Oct. 11, 2015, 7 p.m.
Oct. 11, 2015, 7 p.m.
Chapter 16
Blaine tapped his fingers along the steering wheel as he waited for his daughters school dismissal. School buses and parents were pulling up around his vehicle anticipating the same. There were still a couple minutes before school let out, and Blaine had an anxious feeling. He didnt know if it was more because of Madison or more because of his boyfriend, Kurt.
Simply put, last night was weird. After the three of them arrived back at the brownstone, Kurt stayed to himself in the guest room and Madison went back to being quiet and reserved. While it wasnt weird behavior for Kurt, it was definitely weird for Maddie.
Blaine couldnt help but feel like he made a mistake as a parent and as a boyfriend. If he wouldve respected Kurts no PDA rule and just talked to him about everything after the fact, then none of this wouldve happened. Cooper wouldnt have run into a taxi with children in the backseat of his car, Kurt wouldnt feel the weight of the world on his shoulders because of what Madison had seen, and Madison wouldnt be working so hard trying to process this on her own.
To make matters worse, Kurt was currently spending time with Adam.
Okay, maybe that was a bit of a stretch. Kurt was currently getting his new apartment ready with Hunter, while Adam just so happened to be hanging around. Apparently, hed be around a lot.
Blaine didnt know how he felt about that realization.
But the other thing that was weird was their usually constant text messages were not constant at all. He hadnt heard from Kurt since 11 that morning. It was now after 2 in the afternoon.
Blaine wasnt the overprotective, overbearing lover. Not at all. At least he hadnt been in the past. He didnt want that to be the case now with Kurt.
Kurt was turning 20. He was young. He had guys like Adam who would always be around… single guys like Adam who didnt have kids or any baggage. Blaine knew hed always have to compete, whether Kurt wanted to admit that or not.
He also knew that Kurt would feel weird about things with Madison, and Blaine once again felt guilty. If only he elaborated about why Kurt made him so happy when he spoke to Madison all that time ago. She was young and probably wasnt ready at all, but if hed said something…
His phone buzzed with a text and he quickly reached over to the passenger seat, wondering if it was Kurt. No luck.
From: Santana Lopez
Word on the street is that youre definitely leaving the firm… I dont know why but I do know that means I would be out of a job. Care to explain?
Blaine read the message and rolled his eyes. As if worrying about his love life and family werent enough, he now had to deal with what was going on in the office while he was on vacation.
Sure, he was definitely considering leaving after this benefit gala, but who would even start to spread that around?
To: Santana Lopez
May I ask where youre getting your information? Besides, even if I were to leave, you know I value you, Santana. You dont have to worry about being out of a job.
The kindergarten classes were escorted out of the school first, and Blaine turned the car on knowing Maddie would eventually be out as well. Maybe hed take her out to eat somewhere and pick her brain more about the situation with him liking her nanny, just to make sure she was handling everything well.
From: Santana Lopez
Well, your good friend Timothy has made a couple people aware that you and Sarah are getting a divorce and that hes seeing her. Which I find interesting, seeing as you havent told me anything like this.
From: Santana Lopez
I couldve guessed that was going to happen from you sneaking Hummel into your office and doing what I assume is banging him over the desk. Or letting him bang you over the desk… but all of this is making me see our relationship in a new light, Mr. A. I thought we were tight.
From: Santana Lopez
But back to the point, there are a lot of whispers about you leaving the firm because of all of this and I just wanted you to know.
Blaine read through all of the messages as they came in. With a deep breath, he rubbed tiredly at his forehead and hoped for a fucking break. Couldnt Timothy and Sarah just go away? Honestly. At this point, they werent worth his time or energy.
He looked up and saw Madisons teacher leading the class outside. Blaine looked down at his phone and typed out a quick reply.
To: Santana Lopez
Youre absolutely right. Youve been loyal to me over the years and I do owe you an explanation. I have baby girl with me but if you want to meet up somewhere, we can do that.
Blaine got out of the car and smiled when Maddie looked over and saw him. He quickly went over to her class and said hello to the teacher, extending his hand so his little girl could take it.
"Theres a note in Madisons backpack for you," Ms. Jones said, looking at Blaine seriously. "She had a long day and I just wanted you to be made aware of some things."
