Nov. 3, 2012, 12:37 p.m.
Nov. 3, 2012, 12:37 p.m.
Chapter 6
The ride to the movie theater near Blaine's old place consisted of shy glances and nervous smiles. It also consisted of hand holding; something that made Blaine's heart rock against his chest. Focusing on the road sometimes got hard because of it. The way that Kurt's finger twined with his and the way his thumb smoothed over Blaine's felt unreal. Having someone touch his hand had never felt perfect before. These observations led Blaine to wonder how he'd survive a kiss—that was if Kurt would even want to kiss after hearing that he was still with Greg. Of course the thought nagged at him constantly. Just knowing that he was still in a relationship with Gregory and that he couldn't keep his mind off of Kurt, knowing that he spent the short time that he did get to sleep dreaming about what Kurt's lips tasted like, and how'd they move against his own, all of it made Blaine believe he was a horrible person. But despite the guilt he should be feeling, he really wanted to kiss Kurt. Like really, really.
Maybe it was weird that after how they met, and after the few first conversations they shared, that Blaine still found himself so infatuated with his new friend. It was very weird actually, because he was sure Kurt wanted him dead at one point. But now as the two rode in Blaine's comfortable car, holding hands and smiling at one another every so often, the teen couldn't help but feel that what they'd be in the future would more than outweigh what they were when they first met.
It wasn't long before Blaine pulled into the parking lot of the huge mall. There were a few people that were strolling around, some heading towards the theater and others toward the restaurants and stores. Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand before letting go to put the vehicle in park. He heard his friend take a deep breath and exhale, sitting back and turning to face Blaine.
"Are you ready to go?" Blaine smiled at him nervously, but was more than ready to get out of the car. Kurt nodded as an answer as he undid his seatbelt.
"I am. What is it that we're supposed to be seeing exactly?"
Blaine smirked. "You'll see when we get in there."
He laughed when Kurt gave him that look, and Kurt smiled afterwards, calling the nerdy boy a 'difficult dweeb'. They got out of the car, and before Blaine could lead Kurt towards the movie theater, Kurt had stopped abruptly.
Turning back to face him, Blaine smiled softly with a questioning look. "What's wrong?"
"Oh no I just," Kurt gestured to his hooded sweater, "I wanted to leave this in the car."
He unzipped the dark hoodie as Blaine stood idle watching. He had been curious as to what Kurt wore underneath it the entire ride, especially after the elder had shown him how much he changed his appearance.
Kurt shimmied out of the sweater, left in a red and white striped long sleeved crew neck shirt and his tight blue jeans. He coyly turned towards the car to toss the clothing inside and Blaine quickly pressed the car remote so that Kurt could easily open the door. So what if he took a little peak as the boy bent over to stuff the sweater into the back seat? Could you really blame Blaine when Kurt had a round ass like oh and he's back up and looking at me.
"So," Blaine smiled. His face was a bright shade of pink. "You look really… I like your outfit. I like… everything looks so nice."
Kurt bit his lip as he tried not to blush himself. He looked away at the mall, avoiding Blaine's adorable smile and eyes trailing not so subtly as he probably intended over his body.
"Thank you. You do too." he answered. "Well, I'm all ready to go."
They began to walk together towards the large theater. Kurt observed the shows that would be playing, trying to guess which one it was that Blaine considered to be his 'favorite movie'. He didn't see anything that stood out, to be honest.
Blaine took a glance around the parking lot to see if anyone was around. There were a few people heading back to their cars, and other vehicles pulling in. No one seemed to be paying them any attention, so the boy closed the distance between them and linked just an index finger with Kurt's. He noticed the startled jump it received and smiled at his friend reassuringly.
"Is this okay?" Blaine looked around again and deemed it safe. Usually, he'd never attempt anything like this—no public display of affection with another guy, not even Gregory since they'd been together. But he couldn't help but want to be couple-y with Kurt. The spark and the chemistry was there and he wanted to remember this later.
Kurt looked around shyly and nodded his head. "I-It's fine."
The corner of his lips curved into a small, beautiful smile. Blaine couldn't help but mimic the action, a small smile of his own painting his lips. They got a little closer with each step and Kurt even linked all their fingers together.
The walk was about a minute away. Kurt held the door open for him when they arrived at the theater's doors and Blaine smiled his gratitude before entering. Both headed towards the kiosk where Kurt observed the unfamiliar theater as Blaine printed out the tickets he reserved.
"This place is pretty large. The theaters in Lima are much smaller."
Blaine nodded as he responded. "This town is a little bigger and this is the only one here so I guess they took that into account."
"I see."
An annoying ding sounded with each button Blaine pressed on the machine. Kurt took the time waiting to look around. He smiled at a few couples playing at the arcade. There were some playing a zombie apocalypse game; a boy wrapping his arms around his girlfriend as they focused on the shooting. There were two playing a fighting game and the girl slapping her date playfully on the arm after she lost. Kurt thought it was adorable, and being able to do that with someone and not be judged would be absolutely wonderful.
