It Has to be Yoplait Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.

Ride: It Has to be Yoplait

E - Words: 27,451 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Sep 28, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2013
329 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

28,500 words. :-x

5: It Has to be Yoplait

He felt warm and safe. It was wonderful. He knew that he could stay here forever; completely blissed out and protected, content and at home. There was a strange feeling of belonging that came with being held by Blaine. Not strange in the sense of peculiarity, more so as in unfamiliar. Kurt had never experienced what it felt like to feel this protected. Not since he was 8 years old at least, and his mother would hold him tight and sing him to sleep. Not since then had he felt completely engulfed in security—strong arms holding him closely, wrapping him completely in such welcoming warmth. Kurt had been afraid to open his eyes in fear that when he did so, it'd all disappear. Blaine would just be a dream that was too good to be true.

But of course, that wasn't the case. When a ringtone went off somewhere to the left of where they lay, Kurt smiled softly. He was reassured that he was in fact with Blaine, as the lyrics to Flo-Rida's Whistle started to play, signaling the curly haired teen was receiving a phone call. Kurt slowly opened his eyes, batting them a few times to adjust to the light. It looked like it would be another beautiful day in Long Beach.

He felt Blaine snuggle a little closer to him and smiled again, though he wondered how he ended up playing the little spoon when this was not the position he went to sleep in. The music stopped as Kurt moved slightly, pulling the covers a little higher on top of them. It had become a bit chilly since the AC ran all night.

After another minute of lying in bed and enjoying the complete perfection of being held by his friend, the ringtone went off again. Blaine groaned at the annoyance and Kurt smiled, pushing at the elder teen's leg with his foot.

"Mmm…" Blaine mumbled into Kurt's neck and the boy tried to hold back a laugh. His warm breath against Kurt's ticklish skin made him shiver a little.


He buried his face a little deeper into the nape of Kurt's neck. "Yeah baby?"

Kurt blushed at the pet name, smiling softly as he willed his cheeks to cool down. "Your phone is ringing."

Blaine stretched his legs first, yawning loudly as he did so. He then moved a bit and flexed his arm over his head, allowing Kurt a second to get free. Kurt took the opportunity to turn around so that he was face to face with Blaine; staring at furrowed triangular shaped eyebrows that were honestly adorable. Blaine finished his stretches and returned his arm around Kurt, placing it firmly above the waistband of his Burberry pajama pants. He appeared to be going back to sleep until Kurt laughed lightly and nudged him a little.

"Your cell phone, Blaine…"

"Mm ignore it." Blaine mumbled tiredly, "Let's get some more sleep." He held the boy firmer by the hips and rested their foreheads together. Kurt closed his eyes for a moment and reveled in all that this moment was and could potentially be. The ringtone ceased a second later and they both held each other a little closer, Blaine drifting back to sleep, Kurt watching as he did so. How could a moment feel so perfect? In actuality, they had just met, but this was something so right. Kurt smiled to himself and decided that maybe a little more sleep wouldn't hurt anyone. That was until he caught a glance of Blaine's alarm clock over the boy's shoulder.

"Blaine… it's after noon." Kurt pulled away for a moment, smiling at Blaine's discontented groan at the absence. "C'mon," he said, running a hand along Blaine's arm and shaking him slightly. Tell Kurt Hummel two weeks ago that he'd be in bed with an attractive, shirtless, tanned teenaged boy with delicious honey eyes and he'd laugh you under a bus. Now, he only bit his lip as his fingers caressed the curves of Blaine's biceps. "It's pretty late. Don't you have work to do?"

Blaine's eyes peeled open slowly but surely, and Kurt smirked when he saw them. Blaine looked completely out of it. "It's Sunday." The elder grumbled with sleep heavy in his voice, "Sunday is the day I bullshit. Can we get back to that or do I have to tie you up?" even in his half-asleep state the boy gave a sated grin at his own words. Kurt rolled his eyes and tried best to control the coloring of his cheeks.

He did as asked, allowing Blaine to pull him close again, and rested in the warmth against the teen's chest. He smiled as he heard his even heartbeat, and felt it on course with that of his own. Still, there was no denying that all of this could crash and burn, and as much as Kurt wanted to build up walls and guard his heart, he knew he couldn't tear himself away from Blaine long enough to do so. He'd always be there—Blaine would always be there. Somehow he knew it… he just wasn't sure the role he'd play, and that statement was one he had already formed a love-hate relationship with.

He could feel Blaine's hands subconsciously grip him a little tighter when he moved even slightly, and had to smile because of that. This guy was a total cuddle whore and it was insane. He could feel Blaine's soft breaths fanning his lips with how close they were, and had half a mind to move the short distance forward and kiss them. But he felt something else that pretty much negated his moment of fluff.


The boy hummed, moving even closer. "Yeah?"

Kurt licked his lips and asked it. "Is that your cock?"

He saw Blaine's lips slowly curve into a smile, eyes still closed as he answered. "It's morning."

"Oh god—"

"Well," Blaine tiredly cut him off, "you did this thing last night where you kind of grinded against me. It's been there ever since." he then smiled as he opened his eyes, giving the boy a teasing shrug. "Now can we sleep, please?"

"I did no such thing." Kurt replied.

"You did. Goodnight."

"It's day time."

Blaine closed eyes once more anyway, but it was safe to say that Kurt was up for the day. A hard cock pressed into your hip usually did that, he imagined. Struggling to get free from Blaine's hold, he twisted slightly and laced his fingers with the biker's in attempt to push him away. Blaine simply shook his head no, showing no interest in letting the boy go at all.

You just put your lips together

And you come real close

Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby

Here we go

For the third time in a three minute period, Blaine's ringtone sounded yet again. Kurt stopped trying to get free and instead reached over Blaine for his iPhone. He ignored the breathy moan that left the elder's lips when he rolled on top of him; their chests flush together and legs tangled, and tried to play off how nice it felt when Blaine's hands ghosted over his ass. Instead, he grabbed the iPhone with the Adventures of Gumball phone case, silently judged him, and then checked the screen to see who it was.

"If it's not you calling me, I don't care," Blaine said clearly. His eyes stayed close as he frowned at Kurt's absence—the boy finally breaking free and rolling away. Kurt went to press accept as he faced the opposite direction, but the person had already given up.

"It was Jeff but I missed him." he smirked at the screen lock on Blaine's phone. "You weren't joking about there being a picture of my ass, I see."

Blaine smiled, looking up at Kurt as he answered. "You're the one who didn't want to believe me."

Kurt glanced back at him and rolled his eyes when Blaine sent him a flirtatious wink. He faced forward again and redialed Jeff, listening to Verizon's elevator music-y ringback tone as he waited. After a few seconds, Jeff's knowing-voice entered his ear.

"What did I interrupt, Blaine?"

Kurt smirked, shaking his head. "Blaine is semi-sleeping. This is Kurt."


Kurt sighed. "Ohio." He heard Blaine snort behind him and smiled, turning around and pinching him in the arm.

"Ooooh… Ohio," Jeff's grin could be heard as he spoke, "Blaine is with Ohio, Jus."

"Nice!" Justin said from the background. Kurt face palmed for a second and Blaine smiled before forcing his face into his pillows. He'd be happy just staying in bed all day with Kurt, but he knew they'd be dragged somewhere. Nick, Jeff, and Justin hated staying inside.

"How can I help you?"

There was a bit of movement from Jeff's end before the blonde spoke again. "We're going to the mall around three-ish, so I suggest you two finish up. We'll be over at Don's around that time. Ok?"

"We're not doing anything."

Jeff made a sassy sound in response that Kurt did not appreciate. "Yeah, sure. So… 3 o'clock. Have fun."

He hung up and Kurt rolled his eyes, putting Blaine's phone on sleep. He was quickly dragged further back on the bed by the waist, and laughed when Blaine lay on top of him. The curly haired teen buried his face in the pocket between Kurt's neck and shoulder, and laced their fingers together on either side of them. After a few seconds of him not moving, Kurt shook his head with a knowing smile.

"You are not falling asleep on me, Blaine Anderson."

Blaine hummed into Kurt's neck and the boy shivered. He raised his eyebrow and smirked. Somebody was sensitive there. "I'm not falling asleep, Kurt Hummel." Kurt tensed slightly when Blaine settled between his legs, but after a small kiss from Blaine on his cheek, the boy relaxed. "What did Jeff want?"

Kurt answered with an uneven voice. It may've had something to do with having Blaine's resting at his jaw line, or the boy lying comfortably on top of him. He could still feel it, and if Blaine made any sudden movements he'd feel something too. "He wants us to be ready by three," he licked his lips when Blaine exhaled against his neck, "um, because everyone is going to the mall."

"Oh," Blaine answered, not as interested in what was being said, as he was in the smooth porcelain tone of Kurt's skin. He pressed his lips right to the boy's ear and placed a soft kiss there. Kurt closed his eyes, squeezing Blaine's fingers a little tighter. A little more of this and he'd be in trouble. Blaine pulled back just a short distance to look the teen straight in his soft blue eyes. "We need to talk, right?"

Kurt smiled at him and shrugged. "What would there be to talk about?" he smirked when Blaine's eyes traveled down to his lips and remained there.

"What do you think I wanna talk to you about?" his voice was low and gravelly, and it made Kurt gulp. He licked his lips and looked into Blaine's eyes.

"I don't know," he responded. He gave a coy smile when Blaine looked from his lips to his eyes. "You tell me."

Blaine nodded. Kurt was really making him crazy. He'd never felt so attracted to someone before. "I wanted to talk about last night… you remember last night right?" leaning forward, he kissed at the corner of Kurt's lips and his blue eyed friend closed his eyes at the feeling.

"Vaguely," Kurt whispered. Blaine kissed him again and he bit his lip.

"Should I remind you?"

Kurt nodded. "Maybe you should."

Blaine moved in closer until their noses were together. When his eyelashes fluttered, they batted against Kurt's, and then their lips were tentatively touching.

Kurt let his eyes drift close as Blaine pressed their lips closer. He remained completely still at first, doing nothing but dissecting every feeling of the moment. Blaine tasted really good; that in and of itself was weird being that he just woke up, but there was a taste of honey and something Kurt couldn't quite place. And just like before, his heart sped up unhealthily when Blaine kissed him. His breathe caught straight away and they both moved their lips in sync. After a few seconds, Blaine pulled away with glazed eyes.

"Do you remember now?"

Kurt opened his eyes slowly and found a pair of dark hazel swimming with light greens. He saw Blaine do it again—his eyes flashed down to Kurt's lips and he took a deep breath. Kurt licked them before answering.

"I think I'm getting there."

Blaine nodded. "Should I continue?"

"By all means."

They smiled and Blaine exhaled, slowly lowering himself again. This time, they kissed a little deeper. Blaine hummed and wasted no time getting into it, tugging on Kurt's lower lip with his teeth and licking a swipe across the soft lip. Kurt moaned softly, his fingers tightening around Blaine's.

They slowly allowed their tongues to meet outside their mouths. Blaine made a sound of pure delight when he took Kurt's tongue into his mouth, sucking playfully on the tip before taking in the rest. He then moved forward and covered Kurt's mouth with his, teasingly caressing Kurt's tongue with his own and moving his hands from Kurt's, across his arms, and down his chest, eventually landing on the boys hips. Kurt gasped, breaking the kiss when Blaine spread his legs wider and settled above him; hovering on his knees in the space between Kurt's legs. There was no silly smirk on his face; in fact his eyes darkened a bit around the irises, now an intense gold, and his lips were wet, slightly swollen from their kissing.

"How about now?" he asked, hands rubbing from Kurt's thighs down to his knees. The other boy rested his arms above his head with a sigh. He could barely think straight to answer, let alone remember the question, with Blaine doing that to him.

"Blaine… I—"

His hands made their way to his inner thighs and he licked his lips at Kurt's involuntary thrust forward. The outline of Kurt's cock could clearly be seen through his thin pajama bottoms and Blaine looked from Kurt's eyes; now closed tightly, down to his lip which was worried between his teeth, along his body that was tightening with each of his movements, and eventually back down to the large bulge in his pants. Blaine felt a tightening in his own boxers at the sight of it. He glanced back up at Kurt's face, moving his right hand past Kurt's thighs slowly, and pumping him firmly in his hands.

The moan Kurt let go was one of pure pleasure. Blaine cursed, more turned on than he thought he could ever be. He pumped Kurt again, but lowered himself so that their faces were touching. Kurt continued to grow in his hand and Blaine exhaled deeply when he thrust up, wrapping his hands in Blaine's hair and breaking off into soft, needy pants. He connected their lips once more, first letting their mouths touch and then steadily dominating the kiss. His tongue entered Kurt's mouth deep but slowly, and he held onto the bed for leverage when the younger teen wrapped his legs around his waist. It sent him tumbling down on top of him, but the feeling when his cock slid alongside Kurt's was one that sent his eyes rolling back. They both growled, remaining still and catching one another's eyes.

Kurt looked a glorified wreck; little beads of sweat trailing from his hair line and eyes completely shot, his lips were red and his breathing was pretty erratic. Blaine knew he looked the same, if not even further gone. He could feel Kurt's hard on pressing against his and fuck if it wasn't the hottest thing he'd ever felt in his life. His spine tingled and his hands were clutching into the mattress. Both remained still— he assumed Kurt was waiting for him to freak out, but that was far from happening. Blaine just wanted to know it was okay to continue.

