Nov. 3, 2012, 12:37 p.m.
Nov. 3, 2012, 12:37 p.m.
Chapter 5
"So are you really not going to tell me anything, Kurt? After everything we've been through together, you're just going to sit here and not say a word? I don't deserve better than this?"
Kurt sighed, though he couldn't prevent the bashful smile spreading across his face from happening. His skin started to heat up at the thought of the night he just spent with Blaine. They hugged and it sped his heart up. Seriously, since when did hugs do that? Kurt had hugged lots of people and he never felt like he could melt from how amazing one felt. Then there was the dancing—the way Blaine made him grin like a fool with his absolutely ridiculous dance moves, all before holding him close and taking it slow. There were like 12 other people at Brittany's party, but in that moment no one else existed. It was just the two of them.
And then there was the almost kiss. Kurt sighed as he remembered. They were so close to kissing he could feel the warmth of Blaine on his skin. He could see the disappointment on his friend's face when it didn't happen and automatically wanted to throw his stepbrother off of a cliff or something else with the altitude similar to the mountains of Colorado. But then again, maybe it happened for a reason. Blaine was in a relationship after all with this hot, rich guy that apparently was extremely overprotective. Getting on his bad side probably wasn't the best idea. And Kurt didn't perceive Blaine to be that type of guy. They got caught up in the moment, was all.
He was snapped out of his thoughts by an angry Quinn poking him with her feet. "Ouch! What?"
"Can you stop staring off into space with your goo-goo eyes and tell me what happened on this date?"
"Can you move your feet?" Kurt snapped back, not sure if he wanted to have this conversation. He wasn't sure what he was going to say or how it was going to come out. I think I'm falling for the nerdy kid with the stupid sweaters and gorgeous boyfriend wasn't really an option.
Quinn sat up on the bed, facing her best friend. "Listen, Kurt."
Nothing that started 'Listen' was ever good, but Kurt lay back and looked at the blonde beauty across from him.
"I saw that hug." she said plainly, eyeing her fellow skank for maybe some sort of confirmation that he was as head over heels as she was starting to suspect. "I saw it, and it made me feel warm inside. I felt better about myself and I immediately wanted to sing a ballad. And I wasn't even participating in the fucking hug, Kurt. That's how powerful the fucking hug was. So I don't know…" she trailed off, trying to put it all into words, "if you want to talk about it, I'm here. I know he isn't exactly the type of person we hang out with as skanks" she air-quoted, "but if you want to secretly date Blaine, I don't have a problem with it—"
Kurt's face went from blank, to curious, to confused in a matter of seconds. He cut her off to ask the girl what she was talking about. "Secretly date Blaine? What, Quinn?"
She raised an eyebrow. "Well you said you had some blind date, then you come back with Blaine and you two are all staring at each other for god knows how long—I seriously thought you'd kiss—"
"How long were you watching us?"
"A while." She answered with a shrug. "I was going down for ice cream so we could chit chat it up when you got back, and on the way upstairs I peeked out the curtains to see if you were out there. Well you were, and so was Blaine. And then that hug…" Kurt continued to look at Quinn as she recollected, "I figured you lied and said you had a blind date to hide the fact that you and lover boy were on a little rendezvous."
It got really quiet as Kurt shook his head. "No. I had a date with his friend from Dalton and he had a date with his boyfriend."
"Boyfriend, huh?"
There goes the judgmental stare, Kurt thought as he looked at his best friend. "Yes. Boyfriend."
"Hmm." she reached over to her ice cream and spoon, nodding her head. Kurt saw his phone light up and knew it was Blaine, but couldn't rush to get it. That'd make Quinn even more suspicious.
"Blaine hugs his friends and I'm his friend so we hugged goodnight. That's all."
Quinn laughed a little and Kurt didn't miss the way the girl rolled her eyes in the process. She took a bite of the ice cream and gestured over to Kurt's cell phone. "I'm guessing that's him?"
Kurt lazily reached around the bed. After finding and unlocking his phone, he realized that indeed it was Blaine.
This party is so dead without you here :( -Blaine
"If it is him?"
Quinn nodded with a smirk. "Interesting."
"We're just friends, Quinnie. He's a really good guy and—"
"Reminds you of who you used to be?" she finished, not looking at him. Though that wasn't what Kurt was going to say, it was absolutely true.
They didn't speak for a while, the only noise being the television and another message coming through on Kurt's cell. He smiled at what it said and went to reply.
You better not be asleep. You promised me –Blaine
I'm up :p. Quinn and I were having a little chat. So is Rachel not singing yet? –Kurt
As Kurt relaxed onto the pillows, he thought back to what Quinn said. Blaine really did make him feel comfortable being himself, whether they were texting like now, or with each other in person. Whenever Blaine was involved, Kurt just felt… better.