Blaine put the tickets in his pocket as he noticed Kurt smiling softly at the people across the theater. He checked his watch and smiled, looking over at the photo booth.
"We have about five minutes. Do you want to take a few pictures?"
Blaine pointed at the photo booth and Kurt looked over, a smile taking over his face at the realization.
"That sounds great. Let's do it."
They walked over to the booth and Kurt slid in first, followed by a grinning Blaine who adjusted his bowtie. He put some coins in the dispenser and they both looked at the huge screen in order to pick a frame.
"Hm…" Blaine scrolled through a few 'OMG' and 'BFF' andones with beaches and butterflies until Kurt told him to stop.
"This one is cute." Kurt selected the one with cheesy hearts floating at the top and Blaine laughed.
"I didn't take you to be such a romantic." he said, confirming their choice. Kurt shoved him but couldn't help but laugh too.
"There's still a lot you have to learn about me, I suppose."
"Noted." Blaine responded softly. "I guess you'll have to teach me all of it."
Kurt nodded, lost in a swirl of hazel and amber. "I guess I will."
They both looked at each other for a while before the photo booth's timer sounded. Kurt moved closer to Blaine and smiled at the camera, and Blaine quickly eased his arm around the other boy.
They both gave happy smiles at the camera until it flashed. The timer started again and Kurt put his hand in front of Blaine's face and smiled widely. It flashed and Blaine laughed, slapping him away.
"You're not playing fair, Hummel."
"Fine," Kurt looked back at the camera and smiled, not knowing Blaine was doing the cliché bunny ears behind his head.
The next couple flicks had them sticking out their tongues and Blaine flexing his muscles while Kurt laughed in the background. One had them smiling at each other after getting distracted, and another them pressed cheek to cheek and grinning like children.
The final picture was about to start and Kurt licked his lips, enjoying the feeling of Blaine wrapping his arm around him once more. He shifted a little and smiled nervously before speaking.
"I um, I owe you a kiss… on the cheek. Remember?"
Blaine looked away from the screen and at Kurt as he nodded. "Yeah."
Just something as artless as a smile from Kurt had Blaine feeling like he could float to the moon. He was sure that Kurt's smile would be the death of him. Kurt's lips in general would more than likely finish him. His smile was sure and eyes a crystal blue as Kurt spoke again. "Okay."
The timer was at 3 when Blaine felt Kurt's lips on his cheek. He smiled at the camera and fought hard not to turn and meet those lips with his own. Instead, he let Kurt press the softest kiss on his skin and enjoyed it, internally cursing when the camera flashed and Kurt pulled away.
They looked at one another blushing softly. The images began to print and Kurt was the first to break their stare as he reached down for the first printing, laughing at the pictures and pinching Blaine in the thigh when he noticed the bunny ears behind his head in the third one.
Blaine continued to smile at him and watch Kurt's reaction to the flicks before finally grabbing the second printing. His eyes trailed directly to the last picture and remained there. The happiness in his eyes was evident as Kurt kissed him. It was so obvious that he was falling for this boy.
"I look weird." Kurt said it more to himself than to Blaine. He heard laughing and turned to his left to see his friend shaking his head.
"You look amazing, Kurt." he was told in return. "But do you like the pink hair color and piercings better?"
Kurt shook his head. "No. I like me now better. It's just been a while, and seeing myself like this," he looked down at his clothing and coiffed his hair, "I wasn't usually happy when I looked like this. Now, I look happy."
Blaine watched Kurt staring down at the photos. "Can I hear some more about it?"
Kurt smiled. He pulled out his wallet and slid the photo strip inside. "Quinn and I started the skanks because we weren't particularly pleased by the way things were happening in our lives. I had my problems at McKinley and she had hers. The full story I'll leave for another day, I guess. Today we're supposed to enjoy ourselves, right?"
Blaine nodded, though he was curious to hear more. "True. Let's get out of here though. It'll start soon."
"Okay," Kurt smiled and accepted Blaine's hand as the younger teen helped him out of the booth.
"But I do want to hear the rest of this." Blaine released Kurt's hand and let him walk up front, "And I'll tell you about my past, too."
Kurt smiled at him, blushing a little when he noticed Blaine's eyes landing on his lips. Despite all the crushes Kurt had on guys in the past, this guy was the only one that could make his heart race like something straight out of the Daytona 500. No one could tell him this wasn't something special.
The employee took their tickets and motioned towards the rear end of the building. "Theater 17 all the way down and to your left." He gave them the stubs and a typical 'enjoy the show' greeting.
Kurt read the ticket stub and smiled as he followed Blaine towards the end of the theater. "Singing in the Rain is your favorite movie?"
Blaine smiled as they swayed through the building, casting a glance back at his date… his… get together partner? Oh, forget it. He looked at his date. "Is something wrong with that?"
"I think it's awesome actually." Kurt put the stub in his pocket and smiled. "I'm just wondering why you brought me here to see it when we totally could've stayed at home and watched it together."
