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Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.

Ride: Sign the Dotted Line

E - Words: 9,498 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Sep 28, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2013
265 0 0 1 0

Chapter 16—Sign the Dotted Line

Blaine rested his weight on one side of the door frame as he stared at his uncle. Don looked exhausted, as he should at this time of night, but it wasn't simply tired; he looked emotionally drained. Blaine tried to understand what exactly was going on but he was at a loss.

Milton knew what about him and Peter?

What was he going to tell the Board?

How was it all over?

It was close to midnight, so was whatever Uncle Don had come all the way over to this side of the beach to tell him really worth coming all the way over to this side of the beach? Because for some reason, Blaine really doubted that it was.

The fact remained. He wasn't guilty of anything.

It wasn't hard for Donald to notice his nephew's confusion. The man looked as if he'd say something before adjusting the wide rimmed glasses on his face and simply shaking his head. As far as Blaine had come, he just wanted the kid to go further and succeed. Now, all of that was in jeopardy, and for what?

Don put his hands on his waist and his behavior made Blaine start to worry.

"What do you mean it's over?" the teen asked. "And what is 'it' exactly?"

Kurt sat further back on the sofa as he listened.

"Pretty much everything, Blaine."

It was the simple answer. Don slowly paced back and forth on the deck as Diesel brushed past Blaine's leg to join the man outside. "I don't even know what else to say right now."

Blaine shook his head as he tried to get a grip on the circumstances. Don was much quicker to give up in a situation like this. His morals came first, Blaine acknowledged, and that wasn't a bad thing per se. It was just different from how Blaine operated. "So Milton knows about the bet I agreed to on whim— that I never collected any money on, and it's all over? Forgive me if I think its absolute bullshit, Unc."

"Whatever it is, Eric says he'll be at my place in a little bit. If anyone knows how ruthless he can be, it's me. I'm trying to prepare mentally for whatever dirt he'll fling." Don shook his head and looked away, "You know that you got so far, Blaine. I'd hate to see you lose it all because of some foolish mistake you made however long ago." his uncle turned around once more and looked at his nephew, letting out a long sigh. "I don't know what else to tell you. Just be at my place soon, okay kid?"

Don walked away without waiting for an answer. Blaine watched him go, still not as bothered by the situation as his uncle was. He whistled to get Diesel's attention and the Boxer slowly but surely made his way back inside.

Kurt was seated on the sofa with his legs crossed. Blaine was certain that he heard the conversation as he took a seat next to him; looking up at the ceiling as he uncrossed Kurt's legs and put them over his lap. They didn't say anything for a while, though Blaine could feel his boyfriend's tension over the situation. The last thing he wanted was for Kurt to feel uneasy about this after the day they'd had. "Sorry about that."

Kurt observed Blaine's face for a moment until the elder teen turned to face him; both resting their heads on the back of the couch. "I'm guessing you have to go."

"I'm not going anywhere, babe. That guy is the biggest, lamest joke to ever exist."

Kurt watched his boyfriend and wasn't surprised by how nonchalant he was about everything. Blaine smiled and shrugged. "I'm staying here with you."

"Well I'm pretty sure you heard Don," he responded, smiling slightly when Blaine seemed to lose interest and look away, "You have this 'I don't give a damn' attitude that I both admire and am incredibly envious of at times, but right now I think you need to be a little bit smarter."

Blaine smiled at that while he trailed his fingers up and down Kurt's shin. "What do you mean?"

"I'm saying that you and your friends have had no good things to say about Milton. You constantly tell me that he's a sneak and has no respect for you or anyone in Legacy." Blaine glanced over at Kurt as the younger teen continued, "Whether or not he has a legitimate claim against you, I just think it's foolish to take this so lightly."

"He doesn't have anything on me." Blaine shrugged it off again and Kurt laid his head on the back of the sofa, trying not to hit his stubborn boyfriend with a pillow. "And the fact that he wants to meet me instead of just taking whatever information he has to the Board lets me know that he's full of shit. If he's trying to blackmail me, he can do it later. For now I'm with you." Blaine squeezed his thigh as he smiled; his eyes meeting with Kurt's in a way that earned him a shy smile. "I have more important things to deal with right now. Like us, for instance."

Kurt looked down at Blaine's hand on his thigh as the elder moved it back down to his ankle.

"I never wanted to make you angry with me, darling. Seeing you upset was a terrible feeling."

Kurt nodded. "I feel the same way."

Blaine smiled as he caressed his boyfriend's leg. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Blaine always loved the way Kurt responded without hesitation, "And I know I was wrong, honey. I'm sorry I shouldn't have hid the fact that I was texting Dave knowing that it'd make you angry. I just didn't want you to be angry."

Blaine nodded his understanding. He sank down on the couch a little bit and Kurt adjusted himself, getting more comfortable and crossing his legs on top of Blaine's lap. After running a hand through unruly curls, the boy spoke. "Can I ask you something?"

Kurt perked up a bit, obviously nervous but undoubtedly compliant. "Anything."

His boyfriend licked his lips before beginning. "Is there a reason this guy can't go to a support group for people questioning or coming to terms with their sexuality— I don't exactly know his situation… but I'm sure there's a group…" Blaine thought for a bit, "like a LGBT meeting or PFLAG or something." he turned his body so that they faced one another but looked down at the ring on Kurt's hand. "His parents or a friend… I mean there must be someone, baby."

Kurt thought about the answer. He could always ask if there was another person for Dave to talk to but he knew the answer was no. He was sure that the boy reached out to him for a reason. "I honestly don't know. I guess I can't answer for him, but what I do know is it's hard being in the closet. I didn't have any intention of coming out in high school. I lied about having a crush on Rachel, dated and made out with Brittany, listened to Mellencamp and even joined the football team just so I wouldn't have to come out."