"Do you ever wish you could leave it all behind?"
Quinn listened to the question, but didn't respond right away. Kurt stared at the ceiling as he awaited an answer. He didn't know what it would be, honestly. He and Quinn had been in control and this arrangement was comfortable. It wasn't what he wanted for himself, but it was what he and Quinn felt they needed.
"I'm guessing you mean leave our skank-hood behind?"
Kurt nodded as Quinn put the ice cream down and curled up next to his feet.
"Well of course, one day." she continued, "I don't intend to have pink streaks and wear leather jackets the rest of my life Kurt. But it's working for right now."
"I hear you." Kurt responded shortly.
"I should let you know," she resumed, "I would never judge you, or make you feel guilty if you were having second thoughts about this. I love you, Kurt, and whatever makes you happy is what you should do."
Kurt smiled to himself. The phone alerted again and he looked down at the message.
I think she's passed out somewhere. I'm leaving though. Finn keeps poking me to see if I'm imaginary or not and I don't think I'm enjoying this too much. –Blaine
He smiled at the message before turning back to his friend. "I love you too, Quinn."
The girl nodded, shrugging him off. She was already falling asleep. Kurt smiled again, settling further into the duvet.
You have my full permission to hit him. Preferably in the face. –Kurt
I don't think I can reach his face. –Blaine
Kurt giggled but was quickly shushed by a soon to be sleeping beauty. He quietly tried to go down to the living room and hang out on the couch a bit since he was nowhere near tired. On the way, he turned off the TV and grabbed the melting ice cream to put in the freezer.
Navigating downstairs throughout a mostly dark house proved to be a challenge, but Kurt was successful with the help of his iPhone's backlight. He closed the freezer after putting away the ice cream, opened the fridge, pulled out a Capri Sun, and wandered over to the sofa. After sitting on the remote, he reached underneath himself to grab it and turn to something on Adult Swim. Finally, he grabbed his phone so he could respond to Blaine.
You said it, short stop. Not me. –Kurt
I guess you're about to drive so text me when you get in. –Kurt
A minute or so later, a reply came through.
Grr. I have to drop Finn and Sam home first. Don't go to sleep please :] –Blaine
*yawn* -Kurt
Don't you do it, Hummel. –Blaine
Kurt laughed as he lay down and nestled into the comfortable sofa. Some really, really stupid show was on TV, so he ended up turning to the science fiction network and catching some old 80's horror flick.
Was it a bad thing that the first place his mind went was 'it'd be great if Blaine and I could watch this together'?
Maybe it was.
He ended up sipping his Capri Sun and shaking his head at the terrible animation of the movie for the next twenty minutes or so. His phone lit up and he quickly reached to get it, not even caring if he seemed desperate to talk to Blaine anymore. It had gotten to the point where Kurt couldn't even bring himself to care. He was happy when he spoke to the nerdy boy.
Home sweet home :) –Blaine
Yay. Can I sleep now? –Kurt
Kurt bit his lip and smiled as he waited for a response.
No. –Blaine
Of course there were tons of things Kurt wondered, like was Blaine talking to Greg right now, making him stay up so that they could chat all night, or if it was just the two of them. Kurt wondered if Blaine was laying down picturing the two of them together right now, or if he saw their friendship strictly platonic. As unlikely as that was with the way they behaved around one another, Kurt just couldn't imagine anything going his way. Not after the past few years he endured. All in all, he focused on enjoying his time talking to his friend.
Fine. You're lucky you're decent company, dweeb. –Kurt
Decent company? You adore my company, Kurt. I light up your world like nobody else. –Blaine
Kurt rolled his eyes as he smiled, his chest doing that flutter thing it did when they were dancing earlier.
Maybe. –Kurt
This was so ridiculous. There was so much for the pair to talk about and get out in the open, but flirting and dancing around it was so much easier.
Maybe I miss you. –Blaine
Kurt sighed, subconsciously licking his lips. The background noise from the television got to be annoying, so he put it on mute before replying.
Maybe I miss you, too. –Kurt
What are you up to tomorrow? I think we should hang out if you're free. –Blaine
Just you and I, though. –Blaine
Kurt smiled. That sounded amazing. Maybe they'd be able to talk about things and maybe finish others… no… no, that wasn't a good idea. Not until they were both single, at least.
I'm free. Where did you have in mind? –Kurt
You'll find out tomorrow. ;) –Blaine
No fair :( tell me. –Kurt
Truth or Dare? –Blaine
What? Kurt smiled at the randomness, though he didn't appreciate the change of topic.
You aren't slick, Anderson. I want to know where we're going, and how does the dare portion of Truth or Dare work via text? –Kurt
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, I suppose. So truth or dare? –Blaine
Kurt bit his lip as he considered. His first instinct was to go with truth and be on the safe side, but he was curious to find out what the 'dare' option would consist of.
