Nov. 3, 2012, 12:37 p.m.
Nov. 3, 2012, 12:37 p.m.
Chapter 7
The late bell rang as students cleared off to their classes. Kurt stuck a cigarette behind his ear as he walked down the long hall to his first period classroom. His focus remained ahead of him; trying his best to ignore any and everything around him. It would be possible if it wasn’t for the sound of a body hitting the steel lockers, and students laughing at the outcome. Kurt tried his best to ignore it, to remember the messages on his phone and the conversation with Greg, but the laughter rang in his ear like a bell.
He continued to sway down the hallway in route to his History class. The halls were less crowded now, save a few football players lagging behind. Kurt fought not to glance behind him, knowing the sight of Blaine helpless on the ground would more than likely make him weak. Honestly, Kurt felt he’d been weak long enough. For a whole entire week, Blaine had him fooled. Blaine made him believe that he could actually be who he was before, and fall in love, and have happiness and all that other bullshit stupid people chased after on a daily basis. But Kurt refused to be fooled anymore.
Mrs. Cera was at the chalkboard when he entered the classroom. Kurt huffed as he walked straight to the back of the room, taking his seat at the very last desk. Of course he had no intention of taking out his books and getting any work done. Today was one of those days that he couldn’t bring himself to give a fuck.
A couple football players and Cheerios sat near the corner of the room wearing the same ignorant induced smiles they always did. Kurt listened to their conversation with a clenched fist.
“It was crazy. They just slushied the new kid. He looked like he wanted to fucking cry!”
“Wait, who? Not the adorable transfer student, right?” one cheerleader asked.
“Yes, him! He’s a fucking nerdy faggot. And he joined glee club on top of that. Definitely had it coming.”
Kurt stood up and walked to the front of the classroom, ignoring the odd stares it garnered as he slammed the door behind him. If his father wanted to complain about him cutting another class, he’d just have to complain.
Kurt headed for the school’s exit, but not before glancing back down the hall to where the ‘incident’ happened. He could see Quinn give him a look as she shoved a disoriented Blaine into one of the restrooms. Kurt could only roll his eyes as he kicked open the side entrance to the school, immediately pulling the cigarette from behind his ear while pulling his Ed Hardy lighter out of his pocket. Quinn could get sucked into Blaine’s bullshit, but he wouldn’t. Blaine probably did this type of things to tons of guys. Fuck, probably even girls. You think you know a person, but trusting people only turned out to bite Kurt in the ass. But who could he blame? Nobody but himself. Time after time, Kurt let himself fall too quickly. There was Finn, and that turned out to be a fucking catastrophe, and then Sam which Kurt didn’t even like to think about. Now there was Blaine… a guy who made him feel amazing, and all of it was for a fucking game.
Kurt shook his head, trying to push the thoughts away. He leant against the building and took a puff from his cigarette, closing his eyes and letting the smoke relax his nerves.
There was always a plus side. At least he found out before it was too late.
“They got you good.”
Blaine felt a firm pair of hands helping him up. Everything that was happening around him was still a blur, and despite the fact that there was flavored ice in his hair and ears, a large amount seeping into his eyes, and he was sure that some had stained his outfit, (not the best day to wear a creamy white cardigan with a matching bow tie) despite all of it, the only thing he could think about was watching Kurt walk away. It was just like Kurt didn’t even know him.
For some reason, that hurt more than anything a bully had ever done to him. And bullies had made Blaine’s life a living hell. Throwing a drink in his face wouldn’t even make the top ten list.
Quinn watched silently as Blaine leant against the locker. He pulled his glasses off and shivered a bit; eyes shut tightly to prevent any more of the slushy from getting in. She sighed, wondering why the hell her friend walked by and let this happen. The last time she checked, they were pretty fucking close.
With Blaine apparently showing no intention of speaking, Quinn decided that she’d take control of the situation.
“Hold on, lover boy. Let me get your shit.”
As Quinn bent down to get Blaine’s bag, she heard someone quickly approaching. Who it was did nothing but make her roll her eyes.
“I have warm towels and novelty shampoo… its Hello Kitty brand but works like a charm, no matter your gender. Also, Artie is willing to loan you his back up sweater, right Artie?”
Artie quickly nodded his approval to Rachel as he pulled up beside her. “For sure bro. Please take the sweater. Keep it, if you want.”
Rachel made sure to ignore Quinn’s presence as she stepped a little closer to Blaine. “I bought this for him after the last time he got slushied. It has a little reindeer on it.”
“No thank you, Rachel. Artie.” Quinn pushed the brunette back a little to give Blaine some space, though she did take the towel and shampoo.