Blaine looked up and gave Kurt his full attention. Their eyes met for a moment and Kurt continued. "I was lucky enough to have a supporting father who loves me regardless of who I fall in love with. I can't say the same for Karofsky's dad because I don't know him personally. I mean he seemed okay when I met him, though the circumstances were pretty shitty." Diesel tried his best to hop on the couch and Kurt had mercy on him, smiling as he picked him up and held him to his chest. "When we were younger, I'd see him coming to pick Dave up from school. He seemed polite enough, you know. I actually didn't get to observe him until after all of us—my dad and I, and him and his dad, were in the meeting together."

"After his threat." Blaine stated more than asked. Kurt looked down at Diesel, rubbing the puppy behind the ears as he nodded.

"Exactly. He seemed ok. But that doesn't mean he's going to be totally on board with a gay son. PFLAG meetings could help with that if he were," Kurt thought aloud while Blaine gave him his full attention, "and maybe there are some other support groups out there. But having to trust someone while you're in the closet isn't an easy thing. I actually feel honored that he trusts me."

Blaine nodded. "Because you're amazing."

Kurt smiled as Diesel climbed up his chest, glancing over at his boyfriend. "I know where you stand on the situation but I think you'd do the same for someone who needed help. He's scared. He's in an environment where if you like someone of the same sex, that's too bad. People are going to make your life hell. I've lived it from not only him, but others as well."

Blaine looked away.

"He was the only one out of all of them to apologize. Well, besides the guys I was in glee club with—"

"He was a lot harder on you," Blaine said monotonously. Kurt agreed.

"He was."

"And I know where you stand, but I really don't like him. I'm not sorry."

"I know that too," Kurt continued to play with their dog, putting Diesel on his back and entertaining the silly puppy. "But my thing is I'm just talking to him. Simply talking. Nothing is going on. If you don't trust me, you can read the conversations."

"I definitely trust you, baby. I just feel… uneasy," Blaine started to rub Diesel too and accepted how spoiled he was going to be.

"Because you're incredibly possessive. You've been incredibly possessive since we were 7 years old." Kurt told him with a grin. Blaine laughed before biting his lip into that smile, and Kurt nudged him a little with his foot. "As much as I love it, I also love that you trust me. I doubt Dave and I are going to become BFFs or anything like that, because that's your title," Blaine smiled even harder and Kurt laughed before resuming, "He'll graduate high school and go on with life, hopefully strong enough to come out with a wonderful guy in his corner, and you and I will be wherever life takes us, hopefully in a cozy New York City studio apartment—"

"Condo." Blaine said quickly. Kurt smiled.

"Not in college, babe."

"Yes in college." Blaine corrected. His boyfriend ignored him.

"Wherever it is, I think we'll be together."

Diesel started to fall asleep and Blaine smiled as he looked at the two of them. "I know we will be."

Kurt simply smiled before giving his boyfriend the 'stop tickling my feet' warning look. Blaine nodded as his grin slowly began to fade. "Do you trust me?"

Kurt stared into his warm honey eyes as he nodded. "I do."

Blaine held his gaze and smiled a little softer. "But do you really trust me?"

Kurt sighed, stroking the dog across the belly as he drifted off. "You know I do. I just don't understand what happened with her or why it happened the way it did, but I trust you."

Blaine nodded. He could understand that much. "I don't know what I was thinking, Kurt. I guess the point here is that I wasn't thinking at all."

Kurt looked up again. "You can be honest. It may hurt but I prefer you be honest…" Blaine listened as Kurt licked his lips and continued, "Did you not mention me because you were ashamed, maybe?"

Blaine looked at him as if he was crazy. "Ashamed of?"

"Me," his boyfriend answered obviously.

"You're asking me if I'm ashamed of you when we pretty much make out at every public place we show up at?"

"Well the public place she was at didn't even get me a 'Sami, meet Kurt' so I had to ask."

Blaine rested his head against the back of the couch. "I don't even have an excuse. It was simply a dumb Blaine moment. But I am not ashamed of you and I will never be ashamed of you. Ever."

Kurt nodded.

"I saw my old friend and I got excited because she and I were close. I haven't heard from her in a long time." Blaine smirked when he noticed Kurt's feet were really ticklish and Kurt kicked him, making him chuckle. "Sorry. But yeah, I wasn't using my brain. It was a fuck up on my behalf and I'm sorry."

"I already forgave you," Kurt told him simply. It was true. He forgave him, he just didn't understand. But now he knew not to be so hard because Blaine had done something stupid, just like he had. They both had their faults, and they both hurt from the things that'd happened. What was important now, as Burt had told him, was that they cared enough about one another to work through it.

And they definitely did.

"I know because you're too good to me." Blaine smiled when Kurt took his hand. "So. Would you like to meet Sami tomorrow for dinner?"

Kurt smiled as Blaine patiently awaited an answer; the older teen's hand returning to the sole of Kurt's foot until he squirmed away and awoke Diesel. Blaine laughed as a pillow was thrown, though he dodged it.

"Stop tickling me! And I actually don't get off work until closing time tomorrow so I don't think dinner will cut it."

Blaine propped the pillow behind his head and nodded. "So we'll do lunch then and I'll drop you off to work. That sound good?"

Kurt nodded as Diesel rolled onto his side. "If—yes, it sounds good."

Blaine nodded as well, ignoring his boyfriend's slip up as he leant forward to grab his cell phone. "I'll leave her a text then."


Kurt petted the puppy until he started to fall asleep again. He glanced up a moment later to see Blaine typing, and then he saw Blaine turn the phone's camera to face himself while beginning to speak.

"Hello world!"

Kurt quirked an eyebrow suspiciously. "What are you doing?"