After a few more seconds, both had regained control of their breathing. Blaine was flush on top of Kurt, and the blue eyed boy was still running his fingers through curly hair. Blaine placed a soft kiss to Kurt's accepting lips, and slowly they both began to move their lips in harmony. He broke away again, burying his face in Kurt's shoulder, and breathed in. Kurt shivered again, but his entire body convulsed when Blaine slowly snapped his hips forward, grinding their hard cocks together through the fabric of their clothing. Kurt full out moaned, tightening his grasp, and Blaine bit down on his shoulder to prevent from being loud. When he moved to do it again, he heard his name being shouted from somewhere outside the small guest room.

"Blaine Alexander!"

"Fuck," he pulled away abruptly and Kurt gasped, dropping his legs so that the biker could roll off of him. They both were completely debauched as Kurt slid his body up on the bed and Blaine stumbled to get up. The elder put his hands in his shorts and pulled at his cock, adjusting himself before walking to the bedroom door. He missed the way Kurt watched his actions, biting on his lower lip.

After opening the door, he shouted back to his uncle.


Mikey could be heard playing rather loudly with his race cars somewhere in the distance. Don responded after a couple seconds, presumably after he ended a phone conversation. "Come put the groceries away. I have to go to the shop for about an hour or so, so you need to watch Mikey."

Blaine sighed, and then on cue his little cousin shouted he was hungry. Blaine glanced back to a flushed Kurt who gave a shy smile before looking back into the hallway.

Exasperatedly, he responded "Okay, unc."

Soon after, the front door closed. Blaine took another deep breath and turned back into the guest room, walking over to his backpack for a shirt. Kurt hadn't really moved since Blaine had, and when they caught eyes the elder gestured out the room.

"Want to go downstairs with me? Get something to eat…"

Kurt nodded, scooting forward on the bed. "Yeah, I'm going to use the bathroom first."

Blaine grabbed a t-shirt and nodded, "Sure. One door down on your left."

Kurt smiled softly, getting up and walking through the small room until he reached the door. He stopped and turned back to see Blaine watching him softly. "Would you—I can whip up something for breakfast if that's cool?"

Blaine took a few steps towards him, burying his hands in his pockets, the charming smile back on his face. "We'd love that, thanks."

Kurt nodded, darting out of the room. When the bathroom door closed, Blaine took a deep breath and leant against the wall. If Kurt turned out to think he just wanted to mess around with him after their interesting make out session a while back, Blaine knew he'd never forgive himself. He wanted so much more between them.

"I'm hungry, Blainey!"

Blaine sighed, walking to the bed and grabbing his phone before exiting the room. "Coming, kid."


"Hi Mr. Kinsella."

"Hello, Farrah," Don smiled as he entered the shop. "Thanks for coming in on such short notice. Jenna has a stomach bug." He walked straight to the back and placed his bag down. "How's it going today anyway guys?"

Steve rolled up on a skateboard and smiled. "Business is booming like usual. It's June. Kids want to ride."

Don smiled. "That's why I opened this place."

Farrah walked over from where she stood behind her register, smiling softly at her boss. "How's Blaine?"

Don opened up his accounting book before cleaning at his reading glasses. He shot the girl a curious look. "Fine. Didn't you hate him? I overheard the boys talking about you during the school year."

Farrah laughed, playing at her dark wavy hair. "I don't hate him. We had a date last night, actually."

Don stared at her. "Oh really?"

Steve began helping out with a customer as the two resumed talking. "Yupp," she told him, "it was cut short because he wanted to hang out with Kurt," she scoffed, "I honestly think there's something going on between them…"

The man pulled out a pen before looking up at his employee. "What are you getting at, Farrah?"

"Oh," she shook her head, "nothing. It's just that I warned Blaine about him. They met here, and I warned him that Kurt was going to fall in love with him if he kept being so polite. They text when Kurt is supposed to be working, which he never does, and now they spend every moment together… it's going to happen. Blaine is straight, we both know this. He's going to end up hurting that boy's heart."

"I'm failing to understand how any of this is your business," Don responded sternly. The girl, apparently caught off guard, looked up at him in confusion.

"I just don't want anybody to get hurt. I warned him about this." Farrah said convincingly, "And the worst thing Blaine can do is play around with someone's emotions. He has this charm where a smile can send someone's heart through the roof, and I just feel bad that's he's stringing the new guy along."

Don looked at the girl for a moment before she nodded her head and took a few steps away. She went back over to the skateboard section and leant against the counter, chatting a bit with Steve and a customer. Don lowered his head back to his book. That was yet another person who questioned his nephew's sexuality. Of course Blaine got upset with him last night when he brought it up, but now he'd need to have a genuine one on one talk.


"What are you doing?"

Blaine sat down on the floor across from his cousin. "I'm drawing something for Kurt, if that's okay with you."

Mikey shrugged, continuing to play with his cars. "Let me know if you need help, okay?"

Blaine smiled. "I will. Can I use your purple crayon?"

"You can use them all." Mikey pushed the box towards his big cousin and Blaine smiled, giving him a thank you. He took one of the papers from the tot's drawing pad and began to work.

"Kurt is going to make breakfast when he comes downstairs."

Mikey smiled, looking up. "He's a cooker, too?" he laughed when Blaine laughed and the elder nodded.

"Kurt's amazing, right?" he asked.

Mikey nodded. "I'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend."

Blaine stopped at the response he got, his crayon frozen on the paper as he looked over to his little cousin. Mikey continued to play as if he'd said nothing at all and Blaine shook his head, laughing softly.

"Not if I ask him first."

Mikey finished his vroom-vroom noises and smiled up at his cousin. "I can ask him faster than you can Blainey."

"You want to bet on that?"

Blaine stood up and pulled his t-shirt off, holding up both fists. Mikey laughed, getting up as well and pulling his Osh Kosh B'gosh shirt up and over his curls, and tossing it by his cousin's. The waist of his Power Ranger underwear was showing above his jeans and Blaine smirked as the little boy held up his arms.

"You can't beat me. I'm the champ!" Mikey mimicked John Cena and Blaine snorted.

"Well I'm CM Punk and I can beat your ass."

After he realized he said it, Blaine's eyes went wide. Mikey's mouth dropped completely and Blaine got down on his knees.

"Please don't tell Aunt Pam I said that. It's a very bad word. Please Mikey."

Mikey's mouth was still hanging open and Blaine tried not to laugh. "Please!"

Kurt trailed downstairs shortly after, looking at the two shirtless boys in the living room and shaking his head. He swayed over slowly, listening to the conversation.

"Fine. A new race car, strawberry banana yogurt, and I'll convince uncle Don to take the training wheels off your bike. Okay?"

"It has to be Yoplait." Mikey waved his finger in his cousin's face and Kurt laughed.

"I've trained him well."

They both turned back to Kurt and smiled. "Fine," Blaine continued "a new race car,Yoplait strawberry-banana yogurt, and no more training wheels. Can we shake on it?"

Mikey held his hand out and Blaine rolled his eyes as they shook hands. "You can't tell on me."

"I won't."

Kurt quirked an eyebrow. "What did you do?"

"I have to tell you after our title match," he grabbed Mikey around the waist and stood up, holding him in the air before slamming him on the couch. The 4 year old laughed and Kurt stood there smiling a while, eventually laughing when Mikey's little fist caught Blaine where the sun don't shine. They squabbled for a bit longer, pillows becoming involved, and Kurt smiled as he walked off into the kitchen. He pushed the door open and entered, glancing around at the groceries that needed to be put away.

"Surrender," Blaine told him, twisting the tiny foot into an ankle lock. Mikey laughed but shook his head no.


Blaine smiled, tightening his grip on his cousin's ankle and tickling the bottom of his barefoot. Mikey started laughing uncontrollably, kicking at Blaine with his free foot.

"Blainey," he started tapping out but Blaine only smirked, steadily tickling his foot. "I surrender!"

"So you'll let me ask him?"


Blaine nodded. "Will you help me?"

Mikey nodded as well, his tummy still convulsing with laughter. "I will."

Blaine let him free. "Okay. I'm almost done with my drawing. Here's the plan." he leant in close and whispered, and Mikey nodded, smiling as he listened. After Blaine was finished with their discussion, he picked up a brown crayon and a black crayon and finished his coloring. Folding the paper, he handed it over to Mikey and whispered once more. The boy nodded, stuffing it into his pocket.

"Now let's put our shirts back on."

Kurt opened the fridge and slid the apple juice inside, right next to a gallon of milk. He heard someone enter the kitchen and turned around; smiling at Blaine entering the room at the best time possible.

"Good lord," he said, staring at Kurt's ass. The boy was bent over, shuffling things around in the fridge.

"How about you help me," Kurt replied, standing up and facing Blaine. "I have no idea where anything goes."

"I'll put this stuff away. You can get started with breakfast. I'm here if you need help." He walked up to Kurt and was happy when there was no tension, leaning forward and kissing his cheek. "Deal?"

Kurt smiled softly, feeling his skin heat up. "Deal."


"So after you left, Blaine was like all over him." Justin said, taking a bite from his French toast. "It was like he wanted Kurt to have his tongue. Like he didn't need it anymore."

Nick and David laughed, the former sipping on his orange juice.

"And remember how we were like we'd be all confused if that happened?" Justin asked.

Jeff nodded next to him. "For some reason I wasn't. It made so much sense. I didn't even question it."

Nick smiled.

"I thought they were dating to begin with," David told them. He put his fork down and leant back against the seat. "I mean… as long as Blaine shares him we won't have any problems."

"Good luck with that," Jeff told him. David frowned.

"So what is this that happened with Peter? I was going to call Blaine last night but something told me they'd need their space."

David shrugged. "I have no idea, to be honest. One second they were fine—making out, doing their thing, we all went back to talking, then the next thing I know Blaine is trying to go after Petey."

"He had to say something. Again," Justin contributed. "I just hope Blaine doesn't let that get to him. He can be disqualified if he fights at the competitions."

Nick nodded.

Jeff sat back and rubbed at his stomach. He looked at his G-Shock and ruffled his hair. "Time to go get the girlfriend. You wanna pay for this Jus?"

Justin laughed. "I didn't bring money on purpose. It's your turn to pay."

Jeff rolled his eyes and looked over at Nick.


"And don't even look at me," David said, biting into his bacon, egg, and cheese. "You didn't want to leave me a tip last time so there's no way I'm paying for your shit."

They laughed and Jeff shook his head, pulling out his wallet. "Hate you guys."


"So," Blaine leant over Kurt and placed something in the cabinet overhead. Kurt smiled and turned to look at him.


He flipped the blueberry pancakes and waited for Blaine to continue.

"So, I want to ask something personal. You don't have to answer if you don't want to." He grabbed for the dish soap and went to put it in its correct spot. "And I'll answer whatever questions you have."

Kurt raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Okay. Go ahead."

Blaine took all the empty bags and put them where his aunt Pam kept them. "Does dad only think you're a virgin or are you actually one?"

Kurt laughed a little and Blaine turned back to look at him, a small smile on his face. "You're starting with the big guns, huh?"

"You don't have to answer." Blaine told him. "But I'm curious to know."

Kurt smiled, preparing to scramble some eggs. "Dad is right." He glanced back at Blaine who was watching him. "I am a virgin."

"Okay," the elder walked closer, leaning on the counter by the stove, "I'm happy to hear that, actually. Call me selfish but I want you to take that step with me. And call me cocky but I think I could make it better than anyone else could."

Kurt bit his lip. How could this guy be real? "How many girls have you been with?"

Blaine smiled. "Guess."

Kurt laughed. "I don't want to insult you…"

"By being too low or too high?"


Blaine laughed, shaking his head. "I've done tons of things with girls but when it comes to actual sex, I've only been with three. I'll lay it all out on the table if you want me to. I don't want any secrets okay."

Kurt nodded. "There are some details you can spare me."

They elder smiled. "Okay. The first was Amber. Our whole relationship was ridiculous. I liked her because she was really pretty and had a lot of things going for her in terms of… development." Kurt snorted and Blaine smirked. "That goes to show you how mature I was back then."

"You were young, Blaine."

He nodded. "True. But she broke my heart twice before we even got involved with anything of a sexual nature, and I still trusted her. Believe it or not, I did want my first time to be special. I thought she was the one and all that bullshit. Turns out she wasn't, but back then you couldn't tell me any different. Long story short, I trusted her a third time and I ended up hurt. Again."

Kurt looked at him. "That stinks."

"It does. I've never had something special, you know? With her, she snuck me up to her room and one thing led to another. Next thing I knew she was reaching for a condom. And silly me, I knew how Amber was… but it was sex. I was 15. I really wanted sex."

Kurt laughed a little and Blaine continued.

"So I went through with it. Anyway, afterwards we lay there awkwardly for a while and she asked me to leave after a few minutes. I didn't hear from her for a few days despite sending a few texts, and when I saw her again she was walking hand in hand with another guy."

"Wow," Kurt shook his head. "Please tell me the other times were different?"

Blaine shook his head. "Nothing special. Got drunk at a party I threw one time and met Ash... that was a trainwreck... and the next was with a girlfriend but I wasn't crazy about her, you know? It just came along with the relationship… so we did it. I broke up with her after a few months because she was incredibly clingy… and like inexplicably jealous. I couldn't look at a girl without her hitting me."

Kurt nodded. "Well you're the it guy, Blaine. Everyone wants you, everyone wants to be you. Ohio Kurt would never get to be your friend, let alone more than friends. And she knows as much as I do that you're flirty as hell." He said with a coy laugh, "I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a concern of mine."

