Blaine is turning them into him instead.”
Sam smirked and gave Kurt a look. The coiffed boy didn’t look very pleased with either of them. “We’re joking, Kurt. But I happen to like you like this. You kinda look like the fearless kid I met last year in glee club. The one that said I had bleached hair.”
“You do.”
“Do not.”
“Sure,” Kurt rolled his eyes and put a roll onto his plate. Burt was still quiet, but Finn and Sam began to talk about what they discussed with Puck and Blaine earlier; the whole Lauren leaving the New Directions at a horrible time situation. According to the conversation, they only had 11 people now and wouldn’t be able to qualify. Carole smiled at Kurt.
“That sounds like a good opportunity for someone to rejoin. What do you think, Kurt?”
Kurt smiled, politely finishing the food in his mouth before speaking. Burt was still quiet but Kurt didn’t think that would last much longer. Something destined to hurt his feelings would probably be barreling out of that mouth soon. “If that’s your way of being subtle, it didn’t take, Carole. I don’t think I’m ready to rejoin just yet, though.… I still have to catch up on classes and everything.” Burt nodded while the boys frowned, “so maybe after sectionals.”
Finn scoffed. “Blaine said he could get you back in. We almost believed him.”
Kurt smiled at them oddly. “When did he say that, and why?”
“Earlier,” Sam was already finished with his food like Finn, and both reached for seconds, “Puck was over here and we were freaking out, and Blaine was like ‘what if we could get Kurt and Quinn to come back’ and then we laughed in his face.”
Kurt smirked, shaking his head.
“And then he hopped over the couch like a power ranger and ran downstairs.” Sam continued. Kurt raised an eyebrow as Finn contributed. “He’s an odd ball, but he’s a really good guy.”
They nodded. “Yeah,” Kurt said, smiling. But he was Kurt’s oddball.
“So why was he downstairs?” Burt finally asked, eyes still burning through his son. Kurt looked up nervously with a bit of mashed potatoes on his fork.
“Just hanging out.” Kurt answered warily, “and I tutor him in French sometimes—“
“You have new lip shaped bruises.” the man added, “Did you two watch another vampire movie?”
Carole cleared her throat and went to clear her dishes. “I gotta get ready for work, boys. Evening shift.”
Finn’s mouth dropped as he looked at his stepbrother. “No way!”
Sam smirked. “I wasn’t going to point that out but it is kinda big…”
“Can you two… wonderful people give my father and I a minute?” Kurt pleaded with his eyes, praying that Finn wouldn’t say or do anything stupid. Thankfully, both nodded, Sam dragging a still shocked Finn off with him.
Burt looked on expectantly, his food practically untouched since his son arrived at the table. Kurt could see Carole darting around in the kitchen, but he knew she was listening as best she could.
“The truth is dad…” Kurt played with a little cherry tomato on his plate, “yes,” he nodded, “yes, we watched another vampire movie.”
Burt only steadily glared at him in a way that made the boy uncomfortable. He felt like at some point during this conversation, his father’s green eyes would be granted the super power to set him on fire. Instead of continuing with his lie, he came clean.
“Blaine and I…” he looked around, not really sure why he was before returning his eyes to his father, “Blaine’s my boyfriend now. He asked me today and I said yes, because I like him a lot.”
Burt nodded. “What’s with the wardrobe change again? Every time I see him come around you’re changing back to this.” Burt sat forward and started to fork at his food. “What happened to ‘this is who I am’ and ‘support me’? He doesn’t support you like that?”
“He’d support me if I showed up at school dressed like Aqua Man, dad. He saw me for me in the midst of my crazy outfits and rude personality, and he gave a damn.” Kurt shook his head as he thought about it, Burt looking at his son carefully. “He made me feel like I could be the real Kurt Hummel again.”
“I don’t understand why you had to stop in the first place.”
“It doesn’t matter—“
“It does to me, Kurt.” Burt sat up again, scratching at his head. “It does to me. I felt like I lost you, Kurt. And if this kid can come out of nowhere and make you happy, what happens if it doesn’t work out? Is this temporary? Will I lose my son again?”