I guess we'll cross that bridge now :x Dare. –Kurt
Blaine responded rather quickly.
I dare you to call me right now. –Blaine
It seemed simple enough. They'd never spoken on the phone, but it shouldn't be uncomfortable or anything. Kurt chewed on his lip, tongue flickering over his piercing as he pressed 'call'.
Blaine answered shortly after the first ring. "Hey there."
Kurt smiled like an idiot, shaking his head at himself in shame. "Hey, dweeb. Truth or Dare?"
Blaine hummed and Kurt could hear the grin on his lips. So sexy, this dork was. "I'm going with dare."
"I dare you to tell me where we're going tomorrow." Kurt said, playing with his quilt. Blaine laughed in defeat.
"Fine. You got me. I was thinking I'd take you to the movies. The theater in this mall about half an hour from my old house is showing one of my favorite movies and I was going to ask you."
Kurt stared at the ceiling as he listened. The first thing he wanted to ask was why Blaine didn't consider asking Greg, but the answer to that was obvious after the night they all shared. Greg was a jerk to him. To the both of them, actually. "That sound's great. What time should I be ready?"
"Six is good." Blaine said shortly—his voice kind of low in a way that made Kurt bite his lip.
"So. Truth or dare?"
Kurt pulled the covers a little closer. "Truth."
"Okay." he could hear Blaine getting a little more comfortable on the other end of the phone and tried to imagine what he was doing; what he was wearing, how he lay in the bed, other creepy things Kurt felt he shouldn't be thinking. "Do you have any crushes right now?"
Kurt smiled. "One."
"Oh really?"
Blaine hummed. "Interesting. I don't suppose you'll tell me who?"
"Truth or dare?" Kurt replied, ignoring Blaine completely. He heard his friend laugh and smiled into the couch pillow. "C'mon. Pick."
"I'll go with dare again." Blaine told him.
"Okay," Kurt thought for a moment before coming up with the perfect dare. "I hear you used to lead the Warblers, and Finn wouldn't shut up about your glee club audition for a while, so sing for me."
Blaine didn't have a problem with that. It wasn't like he never thought about singing for Kurt before. "I will if you sing with me?"
"Well," Kurt smiled, "if I like it, I'll join in. if I stay quiet, you need work."
Blaine laughed but agreed. "Deal. Do you have any requests?"
"Just that you sing whatever you feel." Kurt told him.
"I hope you like it."
"I'm sure I will."
Blaine didn't have to think much. He had the perfect song. He cleared his throat and began to sing the lyrics softly into Kurt's ear.
I don't know why
But when I look in your eyes
I feel something that seems so right
You've got yours I've got mine
I think I'm losing my mind
'Cause I shouldn't feel this way
Kurt closed his eyes as he listened. Blaine's voice was smooth and he felt like he could drift away from the blissful feeling alone.
Catch me, I'm falling for you
And I don't know what to do
How can something so wrong
Feel so right all along
Catch me, I'm falling for you
How can time be so wrong?
For love to come along
Catch me, I'm falling for you
How can love let it go
When it has no place to go
And I can't go along pretending
that love is in here to stay
catch me I'm falling for you
Blaine stopped for a moment and closed his eyes. Kurt's soft breathing could be heard on the other end of the line. "You aren't singing." he said softly, "I guess I'm bad?"
Kurt opened his eyes when Blaine spoke, a soft smile spreading across his lips. Blaine's voice was really amazing, beautiful even. But those lyrics were a little too accurate for what they were facing, he felt. There was no way that song was spontaneous.
"If I knew the song, I'd sing along with you." he told Blaine with a smile. "You're amazing."
Blaine licked his lips, letting his head fall against the pillows. "Thank you. I'll send you a link to it when we hang up so you can listen to it. Beautiful song."
Kurt closed his eyes once more. "I agree."
"Truth or dare?"
"Truth." Kurt said again with a smile. "I don't know if I trust your dares just yet." He heard Blaine gasp on the other line, mocking hurt, and laughed.
"I can't believe you, Hummel."
Kurt continued to smile.
Blaine cleared his throat again, mind racing at a mile a minute. "If I were to kiss you tomorrow night, hypothetically speaking," Kurt bit his lower lip into a grin, rolling his eyes at his friend continued, "how would you feel about it?"
Kurt knew what his answer should be. He knew what any person with a decent heart's answer should be. But that wasn't what he wanted to say. He wanted to kiss Blaine. "I don't think I would be too opposed, to be honest."
Blaine was quiet and Kurt sighed. "That makes me a bad person, right."
