You Got Me
I Hate Him Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You Got Me: I Hate Him

E - Words: 5,310 - Last Updated: Nov 03, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Jun 10, 2012 - Updated: Nov 03, 2012
587 0 3 0 0

Chapter 3

“Where are you going?”

Kurt rushed towards the front door; his arms still finding their way into the sleeves of his denim vest. His boots were by the welcome mat and he stuffed his feet into them one by one. His delay to respond to his father didn’t sit well with the man, and Burt Hummel felt the need to raise his voice this time around.

“I asked you a question, Kurt.”

“I’m going to Quinn’s.” the skank answered with an annoyed huff. He quickly tied his laces and tried to head out the door, but his father didn’t let him get too far.

“Come back here,” Burt demanded. The man put the paper he was reading down on the coffee table, the sport section facing upward. Kurt removed his hand from the doorknob and rolled his eyes, walking back into the home to face his father.

The disappointment on Burt’s face was as clear as day. As of late, Kurt saw that look more and more—at the table over breakfast, at the table over dinner, passing each other in the house, practically whenever Kurt looked at his dad. He knew it was because of the choices he had made, and who he had become, but dropping the glee club and becoming a skank was one of the best decisions Kurt had ever made. There wasn’t a crowd of asshole jocks on him, no slushy gunk being tossed in his face, and no one screaming ‘fag’ every time he walked by.

The best part about it was that he was in charge. Both he and Quinn wanted a little control in their lives, after everything being taken away. So over the summer, they formed the skanks with a few other friends. Now they ran the school and people watched out for them. Having a little power felt really good.

Was it worth having his father look at him like he’d lost his best friend? Maybe not. But it was worth actually being able to go to school and not have to worry about being shoved into a locker.

Burt took a few minutes to observe his son standing before him. Kurt looked as if he wanted to be anywhere but here with that annoyed look on his face. He had two piercings bordering his left eyebrow, and one in his nose, the lip ring, and a few in his ears— not to mention the tattoos on his arm and neck. Burt seriously didn’t know how or when or even why his little boy grew into this person he didn’t know. Kurt never spoke to him, or explained any of it to him. He just changed seemingly overnight. When Burt asked what the deal was with the piercings he didn’t get much of an answer, just an ‘I saved up my own money and this is what I wanted to do with it.’

“Yes, dad?” Kurt asked, sounding deeply irritated. His attitude only fueled his father’s anger more, but he refused to bring himself to care.

“What’s going on with you?” Burt questioned. If it wasn’t for Carole reminding her husband that Kurt was a teenager and most teenagers (if not all) went through rebellious phases like these, he’d probably leave Kurt in his room on punishment forever. Instead, he did what his wife suggested and let Kurt live it out until the phase was over. Only this was taking a lot longer than he’d hope, and they needed to speak about it all.

“I’m fine. I just want to go and see my friend.”

Kurt couldn’t deny there was a little bit of fear inside of him from seeing the anger in his father’s face. And then Burt asked what Kurt was expecting him to for a couple months.

“When are you two going to stop this nonsense?”

Kurt scoffed at the question. Maybe whenever the asses at his school got over their insuperable amount of ignorance? If that wasn’t going to happen, then he’d be a skank for as long as it took. “Dad, this is who I am now. You supported me when I came out, and I expect you to do the same now.”

His father sneered this time. “I supported you because I know who you are. You're gay Kurt, and I love you just as much as I’d love you if you weren’t. But this— none of this is you. The piercings, the horrible attitude, the cutting class that I’m getting phone calls about, none of it. So no, I don't have to support it. And if I get one more call Kurt Hummel, I promise you will be in a world of trouble.”

Kurt smirked and looked away. “K, dad. Don’t support me. Can I go now?”

Burt shook his head, finally moving his eyes away from his son. He picked his newspaper back up from the coffee table and responded. “You be back here at 10. You have school in the morning, and you will be in every class.”

Kurt turned around and headed to the door again, boots stomping against the hardwood floor as he went.


“So this is why you couldn’t come over?”

Quinn poked her head out from underneath the huge mountain of covers on her bed. Her annoyance to being woken up was displayed on her face as she realized her best friend was in her bedroom. “Ugh. Who let you in?”

“The key you gave me did, silly.” Kurt yanked the cover off of her, grinning at the wild bed head hair standing all over the place. “Wake up I’m miserable.”

Quinn rolled over and grabbed the covers back, sending her fellow skank a bitch glare. “I don’t want to wake up so that we can talk about Blaine having sex. I don’t care about Blaine having sex at all, to be perfectly honest. So goodnight.”

