Nov. 3, 2012, 12:37 p.m.
Nov. 3, 2012, 12:37 p.m.
Chapter 11
“Okay, go.”
“I went. I castled my King.”
Quinn looked down at the board as Blaine gave her a cheeky smirk. He pointed to the move he made, urging the girl to make her own. “You may as well hurry up and get this loss over with. I never lose.”
The girl studied the board carefully, blowing at a few pink strands that hung in front of her face. “I don’t lose, lover boy. Wasn’t your pawn at d4?”
Blaine sat back in his seat, giving the skank an amused stare. “Are you accusing me of cheating, Fabray?”
“I don’t recall that piece being there before I took my phone call, Anderson.”
“Babe,” Blaine turned back to Kurt who lay on his bed, totally disinterested in the chess game Blaine and Quinn had going, “tell her I didn’t cheat. I’d never.”
“That’d be the only way you win,” Quinn smirked as she locked eyes with a hazel pair across from her, all before reaching for the pack of cigarettes inside her jean jacket. “Come clean. Admit you play dirty.”
“You both are sooooo boring,” Kurt sat up on the bed, his remote pointed at the television. Blaine smiled at him before looking down at the pieces.
“He loves us.”
“I know,” Quinn chimed, “now, let’s see what we have here.” She moved her bishop diagonally into the fifth rank and glanced back at her opponent. Blaine studied the move and smiled.
“Has this worked on someone else before or do you really think I suck at this?”
“I really think you suck,” she stuck a cigarette behind her ear and smiled. “At least I hope you suck. My best friend would appreciate that—“
Blaine smiled as Kurt threw about four pillows at the girl. Quinn dodged the last two, using one as a shield and laughing at Kurt’s blush. “What? I’m looking out for your best interest! Shit.”
Kurt sighed and crashed against the bed, flopping so hard the bed creaked. “Everyone out. Get out of my room.”
Blaine licked his lips and turned to Quinn. Kurt kicking him out wasn’t something new. “Let’s call this a stalemate, huh?”
She nodded, standing up and grabbing her leather jacket. “I’ll kick your ass some other time, lover boy. Bye Kurtie.”
Kurt stuck up his middle finger as the girl traipsed up the stairs, lighting a cigarette along the way. He rolled his eyes when Blaine’s weight sank down on the mattress beside him.
“I’m pretty sure I asked everyone to leave.” Kurt reminded him, at least he tried. It came out a jumbled mess because his face was pressed into the bed.
“Do you really want me to go?” Blaine’s hand rubbed soothingly at the skin of Kurt’s lower back as he asked. He lifted up the boy’s checkered shirt slightly, letting his fingers tease along his midriff.
That was a feeling Kurt could get used to. He closed his eyes and bit his lip, breathing becoming a bit shallow after his boyfriend rubbed over his sides. Blaine added another hand and massaged at Kurt’s lower back. Eventually the boy moaned and Blaine sighed at the beautiful sound, pressing a little further.
“Can I stay? Please?”
Kurt nodded a yes, though he remained in his position. After another minute of feeling amazing and having Blaine’s fingers tease along his spine, Kurt groaned when it all suddenly stopped. He felt the bed shift as there was movement behind him, and whipped his body around to see what happened. Blaine didn’t seem as affected as he did. “Why’d you stop?”
The nerd smiled as he put his glasses on the nightstand. “I need a nap before you tutor me in francês. I work better on a good bit of rest.”
Kurt rolled his eyes as he climbed to the spot on the bed that Blaine was resting. “You mean to tell me you can spend 40 minutes playing stupid chess with Quinnie, but when I want a little attention you go to sleep?”
Blaine smirked, stretching his arms behind his head. “It’s your fault for keeping me up last night, baby. I’m a mess without my 8 hours. Just a quick rest and I’ll be goo—”
“How exactly did I keep you up?” Kurt was knelt beside the boy’s body, giving him a rather curious look. “I’m sure that I was asleep last night.” The words were followed by a loud laugh when Blaine pulled him down. Blaine smiled at the weight against his chest as Kurt lay there laughing, their noses brushing together softly. After a minute of smiling and looking into each other’s eyes, Blaine finally leant up and connected his lips with Kurt’s. They both relaxed into it and Blaine hummed when smooth hands ran through his hair. His own hands trailed down to Kurt’s waist and held him closely, allowing his boyfriend to dominate each and every kiss. One long one turned into tens of little ones where Kurt sucked on his lower lip, which then turned into another long one where tongues ran smoothly over each other. When Kurt pulled back for air, Blaine gasped as well, letting his head collapse against the pillows. They smiled and he resumed.
“Let’s just say I had a little bit of fun with the picture you sent me before bed. I had a lot of fun, actually.” Blaine adjusted his head against the pillow and looked a flirty Kurt in the eyes. “I didn’t sleep until about 4 in the morning. And because of it, I was off my game at school. Did you hear me answer that question incorrectly in Klein’s class?”
Kurt bit his lip playfully as he nodded. “Yes babe, but c’mon. Everyone slips up on a formula every now and again.”
“Not me, gumdrop.”
“And to be fair,” Kurt continued, cutting the boy off, “you begged me to send you that picture. I don’t even see the big deal, to be honest.”
Blaine smiled as his hands trailed lower, rather suggestively over Kurt’s ass. “I got a bad case of carpal tunnel during the third round.”