The smile on Blaines face fell at the news. He looked down at his daughter, who of course was looking everywhere but at him, and then turned his focus back to the teacher.
"Is everything okay?" he asked.
Ms. Jones swallowed hard before nodding. "Just, read the note please."
A nanny of one of her classmates came to get him and Blaine moved aside, looking down at Madison. He picked her up and said goodbye, ignoring the way her entire class stared at him like he was a mythical creature.
She said something. Of course she did. Shes Madison Anderson.
He opened the backdoor of his car and placed her into her car seat.
"Hi, dad."
Blaine looked at her carefully before smiling. She probably did something really ridiculous at school today, but he couldnt stay mad.
"Hello, princess. Dare I ask what happened before I read this letter from your teacher, or should I just read the letter from your teacher?"
Maddie pulled at her curls and looked away. "Jason made fun of Elizabeth for her parents having a divorce. And you and mommy are also having a divorce, so I stood up for her and said that its alright, because sometimes mommy and daddys have breakups, all that matters is that they still love their kids."
Blaine felt his phone vibrate, but ignored it to listen to his daughter. "Youre absolutely right. Why would Ms. Jones get upset with you for that?"
She fixed the seatbelt in her car seat and sighed; big blue eyes staring at her fathers dark ones. "I may have kept talking and said some more things. But its because Jason said that his parents are happy with each other and it means they love him more than our parents will love us."
Blaine turned around to look at the group of kids and wondered which asshole was Jason.
"But," Madison continued. "I know thats not true. I told him that you are still going to be happy with Kurt, and then he went around telling everyone that I had a gay family, so I threw my Language Arts textbook at him. I missed, but Ms. Jones was very upset with me and said I have to tell her if someone is being mean. She says I cant throw things."
Blaines face tensed and his daughter shrugged at him. "Did you tell Ms. Jones what this Jason kid said?"
Madison shook her head no. "I told her that he was teasing us, but I can handle it on my own. Im an Anderson."
"Not by throwing things, you cant—"
"I wont throw things anymore, dad. I promise."
Blaine looked up as a school bus finally pulled away, meaning hed be free to pull his car out. He ran a hand through his bushy hair and eventually over his beard forming before letting out a sigh. "Ill read this letter when we get home and then Id like to talk to Ms. Jones, just so shes aware of whats going on."
Madison nodded.
"But I do not want you trying to fight everyone that says something bad about me. I send you to this school because I want you to get even smarter than you already are and be brilliant, not to get into fights. Are we clear?"
Madison nodded again. "Sorry."
Blaine pushed some of the crazy curls away from her face. "Its alright. I love you."
She smiled and took a deep breath. "I love you too, pumpkin face."
Blaine looked around at their surroundings as he pulled his cellphone from his pocket. More parents had shown up at this point, and the middle school across the street was letting out too. He looked down at the message from Santana.
From: Santana Lopez
Let me guess… Café Grumpy? I can be there in 15.
Blaine looked away from the text and to his daughter. "How does Café Grumpy with Ms. Lopez sound? We need to take your mind off of some things…
Madison smiled and sat back in the seat. "Well, what are you waiting for? Lets go!"
"Thats tacky, Hunter."
"Well its going in my bedroom, not yours. Leave me alone."
Kurt smiled, crossing his arms. "Its not going anywhere near our apartment building. Pick something else."
Hunter scoffed. "Im telling Sebastian youre being mean to me." He took a picture of the dresser set and Kurt assumed sent it to Bas. "I bet you hell love this."
Kurt nodded. He probably would. Sebastians taste wasnt the greatest. At least when it came to decorating. His taste in men wasnt too bad. Hunter was pretty good looking.
Adam crossed in front of him and pointed at a hanging mirror. "This is pretty cool. I guess it goes on the closet door? I like it."
Kurt nodded in agreement, observing the slanted mirror. It was something up his alley, but he really didnt want it in his bedroom knowing that Adam loved it too, and that Adam would be around.
Probably a lot.
"I know youve picked out quite a few things, but this would be nice…"
"Sebastian loves the dresser, Kurt. You lose!" Hunter stuck his tongue out and put a tag on the set. Kurt smiled at him before looking back at Adam.
"I think I got enough things… maybe more than enough actually—"
"Everything is free, thanks to Hunters folks…" Adam went to stand next to Kurt and pulled him forward a bit so that they could both look in the mirror. He smiled when they locked eyes through their reflections. "Itd be crazy not to take advantage of free, dont you agree?"