Kurt rolled his eyes and plopped down on the bed. “It’s like 7 o’clock. Why the fuck are you trying to sleep? And consider this payback for waking me up like a madwoman this morning.”

Quinn remained quiet, hopefully showing her disinterest in having any form of conversation. Kurt missed the memo.

“He knows, Quinnie. He knows that I’m a… virgin. He… I don’t know he just figured it out!”

He could hear his best friend snorting under the covers and frowned. It figured that she’d fucking laugh at him when Kurt felt like shit.

Quinn poked her head out again. “Did he offer his services?”

Kurt rolled his eyes even harder this time around, and the skank only laughed even more in response. “God, Quinn. He’s not a prostitute.”

“Sorry to hear that. Can I go back to sleep?”

“You know, Quinn,” Kurt began, obviously aggravated by his best friend’s lack of effort in helping him. “I was totally there for you when Noah slept with Rachel’s mom.”

“Can we not?” she asked, staring at the ceiling.

“He can tell everyone, Quinn. And just like that, everything I’ve worked for this year, this reputation… all gone. Just like that.”

Quinn sat up on the bed, finally pushing the covers away. She had enough of this nonsense from Kurt. For someone who claimed he wasn’t ready for sex, he had sure been stressing her out about sex as of late. 

Kurt watched the pink and blonde haired girl walk towards her bedroom door. He frowned as he began to pull off his vest. “Where are you going?”

“I have Ben & Jerry’s in the freezer.”

The door slammed behind her and Kurt played with his lip ring as he waited. It sucked that the person he teased ended up being more experienced than him, and also ended up finding out that he was a big fraud. It just sucked.

What probably sucked more was that Kurt found Blaine to be a little bit attractive. Just a little. And maybe a little funny too.

But he was still a nerdy dork dick face.

Kurt lay back on the bed as Quinn reentered her room. He didn’t look at her. He only stared at the posters on the girl’s wall as she began to speak.

“Ice cream?”

“No.” Kurt answered shortly, waving the spoon away.

“Fine, more for me.” She opened the top and put it aside. “So first I think you should get it out of your crazy little head that Blaine is going to run around telling everyone that you’re a virgin. It isn’t as extreme a deal you’re making it out to be, for one, and two, he actually likes you.”

Kurt turned his head to face her, a few stray pink strands falling onto his forehead. “What was that?”

The skank placed the spoon in her mouth and made some ridiculous face of approval over the ice cream. “Well when you were, I don’t know, ignoring him or whatever,” Quinn dug the spoon back in as she continued, “he’d always ask me where you were— if you were okay, things like that…. For some reason, he’s not intimidated by our whole skank mentality. He just comes up to me like that’s okay for some dorky kid to do.” Kurt listened intently, watching his friend go to town on her ice cream. She swallowed and resumed, “I don’t care though. I sorta like him too.”

Kurt turned back towards the wall of posters he was looking at. Blaine was probably checking up on him because they had the project to do. He probably didn’t think of Kurt as a friend or anything. After all, he didn’t treat him that nicely. Plus, Blaine more than likely had some gorgeous, smart, rich, private school boyfriend. Why would he care about skank Kurt?

“He wanted to hook me up with someone.” Kurt said aloud, not really aware the words were leaving his lips. Quinn smiled as a result, though.

“What’s the problem with that?”

“I don’t want that. You know I just don’t want some lay.”

“You’re such a sap.”

“I don’t care.”

Quinn took another scoop of the ice cream before handing it over. “Eat some of this. It’ll make you feel better. And turn on the television.”

Kurt took the ice cream and watched as his best friend got back underneath the covers. He grabbed the remote and put something on before taking a bite. She knew how much he loved strawberry and this was probably a ploy to get him to shut up.

“Are you going back to sleep?”



The bell rang and Kurt rolled his eyes at the shrill sound. It was too early for this nonsense. But his father found out about everything and the last thing he wanted was to get the man even more upset. He walked through the entrance of his second period class and headed towards the back. Blaine was already there with a wide smile and an adorable bowtie on. He could do without the sweater vest, but that didn’t take away from the fact that he looked really nice.

“Hi, Kurt!”

Even that voice did things to him. Kurt sighed and sat next to him. This wasn’t happening. He wasn’t crushing on Blaine Anderson. No.

“Hey, Blaine.”