"My name is Blaine Alexander Anderson," he continued without stopping to answer Kurt, holding the camera phone steady as he filmed himself. "Many of you know me as the asshole who likes to ride his bike and do tricks on property that doesn't belong to me. Others may know me as a bit of a playboy, and I may've kissed your girlfriend at some point. But a lot of you out there have no idea who I am."

Kurt seriously had no idea what was going. He shook his head at Blaine before putting both feet on the ground and walking over to put Diesel in his doggy bed. Blaine watched him go and continued.

"I'm a kid from Long Beach, California who is lucky enough to do what I love, where I love, with amazing people I love."

Kurt listened as he placed the dog down and stood up again, watching Blaine film himself from where he was by the hallway.

"I could probably tell you tons of things about myself until I'm blue in the face, like the fact that I ride BMX professionally, or that I'm a 17 year old about to begin my senior year of high school, or that I have an intense love for pepperoni pizza and the color purple, or that I really hate waking up before noon. I could talk you all to death and you still wouldn't know me better than Kurt Edward Hummel does." Blaine smiled before turning back to face the boy who was slowly walking over. Kurt still had the puzzled look on his face and Blaine grinned, turning the camera on him after he sat down.

"This is Kurt. He's my beautiful, gorgeous, immensely talented boyfriend."

"Blaine what are you—" it was his instinct to check his hair and Blaine rolled his eyes, turning the camera to himself.

"He's definitely a pretty boy, and it's one of the millions of things I love about him," Blaine told the camera with a smile, "Kurt Hummel means the world to me, and if I'm lucky enough, one day I'll be his husband."

Kurt blushed but rolled his eyes, smiling in another direction. "Baby, c'mon. Turn the camera off."

Blaine shook his head no. "I'm making this video to tell the world that I love you a lot. I don't care who knows it," he then turned back to his phone and smiled. "As long as he knows I'm in love with him and will always be, then I've done what I intended to do. Because I, Blaine Anderson, am hopelessly in love with this gorgeous specimen," he grinned and turned the camera on Kurt who shyly buried his face in his hands and then buried all of that in the couch, "Kurt Hummel," Blaine continued as he laughed, "Who is suddenly shy for whatever reason. But it doesn't matter because we're going to make out now. Goodbye world." Blaine winked at the camera and gave a wild smile before stopping the video. He went to his Facebook app and posted it as Kurt kicked him and told him 'that better not be going on the internet.'

But it was.

Because Blaine wasn't ashamed. He loved Kurt and he wanted everyone to know that. He'd shout from the mountain tops if he had to.

And he also vowed to never make Kurt feel like he wasn't important to him ever again.

"Let's go to bed, beautiful."

Kurt finally stopped ranting about how his hair was a mess and how Blaine really didn't need to do that after he was silenced with a kiss. He smiled and cupped Blaine's cheek before pulling away.

"I'm still mad at you. And we really need to rehearse for our audition…"

"Later," Blaine sat up and smiled. "Let's just go upstairs for a bit."

Kurt knew what that meant. He sent a couple winks Blaine's way as a result, and laughed when his boyfriend wiggled his adorable triangle eyebrows up and down. He stood to his feet and looked back at Blaine, helping him up with a grin. "You're such a dork."

"And you're a dork lover."

"I am."


"It looks like he isn't coming, Eric. You can feel free to leave now."

Eric Milton smiled at Don as he stroked at his chin; legs crossed and a small smirk on his face. He checked his watch before agreeing and looked back over to his old friend. "Would you like to give him a call? This will be a pretty important conversation for him."

Don shook his head no as he showed how increasingly aggravated he was becoming by having Milton in his home. That said a lot for a man who was usually so poised. "The fact of the matter is he didn't do anything wrong, Eric. He's not going to come and I can't say that I blame him."

"Is he with his boyfriend?" Milton asked with a smile.

"That's none of your business," Don replied seriously. The man smirked.

"I'm really disappointed by how this night turned out," Eric stood up, brushing his pants as he did so. "We could have had all of this sorted out tonight. But, now I'll have to pull out the big guns."

Don looked up at the taller man from where he sat in his chair. Milton cleared his throat and began to speak; the trademark smirk on his face. "I think your nephew is spoiled and undeserving of everything he has. I think your brother-in-law, God bless the dead, and your sister gave him everything he wanted and created an egotistical brat. I am shamed to have such a young man like Blaine as the face of the sport and I'll be damned if I have to look up at a billboard and see his face, or turn on the television and have it there also."

Don shook his head, rather annoyed at this point. "All of this is because you're jealous. You weren't better than me all those years ago and now the sport is running in my family while your son has no interest. You should just let it go, Eric."

"Why would I be jealous of a has-been and his nephew the homo lover? I—"

"You'll watch how you talk about my family whether you're in my home or not," Don stood up, not at all intimidated by the height difference. "You will not disrespect Blaine and you will not disrespect Kurt. This is childish and whatever beef you have should be with me, not a 17 year old who's done nothing to you."

Eric smiled and shook his head, eventually turning away. Kurt was Don's family? Really? "You're a trip, Kinsella."

"Leave my home. Now."

The man stood there unmoved, staring Don directly in the eyes. "You give that talented, successful nephew of yours a message for me first."

Don glared at him.

"You let him know that either he drops out of the finals competition which will luckily result in him losing all of his sponsors, or I'll see to it that his pretty little boyfriend doesn't even have an audition at that artsy school he's trying to get into. And that's a promise." Milton took a few steps back and smiled when he saw his old friend's eyes darken a little. "I'll see you next weekend at finals, pal."

The man exited with that sly smile on his face and even laughed a bit as he closed the door behind him. Don remained in the spot he stood for quite sometime before he had finally relaxed, taking a few deep breaths and walking over to lock his door. He didn't know Mikey was on the steps until he turned to walk to the kitchen, and the little boy slowly came down the stairs.