Kurt was frozen still, unsure of what to say. He watched his father push his plate away and reach for his lemonade instead. Kurt looked away and down at his own neglected food.
“I didn’t think you ever lost me to begin with, personally.”
“I did.” Burt answered shortly. “Everything changed.”
“Well it won’t be that way anymore.” He felt a tear trailing down his face but chose to ignore it. “I’m sorry that I made you feel that way dad. We can fix it.”
Burt was quiet, looking down at his glass. “I want to see this Blaine kid again. Invite him to Friday night dinner.”
Kurt winced, making note to hide all of his father’s weapons. “Ok.”
“And I don’t know how I feel about you two being down in your room when I’m not here.”
Kurt rolled his eyes but remained quiet. That wasn’t changing. “Yeah.”
Burt could tell from that response his words went in one ear and out the other. “And you and I are going to do something together, okay? I need to get to know my son, again.”
Kurt smiled, nodding at his father. “I’d love that.”
“Our food’s getting cold,” Finn shouted from the living room sofa. Burt rolled his eyes and told them to come back in, but not before he gave his son a proud smile. Kurt hadn’t seen one of those in ages.
What are you doing? –Kurt
Kurt plopped onto his bed after his moisturizing routine. He turned the TV on and sent a picture to Quinn of him and Blaine from earlier. He had been gone to kiss Blaine on the cheek but the trickster turned and caught him on the lips instead. You could see just how happy both boys were and Kurt smiled every time he looked at it. Quinn responded with an ‘I will go down with this ship’ that made Kurt roll his eyes, but grin like a kid with a bunch of candy.
He grabbed his backpack and settled it on the bed next to him. Just then, he got a response from Blaine.
Channel 69. U? –Blaine
Kurt laughed, rolling his eyes.
Stop it. –Kurt
Lol ok. I was watching the history channel :( I know… big nerd. And also talking to Mercedes. What about you, beautiful? –Blaine
Kurt pulled his homework out, smiling at the message from his boyfriend.
Just starting my hw for Mr. Klein. Stupid math packet. :( But I happen to think you’re a very sexy nerd so it’s ok. How is she? It’s been a while. –Kurt
You could always text her yourself and find out… -Blaine
Want to work on the packet together tomorrow? I finished half of mine already. Oh… my parents want to meet you, btw. –Blaine
That didn’t sound good. Kurt put his pencil down and picked up his iPhone.
Um… Should I be worried? –Kurt
He went back to working on fractions while checking his phone anxiously for a new message every once in a while. Eventually it came.
My stupid ex called and told them that I’d been seeing some monster, apparently. So when I got home past curfew, they thought I was out partying and gambling with these horrible influences. –Blaine
Kurt rolled his eyes.
But I told them I was with you, and that Greg was a jerk, and that you were a beautiful, amazing, beautiful guy that made me happy. Mom flailed a bit and dad looked like he didn’t believe me. I guess that because he wasn’t crazy about my first boyfriend, he’s expecting some downward spiral. –Blaine
But you have nothing to worry about. I’m crazy about you and they will be too. –Blaine
Kurt smiled at the messages. Gregory was really low for all of the nonsense he was causing, but he could trip and fall off a ledge for all Kurt cared. He was determined to be happy with his boyfriend.
I’m happy to hear they’re excited to meet me… my dad invited you over for Friday night dinner so yay :) maybe they can come? –Kurt
Your dad hates me I’m not coming –Blaine
Kurt laughed as he shook his head.
He doesn’t hate you, sweetie. I promise. –Kurt
He didn’t get an answer for a while. Kurt wondered if Blaine had been giving him a pep talk for Friday, which was a few days away. But all in all, he understood. Burt Hummel was a scary man when he wasn’t a huge teddy bear.
