Oct. 11, 2015, 7 p.m.
Oct. 11, 2015, 7 p.m.
Thank you for all the reviews. It is great knowing that so many people care and are invested in this. I updated a few days earlier because of it. Much love.
Chapter 8
The way that Kurt froze and the look of fear on his face pretty much told Blaine everything that he needed to know. He looked down at the check and he tried his best not to rip it up in anger.
Not until he had answers.
The check was dated for that past Thursday— the 15th of May, and the 15th of May was an important day for the two of them. At least it was for Blaine. It appeared to be bullshit to the Nanny.
“I'm not doing this, Kurt. The whole quiet, shy guy thing isn't going to work with me. Not now. Either you explain what the hell this is, or I'm going to assume it's what it looks like and ask you to pack your things and leave.”
Kurt felt his heart breaking more and more with each word. For some reason, he couldn't speak. He could barely move. Whatever it was going through Blaine's head right now was seriously wrong, but for some reason Kurt couldn't defend himself. He wanted to tell Blaine everything like he was going to earlier, but right now—seeing the man's face like that—why was it so hard?
“Have it your way—”
“No,” Kurt barely spoke above a whisper. He couldn't let this happen. He wasn't going to walk away from Blaine or Madison and let Sarah continue to hurt them the way she'd been doing for years. He'd be just as in the wrong as she was if he did. As he closed his eyes, he could still feel Blaine's amber ones on him. “I—Can you come sit? Please?”
Blaine smiled as he looked back down at the check. Kurt opened his eyes and watched him. He could tell his boss was angry and he hadn't even heard everything yet. Anything, really. “You need to tell me what this is, Kurt, because it's dated on the day that you and I started to mess around and the things going through my head because of that aren't good things. Like I said, either you can explain yourself or you can leave.”
Kurt didn't know how to comfort Blaine. He considered going to him, but his legs wouldn't let him move. The last time he was this afraid had to be at the hands of his old bully Karofsky back in high school, and that was saying a lot. “C-Can you please come sit? Please… it's a long story and—”
“Is she paying you to pretend to be interested in me?”
Kurt stopped midsentence, still stuck in his spot in the living room. “What?”
Blaine stepped closer. His eyes never left Kurt's. “Is that what this $5,000 is for?”
“No!” Kurt said emphatically. He hadn't spoken so loudly since Blaine came out of his room with the paper. “I'd never do that. I care about you, Blaine, and you know that.”
Blaine stared to see how serious he was; his eyes never leaving the boy's across the room. “But you're lying about something. She is too. I had no idea she was giving you money for anything and you had no intentions on telling me obviously, so I'm questioning how much you really care.”
Kurt finally looked away from him and sat back down on the couch. His phone went off but he ignored it. He'd talk to Sebastian later. Blaine watched from behind him as the teen looked down at his feet. He took another couple steps forward, check still in hand.
“It all makes sense. You had been avoiding me all week. Then suddenly you were up to spending time together, just the two of us.” Blaine stopped and watched Kurt for any reaction. “All she has to do is tell a judge that I was with our family nanny and then she'll get Madison for sure—”
“No, Mr. Ander—”
“You'll get a nice payoff and—”
“She's having an affair, Blaine.”
Blaine stopped as soon as the words left Kurt's mouth, as clear as day. The boy took off his glasses and wiped at his face as if he was crying. After a moment of them both being silent, Kurt returned the frames to his eyes and turned to face Blaine. He'd never seen his boss so pale in the face—so out of focus. This was what he was dreading.
“She's not paying me to show interest in you. She's having an affair. I'd come back here on Thursday around noon with Sebastian. That morning I forgot my wallet so Mr. George came to pick us up. We got here and…” Kurt closed his eyes as he recounted the story. Blaine watched him. “It was obvious what was going on. There were clothes everywhere—on the floor, an undershirt and tie in the kitchen. I … I thought you and Mrs. Anderson had come back here to have sex during lunch or something. I don't know.”
Blaine walked the rest of the distance to the couch and sat relatively far away from Kurt. The teen only continued. He knew that Blaine was pissed and he had every right to be. If the tables were turned, he'd be mad at him too.
“I came over here and began looking for the wallet. It ended up under the sofa when I tossed it, and as I was reaching for it my phone went off. I assume Sarah either heard that or me running out of the door, but she knew I was here.” He shook his head, looking at his lap. “Later on, Pernell told her that I did come back with a friend of mine, so even if I did want to lie to her I couldn't. But I knew that it wasn't you and her because you were the one that called me, during your recess.”
Blaine nodded.
“The 5 grand is hush money so that I wouldn't say anything to you about it. She's worried about you divorcing her and keeping the money and this place and your little girl…”
“And you were going to let her continue to lie to me, Kurt?”
“No,” he said softly. Blaine looked over at him.
“You obviously weren't going to tell me.”
“I was going to tell you. I almost told you today, I swear I did.” Kurt inched a bit closer and he got a pang in his chest at the sight of Blaine shaking his head no. God, it hurt. “The problem was, she blackmailed me the night that you and I… when we were on the f-floor here. She got home and because she knew I was the one who came in, she blackmailed me—”
Kurt took a deep breath. “She said that not only would she fire me but I'd be blacklisted in the journalism field. Blaine, I have been working towards this my whole life. I can't have her take this away from me.”
Blaine rolled his eyes and looked away. He didn't know why he was surprised. “First of all, she doesn't have that much power—”
“She could have. She's a magazine editor.”