Yeah, Blaine thought, us alone in my room is a great idea, Kurt. He smiled to himself as they turned the corner and headed towards the theater. The last thing on his mind would be watching the movie if he had Kurt locked up in his room right now. In fact, he wondered how they'd get through their studying for the project the next week. It would be hard. Especially if Kurt kept rocking his hips like he was right now, and wore jeans that looked like they had to be cut open in order to get out of them. It would be very, very hard.
Blaine pulled the door open to the theater as they stepped inside. Kurt immediately wrapped his arms around himself because of the cool temperature. It was an act that Blaine didn't fail to notice as he followed the taller boy up the pathway.
"Wow," Kurt looked around the theater. "It's completely empty."
"And I happen to think that this will answer your question as to why I brought you here." Blaine smiled, grabbing his friend around the waist. "Nobody else will be coming to see this when everyone interested could watch at home, right?" he winked and pulled Kurt towards the first level. "This means that we have an entire theater to ourselves."
Kurt bit his lip trying not to smile too wide. He always seemed to be blown away by Blaine and the things the boy did. "I always thought the suspenders and glasses were some sort of image you wanted to put up to make people think you were smart but the gears actually turn in that brain, huh?"
"You know what," Blaine went to grab Kurt but the elder took off, running around the theater. Blaine smiled as he chased after him, skipping up the steps and cutting across the rows. An advertisement for toothpaste came on the screen as Blaine hopped a few chairs and sped up on Kurt.
Kurt laughed harder and harder, trying to outrun the shorter teen behind him. Of course he had a lot more working for him like longer legs and better vision, perhaps, but Blaine seemed very persistent. Naturally Kurt would have to almost slip over someone's left over popcorn bucket and help Blaine catch up to him after all.
He felt Blaine grab him from behind and smiled widely as they collapsed into the seats crossways. Blaine started moving his fingers over Kurt's navel until the boy was in tears from laughing so hard, twisting and turning to get away from his grasp.
"Take that back," Blain teased, tickling the boy harder. Kurt tried to slap at his hand but Blaine put all his weight on Kurt as they half sat, half lay on the chairs in the theater.
"Never," Kurt laughed, arching his body and trying to get away.
"You're going to regret that, Hummel."
Blaine moved his hands up Kurt's chest and to his underarms, his legs draped over Kurt's so that he wouldn't get kneed in the nuts. He found himself grinning too, drunk off the sound of Kurt's laughter as the boy got teary eyed, still fumbling beneath him.
"Take it back—"
"F-Fine! Fine!" Kurt giggled, trying to catch his breath, "I take it back Blaine!"
Blaine smiled widely as he stood up, fixing his bowtie and cardigan as if nothing happened. "Good."
Kurt took long, drawn out breaths, sitting up in his seat and still laughing. He sighed heavily when Blaine sat down next to him.
"That was mean."
"You were mean first," Blaine moved closer to him and relaxed back in the chair. "So are we sitting here, then?"
It was another minute before Kurt had caught his breath and got the giggles out. Blaine thought he was so adorable, and the thought that not everyone got to see this side of Kurt made him feel even more special. The brown haired boy looked around and pointed to the top of the theater.
"Let's go all the way up top."
Blaine nodded. "Sounds good to me."
He liked watching Kurt walk away. If given the choice of which he'd rather do; watch his favorite movie ever or follow behind Kurt for the next hour and forty five minutes, he'd choose the latter. An ass that gorgeous should've been sinful.
Kurt took a seat in the last row and got comfortable. Blaine bit his lip as he slid in the seat next to him, wrapping his arm around the elder boy.
"You good?" he whispered softly into Kurt's ear, noticing the faint blush he wore despite it being relatively dark in the room. Kurt nodded for a moment before standing up.
"Mm… I think I want to go to the front now." He walked away and Blaine stared at his ass for a good few seconds before getting up to follow.
Kurt went down all of the steps until he was at the first row. He sat directly in the middle and looked up at the screen. Blaine followed, sitting next to him again—to his left this time— and smiling at the beautiful boy beside him.
"Are you sure this is where you want to sit? I mean we're awful close and you could hurt your neck."
Kurt nodded. "I'm positive. We should experience Gene Kelly up close, don't you think?"
"Sounds like a plan." Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt once more and got comfortable, smiling when they relaxed into each other. That was until Kurt stood up again and looked around; a pointing finger to his chin as if he was considering a move.
"Changed my mind." Kurt started off back towards the aisle and Blaine smirked, watching him go again.
"Okay, goldilocks. But please make up your mind. The opening credits are coming on."
"Oh hush," Kurt said, swaying up the steps. Blaine licked his lips as he followed him. Jesus.
Kurt took a seat in the center of the theater, finding the distance comfortable. Blaine made his way into the row and gave him a pointed look, something that only made Kurt grin.
"Are you sure? Because we're not getting back up."
"We aren't?" Kurt asked playfully, patting the chair next to him.