Ok. I’ll let them know when they get home tomorrow I guess. Everyone’s asleep now. –Blaine
Sounds good, babe :-* You should get some rest too so you can pick up your hot, hot boyfriend in the morning. –Kurt
Do I have to? I wanna talk to my boobie pooh Kurtsie Wurtsie –Blaine
Lol OMG No Blaine. No. –Kurt
:D –Blaine
Goodnight snicker doodle sugarplum :-* -Blaine
Kurt laughed at the message. His boyfriend was the best. He knew he’d be able to go to Blaine when he felt sad and the boy would make him smile in less than a minute…but it scared him that he almost typed out I love you with his goodnight message. It scared him just a little bit.
Goodnight dweeb. xoxo –Kurt
He put his phone down next to him and tried to focus on his work, but thought messing with Blaine would be a little more fun.
BTW, dad saw the hickeys you left on my neck. –Kurt
He laughed at the messages that flooded his phone for the next couple minutes.
WHAT? –Blaine
Shit!! –Blaine
I told you he hates me! He’s definitely going to now!! –Blaine
Holy shit. Baby? Are you just playing a game? –Blaine
You’re joking right? –Blaine
Kurttttttt –Blaine
;_____; –Blaine
Kurt laughed and typed out a message.
I promise I’ll hide his shotguns Friday. See you in the morning, handsome ;) –Kurt
OMG –Blaine
Kurt rushed upstairs the next morning, sitting at the table across from Finn. He quickly ate a piece of toast and some eggs, drank his orange juice, and chewed on a few pieces of bacon. Finn dropped his jaw before a proud look washed over his face.
“Wow, bro. You’re turning into me!”
Kurt ignored him, going to check himself in the mirror again. His jeans were fitted to perfection and his thigh high boots looked just as good as they used to on him. The tunic style sweater he wore was tight in the right places and loose in others, and Kurt smiled at himself proudly before grabbing his jacket.
I’m back, baby.
“Looking hot, Kurt.” Sam winked as he walked past and joined Finn at the dining room table. Finn snorted as he chewed on his food. That was the guy Kurt swore he would marry one day. Real attractive.
“Don’t let Blaine hear you say that,” Finn told him in what was supposed to be a hushed voice, “he’ll kick your ass.”
Kurt rolled his eyes as his phone vibrated.
I’m here beautiful. –Blaine
“I’m leaving,” Kurt announced, rushing to the door and almost bumping into his father. He smiled and kissed Burt on the cheek.
“Bye dad.”
“Bye Kurt.” The man replied, smiling and locking the door behind him.
He walked into the kitchen and frowned. “Now to get rid of you two dupes.”
Blaine had double parked in front of Kurt’s house, in the case that he’d have to jet off to safety. He had bad dreams about Burt and that damn shotgun. He smiled however when Kurt exited the home and made his way out to his car, looking as amazing as ever. The boy smiled too as he got in the car and leant in to kiss Blaine hello.
Best kiss ever.
Blaine almost ended up climbing into the passenger seat after the welcome he got. “Shit, baby…”
Kurt smirked, strapping himself in. “Good morning, Blaine.”
Blaine licked his lips and placed his arm around Kurt’s seat. “You’re such a tease.”
“Step on it, honey. I want to hit the Lima Bean before first period.”
Blaine sighed and nodded, taking the car out of park. He wanted to hit something else before first period, but he’d keep that to himself.
“You ready to go?”
Kurt looked at the school and nodded. People were already here. A lot of people were, but for some reason… he wasn’t as scared as he probably should’ve been.
“I’m ready, baby.”
Blaine smiled and unstrapped himself. “I just wanted to say that I’m very proud of you.”
Before Kurt could reply, Quinn was knocking on his passenger side window. He turned back to see who it was and found a smiling pink haired girl gesturing for them to get out of the car. Blaine smiled and grabbed their things.
“I didn’t want to interrupt but we need to get this over with.” She was joined by Homeless Brett who smiled at the both of them before walking off to follow her. Kurt rolled his eyes and accepted his bag from Blaine. “Thank you, babe.”