“Second,” Blaine resumed. “Her little threat being enough for you to just let me go through this…”
“The guy she's sleeping with threatened me too.”
Blaine stopped yet again. It was almost like the blood in his veins was at its boiling point. He looked to his left and saw Kurt there, shaking his head.
“I hate that I did this to you too, and yes I should've said something, but I was afraid. I was stupid, too. What if you and I weren't serious? What if I said something to you and you decided that your family was more of a priority? What if she convinced you that I was a liar and I not only lost my job, but had nothing going for me after I graduated because she blacklisted me all over NY and on top of that, her psycho boyfriend wanted to hurt me?”
Blaine shook his head. “I would've believed you.”
“You've known me for a month, Mr. Anderson. I can't be confident that you'd take my word over anyone else's.”
Blaine went back to being quiet.
“I had no intentions of cashing it. I…” Kurt sighed, rubbing at his face. His hands were still shaking a bit. “One day I was going to tell you. If I wanted to cash it I wouldn't have held on to it for so long. If she was paying me to bed you or something, I would've cashed it, and I would've been trying to get you in bed. She's been gone the whole weekend, Blaine. It could've definitely happened.”
Blaine stared at him. “Who's the guy?”
Kurt looked away. His eyes landed on the grandfather clock and he really wished he wasn't in this predicament. If only he had opened up more during that interview for the Science Museum.
“She said his name is Timothy, and that she isn't only fucking him, but they're in love.”
Blaine smiled, looking away. “Amazing.”
“I don't know that it was the Timothy you mentioned for sure but—”
“It is. So she gave you the money and then that was it?”
Kurt licked at his dry lips and swallowed hard. “She said to shut my mouth and she wrote the check. If not I'd be out of a job but more importantly, I'd have no career.”
Blaine rubbed at his scruff and shook his head.
“I'm sorry.”
He wanted to say ‘You should be sorry' but it sounded like Kurt had been through enough over the past few days. Blaine ran a hand through his hair. After each of them were quiet for a few minutes, the older man sat back. He wanted to blame Kurt and to be mad at him because this was the one person he'd been sharing everything with as of late. Kurt knew how he felt and what was going on with Sarah and yet, he kept his mouth shut just like she asked him to. If he'd hold this back from him, he'd probably hold back other secrets too. It didn't sound like a good start to this… relationship. “I sleep in that bed and Tim is doing my wife in there. Sometimes my daughter sleeps in between us if she's had a bad dream or doesn't want to be alone or whatever. And Tim is banging my wife of six years in the bed I bought, in the home I paid for that she wanted.” He looked at Kurt, a small, sarcastic smile on his lips. “And the best part is that he's been smiling in my face the whole time. He thinks I'm a joke. The office probably knows. This is fucking great.”
Kurt looked away from him as he tried not to cry.
The phone rang and Blaine realized it was Mr. Sheraton calling. He reached for it on the expensive coffee table and Kurt glanced over to see if it was Sarah. “I'm going to get Madison now. You can study or call Adam or do whatever Sarah needs of you.”
Kurt wondered if he deserved that as he listened to the quick phone call between his boss and Sean's dad. He probably did. And he knew he was in the wrong for not saying anything a bit earlier but he wasn't going to be treated badly by Blaine. The man hung up and Kurt looked away. “You should know that it wasn't easy for me to just accept this. You don't have to believe me but I wasn't going to deposit that money.”
Blaine nodded. “You were just holding onto it.”
“Maybe one day you'd actually leave her and you could show a judge that she was trying to keep me quiet. You know deep down inside I wasn't going to hurt you. I know you do.” Kurt tried once more to move closer to Blaine. This time, the older man didn't move away, but he did reply.
“I feel like you're asking me all these questions about how serious I am about you when you can't even tell me the truth about my wife screwing another guy.” Blaine stared down at his phone. “The fact of the matter is I'm… I really like you Kurt. And I would love for you to trust me and I was willing to move you into a place to show you that, yet I don't even know if I should trust you.”
Kurt nodded and stood up. There wasn't much of anything else he could do. “You're right. Like I said, I'm sorry. I hope t-that you can accept my apology and I understand if you let me go. I don't want you doing anything that you feel would hurt Maddie or yourself. I'm… I'm just going to head to my room.”
Blaine sat there until Kurt was gone. He looked down at the check and put it in his pocket before leaving to get Madison.
“It isn't that I don't love you, little brother, because you know that I am incredibly fond of you. You're definitely one of my top 3 people behind John Taylor and Dr. Oz.”
Cooper's wife cleared her throat as she walked by the dining room.
“And my wife. So you're one of my top 4 people.”
Blaine smiled and looked down at the salad and pasta on his plate. “It means a lot to me to come in behind the likes of a man who provides America with all the new juicing and dieting techniques.”
Cooper shrugged. “Oz is amazing, man.”
“I didn't want to go home just yet. I don't know what to do about Kurt or about Sarah. I want to believe him but it sucks that he'd keep this from me. It's 5 grand.” Blaine took a bite and sat back, watching his daughter in the other room with her cousins. She could hold her own with Cooper's rambunctious little boys. His brother hummed before taking a sip of his wine.
“Can I ask a few things?”
Blaine nodded to him. “Yeah. Why not?”
“Ok.” Cooper placed the glass back down. “Let's put ourselves in Kurt's shoes. He's approached by an evil wench who threatens him to keep quiet about her having been in affair. He himself has been with you. He probably feels guilty about his involvement in all of this too, right?”
