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Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.

Ride: Messages

E - Words: 21,635 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Sep 28, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2013
263 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Back :) Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 14 - Messages

Kurt's lips felt really amazing.

Maybe this wasn't exactly brand new information for Blaine to process. He knew just how amazing Kurt's lips felt against his for quite some time now, but the idea that he could feel those very lips kiss him awake for years and years to come was an idea that Blaine wanted desperately to become a reality. Each day, they were beginning to feel more and more like home for him, even out here on a secluded beach, huddled together and keeping warm in a tent while the rain poured outside. Those lips felt really amazing; they felt perfect.

Kurt smiled into a kiss as he moved even closer to Blaine in their sleeping bag. They'd been doing this for the past few hours; waking up with their lips attached, not knowing who initiated the kiss and not caring enough to pull away, all before falling asleep in each other's arms. Neither said a word since the last 'I love you' the night before—right after they made love for the first time.

Blaine moved his hand to the small of Kurt's back as his boyfriend kissed the corner of his lips. His mind replayed the images and he had to convince himself that it actually happened. Perfect things like that didn't really happen, right? And Blaine was known to have amazing dreams.

Please say last night was not a dream, Blaine thought to himself.

Or he thought that it was simply a thought.

As the rain pelted against their tent and Kurt kissed him sweetly on the top lip, he saw the smile that spread across his boyfriend's face. That was followed by the softest but most beautiful laugh Blaine had ever known. He couldn't help but smile along, though he was clueless as to what was so funny.

"Last night wasn't a dream, honey. If so, it was very vivid. I can barely move my legs right now."

Blaine gave him a confused look before he realized what Kurt was responding to. He smiled, resting his head on Kurt's pillow and kissing his chin. "I must've asked that out loud, huh?"

Kurt laughed again and nodded; hands moving from their place beneath the covers to play in his boyfriend's soft curls. "You did. Last night happened and I loved every second of it."

Blaine tried to hide his blush but failed miserably, instead pulling Kurt closer. The younger teen giggled a little as they repositioned themselves; Blaine on his back as he looked at the top of the semi-dark tent, and Kurt resting on his chest; his hair tickling his boyfriend chin. He actually preferred it that way being that he could feel Blaine's heartbeat right over the tattoo. Paired with the sound of the rain, it was really calming.

"Good morning."

Kurt smiled, "Good morning, love."

Blaine kissed him in the hair and closed his eyes, hoping that his mind would stop racing for a moment. Of course, it didn't. He wondered what time it was, wondered how bad traffic would be going back, thought about how amazing having Kurt ride him was, thought about where they could stop for breakfast, his incredible birthday gifts, remembered that there were still more he hadn't opened, little things like that. And then as Kurt started to trail his fingers up and down Blaine's abdomen, Blaine wondered if their first time was really as good for his boyfriend as it was for him.

Because shit, was it good for him.

And it slowly started to sink in that they'd gone all the way. Of course, Blaine acknowledged that he and Kurt did it last night—like, yeah, they had sex on the beach. But it actually hit him that they fucking had sex on the beach!1!11!

I had sex on the beach with Kurt Hummel, Blaine thought, a dopey smile forming on his lips. And then his face went blank. Please tell me I didn't shout that out loud, too…

Kurt was quiet, so that was a good sign. Blaine smiled to himself. But then with the realization came even more realization. They did it and that meant Kurt must've had an opinion about it. The same fear from last night crept in. What if he didn't live up to the hype? Blaine knew he talked about sex a lot and Kurt no doubt knew this too. What if it wasn't as good as it was for Blaine for Kurt?

Because sweet lord, was it good for Blaine.

"Your heartbeat is speeding up rather dramatically so I'm guessing you just processed the fact that you had sex with a boy last night."

Blaine's mind stopped racing at the voice. As usual, hearing Kurt's voice calmed him down immensely. But then he heard what Kurt had said and rolled his eyes, slowly letting them drift closed. "Is that what you're thinking about down there?" Blaine paused for a second as he rubbed Kurt's back. "Silently waiting for me to freak out or say this was a big mistake?"

Kurt hadn't answered at first, but eventually he shrugged a bit and spoke. "I wouldn't say that… I mean if it happened I wouldn't exactly be surprised, I guess."

Blaine slowly opened his eyes, ignoring the static from the radio. "What do you mean?"

Kurt thought carefully as usual. "When I showed up, everything changed for you. You just sort of… went with it," he began. Blaine listened closely. "I think if I was in your shoes, I'd have to take a step back and think about how one person could just turn my world upside down, and try to actually process that. You… I don't know Blaine."

Blaine smiled a little sadly. "I what?"

"You just seem so sure that you want me and I don't get how the hell you never doubted it."

Blaine closed his eyes again.

"You never questioned 'us' together from day one," Kurt whispered almost as if a librarian would shush him for talking. He swallowed and resumed, this time a bit louder, "Whether it was teaching me to be a better salesman or sharing text messages with a guy you just met, introducing me to your adorably shy little cousin, letting me beat you at video games," Blaine's chest shook as he laughed softly and Kurt resumed with a grin, "It was like you were never uncomfortable. And then when we got together and started to mess around, still. You were never uncomfortable," he repeated. "I'm wondering if the fact that the idea of 'us' never scared you is something that should make me proud or something that should make me worry…"

Blaine nodded. He could understand where Kurt was going with it. Everyone questioned him but himself. There was Nick and there was Burt, Don, Cooper, the guys, girls, and other people he was somewhat close to. Even Kurt had wondered about him. But all that Blaine knew was he felt good with Kurt and he wanted to be his forever. Why did that have to be such a big deal? "Can I ask why it would scare you, though?"

Kurt ran his fingers across Blaine's navel as he thought of a sufficient answer. "I guess the obvious answer would be that the reality of all of this will come crashing down on you later in life, maybe not now but in a couple years. You'll realize that—I'm not questioning that you love me at all, honey, but I think that maybe you'll realize that this was something that felt great for a while, but got old. And to be frank, it's only been a short period of time," Kurt said. Blaine wasn't sure how he sounded so sure of himself and honestly, it hurt a bit. "We haven't been with each other long. You haven't dealt with any of the backlash that most people in your position deal with for being with a guy. A couple elderly people frowning upon us as we walk through the mall… Blaine, that's nothing compared to what people go through today. I even hear on the news how gays in New York City are being attacked for who they are and this is something that's real. If that's happening in New York…"

"So you're saying I'm gay while it's convenient?"

"That's not what I'm saying at all—"

"So is this supposed to scare me away, or…?"

"It's not supposed to do anything." Kurt said softly. "I don't even know where this is coming from. But being with a guy isn't easy and you—"

"You think that once someone makes fun of me or once I see a girl pretty enough to remind me of who I am, I'll leave you in the dust."

Kurt heard the pain in Blaine's voice and didn't even bother to look up. He knew that if his voice alone made his heart ache, seeing him upset would do even greater damage. He simply shook his head no before responding. "Ignore me. I… I don't know where that came from. Sorry."

They both went back to being quiet again, and Blaine couldn't help but think that Kurt was going to be waking up every day wondering if that'd be the day Blaine broke his heart. It sucked because he thought for sure that Kurt was the one person who trusted him. They had tons of people waiting for that to happen, but not his boyfriend. Not the person he loved more than he did himself.

"Remember when I tattooed your name on my chest?"

Kurt hummed, a small smile fighting its way onto his lips. Then he sat up a bit and looked down at the ink before nodding to his boyfriend. "That I do."

Blaine nodded to, exhaling when Kurt lay back down on top of him. "As long as that name is there, I'll be right next to you. You can be sure of that. I don't break my promises."

Kurt closed his eyes and smiled, fighting back the tear that he felt forming. "Tattoos are removable you know—"

"Shut up," Blaine laughed along with Kurt, wrapping his arm around him. "And you can joke about it all you want but, twenty years from now Kurt, you'll come home to me and our seven loco kids; one of which has—"

"We're not having seven kids, Blaine."

"—five piercings and a motorcycle that gives you a headache until you make me go yell at him—"

"You really think we'll be together that long?"

Blaine stopped rambling to answer as he nodded. "Positive. Unless it's you that gets tired of me," he said. "I thought you were sure too, you know… until now you're just kind of scaring me…"

"I—," Kurt shook his head, "Last night—Always, you're always amazing but last night, I've never felt that incredible. Kurt Hummel hasn't always gotten chances to feel incredible. I guess part of me wants to believe I'll be heartbroken because things like this… they don't happen to me."

Blaine kissed his head as he held him closely. "I thought the same thing, Kurt. I lost two very important people and part of me was dying as well. And then there was you."

Kurt didn't bother to stop the tear from falling now.

"And I'm not questioning it anymore," Blaine continued, "I said it before and I'll say it again. I fell in love with you twice. In love, Kurt. I'm in love with you. No one can tell me that this isn't mean to be, and unless you want out, I'll be here. Always."

Kurt wiped the tear off his face as subtly as he could and nodded. "Always."

They both drifted into silence as Blaine thought about their future together. He was a bit sad that Kurt had fears about them as a couple to be totally honest, but at the same time given his reputation and all, he understood. Then he found himself reminiscing over last night (because how could he not?); Kurt's hands on his chest and their eyes locked as he thrust up, watching his boyfriend ride him. It wasn't hard to get hard around Kurt.

And maybe those fears should be gone at this point, but they weren't. Maybe he just needed to hear Kurt say it.


Kurt brushed his thumb over Blaine's side and hummed a bit. "Yeah?"

"Are you happy that it was with me?" Blaine questioned softly. His right hand played with the edge of the covers as his left rubbed up and down Kurt's back.

Kurt smiled as he kissed the boy on the chest. "I'm not sure if that was a serious question, to be honest…. Please say that wasn't a serious question, Blaine."

"It was," Blaine told him sincerely, "I just want—I wanted your first time to be incredible and more than anything you ever dreamed of, and the thought of letting you down…"

Blaine never got to finish the thought. He trailed off when Kurt sat up and kissed him; gently yet with purpose. They stayed like that for quite a while before Kurt let a breath go, moving his lips slowly against Blaine who responded the same. When he pulled away, Kurt looked into the honey colored eyes he adored so much.

"I love you, Blaine. I'm happy we found each other again, and I'm happy that it's you. I believe that it will always be you."

Blaine smiled as he looked back, leaning up to steal another kiss. Kurt laughed when they bumped noses but reciprocated, ignoring his boyfriend's silly grin and giving him an adorable kiss back. "I love you."

Blaine nodded, falling back against the pillow and staring up at pretty blue eyes. "And I love you, beautiful. I just hope you honestly believe what you just told me. Don't doubt me."

Kurt nodded too. "I believe it. I shouldn't have questioned it—"

"It's cool," Blaine interrupted, "I mean yeah I guess it'd be weird if you weren't a little worried. Maybe it is weird I never questioned myself."

Kurt thought for a moment and shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not. I'm not doubting us, though. I won't"

Blaine was motionless as he stared at the top of the tent. "I love you, and you love me."

"Exactly." Kurt smiled once more before laying down on his chest again. He felt Blaine let go a shaky breath and hold him even tighter, and the action made Kurt move closer, throwing the blanket on top of them to shelter out the cool weather on the beach at whatever time of morning it was, and started to hum in hopes that Blaine would get a little more rest.

"When you say it hurts… I mean, are you okay?"

Kurt smiled. So much for them going back to sleep. "I'm great, honey. Just a little sore."


Kurt nodded, kissing Blaine's chest again before getting comfortable.

"I just wanted to make sure I didn't hurt you… or do anything wrong, you know?"

Kurt placed his chin on Blaine's chest and smiled up at the bright eyed boy, almost laughing at the look of concern. "Trust me, Blaine. You did everything right." Blaine began to smirk and wiggle his eyebrows and Kurt had to roll his eyes, continuing. "Can we go back to sleep now? I think it's like six in the morning…"

Blaine nodded, holding his boyfriend tighter to keep warm. The rain started to come down harder but it was almost peaceful, in a way. As Kurt lay his head back down, Blaine smiled at the sight. He could definitely get used to this.

"Hey, babe?"

He could feel Kurt smiling against his chest, probably exasperated at this point. "Yes, sweetie?"

"How long do you think it'd take you to… recover?"

It was quiet for a while, save the weather outside and the sound of the covers when Kurt shifted to look up at him again. One of Blaine's eyebrows rose when he saw the teasing glint in Kurt's eyes.

"Why do you ask?"

Blaine gulped and shrugged a little bit, hoping to formulate a response that was coherent. "You know, I just don't want to push…"

Before he knew what was happening, Kurt was slowly sliding down Blaine's body.

"Oh…" Blaine licked his lips and sat up a bit, leaning back on his elbows. He watched with focus as Kurt's head disappeared beneath the blanket and sighed when the boy's lips touched the tip of his cock. "I-I was just asking… wow."

After running his tongue from the inside of Blaine's thigh, up to the tip of his cock, Kurt smiled and returned from beneath the cover. "If you want to do me again Blaine, all you have to do is say so…"

I want to do you, Blaine thought, and yep he was hard. Instead, he asked, "A-Are you sure?" while Kurt's mouth slowly slid down his cock. He stared down and watched, tongue playing at the corner of his lips as Kurt's eyes locked on his. It was amazing how the boy could go from incredibly sweet to sexy as fuck in minutes. "I can wait if we need to…I just… you feel so… Kurt Icannotthinkwhen you do that, baby…"

Kurt smiled, sucking around the head and kissing it one more time before sitting on his knees. Blaine's eyes stayed focused on Kurt's lips as he listened to what the younger teen said next. "How do you want me, Blaine?"