"Are you okay, papa?"

Don smiled and motioned for the tot to join him. "Why are you still up, Mikey?"

Mikey made his way down the steps and over to his father who picked him up. "Mommy kissed me goodnight but you didn't. I don't sleep good when you don't kiss me goodnight."

Don walked them to the kitchen as he gave him a wet kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry. Papa had to talk to his old friend."

The boy was quiet as Don placed him on top of the counter. He rubbed at his eyes with his fists and yawned as his dad got the milk out of the fridge and poured some into a saucepan. Kurt taught Don about the warm milk trick and it always put both of them right to bed. "So what story am I reading to you tonight?"

Mikey's legs dangled over the edge of the counter as he thought about it. "You can tell me about when you met mommy and fell in love again."

Don smiled and nodded to his son. "Sounds like a plan."


Kurt and Blaine's kisses were much less heated and feverish like they were earlier. Right now, as the two of them lay in bed, naked—Kurt on top of Blaine and in between his legs—they shared the sweetest, cutest kisses ever. They were laughing into most of them because of how silly Kurt was being; his tongue licking a swipe from Blaine's chin to his top lip, with Blaine trying to wipe his chin on Kurt's cheek. They giggled and kissed some more, and Blaine's hands found the small of his boyfriend's back as Kurt began to move, gently at first, but definitely noticeable.

He worked his hips slowly as he deepened the kiss, and Blaine inhaled sharply while Kurt moved on top of him. For a moment it was nothing but beautiful friction and mouth on mouth; legs rubbing together beneath the bed sheets and the smallest moan slipping from Blaine's throat unintentionally. Kurt smirked when he pulled away from the kiss. He stared down at Blaine beneath him as he grinded up and focused on how the elder teen bit his lip, thrusting up and sliding his cock against Kurt's. When he threw his head back because of the feeling, Kurt smiled and pressed him down against the mattress.

"You're so hard and we've pretty much only been kissing. I'm impressed with how easy it is for me to turn you on."

Blaine smiled as one hand moved up Kurt's back beneath the sheets. "Well now you're kind of grinding on top of me and it feels incredible… really incredible."

Kurt smiled and closed the distance between them, kissing Blaine's top lip and sucking it into his mouth. He grinned when Blaine wrapped his legs around his own and clenched both fists in the pillow, grinding harder and picking up a rhythm. "I kn-know."

"Babe…" Blaine licked his parted lips and closed his eyes as Kurt rested his head beside his on the pillow; the bed rocking back and forth with his movements, "yes…"

Kurt bit his lip and slowed down a bit, enjoying the tingling in his spine and the breathy moans from his boyfriend. "You always talk about how amazing I sound, but you definitely need to hear the way you moan when I touch you…"

Blaine went to laugh but it only turned into another moan as he swallowed hard. His eyes met stormy blue ones and remained there before finally worked up the power it took to get out an intelligible sentence. "If you knew how tight you were, you'd understand."

Kurt smiled and continued to look down at Blaine. He didn't think it'd be so sexy to just watch the faces that he made, but it definitely was. After grinding against him again, he exhaled and licked his lips. "I bet you're tight, too."

Blaine opened his eyes at the words while his hands instinctively tightened on Kurt's back.

"Have you ever fingered yourself?"

That was possibly the sexiest thing Blaine had ever heard. Kurt's voice paired with the dirtiness of the question and what the two of them were doing right now; completely naked in his room and pressed against one another—it was simply sexy. Blaine fought not to thrust up as he shook his head no.

"I-I haven't."

Kurt smiled, nodding at the reply. He stopped moving his hips but did give Blaine a quick kiss. "Can I ask why not?"

Blaine chased Kurt's lips until it earned him another kiss. This time, Kurt let it linger before pulling away. "I don't know. But I want you to right now."

Kurt smiled and kissed him again, making Blaine close his eyes and savor the action. He pulled away and looked down at him. "You want me to what?"

Blaine licked his lips. "I want you to finger me."

They didn't know who leaned in first, but they definitely knew that as their legs tangled and Kurt grabbed a fistful of hair, Blaine's wish would without doubt be granted. At one point, the curly haired teen did come up for air and it resulted in Kurt's lips making their way down his chest, across his abdomen and over his navel. Blaine watched with dark eyes as Kurt went further and further down his body while grabbing the lube from off the night stand beside his bed. The tip of his boyfriend's tongue touched the vein running along his cock and he cursed, almost dropping the bottle. "Shit… now I want you to put it in your mouth, baby."

Kurt removed the sheet from over his head and smiled along with his eyes as he pushed Blaine's legs apart and took the lubricant from him. "I'm not letting you cum before I finger you."

Blaine sighed and rested his head against the pillow. He saw Kurt watching him as he poured a bit of it into his palm and couldn't help but bite his lip at how hot his boyfriend looked right now. He watched everything unfold; the way Kurt slicked two of his fingers generously and how he moved further down the bed; his head resting against Blaine's leg. He watched the way Kurt licked the skin of his inner thigh and bit down playfully as his finger approached Blaine's entrance. It was just as tight as Kurt imagined it to be; pink and hot against his slick finger. Kurt peeked up to see Blaine watching him with what seemed to be both intrigue and a little nervousness, and he kissed the tip of Blaine's cock as he circled the rim of his ass.

"I'm basically about to tell you everything you told me…" Kurt trailed off and kissed down the length of Blaine's cock now; peeking up again as he slowly pushed his index finger inside. "If you need me to stop, let me know. Talk to me, okay?"

Blaine nodded as he closed his eyes, preparing for the intrusion. "Ok. I'm ready."

It was an odd sensation at first. Not unwelcome, just… odd. Blaine relaxed as Kurt began to move his finger, slowly working it in and out to stretch him open. It wasn't hurting at this point; it simply felt like a stretch.