Kurt smiled. "I guess. But—"
"Free," Adam reminded him. He combed through his blond hair with his fingers and turned to face Kurt. "Its one more item, and its cool. Put the tag on it, mate."
Kurt laughed lightly before just taking Adams advice. Maybe it was the accent that was so convincing. He put the tag on the mirror and turned to face him. "There. Im getting the mirror. Are you happy?"
Adam shrugged, a smirk on his lips. "Are you happy?"
Kurt looked back at it and nodded. "I guess so."
"No." Adam put his hand on Kurts arm until he turned to face him once more. Their eyes met one anothers and Kurt realized that Adam was trying to be serious. "Are you happy?"
"With this mystery man," Adam added, smiling at Kurt and then lowering his arm. "And does he know how lucky he is?"
Kurt nodded. "I think hes aware. And…" he paused for a moment. He adored Blaine so much. God, he was hot. And he was smart, and cared for him. But he was also going through a lot, especially with Sarah and Madison, and Kurt was starting to feel like an obstacle. He didnt want to say that to Blaine, or to anyone really.
But apparently Adam caught his hesitance, because his right eyebrow went up dramatically as he folded his arms, awaiting an answer. Kurt took a deep breath and nodded.
"Im happy, but at the same time…" he trailed off and looked around, not believing he was about to say anything to Adam of all people. Sebastian, yes. Others? He wasnt really the talking type.
But he needed to expand his horizons and start to trust more people. Adam would be around a lot. He may as well get to know him, right?
"At the same time, it feels like Im a burden to… him. I know I could… love him one day. But thats the scariest thing to know, giving everything weve been facing."
Adam stared at him a little longer, his eyes going wide at first but then his face returning to neutral.
"Wow," he began. "It sounds like youve been in this situation for longer than I expected." He laughed, shrugging it off a bit. "I mean… it wasnt that long ago we went out on our little date…"
"This is all new," Kurt said. "I knew him back when we went on our date, but we werent together then."
And it wasnt much of a lie. Much. Theyd messed around at that point back then, but Blaine was very much still married.
"Okay," Adam rubbed at his chin. "Well, if you ever need to talk, you do have my number. And it wont be weird. I have been dating as well, so its not like Im trying to steal you or anything."
Kurt smiled, albeit forcibly.
"You are friends and roommates with my best friend now, so we should be friends, too." Adam smiled. "Cool?"
Kurt smiled at Adams smile and nodded. "Cool. I think Ill take you up on that."
"Good," Adam smiled some more before turning away and going to find Hunter. Kurt walked off, taking a deep breath and following him.
"By the way," Adam slowed down a bit so that he was in line with Kurt, walking through the furniture store. "You look incredible today."
Kurt felt the blood rushing to his face as he rolled his eyes away. "Bye, Adam."
Adam laughed at the shove, jogging to catch up with him. "Im just being honest!"
"Mr. & Mrs. Anderson,
Today, during third period Language Arts, Madison got into an argument with her classmate Jason and decided to hurl a textbook at him. Luckily, she missed her target, but the book instead hit a cup full of markers at the art station and everything fell to the floor.
Madison and Jason both sat with me during their lunch break and both apologized to one another for fighting. I explained to Jason that the teasing he was doing wasnt going to be tolerated, and I explained to Madison that we dont solve our problems by throwing things or using violence. I just wanted to make you aware of the incidents and I hope you will further discuss things with your daughter.
If you have any questions, you can contact me on my cell phone. Please sign this letter and return it as confirmation of acknowledgment.
Thank you,
Ms. Jones"
Santana read the letter and then looked across the table at Madison.
"You tried to throw a book at him? Thats my girl!"
"Santana, please."
"What? I dont even know what this kid did, but shes letting the whole class know that she wont tolerate the nonsense. Way to go, Maddie."
Madison took a bite of her yogurt while trying to hide her smile. Her dad meant all business, today.
"If that book wouldve hit this kid, no matter how asinine his statements were, Id probably be paying for medical bills right now. Im raising Madison Anderson, not Layla Ali, and Id like to keep it that way."
Santana rolled her eyes. "Whatever. So would you like to fill me in on whats going on?"