Blaine's eyes moved from Kurt's mouth, to his eyes for a moment, and then they slowly dropped down his body. He bit his bottom lip before looking to his right, sitting up so that he could reach his bag. When he found it and reached inside for a condom, Kurt slowly started to stroke himself, and that was when Blaine knew his cause of death would without a doubt be Kurt Hummel.

"L-Lay on your back?"

Kurt watched with a small smile. "Are you asking me or telling me?"

Blaine gulped. He wasn't going to survive this, was he? "T-Telling you."

Kurt rolled his eyes playfully, climbing over Blaine and lying beside him. He peeked down and watched his boyfriend fumble with the condom for a while before finally sliding it on. So maybe it would take a few times before they could get through this without embarrassing themselves, but the fact remained that there was no one Kurt would rather go through these moments with than Blaine Anderson.

And seeing Blaine fumble wasn't so bad, either. It was quite endearing, even.

Blaine felt Kurt's hand rub up and down his shoulder as he warmed the lube in his hand. He closed his eyes and began to stroke himself over the condom, letting out a quick breath. "Do I… um," he turned to Kurt before settling in between his legs. Kurt looked at him curiously while his hands rubbed over his arms. "Do I stretch you again? Or…"

Kurt smiled, shaking his head no. "I suppose you could, but I really wouldn't mind… feeling everything."

Blaine licked his lips, gently urging Kurt's legs apart. The pitter patter of the rain slowed down just a bit he realized, slowly lowering himself and holding his cock at the base. Kurt touched himself as he waited, biting his lip when he felt Blaine line up at his entrance.

"Let me know if you need me to stop?"

Kurt nodded, squeezing him on the bicep and urging him to continue. The buzz from the radio static died down a bit and a commercial could be heard playing in the background. Blaine leaned down to kiss Kurt as his fingers tightened in the covers over their sleeping bag. And then he slowly pressed in.

Kurt gasped as he moved his hands to Blaine's back; his blunt nails moving up and stopping right at the middle. His boyfriend continued to pepper kisses over his lips as he rested between Kurt's legs, moving as slowly as he could stand.


"More," Kurt whispered into his mouth. "Please, more."

Blaine listened, dropping his head to rest on Kurt's shoulder as he pushed himself further inside. Kurt's ass was tight and the boy's hands were at the small of his back, trying to push him even further. He groaned and pulled his hips back slightly, burying his face in Kurt's neck as he moved forward once again.

Kurt laced one hand in Blaine's hair and held on tightly as his other made its way across his back. A moan escaped from the back of his throat as Blaine rocked forward and just missed his spot, but the friction against his cock was enough to make his eyes drift closed.

And then, Blaine started to move faster.

And deeper, too.

"Mine," he whispered, kissing a spot underneath Kurt's ear as he pushed deeper, "All mine."

Kurt gasped with each thrust. When Blaine moaned into his ear and snapped his hips forward, he arched his back into the movement and whined when his boyfriend pushed him back against the sleeping bag. Kurt wasn't so sure if he liked being stifled like this, and then Blaine stopped thrusting to shift on top of him. His hands found Kurt's wrists and trapped each above the boy's head, pressed into the mess of pillows. When their eyes found each other's again, Blaine left one hand holding both of Kurt's by the wrists, and moved the other to trail down his boyfriend's body. They started at his hairline, pushing bangs away from beautiful bluish-green eyes, and then skirted across the freckles on his cheek.

"Mine forever."

Kurt started to smile until Blaine forced himself deeper, connecting with his prostate and succeeding at driving him absolutely crazy.

When Blaine heard Kurt's shout he pulled back, enjoying the drag on his cock and the way his boyfriend's lips parted. His hold on the pale wrists tightened as he slowly worked his hips, moving inside of Kurt and listening to the noises. There was no doubt that once he sped up, he'd climax, so Blaine took his time and took advantage of these moments they had alone. He was certain that once they got back to Long Beach, there time alone would be limited. But here, here Kurt and Blaine could be together, be themselves, and as loud as they wanted to.

And he could remind him that he was serious about them.

His hand finished tracing across Kurt's jawline and headed down his chest, all the while a very demanding voice prompting him to move. But a small smile covered his lips and he stroked across Kurt's chest, slowly rubbing his nipple to produce a reaction. Then he closed his eyes when Kurt's hips moved on their own accord, grinding against him.

"I love that I'm the only one who can cherish you like this," Blaine whispered; eyeing Kurt quite possessively as his hand moved over his ribs and down his abdomen. He watched the way Kurt quivered and thrust in once more, slowly pulling out and brushing his fingers across Kurt's navel. "I just love it…"

Kurt nodded; toes curling when Blaine thrust inside him again. Suddenly, he remembered his father saying something along the lines of 'once you start doing this stuff, you're not going to want to stop' because Kurt knew for certain he would inflict physical pain on Blaine if he fucking stopped. It didn't matter, because Blaine apparently had no intention on stopping. "I-I love you…"

The rider smiled, letting go of Kurt's wrists and hoisting the teen higher by the thighs. He then took one of his pillows and propped it underneath the small of his boyfriend's back, all before leaning back down for a kiss.

Kurt moaned into Blaine's mouth as the elder's tongue moved against his. The kiss was messy at first, but then their movements were so in sync it seemed rehearsed. He slid his arms around Blaine's neck as his legs were forced in the air above them, playing in dark curly hair all before—

"OH! Fuck!"

Blaine chased Kurt's lips after the boy broke the kiss, eyes lidded close as he sped up. He said a silent thank you to whomever for the condom killing a little bit of the feeling because it would've been over minutes ago. "Shit, Kurt… you want it harder?"

There wasn't an intelligible answer. There was only hair pulling and a couple nails dragging down his back once Blaine started to move in and out of him at a quicker pace. Kurt did wear the slightest smile as he moaned though, each "oh" or "yes" getting dirtier the harder Blaine hit that spot inside him. And Blaine loved that.

"I'll take that as a yes, Hummel."

"Fuck yes," Kurt groaned out, opening his eyes to see Blaine. Once their eyes found each other, Blaine leaned down to kiss him; grabbing hold on the sand around their sleeping bags as he pushed himself as deep as he could possibly go. Kurt broke the kiss again to cry out and the image he got before his eyes rolled back was the image of his feet in the air above him.

There was no warning of being close from either boy. There wasn't much of anything but the sound of their bodies rocking into each other and a bit more scratching as Blaine snapped forward, seemingly trying to see just how loud his boyfriend could get. But once Kurt clenched around him and cried out his name, he tipped over the edge as well; all but collapsing on top of him.

He had sex on the beach with Kurt Hummel twice.

"Holy shit…"

Kurt laughed after he came down, nudging his boyfriend's face with the palm of his hand. "Blaine I swear if you go to sleep on top of me—"

Blaine smiled as he moved his face away from Kurt's hand, kissing it before slowly pulling out. He watched his boyfriend wince and rubbed along his thigh, moving in to kiss his cheek. "How do you feel?"

"Amazing," Kurt said, not missing a beat. "Absolutely amazing."

Blaine watched him for a moment before rolling off of him, sitting up on the blanket and looking down at the condom. He slowly pulled it off and tied it as Kurt shifted next to him, putting it with the rest of their trash.

"Do you know what I'm going to ask?"

Blaine's eyebrow arched as he turned to Kurt, scratching at the nape of his neck and smirking. "Yes, I do, and baby," the cheeky voice made Kurt glare at him, "I know I'm a god in bed but you can't expect me to be ready for another round—ouch!" he laughed, laying down next to him and this time resting his head on Kurt's chest. "Well excuse me. If you weren't going to ask for more, then what were you going to ask?"

Kurt listened to the slowly falling rain and smiled, playing in Blaine's hair. "I…Maybe it's stupid. You'll think it's stupid."

"If it's a concern of yours then it matters to me, babe."

Kurt nodded; eyes looking at the top of the tent. "Don't get mad."

Blaine peeked up at him and nodded, watching Kurt stare up at the navy blue 'ceiling'. "I won't."

After a quick breath, Kurt spoke. "How does… how does it compare? I mean, you with me, and you with the girls you've been with?"

Blaine looked away and grabbed Kurt's hand, lacing his fingers with his boyfriends. "It doesn't, Kurt."

Kurt stared at the top of the tent a few more seconds before a smile crept onto his face. He maneuvered a bit to kiss the top of Blaine's head and rest against the pillows again, nodding to himself.



"It is quite early to be here, that's all." Peter said, nervously taking a sip of his orange juice. He looked around the diner and sank in his seat a bit. "It's always crowded here this early in the day."

Eric Milton smiled to himself as he watched the nervous teen across from him. He picked up his menu and started to comb through the choices, ignoring Peter's incessant shifting for a moment. The home fries, eggs, and bacon looked pretty good.

"I don't even know what this is about…" Peter continued, brushing dark hair away from his face. "I know you said you'd offer to train me for the next events but I have a feeling that it comes with a price, sir. And I—"

"My reputation must precede me," Eric said, putting the menu down and smiling as deviously as he always did. Eric Milton may've been a good friend to Donald Kinsella, but they were two totally different men. That was no secret to anyone.

The waitress came over and took their orders. Peter, a little nervous that he'd be seen with Eric Milton decided he would just continue to nurse his drink so that he could get out as quickly as possible. The man sensed his discomfort as he told the waitress his order, nodding with a charming smile and handing the menu over.

"Are you okay, son?"

Peter looked around quickly to make sure he didn't recognize any of the patrons. "I have nothing but respect for you sir, but yes you do have a reputation and I'm already disliked around here…"

Eric nodded as he added a few sugars to his coffee. "Well then I suppose we can get down to business." After stirring and taking a sip, the man's demeanor changed entirely as he got serious. He focused on Peter and suddenly, the teenager felt like he was about to be interrogated. It wasn't a good feeling.

"So would you like to tell me why you're no longer in Legacy, and why you're no longer in the Singles competitions?"

Peter looked up and fought not to make an excuse to leave. It wasn't like Milton would actually let him, but he didn't need to be in even deeper shit with anyone in Legacy. There was Blaine of course who he knew for certain wanted to kill him, and then there was Justin who was angry at him for talking about Teresa, though he doubted they were even still together. Then he had Nick who never liked him to begin with…


The dark haired teen turned to face him now, watching as the man gave him an amused look. He cleared his throat and began to speak; Eric listening closely as he took a sip of the hot coffee in front of him. "I'm no longer in Singles because I lost at Preliminaries," Peter said simply. He wasn't over the embarrassment at this point but there was no need whining in front of someone who was no doubt a legend. "As for why I'm not in Legacy… Blaine kicked me out. That's all there is to it."

Eric swallowed and sat back in his seat. He observed Peter for a moment to see how genuine he was being before calling over the waitress. Peter glanced around the restaurant once more as the man spoke.

"Bring me an orange juice as well, sweetheart." She nodded and went off, and Eric rubbed at his smooth chin as he faced Peter again. "He kicked you out for no reason at all?"

"There was a reason," Peter said shortly.

"And it was?" Eric asked with a small smile. He could tell Peter wasn't into telling him for whatever reason, and he shook his head at that. "C'mon kid. Work with me. I promised you your training if you just worked with me..."

Peter sat up a little and leant over the table between them, whispering as he spoke. "I called Kurt… his now boyfriend," Peter shook his head and resumed, "I said some things the guys construed as homophobic, and since Blaine obviously liked him, we got into it. He kicked me out."

Eric smiled. "So it's known that he's dating a boy? People know that, you're telling me?"

Peter nodded.

The waitress came over with his orange juice and offered a refill to the teen who declined, not even looking at her. "I wonder if Blaine's sponsors know he's with a guy…."

Peter looked up at him. "It's not like he's hiding it, and it's not like he would hide it if they asked him. Kurt comes to his competitions and they're always very open with their relationship, Mr. Milton. Blaine won't lose, so I'm just going for Kurt."

He realized he said too much when Eric glanced up from his drink, a slow smile forming on his face. He put the cup down and looked at Peter. "You're going for Kurt? What does that mean?"

"Forget it," Peter quickly shook his head. Farrah was going to kill him. It wasn't supposed to be known that they'd have any part in what they were planning for Kurt, and he had to mess up and let it slip. There was no way she was giving him any now.

"You want revenge on Kurt for messing up your chances with Legacy?"

Peter hushed him and looked around the restaurant. It was a bit crowded and a few people from Pace were there, as well as people from his and Blaine's high school. "I…It's more of me wanting revenge on Blaine, though. Yeah, I hate Kurt but I hate his stupid ass boyfriend even more."

"So why didn't you do more about the bet?"

Peter froze. Eric put a bite of coffee cake into his mouth as if he said nothing at all and glanced down at his watch as he chewed. The teen gulped and sat back a little. "How do you know any—"

"I know everything," Eric told him. "I know what my colleagues discuss. I know you were involved, and with all this revenge talk and the fact that Blaine has the biggest head amongst everyone in the sport, I'm quite certain that he was involved."

Peter sat there motionless and Eric smiled a bit, moving to his coffee. "If you know I'm involved why aren't you trying to get me out of the league?"

