Nov. 3, 2012, 12:37 p.m.
Nov. 3, 2012, 12:37 p.m.
Chapter 8
“What do you mean you don’t want to hang out? C’mon we need to put a plan in motion!”
Blaine shook his head at Quinn. At this point, it was of no use. If Kurt was with Sebastian then this was a lost cause, especially after Blaine explained to Kurt how Sebastian was. There was no way that the two would just be hanging out as friends, not if Blaine knew anything about his old buddy.
Quinn frowned at Blaine, showing how much she disapproved of him backing out of their plans. She needed to talk about the whole text from ‘Tommy’ situation, and figure out whether or not Blaine was still with Greg. As much as she liked the nerdy boy, if there was a chance that he was playing Kurt in any way, she’d give him hell for it. Of course, she knew (probably just as much as Kurt did) that Blaine wasn’t doing that. The only reason there was even an ‘if’ was because she had to at least pretend to be on Kurt’s side in the matter.
Blaine motioned over to his car and gave a sad smile. “I’m just going to go home.”
“Why? I don’t take being cancelled on lightly.” Quinn smiled as she spoke, pulling a cigarette from inside her jacket pocket and fishing around for her lighter. She hopped up on the hood of her Altima and waited for an explanation. Blaine only shrugged and looked around the parking lot; a few glee club members were trailing out to their cars at this point, and Rachel happened to be giving him a dirty look.
“He’s with Sebastian, Quinn. As much as I love the guy, he can be a bit of a jerk. I can’t remember a time he hasn’t put his dick before anything else.” the teen explained this as he rocked back and forth in his loafers. If Kurt felt that he’d rather find refuge in Sebastian than him, then who was he to sit around like an idiot and wait? “I’m just going to go home and do homework. My math teacher Mr. Klein gave us a whole entire packet to do.”
Quinn rolled her eyes. “You both are dumber than I thought.”
Blaine stopped mid step and turned back to the pink haired girl, giving her a curious look.
She smirked as she lit the end of her cigarette. “I expect this from Kurt, but c’mon, Blaine. Don’t you have a reputation for turning your tests in before everyone else and starting on your homework in spare time? I figured some of that head knowledge would spill over into your allotment for common knowledge.”
“I have common knowledge.” Blaine quipped back, not sure where the girl was going. But Quinn was quick to give him an answer.
“He may be with Sergio, but the idiot is in love with you. Nothing is going to happen.”
“H-He’s not…” Blaine blushed, looking away, “It’s Sebastian, and he’s not in l-love with me. Somebody in love with me would at least tell me what the hell is going on. If anything, I was a joke to him, Quinn. And if that’s the case, you should tell me now so that I don’t waste any more time thinking about him.”
Quinn smiled. These boys were pathetic. “A fool in love wouldn’t tell you what’s going on because he’s an idiot—hence the term ‘fool’. And I think it’s time you and I have a talk. It can be done here since you don’t want to go anywhere, I guess.”
She pulled out her cell phone, cradling the cigarette between her lips. Blaine watched her, eager to know where the skank was going with all of this.
“First things first, lover boy,” she scooted her body further back on the hood of the car, “you weren’t a game to him. After the talk I had with Kurt yesterday, I found that he really cares about you, as he should,” she smiled, nudging him on the arm when he walked closer, “but he really thinks that you’ve been lying to him. Look, do you recognize this number?”
Blaine accepted Quinn’s phone from her and looked at the unknown contact. The number didn’t seem to ring a bell. “I don’t think I’m familiar with it.” He tried dialing it into his phone and sure enough, nothing came up in his contacts.
“Well, Kurt got texts from this number the night of your date, after you dropped him off.” She took another puff from the cigarette, letting smoke fill her lungs. “They gave off the impression that the sender meant to text you, and they asked if you ‘fucked the virgin yet’. They also made it seem like you betted this person that if you couldn’t get it done quickly, you’d have to pay them 20 bucks a day, and then asked you to hurry up because you promised them that they could fuck Kurt next.”