"I'm probably the bad guy because I can't stop thinking about doing it." Blaine said honestly. Kurt closed his eyes harder, holding the phone a little closer to his ear. Blaine spoke once more. "Go again and I'll go twice next time."
"But pick truth because I want to ask you something."
Kurt smiled. "You can't tell me what to pick. That's cheating."
Blaine smiled as well. "Fine. Truth or dare?"
Kurt hummed dramatically before picking truth again anyway. The action made Blaine laugh.
"So what did you want to ask me?"
"Well," Blaine sat up in his bed, finding it harder to get comfortable for whatever reason. "This is another hypothetical."
"Okay," Kurt said shortly, wondering what it would be. The answer came quickly.
"If I were to leave Greg for you, would you want me?"
Kurt didn't know how to answer that. He never thought he'd be the type to break up a relationship, no matter how unhappy it was. Karma was indeed a bitch and things like that came back to bite people in the ass. He did, however, see himself falling for Blaine. No matter how wrong it may've been, kinda like the song said.
"You h-have to be honest," Blaine spoke softly like he was afraid of what the answer would be, "no matter how harsh it may be."
"I do want you." Kurt almost whispered. "I… yes. I mean, I think we could be good together, hypothetically speaking and everything…."
"Of course," Blaine sounded a lot more chipper now. "O-Okay. That's good to know, though."
"Definitely," Kurt responded.
They both let an awkward silence fill the space between them until Blaine spoke again.
"So I get two go's. I pick a dare and a truth."
Kurt smiled. "Okay. Um," he trailed off, looking around the dark living room. "I dare you to…"
"Go easy on me, Kurt."
Kurt bit his lip as he thought. "I dare you to," he smiled as he got it, "say something really sexy to me in French."
"Oh my god." Blaine laughed, and Kurt could hear the face palm the boy gave himself.
"A dare is a dare, dweeb."
"You suck for this. Okay. Um… let me find my French English dictionary."
"Take your time," Kurt said, trying not to laugh. But he failed, and Blaine hushed him.
It took a few minutes but the dark haired teen finally had his sentence mapped out.
"Je veux courir mon soir le long de votre cou et vous faire déguster."
"Oh yeah?" Kurt said, biting his lip. "You want to run your tonight along my neck and taste me, huh? So hot, Blaine."
"Fuck," Blaine said with a smile. "That was supposed to be tongue."
Kurt giggled. "I got that, Jean-Paul." he said sarcastically.
"Well what if I said voglio leccare il mio nome sul petto?"
It was said in this low, breathy whisper and Kurt sighed. "I don't know what you just said but it sounded amazing."
Blaine laughed. "My Italian isn't so bad. I don't know if I should say it in English though. Not unless I'm actually there to do it to you…"
Go away boner. "Oh is that so?" Kurt said, trying to maintain control of the situation but failing miserably.
"It is," Blaine sang teasingly. "If you're a good boy I might show you."
Kurt felt himself blushing, but fought to ignore the words. "I'm never a good boy, Blaine."
"So you're saying you're a naughty boy?" Blaine said it low and dark and Kurt rolled his eyes, still fighting off the heating up of his skin. Thank goodness Blaine couldn't see the affect he had on him because he'd probably do some stupid dance.
"I'm saying it's your go again, and you picked truth, so I'm going to ask something."
"Cop out," Blaine said teasingly. Kurt laughed.
"Whatever. What are your kinks, if any?"
Blaine hummed. "I like this question."
"Do you, now?" Kurt teased, rolling onto his belly.
"I do. Mind you, these are things I've fantasized about but have never actually done, but I'd definitely like to try."
"Go on," Kurt encouraged. He fantasized about things here and there but the thought of sex were still far away. His thoughts usually included sweet things like soft kisses as he cuddled in bed, playing in each other's hair, sharing dreams and future plans. Nothing like the words that came out of Blaine's mouth.
"I want to try shower sex, and sex in public, and I want to be teased until I absolutely have to have it, hair pulling—"
Kurt gulped. Blaine wasn't even finished.
"And like doing it in front of the mirror, I always wondered what that would be like. And you've kind of made me want to be talked dirty to in a foreign language. Of course I probably wouldn't know what was being said but it sounds sexy."
"That's a lot of stuff."
Blaine laughed. "Sorry. I'm a teenaged boy. Truth or dare?"
Kurt shook his head. That whole fantasy list was still floating around in his head. "I'll go with dare."
"K," Blaine made a humming noise to insinuate that he was thinking and Kurt smiled, waiting patiently.
"If you refuse to do it I come over right now and get another kiss on the cheek."
Kurt laughed. "Or you could dare me to kiss you on the cheek?"
"No because I want you to do the dare." Blaine whined. Kurt shook his head at the adorable fucker.
"What is it?"
"I dare you to text Sebastian and tell him to back off."