Blaine bit his lip and looked away momentarily. "I'm serious, Kurt. If we get up again, you're getting tickled again."
"I don't like being tickled."
"You sure? You looked like you liked it. I mean you were laughing and gleeful—"
"I don't like it, Blaine."
Blaine smiled, taking a seat next to Kurt for the third time. His boyf—his friend scooted closer and laid his head on Blaine's shoulder, and the younger teen smiled as he wrapped his arm around him again.
"We should sing along with them." Kurt recommended; his eyes fixed on the screen. Blaine nodded against Kurt's head.
"For sure. I've been waiting to hear that voice of yours."
Kurt smiled, though Blaine couldn't see it. He continued to look at the screen as the dialogue began on the movie, and Blaine held him closer.
It was about ten minutes in, after the both of them got extremely comfortable—Kurt with a hand on Blaine's thigh and Blaine rubbing patterns on Kurt's lower back, that Kurt decided he'd switch seats again. He smirked before standing up and looking towards the back again.
"I changed my mind—whoa!"
"Oh no you don't," Blaine grabbed Kurt into his arms, laughing as Kurt came tumbling down into his lap. Kurt laughed and held on to the hazel eyed teen's cardigan for dear life begging not to be tickled, and Blaine was merciful enough not to.
"Fine. But now you have to sit in my lap and watch it."
Kurt grinned as he turned around, sitting in the chair between Blaine's legs. He felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his midsection and draw him closer, and he instinctively lay back on Blaine's chest.
This was all very intimate. He should say something. Blaine closed his eyes as his heart sped up, and he figured Kurt could probably hear and feel it, but he enjoyed the closeness of their proximity a little while longer, reveling in the perfect fit of Kurt in his arms, and the way the brown hair teased his face. Soon enough he'd tell Kurt what happened today.
"What if I have to go to the bathroom?" Kurt asked; his eyes still fixed on the movie. He chuckled softly at something Don Lockwood said and waited for an answer.
"You can't because you aren't moving until the movies over."
Blaine's lips moved slowly next to Kurt's left ear during the response. He felt Kurt nod slowly and saw the boy lick his lips.
"Well can you move? Because I'm thirsty. And I want candy too. Mike & Ike's. The lemonade blends, please."
Blaine smiled against Kurt's face, kissing his jaw softly. Kurt bit his lower lip, closing his eyes and celebrating how wonderful that felt. They were both quiet for a moment longer, and Blaine placed another quick kiss to the boy's jawline.
"But if I get up, I won't be able to hold you like this…"
Kurt ended up biting his lip harder when Blaine moved his face and started to kiss him near the ear; short, hot breaths fanning the skin there. He looked at the movie screen hoping maybe he'd be able to fight off an erection if he did that.
"The quicker you go, the quicker you can come back." he mused. A gasp left his cherry lips when Blaine started to kiss him on the neck, and he had to close his eyes because Blaine was using his tongue and teeth at the spot around his tattoo and it felt really good when he did that. Kurt didn't know being kissed on the neck could elicit a feeling of this nature.
"A few more seconds," Blaine whispered into his skin, kissing Kurt a little more languidly. He bit down softly, starting to suck a spot below his ear, and made a mental note of where it was because of the gasps Kurt was letting escape. He liked those sounds. Maybe he could get them to come out a little louder—fuck.
Blaine needed to tell him first.
Eventually, guilt got in the way of what his lips were doing, and Blaine urged Kurt from between his legs. Kurt opened his eyes and eased into the seat next to Blaine as the teen got up.
"I-I'll be right back. Lemonade blends, right?"
Kurt nodded, licking his lips. "Y-Yeah. Thank you."
"Sure, beautiful."
Blaine pushed the frames up his nose and Kurt didn't miss the way the boy adjusted his pants as he walked down the row and out the theater. He waited until Blaine was completely out of sight to adjust himself too, because holy hell he'd never done anything like this and it was making things a little hot in the cool theater. Already he missed Blaine and it'd only been a few seconds. He sighed, sitting back in the chair and looking at the movie. A musical number came on and he began to sing alone.
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love.
I can jump over the moon up above.
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love!
I haven't a worry, I haven't a care,
I feel like a feather that's floating on air,
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love!
You know what was weird? Blaine was acting weird. Kurt hummed to the song, thinking about it himself. He thought for sure he would've made a move to actually kiss him by now. Like on the lips, instead of dancing around it. But something seemed weird. Kurt made note to talk about it when they got back, but for now, he watched the movie and smiled. For once, Kurt Hummel was actually happy.
"I'm going to tell him." Blaine mumbled to himself, walking the silent hallway back to theater 17. "I'm going to say that Greg and I are still together, and that I went to break up with him, but he had an emergency. Shit, that sounds like a lie!"
Blaine cradled the candies under one arm and held the diet coke he bought in his hand as he opened the door. Some dialogue between Don and Cosmo was being exchanged on screen and he smiled when he found Kurt submerged in the movie, thankfully still in the same seat.