Blaine looked from the number up to Quinn. “Well that’s complete bullshit. Kurt couldn’t have believed that, right?”
“I don’t know if he was sold just then. But what happened next probably did it.”
Quinn turned her head to blow the smoke away as Blaine urged her to continue. She nodded and told him to relax.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist, baby boy. Now, Kurt called you to see what was going on, and that’s when it happened—Greg answered the phone.”
Blaine’s face dropped completely, pretty much mimicking what his heart was doing. “Greg? Why would… oh fuck.”
Quinn continued hoping that they were coming to a solution of sorts. “I don’t know what they talked about because Kurt never told me, but I can say that he got the impression that you two were still together, so I’m guessing that Greg denied you two ever breaking up.… You two did break up right?”
“Quinn, are you kidding me? Yes!”
She smiled. “Just making sure.”
“I broke up with him, but he was at my place when I got home… told me he wanted to talk. I got in the shower first though, so—“
“So your brilliant ex-boyfriend cooked up an evil scheme that caused all of this mess? Wow. That stinks.”
Blaine pulled out his cell phone and unlocked it. “I’m taking this number with me.”
“With you where?” Quinn questioned. The girl put her cigarette out as she anticipated a response.
Blaine pocketed his phone, taking out his car keys in the same swing. It was about time Gregory learned a valuable lesson. “I’m going to make sure that he doesn’t ever speak to Kurt again.”
“Okay, bad ass.” She winked as Blaine retreated, walking towards his car. It’d be a bit of a drive to Greg’s place, but this needed to be done.
Quinn sighed as she watched him go. Now she needed to find a new person to hang out with. On the plus side, this mess was a few steps closer to being solved.
Quinn hopped off the hood of her car and glanced around the parking lot. Maybe Homeless Brett was still in the vicinity. Before she could check and see, a phone call was coming in from a frantic, embarrassed Kurt.
“Hi stupid.”
“Q! I fucked up.”
She smirked. “What’s new?”
Kurt had walked a couple blocks away from Sebastian’s house and onto a main road. “What are you doing? Can you come get me?”
“I’m just leaving school. Where are you?”
Kurt looked up at the street sign. “Jefferson and Lynbrook. Why are you still at school?”
“I happened to be waiting for lover boy to get out of glee club. But I can’t talk and drive. It’s dangerous. Stay there, I’ll see you soon.”
“Wait! You’re with Blaine?”
“Gotta go.” Quinn smiled as she hung up. The girl reached into her pocket for a pack of gum and pulled out a strip of Winterfresh. She placed it in her mouth and chewed as she turned the key in the ignition. Thankfully, all of this would be over soon, but Kurt could stand to suffer a little longer.
Blaine had almost run over a cat. It was this that made him realize that he should probably calm down, and slow down. He wanted to be in one piece when he arrived at his ex’s place.
Part of him wanted to be mad at Kurt. To be truthful, all of this could’ve been avoided with a simple conversation. Blaine didn’t have a single clue as to what was going on with them and it literally hurt his chest when Kurt decided he didn’t want to talk to him. After that date… that kiss… holding Kurt close to him… all of it. It all hurt. But, if Blaine had any say, none of it would happen again. He had every intention of making things right. He couldn’t wait to give Quinn a huge hug for finding out that information, too.
Maybe another half hour passed before he was pulling into the boy’s parent’s driveway. After stopping at Balducci’s for hot soup, the ride was extended a little longer. Blaine licked his chapped lips, trying his best to get a hold of his emotions before walking in there. It was possible that in this very moment, he had never been more upset with anything that ever happened in his life than he was with Greg for hurting Kurt. It wasn’t even about himself anymore. He’d been beaten and battered in the past, both physically and emotionally, but when it came Kurt… Kurt would not be touched if Blaine had anything to do with it.