Kurt bit his lip. "How do you suppose I go about this? Because we got along kind of well…"
"Um, just say that you're not interested because you found someone much shorter and cuter with a better body."
Kurt laughed. "Oh god."
"Are you going to do it?"
Kurt sat up and looked at the TV. "I…"
"If you don't want to you don't have to."
"No," Kurt sighed, "I mean it'll seem a little suspicious. He'll probably tell your boyfriend…"
Blaine nodded. "True."
They were quiet and Kurt closed his eyes, waiting for Blaine to say something.
"I should probably try and go to Dalton tomorrow anyway, before we hang out." Kurt listened, playing with the quilt again. "I need to talk to Greg."
"Yeah," Blaine answered.
They were quiet again and Kurt wondered if that was the 'I'm leaving him' hint. He didn't say anything though. It was Blaine who spoke after a while.
"I want a kiss tomorrow since you are refusing that dare, k buddy?"
Kurt smiled. "A kiss on the cheek, right?"
"The cheek… sure." Blaine said. He smiled when Kurt laughed, wishing he was there with him. "What are you up to besides talking to me?"
"I was watching some cheesy horror movie. Just snuggled up on Quinn's couch."
Blaine nodded. "That sounds nice. What channel?"
"We should watch it together. Wanna text about how much it sucks?"
"I'd love that." Kurt said with a grin. "Don't forget to link me to the song you sang earlier."
Blaine told him okay. "So hang up first."
"You hang up first."
"I can wait…" Kurt teased, smile seemingly permanent on his face.
"Stop being stubborn."
"After you stop being stubborn."
"Same time?"
Kurt laughed. "Are we going to stop being stubborn at the same time or hang up at the same time?"
Both teens laughed and Blaine tried to better manage the situation. "Okay. On the count of three."
"Oh my god," Kurt laughed. "Just hang up. I'm older I get the final say."
"Says who?"
"If I hang up first you forfeit your kiss." Kurt said.
"I'll text you then," Blaine said goodbye and Kurt laughed. He hung up second feeling victorious.
Just for that I think I should get two kisses. Cheater. :( -Blaine
Watch the movie :p –Kurt
Blaine took a deep breath as he stood in front of Greg and Sebastian's dorm room. He hadn't slept much in between texting Kurt for hours into the morning and thinking about this very moment right now. Truth be told, Blaine was anxious to get this over with. When thinking everything over, he knew it probably made him look like a jerk—having a boyfriend and constantly thinking about someone else. Maybe not the thinking about someone else part, but how he acted on it with Kurt. But what could he do? On the outside, Kurt was tough and painted an image of himself that was sure to keep others at bay. None of that applied to Blaine. He could see Kurt for the beautiful, vulnerable, amazing soul that he was and that was all that mattered. And now, he stood in front of the door of his boyfriend's room, about to knock and hopefully bring himself that much closer to where he wanted to be.
With someone else.
He sighed again before his fist met the wooden door. A couple taps, and he could hear Greg's smooth voice asking who was there. He answered 'Blaine' and it didn't take long for the door to swing open.
"Baby," Greg wore a look that was a mix of relief and joy. "What are you doing here? Come in!"
Blaine nodded and took a step into the dorm room. Sebastian was on his side watching TV and gave his friend a sincere smile when he walked in.
"Blainers! What's up man? How's Kurt doing?" he asked with a wink. Blaine never wanted to hit his friend before, but knowing that Sebastian was probably thinking about putting Kurt in positions right now in that filthy head of his, Blaine definitely thought about taking a few swings.
"He's well." he answered instead, turning back to Greg. The taller teen had closed the door behind himself and was giving his boyfriend a curious look.
"So did you want to hang out? We aren't doing much, and I need to apologize for how I acted last night…"
Blaine went to interrupt but Sebastian cut in. "You do need to apologize. Kurt didn't deserve that."
"I was talking about apologizing to Blaine, Sebastian. Not that—"
"Don't you dare insult him."
The words were out of Blaine's mouth before he had a time to even think them. Both Greg and Sebastian gave him a strange look, and the nerdy teen could only shake his head. "I… we need to talk, Greg."
Greg knew what was coming from the backlash that came out of his boyfriend's mouth. The last thing on earth he wanted happening was probably going to happen. "Okay, just let me shower and I swear we can talk as long as you want—"
"Greg, please. It won't take long—"
"Blaine," he interrupted, grabbing the boy by the arms, "just give me a few minutes."
Blaine sighed, wanting to get this over with, but Greg needed to buy some time. The curly haired teen nodded and withdrew his arms as he answered. "Okay."
"I won't take but a few minutes," Greg smiled and leant in to kiss Blaine on the lips. He didn't miss how his boyfriend tensed up and failed to reciprocate it though, and it broke his heart. Blaine was probably going to end it.