“Oh, dear god,” Kurt rolled his eyes but blushed terribly, rolling his body off of Blaine. His boyfriend laughed, undoing his bowtie as he watched. “You’re nasty.” Kurt added. He grabbed his books and tossed them in front of him. “Take your nap and I’ll do my work in the meantime.”
“Can we make out a little more?” Blaine asked with a smile, pinching Kurt on his butt. He frowned when the boy pushed his hand away.
“Not until we’re done with everything.”
Kurt winked at him and Blaine smiled for a few moments, watching the boy as he delved into his homework. He knew he had it bad when even watching Kurt read from his history textbook turned him into a sappy puppy, but this was where he wanted to be. After thinking about how in love he was and how much it’d probably creep Kurt out, the teen eventually rolled over and tried to get a few minutes of sleep.
Kurt spent the next half hour becoming frustrated with his history assignment (something he intended to make his boyfriend tell him all the answers to when sleeping beauty finally woke up) and instead deciding to work on his English essay, knocking that out quickly. Next, he proceeded to do the math homework he had for Klein. Math wasn’t necessarily Kurt’s favorite but he could get it done. However, his phone ringing distracted him from that. Sighing, he reached over and grabbed it, eyes going wide at the name flashing across his caller ID. Blaine tossed in the bed at the noise of the ringtone but didn’t fully wake up.
“What do you want?”
“I want you. Are you free?”
“Fuck off, Sebastian.”
The boy laughed on the other end before continuing. “Whatever, Kurt. Are you alone right now?”
“I’m hanging up.”
“If you and the traitor aren’t busy tomorrow night, the Warblers have an invitation for you and the other losers in your geek club. Hear me out for a minute.”
Kurt glanced over to his boyfriend whose eyes were blinking open. He didn’t feel like entertaining Greg, Sebastian, or any of the other jackasses at Dalton. Let’s be honest, that’s exactly what they were for their behavior when they came to McKinley. And having Blaine around them was definitely out of the question.
“We’ll pass, but your ass is definitely ours at sectionals. Tell Greg I said hey, will ya?”
Blaine sat up at the mention of sectionals and his ex’s name and looked to see what Kurt was on about. He saw the boy on the phone, a tense expression on his face, and moved closer. “Who’s on the phone babe?”
“Is that Blainers? Let me speak to my old buddy!”
Kurt ignored him and pulled the phone away from his ear. “It’s Sebastian, but it’s fine, hon. Go back to sleep.”
“Gimme the phone.” Blaine held his hand out and gave Kurt a serious look, accepting it when his boyfriend finally relented. He dangled his legs over the edge of the bed and held it to his ear. Kurt took a breath and watched carefully.
“Don’t call my boyfriend’s phone, Bas.”
“Blaine. I kinda miss you bro.”
Blaine sighed, pushing a few of Kurt’s books out of the way. He looked at the worried, partly annoyed expression the blue eyed boy beside him wore and took him by the hand. “I’m serious.”
“I am too, Blaine. Listen, your short tempered boyfriend didn’t want to hear me out. Let’s make this right… we can go into sectionals professionally. Maturely. What do you say?”
Kurt rubbed his hand, waiting for the conversation to continue. Blaine looked down at their fingers laced together and resumed. “What is it that you want?”
“We’re going bowling tomorrow night. If you’re down for a bit of a road trip, this spot on the outside of Westerville has glow in the dark bowling tomorrow night—oh wait... I’m talking to you like you’re a tourist. You know the place. It’s where you and Greg went on your second date.”
“Bas.” Blaine warned, annoyed with the short conversation already. Sebastian laughed cheekily into his ear.
“Anyway, a few of the warblers and I were wondering if your New Directions would be up for a couple rounds of 10 pin. It’s just a friendly gathering, nothing crazy. I’d like to put all the bullshit behind me, Blaine. I’d like to forget how you broke my best friend’s heart and took a guy you knew I was interested in in the process. We should say fuck it, you know?”
Blaine shook his head. “I’m not stupid. If I think I smell a rat it’s usually because I smell a fucking rat, Sebastian. And I don’t want my friends around you guys.”
“So I just invited the Finn dude on Facebook. He and the Spanish chick that kicked David in the nuts said they’d love to kick our asses in a little bowling,” he laughed and Blaine closed his eyes in exasperation, “so I’ll see you tomorrow night, kid. Tell Kurt I said goodbye.”
The phone call ended and Blaine shook his head once again. He handed his boyfriend the iPhone and crashed back on the bed. Kurt frowned, placing it down on the table beside him before lying down next to him.
“What happened?”
Blaine automatically grabbed his boyfriend close. He let Kurt get comfortable against his body and gave an answer. “We’re going bowling tomorrow night, apparently.”
Kurt raised an eyebrow before sighing into Blaine’s chest. “What?”
“Sebastian invited the New Directions to bowl somewhere near Westerville tomorrow. He says they want to let bygones be bygones. I think we should all settle this at sectionals and be done with this, but—“
“I agree.” Kurt cut in.
Blaine kissed him in the hair, “But, good ol’ Finn and Santana already accepted the challenge on our behalf.”