He went to ‘Tommy’s’ phone number in his phone as he got out of his car. The path to the doorway was short. It had been quite some time since Blaine had been here; most of their meet ups were at Dalton, but since the school was closed today, Blaine knew he’d more than likely be here.
He rang the doorbell and waited quietly, soup in one hand and phone in the other, wearing his most sympathetic look. It wasn’t but a few seconds before someone was shouting they’d be there soon, and maybe thirty seconds before the door had opened.
“H-Hi,” Blaine said with a small smile. Greg looked shocked to see him there, but quickly returned the smile. “Can I come in?” Blaine asked.
“Sure! Come inside, please. How’s everything?”
Blaine walked in and shrugged, turning back to his ex with a sad expression. “I, um, wanted to talk to you. Things are… I just needed you.”
Greg smiled even wider. I told you you’d be back, he thought, motioning over to the sofa. “Come sit, gorgeous. We’ll talk.”
Blaine nodded, looking around. “Where’s your dad? I know he’s been under the weather so I brought him a little soup.” He smiled sadly and offered the bag to Greg. “Can I see him?”
Greg, quick on his feet, shook his head no. “He’s not here right now… doctor’s appointment. But I’ll make sure he gets it when he comes home.”
Blaine smiled as Greg took it and walked back towards the kitchen. “Thanks.” Liar. He stepped further into the home and went to sit on the couch. Greg’s phone was within reach of him, right on the coffee table, and so was another phone he wasn’t familiar with. If his instincts were correct, that was Tommy’s.
There was movement around in the kitchen as Blaine settled back on the sofa. A text alerted his phone and he went to check it around the same time Greg returned to the living area.
I’m so sorry. –Kurt
Blaine put his iPhone on sleep mode and went back to his act. His ex sat down close to him on the couch and made sure their bodies touched.
“What’s going on with you?”
Blaine sighed. “It’s… I was stupid. I left you for a guy that didn’t give a damn about me, and you tried to tell me but…”
Greg tried to hide his smile as he moved to cup Blaine by the chin. “What happened, baby?”
Blaine shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. I just came to ask for your forgiveness, Greg.”
Greg nodded. “Of course. You know I love you, Blaine.”
“Can I stay the night?”
“Definitely!” Greg kissed him chastely, smiling as he pulled back and adjusted Blaine’s bowtie. “You know this is how it’s supposed to be always. You and me, Blaine. That pierced tramp had no business in your presence. You’re way too good for him.”
Blaine pulled out his phone and nodded. “You’re right. I’m going to call my parents and let them know I’m spending the night.”
Greg smiled. “Sure.” As Blaine went to unlock his phone, his ex started to kiss him on the neck. Greg’s hands wasted no time undoing the buttons to the hazel eyed teen’s shirt. Blaine tolerated it as he went to the phone number and pressed dial.
While Greg all but threw himself on top of Blaine, his prepaid phone started ringing. Blaine closed his eyes after realizing his suspicions were confirmed, exhaling deeply.
“Shit,” Greg sat up and grabbed the phone. He figured that it would be Kurt trying to dial it, but instead he noticed it to be the number of the person who was sitting right next to him. Blaine smirked as the grey eyed teen realized what was happening.
“You not gonna get that babe?”
Greg turned to Blaine, eyes still wide. Blaine hung up and looked at his ex, waiting for an explanation that never came. He heard the Warbler clear his throat and begin to speak.
“So. All of this was you shitting me?”
“Basically.” Blaine stood up and began to do his buttons. “I just came to tell you that I know you’re full of shit. I know your dad is at work, healthy and well. I know you spoke to Kurt Sunday night. I know you’ve been texting him. I know that if you ever mess with him again, you’re going to have to answer to me. And you may be a little taller but I will not hesitate to kick your ass.”