Blaine took a sip of his coffee before turning back to his daughter beside him. "Madison knows about Kurt and I, and pretty soon everyone will know. At the gala. But I would just like to make sure my daughter is okay with me being with Kurt before we go forward."
Santana looked between the two of them. "How did you find out?" she asked Madison.
"Daddy and Kurt were kissing, and Uncle Cooper drove past them in the car and we saw it all," the little girl said. "I didnt know that they… kissed."
Santana looked at Blaine. He shrugged.
"Understand all of what Im going through and how crazy its making me. I dont want Maddie to have to experience any of it, or Kurt, or you for that matter. I just want things to die down before I put you all through any of it."
"Things arent going to die down, Anderson." Santana took her bosss little girls hand. "Sweetie, can I ask you what you think about your dad and your nanny kissing?"
Maddie was quiet for a moment before she shrugged. "I dont know. I… I like Kurt. Hes my friend. And he seems happy with papa. But what if he and papa dont like each other anymore like what happened with my mom and you?" she asked, looking at Blaine. "Then what? I wont get to have him anymore. And how do you two have kids? You still wont give me a straight answer!"
Santana smirked, taking a bite of her fruit salad.
Blaine shook his head and eventually let himself laugh. "Sweetheart, Im not trying to have children with Kurt just yet. When the two of us want children, we will run to you and give you a list of options. Okay?"
Madison sighed but nodded.
"And I understand why youre afraid about him and I dating. Kissing. All of that… it must be scary thinking about losing him too. But I dont want you to worry about that. Even if Kurt and I arent together, he still loves you and will want to be your friend. As long as you want him to be."
She looked at him.
"You should talk to him about it," Blaine added. "Hell tell you the same thing."
"But I dont want you two to break up."
Blaine smiled. "I dont want to break up with him, either. But… can we maybe take things slow?"
Madison nodded. Her father kept telling her that he wanted to take things slow, and that this was only the beginning. That didnt make her feel any less afraid. She could see that things werent the best between her mother and father. Madison didnt want to see Kurt and her dad fighting like that. She could see how happy Kurt made her dad when he was around. They spent time together and that was the only time it seemed like her father wasnt stressed out.
"…with the lovey dovey," Santana said. "Whats going on with you in the office and will I need to file for unemployment soon?"
Blaine shook his head no. "Definitely not. Im keeping you on payroll, no matter what I decide. But with Tim there… I cant risk anything."
Santana looked like she wanted more information.
"Ill more than likely go into business for myself. Become independent. A corporate lawyer, maybe. Ill need someone who can travel a lot and be by my side… if youre willing."
Santana looked over at Madison who was busy with her coloring book. She flipped her dark hair over her shoulder. "I think if you leave this firm, youre running."
"Theres nothing there for me. The both of us can do a lot better."
She nodded. "Brittany wont like me travelling a lot."
Blaine smiled. "You two are getting serious."
"Weve been serious for a while now," she added. "I just… I hope youre making these decisions based on logic and not emotion."
"Of course," he told her. He took another sip of his coffee and then ran his hand through his daughters hair. "All of my decisions are made based on this one right here. I need to do whats best for her and staying with the firm and around … you know who, isnt whats best."
Maddie looked up. "Who is you know who?"
Santana smiled. "I think you and I need a girls day out this weekend, Madison. What do you say? Me, you, and Brittany."
Madison smiled. "Of course!"
"Can I at least think this over and let you know?" Santana asked Blaine.
He nodded, taking another sip of his coffee. "Of course."
From: Blaine
I hope Im not bothering you while youre out. I know youre busy. I just wanted to say that Maddie and I got home about half an hour ago and she misses you, and she mentioned that she wants to talk to you when you get in.
"The best thing about our location is that the Village is like right across the street. Im not exactly single anymore, but Sebastian and I enjoy going to gay bars and you know. Looking."
"Youre such an odd couple," Adam told his best friend. "I wouldnt be surprised if youve had threesomes. Or more."
Hunter smiled.
Kurt laughed at them, but slouched down in his seat as he read the message. He had just finished his third slice of pizza and he was done for. The text made him smile, and he started to type out a response.