Kurt shook his head in defeat. He pulled away after a minute and sat back up, shrugging out of Blaine’s grasp and continuing the math homework he’d been previously working on. Blaine sighed and moved his body a little closer. When Kurt made no move to pay him any mind, Blaine pulled the neck of his shirt down around the shoulder and placed a gentle kiss there.
“Do you want to relax for a few more minutes while I get my work done?” the boy asked. Blaine frowned because he sounded really aggravated by all of this.
“I can’t really relax after this nonsense, babe.”
Kurt nodded. “Yeah, I guess.”
“You should relax, though.” Blaine placed a hand on his boyfriend’s thigh as he kissed him softly on the shoulder again. The brunette shrugged, looking down at his work. He continued to do his math problems, applying different formulas where needed. Blaine watched him for a while, knowing that he should probably start on his as well, but he was never really able to focus around Kurt. Learning French had been a struggle because at first they’d be too busy joking around, or ignoring each other… but now it was all lips on lips, hands trailing along skin, sounds that sounded just like—
“Yes, Blaine…”
Like that.
Blaine stroked Kurt through the thin pants he wore as he watched him drop his pen and throw his head back. “Lie down for a minute.” he whispered.
A couple knocks sounded at the door and Blaine pulled his hand back. Kurt sat back on the bed and asked who it was. The sounds of horses participating in a derby entered the room as Finn and Sam jogged down the steps into the basement. Blaine rolled his eyes and Kurt glared daggers at the two seniors.
“I asked who it was. I didn’t say come in.”
“Dude, we’re totally kicking Dalton’s asses tomorrow night.”
Sam smiled at Finn’s words. “You two coming right? I can’t wait to see their faces when we bowl them under a bus!”
“We’re gonna pass,” Blaine told them seriously. Kurt turned to look at him with a confused face.
“We are?” He thought that Blaine consented to all of this after Finn and Santana basically said yes.
Blaine reached for his glasses and put them on with a nod. “I don’t want to be anywhere near them, to be perfectly honest. I definitely don’t want them near you.”
Finn tossed a couple pillows onto his stepbrother’s bed and took a seat on the couch. “It’s cool. We’ll kick ass on you guys’ behalf.”
“Or,” Kurt contributed, “we go too.” Blaine shot him a look and he returned it. “I don’t want to let our friends go hours away to have the Warblers play dirty.”
“Or, we can all not go. That’s a thought, too.” Blaine added, glancing up to Sam who didn’t like that idea of staying home on a Friday night. It was obvious he and Finn wanted to go bowling.
“I’m seriously trying to kick some ass, Blaine. Do not pussy out.”
“And the whole club has already figured out the driving arrangements.” Finn told them, “I’m taking Rachel, Sam, Mercedes, Artie, Mike and Tina in Burt’s truck, and Puck has Santana, Brittany, and the new Sugar chick. He specifically asked to take girls only.” Sam smirked as Kurt rolled his eyes. “You two can fit in his Tahoe if you want.”
Blaine lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. This was too much, and it was exactly what he warned Kurt about a few days before. He didn’t want Greg and Sebastian to have any more involvement in their relationship than they already did, but going to a bowling alley to mingle with them would let it be exactly what would happen.
“We’ll think about it.” was all that Kurt said, staring at the two and hoping they’d get the hint. Sam did, and nodded, waving a goodbye.
“I hope it’s a yes.” He climbed the steps and waited for Finn. “Let’s go, bro.”
Finn sighed and stood up. “You know Burt won’t let Rachel in my room?”
“Oh yeah,” Kurt asked, feigning interest. “That stinks.”
“I know.”
Blaine shook his head as the towering boy finally left. The door closed softly after them as Kurt lay beside him.
“What are you so worried about, dweeb?”
“Gregory, I guess. Sebastian’s a dummy but somehow I know he’s still my friend. Despite how dirty I did him for pursuing you. But Greg,” Blaine paused for a moment and Kurt laced their fingers together as he waited, “Greg is ruthless. He’s always been able to get to me… he’s always known how to push my buttons. Messing with you is the most obvious way to do that now. “
“You’re acting like he’s a serial killer, Blaine. What can he possibly do to mess with me?”
“What did he do the first time?” Blaine turned to his boyfriend and gave him a rather obvious look. He watched Kurt realize that much was true, Greg had messed them up pretty badly before they had even began. But that was then.
“I’m smarter now.”
“You’re beautiful, Kurt. I’m crazy about you. I do not trust him.”
“We’ll be fine.”
The silence that filled the room after Kurt’s last words was one with finality. Blaine took a deep breath but acknowledged that he needed to trust Kurt as well. He still had some bad boy in him. He’d handle himself. As much as he didn’t like the idea, he knew they’d be stronger in the end.
“Okay, babe. Let’s kiss now.”
Kurt started laughing, completely oblivious to the odd look it garnered from the nerdy boy next to him. When he stopped, he turned to Blaine and a few giggles slipped out again. He got another look but ignored it, pushing the boy’s glasses up the bridge of his nose.
“What’s up with you?” Blaine questioned with a smirk, biting his lip and rolling on top of his boyfriend. “I don’t get the joke.”
“You’re totally gonna be the angry sex type, aren’t you?” Blaine’s eyebrows shot up to his hair line and Kurt grinned as he continued, “You just finished our little disagreement by asking to make out. What happens when we go further?”