The older man chuckled a bit. "Don is the best, and his nephew is on track to be even better. Where does that leave me and my failure of a son? Their family needs to be removed from the history books if they're cheating, don't you think?"

Peter had a lot of respect for Don and didn't agree to that. Eric shook his head.

"I say you confess about the bet. Were there any witnesses?"

The boy nodded. "Tons. All of Legacy was there and many of the juniors from our high school, but I already told Don and nothing happened, and I'd rather leave this alone than—"

"So wait," Eric cut in. He sat back in the seat giving the teenager across from him a sinister smile. "You told Donald and he did nothing? A man highly respected in this sport did nothing, and he's still letting his nephew compete?"

Peter sighed as he nodded. "I definitely told him. I don't know, maybe he didn't believe me."

Eric watched him for a while before nodding as well. "So we know that he has a boyfriend and we know that he has bet money on a competition, yet he's still one of the emerging faces of BMX with sponsors and fame coming from every direction? I'm changing this."

Peter shook his head. "No disrespect, but I want nothing to do with this, Mr. Milton. Now I appreciate you willing to help me with training and all but—"

"We'll meet again here on Sunday. Sunday morning, 10 sharp." Eric wiped at his mouth and smiled, gesturing towards the door with a head nod. "You're excused."

The boy stared at him a second longer before he saw just how serious Eric was. With a nod, Peter got up from his seat and walked towards the door. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see people watching him. They probably had no clue what was going on, but their eyes on him made him paranoid.

There was no doubt in his mind that everyone would know about his little meeting with one of the most devious guys in the game—

"Shit! Sorry—Oh…"

Shane held the door open and stepped aside a bit, shaking his head that it was fine. Behind him were Wes, Ian, Blaze and Hunter, and they all looked at Peter with the same bored expression. "Don't worry about it. Just get out of our way or something…"

Peter nodded and hurriedly walked out, leaving the five before they could walk inside and make a connection. Hopefully they wouldn't make a connection. Shane shook his head as he watched him go, allowing his teammates to go inside first.

"That guy is a joke," Ian said, not waiting to be seated before heading towards the back of the diner. "I honestly laugh at you and Blaine for entertaining him."

Shane checked his watch to make sure that they were making good timing for practice. Hunter grabbed a chair from one of the other tables and dragged it up to the one that Ian and Wes Sat at, stopping short when he realized whose table he'd taken it from.

"I see Eric Milton has graced Long Beach with his presence. How wonderful."

Shane took a seat opposite him and looked over. "That is him, huh? He's judging Semis and Finals next week so it makes sense."

"David told me all of Legacy hates him because he's a rat," Wes took Hunter's menu and looked through it, "I wouldn't be surprised if he's around so early because he's up to something."

Ian smirked. "Him and that joke Petey, probably."

Shane glanced up at him. That actually made a lot of sense…

"So," Hunter began to play with the syrup bottles as he smiled at Ian, "tell me more about this party."


Blaine hated being woken up. Unless it was by Kurt in one of the very special ways that he woke him up. But if not, he hated it. That had been determined time and time again.

This time, it was terrible. Someone was playing the guitar terribly. Absolutely terribly. Another thing Blaine hated, being an appreciator of the arts and music and what not, was someone ruining the arts and music.

He tossed over and buried his head, trying to tune out the noise when he realized he was still in his sleeping bag. Which meant he was still with Kurt. But Kurt wouldn't hurt his feelings this way. Not intentionally, because Kurt loved him.

"I asked you to wake up. It's still raining, traffic is probably terrible and I have to get back to work the night shift. Plus, your uncle called so—"

"Shhhhh," Blaine groaned, waving his hand above his head. "Stop playing the guitar. I will teach you a few chords but please stop, for the love of all things holy."

Kurt smiled as he slowed down his terrible strumming, "If I stop, you won't get up and we won't be able to leave on time."

Blaine groaned, drifting back to sleep.

"Exactly." So Kurt continued to strum loudly, smirking when Blaine rolled over to glare at him. "Until you get up, I will continue to make your morning miserable."

Blaine huffed, wincing at the screeching sound of the notes. "Good grief."

"I'll even sing you something while you put some clothes on." Kurt smiled, clearing his throat and strumming harder. Blaine rolled his eyes and stared at the top of the tent. The loud static from the radio would've been appreciated right now but Kurt turned that off to play the guitar as horrible as humanly possible.

"Give me a kiss."

Kurt shook his head no as he smiled. "Not happening." He was already dressed in one of Blaine's hoodies and a black pair of pants that looked like they may've fitted amazing, but with him sitting cross-legged in the tent, it was hard to tell. "Maybe after I get a shower and you brush your teeth, sure."

Blaine sighed. "You're mean."

"But I love you."

"More than Mikey?"

Kurt continued to strum, trying not to laugh. "Now about that song…"

"Jerk," Blaine smiled and sat up, pushing the covers off of him. He scratched at his jaw and yawned while Kurt pretended to know what the hell he was doing with the instrument. "You can sing without doing… that… right?"

"You don't like my guitar playing?"

"If I lie will it get me a kiss?"

Kurt smiled as he looked down at his fingers, positioning them to how he practiced and strumming slowly. Blaine's right eyebrow rose comically as he realized that Kurt actually played a note. And then he switched fingers and did another one.

"How… what?" Blaine smiled; dropping the boxers he was holding and looking at Kurt's fingers. "Who taught you that?"

"YouTube," Kurt said proudly, laughing at his boyfriend's face. "Now, I sing for you."

Blaine moved closer and Kurt shook his head no. "Underwear on first."

The teen obeyed, putting each leg through and sitting on his knees to pull them up. "I'm ready."

Kurt grinned, shaking his head at the goober. "Promise not to laugh if-or better yet when I mess up? I've only been practicing the last few days while you were gone."

"I promise, beautiful." Blaine sat back down and pulled his knees against his chest. "I know I was mean when I woke up but you play wonderfully."

"Now you're just fibbing," Kurt laughed, looking down at his fingers to make sure they were right before slowly strumming. He only knew three chords and sucked at switching between them, but wanted to try.

Here we go, he told himself. "Ready?"

"Ready." Blaine said surely. And then Kurt softly and a little nervously began to sing.

"I've been awake for a while now
You've got me feelin' like a child now
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tingles in a silly place

Blaine looked up from the guitar to Kurt's lips, watching the teen blush as he sang just as beautiful as always. He really sounded so amazing, and looked so perfect as he focused on getting everything right. He was just perfect to Blaine.

"It starts in my toes
And I crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Wherever you go

And did he mention that Kurt's voice was perfect?

Blaine knew he must've had a ridiculous smile on his face but he didn't care. Yeah, all of his birthday gifts had been amazing, but this…this was something incredibly special to him. The way that Kurt looked up at him when he sang, and the way those blue eyes shined made his heart do flips.

Kurt took a quick breath and laughed coyly, looking down at his fingers and fixing them so that they were on the correct strings. He was still getting used to adjusting and playing guitar was a lot harder than it looked. "I'm not so good at this…"

"You're perfect."

"You're supposed to say that," Kurt told him, slowing down his fingers, "you want your kiss…"

Blaine looked down at his fingers running up to Kurt's thigh, smiling sweetly. "Please sing a little bit more, Kurt…"

Kurt sighed at the way his skin tingled where Blaine touched him. It was like a repeat of last night all over again. He nodded, resuming with the song when Blaine's touch became less of a distraction.

"The rain is falling on my window pane
But we are hiding in a safer place
Under covers staying dry and warm
You give me feelings that I adore

They start in my toes
Make me crinkle my nose"

Blaine sat up and moved closer; eyes focused on Kurt's lips as he sang. Kurt continued, watching him as well.

"Wherever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now…"

Kurt trailed off with a smile. Blaine was so close he could feel the boy's breaths on his lips. He rested their foreheads together and looked into the same honey colored eyes that brought him such joy, all before softly kissing the corner of his boyfriend's lips.

Blaine's eyes closed as his hands slid to Kurt's hips. When he went to chase the kiss, his lips found Kurt's finger. He opened his eyes and groaned.

"I promise you infinite kisses and more not so well composed songs when we get home. Deal?"

Blaine nodded, looking at his boyfriend's lips and smiling. He was home but he could understand what Kurt meant. "Deal."

It was hard not to lay Kurt down and kiss him senseless, but Blaine somehow managed. He also managed not to drag Kurt out to the ocean and splash them both inside like he'd been planning to. That was hard. Angry Kurt turned him on.

He was dressed soon and everything was packed, and he got to take peeks of Kurt's ass while they took the tent down. And then again as they walked up the cliffs to their car.

The pants he had on were nice.

It was only barely drizzling now. They held hands as they walked and decided to stop for breakfast before driving back. Even though Blaine thought he should be sad that this little getaway was coming to an end so quickly, he was thankful for the time that they did get to share there. And of course they could always come back.

But now it was back to real life. Blaine didn't know it, but he and his boyfriend were about to find out that the fairy tale getaway was the height of their week.

Real life really sucked.


"Don't you think that we should maybe talk about this?"

Nick sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. "There's nothing to talk about, Jeff. Absolutely nothing to talk about. Who's to say we even did anything? Friends wake up hung over in bed all the time and this happens a lot with us, right? I mean—"

"I remember a lot of frottage." Jeff interrupted, looking around the room for his shirt. "I remember you underneath me. There's cum in my boxers, Nick."

Nick sighed, falling back and starring up at the ceiling. "That didn't happen. Where the fuck is my girlfriend?"

A phone beeped and Jeff uncomfortably walked over to his, knowing the text tone. Once he realized it was at 23% he groaned even harder.

"I can't believe this happened," Nick dragged his hands over his face.

From David:

Are you alive? You guys got pretty shit faced on the beach last night and then you were gone…

Jeff mussed his already messy hair as he reread the message. "We were at the beach last night? Wow, I must've been wasted."

"I think I cheated on my girlfriend of two fucking years with you. You cheated with me. How in the everloving fuck are you so calm right now?"

Jeff turned the phone onto sleep mode and put his shirt on, fighting past the nausea and the headache. Hangovers came a dime a dozen with him. "I get that this revelation kind of sucks and all, but we were fucking drunk, Nick. Blaine told us we messed around drunk before and we never believed him. I should probably go apologize to him and let Victoria break up with me-"

"You're telling Vickie?" Nick shot up quickly and immediately grabbed his head, "Ouch! Shit…"

"What do you expect me to do?" Jeff asked, finding one of his socks and not the other, "Damn it. I should stop drinking…" he shook his head and went to put on his watch, fumbling with it for a moment. "And anyway, I'm not going to be dishonest with my girl—"

"If you tell your girlfriend… fuck… what if Naomi leaves me?" Nick shook his head no, wincing when he felt the stickiness in his underwear. "How the fuck did this happen?"

"I'm going home to shower and then I'm picking up Jus and David so we can get some food. I guess Blaine and Kurt will be back today some time..." Jeff thought aloud, forgetting about the other sock and heading towards the door. He thought he could remember taking his sneakers off downstairs last night. "You must've been a good fuck because I am starving—"

"This isn't funny, Jeff."

Jeff winked and opened the bedroom door. "Are you coming or… well you came already. I mean will you join us?"

"Get the fuck out of my room."

Jeff laughed to himself as he closed the door behind him, heading downstairs and through the living room. The twins, Nick's younger sisters, were eating cereal at the table. They waved and he blew kisses as he stepped into his sneakers, smiling when they blushed. "Later, girls."

Outside, he replied to the text from David, confirming that he was alive and that he had a funny story tell over breakfast as he walked to his Jeep, sending a new one to Justin.

To Jussy Bear:

Good morning! I know you're awake because you're talking to Quinn on Facebook so you better be ready in an hour :) See you soon.


Justin read the message as he listened to his sister and father arguing just outside his room. He yawned, sitting up and tiredly typing out a reply. It was almost 10 in the morning and he usually was out of the house by now, but the past couple days had put him in a funk.

To Jeff:

I'm already ready. Just need to put on a shirt.

From Jeff:

You're not wearing a shirt?! That's so unlike you, bro. See you soon.

Justin smiled to himself as he put the phone back on the charger, grabbing his laptop immediately after. He checked his twitter mentions as he waited for Quinn to his message on Facebook, quickly switching tabs when the little ding sounded. Only she had neglected their private chat completely to have an argument with Santana on one of Justin's statuses.

Santana Lopez to Justin Palmers: What's stopping you from moving out, exactly?

Quinn Fabray to Justin Palmers: Maybe you should go for a ride? Or call Teresa… staying there isn't going to help.

Justin scoffed as he scratched his head. "Doubt she'd answer."

Justin Palmers to Santana Lopez: A few things. I think I'd feel guilty leaving him here when he obviously needs help. Besides that, I have no idea what I'm doing after competitions end.

Justin Palmers to Quinn Fabray: I gave up. Apparently I have too much baggage for a relationship. Funny thing is I can't blame anyone for not wanting to put up with me.

Santana Lopez to Justin Palmers: He's a grown man, buddy. Aren't you 18? It's probably time to stop living in fear because of daddy's failures and get out there and make your own. Or actually do something with yourself, you know. Like college for instance.

Santana Lopez to Justin Palmers: And get over yourself. You look like a damn Ken doll. There will be other girls.