Sebastian watched Greg grab his things for the shower and leave the room. His friend just sort of stood there before going to sit on his boyfriend's bed.
"What's going on with you?"
Blaine shook his head, pulling out his cell phone and checking the time. "Nothing. Just really tired and… I don't know."
Sebastian nodded, turning back to face the television. He stretched out on his bed, trying to ignore the thick tension that Blaine and Gregory left floating in the air. He hoped it wasn't what it felt like, because they were two of his best friends. It never went well when your best friends broke up and still expected you to be comfortable. "I hope you think before you make a decision you regret, Blaine." Sebastian said softly. "I know you moved and it's hard and everything, but just think."
Blaine laughed but the gesture seemed hollow. "Are you going to give me relationship advice, Bas? You do know you fucked most of the people on this floor, and the second floor… and the third—."
Sebastian smirked. "I just care about you two love birds."
"Yeah, okay." Blaine placed his phone down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. He spent so many days in this room, laughing with Greg, fighting with him. Trying to love him but failing. He came to accept that some things weren't meant to be and that other things were. It was just the way life played out.
Time passed by, and eventually he was yawning, wondering what was taking Greg so long. Then his thoughts traveled to Kurt, wondering what he was doing. Blaine wondered what the beautiful boy would wear on their date… on their… their get together… that night. It would probably be perfect like always. He could hardly wait to see him again.
That's how love should be, Blaine thought. It wasn't that way with his boyfriend.
"Who you thinking about?" Sebastian said, still facing the TV screen.
Blaine shook his head, getting up and walking over to join him. "There's a lot on my mind."
"Don't want to talk about it." Blaine said shortly. "What are you watching?"
"The Watchmen. I think I'm going to text Kurt good afternoon, though. I want to see him this week. God, Blaine, he's so hot." Sebastian sat up and reached for his phone. "I love you so much for hooking us up. I mean he's playing hard to get but I'll give it to the third date before he's letting me pound into him."
Blaine ignored the way his friend gave a sinister smile, and the way he seriously felt like beating the shit out of him. "Don't text him until later. He's at work until tonight." he lied.
The taller teen frowned. "Damn. I guess it'll have to wait."
"Yeah." Blaine unclenched his fist and took a deep breath.
"Oh! Let's go to David's room really quick. He wants to set up a tournament in Call of Duty and I bet we can get the Warblers to kick the New Directions' ass."
Blaine smiled, shaking his head. "I was the best and you lost me, so that's not going to happen. They have me now… so…"
Sebastian stood up. "Then let's go set this shit up, stumpy."
Blaine shook his head. "Let's do it, but I can't stay long I need to talk to Greg."
His friend nodded and they hurried out of the room.
Kurt opened the door to Finn's room and as usual he and Sam were in there, both looking dead from the party the previous night. Kurt looked around the room and took a step in. Both looked up at him because of the noise.
He paid them no mind, stepping over clothes and some deflated looking football and walking over to Finn's wallet and picking it up.
"Dude, where are your piercings? And your hair is brown again!" Finn smiled, putting the controller down.
"No. I'm imaginary, Kurt." the blue eyed boy responded, "Your imaginary Kurt doesn't have piercings or pink tinted hair." Kurt pulled out a couple twenty dollar bills and backtracked out the room. Sam looked at Finn like he was an ass.
"Did you just let Kurt steal money from your wallet?"
Finn shook his head. "That was imaginary Kurt, he's not real."
Kurt skipped down the step by 2's and thudded onto ground. He shoved the money into his pocket and started towards the basement, not quite making it before his father was calling him out.
"What happened to your piercings? And your hair's all different?"
Kurt looked at his dad and shrugged. "I washed it out. I can always put it back in, it's temporary. And I just felt like taking them out. Those can go back in, too."
Burt hummed, turning back towards the television. Kurt felt that was a little too easy but walked towards his room once more.
"You look like my son, now." Burt told him. Kurt closed his eyes and nodded, trying to push the words away. He turned the knob and went downstairs.
When Greg got back to the room, both Sebastian and Blaine were gone. He rolled his eyes because of it. The grey eyed teen had spent his time preparing to convince Blaine that they should stay together, and he gets back and he wasn't even there. After putting his things away, he decided to call his boyfriend.
Blaine's ringtone went off and Greg looked around to see it lying on his bed. He rolled his eyes again. Typical. Blaine always left his phone somewhere when he wanted to get in contact with him. He hung up and reached for his boyfriend's iPhone, smiling at the wallpaper of Blaine's nerdy self throwing up the peace sign.
It was wrong, sure, and if Blaine walked in right now he'd probably be upset, but Greg did it anyway. He unlocked Blaine's phone, remembering the passcode was his mother's birthday, and went directly where he was dying to—Blaine's text messages.