Blaine nodded his head. "I'd understand that. I guess I can only prove myself with time. The thing is," he moved a little closer, "I'm so crazy about you, Kurt. Like I said last night, what we have is different than what I've felt with any other person. It's like you were meant for me… corny or not." Kurt faced him for a moment and Blaine continued, "I don't think anything we'll have would be 'just sex' if you want us to get that far, or 'just a kiss'. It'd be everything because you're so fucking special to me. And there will be chicks that I've messed around with that say things to you, because they won't understand it. So many have quote on quote 'tried to change me' but my heart just wasn't in it. You know what we have… at least I hope you see it like I do," Blaine smiled, "and they're going to see that it's so much more than I ever had with them. As far as I'm concerned this is what I want Kurt. Until you decide you're finished, this is what I want."

Kurt smiled back, his mind swimming with the words Blaine had said. "I'll, um… I'll keep that in mind."

Blaine nodded, placing his hand on the small of Kurt's back. "That's all I can ask, Kurt. Just let me prove myself."

Kurt stayed quiet for a while, focusing on his cooking. Eventually he spoke. "You're a lot more experienced than I am."

Blaine bit his lip. "Was what we did too much?" he stood behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around the boy's waist. "If it was, just let me know."

Kurt blushed just thinking about it and Blaine rolled his eyes. "Don't do that. You were way too into it to blush..."

"Can you give me a platter?"

Blaine smirked, turning around and going to retrieve one. Kurt took a quick breath before answering him. "I… it wasn't too much, I just… we… you know. We just…"

"I know," Blaine handed him the platter and wrapped his arms around him again. "We just met; we just started… this, whatever this is, yadda-yadda…"

"Exactly," Kurt told him with a smile, and Blaine rested his chin on his shoulder.

"Have you ever done anything like that though?"

Kurt shook his head. "Not really. I mean the only thing I've ever done was because Chandler was trying to convince me to stay with him after I moved. He, um," Kurt trailed off, rolling his eyes when Blaine pressed them flush together. "He started trying to jerk me off."

Blaine smiled. "Wow. Really?"

"Yes. I've never been so uncomfortable." He got a laugh at this.

"Your boyfriend offered you a hand job. Why didn't you take it?"

"He didn't exactly offer one… it was more of a 'don't do this' as he shoved his hand in my pants. That wasn't really much of a turn on. There were tears." Blaine laughed some more and Kurt smirked, pouring the eggs over the butter into the skillet. "I mean we were together almost three months and he never ever wanted to do anything before. Anything… sexual. Now that I'm leaving you're shoving your hand in my pants? I didn't like it."

Blaine bit his lip, watching Kurt scramble the eggs. "Did you ever want to do anything sexual?"

Kurt blushed again and Blaine rolled his eyes. "I… wanted to try things. Chandler wasn't ready. I respected that."

"Hm," Blaine took out the last of the pancakes and put them on the platter with the others. "I don't know how he couldn't be ready with you as a boyfriend. You're gorgeous."

"Will you stop," Kurt said with a laugh, pushing him away with his shoulder. Blaine shook his head.

"Moment of truth, Kurt." He winked and kissed him on the cheek. "And just so you know, I'd do any and every thing you wanted me to."

Kurt knew he must've broke world records with the amount of times his cheeks had colored that morning. Blaine was setting him on fire and his lips on his skin made him absolutely crazy.

As Blaine walked away, Kurt smiled and faced forward, trying to pay attention to what he was doing. A moment later, Mikey stormed in to the kitchen with a crayon and a folded piece of paper.

"Excuse me, are you Kurt Hummey?"

Blaine face palmed as he laughed and Kurt turned to face them, smiling first at Blaine by the island and then a serious looking Mikey. "I am Kurt Hummel. Yes sir."

Mikey nodded. "I have a top secret document that needs your … immediate attention." He turned to Blaine and smiled proudly and the elder winked, sending him two thumbs up. Kurt went to grab the platter from Blaine before smiling at the little boy. "Breakfast is ready. I'm going to get you your food and then I'll read this top secret document. Okay?"

"Yes sir," Mikey saluted and took his crayon and document to the island. Blaine lifted him up onto a stool and kissed him on the cheek.

"You're doing excellent, munchkin."

Mikey smiled again.

"So," he continued to Kurt, "until then, I just thought I'd say it's good we're kind of inexperienced in our own respects. We can learn a lot with each other."

"Oh yeah?" Kurt walked over with the food—bacon, blueberry pancakes, and scrambled eggs, and Blaine went off to get a few plates and forks for them all, placing one of each in front of each of them.

"Yeah," he told him. "If you're willing to teach me, that is. Teach me what you like and I can teach you what I like…"

Kurt finished preparing Mikey's plate, smiling at the greedy boy's clapping and trying not to blush. "I guess that could work."

Blaine smirked. "You like apple juice?"

Kurt smiled. "Of course."

"Who could not like apple juice silly?" Mikey mumbled, picking up his fork.

Blaine rolled his eyes, walking to the island with cups for them all. "So since we're all here, I think you should take the top secret document and mull it over."

Kurt smirked, placing a plate full of food in front of Blaine. The boy slid onto his seat and smiled when Mikey handed Kurt the paper and red crayon.

"Let's see what we have here." he said as he opened it.

"When you answer you have to give it to Blainey."

Kurt looked down at the paper and smiled, his face burning as he read the words. Written neatly in purple crayon was a poem. A simple poem that still threatened the happy tears to spill over:

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I never thought I'd see love

Until I met you

Blaine watched the different emotions spread over Kurt's face, biting his lip happily as he did so. First there was shock, then the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen, then there was delight as his eyes read over the words, then he laughed… and it was the most perfect laugh he'd ever heard. Mikey chewed on his pancakes, not really paying either much attention at this point.

Kurt giggled as he picked up his crayon. The question was 'Will you please, pretty please, do me the honor of being my lovely boyfriend?' with the options 'Yes' and 'Hell Yes'. He glanced down at the picture of two stick figures— one with black curly hair, the other with coiffed brown hair, both their stick fingers joined and a heart in between them. Kurt glanced up to Blaine who was watching him with a smile, absently pushing food around his plate. Before looking back down, he let his crayon hover over the second option.

"There really isn't much need to mull it over." He checked 'Hell Yes' more with a heart than an actual check and folded the paper, passing it over to Blaine. "The answer came pretty easy."

Blaine dropped his fork and picked up the paper, "Is that so?"

Mikey swallowed and looked up at his older cousin. "What did he say?"

Kurt smirked. "You told him?"

"He was going to ask you first! I had to convince him I could do right by you." Blaine said happily, laughing at the way Kurt shook his head; red cheeks evidently not wanting to cool down. "I had to confide in somebody!"

"What did he say?" Mikey asked again, pulling on Blaine's t-shirt.

Blaine smiled down at the little heart in the 'Hell Yes' option. "I have a boyfriend, Mikey."

Mikey cheered and gave his cousin a high-five. Kurt smiled down at his food, lifting a bit of eggs into his mouth.

Maybe this summer would be nice after all.


"Where are those assholes anyway?"

Peter put his helmet on and sat on his bike. "They never come out on Sundays. You know this."

Shane rolled his eyes. "Blaine's a cocky one. So are his boys. How can they take days off so close to preliminaries? One spill and he can't compete for the entire summer."

"You're just realizing the guy is cocky?" Peter asked with a laugh. He and Shane rode towards the ramps. "And I can make that happen. I'll make him fall so hard EMT's need to take him away. All you need to do is say the word."

Shane rolled his eyes as he sped up a bit. Peter was close on his trail. "I already told you," he began, "I don't cheat. Ever. I have a lot of respect for his uncle and what the man did for the sport. If you're going to cheat you can find a new crew to hang out with."

"You seriously need to take the cock out your ass, Shane." Peter stopped when he got to the ramps, turning to look at his new buddy. Shane didn't look pleased with him at all. "I have something personal to handle with Blaine—"

"So do what I'm doing and intend to handle it on the ramps—"

"What I'm going to do is make sure he's humiliated like I was." Peter finished, glancing away to a girl who was walking by. He smiled and started to undo his helmet. Shane rolled his eyes and glanced back to see who it was.

"Oh… no bro. Lay off. That's José's sister. He's really overprotective of her."

Peter smiled rather widely, pulling the helmet off and slicking back his black hair. "José's sister? I hope she's not a gay too, huh? I've had enough of the twinks around here lately."

Shane glared at him. "You need to watch your mouth."

"Let's just practice. I'll talk to José later. Cool?"

Shane shook his head and rode off. This guy was wearing out his welcome.


One of Mikey's favorite things to do was hang out with Blaine. His older cousin was awesome. He was funny, and they had pillow fights, and ate whatever they wanted to, and of course Blaine would watch cartoons with him. Now weekends were even better because Kurt would be here too. And Kurt was a cooker who was funny and could draw. And Kurt was super nice and watched cartoons with them.

Mikey curled into Blaine's right side as he smiled at something on the TV. To Blaine's left was Kurt who was switching in between smiling at the screen and smiling down at their laced fingers. He laid his head on Blaine's shoulder, rubbing along the rider's hand with the pad of his thumb.

Blaine mimicked something that Gumball said on the TV and made Mikey laugh. He smiled when Kurt moved a little closer. This was something he could totally get used to.

Be there soon. –Jeff

Kurt pulled his cell phone out to check the message. He sat up and smiled at Blaine who wasn't happy with his boyfriend moving too far away, and frowned at what the blue eyed teen said next.

"I better go home and get ready."

Mikey poked his curly head up and Blaine scoffed. "Not happening."

A commercial came on as Kurt rolled his eyes at him. "Blaine, they'll be here eventually…"

"Tell Kurt he can't leave, Mikey."

Mikey nodded his head adamantly in agreement with his cousin's words. "You can't go."

"Thank you munchkin," Blaine told him with a smile, ruffling blonde curls.

Kurt smirked, slapping away Blaine's arm as the boy tried to wrap it around him. "What if I drew you a huge monster truck?"

The tot shot up off the couch, a shocked smile waking its way onto his tanned face. "Really?"

Kurt nodded. "Yupp."

Blaine crossed his arms. "That's cheating—"

"You can go, Kurtie."

Kurt stuck his tongue out as he got up off the couch, smirking at the dramatic look of betrayal Blaine gave his little cousin. Leaning down, he kissed Blaine softly on the lips, both immediately closing their eyes for a second, and then pulled away. He then motioned to the door and swayed off. "I'll be back."

Blaine licked his lips as he watched him go, ignoring Mikey's teasing song 'you kissed-ed' as the boy danced around. When Kurt reached the door, the knob turned and in walked Uncle Don, glasses on the bridge of his nose and brief case in hand. Mikey cheered and ran over to his father, almost knocking the man down as he jumped into his arms.

"I tell you I'm getting too old for this," the man joked, kissing him messily on the cheek. Mikey laughed and wrapped his arms around the man's neck. "Kurt," he smiled, laying eyes on the teen who was a bit taller than himself, "I've got good news for you."

Kurt smiled as he patiently waited. "I like good news." Blaine moved forward to the edge of the couch, listening as well.

"You can move to the back in my repair center starting tomorrow. And with the new position comes a better pay."

Kurt's eyes went wide before a smile spread across his face. "Oh thank god, I don't think I could take Farrah any longer."

Don smiled, "She's something else huh?" the question only earned him an obvious look from Kurt and he laughed. Blaine stood up and walked over, smiling softly at Kurt.

"Now we can leave together." he gestured upstairs and started to go in that direction. "Let me get ready."

Kurt smirked. "Don't be a prima donna and take forever, Blaine."

"Says the boy who needs all day for his hair."

"I resent that."

Don smirked at them.

"Come upstairs with me," Blaine said, motioning with his head. He started to go up by twos and Kurt smiled as he followed behind him.

Don turned back to lock the door as the other two went into the guest room. He hiked his son a little higher in his arms and went towards the couch, sitting down and placing his brief case on the couch. Mikey fixed his father's glasses and smiled at the thank you he got, all before climbing off the man and looking back to the television. He watched Darwin and Gumball be silly and smiled, lying down on the sofa pillow.

"So what do you want to do today little guy? Mommy will be home soon."

"I want to go to the beach."

Don smiled. "Sure thing. Did you have fun with Blaine and Kurt?"

Mikey made an obvious face. "Of course."

Don laughed lightly, pulling out some of his paper work. "That's good to hear."

"They're boyfriends now."

Don froze at the words initially before turning to look at the little boy. "What's that?"

"Boyfriends! Kurt said yes and I helped! Blaine was very happy, daddy. Kurt was happy too." He sat up and faced his dad with a smile. "I was the delivery man! Blaine said that's very important. And he taught me big words."

Don laughed, sitting back and stroking a few curls out the boy's face. "It sounds like it was a busy afternoon, huh?"

Mikey smiled, nodding his head. It was a busy afternoon, and he was very proud of himself. On top of being the delivery man, he'd get a new race car, Yoplait yogurt, and he'd be able to learn how to ride a big boy bike soon. It was a good day.


Upstairs, Blaine getting ready wasn't going as well as planned. Maybe it was going well in a sense, but neither teen was interested in getting dressed at the moment.

Kurt moaned as Blaine pressed him against the bedroom door— their tongues ravaging each other's mouths. His hands ran up Blaine's body before linking around the boy's neck, while Blaine's rested at his hip, gripping him firmly. He deepened the kiss, tilting his head and pushing his tongue further.