To: Blaine
So youre saying that only Maddie misses me, huh? Im having a hard time believing that seeing that she barely spoke to me since we were caught kissing on Lexington… if its actually you that misses me, just say so. :P
"We need to take Kurt to a bar tonight. Theyd eat him up alive," Hunter said. "But Sebastian would kill me. And Blaine, too. Theyd both kill me. Sebastian because hes not here to see it, and Blaine because hes so possessive…" Hunter winked and Adam straightened up a bit. Kurt rolled his eyes.
Here we go.
"Which Blaine…? Wait… no," he smiled and it was cute in a dopey way. "That lawyer Blaine guy? The one you work for? Hes the one youre dating? Wait…" Adam put both hands on the table in front of him and knocked down a glass with ice in it. Hunter laughed as he picked it up.
"Dude, calm down…"
"Isnt he straight?!" Adam questioned, staring Kurt right in the eyes. "Are you really seeing him?"
Kurt felt extremely uncomfortable at this point. "Hes not straight if Im seeing him, now is he?"
Adam made a face that Kurt wasnt exactly a fan of… "But hes married with a child and youre with him… a straight man, Kurt."
From: Blaine
Im serious. She told me that she wanted to talk to you. She got in trouble in school today and I think that might be part of the reason why.
From: Blaine
And of course I miss you. I cant stop thinking about you. But Im respecting that youre out with your friends, as any respectable boyfriend should do.
"Leave him alone," Hunter said, grabbing another slice from the pie. "Did you see that guy? I dont care how straight he was, if he wanted to sample this, he could get it."
"Hes not sampling me," Kurt said defensively. Hunter smiled, taking a bite. Adam looked as if he didnt really believe what he was saying, and Kurt wasnt sure that he blamed him. A lot of people wouldnt believe that Blaine Anderson was suddenly interested in Kurt of all people, but Kurt knew for a fact what it was. Not only had he had Blaines face buried deep in his ass not that long ago, but he had Blaines cock hitting the back of his throat while Blaines hands held his head in place. Plus, Madison now knew about them and Blaine wasnt trying to push him away. People could say whatever they wanted to, but they obviously werent right.
"Were together. Not that this is anyones business, but Blaines going through a divorce and we have been seeing one another."
Hunter hummed, seemingly impressed. Adams face never changed. It was blank and pretty much emotionless.
"He came out to his family, my family has met him, and his daughter knows about me. I wouldnt call this a sample."
Adam nodded and looked at his best friend. "Wow. Yeah, theres no way Id ever compare to a millionaire, older man. Good for him. Everything makes a lot of sense now."
Kurt tensed up and looked down at his glass of lemonade. Suddenly he needed to get the hell out of this restaurant and back to Brooklyn.
"No hard feelings, though," Adam continued. He forced a smile, Kurt could tell, and he fidgeted with the frames of his glasses as the Brit continued. "Like I said, Im dating around, and we can still be friends. Im happy if youre really happy with this guy. Yeah?"
Hunter nodded. "Sebastian seems to think youre happy. And I know the sex is good just by looking at Blaine. I can tell hes a freak."
Kurt immediately picked up his drink, trying to focus on anything other than just how freaky Blaine could be. Hunter smirked.
"But thats none of my business."
"Good for the both of you," Adam said, clearing his throat and then waving for the check. "I have to get out of here. My shift starts soon."
Hunter nodded, picking up his glass to chew some of the ice in it. "So Kurt, the furniture will arrive around noon tomorrow and you can move in whenever. Im not wasting anytime."
Kurt looked up from his cell phone and nodded. "Alright. I dont know just when yet, but Ill let you know."
Hunter nodded, thanking the waiter when he came over. "Okay."
To: Blaine
I appreciate that. Im going to hop on the train and Ill be in soon, though. Id love to talk to both you and Maddie.
From: Blaine
You mean that? You wont hide away in your room all night again?
Kurt looked up as Adam put some cash on the table and then stood up to stretch. He chewed on his bottom lip, wondering what the guy thought about him now.
To: Blaine
I wont hide away in my room all night.
Sebastian reached around for his phone on his computer desk before finally pressing the screen and accepting the call.
"Hummel. Hey, babe."
"You suddenly have time for your old friend, huh?" Sebastian teased, going back to his laptop screen. "Whats shaking?"
There was silence on the other line for a moment and then he heard his friend reply to someone else before the conversation continued. "Oh, nothing. I miss you, though."
Sebastian smirked. "What do you want?"