Greg shook his head as the weight of everything being said came crashing down. He had to laugh. It was happening all over again—that girly faced, pierced, poor excuse for a man was winning again. He had lost Blaine after fighting hard to keep the boy he loved away from someone like that. Someone he didn’t need to be around. “You’ve got to be kidding me, Blaine. I’m not letting you make this mistake.”
Blaine smirked, pocketing his phone. “Fuck you. You don’t know the shit I’ve been through because of you.”
“You know what,” Greg stood up until he was face to face with his ex-boyfriend, “all of this bullshit you pulled today… the little Sherlock show you put on. It was cute, Blaine. But one day you’re going to actually come running back to me, and I’m not going to want to hear it. I’m warning you now, Blaine, because I love you, and I can look at Kurt and tell he’s a piece of garbage.” Blaine tensed up, his fists clenched tightly by his side. “He is going to ruin you like he’s ruined himself, baby. You’re going to end up heartbroken for real. And I’m not going to be there to catch the pieces. I’ve been here, loving you for over 9 months, and what have you been doing? Fucking me and pretending to care? So go. Get out. Have fun at your stupid little public school with your shitty boyfriend. I hope the next time you get jumped they beat some sense into you—mmph—“ Gregory doubled over and stumbled onto the floor, trying to catch his breath as he held onto his coffee table. Blaine had just kneed him square in the nuts.
“I can’t wait to kick your ass at sectionals, Greg. See you there.” Blaine turned and left, not even bothering to close the door. If things were to go his way, a stray bear would show up and beat the shit out of his ex.
The teen hopped in his car and backed out of the driveway, but not before responding to a text from the guy he was determined to make his boyfriend one day. A guy he cared about more than he could fathom.
I need to see you. –Blaine
Quinn just dropped me off. Please come over. –Kurt
I’ll be there. –Blaine
Blaine practically ran to Kurt’s door after parking lopsided in the street. He rang the bell a few more times than necessary, and smiled graciously when Finn opened the door.
“Dude!” Finn grinned, turning around to see Sam on the couch. “Sam! Look who’s here!”
“Not now, Finn—“ Blaine warned.
“Blaine! C’mon. Halo right now.” Sam shouted.
“I’m here to see Kurt. Please, Finn…”
Finn gave him an odd look as he blocked the doorway. “What’s it with you and the skanks? As much as I love my brother and Quinn sometimes, I don’t know if you should spend so much time with them. Rachel can be crazy sometimes but she can be right at others.”
Blaine rolled his eyes and pushed past him. “We’ll talk about this some other time.”
Sam watched the short in stature teen throw Kurt’s basement door open and rush downstairs.
“O…kay.” he said.
Finn shrugged. “So be it. Snacks?”
Kurt had been varying between staring at the ceiling and staring at his phone for the past 30 minutes. It was taking much too long for Blaine to get there. The spare time allowed him to think about the past three days and what they entailed. Greg was such a fucking bozo. Just thinking about how much more he could’ve learned about Blaine in the time he spent fighting with him hurt tremendously.
While Greg had helped to make things horrible with his lies and his conniving, Sebastian had honestly helped things get better. Who would’ve thought that the person trying to get in his pants would actually help to settle his problems? No matter how accidental it may’ve been, Sebastian still helped, and the skank was forever grateful. Kurt felt like he should send him a ‘thank you’ gift basket or something equally loving and warm.
The ride home with Quinn was horrible. She told Kurt that Blaine had went off to see Greg, and had no intention of revealing that it was to get even with him. Instead, she said ‘after I told him that you were with Simon, he got upset and went to see George.’ Kurt wanted to cry. He would’ve hated it if he pushed Blaine right back into that jackasses arms, especially after everything that he’d done. But after Quinn laughed at him for about five minutes, she decided to come clean. Kurt sent an apology text right away, and his friend explained to him that she was only kidding and that Blaine went to go ‘defend your honor’ as she so sweetly put it. Because of this, Kurt could breathe a little easier. His anxiety did stay at a high level until he got a response from Blaine though, but at least he was coming over. Kurt needed to see him so bad it almost hurt.