Kurt smiled when he saw Blaine and it did nothing but light up the teen's face.
"Diet Coke and Mike and Ike's. Now no more interruptions."
Kurt smiled as he took the items, sipping some soda before putting it in the cup holder beside him, and opening the candies up. Blaine sat next to him and stared at the screen nervously. He felt something being held to his lips and smiled, parting them so Kurt could pop it in.
A/N: Get your mind out of the gutter.
Blaine chewed on the candy as Kurt ate one for himself. The elder slid a little closer, starting to feel cold again, and Blaine wrapped his arm around him once more.
"Better?" Blaine asked sincerely. Kurt nodded, smiling up into his eyes. He gave Blaine another candy and lay his head down on the teen's shoulder.
"Yes. Thanks."
The time was spent watching the movie all alone in the big theater, singing along to lyrics and laughing about little lines in the musical. Kurt told Blaine that he resembled Gene Kelly and the adorable smile it emitted from the nerdy boy was too much to handle.
Over time, they felt themselves getting closer and closer. Eventually, Blaine and Kurt were pretty much in the same seat again—Blaine holding him right by his side, and Kurt with his legs draped over the shorter teen's legs. They ended up locking their hands together as Kurt looked down at them. It felt so right.
"So why haven't we kissed yet, exactly?"
Blaine licked his lips at the question, steadily looking at the screen. "I want to so bad…"
"But," Kurt cut in, curious as to the answer.
"But," Blaine continued, "I—When I went to break up with my boyfriend, he ended up going home to check on his sick father. We never got to have the conversation and I… I don't know how it would make you feel if I kissed you knowing I still hadn't gone through with ending things yet."
Kurt looked up at him and Blaine sighed, continuing. "I… I want you so much Kurt. I want us so bad it hurts, but he—"
"I get it," Kurt nodded, sitting up in his chair. "You're with him and that's where your heart is—"
"No," Blaine shook his head. "He is not where my heart is at all. I just didn't know if you'd want to kiss me… or if you'd want me to kiss you when I still have someone who claims me, you know?"
"Yeah." Kurt looked at the movie. Suddenly, he didn't feel too great. The happiness was good while it lasted though.
"I really want to kiss you though."
Blaine said the words looking at the movie screen.
All I do is dream of you
The whole night through
With the dawn I still go on
Dreamin' of you.
You're every thought, you're everything,
You're every song I ever sing
Summer, winter, autumn, and spring.
"And I want to kiss you." Kurt replied softly.
And were there more than 24 hours a day,
They'd be spent in sweet content just dreamin' away.
When the skies are gray! When the skies are blue!
Morning, noon, and night-time, too!
All I do the whole day through
Is dream of you-o-u!
Blaine changed focus from the movie to Kurt. "I swear as soon as I get home I'm letting him know it's over— Fuck it. I'll call him now."
Kurt watched Blaine pull out his cell phone and head to the exit. He smiled, grabbing the soft drink and taking a few sips. Of course he should feel guilty but he didn't. And sure breaking up with someone over the phone sucked but he couldn't bring himself to care right now. He wanted to know what it'd be like to have Blaine Anderson's lips on his.
And if it would be anything like he imagined, it'd be the first kiss of a life time.
"Hey, babe."
Blaine leant back against the wall. "Greg. How's your dad?"
Greg smiled at the television as he watched Friends. "Oh, you know," he said mocking sadness, "same ol' same ol'."
Blaine frowned. He was supposed to be there for him at times like this but that didn't feel like his role any more. "We need to talk. Now, actually."
"Sure," Greg scrolled down to Kurt's number in the new phone he bought. "What's up, my love?"
"I… I think we should take a break… and I'm sorry to do this over the phone but I missed the chance to say everything earlier with you leaving so abruptly. So, um, it had to be done this way."
There was a long silence as Greg nodded on the other end, putting the TV on mute.
"You want to see other people, don't you?"
Blaine sighed, closing his eyes. "Even if I didn't want to see other people, there were a lot of things during our relationship that showed me we wouldn't work out."
"And you weren't even willing to try with me, huh Blaine?" Greg stood up, his finger still hovering over the number.
"Are you kidding me, Gregory? I tried constantly. I did nine months of trying. One of us had to be the smart one and realize we could do better—"
"It's Kurt. Just say you like him better. You got bored of me and you wanted the bad boy—you wanted the thrill, Blaine. Just say it—"
Blaine exhaled, rubbing his forehead tiredly. "You obviously don't understand, and I won't explain it to you because you won't listen anyway, Greg. Just… I'm sorry that things turned out this way—"
"You'll be back, Blaine."
Greg hung up and Blaine shook his head, staring at the screen before turning it off completely. He went back inside, happy that he was a free man, and all but jogged up to the place where Kurt was waiting for him. The brown haired boy smiled when he saw him approaching.
"I love this song," Blaine held his hand out and gestured to the floor on the lower level with a head nod. "Dance with me."