Kurt's name was right at the top, meaning he was the most recent one that Blaine spoke to. Greg wasn't surprised at all, for some reason.
Apparently, they spoke all night. Now that surprised him. What could the two possibly have in common? Blaine was perfect—smart and gorgeous, and that other guy was pathetic. Greg lay back in bed and scrolled up to find out.
Oh no, she fell and the monster got her. Totes didn't see that coming. –Kurt
Wow this is really horrible. –Blaine
I did tell you that :p –Kurt
We should watch something else. Turn to channel 69 –Blaine
I don't think so, nasty. –Kurt
Hahaha but you want to. –Blaine
You're so pervy. –Kurt
But they're doing the thing I said I wanted to do to you in Italian. If you don't turn you won't be able to see it. ;) –Blaine
I swear to everything Anderson if Quinn's parents walk downstairs and catch me watching this you're a dead man –Kurt
Greg swallowed hard, not believing what he was reading. Blaine wanted to do something to Kurt, and told him in Italian? And apparently it was on the wank channel?
There was a time elapse of about 5 minutes until the next message was sent.
So are you watching? –Blaine
Yeah –Kurt
Do you like it? –Blaine
Yeah –Kurt
Me too. –Blaine
I don't usually watch things like this –Kurt
Why not? We can stop if it makes you uncomfortable –Blaine
No… I'm fine. I just don't really think about sex… well it's not that I don't think about it but, I just feel awkward. Those are somebody's children –Kurt
Greg raised an eyebrow. What?
Lol. You're nervous about having sex, aren't you? –Blaine
Whoa. He's a virgin? Greg smiled, sitting up in bed. This just got so much more interesting.
Yes –Kurt
You should wait until you're ready and everything, but don't stress it any more than you need to. It's beautiful and amazing when with someone you care about. Don't let anyone rush you though. –Blaine
Why do I get the feeling you're talking about Sebastian? & I can't wait to see you, dweeb. –Kurt
Lol I wasn't talking about him. Just speaking in general. –Blaine
And I miss you too, big head :D –Blaine
My head isn't big! :p Tell me a secret. –Kurt
You first. –Blaine
*sigh* You're so difficult. Fine. You know who my crush is. –Kurt
That's a little vague don't you think? :p –Blaine
Yes I do but I don't care. Your turn. –Kurt
K. –Blaine
I hope that one day you'll let me be your first. –Blaine
Greg put the phone down and took a few breaths. He felt betrayed. He quickly grabbed a bag and began to pack a few things, deciding to go to home for a couple days.
He took his phone out and transferred Kurt's number into it before leaving the dorm room in a storm. Blaine and Sebastian didn't get back until five minutes later, and the curly haired teen went to his phone when he saw it blinking.
"All his things are gone—laptop, duffel bag… he must've had an emergency."
Blaine nodded at Sebastian's words. "Yeah. He left a message saying his father isn't doing well. Guess I'll talk to him tonight or something."
Blaine rang the doorbell of the Hudmel home and waited. He was pissed that after wasting hours commuting between Westerville and Lima, he didn't even get to do what he had gone there for. And it wasn't like he could call Greg when he was dealing with his father. The man had been sick on and off for a couple years. That was just tasteless for a person to do.
All that mattered now as he adjusted his bowtie and straightened his shirt, was that he would be spending a few hours alone with Kurt. He'd been looking forward to it all day and now, Blaine wanted to forget about everything else and just be happy.
The door was answered by a tall, husky man in flannel, dingy jeans, and a ball cap. He looked intimidating to say the least and Blaine definitely considered running for a moment, but instead he gave the man a soft 'don't-hurt-me' smile.
"Hi. You must be Mr. Hummel," Blaine flashed his teeth in a friendly gesture, but the man only looked at him.
Blaine cleared his throat, palms sweating. "My name is Blaine Anderson. It's a pleasure to meet you." He extended a shaky hand and Burt took it firmly. He looked at this kid in front of him wearing wide rimmed glasses, a cardigan with lobsters on it, and a pink bowtie. The description fit the boy that Finn said had joined the glee club when they all talked at Friday night dinner.
"Finn and Sam are upstairs." He told Blaine, stepping aside.
The hazel eyed teen smiled, feeling nervous about what he was soon to admit. "Oh no, I'm here for K-Kurt."
Burt stared at him—green eyes piercing into the nervous teen. "Hm."
"Yes." Blaine looked around at the neighbors' homes for no reason at all.
Burt gave the kid another once over before letting the boy inside. "Come in."
"Thank you."
He watched the man move inside and start towards the basement door. Blaine closed the front door behind him and stood off to the side by the home's fireplace. He could feel Kurt's dad's eyes on him every once in a while, but kept his eyes down.