Blaine smirked as he thought about it. “Angry sex does sound nice.”
“I bet it does.” He laughed as Blaine pressed their bodies together and kissed him.
“So what time are we leaving tonight? That douche hole Sebastian said they’d be there at 10.” Puck came in the choir room and sat down next Brittany, waiting patiently for an answer. Everyone looked to Blaine and the boy shrugged, really not wanting to have to talk about the Warblers again. They’d brought them up at lunch and in gym, and now in glee club. This was too much.
Kurt smiled at him softly before facing the group. He knew how exhausted Blaine was because of the topic. “We have dinner tonight with our families, but we should be done by 8.Everyone should be good to go by then, right?”
“Awww,” Tina smiled as she looked at the couple, “your parents are meeting? That is so awesome.”
“You two are moving fast. Next thing you know there’ll be little Hummels walking around.” Puck shook his head and looked away as Blaine smiled, wrapping an arm around Kurt’s chair. “Anyway, 8 sound good guys?”
Everyone nodded as Mr. Schue entered the room. “Booty Camp time! Let’s go.”
The club groaned, all except for Mike, but eventually stood and went to their positions. Blaine spent the next hour switching his focus from Kurt’s hips swaying as he shimmied, to Finn sweating and doing something that resembled ‘the sprinkler’, back to Kurt. He knew that with their talent and their moves they’d be able to take his old glee club. That was seriously something Blaine could not wait for.
After Booty Camp was over, Blaine walked hand in hand with his boyfriend to their cars. He smiled when Kurt stopped and leant against his vehicle, giving him a look he couldn’t quite read.
“What’s on your mind, handsome?”
Kurt bit his lip and pulled the boy closer to him by the pea coat he wore. “I’m just making sure you’re fine. I won’t be happy unless you are.”
Blaine smiled some more and placed their foreheads together, playing at his boyfriend’s scarf. “I’m great. So you can be great, okay?”
Kurt nodded and eventually smiled too when Blaine wrapped his arms around him. “So, I’ll see you at dinner tonight. I miss you already.”
Blaine tilted his head and leant in for a kiss. When Kurt parted his lips, he wasted no time giving the gorgeous teen what he wanted.
“Get a room,” Santana screamed from somewhere in the parking lot. Blaine pulled back with a smirk; eyes still locked on Kurt as the blue eyed teen rolled his eyes at her.
“They make me remember the perks of being a skank.”
Blaine laughed lightly, leaning in to kiss him again. “I’m going home to get ready. See you in a couple hours, Kurt.”
Kurt nodded, kissing him again. “See you soon, baby.” Blaine waited for Kurt to get into his car and pull out before walking over to his own. He waved goodbye to the Homeless Brett guy that walked past and unlocked his door.
“Fix your bowtie, sweetie.”
Blaine rolled his eyes as his mother hovered over him. He cleaned the lenses of his glasses and put them on, all before looking over his outfit in the mirror. “My bowtie is perfect, mom.”
“Nonsense,” the shorter woman stood beside him and grabbed her son by the shoulders, “now come on, let me see.”
“Leave the boy alone, Sandra,” Blaine’s father Michael entered the living room and smoothed back his gelled hair, peeking in the mirror over his son’s head, “He looks good like his old man.”
Blaine tuned out as his parents bickered some more. While highly annoying at times, he loved them to death, and they loved him back. They also loved each other, which was important as well, especially after being married for 20 years. “Are you two going to embarrass me tonight?” he asked.
His mom slapped him on the shoulder while Michael laughed, hazel eyes shining brightly. “What other reason would we be going?” the man countered. Blaine made a face of disapproval.
“Now, Michael doesn’t pester our son. Blaine, we will both be on our best behavior.” she proudly told him, “Isn’t that right, Michael?”
The man nodded and pulled on a sweater. “I’m only behaving if he’s nothing like that ex-boyfriend of yours, because if he is, I’m not having it.”
Blaine smiled as his mother finally finished whatever she was doing to his clothes. He couldn’t help but shake his head because when the tiny woman was done, he looked the exact same way. “Kurt is nothing like Greg. I promise.”
It was weird that Greg thought the world of Blaine’s parents, but the two, especially his dad, didn’t really approve of him. The man claimed to have the ability to ‘read people like a book’ and Blaine hated how he was always right about his instincts. Hopefully, his thoughts on Kurt wouldn’t be bad.
“That’s good to hear.” Michael Anderson turned around to grab his coat. “How about we go meet these Hummels?”
Blaine nodded, following behind him and smiling as his dad helped his mom into her jacket. “Let’s go meet the Hummels.”
Since the past year and a half of becoming a Hummel, Carole could honestly say she’d never seen her stepson so antsy. As the woman tried to maneuver around the kitchen, Kurt was there asking to help and trying to do way more than needed to be done. It was when he checked on the pot roast for the umpteenth time that the woman finally turned to face the boy, oven mittens and all.
“Kurt, sweetheart,” she smiled when the blue eyed teen gave her his complete attention, “can you please relax?”
Kurt took a deep breath and looked back at the potatoes boiling on the stove. “I am really anxious. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been this nervous.”
“You have no reason to be any of those things.” Carole gave an encouraging smile before moving to the counter to finish preparing the salad. She smiled back at her stepson when he gave an objecting scoff at her words.
“No reason to be? These are his parents! What if they hate me?”