“Who was that?” Blaine asked in confusion, walking in rhythm with Kurt as he looked at Homeless Brett ahead of them. Kurt shook his head and looked away; students were giving him surprised looks, as was expected.
“I’m still not sure who he is to, to be honest.”
It literally took no time before they were spotted by the football players. Blaine tensed up and walked in front of Kurt a little quicker, just in case that slushy one of the guys had been drinking would end up being thrown in their direction. He was serious the day before when he said he’d take every locker hit and slushy for Kurt, and he intended on doing that.
Only, it wasn’t necessary.
Mike rushed in front of the couple, followed by Puck, Sam, and Finn. They all walked in front of Quinn, Kurt, and Blaine, sort of forming a border. Quinn made a face that said ‘finally!’ and Kurt was taken aback, all until Puck turned around and smiled.
“We weren’t there for you before, but now things are different.” He slapped Kurt on the arm a little harder than he needed to, and pinched Blaine on the cheek before continuing down the hall. By the time they reached their teammates, Karofsky turned to Azimio looking rather amused.
“Look which skank couldn’t put behind his fairy ways,” they laughed and looked from Kurt to Finn and the others. “This is cute, Hudson, but you boys can’t protect him all the time, now can you?”
Blaine grabbed Kurt’s hand and pulled the taller boy behind him. Azimio noticed and smiled.
“Awwww! Look which nerd got a butt buddy!”
The other jocks laughed as Kurt stepped forward, passed Blaine, passed Quinn, and passed the other guys. He smiled at Karofsky who looked a little anxious now.
“If any one of these imbeciles touches me… scratch that. If any one of them even looks at one of us wrong,” he motioned to the people behind him, “I swear your secret will be on Ben Israel’s blog before you can learn to spell your name correctly. And that’s a promise, Karofsky.”
With that, he stepped back, took Blaine’s hand, and walked off. Blaine smiled, adjusting his glasses with his free hand and walking with his boyfriend to their lockers.
Finn, Puck, Sam, and Mike all looked at each other, and then their teammates. Quinn only smirked, knowing the secret already. She pulled out a cigarette and walked off, “That was easier than expected. I’ll be outside if anyone needs me.”
Azimio couldn’t believe they’d just been played. “What secret, dude? What the hell?”
Karofsky swung at a locker and left a dent before pushing past everyone and storming off.
Mike smiled, agreeing with Quinn’s earlier sentiment. “That was pretty easy.”
“Comment puis-je arriver au théâtre à partir d'ici?” Madame Fournier was reading from her workbook. Other students were trying to follow along but Kurt and Blaine were too busy sending each other flirty texts.
Truth or dare? –Kurt
Dare. Thug life all day. –Blaine
Kurt smirked and slid down in his chair, typing back a reply.
I dare you to blow me a kiss :-* –Kurt
Blaine smiled and turned to his right, making a million kissy faces and ending the last one with an obnoxious noise. The girl next to him smiled and rolled her eyes. They were too cute.
Truth or dare? –Blaine
Dare :p –Kurt
Someone’s brave today. –Blaine
Oh, hurry up. –Kurt
Blaine bit his lip, winking over at Kurt who was waiting expectantly as he typed.
Later on when we’re at my place, I dare you to let me see... –Blaine
Kurt licked his lips at the message, already getting hard.
What will you do when I show you? –Kurt
Any and everything you want me to. Nothing you don’t want me to. It’s up to you, babe. –Blaine
Kurt had some ideas, but they’d talk about it later. For now, he continued to type.
K. Truth or dare? –Kurt
I’ll go truth this time. –Blaine
K. Is it true that you’ll let me see yours when I show you mine? –Kurt
Blaine smiled, typing out a response.
Would you like to? –Blaine
Kurt shrugged at him when Blaine glanced up and the dark haired teen licked his lips, placing his hand at a very suggestive place in his lap. Kurt’s cheeks turned red as he looked back at his phone, ignoring the way his boyfriend chuckled at him.