The teen had yet to acknowledge anyone’s presence... still trying to understand just why… just how Kurt could do him this way. Was he cool to hang out with away from his peers, but at school too nerdy to be seen around? Would he be Kurt’s little secret? Because Blaine felt that he could do better than that, whether or not people saw him as a loser.
“He’s good.” Quinn continued, looking at both Artie and Rachel and hoping they’d catch the hint to go away.
“No, it’s fine Quinn,” Rachel insisted, moving forward once more. She held Blaine by the hand and recommended they come along. “Artie, get Blaine’s bag—“
“Rachel,” Quinn repeated as she held the bag out of Artie’s reach, “get lost.”
“I insist, Quinn,” Rachel glared daggers at her former glee club member. “He’s one of us now and we as members of the New Directions stick together when things get hard… unlike people who bail as soon as something gets a little difficult.”
The skank smirked at Rachel’s accusation. It always amazed her how full of shit some people could be. “Is that what you tell yourself? Does it help you sleep at night?”
Artie looked between the two of them tiredly. He for one missed having everyone in glee club. When the school year started and Kurt and Quinn never showed up to the first practice of the year, it wasn’t the same. It wouldn’t be the same.
Quinn moved closer to Rachel as she spoke, disgust flooding her smooth voice. “Who stuck up for Kurt? Was it you?”
Rachel kept a straight face, though regret began to seep through. “We didn’t know how bad it was. Apparently he decided to confide in you instead of his best friend.”
Quinn smiled, shouldering Blaine’s bag. “Maybe it was because I was the one who noticed what was happening and not his so-called best friend.”
Blaine stood idle against the lockers, listening closely. Maybe he’d get more insight on what happened to Kurt back then.
“Next time get your head out your ass.” She grabbed Blaine roughly by the hand. “Now go to class Berry.”
“Blaine you don’t need to be around the skanks! They’re horrible influences!” Rachel shouted after them. Blaine allowed himself to be dragged away, just wanting to melt into the ground. He could hear his parents now if they were to find out about this. His father already regretted having to remove Blaine from Dalton because of work. Of course, none of this would’ve have happened at Dalton, but Blaine was tired of hiding. He should be allowed to attend a public school without being bullied, just like the next guy should.
“We’re going to the boys’ room, just to spare you any further embarrassment.” Quinn whispered in his ear, kicking the door open with her boot clad foot. She shoved Blaine inside and helped him wander over to the sink. He still seemed intent on not speaking, so she didn’t pressure him at first. What was there to say, anyway?
“Put your head under the water. Don’t worry I have experience. My expertise runs about a year and a half.”
Blaine did as was told. The water was nice and warm after Quinn adjusted it; a stark comparison to the ice that had begun melting and leaving a sticky residue on his face.
As the blonde began to run her fingers through his hair, Blaine tried to put together the pieces. From what he could tell, Kurt and Quinn, just as the boy told him on their date the previous night, had decided to create the skanks because things weren’t going the way they’d like for it to at McKinley. That must’ve meant bullying problems, which Blaine linked to the glee club. It wasn’t hard to after the jocks pretty much announced that he’d need a change of clothes after finding out Blaine had joined the New Directions. If that was the case, Kurt wishing him god speed last week when he informed him he’d audition made so much more sense.
Quinn began working shampoo through the boy’s hair, singing softly to herself. Blaine listened, but it automatically made him remember singing to Kurt, and Kurt singing to him over the weekend. He didn’t think it’d be possible for his heart to hurt so fucking bad.
“Why’d they do that?”
Blaine mumbled the words before he even realized he was speaking.
Quinn gave herself a sad smile as she focused on what she was doing. Working through this cake of gel was going to be harder than she initially expected.
“They’re a bunch of assholes who need to put people down in order to feel self-worth.” She grabbed for more shampoo and lathered his hair once more as the boy anticipated the rest of her answer. “The only thing Karofsky and his idiot friends have going for them is this stupid football team that they can barely get a win on. Once the season is over, so will their pathetic lives be.”
When Blaine hadn’t responded, Quinn continued. “I’ll make them back off of you, Blaine. You’re lucky I like you, kid.”
Blaine shook his head as the girl turned off the water. “Kurt said that Friday. He said he’d handle it. Today he just walked by. Should’ve stuck the middle finger up at me while he was at it. Hell, he should’ve thrown the drink on me his damn self.”
“I’m curious to hear what the hell is going on between you two. I mean it seemed fine the other night—“
“He’s been ignoring me since last night. I have no idea what went wrong.” Blaine sighed, staring in the mirror. Yeah, his cardigan and bow tie were both ruined. And his eyes were incredibly red.
Quinn stood to the side, pulling out a cigarette. “Do you mind?”