“Go cover up those hickeys and you’ll be fine.”
Kurt turned back at the sound of his father’s voice. Burt stood there giving him a sly look before his son huffed off and went downstairs to the basement. The man shook his head and looked to his wife, who was giving that reprimanding look she’d become so good at.
“Leave the boy alone, Burt. He had no hickeys.”
“Yet he still went to go cover them up,” Burt stepped further into the kitchen, looking at what his wife had been preparing, “that alone tells us what he and Blaine do when we aren’t home.”
“I’m sure you were no angel at 18 either, honey.” She smiled knowingly at her husband. Burt rolled his eyes and approached.
“You’re an angel, though. So can I help?”
“I’d rather you not.”
Carole smiled into the kiss Burt planted on her cheek. “I’m almost finished anyway. Is the table set?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“And Finn and Sam aren’t here to eat the dinner before we serve it, right?”
Burt laughed. “They’re at Puck’s.”
His wife nodded as she finished mashing the potatoes. “Perfect.”
A few minutes later, both parents could hear the sound of Kurt running up the steps. His door swung open and the boy pulled at the edges of his vest, a semi horrified look on his face. “They’re here!”
Burt stepped out of the kitchen and went to follow him. “Calm down so we can open the door like normal people and invite them in.”
“Don’t— dad, please don’t embarrass me.”
The man put both hands in his pocket mocking offense. “Did Carole get this talk?”
“I trust Carole,” Kurt replied, turning again to walk to the door. Burt shook his head at the ‘ha’ that came from his wife and made way to follow.
Kurt pulled the mahogany door open with a nervous smile. It quickly went away when he saw his boyfriend as dapper as ever, standing in the doorway. He looked incredible, Kurt thought. The boy had on a grey newsboy cap that matched his scarf, and underneath the pea coat he wore, Kurt could see a bow tie and suspenders over a tight, yummy button up. He tried not to let his eyes trail down to Blaine’s jeans but they went there. The dark denim was tight and perfect. And those were definitely suede leather wingtip shoes.
After his father nudged him in the back, Kurt looked back up and smiled. “Hi!”
Blaine’s cheery parents smiled and returned a hello, but the teen had been too busy sexing Kurt with his eyes to listen to any other conversation. Why would he choose the night that they’d be around their parents to wear the tight as all hell Burberry Brit jeans they got while shopping the other day after school? And the thigh high boots? Kurt knew what those boots did to him. Blaine gulped and let his eyes come up to his boyfriend’s chest, which had to be a horrible decision altogether. Kurt’s pale blue shirt was hugging his chest and arms, and the vest he wore over it was just as tight. His tie was striped green and blue and that did something to make his eye color pop out even more so. Blaine liked it. He also liked the exposed neck tattoo he spent so many hours running his tongue over. As Burt invited everyone in, Blaine snapped out of his trance and caught eyes with Kurt who had been smirking at him. His parents ushered him inside and he took a step forward, following behind his boyfriend whose ass was just out of this world. Those jeans.
Kurt turned back after the door was closed and gave the family a warm smile. “This is my father, Burt Hummel, and as you’ve probably guessed I’m Kurt.”
Sandra took Kurt’s hand with a smile, and then Burt’s. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both. I’ve heard such wonderful things.” Michael shook their hands next and added to his wife’s sentiment. “Blaine can’t stop gushing about you, Kurt.”
Blaine smiled at his boyfriend’s blush and allowed Burt to take all of their coats and things. “Burt, Kurt, this is my father Michael Anderson, and my mom Sandra. I may’ve said a couple things.” he told his boyfriend afterwards.
“I’m just happy that they’re good things,” Kurt said bashfully. “It’s a pleasure to have you here.”
Burt smiled and motioned towards the living room. “I’m happy you all could make it. Dinner is just about ready if you’d like to have a seat.”
“That’d be great,” Michael began to follow after the man as his wife smiled at Kurt in passing. “You all have a wonderful home,” she said.
Blaine walked beside his boyfriend and whispered. “Unlike ours that has about as much personality as Kristen Stewart.”
Kurt elbowed him as Burt gave a thank you. “My son is primarily responsible for that.”
The Andersons smiled at Kurt who sent his father a grateful smile. He went to walk to his seat but Blaine pulled him back for a moment. Kurt looked at him curiously before taking a few steps away.
“I hope you seriously planned on us having a few minutes alone before dinner. Especially since you’re wearing these ‘suck me now’ jeans.”
Kurt flushed a tickle me pink color before glancing back to the dining room. Carole had now introduced herself to the group and they were busy talking. “Babe, we can’t do anything right now. Dinner is ready…”
Blaine sighed, looking over his boyfriend once more. He pushed his glasses up his face and played at his suspenders. “Fine. But tonight when I drop you off, baby…”
Kurt bit his lip and nodded. “All yours.”
“Let’s go boys, it’s time to eat.”
“I’m serious, Greg. Just leave Kurt alone tonight, okay? We’re just trying to have a good time.” Sebastian pulled off his Dalton blazer and started to undo his tie. “Any revenge can be reserved for next weekend.”