Blaine didn't answer. He continued to eat the meal that Cooper's beautiful wife Carolina prepared.
“I know you think I'm about to take his side because I never really liked Sarah. It's just that I know that she knew you were going to go far and that's why she leached onto you the way she did.”
Blaine nodded. He always felt dumb for not arguing that they use a condom, but he always remembered that he did get Madison out of this regardless of how much the two of them didn't really …work.
“But if you look at this from where he's been standing, it probably wasn't just easy to run—Xavier, get off of the couch! — to run and tell you. Wasn't that the night you came over here because you realized that it wasn't just some weird attraction, but that you actually liked him?”
Cooper smiled. “Well think of how this looks. You and him start messing around and then the same night he tells you that she's cheating. Would you even believe him? Wouldn't it look like maybe he was trying to get you to leave her for his own selfish reasons? How could you even trust him just yet? It would seem fishy if he'd come right out and said anything.”
“But if she gave him this amount of money for something I would've definitely looked into it, Coop. Five thousand dollars? C'mon man.”
Cooper nodded. “I get that, Squirt.”
Blaine rolled his eyes at the nickname. “I guess I get what you're saying.”
“Well what has he been doing the past few days?”
“We've been talking about the possibility of us being a thing after Sarah and I are officially divorced. Kurt's thing is he doesn't know how his family would react. But he also doesn't know how my change in lifestyle would be accepted not only with our family but at work. He says he has feelings for me too and I believe that he cares about me.” Blaine stopped to take a breather, placing the fork down. His brother watched him with a small smile. “I care about him too. I wanted to buy the place from you—the brownstone in Cobble Hills. Just to—”
“For him,” Cooper finished with a smile. His brother blushed.
“For him.”
Blaine cleared his throat. “I can tell he's concerned about Madison and about me, and that he doesn't want to mess things up for either of us. He had that date Friday night and that guy would probably be a safer bet for him but I really, really want to see where this goes.” He rubbed at his temple. “I'm pretty sure I've never felt this way about anyone Cooper. Guy or girl.”
“Well, all of that is something to think about. If mom and dad almost had a heart attack when I came home with a mixed woman ten years ago, they'd most definitely have an aneurism if you were to bring home a male ten years your junior.”
Blaine pushed his food around his plate. “I don't care if they don't approve, you know.”
“Good for you,” Cooper took off his glasses and placed them in his shirt pocket. “I didn't care either. Now I have a lovely wife who loves me and two bad ass little boys who drive us both crazy.” His brother laughed and Cooper smiled at him. “And I met Kurt. He's shy and he's smart but he isn't vindictive. If the guy makes you feel anything like Carolina makes me feel, then you'd be mentally ill to let him walk away from you. You would need a different type of doctor because I wouldn't be able to help in that department.”
Blaine laughed some more and shook his head. “I have to talk to him.”
Cooper nodded. “Yeah. You probably should. But first,” the elder stood up and Blaine shook his head.
“If you say ‘let me take a selfie' I'm punching you in the nuts.”
Cooper smirked. “I was going to say let me go kiss my niece and spoil her for an hour or two.”
Blaine smiled at him and went back to eating. “You have half an hour.”
His brother shrugged. “I guess that'll work.” He began to walk away but stopped short when the younger Anderson called out to him. Blaine looked up and smiled a bit.
“Thanks for everything, man. I love you.”
Cooper walked over to him, ruffled the man's curly hair, and then kissed him on the cheek. “I love you more, Blaine.”
It was just after one in the morning and Kurt was in the worst position possible.
For starters, he had a Publication final in the morning—in a matter of hours, really. Secondly, he didn't even feel comfortable leaving his room. He could've been with Sebastian right now and they could've been watching Supernatural. Instead, he was here having had a really shitty end to what was a promising day. Did he have anyone to blame but himself? Maybe not. Well, he could blame Sarah for screwing another guy and thinking it was better to write him a check instead of fessing up to her husband, but that was history now. What's done is done.
Kurt left his room only once maybe half an hour ago. The penthouse was relatively quiet but he knew everyone was home. Sarah showed face when she'd gotten in around 9:30 that evening. She poked her head in his room and winked at him before closing it back. Kurt locked the door and went back to trying to focus on his studying while in reality he was thinking about how crappy everything that was happening was. He felt like a child who wanted his father, but he didn't care.
Later on, he heard Blaine and Madison get in, and he was sure it was Madison who turned his door knob hoping to come into his room, but because it was locked and because her father said it was bath and then bedtime, she'd walked away. Kurt went right back to his reading, not bothering to answer Sebastian because he didn't really feel like talking. He did share a short conversation with Adam just to take his mind off of everything else, because Adam wouldn't want to talk about affairs or older men, and it did help. They agreed to coffee as friends over the week. For now, at least.
But half an hour ago, Kurt left his room for a quick shower. He got into something comfortable and then went into the kitchen, happy that the condo was quiet. He wondered what Blaine's attitude with Sarah was right now. They were in the same room. There wasn't any loud banshee screaming so they probably weren't doing anything sexual. Kurt grabbed a large bowl for cereal and dumped some Cap'n Crunch in it, loading it with almond milk and retreating back to his room. He just wanted to eat and watch Iron Man 2 until he fell asleep.
Now, he was in his bed eating and staring at the TV mounted on his bedroom wall. His books were still spread all over the bed. Kurt shook his head as his mind went back to earlier that day and how angry Blaine looked. He remembered how bad he felt for disappointing him, for lying pretty much. He came to the realization that he sucked at lying and he didn't want to ever do it again. A knock on the door pulled him out of his thoughts and he wondered if it was Maddie not being able to sleep. Kurt placed the bowl down on his night table and got up, walking over to the door. He turned the knob and his eyes went wide when he saw Blaine standing there.