Blaine shook his head as he continued to wash his face, splashing it with lukewarm water. Quinn watched as she inhaled the cigarette. He looked completely broken, and this look was something she’d never seen from a usually chipper Blaine Anderson.
“Talk to me.”
The curly haired teen dried his face and hair with a defeated smirk, glancing out the corner of his eyes to answer her. “I like him.”
“Tell me something I don’t know,” the girl started to blow smoke rings before she smiled.
Blaine could only shake his head as he moved to put his glasses back on. Quinn could admit that she felt a little terrible about all of this. She didn’t understand any of it, first of all, but on top of that, the look on Blaine’s face spoke volumes. Like there was more to Kurt and Blaine than Kurt had led on. And now, seeing this happen… it was just hard to comprehend.
“I thought… we were… I-I don’t know. I thought that I-I was special to him. We had an amazing weekend.” Blaine continued to speak, gesturing with his hands. Quinn held the cigarette to her lips and breathed in. “We kissed, Quinn.”
“Don’t you have a boyfriend?”
“I had a boyfriend.” The boy answered quickly. “He and my relationship wasn’t the best. I’ve known Kurt for what… a week, and I feel more for Kurt than I’ve ever felt for Greg… my ex. And Greg and I have been through a lot. He was my first and I cared for him. But Kurt,” Blaine shook his head at his reflection. Trying to explain his feelings were hard—especially since Kurt seemed to want nothing to do for him completely out of the blue. “I feel like I could love Kurt.”
Quinn wanted to smile at the admission. With the late night call she received from her fellow skank last night, she thought that maybe Kurt may’ve felt the same way.
“I’m failing to understand what went wrong, here.”
“You and me both,” Blaine said, smiling sadly.
The door opened and in walked Jacob Ben Israel, apparently caught off guard by seeing the female present if the high pitch squawk that left his lips was any indication. Quinn glared at him as the smoke left her lips.
“Get out.”
Jacob looked between both present and frowned. “B-But I need to pee.”
“Get the fuck out, we’re talking!”
Quinn threw her cigarette in his direction as the boy finally left, closing the door back behind him. Blaine sighed, walking to the wall and leaning against it. “I don’t get it Quinn.”
She nodded. They were in the same boat. “He told me on the phone last night that he was thinking about ‘dressing up’ today. Dressing up means dressing like the real Kurt Hummel. He has quite the wardrobe.”
Blaine smiled. “I got to experience that last night when we went out. He looked beautiful. Not that he doesn’t always—he just looked like… Kurt.”
Quinn smiled as she pocketed her lighter. “Yepp. So needless to say, when he showed up this morning with an outfit similar to mine,” she gestured to her leather vest and ripped jeans, “I was rather confused.”
Blaine looked at the girl before closing his eyes. He just wished he could understand where they went wrong, because nothing was making sense. “I just need to talk to him.”
“Don’t.” stated Quinn matter-of-factly.
“Why not?”
“I’ll talk to him. You give him a little space. I know Kurt, and he may end up saying something he’ll regret. You two don’t need any more problems than the ones that you’re dealing with. Especially since we don’t know what that is, don’t you think?”
Blaine looked hesitant. The quicker he could speak to Kurt, the quicker he could make everything right and solve this nonsense. He was willing to overlook whatever happened this morning just so that he could have his friend back. “I don’t know about this, Quinn.”
“Listen,” she walked over and put a hand on his shoulder, “I’m going to pump him for information. It could be anything—problems with his dad, I don’t know. Anything. So I’ll let you know.”
Blaine nodded. It would have to do for now. “Okay.”
That was much easier said than done.
Blaine didn’t even bother going to first period after he and Quinn exited the bathroom. Instead, he went back to his locker where the remains of what was purple ice lay melted in a pool on the floor. Stepping beside it, he put in his combination and opened the locker, stuffing his soiled cardigan, button-up, and once beautiful bowtie behind his science book and slamming the door shut. He was left in a white undershirt that was maybe tighter than necessary, but it was better than wearing that sweater Rachel bought for Artie. His jeans were cuffed at the bottom as usual, and Quinn joked that he looked like someone straight out of Grease with what he was wearing.
Blaine accepted his book bag from the girl and was shocked when the skank gave him a quick peck on the cheek before walking off. He decided he’d skip class in the library (how hardcore) because his teacher wouldn’t allow him to waltz into class without a late pass.
The time in the library was spent going over their texts from the weekend. Blaine wished he knew what he’d done wrong. Nothing made any sense, with the way Kurt just seemed to shut down out of absolutely nowhere, and all his brain wanted to do was take him to the worst place… to tell him that all of this was a game for the brown haired teen with the pink highlights. But that couldn’t have been the case. He got to know who Kurt really was and he knew Kurt wouldn’t mess around with him. Right?