Greg scoffed, laying back on his bed and playing Diner Dash on his cell phone. “You’re just saying that because you want to fuck him. Give it up. He’s Blaine’s now, and Blaine pretty much gave you and I a big fat fuck you.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes, pulling his shirt over his head. “You need to relax. There are tons of guys in the world besides Blaine. So another guy makes him happy. Someone else can make you happy.”
“Don’t preach at me, Bas.”
“I’m not preaching, I’m telling you that either you leave Kurt be or you stay here. Tonight isn’t about the drama. We’re going to have fun and stop acting like dickwads.”
Greg smirked, rubbing tiredly at his grey eyes. “If I want to talk to him I’ll talk to him.” He looked at Sebastian who was now only in boxer briefs and smiled, eyes lingering over his crotch a little longer than they needed to. “What are you gonna do about it?”
Sebastian smirked in return. “I’m going to get in the shower. Don’t fuck up tonight, I’m warning you.”
Gregory laughed and looked away. “Whatever.”
Kurt tried to ignore the hungry look that Blaine had been giving him all dinner long. It was doing things to him in places he didn’t need things to be done to him right now, especially with both their parents around. Still, like a fool, he shot a look at his boyfriend across the table and looked away when Blaine licked his lips suggestively. Freaking dweeby tease.
“We’ve been able to be around more since we moved to Lima.” Michael told Burt and Carole. “But after another trade, our business may soon send us packing to Portland.”
Both Blaine and Kurt turned to look at the older man. “Portland?” Blaine questioned. He couldn’t move again. Not over 2,000 miles. Not after finding Kurt. “What’s in Portland?”
Sandra smiled as she placed her fork down. “Business, sweetheart. Don’t worry, you’ll be rooming at your university by then.”
Kurt visibly relaxed, and Blaine sighed, taking notice. Neither of them wanted to go through that. Both had just gotten used to the idea of each other and falling in love. Moving miles apart wasn’t on the agenda.
“So Carole,” Sandra continued, “you’re an RN?”
The woman nodded with a smile. “I’ve been one for 15 years now. It’s as tiring a career as it is rewarding.”
Blaine forked at his salad, listening to the conversation on and off. His mind always trailed back to how hot his boyfriend looked and he spent a good minute trying not to initiate a game of footsies under the table right now.
“There aren’t nearly enough nurses in this country,” Michael said after swallowing a bite, “I have to commend you.”
“Thank you.” She said with a smile. Burt had his attention focused on his son and Blaine, and both were sending each other the flirtiest of glances. “So you said your oldest son is in acting?” he asked.
Blaine rolled his eyes and Kurt smiled at him.
“Yes, Cooper was always quite the character. Up to date he’s only done small time commercials, but I’m sure he’ll go far.”
The table nodded at Sandra’s words before Burt kept the conversation rolling. “Well, now is the time where my boys would go on and on about what happened in glee. So how is it going, Kurt?”
Kurt smiled and clasped his hands together, looking from the parents to his boyfriend. “I’d like to think it’s going well. Sectionals will be in our school this year so we have home field advantage.”
“You guys think you’re ready?” Sandra asked.
Blaine nodded. “I know we are.”
“We’re actually facing Blaine’s old school and some geriatric glee club, so that should be interesting.” Kurt said with a smirk. Blaine shrugged, giving him that look again before turning to his parents.
“Oh?” Michael glanced over, “The Warblers made it again. That’s good.”
“Yupp.” Blaine told them. “We’re keeping it friendly though,” he looked over to Kurt who was smiling, knowing how much Blaine didn’t want to do this but proud of him for putting the ridiculous fears he had aside. “They invited us out bowling tonight— all of the New Directions, so we’re going to have a little fun before sectionals rolls around.”
Carole smiled and reached for her glass. “Well that sounds amazing. Nothing like a little friendly competition to ease the nerves on the big day.”
“They’re going to knock ‘em dead,” Michael said proudly, “especially that Greg boy.”
Kurt giggled as Blaine gave his father a warning. “Dad.”
Burt looked over to Blaine with a new question. “I hear you’re a bright young man. What are the plans for college?”
Both boys shared a smile, but before either could answer, Blaine’s father had already spilled his plans for his son’s future.
“Mr. Biomedical Engineer here got a full scholarship to the University of Texas at Austin. Go Longhorns!” Michael gushed. Sandra clapped lightly. By this time, everyone had pretty much finished up their meal, and Kurt gave the Andersons a confused look before turning to his boyfriend. Blaine was going to school in Texas? That wasn’t the discussion they had recently. Blaine apparently wasn’t aware either, looking across the table to his father. “He’s been so good with his studies and is so knowledgeable in the area that they’re paying for his education.”
“He’s leaving out the part about his friend owning a chunk of that school,” Sandra said to Carole. The woman smiled, though it dimmed when she saw the two boys’ faces.
“I’m not going to Texas,” Blaine told them with a confused look. “I didn’t even apply there.”
“Oh,” Michael sat back and pulled at the lapels of his cardigan. “I’ve handled that. You’re a shoe in.”
“Where do you plan on going, Kurt?”
Blaine tensed tremendously so and Kurt’s heart started to hurt because of it. He cleared his throat though, and tried to give Blaine’s mother a clear answer. “I’m actually heading to New York after graduation.” he said softly. Burt looked between the two and noticed Blaine staring down at the table. “I’ll more than likely end up in NYU for business.”
“Beautiful,” Michael said with a smile. “I like to hear that. Ambition is what plants the seed to success.”