I might want to. –Kurt
He looked back at Blaine who moved his hand away to reply.
If you want to see it, I’ll show you. But if I show you, you have to touch it. –Blaine
Kurt turned a darker shade of red looking down at his phone.
Ok. –Kurt
Truth or dare? –Blaine
Dare again. –Kurt
Blaine took a long time to reply, and Kurt looked over to see the boy writing down the homework assignment. Ever the perfect student, this guy was. When he did reply, Kurt couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
I dare you to come to glee club today. I want to sing a song for you :) –Blaine
Ugh. Babe. –Kurt
I dared you. –Blaine
Kurt looked up and sighed, hoping his pouty face would make Blaine back out of it. That didn’t work though. Blaine only returned a pouty face of his own that worked a lot better.
Fine. –Kurt
“Kurt! Are you joining again?” Mr. Schue asked, smiling at the Kurt he remembered. To be honest, Mr. Schuester was afraid of the skanks.
“No,” the teen quickly answered. “Blaine made me come.”
Rachel and the others frowned at his answer, but Blaine stood up and smiled at him. “My song this week is dedicated to him, so I thought I’d invite him.”
Kurt gave him a shy smile as his boyfriend dragged him over to a seat next to Mercedes. He backed up and looked to Puck who started strumming his guitar.
“You guys might think this is corny, but I have this thing where I sing One Direction songs to Kurt in the car. I thought I’d sing one in a more appropriate setting.”
The girls aww’d, joined by Homeless Brett who happened to be walking past the choir room at the time. Kurt stared at him until he walked away.
“Okay,” Blaine took a deep breath and motioned for the band to start. Finn was on the drums and smiled at his stepbrother who ignored him, and Puck began the opening notes.
I've tried playing it cool
But when I'm looking at you
I can’t ever be brave
'Cause you make my heart race
Kurt bit his lip into a smile as he listened. Blaine looked up and met his eyes and it was then that he thought he’d melt from how beautiful his boyfriend was.
Shot me out of the sky
You're my kryptonite
You keep making me weak
Yeah, frozen and can't breathe
Something’s gotta give now
'Cause I’m dying just to make you see
That I need you here with me now
'Cause you've got that one thing
Sam and Mike popped out from behind him and joined in on the chorus. Artie smiled as rolled over and started singing, each boy looking at the audience and grinning. The girls clapped their hands and sang along, Mercedes squeezing a blushing Kurt’s shoulder.
So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing
Blaine walked over to Kurt and took the teen’s hand, smiling when his boyfriend looked like he wanted to both murder him and kiss him at the same time. Finn brought his drumming to a silence as Puck continued to play. Blaine sung softly, as if Kurt was the only person in the room.
Something’s gotta give now
'Cause I'm dying just to know your name
And I need you here with me now
'Cause you've got that one thing
He kissed Kurt softly on the hand and everyone applauded. Kurt jumped up and hugged his boyfriend who lifted him up and spun him like he usually did. They all cheered and Mr. Schue hopped up and commended everyone on a great job.
“That was amazing, fellas! And Kurt, it was definitely a pleasure having you back—“
Rachel pointed towards the doorway where a bunch of red and blue uniformed private school students were slowly making their way inside. Blaine noticed his former glee club mates entering the choir room; both Greg and Sebastian doing so with a sinister smile. The New Directions looked as confused as always as Kurt let go of Blaine and stepped back from the hug a little.
“Cute performance, sweetheart,” Greg looked around the cheap public school and smirked, “but if that’s what you think you’re going to ‘kick our asses’ with at Sectionals, you have another thing coming.”
“What is this?” Puck stood up and removed his guitar, putting it into the arms of the one of the band guys whose name he had yet to learn.
“Just some guys from my old school,” Blaine stepped forward, backed up by a stern Santana who was ready to kick some ass, mumbling a few words in Spanish. “Get out.”