The bell rang as Blaine stood up to leave. Second period was a class he shared with Kurt. Of course, he intended to sit next to Kurt and demand answers, but he respected Quinn’s wish. Quinn said to leave it alone, so he would. She was close to him and hopefully she’d get to the bottom of it.
The classroom was already full by the time Blaine arrived from the third floor library. The distance to Mr. Klein’s math class was quite the stretch from where he was previously. Kurt was at his usual spot in the back of the room, twirling a cigarette in his fingers and ignoring everything around him. The behavior was reminiscent to when the first met.
Mr. Klein helped him to realize he was just sort of standing in front of the class staring, so Blaine took a deep breath and came further in, neglecting to take the seat next to Kurt and instead sitting next to a jock—that Daryl guy that Kurt talked about, to be specific. You know? The gorgeous soccer player. Blaine noticed the other teen turn his nose up once he sat down, and because of it, he rolled his eyes.
“Is there something wrong with your eyes, Anderson?”
Blaine started taking his books out but shook his head no. The last thing he needed was another run in with more of McKinley’s royalty.
“Good.” the blond continued, “If there is, I’ll just make sure Karofsky and his boys give you another welcome gift. We are quite generous here at McKinley.”
Blaine was quiet, hoping this guy would shut up and maybe try to learn something. Daryl didn’t seem to appreciate that too much.
“You know what, dork, I don’t usually allow pathetic nerds to sit next to me,” he whispered, “and I don’t intend to start now. Go away.”
“Daryl is there something you would like to share with the class?”
Kurt looked over to the commotion and saw Blaine… now in a t-shirt and crazy, wet curly hair, slouched down into his seat. Daryl smiled up at the teacher and gave his neighbor two hard slaps on the back.
“No sir, Mr. Klein. Blaine and I were just discussing something from the homework.” he slapped Blaine on the back again and the nerdy teen jerked away. Kurt felt himself getting angry and basically had to remind himself that Blaine was an asshole before he got involved. Because Blaine was an asshole. He told himself this all night into the morning.
Blaine sighed as the teacher continued with the lesson. He couldn’t bring himself to pay attention. All he wanted to do was talk to Kurt. He learned all of this stuff at Dalton his sophomore year anyway. He ignored his mind telling him to face front and at least pretend to pay attention. Instead, he pulled out his cell phone, hoping to everything that this awesome Daryl character wouldn’t feel the need to tattle-tale. Though Quinn said to take it easy, he had to do it.
Please. Please talk to me. –Blaine
He shoved the phone back in his pocket and turned around to see Kurt’s head on the desk. After Blaine assumed the boy’s phone vibrated, Kurt sat up and reached for it, staring at the phone as if he was considering a reply, all before putting the phone back and returning his head to the desk.
Blaine felt his heart break again that morning.
“So how are you, dude?” Finn questioned as he slid next to Blaine at the lunch table.
“I’m seriously going to kick those guys asses.” Puck added, staring across the lunchroom at the other football players. Sam sat down next to him and nodded.
“Don’t worry, Blaine. We have your back.”
“I’m fine. Really,” Blaine smiled sadly, pushing salad around on his tray. “I mean, it’s just a slushy. Worst could’ve happened.”
Finn felt himself getting angrier as he looked at the other boys in lettermans laughing with one another. “Just because they didn’t do the worst thing doesn’t mean we’re letting them get away with it.”
Rachel, Mercedes, and Tina joined them shortly after. “Are you guys talking about the incident this morning?” Rachel questioned, giving no one a chance to answer. “You know, Blaine here thought it was a good idea to hang out with Quinn. Tell him about their reputation, Finn. About Kurt and Quinn’s Skanks. They’re nothing but trouble!”
Puck raised an eyebrow. “Quinn helped you?”
Blaine nodded; his mind on Kurt of course. Should he text Kurt again? Maybe… like last time… he’d think about answering. Maybe this time he’d actually answer.
“They’re horrible influences, Blaine. Kurt smokes a pack a day and Quinn can drink like it’s nobody’s business.”
“It isn’t anyone’s business,” Puck told her. “Just be thankful that she was there to help him—“
“I was there to help him but I guess my help wasn’t good enough.”
Blaine sighed, scratching at his curly head. “It wasn’t that, Rachel. I really needed to talk to Quinn about something.”
Finn looked at him oddly. “Are you going to become a skank too? I mean I know it worked for them but—“
“I’m not.” Blaine answered tiredly. “We seriously needed to talk. That was it.”
Sam put his chap stick away and decided to change the subject. “Listen guys. Blaine is fine. He’s a big boy. If he wants to talk to Quinn, Rachel, he can talk to Quinn.”