The teacher began to speak and Blaine took a moment to take down notes. A couple minutes later, he glanced over to see Kurt staring down at his hand and wearing an unfamiliar look. Leaning a little closer, Blaine began to whisper.

“Are you still mad at me about that whole virgin—“


“olive oil thing?”  he smirked and Kurt looked like he wanted to kill him. “You know… when I spilled your virgin olive oil when we were cooking for home ec. class…”

Kurt glared at him and Blaine parted his lips into the most perfect smile he had ever seen.

This fucker.

“Leave me alone.”

Blaine frowned at Kurt’s tone. He looked around to make sure none of their classmates could hear, and that their teacher wouldn’t yell at them for disturbing the lesson.

“Are you mad at me?” he asked with genuine concern. When Blaine got home after their study session the previous day, he thought about the whole Kurt being a virgin situation. He wondered why he teased him when Kurt himself hadn’t had sex, but realized it was probably because of this whole badass façade he had going on. He wondered what it would take to show Kurt he didn’t have to be that guy around him. It probably wasn’t who he was anyway, but that was a whole different story. “I’m sorry.”

“Its fine,” Kurt answered shortly, watching Mr. Klein solve a problem on the board. “Shut up and pay attention.”

Kurt could see Blaine smile a little and face forward out the corner of his eyes. The boy went into full nerd mode, as if it were something he could turn on and off. He adjusted his glasses, participating and correcting the teacher, writing down everything, correcting the teacher some more, and finishing up homework due the next week. Kurt didn’t realize Blaine caught him staring until he heard the teen’s voice.

“So you should come by my house after school,” Blaine said with a smile. For once, Kurt looked like he might actually like him. For once there wasn’t a death glare on his face. But as soon as Blaine spoke, Kurt’s face changed a little. He went back to looking reserved. Blaine only continued. “This way you can’t kick me out and we can actually accomplish something.” Kurt rolled his eyes and stared down at his hands. “It’s Friday and there’s only two weeks left. I know nothing.”

“It’s your fault.”

Blaine was about to retort because how could any of this be his fault? But the bell rang, and he needed to move to his third period class.

“I’ll see you seventh if you come…” he threw his bag on and turned to look at Kurt who was still leant back in his chair. “Ha. If you come. Funny virgin jokes.”

Kurt scowled as Blaine literally skipped out of the classroom.

I fucking hate him.


When Blaine arrived to French class, Kurt was already at his desk with his head down. It was weird that he showed up to both classes, and on time at that, but it was cool having him there. Blaine liked hanging around the skank.

Kurt found it weird that he was allowed to keep his head down the whole lesson without any annoying taunts from his partner. The whole class had gone by and Blaine hadn’t said one thing to him. He must’ve seriously believed Kurt wouldn’t teach him anything because he was soaking in as much as he could.

When Madame Fournier assigned free time, Kurt finally sat up and looked at his partner. Blaine seemed to be rehearsing things in his head as he looked down at his notes.

“So you aren’t going to make fun of me?” Kurt asked quietly, waiting for the nerdy kid to answer. Blaine smirked, but paid him no attention otherwise.

Kurt pulled out his cell phone and began a conversation with the skanks. School was so boring and none of his classes could ever hold his attention. It was eight straight periods of this.

Blaine began to put his things away, garnering Kurt’s attention. “I have glee again so do you want to wait for me?”

The blue eyed teen looked annoyed. What in the hell did Kurt have against glee?

“Or I can pick you up from your house,” he recommended. “If you don’t want to stick around.”

Kurt shook his head no, typing out another message. “I’ll wait, Blaine.”

Blaine smiled and grabbed his bag. His lips looked amazing and probably tasted just as good—stop it Kurt.

“Okay. I’ll see you around.”

The bell rang as Kurt nodded, watching Blaine stand to his feet. “Yeah.”

Blaine went to the head of the room and spoke briefly with the teacher, and Kurt finally stood to leave out of the classroom’s back door. All he could think about was how much it sucked having a ridiculously good looking dork as a French partner.

It sucked.


“I’m so pumped for sectionals! I know it’s a few weeks away but, we are so going to kick butt!”

Blaine smiled as he walked the halls with a few of his club members. The meeting was over for the day. They rehearsed a few songs, and people were still really accepting of him. Mike even caught him up on a few dance moves. Everyone was wonderful.

“I can’t wait to see who we’re facing this year!” Mercedes said with a smile. She turned to Blaine with a contemplative look on her face, “What if we face the Warblers?”