That’s why as he stared at the ceiling and thought about that gorgeous smile, Kurt said a prayer to someone he didn’t even believe in that Blaine would be there sooner than later. He didn’t expect it to work so soon, though.
His door flew open and in ran Blaine, disheveled and tired, but still as handsome as the day Kurt first laid eyes on him. Kurt smiled so hard that it pained him as he jumped out of bed and hopped into Blaine’s strong arms,
Blaine almost fell twice as he jogged down the steps, skipping over some and slipping on others. He felt his heart speed up when he saw the smile on Kurt’s face, and opened his arms wide to accept the beautiful boy against his body.
Just like always, the perfect fit.
“Kurt,” Blaine tightened his grasp, head buried into the boy’s shoulder. It sounded like Kurt was crying a little and he quickly moved to comfort him, rubbing softly against the boy’s t-shirt covered back. “Shh, it’s okay sweetie.”
“I messed up, Blaine.” Kurt whispered. It felt so good being held like this and even better when Blaine began to rub his back, but he couldn’t help but think about the fact that he almost threw the possibility of this happening away. And it was all over a lie.
“Be quiet. I just want to hold you. Can we lie down?” Blaine kissed Kurt on the cheek and moved them over to the bed. Kurt nodded against him as he let himself be guided.
Blaine shrugged out of his sweater after he laid Kurt on the bed. They smiled at each other softly as he undid each button, eyes locked and hearts racing to the same exact beat.
“I’m going to close the door, okay?”
“Hurry up,” Kurt told him, reaching up to grab Blaine’s cardigan and toss it somewhere not important. Blaine smiled before hurrying back up the stairs. He closed and locked the door and returned, careful not to embarrass himself by falling over steps again.
Kurt had climbed up until he was more comfortable in the bed. He smiled when Blaine returned and eased in bed beside him; loafers kicked off in some unknown direction.
“I missed you like crazy.” Blaine whispered. Kurt could agree as he moved closer and ran his fingers up the other teen’s muscular arms.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Blaine. You treated me like a prince and how did I repay you? By behaving like a brat.”
Blaine lay down next to him, resting his head on the pillows. They maneuvered themselves until both were comfortable and underneath the covers. It felt so amazing and Blaine knew he wanted this for a long, long time. He took off his glasses, put them on the night table beside him, and grabbed Kurt around the waist until the boy was lying on top of him.
“Can you promise me something, please?”
Kurt nodded, playing with a lock of dark, curly hair that escaped the gel that Blaine slapped on top of his head every morning. “What is it?”
“Next time one of our exes sabotages our relationship by pretending to be another person, we’ll talk each other through it.”
Kurt laughed and rested his head on Blaine’s right shoulder, draped across him and trying to hide his blush. “Well I don’t have any exes, and if I did I doubt they’d fight that hard for me. You’re something special, dweeb.”
Blaine shook his head as he pulled the boy even closer to him. “If you broke up with me I would fight until my dying day, Kurt.”
They both smiled though neither were looking at one another. Kurt had yet to bring his face up. “You’re insinuating that we’re together. You need to be my boyfriend for me to break up with you.”
“Oh, yeah.” Blaine smiled, leaning down to kiss Kurt gently in the hair. “You bring about a good point.”
It was pretty quiet for quite some time. Blaine hadn’t spoken, but he didn’t really want to right now. They could sort through everything later. Right now, it meant the world that Kurt was even in the same room as him, and willing to be at that, after the previous day they spent together. As for Kurt, he wanted to say everything. To apologize a million more times, and to move on to something amazing, like he was sure they’d be. How could a couple like Kurt and Blaine not be destined for greatness? But yet, something as simple as lying with him felt incredible.
Blaine blushed at the pet name. “Yes?”