The girl frowned as she glared at Blaine.
“Anyway, we need to get this whole slushy thing off your mind. Finn, Puck, and I are having a Halo tournament. You’re coming over to the Hudmelevans, okay bro?”
Blaine looked up at them finally. Kurt probably would kick him out if he showed up. But what the hell?
“Pass the cigarette.”
Quinn shook her head no. “Not until you talk.”
Kurt smiled in disbelief. This chick was unbelievable. Homeless Brett sat down across from them where the group was underneath the bleachers. He just sort of started hanging around the skanks… he wasn’t actually a skank. But no one felt like telling him to leave, so…
“I don’t know what you want me to talk about, Quinnie.”
“Then no smokes for you.”
Kurt threw his head into his hands. “What the fuck—“
“Can I have some?” Homeless Brett asked. Quinn nodded and handed it over to him. “I don’t know if it’s strong enough for you, but sure.”
Kurt watched Homeless Brett take a puff and then snatched it away before Quinn could get it back. “Ha. Stupid.”
“So,” Quinn kicked her feet up on a bench and stared at Kurt who was slouched on the ground. “Blaine—“
“Don’t say his name around me.”
She tried not to smile. “Fine. What’s that cute little name you call him? Dweeb? Let’s call him that.”
Kurt mumbled something along the lines of ‘only-I-get-to-call-him-that’ and Quinn quickly asked him to repeat it.
“Nothing. There’s nothing to talk about. He’s a jerk and I was stupid to think he was different. So here I am. Back to my usual self.”
Homeless Brett requested the cigarette back and Kurt took another drag before passing it.
“You should at least tell him whatever it was that he did. The boy is miserable.”
“He’s full of shit.”
Quinn shook her head. “If you fuck this up, you’re going to regret it.”
Kurt decided he had enough of this conversation. He stood up to leave, pulling at his black vest. “I don’t have to worry about any more regrets. He did a good job of fucking it up already. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
“Where are you going?” Quinn shouted, considering going to follow him. The other skanks were further behind the bleachers and called her over, and when she realized Kurt wasn’t going to answer, she rolled her eyes and went to join them. Homeless Brett stood up and went to follow behind Kurt.
Kurt opened the school door and looked back at him. “What?”
Homeless Brett stepped the cigarette out before walking with him. “This isn’t your usual self.”
Kurt shook his head as they walked through the empty halls. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“You told her that you were back to your usual self. This isn’t you. You’re someone totally different.”
“You don’t know me.”
“But I do.” Homeless Brett gave a goofy grin. “I remember you, bro. And if someone made you feel like that guy, then they must be good for you. You should listen to the lady.”
Kurt stopped walking right in front of the choir room. Homeless Brett noticed he stopped and turned around, pulling his beanie further down his head. “Dude—“
“Get the hell away from me, Dr. Phil.” Kurt drawled out seriously. The other teen nodded and continued down the hallway.
The bell rang before Kurt could get to a vending machine for a bottle of water, and he sucked his teeth, walking in the direction of Madame Fournier’s room.
When Blaine arrived at French class, he had every intention of giving Kurt his space. He would totally do it if it wasn’t for the fact that the only seat left open was next to Kurt’s.
Kurt noticed Blaine walk in and saw that the only seat open was next to him. He sighed, but he could do it. Blaine wasn’t worth his time.
The nerdy teen fixed his glasses and smiled at their teacher. She returned it as she spoke to the class, beginning attendance.
He slid in the seat next to Kurt and couldn’t help but look at him. Even though his friend (yes, he still intended on calling Kurt his friend) had his piercings back, and returned the coloring to his hair, Blaine still couldn’t help but think he was still amazing.
Kurt slouched down in his chair and pulled out his cell phone, probably texting Quinn, Blaine assumed. He realized, as expected, that Kurt wasn’t paying him any attention, so he faced forward and focused on the lesson.
Time passed so fucking slowly. Quinn didn’t want to have an interesting conversation, apparently, and of course he was well educated in the French language so this class did nothing for him. Being next to a person he was trying to hate wasn’t helping either.
No… being next to a person he definitely hated. Yeah. That’s what he meant.
Blaine focused on the lesson and felt a little more confident about what he was learning. Even though he believed Kurt was a better teacher, this would do for now. Madame Fournier handed out worksheets and Blaine accepted the papers from the person in front of him before handing it to his right.
Kurt took them without acknowledging Blaine and passed them forward. He then finished the exercises in literally two minutes.
Blaine took his time, pulling out his French-English dictionary and getting help from the girl on the other side of him when he needed it. Kurt took those moments to look at him. That shirt fitted so nice, but Blaine was still full of it.