“Can I come in?”
Kurt stared at him; taking the man in. He wore silk pajamas that were silver. The top wasn't buttoned all the way and his chest was showing. Black bandana house shoes were on his feet. But most importantly, Blaine's ring wasn't on.
“May I?” he repeated.
Kurt stepped aside after a small nod. Blaine looked him up and down and stepped in. He went straight over to the bed after moving his right hand from behind his back, and after Kurt locked the door he followed his boss over to the bed.
“I figured I'd give you the book I got as a gift,” Blaine said, holding it in his hand. “Lee Goldberg's The Walk.” He kicked off his house shoes.
Kurt picked up his bowl of cereal as he looked down at the book in Blaine's hand. In any other circumstance he'd be thrilled. It was hardcover and everything. Right now he couldn't really smile. “Thank you, Mr. Anderson.”
Blaine watched as he walked around him over to the other side of the large bed. Kurt took a seat and held the cereal bowl in his lap. “I hid yours underneath my mattress,” he said.
Instead of going to look for it, Blaine moved over in the bed and looked at all of the books. He put The Walk down in between them before closing all of Kurt's notes and everything. “You shouldn't cram like this. Over-studying can be bad.”
“I'm finished.” Kurt twirled the spoon in the pool of milk. “I just didn't put everything away yet.”
Blaine gathered everything and stacked the books on the floor beside him. He then lay back and turned the volume on the television down a little bit. Kurt watched him curiously, and after a moment he had to ask.
“Why are you in here?”
Blaine got comfortable and smiled a little, turning his head in the boy's direction. “I wanted to apologize for earlier because I'm very sorry. I probably made you feel like shit—”
“You had every right to make me feel that way—”
“That's bullshit, Kurt.” Blaine got more serious now and took a deep breath. Kurt watched him. “I don't ever want you to feel like that, and I'm sorry.”
Kurt looked back down at the cereal. He didn't think he'd finish it now. “I'm sorry too.”
Blaine watched him. “Do you feel like talking right now?”
Kurt thought about that for a while. He did need to get to sleep. The last thing he needed was to be sleepy during his final. He also needed to be alone, at least he thought. “It probably wouldn't look good for either of us if we're in here alone together at after 1 am.”
Blaine went over to Kurt and took the bowl from him. “I love Cap'n Crunch and you obviously aren't going to finish this so, do you mind?”
Kurt smiled. “Go right ahead. I don't know how Madison deals with you.”
Blaine laughed, taking a bite. “You let it get soggy.”
Kurt looked down at his hands and cleared his throat. “Like I was saying… I don't want her to know we're in here together because it wouldn't look good.”
“She's fast asleep. I guess Timothy kept her busy this weekend.”
The teen shook his head. “I'm sorry.”
“Don't be,” Blaine said. He took another bite. “I need you to do something for me though.”
“Anything,” Kurt answered quickly. Blaine looked at him because of the answer, and Kurt felt himself blushing a deep red. “I-I mean, what do you n-need?”
The man smiled. “Tomorrow after your final, deposit the check. It's in the book.”
Kurt didn't say anything. He simply gave him an odd look. Why on earth would he do something like that?
“After you do that,” Blaine continued. “I want you to spend it. Maybe not all of it if you don't want to, but spend something. Go shopping. Buy a designer outfit. A new bag. I don't know. Then, I want you to come home tomorrow and make sure she sees you. I'm going to need you to go to her and demand more money. If she says that she'll fire you or threatens your career, say that you'll tell me everything and that she'll end up with nothing.”
Kurt shook his head no. This was not him. “Blaine… I—You know that I am not confident enough to do that.”
“Yes you are,” Blaine told him. He put the bowl down beside them on the bookshelf and took the younger man's hands. “We can do this the easy way. I'm meeting with a new divorce lawyer this week. But I think it's only fair if we stick it to her because honestly she's a bitch and she deserves it.”
Kurt's cheeks were red as he stared back at Blaine. “But what if she calls me out on my bluff?”
Blaine smiled. “You won't be bluffing. If she says no, you come and find me. She's not an idiot. There's no way she would want me to know any of what she's doing because if I did, like I do, Sarah knows she wouldn't get a damn thing.”
Kurt sighed.
“You have to trust me, Kurt,” Blaine said. “I'm going to handle this. And if you actually deposit the money, it'll look even better. The judge would know the lengths she went through to keep her affair quiet.”
Kurt nudged him over a bit and lay back. He looked up at the ceiling as he propped the pillows beneath his head. “I'll do it. How much should I ask for?”
Blaine joined him, lying down beside him. He settled down on his stomach though, his eyes locked on Kurt's face. “Ask for another five grand. She'll give it to you. Don't back down. I know you've got it in you.”
Kurt smiled and shook his head. He removed his glasses and placed them on the bookshelf beside his cereal. When Blaine asked whether or not he should turn off the lamp, Kurt nodded to him. He was going to ask his boss when he was going back to his room, because seriously this was a bad idea—them being locked in his bedroom like this—but then Blaine moved on top of him and began kissing his neck.
“Blaine. B-Blaine, c'mon stop.”
The man smiled against Kurt's neck and then rolled over. “I'm sorry.”