“I was so scared.” Kurt began to speak, closing his eyes as he remembered. “I was scared that it was happening again. With you… I got these texts that made me think you just wanted to use me for sex… and then I called you and Greg said the both of you were still together. I was hurt, and that’s something I’d been able to relate to for the past ten years of my life. Ever since I lost my mother, it was like one thing after the other.”
Blaine closed his eyes too, rubbing Kurt up and down his back. “You n-never told me you lost your mom. I see her in the pictures…”
“Yeah,” Kurt nodded as he continued. “I know you probably thought that my dad just remarried but my mom is actually gone. That was the first string, and then it seemed like a series of unfortunate events came along with me losing her. First came the bullying, then I realized I had no idea how to relate with my father who was the only person I had, and then there was more bullying.” Kurt paused to take a breath, adjusting himself so that he could see the side of Blaine’s face. The boy’s eyes were closed as he steadily, soothingly caressed Kurt. “Karofsky… the one who slushied you, he had been at it for years. He’d torment me in the morning, then at lunch, and I’d get thrown into a locker when we passed in the halls. After school he’d toss me in the dumpsters with Puckerman… that was their thing. Now, Noah grew so much, but Karofsky is still the same scared, heartless bastard he was back then. He actually stole my first kiss, and I cried for so long after all of this happened. When he threatened to kill me…” Blaine’s eyes snapped open at this and Kurt felt the boy’s hand tense on his back. He quickly kissed him on the cheek and told him it was okay, “he threatened me junior year, and I told Quinn. She and I had both been in glee club at the time, and she was facing things with her mom and with her daughter, she’d been struggling to remain on top at McKinley, and I had been coming home with new bruises everyday… we both decided none of this was worth it. The school year ended and we cooked up the skanks with a few other kids over summer vacation. From the first day back we were turning head. People were afraid. I came back in September; made my own threat to Karofsky with the flash of a knife. I promised him that if he fucked with me this year, he’d be outted and I’d cut his dick off.” When Blaine laughed, Kurt squeezed his shoulder and continued, “But I bring this up, not only to share my story with you, but… after Greg did what he did, I felt betrayed once more. Only everything was ten times worse. As much as it sucked having Karofsky do that to me, I felt like you were even more of an asshole. You made me like you, made me fall for you with a dance and a song… I was crazy about you in that second… those minutes, Blaine. And then you took a kiss from me. That seemed so much more horrible than what Karofsky did, because he’d been hurting me all along. I’d expect it from him.”
“But now you realize that Greg’s a piece of shit and that I’d never in a million and one years intentionally hurt you, right beautiful?”
Kurt smiled, nodding his head. “I know that.”
Blaine nodded too. “I wish I was here for you back then. When you were going through all of that bullshit.” He felt the skank smile into his shoulder.
“What would you have done superman?”
Blaine rolled them over so that he was now on top. “First of all, your first kiss would’ve never been stolen because I’d give you a beautiful one.”
Kurt smiled. “You gave me an amazing one, actually.”
“And,” Blaine leant down to kiss him softly on the chin before resuming, “I’d probably get my ass beat, but I would’ve stood up for you every day. I would take every locker hit and every slushy… they’re not that bad, you know.”
Kurt moved forward until their lips were connected again. Everything disappeared when their lips met. It was only the two of them; all he could hear, taste, see, smell, feel… all of it was Blaine Anderson. The nerdy dweeb that made his heart race with a single touch.
Blaine chased Kurt’s lips when the older teen pulled back, an act that made both of them smile as they continued to kiss one another, lips melting together and tongues teasing one another’s. Kurt cupped his face and sighed into it. He was starting to feel happy again. Blaine let him pull away so that the teen could speak.
“I wish I would’ve done something when Karofsky was messing with you yester—“
“Shhh… that’s over. I don’t care about a slushy, or a football player, or Greg, or Dutchess Kate Middelton, or the Easter Bunny—“
“But Kate Middleton is astounding—“
“I don’t care,” Blaine smiled, leaning in to kiss Kurt again. Against his lips, he spoke, “I only care about you, beautiful. I only care about you, and us moving forward.”