"Im serious," Kurt responded. "I just have a lot going on and I miss when it was you with all the boy drama and I was your go-to. You know?"
He smiled. That was pretty much the relationship they had. Sebastian would always have boy issues. Juggling them, really. Kurt was always in his dorm, trying not to get into trouble. But, Sebastian liked this a lot more. He knew Kurt did, too.
"Want to talk to me about it?"
Kurt hummed. "Are you busy? With mom and dad?"
Sebastian tapped the pen in his hand against his lip as he stared at the screen. "Were all about to go out to dinner with their rich friends who I care very little about. Im trying to decide between these two internships. But Id put all of that on the backburner for my BFF. I hope you know that."
Kurts laugh was forced and Sebastian sat back, knowing something was up.
"Okay, man. You didnt say anything sarcastic in response to that. Whats wrong?"
"Madison knows," his best friend replied straight away.
Sebastians eyes went wide. "Shit. Is she okay…?"
"Yeah," Kurt told him. "I mean; she says shes okay. Im on my way back to the house now to talk to her but… its still weird, you know?"
Sebastian took a deep breath. "Howd she find out?"
"Blaine and I were kissing in the middle of Manhattan and his brother drove by with her in the backseat and then they crashed into a taxi."
"Yeah," Kurt continued. "And she was standoffish, as youd expect a 7 year-old to be after seeing her nanny and father kissing before her father and mother can get the ink on the divorce papers to dry. I dont know…"
Sebastian started to chew on the pen. "But shes okay now…?"
"Ill talk to her when I get in soon, but she seems to be okay."
"What about you and Blaine?" Sebastian asked. "Is he cool?"
He could hear the smile in Kurts voice. "Hes great. He still wants this and Im happy. But Im afraid hell realize just how big this is soon…"
Sebastian nodded. "Its big, but if he hasnt backed out now, you know he isnt going to. When are you going to give me the tea about why you were moaning on the phone when my boyfriend called you? Were you two finally—"
"Dont even finish that sentence," Kurt interrupted. Sebastian laughed, but he had to finish it.
"You were doing something… You have to do me and everyone else a favor and fuck his brains out. I mean, the man is asking for it."
Kurt paused for a moment, and it made Sebastian roll his eyes. He didnt know what to do with his friend, but he knew that once Kurt got the first fuck out of the way, and all the sentimental bullshit that came with it, hed be all for fucking non-stop afterwards. As his best friend, thats all Sebastian wanted for Kurt. A lifetime of happy fucking and relaxation.
"Why are you so quiet?" Sebastian asked.
Another hesitation before Kurt eventually cleared his throat. "Im in aisle 7."
Sebastian went back to reading the description on his computer screen as he listened. "Oh? Whats aisle 7?"
"Theres… a lot of condoms and different types of lube. I dont really know what Im looking at? But Blaine says he purposely didnt buy any because he knows that if he does well end up doing it. But I dont think thats such a bad thing."
Sebastian spun around in his chair and stood up. "Im sorry… youre…what?"
Kurt cleared his throat again, and this time when he spoke, his voice was quieter. Someone else mustve joined him in aisle 7. "We were messing around when I got back from Ohio… and I mayve asked for… more," he said. "He then said he purposely didnt buy any protection or lube because he knew wed end up doing it and he doesnt want me to ask for it when Im not ready because he wont be able to say no—"
"Does this mean youre ready?" Sebastian asked, hoping the excitement wasnt too obvious in his voice. It was almost like he was about to lose his virginity instead of his friend, but this was one of the best moments of his life. "Are you? Oh man, Kurt. Are you sure?"
"I—We have a lot to talk about," Kurt said. "I guess he and I should talk about all of this first, but—yes. I think we are ready. Why not?"
Sebastian smiled. "Bro. I want you to be sure. I know how you feel about sex and the whole—"
"I want to ride his cock, Sebastian."
Sebastian smiled even wider. "Ive raised you well."
"I just… I guess it depends on how things go with Madison. If she doesnt hate me and shes cool with me being around then… Blaine and I are serious, and I cant be around him without looking at his lips and now his tongue—"
"Oh my goodness," Sebastian interrupted. "Okay. Youre ready. Im guessing hes topping first, right?"
Kurt swallowed so hard that his friend could hear it. "I want him to. He says he doesnt have a problem with it but he doesnt want to top all the time."