Kurt licked his lips. “You should go to your room. If she realizes you're not there and then finds out you're in here, Blaine…”
“Sarah doesn't think I'm interested in you. She's mentioned several times that you look at me with heart eyes and says it's ridiculous because I'd never like you back.”
Kurt nodded. “She told me that too.”
Blaine smirked. “Well the joke's on her because I would like nothing more than to finish what I just started.”
“If she catches us, or Madison goes to look for you and you're in here with me— Blaine, don't…”
“What am I doing?” Blaine asked with that idiotic toothy smile of his. Kurt looked down at the man's hand going down his abdomen and shuddered, shaking his head when Blaine's hand dipped beneath his t-shirt.
“You don't listen and that's not a good trait for a lawyer.”
Blaine smirked, biting his lip. The movie continued in the background as he trailed his hand over the boy's torso. “I'm seriously sorry about everything. I'm sorry she brought you into this and that you were put in that predicament and I'm sorry that I reacted the way I did.”
Kurt's eyes drifted back slowly as Blaine brushed over his nipples. One of his hands laced in the comforter on his king sized bed. “It's fine…”
“And thank you for being honest when I did ask you about it. You could've protected her but you didn't.”
Kurt nodded.
Blaine watched him react to every move his hand made. He gently circled the nub of the teen's nipple with his thumb and the way Kurt's breathing would hitch made Blaine wonder how he'd sound if they were doing… other things.
The blood was traveling to Kurt's cock. He tried to fight it off because he didn't want to do anything that would bring even more strife to Blaine and his situation, but then the man was whispering in his ear.
“Can I stay in here with you for a couple hours?”
“I promise I'll set my alarm for four and go back to bed.” Blaine kissed his cheek as he trailed his hand lower. Kurt stared up at the ceiling as the man's fingers played at his midriff, slightly above his briefs. “Don't be afraid to tell me no.”
“You know that I can't.” Kurt closed his eyes tightly. He hoped that he wouldn't regret this in the morning. “Not when you're d-doing t-that.” Blaine dragged his palm from one hip to the other, going over Kurt's pants, just missing the base of his cock. Kurt exhaled shakily as he said plenty of curses in his head.
“Unbutton my shirt,” Blaine whispered to him. He turned onto his back and rested his head on the pillows, smiling at the dark look in the teen's eyes. “C'mere.”
Kurt threw all caution to the wind as he rolled onto his side. His hands went to the fourth button and he undid it. Blaine encouraged him to take his time as he rubbed from the boy's shoulder to his wrist and back up again. “I want you to be mine, Kurt.”
Kurt looked up at him and when Blaine held his gaze, he nodded. “I want to be yours.”
Blaine watched as Kurt undid his last button. “Good.”
The boy pushed the fabric apart and he took in the sight of Blaine's body; muscles and tanned skin yearning to be touched. He looked back up at hazel eyes and bit his lip. Blaine nodded at him, and though he wasn't sure what that nod meant, he assumed it to mean he had free reign. He placed his fingers at the man's navel and watched Blaine's abdomen shiver at the contact before moving them over the six-pack and to his pecs. He could feel his boss's… his boyfriend's eyes on him as he continued to caress him; fingers teasingly moving over his clavicle and over his jaw line before he trailed one finger back down to his abs. Blaine's lips were parted as he closed his eyes. After a few seconds of questioning whether he was bold enough to actually do it, Kurt told himself that he needed to be confident and get practice in for tomorrow. He moved his hands down to the waistband of Blaine's pants and pulled lightly, making the man's eyes fly open.
Kurt smiled a little as they stared at one another. “May I?”
Blaine licked his lips and nodded. “Y-Yes. You may. Go ahead.”
Kurt looked down at his shaky hands and eased himself back, bringing the silk pants with him. The man lifted his lips lightly to help, and after a while, Kurt had successfully pulled them over his ankles. The light from the TV helped him to see the wonderful bulge in Blaine's boxers, and Kurt swallowed before lifting his shirt up and over his own head
To be honest, Kurt had never seen Blaine's eyes any darker. He didn't think it was possible for them to get any darker, either. He didn't think it was possible for anyone to want him as much as Blaine appeared to want him right now. He felt his cheeks getting hotter and smiled a little, looking up and down the man's body. After a moment, he got up on his knees and undid the drawstring of the sweats he wore. Blaine sat up quickly and moved his hands away.
“Let me.”
Kurt nodded.
Blaine's lips were at his navel as the men slid the pants over his ass and down his thighs. He kissed a little lower and Kurt's fingers moved into his curls as he tried to steady himself; legs already threatening to go weak. Blaine lay back down and licked his lips, watching as Kurt took a deep breath and stepped out of the pants.
They were both in their underwear—Kurt in black briefs and Blaine in red boxers. They looked at one another from the top to the bottom, and Kurt felt incredibly self-conscious as Blaine stared. The man had gone from a beautiful woman to him—an inexperienced boy. How would he compare?
Blaine must've sensed the pressure Kurt felt because he spoke quickly and clearly. “You're beautiful.”
Kurt blushed, still knelt on the bed beside Blaine. “Y-You are too. You're …” he took a quick breath. “Incredible.”
Blaine smiled and held out his hand, and when the boy took it he yanked, pulling Kurt down on top of him. They both laughed as Blaine rolled them over and Kurt literally begged him not to when the man's hands began to tickle his side. “Don't make me laugh, please.”
Blaine grinned into his neck, kissing over the mark. His hands went to Kurt's leg and rubbed up to his knee as he settled between them.