He told Kurt that he wanted more as his boyfriend kissed the spot where the base of his length met his nuts, over and over again. Kurt looked up after a moment as he began to add another finger and Blaine swallowed hard, totally not prepared for how gorgeous he looked right now.

Two fingers were a little more intense. Blaine could definitely feel the stretch now and winced a bit when Kurt began to scissor them inside him. He was patient throughout the discomfort as Kurt took his time and worked him open. It wasn't hard to put up with it when he got to watch his boyfriend licking a trail of precum and smiling up at him as he did so. And then Kurt's free hand trailed along the muscles of his abdomen and up to his chest, painting over where his name was tattooed and teasing over the hardened nub of his nipple. Before Blaine realized it, he was riding Kurt's fingers and forcing himself deeper.

"Sh-Shit, Kurt," he rolled his hips and Kurt watched, wetting his lips at the sight, "give me more. I can take more…"

Kurt changed his positioning so that he was hovering over Blaine with one arm resting beside him on the bed. He pulled his fingers out slowly, admiring the drag and the way that Blaine hungrily clenched around them, and then he pushed them back in. This time though, Kurt's fingers entered Blaine at an angle and he knew it was the best angle by the reaction.

"Holy shit!" Blaine snapped his hips forward as he threw his head back, and Kurt watched in awe. "There—that—there please."

Kurt smiled as he maneuvered his fingers deeper inside of Blaine and rubbed against his prostate. Again, Blaine convulsed a little but his hand flew straight to his cock. "How does it feel, Blaine?"

"So good," Blaine began to stroke himself to the pace of Kurt's fingers moving around inside of him, "it feels so fucking good."

Kurt removed Blaine's hand and pulled it over to his own cock, steadily fingering his boyfriend as Blaine got the memo and started to touch him; slowly teasing the head of Kurt's cock as his toes curled. Kurt then licked his palm and wrapped it around Blaine's length, speeding up his strokes and massaging the spot inside him.

"You really are tight, baby." he groaned as Blaine bit down hard on his lip. Kurt licked his own as he rocked in and out of Blaine's fist. "So tight…"

"I'm close," Blaine watched as Kurt's fingers moved in and out of him as the boy's hand moved up and down his hard on. "Almost there, beau—Kurtttohgod—"

Blaine stopped stroking Kurt completely as his back arched off the bed; his orgasm hitting him harder than he'd ever remember feeling one as he came in long ropes across his abdomen. Kurt helped him through it with a smile, laughing only slightly because it looked as if Blaine would pass out or die, perhaps. He saw Blaine start to wince at the sensitivity before he finally let go, grabbing his own cock and stroking himself.

"I can't imagine what it would be like inside of you, Blaine. I would lose my mind."

Blaine smiled to himself as Kurt leant over him; his eyes a dark grey as he started to fuck his fist. "We should take turns fucking each other one day."

Kurt smirked before throwing his head back, feeling himself getting closer. "In the pool…"

"Against the wall," Blaine ran a hand along Kurt's thigh as he watched the boy touch himself, "in the kitchen."

"Shit," Kurt's hand sped up for another few seconds until he fell over the edge. He came hard; squirting all over Blaine's chest as he continued to pump himself, "oh god, baby."

Blaine folded his hands beneath his head and smiled as he watched Kurt unwind afterwards, rolling onto the bed next to him and staring up at the ceiling. "That was great."

Kurt nodded, still catching his breath. "You know we have to rehearse, right?"

Blaine licked his lips and smiled. "I know."


To Blaine:

Are you coming to practice?

Nick pressed send as he placed his backpack on the bench with the rest of Legacy's things. He could see Jeff, Justin, and David already on the far end of the park. The three were chatting about something while Jeff smiled, standing on top of his skateboard as he always did. Nick looked away and grabbed his protective gear, preparing himself for practice.

From Blaine:

I'm coming eventually. I can say maybe another hour or so. I'm at lunch with Kurt and Sami.

Nick finished strapping on his elbow pads before reading the message. David shouted his name as he typed out a reply and he looked up, immediately locking eyes with Jeff. He looked back down at his phone and pressed send.

To Blaine:

Ok. I'm happy they're meeting. Let me know how it goes.

Justin rode his bike over to Nick and did a wheelie, stopping just short of where he sat. "Mr. Duval."

Nick grabbed his knee pads from his bag and smiled up at the tall blonde. "What's up, Jus?"

"Chillin', man. Haven't seen you in a while."

From Blaine:

I will. Is everything ok?

"I know. I'm sorry for cutting you guys off it's just… a lot to process right now."

Justin nodded and smiled. "I know, bro. I'm assuming you're going to be a grown up and go talk to Jeff?"

To Blaine:

Everything is cool. See you soon.

Nick pocketed his phone and stood up, grabbing his helmet before mounting the bike. Justin smiled and rode off in front of him, allowing the brunette to follow.

"And you are going to Ohio with us for Kurt's birthday, right?" David asked Jeff as the other pair pulled up on either side of him. "Blaine said they're throwing this big party for him and it's going to be a little crazy. But it won't be the same if all of us aren't there to celebrate with him."

Jeff turned away from Nick and nodded to David. "I'm definitely down. I miss Kurt's old friends—well most of them, and I'm definitely not saying no to a party. I'm not sure what else Lima has to offer but it should be a good time."

"I'm just going for Kurt and Quinn," Jus sat back on his bike as his older cousin walked up to them. "I don't care about the parties to be honest with you."

Ian kicked his board up to him and smiled at the group of boys. "Party?"

"You're not invited, douche bag," Jus nudged him away and David joined the two bickering cousins, leaving Nick and Jeff alone. The blonde leant against a metal bar and looked at his old friend, waiting to see if they were on speaking terms now.