Kurt nodded. “You promise you forgive me?”
“If you forgive me for storming in here like a maniac yesterday?” Blaine kissed him on the cheek and awaited an answer.
“You had every right to, Blaine.”
He shrugged and Kurt hugged him closer before continuing. “But I agree. We should move forward, you know.”
“Oh yeah?” Blaine teased, starting to tickle Kurt’s side with his fingers. Kurt jerked away and gave him a warning look.
“Blaine Bartholomew Anderson, you better not start.”
Blaine started laughing as he nuzzled into Kurt’s warm body. “Um, that is definitely not my middle name.”
“You kinda look like a Blaine Bartholomew, baby. It was just a wild guess.” Kurt grinned as he spoke into Blaine’s ear.
“Well it was horrible guess. It’s Blaine Alexander Paul Anderson, thank you very much.”
“Goddamit,” Kurt laughed, “that’s intense.”
The younger teen shrugged in his arms. “My mom’s dad is Alex, my dad’s dad is Paul. Apparently neither of my parents was clever enough to come up with an original name so here I am.”
Kurt nodded. “I see.”
Blaine hummed. “So… I’ll guess yours. Kurt Sexy Hummel. Am I right?”
“How’d you know?” Kurt teased. “You’re good at this.”
“Duh.” Blaine answered. He sat up a little so that they were eye to eye, and smiled as Kurt leant up to kiss him. He wasted no time returning it, moving his lips in time with Kurt’s and settling himself between the taller teen’s legs to dominate it. His tongue requested entrance, dancing across Kurt’s lower lip in a way that made the boy smile as he parted them, and Blaine took the opportunity to poke his inside. After a few minutes of a heated make out session—Kurt letting Blaine press him into the bed as his lips and tongue did the most amazing things to his mouth, Kurt practically whined when Blaine pulled away.
“I want to be your boyfriend.”
Kurt looked at him and oh boy, was that a mistake. He got lost in a swirl of honey and olive that he found himself wanting to be covered in.
“If I say no?” he teased, biting his lip in a way that made Blaine forget where the fuck he was for a second.
“I-If you say no… I guess I’d just have to tickle you until you change your mind.”
“That’s no way to start a relationship.”
Blaine smiled. “Then make this easy on yourself.”
When Kurt started laughing, Blaine sighed. He said it before and he’d say it again. Even with all the piercings and the peculiar hairdo, Kurt was still beautiful in his eyes. The other boy opened his eyes and took a deep breath.
“I’ll tell you what, Blaine. I’m going to fix myself up before I give you an answer. I don’t want you to date skank Kurt. I want you to date Kurt Sexy Hummel, the real me.”
Blaine smiled. “I want to date the real you as well, sweetheart. How long is this going to take?”
“Just go wait upstairs with those boogers playing XBOX. I’ll call you back down when I’m ready and I’ll give you my answer.”
The boy licked his lips and nodded. “Don’t make me wait too long, handsome.”
“Yeah, yeah. Go.” Kurt playfully pushed Blaine off of him and headed into his bathroom. Blaine grinned as he hopped out of the bed. He felt like he could float to the top of the stairs like something out of a cartoon, and he probably did. He didn’t remember.
It was upstairs that Blaine found himself getting anxious. Sam and Finn missed his nervousness completely, tossing him soda and chips and a remote controller. He placed his phone next to him, awaiting a text message and losing horribly in the game. His concentration wasn’t up here with these guys, it was downstairs with his heart, the same place Kurt Hummel was. Excuse me. Kurt Sexy Hummel.
Puck came by at some point, Blaine didn’t remember when. He probably didn’t see him enter being that his glasses were still in the basement. Puck was talking about how much it sucked that Lauren had decided to leave Glee club at the last minute, weeks before sectionals. Blaine frowned, but then he smiled.