“We need to talk about that hickey,” Kurt said shakily, trying not to be the first to thrust. “It probably isn't the best spot to mark your concubine.”
Blaine rolled his eyes at that. “Take that back.”
Kurt smiled, tangling his hands into dark curls. “Fine. I'm not your concubine, but maybe you shouldn't give me a hickey where the world can see it.”
Blaine kissed over it again before his lips moved to Kurt's. He moaned as Kurt nibbled on his bottom one. “Do you not like it?”
Kurt kissed him back and let his head fall to the pillow, looking up into Blaine's eyes. “I guess it's a little hot.”
“Just a little?”
Kurt smiled. “Just a little.”
Blaine bit his lip into a smile and continued to look into Kurt's eyes. He loved the color—how it wasn't a solid blue but a combination of green and something a little darker. He placed both his hands on the bed besides Kurt's hips and slid up, slowly moving his erection against the teen's. Kurt's mouth opened and he moaned beautifully, thrusting his hips towards the friction.
“So beautiful,” Blaine whispered; his toes curling as he moved down and back up again. “I need to buy lube… yeah?” They both moaned and Blaine dropped his forehead against Kurt's. There was something about feeling the boy's cock hard against his that made Blaine shake, that made him want to feel even more. Kurt's hands moved down his slick back and over his ass and they both gasped into the next kiss as they grinded together.
“Too many clothes,” Kurt mumbled; his head thrown back as Blaine continued to grind slowly against him. “I w-want to see you.”
Blaine bit his lip as he watched him. “Are you sure?”
Kurt thought about his answer but nodded definitely. “I'm sure.”
They grinded together only for a minute more before Blaine rolled off of him. He took a long breath and watched as Kurt's eyes moved down to his boxers, sitting up as he slid them off. Blaine closed his eyes as his cock was finally freed, and as it stood up, a little precome at the tip, he folded his arms beneath his head and curiously awaited Kurt's next move.
Kurt really loved cock. He always had an idea that he'd like it when he realized he was gay at a very young age, and he had an idea that he'd like it when he spent some nights playing with himself while imagining being fucked, but he loved getting the confirmation that he loved cock as he looked at how beautiful Blaine's was, long and thick in front of him, waiting for him to touch it.
And so he did.
And Blaine let go of a breath, his hands in his hair as he watched Kurt's smooth hand wrap around the length of his cock and stroke up. Kurt watched the man for a moment before looking back down at his work. He dragged his hand down to the base, just above the man's nuts, and he observed the pulsing vein at the underside of Blaine's cock as he moved his fist back up and smoothed his thumb over the head, rubbing the precome and sliding his hand over the erection again.
“Shit,” Blaine breathed out, watching in awe as Kurt stroked him slowly. He knew Kurt wasn't aware of what he was doing as he moved his face in close to watch himself stroke Blaine's cock, but his lips were really fucking close to his dick. He could feel the warm breaths touching the tip of his cock as Kurt watched himself start to jerk him a little faster. “Oh god…”
Kurt smiled at him and slid to the top of the bed. He laid his head on Blaine's shoulder and looked down, starting to play with the man's balls as the muscles in Blaine's thighs and stomach clenched and unclenched. Cock was so beautiful.
The boy looked up at him and his eyes moved from Blaine's lips to the man's eyes. “Yes, Mr. Anderson?” he smiled.
Blaine thrust up into nothing; Kurt's hands still playing with his balls. “Oh my god…”
Kurt laughed a little and moved his hand back to the man's cock. “Is everything ok?”
Blaine nodded as his eyes drifted back. “I—I want to touch you too.”
Kurt bit his lip. “I want you to touch me too, Mr. Anderson.”
“Fuck.” Blaine rolled him over and crashed his lips against Kurt's. It was messy—tongue, teeth, biting— but it was hot. Kurt gasped for air before smiling as Blaine's lips moved down his body. His underwear was pulled off shortly after and he couldn't help the strangled moaned that stumbled from his lips as Blaine placed their cocks together and started to stroke them both.
“Y-Yesss,” Kurt spread his legs wider and reached out, pulling at the bed sheets. Blaine's eyes went wide at the moan. That was probably the hottest thing he'd ever heard in his entire fucking life. He stared at Kurt for as long as he could before his own body started to shake—his hand stroking the both of them as he rubbed himself against Kurt.
“It feels good, right baby?”
Kurt nodded hard, close to coming. “So—S-So good. I…”
Blaine leant forward. His hand held him up on the pillow Kurt's head rested on as his other arm began to hurt from how fast he was stroking them. He groaned and shook his head as he tried to hold off his orgasm. “Y-You close?”
Kurt nodded harder, moaning and thrusting up.
“Fuck.” Blaine looked down at their cocks touching and Kurt lazily reached up to take over; his tight grasp moving over the both of them. Blaine let go and closed his eyes. “Gonna… come…”
Kurt threw his head back and then to the side, biting on Blaine's arm as he came. Blaine watched him start to shake as the boy's come shot all over his navel. “Shit, Kurt. Shit… shit… shit—oh fuck—”
Kurt continued to move his hand but slowly as Blaine shook on top of him, coming harder than he could ever remember coming. He swore he could literally see stars. Kurt dropped his hand and breathed heavily, and though it didn't help when his boss collapsed on top of him, he smiled and bit his lip.
Cock was so fucking great.
Blaine buried his face in the pocket of Kurt's neck and shoulder. He kissed softly as he struggled to get his breathing back on track. Kurt lie still beneath him but after a while, he rubbed up and down the man's sweat slicked back.