"I guess we should talk," Nick uttered barely loud enough to hear, but Jeff got the gist of it and nodded. After a deep breath, the racer continued. "I'm sorry about my behavior, man. You're definitely one of my closest friends and I've been acting like an idiot. It's just that I don't know how to explain any of this—"

"Dude, it's cool," Jeff smiled and shrugged after fixing the green tank top he wore, "I'm actually sorry I mad you so uncomfortable… with the jokes and everything."

"You didn't."

Jeff looked at him and Nick gave a small smile.

"I swear you didn't. I was just being a dick."

"All's forgiven," Jeff told him, play punching the boy in the arm. "Let's just get things back to normal?"

Nick nodded. "That sounds good. But I should tell you that I asked Naomi for a break after I told her everything that happened."

Jeff looked over at him quickly from where he'd been watching Justin and Ian pretend box each other. "What? Why?"

Nick sat back on the bike completely avoiding eye contact, something that his friend definitely noticed. He started to play with his earring; a nervous habit, before eventually speaking. "Well like I said, I told her everything that happened—at least what I understood, which isn't much. She wasn't very happy and I didn't expect her to be. I mean she felt weird about it and I definitely couldn't blame her. If she and Vickie were getting it on behind my back, I'd feel some kind of way too."

Jeff scoffed before smiling. "We aren't exactly doing it behind their back purposely, man."

"Then how do you explain this?" Nick faced him as he asked. "I know we were under the influence and all, but why is it that I'm always making out with you, or waking up next to you? Why not Blaine? He's my best friend and all…"

Jeff listened and honestly didn't have a response for that. It was always the two of them. He remembered a lot more than he admitted to, and he remembered a few times where Nick slid a hand beneath his shirt and started kissing his neck and he did not want to stop him at all. But he'd been drinking and it happened. That was all.

"I don't have an answer for that."

Nick looked away again and shrugged. "Neither do I, Jeff."

"And I'm sorry about the two of you," Jeff stepped down of the skateboard before continuing, "I know how you feel about her man. I just… I don't want to be the reason for your problems. We were drunk, man, I love Nay and I know…I'm rambling now, but I know you two belong together."

Nick watched as David began his laps. "I used to think so too. I'm not so sure."

Jeff looked down at the ground. They both were quiet for quite some time. Nick considered going to actually start training, but then Jeff spoke.

"What happens now?"

At first, the answer was a shoulder shrug, but then he became vocal. "I honestly have no idea. I talked to Puck about it all because Kurt said that Puck may be a complete ass, but the guy can give good advice in a total by accident type of way." Jeff smiled at that and Nick continued, "He told me to kiss you sober to see if I felt anything but I told him that wasn't happening because we're both with someone and that would without question be being unfaithful."

Jeff looked away from Nick's lips and nodded. "Yeah. That's true."

"And I mean even if I did kiss you and we felt something, I don't know. I love you man, but I couldn't be with you, you know?"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Jeff teased, crossing his arms across his chest. "I could be a wonderful lover."

Nick rolled his eyes though he couldn't hide his smile. "Jeff, you and Victoria are amazing together. I saw how hard you fought to have that girl and I know she'd move heaven and earth for you."

Jeff nodded. "That's true. I'd do the same."

"And we're not gay."

Jeff stared at him.

"Ok," Nick corrected himself, "I'm not gay. I'm also not Blaine. I have no idea what I want and it scares the shit out of me."

Jeff hopped back on his skateboard as he listened. "We have nothing but time to figure everything out, man. I know it's scary and to be frank I'm confused about it too. I just… I don't know."

Nick watched Blaze laughing at the fight between Ian and Justin and smiled to himself at the clowns. "You don't know what?"

"Maybe," Jeff licked his lips and stared at Nick. "Maybe if my girl is ok with it, and Naomi doesn't mind, we can kiss sober. To test the waters…"

Nick smiled and shook his head no. "They're going to want to watch and it'll be awkward."

"So you want to be alone?" he grinned and Nick rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, ass hat."

"I'm curious." Jeff laughed. They both caught eyes for a while and the brunette ran a hand through his hair.

"The only thing I want is for no one to get hurt, you know?"

Jeff nodded. "Which is why we should figure all of this out earlier, don't you think?"


Nick wheeled back on his bike a bit and Jeff watched him. "We'll talk more later on. I'm sure your coach will be here soon and I don't want to get you in trouble."

Jeff nodded his understanding as Nick placed his helmet on. "That's fine with me. And Nick?"

Nick patted the helmet on top of his head securely before looking back at his friend. "Yeah?"

"I love you, man." Jeff smiled at him and then wheeled off, quickly skating over to the skater's pit. Nick remained there with a smile on his face as he watched the blonde do trick after trick, all before shaking his head.

"I love you too, idiot."


Kurt would have been a liar to say he wasn't nervous to meet Sami. It was obvious that she meant something to the guys. Jeff and Nick each hugged her tightly and chatted with her like she was one of them, basically. Blaine admitted that he was close friends with her even before they dated. The girl clearly meant a lot to them and he just didn't want to say or do something to make a fool of himself in front of her.

Blaine didn't seem to be as bothered. He whistled along with the radio and had his sleeveless hoodie unzipped a bit today. That meant that a bit of the tattoo was almost visible if you stared hard enough, and it also meant that Mikey automatically wanted one. They stopped by the Kinsella residence that morning to hang out with the little boy since they knew they'd be busy soon, and boy was it a hectic morning.

"What's that, Blainey?"

"It's a tattoo."

"I know but what does it say, I mean? I like it."

"It says 'Kurt'. I wanted to write his name on my heart. Don't tell his dad about this, okay?"

"I won't. Can I get a tattoo of Kurt's name too? On my belly."

"No you can't."

"Why do you get to write Kurt's name on you and I don't?"