“What if we could get Kurt back? And maybe Quinn?”
All three boys present pretty much laughed him into a puddle on the floor.
“Yeah, right. Nice one, bro. So… about Nineveh’s boobs… did you see that girl’s outfit today?”
Blaine rolled his eyes. Puck’s conversations always started in Lima, Ohio and ended in Sydney, Australia. Across the damn planet.
About 10 minutes later, Blaine’s phone screen finally lit up. He rushed to grab it, tossing Puck the controller and unlocking his iPhone in one go.
I’m downstairs missing my favorite dweeb :( come kiss me? –Kurt
Blaine hopped over the couch in effort to get downstairs in record time. Sam looked at Finn, who looked at Puck, who looked at Sam.
“What the hell is in that soda, Finnigan?”
Blaine closed the door behind him again as he walked down the steps. Slowly this time, wanting to remember the moment as one of glory and not one of a haze where he face planted into Kurt’s champagne colored carpet. And there he was, looking as beautiful as he remembered. His hair was chestnut brown and coiffed, always beautiful and well kept. His skin was silky and Blaine wanted to touch it, to mark it as his. He wore super tight skinny jeans that were red, a white button up shirt with polo horses painting it, but it was the striped red and white bow tie that made Blaine sure. Kurt was the one.
“Hey,” Kurt smiled nervously, laughing a little as he said it. “You’re so far away.”
“Kurt… you’re so beautiful…”
Kurt stood up and walked over to Blaine. “Ask me again.”
Blaine nodded, pulling Kurt closer by the hands. “Will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?”
Kurt smiled, lacing their hands together even tighter. “I would love to be your boyfriend.”
Blaine hugged him so tightly that at one point, Kurt feared his lungs would collapse. He squeezed Blaine tighter anyway and smiled as the boy swung him around.
“And I didn’t even have to tickle you. I’m so proud.”
They laughed as Kurt reluctantly pulled away. “I have the Singin’ in the Rain soundtrack in here somewhere. What do you say?”
Blaine smiled widely, and though that was probably answer enough, he nodded fervently. “Put it on, my beautiful boyfriend.”
Kurt blushed and moved away to his CD collection, rifling through it until he found the one he was looking for. He glanced back at Blaine and winked at the elated teen. Blaine winked back before going to get his glasses.
When Kurt put the CD in, he skipped straight to the song that was it for them. The one that was playing in the theater when the two boys danced and shared their first kiss. Kurt smiled as the lyrics began to play.
Life was a song,
You came along
I've laid awake the whole night through
If I ever dared to think you'd care
This is what I'd say to you
He walked over to Blaine and smiled, holding his hand out. “May I have this dance, Mr. Anderson?”
Blaine pulled him close and pressed a kiss to his lips, snaking both hands around Kurt’s waist. “You can have anything you want, Kurt.”
Kurt wrapped his hands around Blaine’s neck. They both relaxed, holding each other closely and swaying to the music. Kurt was sure to steal kisses from his boyfriend every chance he got.
You were meant for me
And I was meant for you
Nature patterned you
And when she was done
You were all the sweet things
Rolled up in one
“I’m not gonna wanna let you go.” Blaine whispered, dancing slowly to the music. Kurt smiled as Blaine tightened his grip. “Then don’t.”
You're like a plaintive melody
That never lets me free
But I'm content
The angels must have sent you
And they meant you just for me...
Blaine smiled when his boyfriend kissed him on the cheek. He had a boyfriend that he knew he could fall in love with. Assuming that they weren’t already both heads over heels. Holding Kurt’s hips, he spun the boy around and smiled at the laugh it elicited.
“I dare you to sing me the last lines, beautiful.”
Kurt finished laughing and pulled back to look into Blaine’s eyes. “I dare you to sing with me.”
But I'm content
The angels must have sent you
And they meant you just for me...