Sebastian nodded. "Have you seen his ass? I agree with him. Nothing wrong with switching it up. But, do me a favor…"
Kurt could be heard talking to a store employee before returning to the conversation. "Whats this favor?"
"Its very simple," Sebastian explained. He went to sit back down and leant back in the seat. "Watch a porno with him."
"Oh my god."
"Do it. Okay?"
"Make sure your daughter is asleep and then just casually put it on. You know. Before bed."
"Oh my god."
"Yeah, and Im sure youll be saying oh my god on loop—"
"Enjoy your evening with your folks and Im going to buy this… stuff, and get the hell out of here."
Sebastian laughed, knowing that he was now being dismissed. It usually happened around this minute mark of their conversations. "Just relax, okay? And Im not saying that youll do it tonight, of course, but you should watch a little something tonight. He needs to unwind and you have the key thatll help him…"
Quiet again, all before, "Goodbye, Sebastian."
He smiled. "Love you, bro."
"I love you, too."
Sebastian hung up the phone call and shook his head, smiling to himself and fist pumping.
To: Hunter
Hey bae. Facetime before I go out with the rents? Im horny.
From: Hunter
Yes please
Blaine signed the letter from Maddies teacher and put it back in her notebook, right next to her completed homework. She started to dance with an apple slice half in her mouth, half out, and Blaine smiled at her, kissing the girl on her forehead.
"What are we not doing at school tomorrow, princess?"
Madison removed the apple slice and smiled. "I will not throw things at my classmates tomorrow."
"Or the day after," her father said sternly.
Madison nodded. "Or the day after." She took a bite of her apple slice and sat back on the stool at the island. "So what are you doing tomorrow?"
Blaine started to pack her things away and shrugged. He had a lot to get done this week, but didnt want to bore her with it. "I dont know, little lady. What should I do? And would you like to call mommy before bed?"
Maddie shook her head no before taking another bite of her apple. "I want mommy to call me. I always have to call her and sometimes shes too busy. She can call when shes not busy, right?"
Blaine looked at her for a while and nodded as he began to smile. "Youre right. Im sorry mommy is so busy. Hopefully she can get a vacation soon too, right?"
She didnt seem to answer that, instead going back into their previous conversation. "You should go hang out with your boyfriend. Kurt might want to do something fun."
Blaine laughed a little. "I dont know. Kurt is busy moving into his new place, too. But do you remember my friend, Jeff? The fireman. He says hes off tomorrow so I may go catch up with him."
The front door opened and then closed. Blaine heard footsteps and then checked the time. He didnt expect Kurt to be in before 8, not with the time they had the day before, but he wasnt about to complain.
"Is that Kurt?" Maddie asked, hopping down off the stool and walking to the hallway to check. She smiled shyly when she saw him coming towards her with a plastic bag in hand.
"Hey," he said sweetly.
"Hi," Maddie replied. She smiled back at Blaine and nodded. "Hes home."
Blaine put her backpack on and smiled, deciding hed clean up her snack a little later. "Come on. We should go upstairs and hang out."
Kurt stopped walking when he saw Blaine and Madison coming towards him. "I bought some Starburst and I thought maybe we could watch old Hannah Montana episodes and relax."
Maddie nodded. "And we can talk. I got in trouble today."
Kurt hummed. "I heard about that, missy."
She turned and looked at her father, a pout on her lips. "Did you tell on me?"
Blaine smirked. "You can tell Kurt what you did. I just mentioned that your teacher was upset."
"Oh man," Madison sighed, walking over to Kurt and taking his hand. Blaine could tell that he was relieved because his boyfriend let out a deep breath and clutched her hand as well.
This was exactly how he wanted it to be. Theyd take baby steps and get her used to all of this. They wouldnt rush. Shed be the priority, and he and Kurt would make sure that everyone involved here was comfortable.
He started to follow the two of them up the stairs. While they talked, Blaine figured he could get some research done on his move into corporate law. He stared at Kurts ass in front of him and bit his lip.
"So you got Starburst to share with Maddie. Did you get anything for me?"
Kurt smiled at him when they reached the top of the steps. He pulled the family-sized Starbursts out and then handed Blaine everything else in the pharmacy bag. "This is for you. Now leave us alone while we have Kurt-Maddie bonding time. Cool?"