Eventually, Blaine had completed his work as well. Out of habit he looked to his side and found Kurt staring at his phone again. He sighed, looking through the dictionary and writing something on a piece of paper.
It was the same piece of paper landed on Kurt’s desk. He rolled his eyes when he saw Blaine’s handwriting.
Je voudrais bien que vous me parlez.
Kurt read the French writing and shook his head. It said ‘I really wish you’d talk to me’ but all Kurt did was ball up the paper and toss it on the floor.
Blaine nodded before looking away and accepting the inevitable. What else could it be. Everything they shared must’ve been a joke to Kurt.
“Okay, classe. We will use the last few minutes of class to work with our partners on the research paper. Well, all accept Kurt and Blaine who turned theirs in. Bon travail, you two.”
Blaine raised an eyebrow before shifting focus to Kurt. “We turned our paper in?”
Kurt stood up and put his pen away, taking his worksheet to the front of the class. Madame Fournier reminded him that no one was dismissed, but that didn’t keep Kurt from exiting the classroom.
This was shaping out to be top 10 in Blaine’s worst days ever.
“Who’re you texting?”
“This guy.” Kurt said shortly. He turned the music up to his iPod dock; a song by The Walkmen was playing.
Quinn sat up on Kurt’s bed and looked around the room. It was evident that Kurt was about to redecorate. “I’m bored.”
“Do something.”
Quinn rolled her eyes. “You’re being snotty and I don’t like it.”
“What do you want me to say, Quinn?” Kurt put his phone down and looked at her. Quinn placed both legs up on her friend’s lap and smiled.
“What happened with lover boy?”
Kurt rolled his eyes. “We’re not talking about this…”
“Oh, but we are.” She slapped his phone away after he picked it up. “The dweeb likes you a lot. He told me this.”
“Did he tell you he was a liar?”
“What makes you say that?”
“Because,” Kurt turned to face her, “he told me he broke up with his boyfriend. I called him last night, and his boyfriend answered the phone having no fucking clue what I was talking about. Oh, and read these.”
Kurt mussed his hair before reaching for his phone once more. “Text messages from one of Blaine’s friends.”
Quinn looked down at them curiously, reading each one.
“He texted me last night when we were on the phone. Oh, and again when I was in fourth period… apologizing for ‘drunk’ texting me and claiming he had the wrong number. I wonder if this Tommy person told Blaine that he spilled the fucking beans.”
Quinn shook her head putting the phone in her lap. “This doesn’t prove anything. Anybody could’ve sent these messages. And someone drunk texting would at least have some typos.”
“Well who would want to send them?” Kurt asked skeptically. “And why would he be with a person he broke up with before I let him kiss me? My first real kiss, Quinn. Stolen again by a fucking liar. Another liar.”
The blonde stood up and took Kurt’s phone over to his dresser. He watched her closely.
“What are you doing?”
“Taking this number. All of this sounds fishy. Blaine wouldn’t do that—“
“You don’t know him any more than I do, Quinn. And I asked you not to say his name—“
“Get over yourself.” Quinn saved this ‘Tommy’ guy’s number into her phone before tossing Kurt’s back on the bed. “Listen, I still suggest you talk to Blaine” the girl intentionally dragged his name out, not caring whether her friend wanted to hear it or not, “or else as I warned you earlier, you’re going to fucking regret this. You have a chance to be happy now and not many kids get that in high school. Don’t fuck it up.”
She grabbed her bag and gestured to the steps. “Now walk me to the door.”
Kurt looked at her for a moment, ignoring another text that came in before standing to his feet. Everyone always thought they could solve other people’s problems, but when it came to their own they didn’t have a damn clue, he said to himself.
Kurt pushed his basement bedroom door open and walked into the living room. Just his luck, Blaine was on the recliner watching Puck and Sam play the video game. Finn looked up and smiled at his stepbrother and ex-girlfriend when they entered.
“Halo marathon?”
Blaine looked up because of Finn’s dialogue. Kurt was staring at him but quickly looked away, shaking his head no and pushing Quinn towards the door.
“Bye Blaine,” she called out before stepping out. She was met by the cool autumn air.
“Bye, Quinn.”
“What,” Puck said, looking around, “are we not here?”
Blaine smiled sadly. His eyes found Kurt who closed the door and stepped back inside, yanking a cigarette out from behind his ear. He walked to the kitchen, still not paying the house guests any attention. Blaine tried not to think about it. Instead, he stared at the television screen and reached for his glass of water.
Kurt moved around in the kitchen, not knowing what to do with himself. Everything Quinn said kind of hit him in the face, and in the back of his mind there was a lot of truth to it. Nothing was adding up, however, and that was what confused Kurt the most. He shook his head and took a deep breath, looking in the fridge for something to drink and grabbing a can diet soda. He took that and his cigarette downstairs.