Justin read the messages a couple times and shook his head, about to respond when he saw a notification for a friend request pop up. He clicked on it and saw a picture of a pretty big guy in a red letterman, next to it was his name: Dave Karofsky.

Didn't ring a bell.

He clicked the profile and figured it was one of Kurt and Quinn's friends from McKinley, accepting the friend request and going back to his conversation.

Quinn Fabray to Santana Lopez: Remind me to never come to you when I feel down and out, pretty please? The guy is going through quite a bit right now.

Santana Lopez to Quinn Fabray: You love me because I keeps it real. Your boyfriend will too.

Quinn Fabray to Santana Lopez: He's not my boyfriend, Santana.

A private message popped up as Justin smile-yawned. He then heard his father scream something out, naturally slurring the entire time, and the smile fell from his face. He honestly knew the man wouldn't keep the amazing job he had with how bad the drinking was getting, but then again was it his problem? He didn't think it was.

When he focused on the message, he noticed it was from the Dave kid. Justin sat up and read it as he took a sip from his water bottle.

Dave Karofsky: Hey.

Dave Karofsky: I've been trying to get in contact with Kurt and I know you're like one of his friends in cali… I lost my old phone and got a new one so I don't have his number.

Dave Karofsky: It's been a few days now since he's been on Facebook so I haven't been able to contact him, but it's important.

Justin read the messages a couple times and tried to piece it together. Something wasn't adding up. His first thought was to ask Quinn what this guy's deal was but she was currently arguing with Santana and now Rachel on his Facebook status.

Justin Palmers: Why didn't you ask one of your friends in McKinley? They have Kurt's number I'm sure…

Dave Karofsky is typing…

Justin checked the clock again and went to twitter as he waited for the guy's response.

BMXxSwag: Totally hit it on the beach on my birthday #swaggy

BMXxSwag: Another forty minutes away from LBC. Stuck in Traffic. See you soon

SkateboardJeff: BMXxSwag Congrats on the sex! And beach sex at that you kinky cuties. Oh, Nick and I got drunk last night.

BMXxSwag: SkateboardJeff Did you? Well congrats on the sex to you two, too.

FendiKurt: Just went through my TL. Please tell me Blaine did not tweet that.

Justin smirked at his best friends, about to tweet Kurt when a message finally popped up on Facebook. He switched tabs and read.

Dave Karofsky: Kurt's friends and me aren't exactly cool. They're really artsy and think they're better than the rest of us at the school.

Dave Karofsky: But Kurt had a stint on the football team and we became really good friends. That's why even though he was in glee club, we were pretty tight.

Dave Karofsky: I wouldn't be bothering you if it wasn't important. It's really important.

Justin only looked away from the laptop screen because he heard what must've been his father stumbling down the stairs. He shook his head and grabbed his phone, searching through the contacts.

Justin Palmers: (419)555-0101. I gotta go.

Dave Karofsky: I owe you one.

Justin sent a quick goodbye to Santana, Rachel, and Quinn who were still arguing on his Facebook status before putting a shirt on. He opened the door to his room where his older sister Jasmine walked by, shaking her head in defeat and heading straight to her room. Justin took a quick breath and went down the steps to help his old man up.


As soon as Kurt got back to Long Beach, he realized how much he'd miss his time alone with Blaine in L.A.

Maybe drinking Starbucks and strolling down Rodeo drive hand in hand was the cause of that.

Or maybe, it was because being back at work and having to look at Farrah really annoyed the shit out of him.

Whatever it was, Kurt knew he wanted to go right back.

But, it was back to reality. Their time on the secluded, serene beach had come to an end for now. They'd drove back in the beautiful car Blaine had gotten for his birthday blasting show tunes for Kurt's enjoyment and explicit baby making music for Blaine's. The shower they shared was just what the doctor ordered, as was the make out session that followed, and Kurt had to admit he did miss his bed. Plus, it felt good to be able to do his skin care routine.

So there were pluses to being back, but every time Kurt acknowledged them, he looked across the shop and saw Farrah.

Then he went back to being grumpy.

His shift was almost over. He hadn't gotten a lot of texts from Blaine which surprised him. He was usually his source for entertainment when he went to work. But he knew he told his boyfriend that it was time to buy their sheet music and get ready for their audition. It was in two weeks and the fact that it was approaching sooner rather than later both excited Kurt and made him incredibly anxious. As Kurt rang up a customer, he thought to himself he'd forgive Blaine for not annoying the hell out of him at work if he was actually getting something productive done.

It wasn't like he was entitled to annoying text messages from Blaine, and to be frank, Kurt was a little embarrassed to admit he looked forward to them.

Don walked out, announcing he was going to pick up Mikey from a friend's house. Kurt nodded, deciding he'd stay until the man got back just so Queen Farrah wouldn't be left alone. He knew once she opened her mouth to say something rude and obnoxious, he'd immediately regret it, but Kurt was a gentleman.

From Unknown:

Hey, Kurt. I hope I have the right number.

Kurt put his pencil down to stop sketching and tiredly reached for his phone. It was probably Burt reminding him that if he stayed with Blaine another night, he'd have to make it up to his old man by spending quality time with him at the shop. Kurt had smiled at the threat earlier that day when he talked to his father on the phone. He loved working on cars with his dad, and Justin and Blaze had been going with him over the past couple weeks and was getting into car repairs, too. Only it wasn't his father with a threat of bonding time, it was an unknown number.

Before Kurt could go to respond, he heard someone walk into the shop. A taste of disgust filled his mouth when he noticed who it was, and he felt even more disgusted when he saw him approach Farrah; the girl smiling at him as she put her cell phone down.

If they're together, they totally deserve each other.

Peter finished whispering something to Farrah before turning to face Kurt. He wore a smile that the blue eyed teen couldn't define, but he knew he didn't like it. Seriously, how great was this homophobe's timing for him to show up directly after Don had left for a while?

Peter stopped about halfway en route to grab a pair of knee pads and then continued to approach. He stopped right at Kurt's counter and looked around at the bikes, smiling as he turned to face Kurt.


Kurt glared at him as he put his cell phone in his pocket, forgetting about the unknown text entirely. "I'd prefer it if you let Farrah ring you up."

Peter brushed his hair back, and Kurt grimaced noting how much longer it had grown. It was seriously time for a cut. "Actually, I came to you because we need to talk. Actually, I need to apologize."

The taller teen placed the knee pads on the counter and pulled out his wallet as Kurt stared at him. "No disrespect, but I don't want you anywhere near me."

Peter nodded but smirked. "Your boyfriend doesn't want me anywhere near you—"

"I can handle myself," Kurt explained slowly, "and I am telling you that I don't want you anywhere near me, Peter."

The boy looked a bit taken aback but smiled anyway. "Okay. Okay. Just ring me up, please? I'll get out of your hair, Kurt."

Kurt looked at him a moment longer before picking up the item and scanning the barcode. He saw Peter drop some money on the counter and picked it up, not even caring about customer service skills enough now to tell him the total or how much change he'd be getting. He just wanted him out of the store.

"I know you don't want to hear it, but I'm really sorry. For everything," Peter took the money with a nod as blue-grey eyes pierced through him. "I treated you like shit without knowing you because I was jealous, Kurt. I guess that's the best way to put it. My friend for years found a guy that he thought more of after one day and I thought it was weird. Maybe that caused me to say some mean things, and act like a complete jackass. I'm not a jackass though, Kurt."

Kurt nodded though pretty much ignoring everything he had to say. "That's great, Peter. My shift ends soon and I shouldn't be chatting on the job anyway."

Peter looked around and nodded, thanking Kurt for the bag. "I'm sorry again. I'll talk to Blaine too. Losing out and making a fool of myself, trying to get him in trouble… it all made me realize how stupid and immature I am. Life is too short and I need to make it up to him."

Kurt watched him, saying nothing.

"I gotta get going," Peter took a few steps away and turned, walking towards the exit. He waved goodbye to Farrah who was back to looking at a magazine, but the girl said goodbye before resuming.

All that Kurt knew was something fishy had to be going on. He couldn't trust either of them as far as he could throw them.


From Blaine:

Babe. I know it's late, I'm so sorry!

From Blaine:

Apparently I'm very famous now since that magazine spread is coming out. I went to get the sheet music and then I passed by the sex shop (of which we have to visit STAT) and as I was walking out, people recognized me.

From Blaine:

And I don't mean recognized me like "oh there's Blaine who's always at the skatepark and wins competitions" recognized me.

From Blaine:

They recognized me as Blaine Anderson who does ads for Adidas and Colony Bikes. And I was hounded for autographs and took pictures. It was crazy. My face is probably all over the BMX tag on tumblr.

From Blaine:

It was exciting though. After that I went out with my aunt and Cooper as a late birthday thing. Phone had died at that point. Just got home. Charging it now.

From Blaine:

Aunt Pam realized that she was charged for soft porn on her cable bill. My acting was perfect because I pretended to have no clue what was going on.

From Blaine:

Please don't say you're asleep? It's like just after 10…

From Blaine:

I wanted you to come over. :( Rehearse with me for the audition.

From Kurt:

Hi! Wow. You type fast. I was on Skype with the girls and Chandler who decided to pop in. Give me a minute to read all your messages, love.

From Blaine:

The name doesn't ring a bell. Old friend from Ohio?

From Kurt:

Shut up.

Kurt scrolled through the messages as Rachel spoke on screen. She was going on about something or another… probably Finn… and Mercedes interrupted her to address him.

"Lover boy, who ya texting?"

Kurt glanced at the screen and smiled. "It's just Blaine."

"Oh. He's finally getting back to you?" Rachel probably hadn't meant to sound as bitchy as she appeared to be, in her defense, but that didn't stop Mercedes from rolling her eyes or Chandler from smirking. Kurt ignored all of them and read the rest of the texts.

"His phone died at the mall apparently. Says he was mobbed by some fans that recognized him. I guess this is the life I have to get used to…"

Mercedes smiled. "Well Sam said he saw his Custom Bikes advertisement while he was watching some BMX videos on YouTube. You know how they have the ads in the background?"

"Colony Bikes," Kurt said with a smile, shaking his head for knowing that. He knew he was supposed to but he wanted that information to be drained from his brain when he left Odyssey at night. "And he filmed some stuff for Adidas too… waiting for it to air."

Rachel crossed her legs as she sipped on whatever she was drinking. Chandler lay next to her, suddenly disinterested in the conversation. "That'll be fun! Well I'd probably hate having Finn get all of the fame and recognition between the two of us when we went out in public, but being able to be on Blaine's arms as he's chased by paparazzi and people ask him for pictures! That has to be exhilarating."

Chandler shook his head. "Tell him to enjoy it while it lasts. He'll be a has-been soon."

Kurt didn't bother entertaining anything his ex said as he thought about what Rachel so cheerfully uttered just before. If that happened while Blaine was alone, it'd no doubt happen while they were together. That seemed like it could be annoying; having people clutter them all the time. And like Rachel said, the thought that he'd just be an accessory turned him off a bit.

"I get what you're saying, Berry," Mercedes said, "but we all can agree that Kurt will have his moments of stardom where people will be chasing him through New York streets for attention. This'll be good practice for him."

"Standing on the sidelines while his boyfriend probably has chicks begging him to take pics and sign their bodies? Sounds like fun," Chandler said.

"I was trying to be nice, Chandler, but you're seriously annoying me, now—"

"Down, boys." Mercedes warned, so far past tired with Chandler's snarky banter. "I think if some people say they're over others, they should be able to get along."

Chandler scoffed in the background as Kurt tried not to think about what he said.

"If he sings Don't Cry for me Argentina like I recommended at his Pace audition, sure," Rachel said. "Otherwise, your shot at NYADA is pretty much a no go, Kurt. Think about that. Then you'll have to go to college for Liberal Arts or something of the sorts and I won't be able to associate with you."

From Blaine:

It takes you a long time to read, boss.

Kurt looked down at the message and replied as Chandler spoke about something he was sure he couldn't give two fucks about.

To Blaine:

I'm sorry. Friends distracted me. But your day seemed very eventful. Have I told you that I'm proud of you?

"It'd be better if they did solo auditions anyway. He'll probably mess it up for the both of you, Kurt. And that's me being a friend."

From Blaine:

You've told me. You're beautiful. Now how was your day? Besides the beach sex this morning, of course. I know that was incredible.

Kurt rolled his eyes and smiled at the text.

To Blaine:

The beach sex was rather phenomenal. Work was… interesting. I didn't have a boyfriend bombing me with texts, but Peter stopped by. To apologize of all things.

"If you're going to ignore us, you should just sign off of Skype," Mercedes teased. "It's late here anyway and I need rest. Mike and I have the early shift at the Lima Bean tomorrow."

"Oh yeah," Kurt looked up and stretched a bit. "Sorry, Blaine… I'll call you guys this weekend."

Chandler rolled his eyes and sat up, going out of the camera shot. His sleepover buddy Rachel waved goodbye and blew a few kisses. "Don't forget. Finn says he misses you."

Kurt smiled and nodded as he felt the phone vibrate. "I miss him too. Bye everyone."

They all logged out of the chat. Kurt closed his laptop down and lay back, reading the text message. Only it wasn't from Blaine this time.

From Unknown:

Hey. Kurt?

Kurt realized he didn't reply to them earlier and wondered who it could've been.