Blaine accepted the bag that was pushed against his chest and nodded, a little jealous that he couldnt hang out with them, but completely understanding. "Fine. Have fun, and you know where I am."
Kurt nodded, but his daughter was already pulling the man down the hall to her playroom. Blaine waved to him before walking away himself, heading into his room with a smile.
He didnt want to admit it, but he felt all mushy having Kurt back. It was going to suck having him live with Sebastian, Hunter, and lets be honest, Adam.
But knowing that hed come here whenever he wanted—
When Blaine looked down in the bag, he saw a box of 12 condoms and a medium-sized bottle of lube. He froze.
Did Kurt buy this because…
Was he ready to…
Oh my.
Blaine licked his lips and pulled the box out. Trojans. Nothing fancy, just lubricated condoms. He swallowed hard as the possibility of what this meant flooded his mind. Kurt may have wanted to… Hell, Blaine definitely wanted to, but he also wanted his boyfriend to be ready.
His boyfriend who was currently down the hall spending time with his daughter, while he left him here to freak out.
"Fuck," Blaine repeated. "No. Stop. Relax."
He put the contents of the box inside the bedside drawer, lube included, and sat down to stare at the blank television. "Im not going to look too far into this. Yes, I want to fuck him, and I want to be fucked by him, but he just bought that for when hell be ready. It doesnt mean hell be ready tonight.
From: Kurt
I can hear your heartbeat from here.
Blaine read the message and chewed on his bottom lip.
To: Kurt
Im relaxed. IDK what you mean.
From: Kurt
Okay, liar.
He licked his lips and laid back in bed, smiling to himself. One thing was for sure—he was not letting Kurt spend the night in that guest room all alone.
"I wanted to tell you something."
Maddie stopped stomping around in her heels and looked at her nanny. "What is it?"
Kurt smiled at her. "Sorry to interrupt the princess game, but this is serious. Do you have a moment?"
"Is it going to be sad?"
Kurt shook his head. "Its not. But it is very important, okay?"
She sat down on the floor and picked up a Barbie doll. "Okay, Kurt. Im listening."
Kurt leant forward and took her hands. She returned a very serious look, focusing on Kurts blue eyes behind the rimmed glasses.
"Your friendship is very important to me."
Madison smiled. "I know. My friendship is important to a lot of people."
He rolled his eyes and she laughed. "Im serious, Maddie. I want you to know, your feelings and your happiness—both myself and your father want whats best for you. If that means that we need to stop seeing one another, then we wont get mad at you for feeling that way."
Madison shook her head no, but didnt say anything else.
"We didnt want you to find out by seeing us kissing, you know that? We wanted to tell you that we liked each other."
"He told me that," Madison explained. "Kurt?"
"Hm?" he said quickly, letting the little girl play with his hands.
"Did my mommy leave because daddy liked you?"
Kurt looked at her momentarily before finally shaking his head no. "I think they could talk to you better about that than I could, but your parents just have a lot to deal with between themselves. It didnt really have anything to do with me or you."
She nodded. "I dont mind you two liking each other. I know you both like each other, and my daddy is happy. Im happy too, I promise. I just like you being my nanny and my friend."
Kurt smiled, allowing her to move closer and push his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "I will always be your friend. Youve got to know that. And Ill always take care of you and your dad, as long as you two want me around. Dont forget that."
"I wont," Maddie promised.
Kurt nodded. "If you ever feel… I-I dont know. Weird, I guess. About your dad and me. You can talk to one of us about it and wed listen."
She pulled away and went back to walking in her heels. "I trust you both."
"And I trust you both," Kurt answered with a smile, watching her. Hannah Montana continued in the background and he knew he could do this. He could do the whole talking thing, and be a part of her life.
From: Blaine
I want to show you what I made on the third floor after your finished with baby girl. Also, can I come in or have I been kicked out of the cool kids club?
Kurt laughed to himself. "Hey. Your dad wants to hang out with us. Should we let him?"
Madison shrugged. "Eh. I guess. But he cant have our Starbursts."
Kurt laughed.
To: Blaine
You can come, but Maddie says I cant give you any candy.
To: Blaine
Maybe I can give you something sweet later?
From: Blaine
Yeah. We can definitely do that.
I so wish this was complete. You write amazing stories