Kurt smiled, accepting it. Blaine pulled him up and led him to the wide open space, twirling the boy and smiling as he drew him closer. Kurt didn't fight this time as he automatically linked his arm around Blaine's neck, placing their cheeks together. Blaine placed both hands on Kurt's lower back as they danced with one another. It started out easy and gentle, the both of them gliding across the tiled floor to the music. Blaine smiled, tightening his grasp and whispering into his date's ear.
"I dare you to sing to me."
Kurt blushed. "I don't get the truth option this time?"
He smiled when he felt Kurt giggling against him, grinning at the soft musical sound of his laugh. Kurt took a deep breath. He hadn't sung for anyone in a long time, but if it had to be anyone, he was content with it being Blaine.
Life was a song,
You came along
I've laid awake the whole night through
If I ever dared to think you'd care
This is what I'd say to you
You were meant for me
And I was meant for you
Nature patterned you
And when she was done
You were all the sweet things
Rolled up in one
Blaine closed his eyes as he listened to Kurt singing in his ear, along with the lyrics. The man had the voice of an angel and Blaine was in love.
You're like a plaintive melody
That never lets me free
But I'm content
The angels must have sent you
And they meant you just for me...
But I'm content
The angels must have sent you
And they meant you just for me...
Kurt clutched Blaine tighter as he finished the last line, moving even closer. Blaine whispered the word 'perfect' in his ear as he continued to move him back and forth, taking the lead as the two danced slowly across the theater. His heart sped up when he felt Kurt press those soft lips against his skin again.
"That song kind of fits what I'm feeling right now, you know." Kurt whispered. Blaine nodded, running his hands lower down Kurt's back and settling them on his hips. He pressed the boy closer into him until they were flush together, not really dancing anymore, just sort of standing there embracing.
"I think that you should be my boyfriend."
After Kurt tensed in his arms, Blaine squeezed tighter and continued.
"Not now… there's no rush. I know I just got out of a relationship literally five minutes ago, but I'm going to give you time to consider it." Kurt closed his eyes as he rested his chin onto Blaine's shoulder. "I hope that you say yes because I'm so freaking crazy about you, Kurt."
He pulled back so that he could look Kurt in the eyes. The specific blue there had slowly become his favorite color over the past week. "So think about it. Okay?"
Kurt nodded. "I will."
"Thank you," Blaine whispered. The two of them continued to hold each other, moving slowly even though no music was on. Blaine brushed their noses together in an eskimo kiss, smiling at the adorable blush it garnered.
"I still want to kiss you."
Kurt smiled. "I'm not stopping you."
They locked eyes, smiling at one another before moving in a little closer. A little closer was all it took before Kurt felt his lips meeting Blaine's in the first real kiss he ever experienced. The smile slowly left their lips as both focused on moving theirs experimentally, ignoring the booming of their hearts against one another's chest and reveling in the delicious feeling.
Blaine was so far enamored with this boy; he didn't think he'd be able to ever understand it. Kurt tasted like candy and soda which was perfect because Blaine was sure Kurt was unhealthy for him just like the combination. The things his heart was doing and the way his body temperature had rose—there was no way any of it could be safe. It wasn't. Yet he couldn't stop. In fact, he let Kurt have his way, acting as his pawn as Kurt used those delicious lips to devour each and every inch of his mouth. He moaned; sliding his hands into the tight back pockets of Kurt's jeans as the elder slid his tongue over his own. Kurt nibbled on his lower lip and sucked on the upper one, shifting his head to the side and pushing his tongue further into Blaine's mouth.
They both started whimpering after a while as Kurt cupped Blaine's face and dominated the kiss, and Blaine let his hands roam over Kurt's ass. Another song came on as Blaine pushed the boy back towards the chairs and laid him down, crawling on top of him. They looked at each other for a moment—both swollen lipped and voracious, before reconnecting their mouths into a steamy kiss.
Kurt lay there and whined as Blaine took control. His experienced tongue worked its way around Kurt's mouth and started to suck on his tongue, eliciting a wide array of favorable sounds from the boy's mouth. Blaine began to get greedy, wanting to hear more and more of that. He bit gently on Kurt's lip before sliding down the seats, all until he had access to Kurt's neck.
"Ahh… nghh…"
Blaine sucked hard on Kurt's neck, licking and kissing and biting on the pulse point until the sounds got louder. He was so hard that it was embarrassing, but instead of thinking about that he focused on moving around Kurt's neck until he found the spot that drove him absolutely insane.
"Oh my goddd," Kurt moaned, writhing beneath him.
Got it. Blaine thought to himself with a grin as he sucked a spot beneath Kurt's jaw. Seeing the boy fall apart like this was too freaking good to be true.
Eventually, Kurt acknowledged the fact that he'd more than likely cream his pants if they didn't do slow things down a bit.
"Blaine…oh, Blaine…"
Blaine stopped what he was doing but remained with his lips a centimeter near Kurt's neck, breaths coming out erratic against the skin and making Kurt shiver. "Yes?" he asked nonchalantly.