“We should clean up,” Blaine whispered, still not moving. “I… you're amazing.”
Kurt licked his lips and nodded. “You're amazing too. I don't know if I can move.”
Blaine smiled.
They listened to the movie play in the background for a few minutes. Eventually Blaine sat up and looked down at the both of them. He kissed Kurt long and hard before getting up. Kurt watched as he threw his pants on and ran a hand through his curls. “I'll be back in a second.”
Kurt nodded.
As soon as the man left the room, Kurt fist pumped twice. He didn't think about how much he was missing by being a virgin. Sex was overrated in Kurt's eyes. The media played it up. His friends played it up. But Kurt admitted that maybe he was wrong over the past few years. Sex felt amazing. He didn't have intercourse just yet but with Blaine… there had yet to be a dull moment.
Kurt looked at the come covering his body and his curiosity got the best of him. He dipped his index finger in and took a little taste.
Not great but not bad. A little bitter. He could work with it.
Blaine came back in with a damp rag and crawled onto the bed. He smiled at Kurt, kissed him, and then began to wipe up the mess the two made. Kurt couldn't believe he was blushing as the man smiled at him, but of course he was, and Blaine laughed.
“Are you ready to get a little bit of sleep?”
Kurt nodded to him as Blaine leant over and kissed him once more. “I am, but you have to go to your room.”
Blaine dropped his head. “Baby…”
Kurt smiled at the pet name. “We'll talk about this when you're single.”
Blaine licked his lips and smiled. “One more kiss and then I'll leave.”
Kurt leant up and kissed him softly. Their noses brushed together and Blaine smiled when the younger man pulled away. “Can you take my bowl for me when you go?”
Blaine smiled. “Yeah. You got it.”
“Thank you.”
After the loudest, most overdramatic sigh, Blaine sat up and threw the rag at Kurt's chest. He smiled at the boy's laughter and grabbed his shirt, sliding into it and buttoning it up as Kurt rubbed his thigh. Two more kisses and a couple ‘sleep tights' later, Blaine left with the bowl and the washcloth, and a huge smile on his face. Kurt smiled and threw the blanket over himself.
The day ended on a high note, for sure.
Sebastian shook his head as he watched his best friend swipe the credit card at the Armani Fifth Avenue they were in. “This is crazy.”
Kurt nodded at him. “It is.”
Sebastian checked his watch. They'd finished their finals for the day. It was still pretty early. Kurt wouldn't need to get Madison for a couple hours. He smiled to himself as he put his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. “What're you going to do for the rest of the afternoon?”
Kurt accepted the shopping bag from the clerk with a smile. He turned to his best friend and shrugged as they walked towards the exit. “I don't know. You want to do something?”
Sebastian wrapped his arm around his best friend. “I have a great idea. How about we get you dolled up in this new outfit and we test out your newfound confidence? You need some prep before you take on the Great Sarah Anderson, don't you think?”
Kurt wondered just where his friend was going with this. He fixed his glasses and turned to him once they were outside the store. “Well yeah, I think. But—”
“But nothing.” Sebastian dragged him over a bit. “Where's Blaine's law office?”
Kurt raised an eyebrow at him. “On Broadway. Near Federal Plaza… why?”
“Because you're going there.” Sebastian grinned as he all but gave an evil laughter as the gears in his head turned. “And you're going to be sexy and confident and ask him what he thinks.”
Kurt started to laugh. “Oh my god.”
“Bas… I can't just show up and—”
“I don't care. Are we going back to your place or to mine? Actually… my place would be closer to your boyfriend's office so off we go!” Sebastian grabbed him and ran over to where Mr. George was parked. Kurt sighed.
“Care to tell me why a divorce lawyer left a message for you?” Santana asked as she put the notes on her boss's desk. Blaine adjusted his tie and glanced over at her.
“Care to tell me why you're so nosy?”
“I hope this means you're leaving her.”
“Why would I do that?” Blaine questioned curiously. He seriously wondered if everyone at the office knew that Tim was doing his wife behind his back, but his assistant took a seat across from him and answered differently.
“I know for a fact that you're happier when she goes away. I've seen you with her when the firm has dinners and you aren't happy, Mr. A.”
Blaine looked at her. “Is it that obvious?”
“It is.” Santana stood back up. “Plus, she's a major bitch. I'm not sure how that sweet little angel of yours came out of her but,” she shrugged and undid the button on her blazer. “I'm headed to lunch. Need anything while I'm out?”
The man smiled, looking back at his computer. “I'm good. I've got a 2pm so if you come back and the door's closed, we're having that meeting he's been putting off.”
Santana nodded. “Is this the investment banker?”
Blaine nodded. “That's the one.”
“Have fun,” she turned away and opened the door. “I'll see you in an hour, boss man.”
Blaine saluted.
Santana's heels clicked against the tiled floor in her office as she went over to her desk. The girl reached over and grabbed her purse, singing a song to herself in Spanish as Kurt stepped off of the elevator and approached. He looked up and down the floor before knocking where it said Law Offices of Blaine Anderson, J.D. – Partner. Santana looked up at him and then at her watch.
“Hm. You're a bit early. And a little young to be an investment banker…”
Kurt stepped inside and looked around. He was dressed in black Giorgio Armani suit worth close to 3 grand with a brief case at his side. She watched him curiously as he tipped his glasses and then fixed his tie, and the teen went along with what she'd said.
“I've got a busy schedule today. Is Mr. Anderson ready?”