To Unknown:

Hi… who is this?

From Blaine:

I'll come and pick you up and you can tell me everything, ok?

Kurt replied and got up, beginning to get ready. He never got a response from the unknown number and shrugged, deciding not to reply unless they were mature enough not to waste his time.


Dave looked down at the reply and took a deep breath. He simply stared for a moment. Kurt had actually answered him and he had no idea what to say. Honestly, "hey this is Dave Karofsky! You know… the guy who forced a kiss on you after bullying you for years" didn't sound like a good idea. Even "Hey! This is Dave Karofsky" sounded like a bad idea because he knew Kurt hated his guts. Despite the short conversation they had on Facebook months ago and the apology he did get to give him, he still knew Kurt hadn't forgiven him. He said he did, but no one was that forgiving.

Dave looked at his clock and lay back down. It was after 1 in the morning in Ohio. He could easily work up his nerve and reply tomorrow, and hope that Kurt would listen. He really needed to talk. Starting a new school senior year was best after Santana figured out what was going on with him, but having someone to talk to who could help him was what he knew he desperately needed. He definitely thought about Chandler, but that guy was an asshole and would no doubt out him to everyone for bullying them.

He turned the phone off and got lay on top of the covers.



"I like pancakes, too."

Kurt smiled as his eyes fluttered open and strong arms pulled him closer by the midsection. Blaine was having another dream where he talked in his sleep—this time about pancakes apparently. He yawned and checked the alarm clock beside their bed, shaking his head at the time that it read. It was a little late to be waking up for the day with it being past noon and all, but that was expected when he and Blaine didn't go to bed until around 5 that morning.

The previous night was the perfect ending to a wild day. At least after Kurt explained what Peter had said and his boyfriend appeared to want to bash the boy's head in. But yes, after that, it was much better.

They arrived back at the beach house and turned the TV on to find a Friends marathon. They were tangled up in each other as the show played, laughing and arguing over their ships Rachel and Ross and "Chandelier and Monica" (because Blaine flat out refused to say Chandler") while sharing kisses during the commercial break. Next came rehearsal, or what was supposed to be rehearsal, but someone whose name began with the letter K got more turned on that he liked to admit watching his boyfriend play Sound of an Angel on violin.

Blaine didn't mind, though.

After making out for what Kurt thought was a torturous half hour, Blaine carried him upstairs and he got the blowjob of the century.

And now they were waking up a bit; attached to each other in a way that Kurt deemed perfect.

"Hm. I just had a dream about blueberry pancakes."

Kurt closed his eyes and smiled, moving backwards into the warmth of Blaine's chest. "I heard. Good afternoon, baby."

Blaine hummed and Kurt could feel him stretch a little behind him. "Why are you up?"

"Well it is almost 12:30." Kurt answered, still smiling as Blaine held him. "And I do have work. You had training what, an hour ago? I think it's about time the both of us got up, don't you?"

Blaine kissed Kurt on the nape of his neck; eyes still closed. "Go back to sleep."

Kurt smiled at the kiss as he wiggled a bit, turning around in his boyfriend's tight grasp so that the two boys' noses were touching. Blaine let one eye peek open and smiled at the adorable grin on his boyfriend's lips. "What are you doing, baby?"

Kurt beamed as he simply observed him. Blaine's eyes closed again as the teen tried his best to fight his sleep, but he still had the slightest smile on his face. There was a bit of stubble lining his jaw because he hadn't shaved since a few hours before his birthday. His hair was starting to grow again and his curls were really unruly at the moment; a mixture of bed hair and Kurt constantly combing his fingers through it. Those triangular eyebrows that always danced whenever the boy made a silly face… he was beautiful. This was the boy Kurt was in love with, and he was happy.

Being happy really did feel amazing.

He leant in and looked only at Blaine's lips for a moment. They were a little chapped at the moment but always soft, and even though he appeared to be going back to sleep, Kurt could still see the small smile there. Slowly, he pressed his lips to Blaine's and breathed in softly. He wasn't sure if it was unconsciously or not, but Blaine kissed back just as sweetly until Kurt pulled away, and then he drifted back asleep.

Kurt knew that he was pretty much up for the day. He had to get up, even though his boyfriend was making things hard. He didn't see himself going back to sleep even if for a few minutes, and he knew if that happened he'd be late. So with a stretch of his own, Kurt finally accepted the inevitable.


One of Blaine's eyebrows flinched a little at the voice but other than that he was out like a light. Kurt smiled and kissed him on the cheek; his lips brushing across the stubble there. "Wake up sleepy head."

Blaine's eyes opened after he yawned into his boyfriend's shoulder and Kurt smiled at the kiss that touched his lips a second later. "I'm up, I'm up." the hazel eyed teen said as he forced his eyes open. Kurt gave him an amused look and Blaine smiled. "Why am I up exactly?"

"We need to get moving." Kurt tried to remove Blaine's hands from around his waist but it was to of no avail. "Honey…"


Kurt smiled before falling back against the pillow. "Blaine. Let me up, baby."

He could see his boyfriend contemplating whether or not he'd actually go through with it and eventually he came to the conclusion that Blaine decided against it. The rider rolled over so that he was on top of him and stretched out, resting all of his weight there. "We're not going anywhere."

Kurt shook his head as Blaine settled between his legs. "Is that your cock? Why are you that hard when you were dreaming about pancakes?"

Blaine laughed into the kiss he gave Kurt, smiling when Kurt started to laugh too. "I really like pancakes, ok? Just shut up and kiss me…"

"I have to use the bathroom."



Group chat with Nick, Jeff, and 2 others…

Blaine: Where are you guys?


David: OMG. Blaine's alive guys!

Nick: Haha


Blaine: What are you idiots talking about?

Blaine: ?

Blaine: C'mon I've been at the skate park for like forty minutes. Where is everyone? I'm here with fucking Premium and if your cousin winks at me one more time, Jus…

Justin: I'm at Teresa's. Glad to know you're still alive stranger.

Jeff: You're with T? How is it going?

Justin: Finally calling it off.

Blaine: Sorry to hear that bro.

David: :(

Jeff: Sorry to hear it, too.

Nick: Yeah, man. But you've been saying you need to focus on you

Jus: True. Anyway I'm leaving soon, B.

Blaine: Alright. And everyone else?

Jeff: With Vickie.

Jeff: She's trying to catch up on her soaps. There's man on man loving.

Jeff: Have you and Kurt finally come up for air?

David: Oh, Vickie ships WilSon? I love Days of Our Lives!

David: Blaine finally got the D? My man.

Jeff: Lol finally? I don't know, David. I'm with Jus. I think they've been doing it since day one

Blaine: I can actually read this contrary to what you guys believe

Justin: I have this headcanon that Kurt loves rough sex

Justin: And he scratches a lot

Justin: And bites

Jeff: Oh god yes

David: Can't believe you just went M.I.A for two days, Blaine.

Nick: If I went two weeks without sex you guys wouldn't hear from me either when I got back

David: True. You and Jeff could never wait that long, I bet.

Blaine: I'm going back to practice. Bye

Blaine: Wait, what?

Justin: …and pulls hair

Nick: Don't start, David. I'm with the twins but when Naomi gets here I'll come chill, B

Blaine: Yeah ok… but what? Wait… did you and Jeff really mess around while drunk? Again?

Jeff: And threatens you if you stop

Justin: Yup!

Nick: Blaine pls

Jeff: We did, Blaine. And Nick doesn't want to talk to me. He's acting like this is my fault…

Nick: I just don't want to talk about it. No big deal.


Blaine looked away from his vibrating cell phone and put it back in his bag. Shane approached him and sat back on his bike, smiling at the tattoo he could see showing on his chest. The tank top was a bit low.

"Really, Anderson?"

"What can I help you with, today? I don't have any tips on how to cope with second place if that's what you want…"

Shane smirked and looked back at his teammates practicing. "You know, I came over here to tell you where I saw Peter and tell you to watch your back, but you seem good. I'll just go back to practice."

Before he could ride off, Blaine rode around to the other side of him. His face looked serious and it was more than likely because he knew Peter approached Kurt the night before. "My bad, Shane. What happened?"

Shane put one foot on the pedal as he quickly glanced around the skate park. "I went to Layla's yesterday and Peter was bolting out the door. Bumped into me on the way out."

Blaine nodded, waiting for the rest. "Did he say anything?"

"Just looked to be in a rush," Shane said thoughtfully, "But when we got to our table in the back, We realized Eric Milton was having breakfast." he watched Blaine tighten his gloves on his hands as he continued, "I think it'd be rash for me to assume they were both together, but at the same time you know how Milton is. He hates you more than I do."

Blaine smiled, nodding his hand and looking back at Ian skating around that Hunter guy. "True. Thanks for the heads up—"

"Shane. Fraternizing with the enemy?" Peter sat down on the bench they were by, close to Blaine's things. The dirty blonde turned to look at him before glancing back at Blaine. "How's it going, boys?"

The playful smile Blaine had been wearing disappeared completely. Peter realized and quickly went to speak before things got out of hand. "Listen, I didn't come here to upset anyone—"

"It's probably best you leave, Peter." Shane told him.

"I just want to apologize to the both of you," the boy said, shifting forward in his seat a bit. "You probably don't want to hear it—"

"I'm glad you're here," Blaine interrupted before his old friend could get out whatever bullshit apology he'd come up with. Shane sat back on his bike and scratched at his stubble when he noticed a navy blue car waiting just by the entrance of the park. It looked familiar but he couldn't place where he'd seen it. "I need to say something too," Blaine resumed, "and it has to do with Kurt, but you could've guess that."

Peter nodded, watching Shane look at the double parked car. "I said sorry to him last night—"

"That's great and all, but don't go near him again, Peter. I don't know what you're up to, but if I find out you're near him I swear to god—"

"I came to say sorry to you too, Blaine. I fucked up and I know that, and that's all there is too it." he stood up and nodded to Shane, "I gotta get out of here."

"You do that," Shane told him.

Peter looked from him to Blaine and nodded, walking off. He actually went opposite the direction of the vehicle as Blaine shook his head, going towards the ramps. "I'm just going to practice. Later, ass wipe."

"Yeah," Shane stared at the car a while longer before backing away also, "later."


Kurt smiled as Mikey held on tightly to Diesel's leash. They held hands as they walked to Skyler's place. Skyler was Mikey's bestest friend as he liked to call him and they'd grown pretty close over the past few weeks. Like Nick and Blaine close, which was adorable.

The Boxer puppy started barking at a squirrel going by and Mikey told him to be nice. Kurt looked at his beeping cell phone and stopped short to read the text. "Hold on, sweetie."

Mikey looked up at Kurt as he swung their hands together. "Kurtie, I want to take you out to dinner this weekend. Blaine can come too, if he wants."

Kurt smiled down at the boy as he laughed a little. "Blaine will probably want to. Are you going to let me help pay?"

Diesel came over and sat at Kurt's feet, looking at the pricey Oxfords the teen was wearing. Kurt eyes the dog. "Don't you even think about it."

The puppy looked away.

"Mommy gave me an 'llowance for being good and going to school, and cleaning my room. I have a piggy bank." The boy smiled, "And I want to take you to dinner."

Kurt smiled as he glanced down at his phone, and then that smile left at once.

From Unknown:

This is Karofsky. I know this is probably where our conversation ends but I really would like it if you responded so we could talk about… I'm just having a hard time with my sexuality and all and I understand if you don't care, I won't fault you. I treated you like shit, maybe worse, and I am so sorry again, Kurt. I just wanted to talk to someone who could help.

"We can go out for Sushi," Mikey finally succeeded at winking when Kurt looked back up at him, and he pocketed his phone to ignore that and give the boy his attention, squeezing his hand as they walked the short distance.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to take me from your cousin, Mr. Kinsella…"

Mikey blushed and shook his head no. "I am single now but I know you and Blainey are still boyfriends. This is only as friends, Kurtie. Promise."

Kurt honestly didn't know what to do with him.

They turned the corner as Kurt asked Mikey why exactly he was single, and inquired about what in the heck the boy knew about sushi, when they arrived at Skyler's house. They agreed on going somewhere a little less high maintenance, like Chuck E. Cheese for example, and Mikey kissed Diesel and handed the leash over before running up the steps of the home.

When Skyler's babysitter opened the door, she waved at Kurt who returned it with a friendly smile, explaining that Pam would be there in a few hours. Diesel barked a few times and Kurt finally led him off, reaching for his cell phone as he did so.

"We need to have a talk about the way you look at my shoes, Deez."

The puppy calmly walked beside him.

To Dave:

Part of me is saying that I'm stupid for replying to someone who dedicated their existence to making my life crap during high school, but when I said I forgave you I meant it. The other part of me knows that if I had help, things would be so much different when I was at McKinley. If you need someone to talk to, I'll be here.

Kurt almost regretted hitting send, but he knew it was the right thing to do. He headed back towards the beach house with the noisy puppy who saw the same squirrel, watching a navy blue car drive past a little too slowly for his liking before crossing the road. He knew that Blaine and the guys expected him at the beach soon so he picked Diesel up, walking a bit quicker.

"Let's feed you, huh cutie?"


"Can I have a taste?"

Kurt shook his head no as he watched Justin riding the beautiful waves, a sly smile on his face as he did so. He looked out over the beach from under their umbrella in the shade and took another bite of his Yoplait, hearing his boyfriend grumble in the background. "Get your own, Anderson."