Blaine heard the basement door slam rather loudly. In any other situation, he would laugh at the fact that Finn, Puck, and Sam all got scared because of the noise, but right now he didn’t feel like laughing. Now, he only wanted some answers.
“I’ll be back.”
Finn nodded, snatching the controller away from Sam. “Okay, dude.”
Kurt started taking down all the photos of him and his friends from the New Directions. It was about time he remade his room to suit the person he was now. That’s what worked, anyway, he reminded himself. Fuck Quinn and Homeless Brett and Blaine and his dad, and whoever the hell else said otherwise.
He put up a poster of a punk rock group that he didn’t care for, but it looked bad ass. It would do.
Footsteps coming downstairs made Kurt roll his eyes. “I don’t want to play Halo, Finn. Get out.”
“You’re probably tired of playing games by now.”
Kurt turned around to see Blaine standing in his room, looking around just like he did the first day. “I guess that’s what I get for being so naïve.”
It took a while for it to register that Blaine was there, and Kurt had to replay the words said in his head to respond properly. “What’re you talking about?” he asked in disbelief. Blaine could not seriously think he was going to play the victim.
The hazel eyed teen smiled softly, shrugging his shoulders. “I fucking let you do it, you know? Despite people telling me Kurt Hummel is no good, and that the skanks are all trouble… I let you do it. So what was it, Kurt? You just pretended to be a sweet guy to fuck with the new, nerdy, dorky, dweeb of a transfer student?” Blaine went back over to the photos of Kurt’s mom and picked it up, “Did you pretend to be this innocent guy under all of that bullshit you’re wearing now,” he turned back to him, “just so you could get a laugh out of me? Did you laugh with Karofsky and Daryl and all of those other guys after the jocks embarrassed me in front of most of the school, Kurt?”
“You have a lot of fucking nerve.”
“Do I?” Blaine walked closer to Kurt who stood against the wall, angrily eyeing him. “I have a lot of nerve, Kurt? Do you do this with all the new kids? Let them get to like you and then let them fall flat on their fucking faces?”
“Get out.”
“It’s funny how I trusted you so easily, though,” Blaine shook his head as he stepped closer. “It’s my own fault for assuming the best in everyone.”
Kurt looked away, trying to grasp everything being said. He rolled his eyes and looked back at the other boy. “A lot of things are your fault, Blaine. I love how you’re trying to get out of lying and being deceitful by putting this on me.”
Blaine stepped closer, now smiling skeptically himself. “I’m lying?” he pointed at his chest, “Are you out of your mind?”
“Obviously.” Kurt told him. “I fell for your bullshit. I believed you to be this sweet guy who could make me laugh and feel special. I almost went back to the nobody I was because you made me feel like a somebody. But all of it was a façade wasn’t it? You’re as smart as you look, Blaine. You play the part; the suspenders, the nerdy fucking grandpa Johnson sweaters. I bet you don’t even need those fucking glasses.” Kurt gestured to Blaine’s face but the boy had grabbed his hand and pressed him hard against the wall.
They both were frozen still. There was no space between Kurt’s back and the wall, and his front and Blaine. His eyes locked with the shorter teens as Blaine’s lips drew closer to his.
“What’re you talking about? I’d never lie to you, Kurt. And I know you know that.”
Kurt shook his head. Their proximity was too much at the moment, but he couldn’t give in before getting answers. “Then what happened last night? Explain it to me.”
The room fell silent again, save soft breaths breathed against one another. Blaine grabbed Kurt’s hands and laced them together, resting them on the wall above their heads. “I thought last night was perfect,” he said against Kurt’s lips. The elder closed his eyes and Blaine looked at Kurt’s lip ring, kissing him over it softly. The soft sigh Kurt released wasn’t missed at all, and Blaine had to do it again. They both looked at one another before Kurt gave in and reciprocated, kissing the boy softly as they tightened their hands. Eventually, one of them had to pull back and get this straightened out.
“I have no idea why you’re mad at me Kurt…”
Blaine’s phone started ringing and both closed their eyes, snapping back to reality.
The younger groaned. “Fuck.”
Kurt’s heartbeat slowed back down to a normal pace once Blaine pulled away and reached for his phone. The name that flashed across the screen was Gregory and Kurt watched the boy suck his teeth and put the phone back in it’s case.
“Why didn’t you take it?” it was asked by Kurt accusatorily, and Blaine looked up at Kurt with an odd expression.
“Should I have?”
Kurt pushed past him and went to sit on his bed. That was answer enough. “You should go.”