"Do not tell Kurt's dad, Mikey. I mean it this time. Don't tell him!"

"I want to tattoo his name on me too. It's not fair, Blainey!"

And when Aunt Pam found her son writing what looked to be a backwards K on his hand that morning, she was a little confused.

Don was already at the shop but Blaine got a text from him that morning saying they needed to talk. Blaine knew it was about the dick wad Mr. Milton and made a mental note to entertain whatever it was later on.

But now, he'd just parked the car, and he and Kurt were walking into Layla's. They held one another's hand and Blaine smiled when he saw her at the corner table in the very front.

Sami had been at the diner long enough to nurse a hot cup of coffee. She was still trying to figure out if Blaine had been playing with her, but when she saw the two of them walk in together, any doubt she had left her mind. It was obvious that these two boys were madly in love with one another.

She stood up as they approached and smiled at Blaine, holding her arms outstretched for a hug. "Hey!"

Blaine smiled and hugged her tightly. "Hey Sami. I have someone I should've introduced you to days ago. This is my boyfriend, Kurt." He pulled away and smiled at Kurt, trying not to get hard because of the tight ass jeans his boyfriend had on, gesturing with his hand. "Kurt, as you know this is Sami."

"I remember you from the skate park the other day," Sami stepped forward and held her hand out, "I was totally going to ask for your number and now I'm certainly glad I didn't."

Kurt laughed lightly as he took her hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Sami. I've heard a lot of good things."

She continued to hold his hand and blush until Blaine cleared his throat.

"Shall we sit." he sort of asked, though it sounded more like a demand. Kurt rolled his eyes at him as he let go of her hand. So ridiculously jealous.

They took their seats; Blaine and Kurt together and Sami across from them. Kurt felt his nerves begin to ease a little when as always, Blaine's leg tangled with his beneath the table.

"So why am I just learning about him, exactly?"

Blaine smiled as he turned to glance at Kurt, lacing their fingers together on top of the table. "Because I'm a sucky boyfriend."

"He's not," Kurt smiled at Sami before facing Blaine. "Blaine's amazing. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt because there are a lot of things on our plates right now and the stress has tended to make us behave out of character."

"There's no need to make excuses for me," Blaine said, turning to face him. "Seriously, I wasn't thinking." He turned to face his friend, "Kurt is my boyfriend and he's an amazing guy." Then, he faced Kurt, "Sami is a good girl and I want you two to know one another."

Sami smiled at Kurt and nodded. "If it makes any sense, I knew he was with someone because of how ridiculously happy he looks. It's not the superficial happiness he gets from winning awards and what not. It's legit."

Kurt smiled and faced Blaine.

"I just wasn't expecting it to be with you, Kurt." Sami looked him up and down. "I kind of wanted you and—"

"Can you not flirt with him while I'm sitting here? Have the decency to wait until I go to the restroom or something, god," Blaine smiled at Kurt's laugh and Sami grinned widely.

"Fine. So seriously, I'd like to be filled in on everything that's happened. I know you're doing great for yourself, Mr. BMX. I've seen the magazine and I want it autographed before I go," Blaine smiled as he took a sip of his water, "But there's so much more. Like Kurt, where are you from, where'd you two meet? What are you into? Tell me everything."

Kurt nodded. "If you want to get technical, we met 10 years ago in Ohio. But we didn't know that when we met a second time, here in Long Beach."

Blaine nodded as the waitress came over to interrupt. Everyone ordered their usuals and Blaine put his arm around Kurt as he spoke. "We've told this story quite a bit but it never gets old."

Kurt smiled at Sami as the girl put her hair in a ponytail. "Let me have it, boys."

"I moved here at the end of May from Lima, Ohio." He put his phone on silent after Justin started spam texting him about lord knows what. "My dad owns a few shops here now. He forced me to get a job with Blaine's uncle at his sports shop so that I wouldn't be bored in the house all summer long, and maybe on my third day there, this guy walks in."

Blaine smirked as he watched Kurt tell the story. "And you fell hopelessly in love."

"Not quite," Kurt laughed a little and Sami couldn't help but roll her eyes at her ex. He was still the same goober. "Blaine pretty much attached himself to my hip and before I knew what was happening we were dating."

"Kurt wrote me a poem and drew a picture and asked to be my boyfriend pretty much."

"He's a terrible liar."

Sami laughed and sat back in her seat. "You two are beautiful together."

Blaine smiled at Kurt as the younger teen looked down at his ring. "I'm definitely happy, that's for sure. But a little background on moi, I intend to study music and theater at Pace. Fashion is pretty much my life. I have an odd addiction to Yoplait that I'm not ready to come to terms with and my second boyfriend is Mikey."

"Can I be your girlfriend?"

Blaine cleared his throat. "You both need to quit it," he smiled when Sami stuck her tongue out and Kurt subconsciously moved a bit closer into his side, laughing at their banter. "Tell us what's going on with you."

Sami shrugged. "Nothing spectacular, I guess. I'm in an on again-off again relationship with a guy back in Vegas who I know I'm better off without but can't quite leave alone." Kurt listened as the waitress put his coffee down and Blaine's lemonade. "I work with my grandmother, as I told you before. I'll be done with high school a couple semesters early since I took summer courses the past two years out of sheer boredom, and I think I'm going to school in Georgia. Still undecided."

"Shit," Blaine smiled as he looked at her, "you're doing pretty well for yourself. I'm still trying to manage a C average."

Kurt put his cup down and looked at her. "But if you know you deserve more than the guy—"


"Brian," Kurt said, "you should let him go."

Blaine nodded his agreement. "You don't need anyone to hold you back, right?"

Sami nodded. "That's right."