Kurt's phone vibrated in his pocket between them and Blaine groaned when he was pushed off. He placed his head against the door in annoyance as Kurt moved his hand to fish around in his pockets.

"Sorry, it's probably one of the guys."

Blaine shook his head. "Their timing sucks." He frowned even harder when Kurt pushed him back gently, freeing himself from the door.

"Let's just get ready to go. I don't want to hold them up."

"Or," Blaine pulled him back by the wrist and wrapped an arm around his waist, "we could stay here all day. Relax, you know?" his hand trailed lower to Kurt's ass and he kneaded the flesh softly. Kurt bit his lip, reaching down and removing it.

"We have time for that. For now, we should go hang out with our friends, don't you think?"


Kurt smiled. "Well I'd like to get out and see more of Long Beach and I'd like to do it with you."

Blaine smiled cheekily. "I'd like to do it with you too."

"Oh my—will you get your filthy head out the gutter," Kurt said with a laugh, "You know what I mean."

Blaine shrugged. "I'll go out with all of you, but I'm not going to get my head out the gutter. You're asking for too much, baby."

Kurt grinned. "Well now I'm going to ask you to get ready."

Blaine nodded, turning towards his bag. "Fine." He went to get a few toiletries before heading out to the bathroom. "Can you look in my closet and pick out something for me to wear, please?"

"Do you have more sleeveless hoodies?"

Blaine bit his lip. "You liked that, huh?"

Kurt laughed a little, standing up and walking towards the closet. "I guess you missed how I almost collapsed when I came outside last night?"

"I'll keep that in mind." With that, he winked and went out the room. Kurt rolled his eyes and opened the closet door. There wasn't a large selection being that Blaine didn't permanently live here, but there were some things he could work with.

Being a biker made it rather simple to dress Blaine. Shorts, sneakers, and a t-shirt was usually what he went for. But today since there'd be no bike riding, Kurt picked out a nice pair of fitted dark jeans which of course had a few tears, (it wouldn't be Blaine's wardrobe if they didn't) and a raspberry shade Ralph Lauren brand crew neck shirt that had a vintage look due to the fading color. He lay the clothing on the bed and went over to the dresser, grabbing one of Blaine's many snap back caps and tossing over as well. He never said it, but he liked Blaine wearing that Lakers cap on the day of the storm. It was kind of cute…. Maybe it was very cute.

As he responded to Jeff's text, Blaine walked back in, completely shirtless and his shorts sagging a bit. Kurt glanced up at him, eyes doing a complete sweep of his body before quickly looking away. Blaine smirked, putting everything back in its place and walking over to the bed.

"I like this."

Kurt nodded obviously. "Of course you do. I picked it out."

Blaine smiled, glancing over at his boyfriend. "You okay?"

Kurt nodded once more, still not looking up. "I'm fine. Just hurry up so we can go." He looked down at his phone and tapped it absently, biting his lip into a smirk when he felt Blaine walking closer. "Blaine, I'm not playing."

The elder sat down next to him and smiled. "I'm not playing either. I just want to make sure you're fine."

Kurt nodded. Blaine smelt amazing as usual and he was far too close to be this underdressed. Not with them having to leave soon. "I told you I'm okay. Get dressed."

"Give me a kiss first."

Kurt smiled. "You are too much for me."

"Kiss me," Blaine repeated. He leant forward and puckered his lips, laughing when Kurt rolled his eyes. Eventually, the younger teen moved forward as well and chastely connected their lips. Both did linger into it for a while and Blaine sighed softly, moving his hand to cup Kurt's face softly. When they pulled away, they both smiled shyly, Kurt dropping his face and Blaine stroking his cheek.

"Thank you."

Kurt smiled, nodding his head.

"I'm going to get dressed. I don't mind if you watch."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "I'm going to give you your space. I'll leave the door open, come next door when you're ready."

Blaine smiled, accepting another kiss lingering kiss. "I will."

With that, Kurt stood up and left, closing the door gently behind him. Blaine smiled at the spot he previously occupied before hopping to his feet and fist pumping.

He'd never been so happy.


What do you mean you have a boyfriend?! You just got there less than a week ago! Chandler is still in Glee club trying not to cry over you! –Cedes

Kurt looked down at the message and rolled his eyes. He continued to do the buttons of his shirt before answering.

I know it seems fast but it just happened. I didn't expect to like somebody this much or to have him like me either. And it is soooo much more than what I had with Chandler. –Kurt

He put the phone back on the charger and put on his tie—a skinny Banana Republic brand plaid styled tie that he felt brought out his eye color. That, along with his cerulean shorts, simple brown loafers, and an altered white button-up completed his outfit. It did everything to show off his lean but curvy-in-all-the-right places body, and that's what he liked the most.

So it's the Blaine guy, huh? I could see you two fawning over each other past surfer dude's head yesterday during the web chat. I should've known then. –Cedes

I can't wait to meet him. Of course Chandler will be heart broken when you show up in NY with another guy, but things happen, right? –Cedes

Kurt grabbed his keys which were mysteriously once again missing his Mickey Mouse keychain and made note to make Blaine carry them in his pocket. He couldn't exactly fit them in the pockets of his shorts with them being so… fitted. We'll go with that word. As he picked up his phone to reply, his boyfriend knocked a couple times on his bedroom door.

"Are you decent?"

Kurt smiled. "Yes. Come in."

"Damn it." Blaine said, smiling as he poked his head in the door. "I'm too late."

Kurt smirked at him before sitting at his vanity. "Shut up and come inside."

Blaine pushed the door open and walked in, swaying sexily in his raspberry shirt and ripped dark jeans, his black Dodgers cap facing backwards on his head. He smiled when Kurt tilted his head up, anticipating a kiss, and gave him just what he wanted.

"I missed you."

Blaine grinned. "Missed you more, Kurt. What're you up to?"

"Just trying to convince Mercedes that I'm not as horrible a person as she thinks." He held up his cell phone and gestured to the messages. "She's concerned for my ex."

"He's a big boy." Blaine mused, "And let me talk to her. I'll let her know you're in good hands."

Kurt smiled. "That won't be necessary. They'll meet you next weekend and everything will be fine."

"She'll worry until then. I just want your friends to know you're good here. I'm sure they were protective of you and there's no need to worry."

If looking the other way when I was thrown into a locker is protective…

If you're busy, text me back later boo. –Cedes

Kurt looked down at the phone. "What if I were to let you to Skype later on?"

Blaine shrugged. "That'd be fine by me."

Blaine is up for a web chat when we get home later. Would you be okay? –Kurt

As he finished typing, he turned to the rider and handed him his keys. "Would you hold them for me in your pocket?"

Blaine nodded but gave him a curious look. "Of course… but what's wrong with yours?"

His boyfriend stood up and twirled around, showing off his shorts. Blaine bit he lip as he took in the very… fitted… we'll call it that, outfit. He could make out every toned muscle of Kurt's arms and his defined chest, and that ass was a whole other story.

"Shit, babe. Spin around one more time. "

Kurt laughed as he did so and threw a flirty wink of his own. "I know. Hot. So please… my keys…"

Blaine nodded feverishly, licking dry lips and sliding the keys into his front right pocket. He then looked back up at Kurt who was reading another message on his phone, before lowering his eyes back down to his waist. This boy would be the death of him.

I'd love to. What time is later? The NDs are supposed to be doing a pep rally for the stupid hockey team. –Cedes

Blaine reached out and pulled Kurt forward to him by the hips, letting his hands rest there as his lips found the boy's jawline. Kurt bit his lip, trying to focus on replying.

"What time do you think we'll be back tonight?"

"Mm…" Blaine hummed against his skin, moving a little lower to his neck, "I don't think I want to stay out all night. It depends though," he kissed a bit below Kurt's ear and the boy closed his eyes, "if we just do shopping and get something to eat, we'll probably be back around 8ish."

"O-Okay," Kurt answered, smirking when Blaine's hands ghosted softly over his ass. "No funny business, they'll be here soon."

"Mhmm," Blaine answered absently. Kurt rolled his eyes and began to type.

We might be back about 9, but if not I'll definitely text you and let you know. –Kurt

Works for me. Have fun. –Cedes

You too. –Kurt

"It's so perfect," Blaine whispered, practically massaging his ass now. Kurt laughed, pushing himself away and rolling his eyes.

"Will you stop it?"

"I don't think so." Blaine said with a smile and shrug, "Would you like to take couple-y pictures with me until the guys get here?"

Kurt grinned. "Why not?"


Couple cars I don't never drive,

Bikes I don't never ride,

Crib I ain't never been,

Pool I don't never swim,

Justin was in the passenger seat beside Nick, rapping along with the lyrics on the radio. David was in the second row with Jeff and the ladies, rapping along with him. They blasted the music as Nick turned on to Kurt's block in his black H2 Hummer, annoying the elderly lady with the cats as they drove past her house. Victoria lay her head on Jeff's shoulder and laughed at the two as they sang along with the song, shouting loudly about being a boss. Naomi only rolled her eyes and politely asked her boyfriend to turn down the music.

"What babe?"

"Can you please adjust the volume a bit?"

Nick nodded, lowering it a little. "Sorry honey bun," He double parked in front of Kurt's place, honking the horn a couple times.

"Dude! You should've let us catch them in the act!" Jeff slapped him in the back of the head and Nick scowled, turning back to look at him.

"Will you stop being a creep?"


"Fuck," Blaine pulled away for air, smiling down at Kurt beneath him. "I think that's them…"

Kurt nodded blissfully, trying to catch his breath. "Do we have to go?"

Blaine laughed, rolling off of him. "I've been asking you that all day."

The Ohio native stood up and walked towards his mirror. "Ok… let me just do something with my hair since you had to run your fingers through it."

"You weren't complaining a minute ago." Blaine stood up and went over to the window. "Yepp, the crew is all here."

"David too?" Kurt asked, coiffing his do with a fine tooth comb.

Blaine rolled his eyes. "Him too, yes."

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get out of here," he turned back and stuck his tongue out before walking towards the exit. Blaine grabbed his cap off the bed and put it on, following behind him. When they got downstairs, Kurt handed him his cell phone and Blaine took it, placing it carefully in the pocket that held his own.

"How do I look?"

Blaine smiled at him before chastely connecting their lips. Kurt had to get used to this… being this affectionate was definitely new for him.

"You look perfect, but I'm sure that'll be my answer every time you ask."

The sincerity in his voice sent Kurt's heart to the sky, but instead of melting into a puddle of goo, he smiled softly and mouthed a sweet 'thank you.'

They stepped outside and Blaine could hear David screech "Kuuuurt" over the music. He smirked, leaning against the railing and waiting for his boyfriend to lock his home's door. His friends all stared at them out the windows of the Hummer and Blaine laughed, rolling his eyes away. This would be such a fun day, and by fun he meant painstakingly brutal.

"You ready?" Kurt asked with a grin.

Blaine shrugged. "As ready as I'll ever be to deal with these idiots." Kurt laughed and Blaine took his hand, leading him over to the vehicle.

"Woooooo!" Justin shouted; wiggling his eyebrows so much Kurt thought they'd somehow end up attached to his hairline. "Look at them holding hands!"

"Oh my god they're dating!" Naomi said, leaning over David and staring. Kurt blushed terribly and looked off down the block. "I know you two are dating, right?" She and Vickie fangirled for the next few seconds and Blaine shook his head.

"At least make them stop screaming, Blaine."

Blaine laughed. "What is it that you expect me to do?"

David opened the door to the Hummer and gave Blaine a stern look. "Sup, bruh?"

Kurt laughed and Blaine rolled his eyes. "I don't have time for this—"

"We need to work out our schedule. I get Kurt Tuesdays and Wednesdays—"

Blaine smirked and looked away. "David let us in the damn car—"

"David," Kurt smiled and asked nicely, "Can we come in? We'll talk about this later."

David looked at Kurt and nodded. "Banana Republic. I like your style."

"Rag & Bone. I like yours."

"Let them in, David," Nick said tiredly, turning the music down. "You can muse about clothes all you want when we get to the mall."

David moved aside, steadily eyeing Blaine. The younger teen rolled his eyes and went into the vehicle, sliding into the back row. Kurt came in after and slid in next to him, smiling when Blaine rested his arm atop the seat.

"Hey everybody," Kurt said with a smile. Jeff turned around and looked at both of them—Blaine had his typical laid back swagger, cap on backwards and pendant over his shirt—your basic Cali dude outfit on. Kurt looked sexy as fuck though that didn't need to be said out loud—his skinny tie highlighted that beautiful blue in his eyes, though that didn't need to be said either, and they both kind of meshed together. It was like they'd been doing this all along.

"Hey my ass," he said back, ignoring the taken aback look Kurt gave him, "what's going on with you two?"

Kurt blushed, trying to figure out how to answer as Blaine only looked away. "Will you turn around please?"

"They're together," Vickie said obviously, "Blaine's head over heels."

Blaine smiled. Was he this obvious?

"Well are you?" Jeff asked. Nick smirked as he pulled off.

"We are," Blaine said, pulling Kurt closer to him. "And we're going to be for a long time. If anyone has a problem—"

"As long as you share we should be fine."

Kurt smiled, resting his head against Blaine's. "I doubt these are the last people that would have a problem with us, honey."

Blaine turned to him and smiled.

"Oh, oh, turn it up," Justin reached for the knob and cranked the music louder, him and David dancing in a very idiotic manner. As Nick turned right at a stop sign, the two of them began to sing loudly.