"We need to cool down… I…" he paused before he could spill all the beans. "We should take a break."
Blaine nodded but didn't move. Leaning forward a bit, he whispered in French.
"Mais je veux courir ma langue le long de votre cou et vous faire déguster." But I want to run my tongue along your neck and taste you, he said.
Kurt gulped. It's funny how all of the sudden Blaine was fluent in French. "Ah… umm… god."
Blaine smiled, sitting up. "Fine. We can stop."
Kurt sat up too, getting comfortable again. He looked at the movie and smiled, noticing Blaine smiling too out of the corner of his eyes.
"Maybe a little more kissing wouldn't be so bad."
Maybe it was bad that a little more kissing turned into almost engaging in sexual activities in a movie theater about 10 times. That had to be a record for one sitting. Kurt smiled as he sat back in Blaine's car and remembered their date. It could be called a date right? He recalled every feeling, every taste, and every smile that crossed Blaine's lips. He pulled out the picture strip and looked at them, smiling at them all.
He was happy.
Blaine drove, whistling along to the radio. At just about every stop sign, he'd lean in and give Kurt a chaste kiss, tell him how beautiful he was, and sing a little One Direction. Kurt would laugh and blush like mad.
He was happy.
They pulled up to Kurt's place and Blaine walked him all the way to the door. They stopped before Kurt pulled out his keys and Blaine pulled him into a tight hug, squeezing the boy and picking him up in the process. Kurt laughed as Blaine put him back down, the both of them sharing a flirty gaze before leaning in.
The best part about this was the next kiss was always as good as the first. It never lost its spark, it never got normal, and it was just as perfect. Kurt smiled into it, his hands gliding up Blaine's chest and hanging onto his shoulder as they deepened it.
Blaine took a moment to pull away. "I had such a good time tonight."
He started kissing Kurt again in small pecks across his lips, smiling at the gorgeous laugh he received.
"I had fun, too."
"So what do you say we do it again sometime?" he held Kurt by the hips and stared into those lovely eyes, awaiting a response.
"Hmm," Kurt drew it out dramatically and Blaine smiled, eyeing his lips, "I'll think about it."
"You have a lot of things to think about, Hummel."
Kurt smirked, leaning in to kiss Blaine again. It was quickly reciprocated.
"I guess I do. Goodnight."
Blaine smiled as Kurt took the hoodie from him and turned away to unlock his door. He bit his lip, staring down at that ass.
"Goodnight, handsome."
Kurt opened the door and went inside, smiling dreamily at Blaine. "Call me when you get in?"
Blaine backtracked down the pathway, smiling goofily as Kurt slowly closed the door. He fist pumped on his way to the car and may've jumped in the air like a lunatic.
Or a fool in love.
Kurt sighed against the door before turning to go inside. The first thought on his mind was calling Quinn, but that quickly died down when his father and Carole were staring at him from where they sat on the sofa.
"Your neck," Burt said, staring at his son, "has lip shaped bruises."
Carole looked at Kurt with wide, knowing eyes. She didn't know about the wardrobe change, but hearing the story behind these hickeys was what really interested her.
"We went to see a vampire movie in um, 3D. And it was the whole experience. Amazing, really."
Burt only stared at him and Kurt quickly exited before a shot gun materialized out of thin air.
Blaine felt like skipping, but that was gay, so he walked up to his doorway.
In the midst of his celebration of the perfect night, he didn't notice Greg's car outside his home, or the boy sitting on his steps. It wasn't until he was about to walk up them that he realized his now ex-boyfriend was blocking his path.
"We need to talk."
Blaine stared down at him—his ecstatic mood slowly dwindling by the second.
"Greg what are you—"
"We need to talk. It's important."
Blaine sighed, looking to see if his parents' cars were outside and motioning up the steps when he realized they must be out at dinner. "Can we make it quick? I have public school in the morning."
Greg shook his head. "I apologized about that."
Blaine walked past him so that he could unlock the door. "Whatever."
Inside, Greg slowly approached the couch and sat down. He smiled over at Blaine and waited for the boy to join him, but Blaine only stood off to the side.
"You must've been with him. I smell cigarettes."
The hazel eyed teen rolled his eyes. He still knew he needed to shower before his parents got in, just in case that was true.
"I'll be down in 10 minutes. Okay?"
Greg nodded. "I got all night, gorgeous—"
"Greg, don't call me that."
"Right." Greg sat back and grabbed the remote. "Sorry, Blaine."
Blaine went upstairs to get undressed and hop in the shower. He tossed his phone on the charger and grabbed a towel, heading off to the bathroom.
Greg heard the door close and quickly pulled out the prepaid cellphone he bought. He went to Kurt's name and sent a text.
"I don't know. But… I don't think I'll be showing up in skank gear tomorrow. I mean I haven't decided but, I don't want to." Kurt lay in bed after getting out the shower and talking to Quinn. He shook his head as his fingers trailed over the marks and smiled as he remembered Blaine putting them there.