They both shared a look—Kurt’s resembling annoyance and Blaine’s more like confusion. The younger teen nodded and backtracked; walking towards the stairs, not saying another word. Kurt watched him go before shaking his head and pulling out his cell phone.
Sure I can hang out tomorrow. –Kurt
Can’t wait. ;) –Sebastian
Another school day came and went. Neither boy spoke to each other. Kurt barely spoke to Quinn. It didn’t matter, Kurt thought. She had Homeless Brett now and all his wisdom. There was a box of lemonade blends Mike & Ike’s in Kurt’s locker though, with the phrase for ‘I’m sorry’ written on them in French. Kurt sighed as he looked at them, and Homeless Brett walked by with a sassy “Mhmm” that Kurt did not appreciate.
All in all, he had to accept that things were what they were. Blaine couldn’t have his cake and eat it to. It was either Greg or Kurt, and no amount of sorrys would change that.
After school, Sebastian picked Kurt up and they went back to his place. The ride was nice. They hit it off just like they had Saturday night—though Kurt had to admit it was a platonic feel for him. Sebastian may’ve had other feelings.
Some of the ride consisted of Kurt thinking about Blaine and he was happy when they pulled into Sebastian’s driveway. It helped to get his mind off things.
Inside, they went straight to the couch. Kurt denied wanting anything to drink and Sebastian smiled as he took a seat next to him.
“What do you want to watch?”
“Anything is cool. I’m in the mood for something funny though.”
“Long day?” Sebastian asked, flipping through channels. He moved close to Kurt and threw an arm around him.
It felt nothing like when Blaine did this.
“Yeah, you can say that,” Kurt answered. He tried to get comfortable but nothing was working, and Sebastian smiled at the squirming teen next to him.
“Sure you’re okay?”
Kurt nodded. “I’m fine.”
Not much happened for the next 10 minutes. They watched Tosh.0 and laughed when the host said something funny, or a ridiculous video came on. During commercial breaks, Sebastian would start up conversations and Kurt would respond, trying to forget. That was until Sebastian put his hand on Kurt’s thigh and began to kiss him on the neck. Too much, too soon.
“So,” Kurt tensed up, “what did Blaine tell you when he spoke about me?”
Sebastian pulled away from Kurt’s next with a grin. “That he had an amazing guy for me to meet. Also something about French lessons or… I don’t know. I only listened to the description he gave me to make sure you were hot… and god you’re so hot, Kurt.” He moved back in and started mouthing at Kurt’s neck again. Kurt moved back again.
“What else did he say?”
Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “That’s all. Why?”
“He didn’t make any bets with you?”
“Well yeah,” Sebastian said, and Kurt’s heart dropped. “Sunday when he came to Dalton, we went to our friend’s dorm and bet that the Warblers would beat the New Directions asses in Call of Duty.”
Kurt nodded. That wasn’t the bet he was talking about—wait, what? “He came to Dalton Sunday?”
Sebastian nodded. “Yeah. To call things off with Greg, unfortunately. But I told that ass clown he had it coming. He didn’t want to listen,” the green eyed teen moved in closer, this time going for Kurt’s lips, but Kurt maneuvered around him.
“So… hold on.”
“God, Kurt, c’mon.”
“He and Greg broke up?” Kurt asked. Suddenly he didn’t feel so good. Ironic.
Sebastian nodded, evidently bored. “By phone or something lame. I think Greg’s dad was sick or something... I don’t care. Look, did you come over here for me or to talk about Blaine?”
Kurt sat up. “So I’m guessing you have no idea I’m a virgin?”
The Warbler sat up as well, now smiling widely. “You’re a virgin? Shit… Kurt. I’m even more turned out right now…”
That was it. Kurt heard enough, and like everyone and their mother was telling him, he screwed up. “I have to go.”
“No-no-no,” Sebastian grabbed him back closer and went in for a kiss, “stay a little while.”
“Sebastian,” Kurt stood and looked around, “I really have to go.”
“This can’t wait?”
Sebastian sat back on the couch, shaking his head. “Listen, do you think maybe Blaine can pick you up? I kinda have someone coming over in a few.”
Kurt glared at the boy. Apparently he was a horrible judge of character. Despite Sebastian openly admitting to having a booty call on the way, Kurt couldn’t help but say it.
“Thank you.”
He turned towards the door, grabbed his coat, and exited the home.
“Let’s go hang out, lover boy.”
Quinn walked towards her car after waiting for Blaine to get out of glee club. “Where would you like to go?”
“Where’s Kurt?”
“With some Seth character. Or was it Seton? No.. Sheldon. Whatever that guy’s name is that you double dated with…”
“There you go.” Quinn chewed on her bubble gum and unlocked her car door. “So… where do you want to go?”
Blaine shook his head. “I don’t feel like hanging out anymore.”