Oh, she got both feet on the ground

And she's burning it down

Oh, she got her head in the clouds

And she's not backing down

This girl is on fire

This girl is on fire

She's walking on fire

This girl is on fire

"Where'd you find them again?" Kurt asked as the two sang passionately. Blaine shrugged.

"I don't care to think about that right now."


As the group of teens walked through the mall, Kurt kept his distance. He honestly didn't know whether or not Blaine was ready for an increased amount of PDA—at least not to the extent they were being affectionate back at the houses. He didn't know whether or not people here would take kindly to that. He didn't want Blaine to see him as clingy like he did that one girlfriend that used to hit him. That was something that he'd gone through with Chandler, and while at first it was cute having a significant other show you they cared, it got to be increasingly annoying as the days went by.

So they all walked through the nice mall, Kurt laughing at something Naomi said to him about Justin's flip flops, Justin rolling his eyes at them as he did what he called 'worked it' and Blaine chatting aimlessly with Nick and Jeff about competitions that Wednesday. David was on the phone as he strolled a bit in front of them, and Vickie walked with Jeff as the blonde wrapped his arm around her.

They stopped at the directory where an ad for a new horror movie was on display. David hung up from his phone call and glanced at the poster.

"We should totally see that tonight. I hear Megan Fox is in it."

Blaine looked up at the poster too and shrugged. "What do you think, babe? Want to go to the movies later?"

Kurt smiled softly. "I'm up for it if you guys are."

They all nodded. "I can never get enough cheesy horror flicks," Victoria told them, "They're so bad it's good."

Blaine smiled, walking back to Kurt and taking his hand. "We'll go buy the tickets. What time is good?"

"Anything around six should be clear," Nick told him, "and bring me back a milkshake from Cold Stone!"

"I want my money back from all of you," he tightened his grasp on Kurt and led him through the mall, smirking at his friends' shouts of 'good luck with that'. Kurt laughed too as they went to get on the escalator going up.

"I don't like them."

Kurt smirked. "Sure you don't."

Blaine shrugged. "So is your dad expecting you home at a certain time or can I keep you all to myself?"

They walked up the last few steps and got off the escalator. The theater covered the fourth floor of the huge mall and during this time of the day it wasn't exactly crowded. Blaine glanced around before going over to the kiosk, and it was there that he finally got a response.

"I'm pretty sure he'd like to see me at some point this summer."

Blaine laughed. "I already have to share you with my uncle and David. That's more than enough people."

Kurt smiled, shrugging lightly. "I have to share you with a few people too."

"Meh," Blaine pressed the screen a few times, pulling out his wallet, "How does the 6:15 sound? The movie is like an hour and a half."

"That should be fine."

Blaine nodded, pulling out his credit card. "My mom is going to kill me for using this thing but I left all my cash at home."

Kurt glanced around and saw a few people staring—of course all of the female variety. He tried to ignore it though. "How is your mom, anyway? Is she nice? I don't… I don't want her to freak out about me."

Blaine waited for all 7 tickets to print as he responded. "My mom is pretty awesome. She's my rock, much like your dad is for you…"

Kurt understood what that meant and nodded. Blaine would probably take a bit longer to open up about losing his father and little sister, though. "That's great. We all need a rock, you know?"

"Yeah," Blaine reached down into the receptacle, accepting the tickets. "She's a great woman. As far as how she'd react to me being with you… that's a good question." He pocketed them along with his wallet and took Kurt's hand again, oblivious to the looks and quite honestly uninterested, "As you know I've never ever shown interest in a boy so she'd probably be confused. Other than that, once she sees how beautiful a person you are I think we'll be good."

Kurt smiled at him as they made way to the escalator. "I definitely hope so. I don't want to cause any strife—"

"You don't want to cause strife? I don't. Your dad hates me." Blaine smiled at Kurt's laughter because of his words. "It's funny, but you do know it's true."

"I don't know about that, sweetie." Kurt told him seriously, "I think more than anything he's worried about me. It's been a tumultuous couple weeks."

"I won't hurt you," Blaine reiterated, like he had earlier. Kurt only gave him a look and Blaine returned it ten fold. "I'm serious, Kurt. I'm not going to hurt you. He'll see."

"I think that's an odd promise to make me on the first day we get together. Relationships hurt from time to time and I hate to say it but along the way we'll probably hurt each other in some respect. We aren't perfect."

Blaine turned away from, continuing to walk. When Kurt didn't get a response, he sighed. "You know it's true, Blaine. I know for a fact that you wouldn't hurt me out of spite, and I hope you know that it goes both ways… but honestly…"

"Honestly, I'll do my best to keep a smile on your face. Maybe I should put it that way."

Kurt smiled at his boyfriend's words. "I feel the same way. And if that's the case, my father will adore you."

"And I already know my mother will love you baby. So no worries?"

Kurt nodded with a smile. "No worries."

Blaine smiled as well. "So I know a few ways you can put a smile on my face. Would you like to hear?"

Kurt smirked, asking a question he really didn't need an answer to. "Do these involve sexual positions?"

"Yes." The boy responded.

"I'll pass. We didn't get Nick's ice cream."

Blaine rolled his eyes. "He still owes me money."

Nick waved them over from where he sat with the group in the food court. The narrow tables made it hard for both to walk through at the same time, so Blaine allowed Kurt to lead the way, holding their linked hands in the air and walking behind him.

On the way past long lines at the restaurants and groups of rowdy teens with shopping bags, he saw an elderly couple perched at one of the tables along the wall. They happened to catch his attention because of the look of sheer disgust they gave him for walking hand in hand with Kurt. Blaine smiled over at them as Kurt continued to navigate, deciding to give the homophobes something to take home with them. Pulling his boyfriend back into him for good measure, Blaine twirled Kurt around and leant in.

"Blaine? What're you—"

Without further warning, Blaine's hand was cupping Kurt's cheek and his tongue was thrusting quickly into his mouth. Kurt stood ramrod straight at first before his knees threatened to go weak, but Blaine unlaced their fingers and held him up by the small of his back. It was easy to tell that Kurt wasn't responding to this kiss like he had the others, but Blaine only deepened it even further, moaning into his boyfriend's mouth and not breaking away from the lip lock until he couldn't breathe. Kurt gasped at the absence and looked at Blaine like he was absolutely crazy.

"What was that?"

Blaine smiled before tossing the boy an innocent shrug. "Felt like kissing you, baby." With that, he turned to the elderly couple, tipped his cap, and walked off in front of Kurt. Kurt looked their way, still very much in shock, and noticed the two scoff as they looked away. He shook his head and stalked off behind his boyfriend, weaving between a few tables until he was finally over by his friends.

"Ay Diós mio!, y'all almost got me pregnant!" David proclaimed, smiling widely at Blaine. His teammate sat down and licked his lips, pulling a chair out for his boyfriend. The rest of the group only clapped their hands proudly and Blaine shook his head.

"Stop it guys," he said, moving closer to Kurt when he took the seat beside him, "I literally hate ignorant people. I can tell by looking at them that they're unhappy jerks with a bad superiority complex." He turned to Kurt as he turned the hat on his head front ways. "What's wrong with you?"

"Can we not make out every time someone gives us a dirty look?" Kurt questioned, "I just… I don't want people to think I'm throwing it in their faces. That's how hate crimes start."

Almost everyone at the table scoffed. Blaine sat back and looked at him sternly before replying. "What exactly would you be throwing in their faces? Your happiness? Fuck them and their 'morals'. They're lucky I didn't fuck you over their table. That was plan A but they were kind of far away…"

"Maybe next time," Naomi told them, Nick smirking beside her.

"It really isn't a joke. I spent most of my life in the closet to prevent things like this…" Blaine cut Kurt off with the wave of his hand and Kurt frowned.

"I'm not letting anything happen to you so that thought can go out the window."

"We're not going to be together every second of every day, Blaine."

"He's right," Vickie interjected. "I'm not saying never be yourselves in public, I just don't know if doing it to be spiteful is the best idea."

Blaine glanced from his friends, back over to a somber Kurt. He smiled softly. "Fine. I won't do it to be spiteful, but you can't stop me from kissing you."

"I wouldn't want to."

"I'm going to get diabetes," Justin muttered, looking away.

Kurt smiled at the blonde before settling back in his seat. "Ok. Can we just enjoy ourselves? What's up for the day?"

Vickie looked at Naomi. "We're going everywhere." The other girl nodded with a smile. They then looked at their boyfriends. "We'll text you when you're needed to carry our bags."

Nick smiled warmly. "Oh joy."

Kurt smiled at them though he could sense how tense Blaine was over that little show he put on a minute ago. He watched as Naomi gave Nick an extra kiss before the girls skirted off.

"Okay Kurt, here's the itinerary," David pulled out his cell phone that conveniently had a map of the mall, reaching over Blaine so that he could explain. "First, we hit Gucci, then we'll swing around to BCBG, because I know this pretty little thing that's good for discounts—"

"Is that a Fendi?"

"Relax, young Jedi. That's on the list just before Roberto Cavalli."

Jeff smirked at Blaine who was rolling his eyes the entire time.

"Are you two going to be back by the time the movie starts? What time is the movie anyway?" Justin asked.

"6:15 PM. Not AM." Blaine told them pointedly. Kurt rolled his eyes and nudged Blaine with his foot.

"We'll be back. Let's go David."

"Hold on, babe," Kurt's phone vibrated and Blaine reached for it in his pocket, looking down at the screen. It read 'New Message: Chandler' and the rider could only quirk his eyebrow, passing the phone over to the brown haired boy who sat back down. Kurt accepted it and looked down at the message.

"Am I going to have to have to tell this kid to back off?"

Hey. Hope you're enjoying your Sunday. Rachel uploaded a video of us doing a Party Rock flash mob in the mall so I thought I'd share the link. It wasn't the same without you there, but we had fun. Talk to you later. –Chandler

"Relax. He only sent me a video of the New Directions… my old glee club. Apparently they had a flash mob."

"Sounds cool," Justin said. "Let's see it."

"My phone screen is huge so forward it to me," Nick told him. Kurt nodded, scrolling through his contacts and forwarding it to Nick. When the boy got it, his friends gathered around him, Blaine and Jeff standing behind him while David, Kurt, and Justin squeezed in on his side. He pressed the link and YouTube opened up, a video from the account of McKinley_ND opened, titled Party Rock Flash Mob 5/30.

After taking a second or two to buffer, the video began. It showed people casually strolling through Kennedy Mall back in Lima, a place Kurt spent so many hours in with his friends. After a moment, the music to LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem began to play and slowly, people fell into neatly rehearsed but fun choreography. Kurt smiled at Finn jumping around and laughed when he saw Puck do that saw move that had recently grown on him. He smiled at all of his friends dancing around and singing the lyrics, listening to the guys next to him chatting about it.

"That guy's lips are fucking huge."

"Oh shit… who's the Latina? I might have to get in on this trip to New York…"

Kurt laughed, "She's a lesbian, David." The boy instantly frowned.

Blaine smirked. "You tried bro. Which one of these is Chloe?" he asked with a smirk, referring to Chandler of course but not really caring what his name was.

Kurt could only roll his eyes at his boyfriend's question. "Now you're just being rude, Blaine."

Justin and Jeff were laughing as Nick cut in. "There's no reason to be jealous, B. You have him now."

"I'm not jealous. Like you said, there's no reason to be." On the video there was an Asian guy who began shuffling in the middle of one of the circle's the groups had formed. He looked pretty good.

"Wow," Jeff said, "good thing that kid doesn't go to Pace. I'd have actual competition."

Kurt smiled. "His name is Mike. He's pretty amazing… oh there's Chandler—the one with the wide rimmed glasses." Blaine leant closer over Nick and Kurt's shoulder to see. The image was blurry, but he knew he could take him if the boy tried to start any nonsense when they went to Nationals that weekend.

"I don't see the appeal." Nick said. "Blaine is soooo much cuter."

"Fuck you," his best friend said. David smirked.

"Wow she's hot too… the blonde dancing by the escalators…"

Kurt grinned. "That's her girlfriend."

"Oh my god," David stood up. "I don't want to watch anymore."

"Looks like you guys had a lot of fun, huh?" Blaine asked, glancing over to the coiffed teen. Kurt nodded.

"Glee was my only reason for having any sense of enjoyment at McKinley. God knows the curriculum was a joke, and the faculty was even funnier." He trailed off for a moment, looking back down at the screen. Blaine knew there was more so he waited patiently. "And you know… bullies definitely didn't make the high school experience one worth experiencing."

Blaine continued to look at him, not responding. It was actually Nick who spoke up once the video was about to end.

"You won't have to worry about anything at Pace. You're good with us, and thankfully with it being an arts school, people are so much more accepting."

Jeff nodded. "Your senior year will be magic."

"Who's to say I get in guys?" Kurt asked with a soft smile. "I mean, I'm sure there are tons of potentials and I know the space is limited—"

"Shut up," Blaine said, waving him off, "you hummed over the phone Friday night and I almost proposed to you. I think that the judges will be smart enough to let you in."

David smiled from where he leant along the while. "I seem to ship you two harder and harder with each passing minute."

His friends laughed, and Kurt shrugged. "I still don't know. It would be nice to have you audition too."

Blaine rolled his eyes. "My grades suck."

"That's not a good enough excuse." Justin said. Kurt looked up at the blonde. "They don't focus on transfer grades so much. Just have enough credits and be able to pass the entrance exam."

"The man is right," Jeff told him. He was now doing that thing with his tongue ring that Kurt hated and stopped when he saw the blue eyed boy looking at him.