As Quinn spoke, he heard his phone give off the text message alert. He told her to hold on as he checked it.
Yo Blaine. Did you fuck yet? If not I want my money. –x
Kurt raised an eyebrow at the message.
"Yeah, babe?"
"Let me call you back."
They hung up and Kurt responded to the message.
Who is this? –Kurt
It's Tommy, stupid. Did you fuck the virgin or not? You promised me next, Blaine, so quit stalling. Plus it's 20 bucks every day he doesn't let you fuck, remember that too. –x
Kurt couldn't believe what he was reading. He looked at the number and it didn't look familiar at all, so he decided to call Blaine and see what was going on. He had to be home by now.
The phone rang twice before a different voice answered in a rather annoyed tone.
Greg smirked after sending the text. He sat down on Blaine's bed and waited for a reply.
Who is this? –Kurt
It was only about one minute after sending a response that Blaine's phone began to ring. As expected, it was Kurt, and Greg smirked before going into straight fuck-off mode.
"It's his boyfriend. What do you want?"
Kurt pulled the phone away in disbelief of what he was hearing.
"Greg," the boy answered shortly. "We met last night…"
"Blaine… but he broke up with you…"
The line was quiet but Greg finally spoke. "Why would you think that? I'm at his place right, now. He told you we broke up?"
Kurt thought about the texts and felt a tear prickling at his eyes. It couldn't be true.
"He said… he went to see you at Dalton today… and y-your dad is sick…"
Greg sounded more and more confused as Kurt continued. "Um, Blaine didn't come to Dalton today. And there's nothing wrong with my dad, Kurt. Are you okay? He's in the shower right now but I'll put him on if it's important—"
"No," Kurt felt a tear falling down his face. He couldn't believe Blaine would lie to him like this. "No, it's fine. I'm sorry… I-I…"
"It's okay." Greg responded, still appearing to be confused, and doing a damn good job. "Sebastian is totally head over heels though, I should say. I'm sorry about last night. He'd kick my ass if I didn't say it." Greg laughed.
"I gotta go," Kurt hung up shortly after and looked back at the text messages. This couldn't be happening. Blaine couldn't have been just trying to take his virginity and pass him off to his friends, giving random guys his number and betting it all on money. That could not be the case.
But the texts… and that conversation… it all said something totally different.
Kurt wasn't happy any more.
Blaine got back downstairs and Greg was sitting there waiting for him.
"Ok. What did you want to talk about, exactly?"
Greg shook his head. "You need to rethink this."
"I don't want to. Maybe we can rethink it after a break but right now I need to be away from you."
"What did I do?"
"It's both of us. Sometimes you're on and sometimes you're off," Blaine explained tiredly. "You deserve someone who is willing to deal with that. My patience wore thin."
"Ok." Greg nodded, looking back at his ex. "So you think that Kurt won't have some on days or off days? Are you just going to get tired of him too?"
"You are two different people, Greg. He's not an insensitive bastard."
It was harshly silent. Blaine watched Greg accept the words and stand up.
"You are though."
He slammed the door behind himself and Blaine winced at the sound. He rubbed tiredly at his blurry eyes and regretted even letting him in in the first place.
But he had no idea.
Blaine locked the door and rushed back upstairs to call Kurt. A conversation with him would be sure to wipe all of this away.
After calling five times, he considered the possibility that the boy could've went to sleep. They did have a long weekend after all. For some reason, he didn't believe that Kurt would just go to sleep after such an amazing night, if Blaine could speak for the both of them, but he accepted it.
The night really was amazing, though.
Blaine had a weird feeling about all of this. Something wasn't adding up. His texts weren't being answered, and his calls were being ignored, he was sure of it. Blaine shook his head, hoping to see Kurt and make sure everything was okay. That'd have to wait until second period, though. For now, he walked towards his locker and began to swap books for first.
"I hope you took our advice and brought a change of clothes, loser!"
Blaine turned around and saw the three jocks from Friday approaching him with a large cup of a grape slushy in hand. Blaine didn't know what was happening, but with everyone else scattering away he knew it wasn't good. They smiled at him as they moved closer.
Then, Blaine saw Kurt out the corner of his eyes. He had pink hair and piercings all over his face—a black denim vest laced with skulls and a white V-neck, black jeans and a bicycle chain connected to them, and big black boots. He stomped past the scene, Karofsky freezing as he walked by. Kurt looked between the jocks and Blaine, seeing the pleading eyes of the nerdy boy looking at him, but rolling his away and he continued walking.
Blaine watched him go as his heart broke; the feeling directly after that being ice freezing his body as the slushy collided with his face. He gasped as it chilled him and some even dripped down into his eyes.
Laughter followed shortly after as the boys pushed past him. He stumbled into the lockers and fell.
The late bell rang as the boy caught his breath, trying to get the gunk out of his face and possible find a bathroom. A pair of hands helped him up.
"They got you pretty good."
nooooooo!! greg, you little... poor Kurt and poor Blaine :( make it all better soon, pleaaase!