Burt wondered if this boy was the reason for Kurt's recent makeover as he knocked on the door and opened it. Kurt shouted asking who it was as the man looked away from Blaine and down into his son's room.
"You have company." he responded.
"Blaine?" Kurt asked, and Blaine smiled just because he loved the way Kurt said his name. It didn't sound like when anyone else said it. It was special.
"Yes." Burt said shortly, leaving the door open and going over to the couch. Kurt announced that he'd be up soon and Blaine started rocking back and forth on the heels of his feet as he waited.
Burt sat on the couch and continued to stare at him, succeeding in making Blaine as uncomfortable as he could possibly ever be. He smiled shyly and nodded, before pretending to admire the drapes.
"Lovely home you have here, sir."
"Thank you."
Blaine smiled down at the rug he stood on.
"So you go to McKinley, I'm guessing."
The boy nodded. "I just transferred there."
Burt looked at him and nodded. "Okay."
"I used to go to a private school a couple hours away called Dalton Academy, but my folks relocated."
"Dalton, huh?" Burt repeated nodding, "I almost sent my boy there."
Blaine found this information interesting. "Yeah?"
He continued to nod. "So what are you two up to tonight?"
Why am I sweating so much? "We were, um, just going to go to the m-movies."
Blaine smiled nervously as Burt read him like an open book.
"Are you the one he went on a date with last night?"
"Um, well—"
"Answer faster."
Blaine gulped. "We double dated together, yes."
Burt stared at him for another few seconds without speaking, but luckily Kurt came upstairs; a hood over his head as he rushed towards the door.
"Be back before 12, dad."
He opened it and sped out, and Blaine quickly dismissed himself too. "Goodnight, Mr. Hummel. It was a pleasure to meet you."
"Enjoy yourself," Burt said with thin eyes, like he didn't even mean it.
Blaine ran to follow Kurt who was already by the vehicle. He laughed a little nervously and unlocked it, holding the door open for Kurt. "Why are you running, exactly?"
"Hurry up," Kurt answered, not showing his face. Blaine raised an eyebrow but shut the boy's door, turning to go to the driver's side. He could see Burt in the window and gulped, quickly rushing to get inside.
He pulled off after strapping in, and turned the radio on low. Kurt still hadn't looked up and Blaine felt himself getting upset because of it.
"What's wrong, Kurt?"
The boy shook his head. "He has a shot gun, you know. I was just looking out for you."
Blaine smiled. Well that was unexpected and scary news. "I'm glad to see you care, but I meant why are you wearing a hood? It's beautiful out."
Kurt didn't answer and Blaine frowned, pulling to a stop at a red light.
"Look at me…"
Kurt shook his head no, putting both hands over his face, and Blaine laughed at him, going to move them.
"Will you stop? Look at me, please Kurt?"
Kurt finally obliged, moving his hands and looking over at a bright-eyed Blaine. He saw the boy's eyes turn from playful, to shocked, to… to… he didn't know. He watched Blaine adjust his glasses, pushing them up his nose before reaching out and pulling Kurt's hood off. He was met with a chestnut brown haired boy, not a piercing in sight, rosy cheeks, and a beautiful, coy smile.
Blaine didn't realize his lips were parted until Kurt was laughing nervously.
"Wow," he said with a nervous grin, "is it that bad?"
Blaine quickly shook his head no but couldn't get words to come out.
Kurt nodded, "The light is green."
Blaine snapped out of it, taking a deep breath and stepping on the gas. He continued to drive, desperate to get to where they were going so that he could look at Kurt for as long as he wanted.
"I thought I'd show you what you missed while you were living in Westerville," he said with a laugh, though Blaine could hear just how nervous he was.
"I love it," Blaine answered quickly. He stopped at a stop sign and sat there a while, turning to see Kurt again. The other teen smiled at him.
"Thank you."
Blaine nodded. "It's like I'm finally seeing you." He leant over as far as his seat belt would allow. "You're so beautiful."
Kurt blushed, not believing that someone could turn him into this, but then he remembered that this was who he was.
"Thank you Blaine."
Blaine finally drove again, and it was incredibly quiet. They both wanted to speak but couldn't find the words. So instead of speaking, Blaine turned the radio up a little higher rested his hands between them. The last thing he expected was for Kurt to place his hand on top, nervously lacing their fingers together. He looked to his right and found Kurt looking out the window, but could see a clear smile on his face. Blaine smiled too.
A/N: I have a strong feeling they're gonna end up making out. I also have a strong feeling that there will be angst, and skank!Kurt will be back with a vengeance. My feels are rarely wrong about fics I write lol.
Song used: Catch Me I'm Falling - Toni Gonzaga
I hope you review :) Thanks for reading.