Blaine put his cell phone down and moved a little closer to Kurt, hoping that his boyfriend would see the huge pout on his face. "Kurt. Please?"

Kurt glanced over to him and slowly licked a bit of the strawberry banana yogurt from the corner of his lips. He almost laughed when Blaine's eyes moved from his own down to the action and the boy gulped. "Look how much I have left, honey. It's only a little."

Blaine smirked as he looked inside the cup. "Hummel, there's more than half left. You're so stingy."

Kurt put a little on the spoon and slowly licked it off. "It's so good, baby. You have no idea."

Blaine shook his head though his eyes never left Kurt's mouth. Of course he didn't have an idea because someone wouldn't share. "Just a taste."

The words made Kurt blush as he remembered the time he first heard them. He turned away, ignoring the way Blaine moved even closer and placed his lips softly to his ear. His phone vibrated but neither boy paid it any attention.

"If I liked you," Kurt began, "then maybe I would share with you."

Blaine smiled at the familiar words as he placed a kiss to a spot just below his boyfriend's ear lobe. When he felt Kurt shiver a little, he did it again, this time his tongue slowly teasing the skin before his lips pressed into the spot. Jeff stopped working on his sand castle to watch until he saw Kurt glaring daggers at him, getting the point. But back to what Blaine was doing… his voice was low and breathy when he spoke, knowing how much Kurt loved the register. "If you liked me?" he asked, kissing Kurt again. "You love me, beautiful."

A couple people walked past their towel as Kurt's phone reminded him of a message. He still ignored it, turning to look Blaine in the eyes. The honey color was so much darker now as Blaine inched over as close as he could, leaning in and putting his lips all over the exposed part of Kurt's neck. There were soft kisses, then a little tease from his tongue, and eventually the soft scraping of his teeth, and Kurt fought to hold back a moan when Blaine's hand started to move from his knee upwards. He scooped some of the yogurt out on his spoon and held it up, eyes closing for a second before he spoke.

"Here, baby. Just a taste."

Blaine smiled against Kurt's neck and stopped moving his hand, peeking up and looking down at the spoon. "Thank you, gorgeous."

Kurt nodded.

The way that Blaine wrapped his lips around the spoon was absolutely sinful. Kurt couldn't look away. Blaine slowly pulled off and licked his lips, getting the cream all over them before swallowing. He used his finger to scoop up the excess and placed it in his mouth, sucking slowly as he and Kurt locked eyes. And then he pulled it out and gave a sweet smile, licking his lips and winking at his boyfriend.

"That tastes really good, baby. Thank you."

Kurt continued to stare before his brain caught up with Blaine's words. Because he said thank you, right? "You're very, very welcome."

Blaine heard the way his voice changed and nodded, about to lean in for a kiss when Kurt put the yogurt down and pulled him closer by the fabric of his t-shirt. They kissed softly and slowly when their lips met; Blaine cupping his boyfriend's face and lacing his fingers in the hair at the back of his boyfriend's hair. After a minute, Kurt's tongue began to play at his bottom lip and he finally took a breath, allowing it to slide between his lips.

A moan or two later when Blaine found Kurt's hands reaching for the base of his shirt and his own hands in between the boy's legs, he remembered where they were. It was still daylight and they were very much in the open, under the umbrella or not, and there were a couple hundred people enjoying the beautiful weather on the beach. He wasn't exactly against sex on the beach when people were around (it seemed kind of kinky, and Blaine was so team kinky after leaving the sex shop yesterday) but he knew without question that Kurt would probably stop talking to him if he even suggested it—at least at this time of day—and the fact that they had no condoms or lube around didn't help either. When Kurt's fingers ran over his abs and up his chest, Blaine pulled back and returned his hand to himself. Kurt chased him a bit with his lips; his hand moving back down Blaine's abdomen to his swim trunks. Blaine bit his lip as Kurt kissed across his jawline and down his neck.

"We should probably s-stop," Blaine told him. His breathing was erratic and he could feel himself getting harder and harder. "Uncle Don wants everyone to meet at the skate park soon and if we start this…"

Kurt nodded as he remembered where they were, pulling back and smiling as he looked around. People seemed to be focused on other things like swimming, Frisbee, and just relaxing. He leant back on the towel resting on his hands and glanced back at Blaine; that teasing look in his eyes. "I wish I could stay with you tonight, but I have curfew and all."

Blaine smiled as he took an obvious sweep of Kurt's body; his eyes roaming over the boy's thighs for a few seconds before he looked at him again. "I want you."

Kurt smiled and sat up, reaching for his cell phone. "You have me, don't you?"

"You know what I mean, Kurt," Blaine looked over the beach and saw what looked like Nick talking to Naomi in the distance. He hoped his friend was ok. They'd talk about it. "You have curfew. What do you think my cut off time would be if I came over tonight?"

Kurt checked his phone as he entertained Blaine's question. The message he gotten had been from Karofsky and he quickly turned the screen off, knowing what his boyfriend's reaction would be. Blaine noticed and kissed him on the cheek before giving the teen an odd look.

"Who was it?"

Kurt shrugged, turning it on sleep mode. "I don't know, and I don't care. It's from an unknown number, aka a creep. And to answer your question, dad will more than likely make you leave as soon as you step in the house. "

Blaine laughed and nodded. He licked his lips and reached for the Yoplait, glancing up at Kurt as he took another bite. "Let's say you could take me home right now. What would you do?"

Kurt leaned in to take the yogurt back and grabbed the spoon from in between his boyfriend's lips. "I'd probably do something like kneel on all fours in front of you. How does that sound?"

Blaine's eyes went wide as he looked at Kurt, dick hardening for sure now. He swallowed and watched Kurt licking yogurt off the edges of the spoon, voice breaking when he went to respond. "It sounds-s very good. Very, very g-good…"

That it did. Kurt enjoyed how he could make the ever so confident and sexy Blaine Anderson choke over his words. He unselfishly scooped up the last of the Yoplait and put it to his boyfriend's lips, smiling when Blaine excitedly took the bite and immediately leant in for a kiss. They didn't let themselves get too intothis one, but it was still hot. When Blaine seemed to be trying to lay them down, Kurt laughed and pulled away, handing the cup and plastic spoon to his boyfriend.

"Throw this out please? I'll pack everything up."

Blaine nodded and kissed him on the cheek, standing to his feet and fixing his clothes. He took their trash over to the bin and Kurt smiled as he watched him walk over the sand for a moment, all before packing Blaine's study books away as well as their blanket. He was happy that Blaine actually achieved a good amount of studying doing for his entrance exam. Juggling studying into the mix was going to be hard, Kurt thought. There was no doubt that it'd be hard trying to rehearse their song while Blaine had practice for his competition finals and more traveling to do. It had to be suffocating, being that busy.

As Kurt shook the blanket free of sand and begun to fold it, he smiled as he saw Blaine walking back, slapping a kid high five as he approached. He couldn't help but smile at the goober. After turning to pack the things away, Kurt saw a couple girls walking in his direction. He continued to put things in the bag as he watched them curiously; the girls gigging and walking quicker as they spoke.

Blaine kicked Kurt in the butt as he bent over putting things away. He smirked at the annoyed face it got him in return. "I'll return the umbrella to the rental spot and tell the guys we're cutting out. Meet me by the car, sexy?"

Kurt smiled and nodded. "Alright—"

"Blaine Anderson! Hi!"

Blaine looked up at the two girls and smiled. Kurt zipped their bag up and stood as well, observing the pair. The one who spoke was blonde and had pretty blue eyes, a little shorter than him. Her hair was in two braids and her boobs were close to escaping the tiny swimsuit she had on. Her friend was a brunette with long flowing hair that housed a pretty pink and orange flower and of course a rather revealing swimsuit as well. Kurt turned to his boyfriend who looked a little confused but still friendly.

"That's me," he said looking between the two. "What's up?"

The blonde pulled a magazine from behind her back while her friend pulled out a sharpie. Kurt noticed that it was the magazine that was supposed to come out Friday that had a spread of his boyfriend inside. He thought he was the only one with the issue but they must've come out early in some places. Before replying, the blonde cast a quick, annoyed look to Kurt and looked back to Blaine. "We saw your ad for Colony Bikes and the article on you. Can you sign it for us?"

"Pretty please?" her friend said in a pouty voice.

Blaine smiled at them both and nodded. "Of course. How'd you guys get your hands on this?" he stepped over and took the marker from one as the blonde opened the magazine to his spread and responded.

"We have our ways," she said with a quick giggle. "Thank you so much. I wanted to get over here before you were too famous for Long Beach. Make it out to Callie and Tyra."

Blaine nodded, quickly writing out the autograph. "To Callie," he said as the marker moved over the page, "and Tyra. Blaine Anderson, smiley face." He said, making the girls laugh. This time the brunette, (Tyra, Kurt assumed) looked over at him with a smirk. Kurt looked away ignoring the stirring of what felt a little like jealousy stirring inside of him.

"Can we get a pic too?" one asked, Kurt wasn't sure and didn't care. Blaine was about to walk away and glanced back at Kurt, seeing him not paying them any attention. He nodded to them after sighing.

"Really quick, ladies. I need to get going."

"Thank you!" the brunette pulled out the camera and Blaine got in the middle, putting his arms around both. The blonde…Callie, leaned into him a little closer than she needed to, and Kurt glared at her as Tyra took the picture.

Afterwards, Blaine smiled and thanked them and they each hugged him. Kurt could tell he looked uncomfortable and it was probably his fault because he'd been watching them like a hawk, but he couldn't help but wonder how Blaine's demeanor would be if he weren't there. "Nice meeting you," Blaine said, finally getting away.

"Thanks so much, Blaine. We're happy for you!"

"Yeah," Blaine nodded and smiled, turning away and looking at Kurt. The younger teen looked amused as he watched the girls walk away and Blaine licked his lips, immediately going over to the umbrella.

"Sorry about that," Blaine said. "I know it delayed us a bit."

"Don't worry about it," Kurt grabbed the bag and smiled at his boyfriend. "You should be good to your fans. They've been with you for a long time and it's good to see this payoff."

Blaine shrugged. "I know. I just don't want that to happen when we're together. Our time is limited, you know?"

Kurt put the bag over his shoulder and nodded as Blaine finally got the umbrella to collapse. "I know, love. See you at the car?" he walked up and kissed him on the cheek and his boyfriend nodded, pecking him back on the lips.

"See you at the car, beautiful."

He watched Kurt walk off with his bottom lip between his teeth. It was still a mystery to him how the hell Kurt got into his jeans, and he was determined to watch him try and squeeze into them one morning. For now, he remembered that they needed to get going, so Blaine grabbed the umbrella and walked toward the beach rental spot. His phone beeped with another message from Santana and the teen looked down to reply.

From Santana:

I booked the hall for you. The deposit was 200 bucks and I want it back.

To Santana:

How sweet of you. Consider it a birthday present for Kurt.

After he returned the umbrella and started to head back to where they parked, he smirked and rolled his eyes at the next message.

From Santana:

You're paying me back if you want to keep your balls attached.

Sliding the phone into his pocket, he motioned to David that they were leaving. David gave him two thumbs up and held up two fingers with a fist, signaling that he'd get the guys and meet him there in twenty. He told him okay, walking up the beach and across the boardwalk. A few people waved as he walked by and as always and he returned it, stopping at a florist and buying a single red rose. You know, just because.

Kurt wasn't alone when Blaine got back to the car. Kurt was leaning against the passenger side door of the Lexus, nodding to whatever the guy he was with was saying—the guy that Blaine had never seen before but seemed to be awfully chummy with Kurt.

Taking a few steps forward, Blaine watched them for another couple moments. His phone alerted him of another message that was no doubt another threat from Santana but Blaine ignored it; eyes locked on the pair maybe thirty feet away. Kurt was still oblivious to him standing there as Blaine watched his boyfriend laugh at whatever was said by the tall, muscular, shirtless blonde guy.

Seriously, who the hell was this dude?

Their dialogue quieted for only a moment before blondie gestured out over the beach. Kurt looked and nodded, saying a few more words and waving goodbye as blondie took a few steps back and then away. Blaine held the rose in his hand, watching him walk off for what must've been a long time based on Kurt's reaction when he spotted him.

"Earth to Blaine? At this rate we'll miss practice and I'll get home after my dad." the blue eyed boy called out with a smile. Blaine looked over at him as his feet slowly but surely began to move, noting that Kurt didn't look as if he'd say anything about whatever the hell that was at all.

"I'm sorry… I stopped to get something for you."

Kurt smiled down at the flower and his cheeks colored a little pink, all before wrapping his arms around Blaine's shoulder and accepting it with a kiss.

"You're the sweetest boyfriend in the whole wide world."

Blaine smiled into the second kiss Kurt placed on his lips. "Don't patronize me, Hummel."

"Mm," Kurt placed the rose to his nose and smiled. "May I ask what this is for?"

"Just because." he told him honestly, looking at blondie from the corner of his eyes.

"Just because," Kurt repeated with a small smile. He liked the sound of that. A relationship where they did thing for each other just because they wanted to. It sounded lovely."Well thank you, baby."

"You're welcome…" he trailed off and reluctantly dropped his hands when Kurt pulled away, turning to get into the vehicle. He cleared his throat and stopped him before he opened the door, earning a look that was the perfect mixture of odd and confused.