Sebastian spotted Kurt and shook his head. He spoke softly, mocking hurt. “Kurt, Kurt, Kurt. I thought you were some sexy bad boy that’d be kinky in bed. Turns out you look like a fucking female.”
Blaine jumped forward but a few Warblers held him back. Santana happened to kick one of them in the nuts and moved to get another but the boys backed away quickly.
“That’s how we do it in Lima Heights!”
Greg straightened his tie as Sam held Santana back. Blaine’s ex sent Kurt a wink, and the coiffed teen quickly returned a smile of his own. He then stood up and linked his arms around his boyfriend’s shoulder from behind, kissing Blaine softly.
“Relax, babe,” he whispered, smiling when Blaine relaxed into him—much different from the tension he previously felt. Greg looked more than pissed.
Puck and Finn moved to stand next to Kurt and Blaine, followed by the rest of the club. Mr. Schue stood in front of his group.
“I’m going to have to ask you boys to leave.”
Sebastian looked at Blaine and shook his head, before walking out. A few Warblers followed, but a few stayed with Greg who spoke next. “I hope you’ve decided to join these losers at the competition, Kurt. It’ll feel that much better when we get 1st place if you’re on stage, too.”
“Don’t you dare speak to him,” Blaine spat, but Mr. Schue quickly intervened once more.
“You need to leave. Now.”
Greg nodded, waving goodbye. They exited the room and Blaine exhaled, turning around and hugging Kurt closely. Everyone relaxed and looked to their newest member for some sort of an explanation. Naturally, Rachel would have to be the one to ask.
“What was that, Blaine?”
He pulled back from the hug and shook his head. “We need to annihilate them in December. Do you understand? Annihilate.”
Brittany looked like she would ask a question so Blaine quickly turned to his teacher. “Do you mind if I cut out of here early?”
Mr. Schue shook his head, “Sure, Blaine.”
Kurt noticed how stressed the boy was as he went to grab his things. The rest of the New Directions returned to their seats, Mike clapping his nerdy friend on the back.
“We’ve got your back, Blaine.”
Blaine smiled as he put on his backpack and grabbed his jacket. “Thanks.”
He said goodbye to the quiet club who said goodbye as well, waving at Kurt as Blaine took his hand. They passed Karofsky and Azimio in the hall, but neither said a thing, and Kurt smiled at them as if to say ‘good boys’.
Blaine unlocked his car door and moved to get inside, but not before Kurt stopped him. “Will you calm down for a minute, babe?”
Blaine stopped, relaxing his shoulders but staring at the ground. Kurt kissed him softly on the cheek and wrapped his arms around him, squeezing him tightly. Blaine smiled and pulled him close.
“I loved the song, my darling butterball Blainey Wainey.”
Blaine smiled. “Did you, gumdrop?”
Kurt nodded, pulling back to kiss him on the lips this time. Blaine held him by the hips and smiled, deepening it softly.
“But I think that letting those asshats get to you is only going to ruin our day. Today has been pretty amazing.”
Blaine agreed but he didn’t like anything that happened after his performance. “I don’t like how they treated my friends. Especially you, baby.”
Kurt shook his head. “We’ll get them back at Sectionals.”
Blaine raised an eyebrow skeptically. “We as in you too?”
Kurt nodded and kissed him again; laughing at the wide smile Blaine wore which made kissing him kind of difficult. “Stop grinning and kiss me.”
Blaine obeyed, taking Kurt’s lower lip into his mouth. “I think that we should go back to my place.”
Kurt bit his lip and smiled. “You think so?”
Blaine nodded, pulling him closer. “I really think so.”
Kurt kissed him again and pulled away. “Let’s get out of here then.”
aww :) they r adorkable <3 damn, i thought we were gonns get some smut this chapter. its ok though! it was good. please hurry up and post :)
I may or may not be in love with Homeless Brett...
lol me too! thanks for reviewing
I ADORE this story. Can you fancy a story? yeah, I think you can. I fancy this story, thank you very much. I also LOVE Homeless Brett, favourite non-main character ever.