Blaine turned from Kurt to his parents. “I’m going to New York as well.”
Carole shifted focus from Blaine to the boy’s parents, as did Burt and Kurt. Michael smiled and looked to his wife. “We’ve already arranged for you to go to Texas while we move to Portland, Blaine. This has been worked out already.”
“So you watched me fill out college applications to places that I actually wanted to go for what? I don’t have a say in my future?”
“Blaine Alexander Paul, watch your tone.”
Carole stood up awkwardly with a smile, “Who’s up for dessert?”
Blaine broke his gaze from his mother’s eyes and looked away. “We should get going, Kurt. It’s getting late.”
Kurt looked away from his plate and over to his father. “Do you mind if we cut this short?”
Burt shook his head no, finally turning away from Blaine’s parents. “We’ll be fine here. Have fun.”
Kurt nodded, shaking Michael and Sandra’s hands again and doing the whole ‘it was nice meeting you’ things. Blaine got up to follow and thanked Burt and Carole for a lovely meal before walking off after Kurt. The boy went in his basement and Blaine followed, trying his best to push the hurt from that conversation away but failing miserably.
Kurt sat down on his bed for a moment and checked the time on his alarm clock. Blaine sat beside him and lay back. They were both quiet, neither knowing what to say.
As time passed, getting closer and closer to 8, Kurt felt his boyfriend becoming tenser and tenser. He extended a hand to comfort him, rubbing the boy gingerly over his leg. Blaine closed his eyes for a moment before staring up at the ceiling.
“I’m not going to Texas.”
Kurt smiled at the voice he loved entering his room. “I sure hope you aren’t, cowboy.”
Blaine sat up and shook his head, looking at the boy beside him. Kurt returned the same look; one full of admiration and respect. He grabbed Kurt’s hand that was on his leg and leant in to kiss him. Kurt smiled and pulled away. “Not happening. Not with your mom and dad and my mom and dad upstairs.”
“The door is locked,” Blaine glanced at his watch and leant closer, whispering into his boyfriend’s ear, “we have ten minutes. We should,” his fingers unlaced from Kurt’s and he rubbed his hand along the boy’s tight jeans, “indulge.”
Kurt bit his lip into a smirk, letting his head fall back. “You are going to get us in sooo much trouble one day.”
Blaine shook his head no, pushing Kurt back and lying on top of him. “I promise I’ll be good for you.”
Kurt tried to fight off his blush as he laughed, “You’re so corny.” he bit back a moan when the heel of Blaine’s hand stroked the bulge in his jeans, “And you better not wrinkle up my clothes, Anderson.”
Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt sensually before pulling away. He licked his lips, enjoying the taste of strawberry chap stick. “Just stay still and let me do the work and you won’t have to worry about wrinkles.”
Kurt’s hips jerked forward when Blaine started to stroke him a little more firmly now. “Baby… seriously our parents…” he moaned and Blaine held a finger to his lips.
“Just stay quiet.”
“Let’s just go,” Kurt suggested, trying to fight how good it felt when Blaine touched him like this.
“You’re joking, right?” Blaine asked. His face changed a bit as he knelt between his boyfriend’s legs.
Kurt bit his lip and shook his head no. After a few more seconds, Blaine pulled back with the roll of his eyes. He stood up and grabbed his cell phone off the bed beside Kurt. “Fine. Let’s go.”
Though his mind was in the right place, Kurt’s body was screaming at him. Blaine had pretty much given him a hard on before they were supposed to leave for an almost two hour drive. And now he had an attitude. Blaine walked off and up the steps, fixing the glasses on his face as he went. “I’ll be outside.”
Kurt sighed, shaking his head and standing up. He knew he wasn’t dressed like someone going to bowl but he had no intention to do so anyway. He got up and went over to his closet, pulling out his navy duffle coat and preparing to leave.
“Hi. Can I help you?”
Sebastian nodded as Jeff walked up beside him. “I’d like to reserve two lanes for the next 3 hours, please.”
“Yes, sir,” the gentleman replied, typing something in on his computer. Jeff leant on the counter and looked at his friend.
“What’s the story?”
“Just tryna have a good time, Jeff. That’s all.”
The boy smiled and looked away. His eyes found Greg who was talking to a few other Warblers. “So this is not another stint of you two trying to mess with Blaine and his new friends like when we took that trip to McKinley? Because that was really stupid of us. You got David’s nuts kicked in.”
“I was mad and stupid. Tonight, I’m feeling good.” Sebastian pulled out his credit card and handed it over after hearing the total. “Can we just hang out and not worry about what happened the other day?”
Jeff smirked and shrugged. “I guess if your roommate isn’t his usually bitter self as of late, sure.”
Sebastian took the card back and glanced over to Gregory. The dark haired boy returned a wink and Sebastian knew that meant he’d be up to no good. “Just tell everyone to come get their shoes. I’m not paying for those too.”
Jeff nodded and walked off, “Sure thing, dude.”
Sebastian told the clerk he’d be back and pulled out his cellphone, walking over to a quiet corner. He dialed the number and held it to his ear.
“If we aren’t going to talk, you could at least put on some music.”
Blaine shook his head no. “I just want to think.”