Santana stared at him a little longer. He looked super familiar. “I'll check. May I have your name?”
“Mr. Hummel.”
She walked off and into the back, not bothering to knock as she walked in. Kurt glanced around the assistant's office and looked at the reception area. Brown leather couches, expensive paintings, a beautiful designed rug. He saw a portrait of Blaine and three other gentlemen on one of the walls and assumed they were the other partners—they were all a bit older than he was, but Blaine still held his own. Kurt smiled as he wondered if he could be married to a lawyer one day, and it was crazy to think, but somehow there was a possibility.
“Mr. Anderson will see you now, Mr. Hummel.” The woman walked over to him. “Can I get you anything to drink? Coffee?”
Kurt shook his head no. He took a deep breath and recited the word confidence in his head. “I'll be fine, but thank you.”
She nodded before leaving the office. Kurt watched her go and smiled to himself, walking back to where Blaine's corner office was. The man was staring at the door when Kurt walked in and he smiled at the way Blaine's mouth dropped.
“So you have a 2'oclock?”
Blaine's eyes took in Kurt in the suit that was fitted perfectly. The boy locked the door and then went to close the blinds, putting his brief case down. “Yeah… wow, you look great. What're you doing here?”
Kurt smiled as he turned around and walked over to Blaine. Confidence. He pushed the man back a little so that the chair rolled towards the window and sat down in his lap. “I guess I'll have to make this quick then.”
Blaine grabbed his ass and pulled him closer. “What is this, exactly?”
Kurt smiled. “I'm going to confidently give you the best blow job you've ever had.”
“Oh my god,” Blaine squeezed when Kurt grinded on his lap and started to smile as the reality of what was happening sunk in. “Wow.”
A minute later, he had the teen on his knees in between his legs and for someone who had never done this before, Kurt was incredible. Maybe incredible wasn't the word. What was the word that described how it felt to come in two minutes after someone starts blowing you? He was that.
And he swallowed. This probably wasn't the time to play Compare and Contrast, but she never swallowed.
Later than afternoon when Blaine said goodbye to the actual investment banker and Santana, having returned from lunch, realized that it wasn't the hottie that she let in his office earlier, she raised an eyebrow. Blaine quickly returned to his office and locked the door. The intercom on his phone came on and she spoke.
“You're not slick, Mr. A.”
Blaine took a seat and smiled to himself. He wasn't slick but he had the best day ever.
To Kurt:
Thank you for stopping by. I wish you would've stayed longer.
From Kurt:
There wasn't much of a need to. ;)
Blaine laughed though he rolled his eyes.
To Kurt:
You're never going to let me live that down, huh? How's baby girl?
To Kurt:
And you could've stayed a bit longer so that I could've returned the favor.
After a few minutes, he went back to researching for the next case. Kurt replied with a message.
From Kurt:
It's ok. I think I was born to suck cock. The sounds you made in those two minutes pretty much confirmed that.
To Kurt:
Don't get cocky. I can't wait to put you in your place…
From Kurt:
:P Baby girl is working on her homework. Everything is going ok. And I'd love to see you put me in my place…
Blaine licked his lips as he leant back in the seat.
To Kurt:
I'm meeting with the divorce lawyer in a few days. I'm going to file and then serve her with the papers ASAP. In the meantime, I'm wondering if I'll move out and take Maddie… I honestly don't want to stay there. Not in that room. Who knows where else they were.
Blaine tapped his pen against the stack of papers on his desk. He read the reply that came a couple minutes later.
From Kurt:
I can understand that but she doesn't get to do what she's been doing to you and then keep the condo. That's not fair.
To Kurt:
From Kurt:
You took care of her since you were in college pretty much, Blaine. She can handle herself now. Don't take care of her after the divorce too.
Blaine read the message a few times. Kurt was right.
To Kurt:
Are you going to tell your folks about me? Since you're done this week and I'm going on vacation, can we go to Ohio?
As expected, Kurt didn't reply right away. Blaine smiled to himself as he imagined the man freaking out. He knew Kurt would probably say ‘after the divorce' or something like that, but it'd take months to be finalized. He wanted to meet Kurt's family and hopefully have them like him before then.
Five minutes. Still no reply. Blaine smiled.
To Kurt:
We're going. You're not saying no.
From Kurt:
I just want you to understand why I'm so nervous about this…
To Kurt:
I do. I am too. But we're together and those we love should know. Unless you want to hide an old man :( My heart wouldn't be able to take it, Kurt.
He smiled as he sent the message and Santana came on the intercom again.
“So who's Mr. Hummel?”
Blaine ignored her and smiled at the next message.
From Kurt:
Fine. You win.
From Kurt:
And I'm not ashamed of you at all. That would be stupid. I'm just afraid.
To Kurt:
We're taking this on together. I promise you that. If it ever gets to be too much—Sarah, your folks, my folks, anyone—just say the word. Ok?
From Kurt:
Blaine put his phone down beside him and got back to work. He had no doubt that this divorce would probably be the worst thing he ever experienced because Sarah and Timothy would love putting him through hell. Blaine knew his employee was jealous of him ever since he joined the firm. Yet still, he wasn't going to back down. He wanted sole custody and he wanted to be happy with his Princess and that was that.
From Kurt:
Picture attached.
And as he looked at the photo of Kurt kissing Madison on the cheek and his daughter not making an icky face like she did whenever he kissed her, maybe he realized he wanted something more. He realized that Kurt would always need to be in the picture, because when he thought of his happiness, he definitely imagined Kurt as well.