"We should probably get going, you know—"

"I know," Blaine interrupted before looking around the parking lot. "I wanted to ask who your friend was… the guy you were talking to…"

Kurt had practically forgotten about him it seemed, and smiled a little once he realized what was happening. "Oh…. His name is Robert. He's visiting for a few weeks from Australia."

Australia. Awesome. So he probably had one of those accents that Chris Hemsworth had. The same Chris Hemsworth that had his own slideshow in Kurt's computer where he'd Photoshopped hearts onto him.


Kurt rolled his eyes playfully but continued. "He came in to Odyssey for a surf board a week ago and apparently I'm one of those guys who can't shut up about his boyfriend because I immediately told him his shirt was the same color as the green in your eyes." Kurt shook his head as he remembered and Blaine watched him with a little blush, "But he was cool about it. He's a nice guy with an adorable boyfriend of his own, so there's no need for you to put a hickey on my cheek."

Blaine smiled, a little embarrassed, but rolled his eyes away. "I'm not jealous if that's what you think. It's just I've never seen him before and—"

"Uh huh," Kurt crossed his arms over his chest and leant against their car, waiting to hear the rest. "Not jealous. Totally. Go on."

"—you were like giggling and putting your arms on his muscles and it was just pathetic—"

"So you noticed his gorgeous physique too? How straight are you supposed to be, Blaine?"

"Who said anything about a gorgeous physique?" Blaine quipped back, his face falling serious. Kurt laughed and turned to get in the car once more, this time succeeding at pulling the door open, but Blaine crossed his arms this time. "So you think he has a gorgeous physique?"

"Take me home, Rob—I mean Blaine!"

Kurt laughed even harder at Blaine's reaction as he slid into the seat, slamming the door shut. Blaine could only stand there with a stupid smile and shake his head, walking to the driver's side and climbing inside too.

"I don't like you all that much."


Practicing with Uncle Don present meant they actually had to practice.

The other guys usually did what they had to, but Blaine and sometimes Jus slacked off for the most part. Not today though.

Don looked up at his nephew spinning in the air before the teen landed shakily on the ramp. He saw Blaine pull to a stop and slap himself in the helmet, trying to get himself together.

"This is what happens when you can't practice because you're on the road, and the first thing you do is drive to L.A. and then come back and neglect to practice some more, young one."

Kurt smiled from where he sat, glancing back down at his book. The two had been jawing back and forth for the past hour.

Blaine pulled his helmet off and took a few breaths. "I can do it. I'm just not getting enough air."

Don nodded, walking closer to the ramp. "Then get enough air, champ. You say you're better than me. Do better than me."

"Your old ass couldn't get two feet into the air now," Blaine mumbled.

"What was that?"

The teen shook his head, putting the helmet back on and smirking. He walked around and took the bike to the top of the vert before starting again.

Kurt remembered the first time he'd seen Blaine riding. It still shocked him to this day that someone could do that. Maybe he was just being a punk. Maybe it wasn't actually all that hard when you had years of practice, but still. His boyfriend was pretty talented.

He deserved all the recognition he was getting, and then some.

From Dave:

I hope I don't get you in trouble with your boyfriend?

Kurt felt someone sit down beside him and looked up, smiling politely at the girl. She was pretty, fair skinned with dimples that showed when she offered him a smile of her own, and her eyes were a blue color that matched Justin's.


"Hi," Kurt said. The girl then crossed one leg over the other and watched some of the skaters go by, eventually looking up at Blaine as he flew through the air.

To Dave:

Blaine is the protective type, and I mean extremely protective.

To Dave:

I did tell him everything that happened with us, going back to middle school even. So he already told me that he doesn't want us speaking. But to be honest, I think his pride will be okay if I helped out a friend.

The girl stood up when Don saw her, running over to hug him. He smiled and held her tightly, making Kurt smile. Did Don train girls too?

From Dave:

I'm sorry.

To Dave:

Stop apologizing.

"Holy crap," Nick ran over and said hello too, smiling as the girl hugged him. "Sami! What are you doing here?"

From Dave:

There's this guy… he goes to a private school a couple hours away and I've seen him at a… gay bar. Even feels weird typing it.

Kurt looked up from the message to see the Jeff and Blaine approaching now; his boyfriend appearing shocked but happy as well. The girl, Sami, wrapped her arms around Blaine's shoulders as he hugged her tightly, rocking back and forth.

"I can't believe I'm letting you hug me while you're sweating everywhere."

Blaine smiled and pulled away, holding his helmet at his side. "What's up? It's been a while. How is Vegas treating you?"

"Which do I answer first?" Sami asked with a smirk, looking the teen over. "You look really good."

Jeff glanced over to Kurt and looked away quickly.

Confirmation that something was going on, much?

To Dave:

So you've been going to gay bars? And meeting guys? You're further ahead than I would've thought.

"Thanks," Blaine smiled at her and waited for answers.

"Well I'm doing well. Everything is okay, I guess. It's good seeing you guys."

Nick smiled and nodded. "You just fell off the face of the planet, you know."

"You're not even on Facebook anymore." Jeff added, standing on top of his board. Sami laughed lightly and nodded.

"I go to this all-girls school and social networking sites are blocked. Very strict place."

Blaine heard his uncle yelling at David to stop flirting with girls and practice as he nodded to her. "That sucks."

"It does," she said, "and Vegas… there's nothing to do there when you're underage. I prefer being locked up in a school to be honest. Now that it's summer, I begged my grandmother to let me come here for a few days. All I've been doing is working in her shop and it's just like hell."

"When are you leaving?" Blaine asked as she pulled her hair out of the bun it was styled in.

"Tuesday, I think. That could change, but for now, Tuesday." She let the brown hair fall over her shoulders as she looked at Jeff and Nick. "So what's up with you two? Still getting drunk and blowing each other?"

Nick's face dropped and Jeff moved to change the conversation. "We're enjoying summer, you know? Trying to win our competitions and focus on Group events before going back to Pace. Senior year. This is it."

The girl nodded. "And how's Amber?" she turned to Blaine with a smile, "Assuming you're still with her."

Blaine shook his head no as Nick smirked. "We were never together. I kind of made it all up. But yeah, that's long and over with."

From Dave:

I don't know, Kurt. I feel myself there at Scandals. And Sebastian, I enjoyed kissing him more than I did any of the Cheerios. Not as much as I enjoyed… never mind. All that matters to him was going all the way and I'm not exactly at that stage…

Kurt read the message and frowned a bit. Going to a gay bar alone didn't sound smart, and even though Dave was a big guy, there was no exemption for the types of people who got hurt at places like that.

"Oh," Sami smiled at him before shaking her head. "Same old Blaine. But listen boys, it was nice seeing you. I have to catch up with some of my girls but maybe we can see each other before I leave again?"

Nick knew the question was designated to Blaine so he remained quiet, looking at his best friend. Blaine nodded, reaching out to embrace her in another hug. "Sure thing. Just text me…"

"Same number as before?" she asked, pulling away and letting Jeff squeeze her.

"No actually. Let me give it to you."

Kurt sat back and watched Blaine give his number to Sami as the girl in the red Chuck Taylors joked around with Nick, waiting for him to finish. Nick said goodbye and kissed her cheek before biking off, and Jeff stopped by Kurt to take a sip of his drink, not saying much of anything.

"Ok, Blaine. I'll text you later then. Bye!"

Blaine stepped back and waved goodbye as she walked off. His uncle walked back over as he adjusted his glasses and told him to get back to work.

"I'm going home for dinner but I'll be back."

Blaine rolled his eyes.

Just like that, Don was gone, and all the guys went back to their routines. Kurt seriously felt like shit because his boyfriend didn't think enough of him to introduce him to his friend, and it didn't take much for him to wonder if his boyfriend was ashamed of him.

You know, because he was a boy.

He pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind when another text message came through.

From Dave:

I have to go to a dinner with my dad. Text me back when you can.

Kurt decided he'd head home as he typed out the message.

To Dave:

Ok. Sorry I got a bit distracted but I'll be here. Promise.

He stood up and pocketed the phone before grabbing his bag. Jeff skated up for another sip from his water bottle and collapsed onto the bench.

"Where you headed, good looking?"

Kurt smiled at him before shaking his head. "I'm out of here. I have a bit of a headache and also there's curfew tonight, so you know."

Jeff nodded. "Do you want a ride? Don will probably throw a ramp at Blaine if he sneaks out of practice."

The blue eyed teen laughed and declined. "I'm fine walking, thanks. I'm gonna go say bye and then I'm out of here."

Jeff nodded. "Alright, bro. See you tomorrow?"

Kurt nodded and waved again, walking over to the vert. He smiled at one of the kids he always saw on their scooters as they kicked and pushed past, helmets still too big for their heads. Blaine spotted him walking over and rode up the ramp, turning around before getting too much air. He dropped the bike and pulled off his helmet, giving the boy a warm smile.

"Hey, beautiful."

Kurt smiled as he adjusted his bag. "Hi baby. I'm not feeling too good so I'm gonna get out of here. Call me when you're at home."

Blaine stepped off the ramp until he was ground level with Kurt. "What's wrong?"

His boyfriend shook his head no, avoiding his eyes. "I just have this pestering headache. I'm going to go home and take something and get in the bath. Just check on me when you're home?"

"Of course," Blaine said, pulling him close and pecking his lips. "At least let me take you…"

"I'll walk. You have practice and a psychotic uncle…"

Blaine smiled. "You're not feeling well. He'd understand. Come on, babe."

Kurt thought about fighting him on it but Blaine gave him the don't fight me on this look. He nodded and played at the strap of his back. "Thanks, Blaine."

Blaine took off his gloves and pads, explaining that he was leaving everything with Jeff. Kurt nodded and walked towards the car.


The drive to Kurt's was tense for Blaine. He knew something was bugging him, but Kurt wouldn't say. He wouldn't say much at all. But he had been texting a lot.

He placed his hand over Kurt's knee as he drove, thankful that Kurt didn't seem to pull away. So maybe he wasn't mad?

But at the same time, he hadn't reacted much at all.

Kurt's kiss goodbye was a kiss he'd never gotten from the boy. It was short and meaningless. He got out the car and waved goodnight, heading up the steps and unlocking the door.

Blaine sat there for a while until he was inside. He scratched his head and shrugged, driving off before his uncle could come outside and see him parked there.

He'd call him that night after dinner with the guys.


Blaine got no answer when he called. It made sense to assume that his boyfriend was asleep since he wasn't feeling too great. It still sucked that he couldn't be there with him, though.

Blaine went home and whistled for Diesel to join him for a short walk on the beach. The dog came tumbling out of the back of the house and barked, practically jumping into Blaine's arms.

They ran alongside each other on the beach. Blaine smiled as his puppy chased him and picked him up, rubbing behind his ears. He got excited when he got a message, wondering if Kurt had gotten back to him.

From Sami:

Hi Blaine! How's Monday morning for you?

Blaine put the puppy down when he started licking his face and laughed, watching Diesel try to acclimate to the warm sand. His coordination wasn't there yet.

To Sami:

Sounds good to me. The guys usually go to Layla's for breakfast so we'll see you there.

From Sami:

Great. Goodnight!

Blaine smiled and put the phone away. He'd missed Sami a lot over the past couple years. Not only was she his first girlfriend but she was like the only one who wasn't a using control-freak. That went a long way with him.

After getting back to the beach house and calling Kurt again, Blaine gave up and sent a text goodnight. He looked forward to the morning as he got in the shower, afterwards tiredly making his way towards the piano and violin. His days were the longest.


Kurt was thankful to be off that morning. He'd awoken and decided to check the messages from Blaine he'd been ignoring. Petty? Yes. Did he care? Not much.

He was bitter, and he could admit that. Seeing Blaine smile at some chick who obviously meant a lot to him and his best friends while not even looking in his general direction to try and introduce them—that was something that sucked. And yes, Kurt was bitter.

But now he felt kind of bad because Blaine was genuinely concerned about him. He wondered if he was okay and sent a few 'I love you' messages every few hours ago. There was even a picture of Tumbles on top of Blaine's grand piano as the boy rehearsed the sheet music for his song. It was cute.

Kurt realized that maybe he should get over himself and actually talk to Blaine about it. There wasn't much need to be angry now, right? He was probably caught up in the moment and… as much as it hurt to think it, maybe Kurt slipped his mind. He bet that if he brought her up when they saw each other, Blaine would be honest.


Only Don called Kurt in to work.

Jenna sprained her ankle so he had to pick up her shift. Why couldn't it be Farrah? Nobody knows.

Kurt went to work though. He did half of his shift out front, smiling when Robert came in to buy something and ignoring the way Farrah hummed knowingly after the man had left, and the rest of his shift was done in the repair room.

No Peter today. That was good.

Blaine did show up about 10 minutes before the shift ended. He bothered Steve for a while and then bothered Kurt, and after he clocked out they went straight to an ice cream shop in the part of town Kurt had only seen once.

"Can you imagine me licking sundae toppings off of you?"

Kurt nodded yes as he placed a cherry between his lips, doing the trip where he tied a knot in the stem with his tongue and placing it down on the table. Blaine looked down and licked his lips.

"Sure can," Kurt said with a smile.

Blaine fixed the collar of his polo because shit, it was starting to heat up a bit.