Blaine grinned. “That would be awesome and suck at the same time. My boyfriend leads them now that I’m gone, but I wouldn’t mind kicking his ass.”

Mercedes and Tina smiled and Rachel only cast him a serious look. “Blaine Anderson, you better not be a spy. I’m just letting you know.”

“He’s not a spy, Berry.” Mercedes said, rolling her eyes.

“I’m not,” he echoed with a grin. “Scouts honor.”

“So, Blaine,” Tina started, “do you want to hang out with us? We’re heading to the mall with Sam, Finn, and Mike.”

Blaine smiled. That sounded amazing, and it was awesome that he was getting invited out with people. He didn’t think he’d be accepted here so fast. But he did want to see Kurt.

I mean, I need to see Kurt for this project… yeah, we need to see each other. It’s not that I want to, I have to. Yeah. Blaine shook his head.

He wanted to see him, too.

“Erm, thanks for the invite. I’d love to but I need to get this project done for French class.”

The girls frowned. “C’mon… homework on a Friday? Can’t you put it off?”

They reached his locker and the dark haired teen smiled with a sad shake of the head. “We’ve been putting it off for too long, actually. Maybe next time, ladies.”

“Definitely next time,” Mercedes said with a smile. “Enjoy your weekend!”

They all said goodbye and headed off. Blaine smiled, waving at them. He got a couple things from the locker and packed it into his bag. Once he closed it, a few guys in football jerseys approached.

“What do we have here?” One asked, smiling a little mischievously at Blaine. He gulped as the other guy, even taller than the first responded.

“New transfer student. I heard he signed on board with the glee club, too.”

“Pathetic,” a third one answered. They surrounded Blaine by the lockers and gave him a couple once overs. The boy, feeling incredibly uncomfortable, wished that he would’ve left with the girls.

“Can I … I’m going to go.” Blaine stood up straight and fixed his glasses; his head down as he tried to walk through the group of jocks.

Surprisingly, they let him through. Blaine wasted no time speeding towards the exit of the building, stumbling over untied laces along the way.

“Bring a change of clothes Monday!” one shouted, his friends laughing behind him. Blaine felt uneasy and suddenly all of the memories of why he left public school came flooding back to him.

After a few more paces, he was outside. A cloud of smoke met him and he immediately began to cough.

“Lover boy is here,” Quinn said, dropping her cigarette and stepping it out. Kurt ignored the coughing and watched the smoke leaving his lips instead.

“I hear.”

Blaine waved the smoke away and with a few more coughs, stepped past the school steps Kurt sat on. When he was at ground level, he said hello.

Both Kurt and Quinn noticed something was off with his greeting. Usually, Blaine was chipper and excited for what seemed to be no reason, but that enthusiasm seemed to lack this time around.

“Hey, Blaine,” Quinn responded shortly, looking at Kurt instead.

Kurt put his cigarette out and stood up, saying goodbye to his friends. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

He looked to Blaine and started walking off, and the shorter teen followed quietly behind him.

Eventually, Blaine pointed out his car and unlocked it. Kurt sat in the passenger side and slammed the door behind him, watching an uncharacteristically quiet Blaine get settled into the driver’s seat. The nerdy kid switched his glasses to ones with square frames before putting the key in the ignition. A few jocks walked past and Blaine stared at them with what Kurt thought to be anxiety, but a few seconds later he was backing out of the parking lot.

“Did they bother you?” Kurt asked; his voice was fastened with concern.

Blaine looked at Kurt briefly before putting his eyes back on the road. “It wasn’t the nicest of introductions I’ve ever experienced.”

Kurt nodded; taking note of the faces he saw—Karofsky, Azimio, Paul—he’d deal with them on Monday. “Don’t worry about them. I’ll take care of it, okay?” 

“Don’t, Kurt, those guys—“

“Don’t worry about them.” Kurt repeated with finality. He poked his tongue out to play with the piercing on his lip as he looked out the window, and Blaine only paid attention to his navigating.

They were both quiet for a while. Blaine tried his best ‘not to worry about them’ as Kurt told him to, but how could he not? His first week was going so well and then they happened to show up.

“Qu'avez-vous appris en classe aujourd'hui?”

Blaine’s foot found the brake pedal at a stop sign and he turned to look at his partner, a smile on his face. “What was that?”

Kurt rolled his eyes but grinned in return. “I asked what you learned in class today, Anderson.”

Blaine smiled. “Um… let’s see. Madame Fournier talked about how to say the weather and things like that.”

Kurt smiled. “How do you say ‘it’s cloudy’?”