Blaine shrugged. "I don't know. I wouldn't be too much into the whole performing thing to be honest. I'd only switch for you."

Nick and Jeff scoffed.

"And you bozos too. Happy?"

"Very," Nick nodded. He then looked back at his screen, checking his battery percentage. "This was cool though. Awesome that they could get other people involved like that. The glee club must've been pretty popular."

Not quite, Kurt thought to himself. He smiled anyway. "It did look like a lot of fun. I can't wait to see them."

Blaine smiled at him. "I can't wait for you to. Now what other videos are on there? Like actual performances."

Kurt focused on returning a text to Chandler as he answered.

Thanks for sending. That looked like a lot of fun :) –Kurt

"It's probably just a bunch of solos Rachel moved from her MySpace page. You ready to go David?"

The oldest nodded. "Whenever you're ready, bro."

Before getting up, Kurt leant over and pressed a soft kiss to Blaine's cheek. The action made the elder blush like he'd never seen… and that was odd for a guy who had the mouth of a sailor and a dirty mind that could probably recite the Kama Sutra front ways and back. Kurt smiled at him before getting up and walking off with David whose bicycle chain swung from his jeans.

"You two are fucking adorable." Nick told him, shaking his head at his blushing friend. "I told you guys. Didn't I call it?"

Jeff nodded, slouching back and grinning at Blaine. "You called it."

Justin nodded, pulling out a stick of gum. "I honestly thought they were only fucking but this is so much better."

"Just wish Blaine would've said something before we threw Kurt at lifeguard guy." Jeff added.

"That would've been nice." Nick commented as well.

"I didn't know then…" Blaine began, moving to sit in the seat Kurt had occupied beside Nick. "I just knew that I liked being around him and hated other guys that showed interest."

All three boys turned to look at him; his best friend giving him a rather blatant face. "How in the fuck is that not a huge clue?"

Blaine stared back before lowering his head.

"Let's watch a video. I want to see this guy in action." The brunette continued. As he scrolled through videos, Blaine leant closer to the screen.

"Oh, go to Dog Days Are Over." Justin said.

"No… click on Born This Way. I love Born this Way." Jeff told him.

Nick continued to look through them. "Ok, ok, calm down."


Some things in life were just too good to be true. This is how Kurt felt when he walked into the Gucci store with his buddy David, both smiling as they crossed the entrance. The only customer was a middle aged woman dressed in an outfit Kurt absolutely approved of, standing towards the back of the store. A clerk greeted them as they entered and David nodded to her, leading the way into the store.

"The smell of Italian leather and the sight of clothes I have yet to purchase." David grinned widely and held out the sleeve of a cardigan, "This is my heaven, Kurt. This is our heaven."

Kurt inhaled, taking in the smell of the fragrance of perfume the lady had begun to spray. As he exhaled, he smiled and looked around the store. "I am not going to be able to save any money this summer, am I?"

"Its fine," David reassured him, "The concept of currency was invented so we'd be able to buy expensive and lavish clothing we really don't need. Don't beat yourself up about it."

Kurt smirked. "Where have you been all my life?"

David chuckled at the question. "Here with your crazy boyfriend and his friends. I hope we're making you feel welcome here in Long Beach."

Kurt nodded adamantly as they walked over to the shoes. "I can honestly say I didn't expect to be as happy as I am right now. I dreaded moving."

David picked up a pair of lace up shoes and nodded. "I can understand that. Moving right before senior year had to be hard."

"Basically. But, if I didn't move, I wouldn't have met you guys. It was a win-win."

"You wouldn't have met Mr. BMX, more importantly." David said with a smile. "Maybe I should say Mr. BMX wouldn't have met you… and that in and of itself is a major thing."

Kurt checked the price of a satchel on display as he listened curiously. "What do you mean?"

"It isn't obvious?" David asked with a laugh. "What was the boy doing before you showed up? Looking for love in all the wrong places."

Kurt smiled. "It…I don't get it, to be honest. How could he magically be attracted to me but not feel anything for any other male ever?"

"Kurt, Kurt, Kurt," David sighed as he placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, laughing lightly at the amused face his friend was giving him. "So young and so naïve. I don't think it's so much that he's attracted to your gender than it is that he's attracted to your person. You're an amazing guy, Kurt. And you two just inexplicably go well together. You balance him out in a way that he's been missing… ever since… I don't know if he's told you?"

Kurt saddened a bit. "About his father and younger sister?"

David nodded. "Ever since the accident. So yeah… it's great that you're here. He has someone to love him and to love back, and I have someone to shop with. Now what do you think of these?" He reached for a pair of suede shoes and observed them carefully before smiling at Kurt. Kurt had still been blushing at his words, but nodded with a smile. "They're perfect, David."


"What the fuck you lucky motherfucker… look at him…"

Blaine's eyes couldn't leave the screen. Kurt was dressed in all black, deliciously unfathomable clothing, dancing around to Beyonce's Single Ladies, and though it was just him and his friends fooling around in their glee club room he looked so fucking hot. "Rewind it again."

Nick laughed at him. He had no doubt his friend was sporting a boner under the table they sat at. "Dude, my battery is going to die. Between this and 4 Minutes, we've been watching videos nonstop for the past fifteen minutes."

Blaine shook his head. He couldn't help but stare at that slim waist and those long legs and fuck if he wasn't counting the many ways he could hold them as he pounded into him. Shit, he was hard. "Fine," he pulled out his iPhone and logged into his YouTube account, then proceeded searching for username McKinley_ND. "I'll watch it on my phone instead."

Jeff and Justin both stood up and went to Blaine's side of the table, ignoring the stares of surrounding patrons and Blaine when he gave them death glares.

"Press play," Justin said, looking down at the screen.

"His ass is so—"

"If you know what's good for you, you will not finish that sentence Jeff." Blaine said with a firm glare. He pressed play on Single Ladies once more and looked down at the screen. Jeff rolled his eyes and mumbled to himself.

"I can't believe he was a cheerleader." Nick thought aloud while forcing his phone into his pocket. Justin nodded; a far off look on his face.

"I bet he's crazy flexible."

Blaine nodded, watching Kurt's hip sway on screen as he spanked his ass, just like the choreography. If he didn't get a demonstration of this later on he'd flip everything he'd see.

"I wish you'd stop lusting over those videos long enough to tell us how exactly you two got together."

Blaine didn't reply until the video was over. He typed in a comment on the video and looked up at his friends. "It's a long story."

Justin smirked. "We've got time."

"His ass is so delectable."

Blaine ignored Jeff and shrugged. "I didn't know right away that this was what I wanted. Everything just comes so easily with Kurt. It's effortless." Nick could only smile. That was what Blaine needed in a way. He'd always tried too hard. The curly haired teen pulled off his cap and brushed back his hair while continuing.

"Looking back, I don't know why I didn't realize any of this sooner. Like the first time I saw him I could only stare. It didn't occur to me why but I just knew I wanted to talk to him."

"Then?" Justin leant in closely to Blaine as he told the story. He was such a love story whore it was insane. Blaine sighed and continued.

"Then, I don't know. I went to talk to him. I thought he'd be creeped out but everything I said he had a response for, and I liked that. He was just cool, and he has this air about him like… like… it's hard to explain. I just wanted to be around him. But that was weird so I paid and I left."

Nick and Jeff shot each other obvious glances before looking back to the story teller.

"I'm happy that dog tripped me. If he didn't, I wouldn't have seen Kurt again, at least not so soon, and I wouldn't know what I know now."

"That you're in love?" Justin asked with a smile. His heart eyes were shiny and Jeff smirked at him.

Blaine blushed. "Love. That's a bit much, Jus. I'm getting there though."

"He's leaving out the yogurt kiss."

Blaine glared at Nick and his friends perked up.

"The yogurt kiss?" Jeff questioned.

Nick smiled at Blaine. "Tell us about the yogurt kiss… remember? When I caught you two going at it between the ramps…"

Blaine rolled his eyes. "Going at it, Nick? … You're exaggerating."

"If I hadn't shown up when I did, Blaine… -scratch that. If I showed up a couple minutes later, somebody would've been getting head."

Jeff did a spit take with the water he was drinking, and Nick smacked him upside the head when a large amount of it landed on him. Blaine bit his lip as he smiled. Then he was a little mad at Nick for showing up when he did. All in all, he had to say it.

"Best first kiss ever."

Justin sighed, resting both arms on the table. "You guys are perfect. Makes me realize how lonely I am."

"I doubt you're lonely," Jeff quipped back, wiping up the table. "I mean how lonely can someone who had a 3-some last night be?"

Justin smiled. "You know what I mean, Jeffy."

Blaine held his cell phone up again. "You guys talk. I'm going to watch some more videos."


"I really wish I could work here instead of that sweaty sports shop." They looked around Roberto Cavalli as David nodded his head in agreement. There were many times that day that Kurt had considered setting up a tent in the center of the mall so he could just live there. That'd be perfect.

"I wish I could work here instead of that stupid diner. My day consists of Jeff storming in and demanding to be fed." Kurt laughed lightly as his friend continued. "I don't know if it'd make much of a difference here anyway. There really isn't a great employee discount."

Kurt smiled. "It'd take a hell of a discount to make me buy a seven hundred dollar belt anyway."

"True that. But money should be the least of your worries. I don't have a significant other that'd splurge on me. I'm pretty sure Blaine would buy everything in here if you asked for it."

Kurt laughed. "You're pushing it David. I don't think he's made that much BMX biking."

"I don't think so either." he told him, "but the kid has paper regardless. Daddy was wealthy as hell—" he looked at Kurt who seemed to be confused and taken aback with the statement, and then realized he probably said too much. "I am definitely overstepping my boundaries right now."

There was an awkward silence that pretty much consisted of Kurt trying to understand what had just been said, and David feeling apologetic to Blaine's privacy. Kurt gulped and shook his head. "He hasn't told me this, no."

They caught eyes and David shrugged. "Oops." he laughed a bit and then looked away. "Well he would've told you anyway, eventually."

They spent another few minutes looking around. After a few beats, they went to the next and last stop on the itinerary and Kurt ended up swiping his card for almost $200.00 worth of stuff. He couldn't resist McQueen. A weak spot for it must've been woven into his DNA make up.

At the register, David flirted with the cashier so hard she ended up giving them both discounts on their purchases, and afterwards, he gave Kurt a few tips on how to do the same. Kurt didn't think he'd ever use these tips because for one that was a girl… and two… that was a girl… but that didn't stop David from laboring through each step concisely.

On the way back to the food court, Kurt decided to bring up something on his mind. A little venting would help clear his mind for sure, and luckily, not only was David good for talking fashion with, but he seemed to know a lot about people in general. He'd read him and Blaine straightaway, he was sure.

Clearing his throat, he smiled and shook his head no to one of the people offering manicures at a kiosk and continued to walk in step with his friend. David picked up on his anxiety and sent the new kid a warm smile.

"Spill it Kurt. What's on your mind?"

Kurt relaxed a bit. "I'm nervous, David. Like, I think I can admit that. I'm seriously nervous."

"Nervous?" David turned to his friend and quirked an eyebrow. "Why is that?"

"He was a freaking ladies' man." Kurt said with an obvious smile, "There are so many of them and one of me… how do I compete with that?"

"You don't." David answered plainly. They stepped onto the escalator and Kurt frowned. Needless to say, that wasn't the answer he was intending to hear. "But," the boy resumed, "you don't need to. I don't think you do."

Kurt thought about the reply as they stepped off the escalator. There was so much to it. "You don't get it. Before I came along there were nothing but girls—"

"That was before you came along, Kurt. So kudos to you." he was taking this so much too calmly. Kurt was about to speak again, but David continued. "I saw the chemistry between you two from the moment he introduced us. I knew Blaine to be straight, but I honestly thought there was something between you two. And I'm apparently amazing because there is. I've never seen that with his flings."

Kurt smiled softly. "I think I felt something from day one but I tried my hardest to fight it off. He wouldn't really let me." David laughed at this, "But you do get my hesitance, don't you?"

"Of course I do. But I also know the kid and yes, he's a dumbass but he's also my friend. He wouldn't hurt a fly unless said fly fucked with someone he loved." With that, he turned to look at Kurt. "So you're going to be fine. Both of you will. Stop worrying."

Kurt smiled. "I hear he hit Peter after the referred to me as 'faggy'. Well I assume he did after what Justin said yesterday."

David nodded. "I heard about that too. Need I say more, Kurt?"

Kurt smiled. "I guess not."


When Kurt and David arrived back at the table, Nick and Jeff had already left for 'help girlfriends carry shopping bags' duty. Blaine was with Justin, both sharing cheesy fries from one of the restaurants, and they smiled when they saw their friends approach.

Kurt laughed into the kiss Blaine pulled him into when they reached the table, placing his bags down in between them. "Down boy."

"You've got some explaining to do," Blaine pulled out his iPhone which had YouTube pulled up; a video of his performance with Mercedes titled '4 Minutes performed by the New Directions' opened on the tab. He took it and laughed after Blaine pressed play.

"Wow. I forgot all about this. I was a sophomore—"

Blaine hushed him and went to a new video, glancing down at the opening seconds before showing his boyfriend. Kurt watched and face palmed, laughing at what he saw.

"Oh my god… I can't believe Rachel put this up! We had a bit of fun when Mr. Schue was running late for the meeting one day… wow did I really do that on top of the piano?"

Justin smiled and nodded. Kurt literally crawled across the piano at one point and every time that part came on Blaine folded his legs suspiciously.