Their food came after they talked a bit more. Blaine caught the girl up on everything that happened with Peter and they talked about how Cooper was doing, discussed how Blaine had a little brother or sister on the way and also how Kurt's dad was dating Blaze's mom. And it seemed serious.

They ate and caught up and even spoke about the future. Blaine seemed intent on having his condo in NYC during college and Kurt smiled, shaking his head at it all.

They made it through their first serious fight. Arguing over whether they'd get a humble apartment or some lavish condominium would be a walk in the park.


A couple days had passed and Blaine found himself exiting the Pace building. He was certain that he passed the entrance exam despite the annoying idiot that sat next to him that wouldn't stop tapping his pencil against the desk, but none of that mattered. He was finished with one part of it. Now all that was left was to ace the actual audition.

They'd been rehearsing every night. Kurt hit every note perfectly and Blaine found out how to actually play his solo correctly without getting distracted by the beauty that was Kurt Hummel and screwing it up. They actually had it pretty perfect and there was still another week and a few days to go. Kurt said he wanted to try performing for their friends to see what would happen and Blaine was ok with that.

As he pulled his cap onto his head and went towards the parking lot, Blaine quirked an eyebrow at the navy blue sedan that was parked right beside his Jaguar, despite the many open spaces in the car park. He approached and pulled out his keys as he did so, noticing someone getting out of the blue car when he was about fifteen feet from his vehicle.

And of course, it was Milton.

His uncle had wanted to talk to him the other day and he was sure it was about whatever this dick wanted, but Blaine hadn't gotten the opportunity to see what that had been about. It was bad enough that there was training, rehearsal for their audition, semis and finals, the actual audition, a few days more traveling for his BMX promoting all before they finally got to relax and spend time like normal people for Kurt's birthday. All of Legacy was going to Ohio for a few days before school started and they thought it would be a good idea to take it easy and have a good time.

But that wasn't important right now. Blaine reached his car and nodded hello to Milton, showing that he had no interest in whatever he was about to say as he started to get in the car.

"You're so arrogant, Mr. Anderson."

Blaine nodded his head to show that he agreed as he got in the vehicle, slamming the door shut. As he started the engine, he pulled out his cell phone to connect to the stereo system and rolled his eyes when Mr. Milton walked around to the driver's side of his vehicle, knocking on the door. Blaine glanced up and out of the window, knowing he wasn't seen because of the tints. Something told him he'd regret it but, he rolled the window down and sat back.

"How can I help you, sir?"

Eric fixed his tie and smiled at Blaine. "I don't take kindly to being ignored."

Blaine gave him a blank stare before considering pulling off. "I honestly don't give a shit about what you take kindly to."

"Hm," Milton nodded with a small smile, "I know. But I'm guessing you give a shit about what Kurt wants—at least I thought you did. But you never reached out to me."

At the mention of Kurt's name, Blaine tensed. Milton realized he got the reaction he wanted and smiled.

"Excellent. Now that I have your attention, I need you to pull out of Finals this weekend."

Blaine looked away and grabbed his phone, shaking his head at him. "First things first, Mr. Milton," he scrolled through songs, not giving the man any acknowledgment beside his voice, "You need to keep my boyfriend's name out of your mouth. I don't give a damn who you think you are."

Eric smiled, resting his hand against the windshield. "Second?"

"Second," Blaine put the phone down and turned to him, "you're wasting my time and it's annoying me. I'm sure you have somewhere to be, a second rate BMX legend like yourself…"

Mr. Milton gave a light chuckle, though it was clear to see the hate on his face. "Blaine. I don't know who you think you are, son."

"I know who I am," Blaine smiled and started to roll the window back up, but the man stuck a paper inside before he could get it all the way.

"Sign this."

Blaine looked at the paper with disdain before switching that same look to Eric Milton. "I'll rip it up, so help me god—"

"You rip it up and I guarantee your boyfriend, since I can't say his precious name, will not even get to grace the inside of Pace for an audition, never mind attending the school. Would you like that on your hands, Blaine?" the man smiled as he pulled a pen out of his pocket. "Would you like the reason your boyfriend has to go to JFK High for his senior year to be your fault?"

Blaine was fuming. "What are you talking about?"

Eric cleared his throat, sarcastically preparing for his speech. "Here's what we're going to do, son. You're going to walk away from BMX and the Kinsella-Anderson legacy, as well as all of your sponsors and big money by signing that document and admitting that you did in fact engage in illegal behavior by gambling over your win in a competition. Or," Blaine was red at this point as his blood boiled, "you're going to keep all of the fame and fortune, and accept that Kurt's audition will be suddenly cancelled because of a failure to meet certain prerequisites…. I know people in very important places and all it takes is one phone call."

"So you want me to quit the sport altogether because you're bitter and jealous of me and my uncle?" Blaine looked down at the paper and saw it was a well written, pre-typed letter admitting that he placed a bet against another ride. He felt his blood boiling and the sudden need to run over this man with his car was taking over him.

"You're a smart man, Blaine," Milton watched the teen closely. "You can agree to do that, or Kurt can go to McKinley 2.0 for his senior year," he smiled and took a few steps back. "The choice is yours. I'll give you a few days. If I see you participating on Saturday at Semis and Finals, then I'll have my answer. If you're not participating, then Kurt gets his audition." With another smile, the man started to walk towards his car. "I'll see you Saturday, Blaine."

Blaine stared down at the paper long after Eric was in his car and gone. Other potential students exited the school after finishing their exams and had gotten in their cars, leaving the parking lot. Blaine was sure that only he and some of the personnel were left.

Kurt was texting him.

His mother was texting him.

David had called.

Blaine crumbled the paper up and tossed it aside, punching his steering wheel hard. A sharp pain shot up his arm as he did it a second time.

There was no way that Milton was getting away with this. Blaine didn't care about himself. Once Kurt was dragged into it, it got personal.


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