Blaine thought for a while, a smile playing at his lips. Kurt felt happy that his friend wasn’t thinking about those assholes. They were friends, right?

Boulettes de viande?”

Kurt started laughing as Blaine indicated and turned left. He caught a sight of happy Kurt, his eyes closed as he laughed and those beautiful hands clutching at his belly. His laugh sounded so… beautiful. Like him.

“What?” Blaine asked with a grin. “I didn’t get it right?”

Kurt caught his breath and wiped a tear from his eyes. “You said ‘meatballs’, Blaine.”

Blaine bit his lip at the smile Kurt wore and shrugged. “That was beautiful.”

“What?” the skank asked, lifting his eyebrow.

“Your laugh. You should do that whole laughing thing more often.”

Kurt turned to see if the nerdy teen was joking as he so often did with him, but Blaine only gave him a soft smile. It did things to his heart, Blaine’s smile. But he shook his head and looked away, gulping lightly.

“I’m serious.”

Kurt remained quiet yet again.

They pulled up to Blaine’s house and Kurt observed it with wide eyes.

“Wow. Nice place.”

Blaine shrugged, pulling his keys out of the ignition. “It’s okay. I liked yours more, to be perfectly honest. Let’s go inside.”


They got up to Blaine’s room after grabbing a couple bottles of water out of the fridge. Kurt liked Blaine’s room. It had vintage posters, tons of books (many of which he had, but also many novels he wouldn’t mind owning) little collectible items like playbills and scripts that old Kurt would literally kill for, and even some memorabilia from what he assumed was Dalton.

“You were on the soccer team at your old school?”

Blaine looked up from his books and nodded with a proud smile. “Yeah, I’m pretty good. I was also on the fencing team, and did a little swimming. That’s why my body is so delectable.”

Kurt scoffed and looked away, though he agreed with that sentiment completely. Blaine laughed and feigned hurt.

“You know you like my body, Kurt.”

“In your dreams, dweeb.”

Blaine smiled. “Come on. Let’s study.”

Kurt put the photo frame of Blaine with the soccer team down and went over to the bed. His partner had already placed everything out.

“So I was thinking I’d tutor you first.” The pink haired teen opened their books to the very front. “I’m glad you got the alphabet down pat.” he teased, not missing the way Blaine smiled at him, “So now, we use those sounds to form words and do some conjugations.”

“Bien.” Blaine spoke clearly. Kurt seemed impressed.

“Wow. Very good.”

They both laughed and Kurt began the lesson.

Kurt spent the next forty minutes or so laughing. Blaine turned out to be hilarious. At first, it was because of how horrible he was with French, but eventually he got the hang of what he was being taught. After that, he was just being his nerdy self—goofing off, claiming he knew more of the language than Kurt did. Proceeding to engage in conversation but saying things like “The kitten is 37 pickles computer” when he was supposed to say things like “The girl has brown hair”. When he asked Kurt how to say ‘bowties’ the skank rolled his eyes, but told him anyway.

“Noeuds papillon.”

Blaine nodded. “I see. Noeuds papillon.”

“Bien.” Kurt replied, laying back on the bed. His t-shirt raised a little as he stretched and Blaine licked his lips as his eyes landed on the skin there.

“So,” Kurt said, bringing him back down to earth, “now that that’s done and we got all the giggles out, we should actually try and begin the actual paper. Madagascar, right?”

Blaine nodded, his eyes finding Kurt’s face instead. “Yes. Madagascar.”

Kurt continued to stare at the ceiling. “I was thinking that first, we do it in English, and try our best to translate as we go. What do you think?” he turned to Blaine and found the hazel eyed teen staring at him intensely. Kurt felt his skin heating up in result.

“That sounds good,” Blaine responded, holding his gaze. After a minute, they looked away, and Blaine continued. “I-I can… I can um— do that part, and we can translate it together afterwards.”

“Sure?” Kurt asked, sitting up and looking at his hands in attempt to not look at Blaine.

“Yeah,” he said, “I mean it would only be fair. You’re doing pretty much everything else, including tutoring me.”

The skanks shrugged as an answer, fingers raking through his colorful hair. “So should I leave?”

“Stay!” Blaine automatically cursed himself for the exclamation, but only resumed. “I want to talk.”

He grabbed his pen and notepad, leaning back on his bed. Kurt turned around to face him again, watching his partner undo his bowtie and pull off his sweater vest. He was left in an oh-so-tight short sleeved button up that hugged his chest and arm muscles, and Kurt tried not to drool as he stared. Blaine pushed his glasses up his nose before tossing the clothes over to his computer chair.