"So how was your day?" Kurt asked, scooping up a bit of ice cream with fudge. Blaine mirrored his actions and nodded, taking a bite of his own.

"It wasn't too bad. Studied. Walked Diesel. Hung out with Jus and David for a bit."

Kurt nodded. "How are Nick and Jeff?"

"Still stupid," Blaine shook his head and put his spoon down, checking his phone. "Apparently Jeff told Vickie and she found it hot. She also thought it'd be best if that didn't happen while they were together though. Being drunk and fucking up is one thing, but it happening every time is a little suspicious."

Kurt nodded. "I would get upset, drunk or not."

Blaine nodded as he picked up another cherry, holding it to Kurt's lips. His boyfriend opened his mouth and even took a bit of his finger in before chewing the fruit with a smile.


Blaine exhaled hard and nodded. "Um… so yeah my day was good. Nick still hasn't told Naomi because he's embarrassed. I think she'd understand, though."

Kurt ate more of the ice cream as he agreed.

"I'm just glad to know you're feeling better. I missed you like crazy last night."

Kurt smiled a little sadly as his boyfriend ate some now. A few patrons he recognized as his customers walked by and waved at him, and Kurt said hello before facing his boyfriend again.

"I actually wasn't all that sick. A little stupid, yes. But not sick."

Blaine ate some more ice cream as he looked at his boyfriend curiously. "What do you mean?"

Kurt took a quick breath and shook his head, already embarrassed. "OK. You know how that girl showed up yesterday? Sami, her name was…"

Blaine nodded as his leg found Kurt's underneath the table. "Sami, yeah. She's the first girlfriend I told you about. You know the one who gave me my first blowjob in the back of her grandmother's car? Moved to Vegas with her and all that…"

Kurt remembered the story from the first day they met. He explained why he didn't want to do long distance with Chandler and Blaine told him about his first girlfriend. So that was her?

"Why did you say you weren't feeling well, though? I don't get it…"

Kurt put his spoon down as Blaine looked at him expectantly, almost sad. "Alright. I told you it was stupid. But she was there, and the way you hugged her and smiled and pretty much didn't even acknowledge me at all made me a bit upset. I know I sound like a jealous idiot right now but that was how I felt." he stopped and looked up at Blaine who continued to watch him. "So I told you I wasn't feeling well because of it. I'm sorry for lying."

Blaine took another bite of the ice cream and licked his lips, putting his spoon down as well and taking his boyfriend's hand.

"I'm sorry that I made you feel that way. I just didn't see her in a long time and it was exciting. We were pretty good friends and she hung out with all of us, skating and what not. She was the one girl who I felt close with. She left and then that was that, but still. It was good seeing her."

Kurt didn't know why none of that made him feel better. "I understand, babe."

Blaine smiled. "She'll be gone in a few days and I just wanted to hang out with her for a bit. So we're going to see each other Monday for food or something. I'm telling you because I never want you to doubt me."

Kurt nodded, waiting for an invitation he knew he wasn't entitled to. It didn't matter because it never came. "Well I'm happy you told me."

They continued to eat their ice cream and Kurt glanced out the window they were next to, watching the people of Long Beach walk by.


Kurt's dad was okay with Blaine staying over if they left the door open. He was pretty sure Burt knew they did stuff so he didn't get the whole keep the door open thing. Kurt didn't get the point of it.

Of course, Blaine closed it as soon as the man left his house.

It was his fault for letting Blaine stay over on a night he made plans with a few of the guys from his shop. And Blaze's mom. It was dinner with Blaze's mom first and then poker night with the guys.

The door was shut tight.

Kurt bit the pillow as Blaine's tongue flicked over around the rim of his ass. He arched his back and smiled, almost moaning when the warm and wet tongue slid inside him. Sometimes he hated what Blaine could turn him into, and by hated he meant loved with a passion.

Their dirty talk was off the charts. Blaine pulled his hair and held him tight enough at the waist for bruises to form. He moved forward and hit Kurt's prostate, making the boy collapse onto the bed and lying down on top of him; Kurt's back against his chest as he slid inside.

"When are you going to fuck me like this, beautiful?"

Kurt's whole body shook when he felt Blaine's cock push deeper inside of him. When Blaine hit his spot, he cried out and grabbed at the edge of the bed. "Oh my fucking goodness, Blaine!"

Blaine kissed the nape of his neck before letting out a shaky breath, putting his hands on top of Kurt's by the bed. He pulled back slowly and squeezed his boyfriend's hands as he fucked him harder now. Kurt buried his face in the pillows and shouted, making Blaine thrust harder.

"How does it feel?"

"In—credible, oh god," Kurt pushed back against him and Blaine's eyes rolled back, "please don't stop baby please-mm"

Kurt cried out into Blaine's mouth as the friction from his cock against the comforters combined with Blaine inside him drove the boy up the wall. They kissed as Blaine worked his hips harder, both gasping for air and breathing quicker and quicker until Blaine pulled back, pulling Kurt onto his knees again and fucking him as deep as he could manage.

Kurt swore in that moment he saw stars. Blaine's hand found his cock and started to stroke him quickly as he moved in and out, saying the nastiest things he'd ever heard. They came within seconds of each other and Kurt found that he didn't mind the mess that was on his sheets because he felt like this.

Holy shit.

He didn't remember falling asleep, but yet he was being awoken. Kurt's eyes fluttered open to see that they were both cleaned and dressed and beneath the covers. He heard Big Sean rapping and knew Blaine's phone must've been ringing, and eventually his boyfriend rolled over to get it, answering with sleep in his voice.


Kurt stretched and then winced at the pain in his ass, falling back and letting his head hit the pillow. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was a little after midnight. His dad would be in soon.

"Hey, yeah I was but it's cool," Blaine sat up and slipped his hand beneath his shirt, scratching over his abdomen. "What's up?"

Kurt checked his phone and saw a few texts from David. He yawned and put the phone face down, turning over to lay his head on Blaine's lap.

"Oh no, yeah it's cool. I just remembered my mom wants me to go with her somewhere on Monday so we can reschedule. Glad you're staying a couple days longer."

Kurt opened his eyes, realizing who it must've been.

"Alright. Goodnight then." Blaine hung up and yawned loudly, his hands tangling in Kurt's hair. "Fuck, I was sleeping good. You didn't do your facial thingy babe."

Kurt nodded. "So who was that?"

Blaine heard Kurt's phone vibrate as he yawned again. "Just Sami. Rescheduling for Monday."

Kurt nodded again and sat up, lying on his pillow instead. Blaine missed the warmth and gave him a questioning look. "Everything ok?"

"Sure," Kurt responded. "I'm just not entirely sure why she has to call you after midnight? It's weird, I guess."

Blaine looked down at his boyfriend and licked his lips out of habit. "It's not a big deal."

Kurt got up and grabbed his robe, turning the AC down a bit and heading towards the door. Blaine sighed as he watched him. "Where are you going, baby?"

"Water." Kurt answered shortly.

Footsteps sounded down the steps and Blaine shook his head, hoping his boyfriend wouldn't get mad about this. Seriously, there wasn't anything to be upset over.

Kurt's phone vibrated again and Blaine figured it must've been important. He reached over and grabbed it to see Kurt had left the text screen open, and a bunch of messages from a Dave Karofsky were there as plain as day.

From Dave:

I went there tonight again.

From Dave:

Part of me thinks I have no idea what I'm doing and part of me thinks that I could be in love.

From Dave:

How smart do you think it would be (or dumb) for us to come out? This is Ohio and all.

From Dave:

I'm not saying I'm ready. Just wondering…

It didn't take Blaine long at all to remember the name Karofsky. It also didn't take him long to get out of Kurt's bed.

He was downstairs in a matter of seconds with his boyfriend's phone in hand. Kurt's head was in the fridge for a while before he pulled out a bottle of water.

"What is this?"

Kurt froze when he realized that Blaine had his and Karofsky's texts open. He looked to his boyfriend who was fuming before closing the door to his refrigerator.

"It's… he needed to talk to someone and he reached out to me—"

"Where are all of his buddies that were helping him push you around?" Blaine looked infuriated and put the cell phone down on the counter. "Are they too busy?"

Kurt picked his phone up and put it in the pocket of his robe. "I don't think they're the best people to talk to about him questioning his sexuality, babe."

"And neither are you. I don't want him talking to you—"

"You can't tell me who to talk to and who not to talk to," Kurt walked off in front of him, water bottle in hand. "I don't tell you that you can't go hang out with your ex-girlfriends, but you probably wouldn't give a crap even if I did," Blaine followed behind him as Kurt mumbled, "taking phone calls from her at almost 1 in the morning, apparently."

Blaine felt his face turning beet red. How could he even compare the two? "What does she have to do with this, Kurt? Don't try and flip anything on me—"

Kurt turned around by the staircase to face his boyfriend. "If I took a phone call from my ex- boyfriend at this time in the morning, you wouldn't have liked it, especially if I was scheduling a time to "hang out" with him."

Kurt turned away and started up the steps, heavily pursued by Blaine. "Are you fucking serious?"

"I'm very serious!" Kurt got to the top step and headed straight to his room, pulling the robe off as he went. He was annoyed past belief. He didn't understand how Blaine could get as mad as he was over some a guy states away that he was trying to help for goodness sake.

Blaine followed him into his room, fuming as he spoke. "Let me point out the fact that I took the call in front of you. I had nothing to hide. You on the other hand wouldn't have ever told me you're fucking talking to… to him!"

"Because you act like my father!" Kurt explained; his hand on his forehead in incredulity. "Not because I have something to hide, Blaine."

"So I have something to hide?"

"Do you?"

Blaine shook his head, pulling Kurt's t-shirt off. "Fuck it. I'm leaving."

Kurt stood against his vanity, hand placed on the top of the cool surface as he watched Blaine go over to his clothes. He felt tears threating to appear but fought them back as hard as he could. "Maybe she's available to hang out now. You should call her."

Blaine nodded, pulling his basketball shorts up. "Fine."

It was quiet for a while as Blaine tied the draw string, going over to his cap. Kurt stood there watching, not fighting the tears anymore. He couldn't tell if he was still shocked or scared or what, but he felt something that he hated.

Blaine looked up at him before leaving the room even though he told himself not to. But he couldn't, because even though he felt the angriest he'd been in a long, long time, he loved the boy more than anything.

Tears slid down Kurt's cheek and Blaine felt something inside his chest crack. He stared for a few more seconds as his boyfriend wiped his face but sniffled, shaking his head as he told him to leave.

But Blaine walked over.

"Move, Blaine."

Blaine stopped right in front of Kurt and placed their foreheads together, kissing him softly on the lips. Kurt stayed still, not wanting to respond but having a hard time fighting it. He felt Blaine's hands on his hips a minute later and shook his head no.


"You want me to stop?" Blaine kissed him again, moving even closer as he held him.

Kurt didn't answer, and he definitely didn't stop Blaine's lips from moving against his.

And then they moved to his jaw, and then to his ear, and that spot just below them that Blaine knew he loved.

"You want me to leave, babe?"

Kurt felt another tear leave his eye as he answered. "No… I don't."

That was all that he needed to hear. Blaine started to kiss him deeper as his lips returned to Kurt's. Kurt's hands moved down his body as their tongues touched, and a minute later Blaine picked him up and sat him on the vanity. He pulled the boy closer as Kurt's legs wrapped around his waist and the younger teen's hands moved up his body, scratching along the way.

Before Blaine could say something, what it was Kurt didn't know, they heard the door slam downstairs. Blaine pulled back and Kurt slid down from where he sat.

"I'm home boys and that door better be open!"

Blaine fixed his shorts as he looked down at the ground. Kurt's phone vibrated from wherever his robe was and he leant against the dresser, waiting to see what Blaine would do. His boyfriend grabbed his wallet, keys, and phone, stuffing them into his pockets, and that was answer enough for Kurt.

"I'll text you when I get in. We probably should talk."

Kurt crossed his arms and looked away. "Sure."

Burt walked to the bedroom door, shocked when he saw that it was open and that Blaine appeared to be leaving. He looked at his son next and the boy sat down on the bed.

"Um… hello."

Blaine nodded to him and gestured out the room. "I'm going to get going." he turned back to Kurt before walking out, and stalked past Burt, pulling out his keys and jogging down the steps.

Kurt buried his face in his hands and exhaled, wiping any remnant of the tears away before his father could say anything. "How was your night, dad."

"Look at me, kiddo."

Kurt closed his eyes before turning to face the man. "Yeah?"

"What happened?"

Telling his father about Dave was a big fat NO. Telling his father about Blaine and a girl was a big fat NO. He shook his head instead and lay down on top of the blankets. "Stupid fight. That's all."

Burt stayed there for a minute and looked at his son. He'd grown so much and it scared him to think that he was having relationship problems. "If you need to talk I want you to come to me, Kurt."

The boy nodded. "I think I need to sleep. But while we're having bonding time over engines tomorrow, we can chat. Promise."

Burt smiled, walking into the room and kissing his son on the forehead. "I love you, kiddo."

Kurt smiled, forcing himself not to jump into his dad's arms. "I love you more, old man."

Burt smiled, ruffling the boy's hair and walking away. "I love you so much I'll pretend I don't see the condom wrapper on the floor."

Kurt closed his eyes. Fuck.

End Notes:

Please review :)


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