"Do you still remember the moves?" Blaine whispered into his ear. Kurt bit his lip at the seduction in his voice, but nodded an answer.

"I do. Why do you ask?"

Blaine smiled, wrapping an arm around him, "Curious."

His eyes had gotten darker since the last time Kurt looked at them. He licked his lips and nodded, looking back down at the video. Tina and Brittany had joined in at this point as the chorus came on.

David sat down next to Justin across from the couple, digging into the cheesy fries. "So we need to kill a half hour before the movie starts. What are we doing?"

"Watching these videos," Blaine mumbled. Kurt smirked, handing the phone back.

"Take me to the arcade."

Blaine looked up at him. "Yeah? What do I get in return?"

"What would you like?" Kurt whispered back, his lips brushing across Blaine's cheeks. The elder caught his eyes and responded.

"I have a list. We can discuss it on the way there."

Kurt grinned, allowing his boyfriend to snatch him up and away. "David, please bring my bags!"

David nodded and shoved up a thumb; his mouth full of food.


"Is that all?" Kurt asked cheekily. His face was fire truck red and his lip was probably the same since he'd been chewing on it for the past five minutes. Blaine shook his head no, nibbling on Kurt's ear. He was supposed to be helping him fight off zombies on the video game they were playing but Kurt was doing all of the work by his lonesome.

"It's not all… then I want to use my tongue." He whispered hotly, using slow swipes to demonstrate along Kurt's ear lobe, starting at the base and teasingly running up the shell of his ear. "Just like that." Blaine then used his free hand to grasp Kurt's waist and pull him back so that they were flush together; making sure Kurt could feel him. He was so hard it was insane.

Kurt gasped as he fought with himself not to grind back. There were a few times he had to remind himself there were in a family establishment. "I'll think about it."

Blaine smiled, moving forward slightly and exhaling against his boyfriend's shoulder. The little friction he got was enough to drive him up the wall. As he moved his hips minimally, Kurt chewed on his lip and continued to play, though their characters were dying terribly at this point. "Come on… pay attention."

"I am paying attention," Blaine tickle-licked at the nape of Kurt's neck and laughed at the shiver it got him. "I'm paying attention to all the spots that make you fall apart. I'll need this information for later."

The words had Kurt considering letting them leave right now. If only they hadn't driven themselves and not with all of their friends. As much fun as it was to hang around David and the rest, he had to acknowledge it'd be even fun to sneak into the spacious Hummer and have a little one-on-one time with Blaine, letting him try out all these things on his 'list'. However, that wasn't an option, and while the arcade had dimmed lighting, they were still in public. His breath caught when Blaine's hand ghosted over the front of his tight shorts and he used his free hand to slap him away. "Behave yourself, please."

"I am behaving like myself." Blaine told him, kissing the boy softly. Kurt tried not to let himself get carried away as he laughed, but the amount of effort he was putting into fighting off zombies was not even worth it at this point. Blaine grinded forward again as he whispered against Kurt's neck. "I want to give you a hickey so bad but dad would kill me wouldn't he?"

Kurt laughed lightly, putting the control gun back in its holder. "Yes he would. Right after he killed me."

"Hm," Blaine put his down as well before holding his hands at each side of Kurt's hips, "I guess we need to put them where he can't see…" slowly, his hands made their way over the front of Kurt's thighs, "where do you suggest?"

Kurt bit his lip for the umpteenth time. As he was about to respond, someone approached with a pretty smile.


Blaine rolled his eyes before he even looked up. Now was not the time. Both he and Kurt turned at the same time, the latter smiling shyly at the girl in front of them, and realization painting over the former's face.

"Yeah… hey," he smiled a little at the girl, "We had class together, right?"

The heavyset Trinidadian girl nodded, "Yes we did," she broke into a smile, "I'm Samantha. We had math together for the first term."

Kurt tapped Blaine a few times to let him know they were still pretty much glued to one another. The elder cleared his throat and let go of him, allowing Kurt to take a step forward. "Cool. Um, how are you?"

"I'm fine…" she trailed off and glanced at Kurt. "Are you… Is this your boyfriend?"

Blaine licked his lips and nodded. "Yes he is as a matter of fact." Kurt smiled because Blaine didn't even think about denying it. He really needed to stop doubting him.

The girl smiled. "Cool. He's cute." After she spoke, someone could be heard calling her name in the distance. The girl looked back to see her family exiting the arcade. "Well, it was cool seeing you. Enjoy the rest of your summer."

Blaine watched the girl wave and pull out her phone as he said goodbye. "See you around." With that, he turned back to his boyfriend and grinned.

"Cute," Kurt said with a scoff. Blaine smiled at the way his nose wrinkled before kissing him on it.

"You are cute, and drop dead gorgeous, and scorching hot, but most importantly all mine."

Kurt smirked. "Yours and David's."

"That's not even a little funny." Blaine said with a smile.

"You're laughing." Kurt leant in and pecked him on the cheek. "What time is it anyway? We need to get going."

As if on cue, Blaine's phone started to ring. He sighed, reaching into his jeans pockets and checking the screen.

"It's Nick. Hold on baby." Kurt nodded, resting his hand on Blaine's shoulder as his boyfriend leant into him.

"Yes, Nicholas?"

"Bring your ass. It's after 6."

Blaine looked down at his watch. "We're coming."

"I bet."

Blaine smirked. "Dude."

"Just hurry, you have the tickets."

"Yeah, yeah."

Blaine hung up after Nick and put his phone on vibrate. He stood up straight and looked at Kurt, smiling at him as they both had the same idea. They met half way in a sweet kiss, lips warm and firm as they connected. When Kurt felt Blaine's tongue running along his lower lip, he smiled and pulled back a bit.


Blaine grinned. "I know, I know. Let's go."

Hand in hand, the couple walked through the now crowded mall. Kurt took in the sights and realized the place was much like what he imagine New York to be. Many people looked and didn't think much of them. Others looked and quickly averted their eyes as if they'd be scorn. Either way, that was a lot better than looking and having a bitch fit because what Kurt and Blaine were doing was against their beliefs.

It was nice that Blaine seemed so relaxed around him, Kurt thought. Them being together in public like this and being affectionate wasn't forced or fake like he'd imagine it to be… at least for someone who liked girls prior to finding him would be on a date (which was essentially what this was). Blaine held his hand tightly and glanced around the mall, making small talk and saying hi to the confused people he knew along the way. He smiled happily and made Kurt smile, all while leading the both of them to the top floor theater.

Once they got off the escalator, they quickly found their friends—the entire gang now holding bags, except for Justin, and chatting animatedly. Vickie noticed Kurt and Blaine first and smiled as the two made their way over.

"We were just talking about you curly! What are the birthday plans next month?"

Kurt smiled at this, glancing over to Blaine as he awaited an answer. Blaine only shook his head, unsure.

"Whatever you guys want to do, I guess. It'll be special coming from all of you." He smiled and they cooed, making Kurt laugh.

"Well we want to throw you a party, so that's what it is!" Justin said proudly, David nodding his head beside him. Blaine rolled his eyes rather hard at that thought.

"Not happening. The cops still hate us for the last one we threw."

Naomi smirked, resting her head on Nick's shoulder. "Can you blame them?"

"Not really," Blaine said honestly. Kurt quirked an eyebrow as he listened. "So please, think of something else."

"Hmm," Jeff hummed, looking up at to the sky that could be seen through the domed roof dramatically. "I've got it! How about we throw you a party!"

The group laughed and Blaine rolled his eyes. "On that note, we're walking away."

"Can I ask what happened at this last party?" Kurt voiced, allowing Blaine to lead the way to the entrance. It was Nick that spoke up in reply.

"Oh, you know. Under aged drinking, lots and lots of smoking a certain type of plant that it's frowned upon to smoke, loud music… shall I continue?"

"Don't," Blaine asked nicely. "All of us were in trouble after that one."

"And it was awesome." Justin said absently, pointing out different coming attractions to Vickie and Jeff. The crew stopped by the employee that was collecting tickets and Blaine handed over the groups'. He let Kurt walk through first and followed after him, both pacing along the burgundy carpet until they were inside the main lobby, surrounded by snacks and win-a-stuffed-animal machines. Justin headed straight over to the line and smiled back at his friends.

"Should I just get a bunch of shit?"

They all nodded. "That'd work," David said. "I'll help you carry it."

"Want something baby?" Blaine asked. The group made 'awww' noises behind them and Kurt tried not to blush as Blaine shot them glances.

"Just something to drink will be fine."

Blaine smiled. "Okay. Go get seats in the very back."

"Really," Kurt asked with a knowing grin, "are you going to try and get your mack on in the back row of the movie theaters?"

Blaine laughed, glancing back at him. "Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't like horror movies?"

Kurt rolled his eyes and Blaine smiled. "I'm serious."

Liar, Kurt thought with a smile. "Ok. I'll sit in the back."

Blaine gave his charming smile. "I'll be there soon."

Kurt backpedaled a few times, eyes locked on the hazel of Blaine's, before he finally spun around. God, this boy was unbelievable. Any second now, Kurt knew he'd wake up in Ohio. His father would wake up and go to work like normal, and he'd have to go to McKinley with Chandler and watch as both of them took locker checks. Not that anything was wrong with Chandler, per se, but everything was right with Blaine. And this was something he seriously hoped was not a dream.

"Hey there," Jeff wrapped the arm that wasn't around Vickie around Kurt, all three of them behind Nick and Naomi. They were headed towards theater 4 as instructed. "So you were a cheerleader?"

Kurt smiled. Here we go. "I was for a while. Yes."

Vickie smirked, elbowing her boyfriend in the ribs. "Leave him alone you perv."


It was pretty hilarious that Blaine's confession was actually the truth. Every single time a spooky part of the movie would come up on screen that would cause eerie music to play, he'd shrink into Kurt's side, and every time the psycho 10 year old killer would pop up out of the blue, he'd jump a bit and popcorn would shake around in its tub. Kurt laughed at first, harder after Blaine poked him and told him to shut up, but eventually he wrapped his arm around the teen and kiss him softly until he relaxed. Other than those scenes, Blaine would be fine—initiating short spurts of make out sessions and tossing popcorn over people a few rows down to where David was, smirking when the elder hit Jeff instead of suspecting him. Kurt thought he could definitely get used to this.

About three quarters of the way through the movie, Blaine got a text from his mother. He checked the message and smiled a little.

Victor and I left Napa a little later than expected, and now we're stuck in terrible traffic. We'll be home a couple hours late. Be good. Love you. –C. Anderson

Turning to Kurt, he leant over for a kiss and grinned. "Would you like to come back to my place for a couple hours? Just to hang out on the beach or whatever…"

Kurt smiled. "I don't see why not. As long as I'm home before midnight."

Blaine nodded. "Promise. Maybe."

Kurt rolled his eyes playfully, all before laughing when a loud noise sounded from the movie and Blaine almost jumped in his lap.

"Will you relax? This is rated PG-13."

"It's scary." Blaine said with a smile. "Stop laughing."


After the movie and dinner at the diner (where David finally got to kick back and watch Jeffrey demand food from another employee) the group hopped into the Hummer. They blasted loud music throughout Long Beach, annoying elderly people and turning heads the entire way to Kurt's place.

Kurt and Blaine said goodnight to their friends, waving goodbye. Blaine watched them take off, smiling when they were finally gone.

"Now I don't have to share you with David."

Kurt nodded, biting his lip. "That's true. What are your plans?"

Blaine liked where this was going. "Go put your bags down. I'll bring the 4 wheeler out front and we'll get out of here."

Kurt nodded. "Sounds good. I'll be right back, then."

Blaine handed over Kurt's keys and stared directly at his boyfriend's ass as he swayed over to the fence, hips rocking rhythmically. Kurt entered the yard and jogged up the steps, turning back and winking at the curly haired teen who appeared to be stuck. Blaine smiled back, winking as well.

"Don't make me wait."

"And if I do make you wait?" Kurt shot back, finally opening the door.

Blaine bit his lips, eyes leaving Kurt's rear and finding his lips. "If you make me wait, I don't let you ride, Kurt. It's as simple as that."

Kurt let the door swing open, biting on his own lip as he turned around. "You don't mean that, Blaine. You're dying for me to ride."

"But you have to be a good boy to ride it. Riding it is a privilege, Kurt."

They held each other gaze and broke into a sexy smile, each licking their lips "I happen to think having me bounce up and down on your ride is a privilege, Anderson."

Blaine felt his boxers get a little tighter and smiled, nodding his head. "You're right. I would love having you hop up and down, screaming in ecstasy as you rode it. It'd be a privilege and an honor."

Kurt flushed some unnamed shade of pinkish red, smiling over at his boyfriend with hot cheeks. "Go get the ATV. I'm going to change into something a bit more comfortable."

He received a head nod as Blaine's eyes left his hips. "Ok baby."

Once the boy disappeared into the house, Blaine went over to his Aunt and Uncle's. When he got inside, both were sitting on the couch. He kissed his Aunt's cheek on his way to the guest room, letting them both know he'd be getting his things and going. Mikey was fast asleep in his room and Blaine smiled at him as he walked past, reminding himself that he needed to pay up for the boy keeping his secret. That reminded him of yogurt and oh yes he needed to stop by the store before they went back to his place. God he couldn't wait to take Kurt back to his place.

By the time Kurt had gotten dressed in a comfortable pair of Ralph Lauren sweat shorts and a dark hoodie over a tank top (he knew he'd get cold by the shore) Blaine was already outside with the engine revving. Kurt grabbed his keys and turned out the lights to his bedroom before jogging down the steps and leaving the home.