Kurt sighed and rested his head against the rest. He looked out the window into the dark nothingness. They were about 10 minutes away by now, and hopefully the ride would end sooner rather than later. Blaine had been bothered about the whole Texas thing and hadn’t been his usual self. He was also upset that Kurt didn’t want to mess around and do anything, but Kurt said it wasn’t up for discussion when their parents were around, locked door or not. His father would probably kill him for having the door locked in the first place.
Another few minutes passed and Kurt’s cell phone started ringing. He pulled it out its holder and rolled his eyes at the name.
“I was going to ask if you all were close but the T-Rex just walked in.”
Kurt rolled his eyes. “We’re close.”
“Who is it?” Blaine asked.
“Good.” Sebastian said, “Just come in and get your bowling shoes. We’ll be in lanes 9 and 10. See you soon.”
Kurt pulled the phone away from his ear and pressed ‘end call’. His boyfriend was looking at him expectantly before turning to focus on the road again.
“Who was it, Kurt?”
“Am I allowed to speak now?”
Blaine pulled the brim of his cap further down over his head. “Please don’t be like that.”
Kurt shook his head. “Like what, Blaine? You’re the one being grouchy.”
“I just found out my parents are sending me miles away from you for four years of my life. I think I have the right to be a little grouchy.” He located the bowling alley and indicated left, pulling to a stop in the road and waiting for traffic to ease. “I had this idea of where I’d be and what I’d be doing and now that’s absolutely extinguished. I have no idea now.”
“So that gives you the right to try and get off with me but ignore me when I say no?”
“No—no, Kurt,” Blaine sighed, finally turning when he could, “No, it doesn’t. I’m sorry for being an—“
“Yes,” Blaine said with a light laugh as he looked for parking, “I’m sorry for being an ass. It’s just that I’m crazy about you and everything that I love gets snatched away and one point or another. It’s usually my parents doing it too… I just,” once he’d officially parked he turned the engine off and turned to his boyfriend. “I just don’t want to have to lose you too.”
Kurt nodded, taking the boy’s hand. “You don’t think we’ll make it through long distance?”
Blaine shrugged. “Does anybody?”
He had a point. The percentage of survival was pretty slim. “How about we focus on us now and cross that bridge when we come to it?”
“So that it can hurt a million times more when you break up with me for New York?”
Kurt rolled his eyes, ignoring the smile on Blaine’s beautiful face. “This isn’t funny. You know I don’t want to think about that. I’d probably drop New York to be a Texas Longhorn, just to be with you, Blaine. And that’s what’s scaring me.”
“Don’t say that,” Blaine told him, finally taking his key out the ignition. “Don’t ever sacrifice your dreams for me.”
Kurt shrugged. Tina was outside Blaine’s car waving them on but he held up his hand to say he needed a minute. She smiled and Mike dragged her along. “It’s just how I feel.”
“And what I said is how I feel, babe.”
“You just want you a rodeo boy. Be honest.” Kurt mimicked a southern accent and Blaine laughed, shaking his head.
“The only boy I want is right next to me, sweetheart. That’s why I’m going to New York.” Blaine watched Kurt blush and smiled. “For serious.”
“I’d hate to be a negative nelly,” Kurt began, “but what happens when you need to pay that hefty tuition of a bachelor’s of science student? Your parents are obviously not going to be on board so you may be on your own.”
Blaine thought about it for a minute. “I could always strip to earn money. You’ve seen this sexy body. I drive bitches crazy.”
Kurt rolled his eyes. “You better take out a few loans.”
Blaine laughed and rested his head back once more. “When you take that coat off I’m tickling the shit out of you, babe.”
Kurt smiled, staring outside at the alley. A few Warblers were talking to Santana and Brittany and Kurt saw the look in the Latina’s eyes when one of them put their arm around the blond. Someone was going to die tonight.
“I never said I love you out loud so I guess I should do that now.”
The coiffed teen smiled at the words and turned to look at his boyfriend. Blaine was smiling back at him, warm hazel eyes on show behind his dark framed glasses and that stupid newsboy hat that made him look so sexy low on his head. “I love you, gumdrop.”
Kurt blushed, not even trying to fight it at this point. “Do you?”
Blaine nodded.
Kurt smiled a little harder. “I love you more, dweeb.”
“That’s debatable,” Blaine said with a smile. He laughed when Kurt childishly stuck his tongue out and returned the sentiment. “We should go bowl.”
“I don’t wanna.”
Blaine looked at him like he was crazy. “What? You convinced me to come along and now you don’t want to?”
Kurt grinned and looked outside again. “We need to talk about this whole ‘you getting upset and trying to ravage me’ thing.”
Blaine laughed. “Maybe I do have a problem.”
“I mean when my dad gets upset with me, I don’t suddenly feel the need to jerk anyone off.”
His boyfriend rolled his eyes. “I was totally going to blow you, but yeah, we’ll go with that.”
Kurt’s face fell as he turned left. “You—what?”
“I didn’t call those jeans you have on the ‘suck me now’ jeans for no reason,” Blaine said with a wink. He opened his car door and laughed at what Kurt said next.
“I’m so fucking stupid.”
I really love this. No doubt Baine could get a scholarship anywhere, even New York.
I already love this story, but mentioning UT gets you major props. I love that place, and I find it really awesome that Texas, and UT were brought into one of these stories. Keep up the good work! Can't wait for more!