“W-What about?” Kurt stuttered out.

“Erm…” Blaine smiled, looking at his notebook briefly before meeting the blue eyes across from him. “I know you want me to back off and everything, but—“

“I do.” Kurt confirmed seriously. He was hoping the whole virginity thing would be over with.

“But,” Blaine continued, “I think I know someone you’d like. We could double date tomorrow if you want… he’s pretty hot and everything…”

That sounded terrible. A double date with the nerd he was crushing on and some guy who would probably drop innuendos at every given opportunity. Oh… and Blaine’s boyfriend. That sounded terrible.


“No pressure if you don’t want to,” Blaine said with a soft smile. “I just figured you were probably waiting for a reason, like the right person. And he’s a Daryl type of guy—you know—the ones you’re in to. Tall, nice smile, all of that…”

Kurt regretted saying anything about Daryl. Blaine loved bringing him up. “I don’t know, Blaine.”

“Well think about it,” the teen suggested with a smile.

Kurt nodded. He didn’t think he would but he nodded anyway. “I need to get home. We have dinner Friday nights at my house.”

“Can I give you my number?” Blaine asked hopefully. He wasn’t sure why he was so hopeful. Kurt was just his friend and everything.


They exchanged numbers and Blaine ended up walking Kurt to the door. “You sure you don’t want a ride?”

Kurt shook his head. “Quinn is on the next block, I’ll get her to take me. So umm…”

“So yeah,” Blaine said, looking around his house nervously for whatever reason, “you can call or text if you want.”

“Ok.” Kurt said. “I’ll um... I’ll let you know then.”

Blaine nodded. “Sounds good…” he trailed off for a moment, looking at his hands. “We should hug goodbye. I hug my friends and I consider you a friend.”

Kurt nodded too. “Ok.”

Holy hell. Kurt felt like melting in this boy’s arms. Blaine smelt amazing, like some expensive fragrance, and don’t get him started on how amazing it felt to be in his arms. He felt Blaine drawing him a little closer and tightened his arms as well. This went on for a few more seconds before Blaine pulled away, licking his lips awkwardly looking elsewhere.

“So um… text me when you get in. I’m gonna work on the paper.”

“Sure… sure.” Kurt said, awkwardly waving and backing up. “I’ll text you. Later.”

“Later,” Blaine said with a smile, finally looking at his partner. They both smiled and he headed out the door.

Blaine watched him walk away and sighed heavily. It was like everything he thought was confirmed. He was getting to know Kurt Kurt, not the Kurt everyone else knew. And was it weird that he missed having the skank in his arms? His phone started to ring and his boyfriend’s name and picture flashed across the screen. Blaine frowned.

It was probably weird, yes.



Kurt shook his head no. “I’m good.”

“Really?” Quinn asked. Kurt smiled but nodded.


“Did you get laid? Blaine finally let you have it, huh?”

“No, whore.”

Quinn nudged him away with a grin as they continued to walk. “Well something happened.”

“Nothing happened.” Kurt lied. That hug happened. “He did however ask me to join in on a double date with a friend from Dalton and his boyfriend. He said he knew ‘just the guy’, so it kind of makes me wonder if he’s some sort of virgin deflower-er or some shit.”

“Just what you need.” Quinn said, sucking in smoke.

“You aren’t helping.”

“What am I supposed to help with? Don’t you want to go on a date? Meet the right guy? Fall in love, all of that nonsense.”

Kurt nodded. “I don’t consider that nonsense.”

“Yeah,” she smiled. “So what’s the problem? Go on the date and maybe all of that will happen.”

Kurt considered it. “Maybe it will.”


Kurt lay down for bed after a nice shower. He rolled over and reached for his cell phone. After thinking about it the whole walk home with Quinn, and during the dinner with Finn and his parents, ignoring the stares from his father, he decided he’d do it. Why not, right? Even if it was just an excuse to see Blaine and finally see what this Gregory guy Blaine was with looked like. And maybe, just maybe, whoever his date was would turn out to be a nice guy, and not scum.


Hey –Kurt

HI! :) I was about to text you. What’s up? –Blaine

I just wanted to let you know that I’d do it. –Kurt


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Aaawww how cute!

woah, let's just say i defintely wasn't expecting kurt to be the virgin! i love it though.

woah, let's just say i defintely wasn't expecting kurt to be the virgin! i love it though.