He smiled when Blaine was directly in front of his house like the other night, no shirt on again but instead of track pants he wore purple and black basketball shorts, boxer briefs showing from where they were above his waist. Kurt smiled when he saw the locket hanging from the boy's neck, walking over to where he was parked.

Blaine handed over his backpack as he took a look at what Kurt wore. His hooded sweater was unzipped and hung off his shoulders slightly, revealing untouched skin he wanted to put his lips on. "How long before I can get you out of all of that?"

Kurt smiled as he put the North Face book bag on. "You really think you're special don't you?" Blaine laughed and patted the spot behind him, turning around when Kurt mounted it.

"I know I'm special. We're stopping by the store first. Ready to ride?"

Kurt straddled the seat and placed his hands low around Blaine's midsection. The way the boy's muscles clenched made him bite his lip. "Let's ride."


The store clerk found Blaine's recent obsession with Yoplait strawberry banana strange, but didn't judge him as he rang up the 12 packs the teen had purchased. After calculating his change, the man handed it over and wished Blaine a goodnight. Blaine smiled, taking his money and the bag, and wishing the man a goodnight as well. He opened the door to the store and exited, smiling when Kurt clapped happily at the sight of the bag.

"These are for me. Sorry."

"Sure," Kurt said, sliding back so Blaine could get back on. "My dad called and said he'd be in a bit before 11, but still wants me home at 12."

Blaine rolled his eyes. "This sharing thing is not working for me."

"The quicker you drive, the more time we can spend together." he wrapped his arms around Blaine once more, holding on to the bag of yogurt and resting his head on the teen's shoulder. "C'mon. Drive."

"I'm going," Blaine said with a smile, cranking it up and taking off towards his beach home. He bit his lip at the feeling of Kurt's fingers lacing around his abdomen but instead focused on the road, quickly navigating the streets until he was all the way by the beach. Kurt squeezed him tightly as they went into the air and landed on the sand, the ride becoming bumpy as they rode up a hill towards the edge of the beach.

After a few minutes, they had finally arrived. Blaine turned off the ATV and Kurt pulled off the helmet, standing up and handing it over.

"Keep it for now," Blaine told him. "I'll let you drive when we come back out."

Kurt smiled and placed the helmet on the 4 wheeler's seat. "Nice. So what are we doing?"

"Just hanging out for a bit," Blaine's smile was devious, and Kurt knew he was up to something. Honestly, whatever it was he knew he'd like it. Maybe even a lot.

"What does hanging out consist of in this case?"

Blaine smirked. "What would you like it too consist of?"

Kurt glanced over the beach to see only a couple people were out at this point. They were far, far off, down by what was considered the actual beach where the public frequented. Here it was serene and secluded. "You know, you never did let me talk to you about boys while I painted your toenails last night."

Blaine began to laugh, shaking his head and glancing back to the blue eyed teen. Kurt rolled his eyes because this went on for quite some time.

"It's not that funny."

"It's hilarious." Blaine responded, chuckling loudly.

"You won't be laughing when I don't let you taste this, Mr. Anderson."

Blaine stopped laughing altogether, turning back to see if he heard Kurt correctly. The teen walked right past him as if nothing had been uttered, his hips swaying seductively. He bit his lip at the sight. "You shouldn't joke like that." he said simply, finally following behind him.

Kurt grinned, glancing back to see him. "No?"

Blaine walked closer to him. "No. Never."

When they got up the steps of the beautiful home, and Kurt gawked at the huge pool running along the house for a few seconds, Blaine accepted his book bag back. "I'll keep that in mind." He turned to face him now, "Let me in."

Blaine smirked, nodding his head. "Look away for a second and I will."

"I know you have my Mickey Mouse keychain, Blaine." Kurt said obviously. He leant against the beautiful home and waited patiently, smirking as he did so.

Blaine smiled at him in response. "I want it."

Blaine loved that Kurt kissed him so easily. It didn't feel like they'd been together for less than a whole day at all. Softly, he reciprocated, tasting the sugar from the diet soda Kurt drank earlier still on his lips. When they broke away, Blaine bit his lip and Kurt dropped his head coyly. Blaine unlocked the door and pushed it open, allowing him to go in first.

"Let me put this in the fridge and I'll be right up with you." Blaine said, grabbing the plastic bag from Kurt before locking the door behind them. Kurt smiled and thanked him, heading over to the stairs.

"Which room is yours?"

"The very first one at the top of the stairs."

Kurt nodded, jogging up the steps. He reached the top one and pulled off his hoodie, walking into the bedroom.

The only thing Kurt could think was that the room was totally and undeniably Blaine's. There were posters of BMX riders plaguing the walls… one of them looking a lot like a vintage one of Don which made Kurt smile. There were pictures of him and the guys at tournaments with their medals, and trophies were pretty much everywhere he looked. A big stereo system was in the far corner, close to the awning windows, and a huge television was mounted to the front wall. It was pretty typical that what could be seen of the walls underneath all of the posters hung everywhere was actually a royal shade of purple, going perfectly with the king sized bed set Blaine had. The floors were hardwood covered by a gorgeous chic rug with somewhat of a quilted pattern, and all of it reminded Kurt that he really wanted to change everything about his whole entire house.

As he took another step inside, Kurt saw a picture of Blaine with a man that he automatically knew was his father. It was almost eerie how similar the two looked—same dark head of hair, only Blaine had a lot more of it, and same intense stare that could really capture your attention. The smile was spot on with its complete charm. It looked like they put their all into every single smile, no matter how simple or trivial the thing that made them happy was to someone else. The only huge difference was the style of dress—Blaine's father (or the man that Kurt suspected to be Blaine's father) was dressed in what looked like Armani; shirt, tie, the whole 9. Blaine, a bit younger in the photo, had on his backwards cap and held a huge 1st place trophy in his hand. Kurt picked up the photo frame and smiled down at it. The man looked lovely, and it would've been nice to get to meet him.


At the sound of Blaine's voice, Kurt started and turned to him with a coy smile. He put the picture back down in its place and turned to face him. "Hey. I was just admiring the room."

Blaine took a step forward and nodded, glancing to see if Kurt had been looking at what he thought he'd been looking at. He was, and Blaine tensed.

Kurt noticed Blaine's demeanor and wanted to let him know he wouldn't push the subject if he wasn't ready, but Blaine quickly switched his mood, walking over to his stereo and it on. Kurt gave a confused face as the teen hooked his phone up through the auxiliary cord and turned back to face him.

"Thanks. Took a while to get right, you know? It always seemed like something was missing."

Kurt nodded, glancing around again. He smiled at the picture of Jeff on his skateboard throwing up the peace sign. "I hear you."

Blaine smiled. "Maybe a picture of us by my nightstand will make it perfect." he watched Kurt blush and looked away, back to his phone. "I'll print out one we took today."

Kurt smiled softly. "I hope it works for you."

Blaine nodded. "I'm sure it will. I brought up Yoplait." he held it up in the air along with his spoon. "Want?"

Kurt smiled, clapping his hands excitedly. "Gimme."

Blaine shook his head and Kurt's eyebrow shot up in response. "You need to work for it."

"No I don't," Kurt said with a grin. He took a step towards the bed and sat down, crossing his arms over his chest. Blaine could honestly say arms were never a turn on of his, but Kurt's weren't so bad. They were sexy in fact. "I don't have to work for it because you owe it to me. Dare I bring up the Bejeweled travesty again?"

Blaine shrugged. "The only problem with that theory of yours is that I have the yogurt, sweetheart." He waved it in the air along with the spoon. "So are you willing to work for it or would you like to watch me eat it alone?"

Kurt bit his lip, crossing one long leg over the other. "What am I doing exactly?"

"Dancing," Blaine told him simply. "Because I deserve as much attention as that piano in your glee club… you know; the one you practically humped in the video…"

Kurt started laughing and Blaine bit his lip, pressing play on his iPhone. Single Ladies started to play and Kurt rolled his eyes, not believing this was happening.

"First things first, I did NOT hump Brad's piano, and secondly, I'm not dancing. You have to earn a dance."

Blaine smiled, licking his lips slowly, feeling rather smug when he saw Kurt's eyes locked on them when he did it. He pressed pause on the music and turned to face his boyfriend again. "Fine." Opening the top of the yogurt, he looked down at the foil top and smiled, glancing to Kurt and sticking out his long, wet tongue to take a swipe of it. Kurt never moved his eyes off of him as Blaine licked his lips and swallowed, nodding his head in approval.

"It's so fucking good, baby. I bet you want some, huh?"

Kurt exhaled hard, nodding as Blaine took another lick. "I do."

Blaine grinned. "Then I get a dance." He turned right and pressed play on his phone's screen again, the beginning of Beyoncé's song filling the comfortable room. Kurt bit his lip, standing up and walking back over to the center of the room.

"Please sit."

Blaine gladly went over to his bed, plopping down so that he was positioned with spread legs, resting on one elbow and dipping the spoon into the yogurt with the other.

Up in the club, we just broke up; I'm doing my own little thing

Kurt began the choreography, and Blaine sucked on the spoon as he watched Kurt carefully. The boy's eyes were locked on him and Blaine loved every second; the way he threw his arms in the air, the way he poked his hip out and worked it, the way he shook his ass just a few feet out of his reach. Every fucking thing.

The music continued, and Kurt went on with the choreography, working his body a little harder than usual just to drive Blaine absolutely wild. He dipped low, poking it out and mouthing along to the words as he danced.

Blaine licked his lips countless times in a few seconds. Kurt turned around and spanked his ass a few times, smirking at him as he fell in line with the music, before motioning to his hand as he worked his hips again.

"Shit," Blaine muttered, fighting the urge to pull out his cock and ruin their short but beautiful relationship. He put the spoon in the yogurt cup right when Kurt started to gyrate in front of him, shimmying with a teasing look that Blaine wanted to kiss off his face.

"Take the yogurt." Blaine told him, ignoring the tightness in his shorts. "It's fucking yours."

Kurt stopped dancing and laughed, a little out of breath. He rain his hands through his hair, not caring anymore being that Blaine's helmet always messed it up anyway, and sauntered over to where his boyfriend sat. "Can I turn off the music?"

Blaine nodded, watching Kurt shake his hips as he walked away.

Kurt unplugged the phone from the stereo altogether, bringing it back over to the large bed with him and setting it down beside its owner. Blaine took another bite of the yogurt as he looked up at Kurt, swallowing hard. The younger teen sat down on his lap, and Blaine let him take the yogurt cup in favor of placing his hands and Kurt's hips.

"You earned it."

Kurt smirked as he scooped up a generous mouth, holding it to his lips. "Thank you. Glad to hear you liked it."

"Loved it," Blaine whispered, leaning back on one elbow once more and rubbing along Kurt's midriff with his free hand. The boy slowly put the spoon in his mouth and pulled it out just as slow, his eyes locked with Blaine's as he did it.

"How is this so good?"

Blaine shook his head. "How are you so sexy?"

Kurt ignored him, instead dipping his spoon in the yogurt once more. "Want another taste?"

Blaine licked his lips and nodded, steadily teasing at the skin along his boyfriend's waist line. Kurt bit his lip at the feeling and held the spoon to Blaine's mouth. He almost lost his mind when the elder's tongue poked out first, twirling a bit, and then taking it all in. As he sucked it off, Kurt exhaled and spread his legs a little wider over Blaine's lap.

"Your turn." Blaine told him, waiting patiently. Kurt nodded, going to take another bite, but Blaine moved his hand up to grab the spoon and their hands colliding, sending it over Kurt's leg, onto the bed, and then letting it ricochet onto the floor.

"Blaine," Kurt whined, looking down at his yogurt which was more than half full. "Go wash it off."

Blaine rolled his eyes. "This is the perfect opportunity to eat it off of each other." He grinned at Kurt's laugh but rolled his eyes. "I'm so serious, sweetheart."

"I don't know if you're lazy or kinky." Kurt told him with a smile. Blaine answered with a smile of his own.

"Definitely kinky," with a wink, he dipped the tip of his finger into the yogurt, covering it in a generous amount, and then then holding it to Kurt's pink lips. The boy looked at it and smiled. "See? This works."

Kurt, feeling like a tease, showed his tongue for a second before taking a long, tentative lick. He started much further down than the actual yogurt was, more around the second flex of Blaine's index finger, and with his eyes locked on Blaine's he licked softly up the length, wrapping his lips around the tip and sucking it off. Blaine didn't even try to pretend he wasn't getting a boner from this, instead letting Kurt suck softly on his finger while rubbing his hand along the boy's thigh. He could tell by the tent in his boyfriend's sweat shorts that they were on the same track of mind.

"Mm," Kurt finally pulled away, never moving his eyes from Blaine's. "It tastes much better off of you."

Blaine sighed. This would be his last night on earth. Kurt was going to kill him tonight. "Oh yeah?"

Kurt nodded, licking his lips suggestively. Blaine gestured up to the yogurt cup and licked his own lips. "Can I taste it off you?"

And just like that, Kurt was undeniably hard. He nodded his head yes while looking at Blaine; the elder dragging him further up his body by the waist as he waited. He tried not to gasp when Blaine sat him right on his cock, feeling just how turned on he was as well.

Without further hesitation, he slowly dipped his index finger inside the cup until it was half way covered in the yogurt, pulling it out just as slowly so Blaine could watch.

The rider stared with hungry eyes as Kurt's finger approached his lips. He could see Kurt watching expectantly as it hovered over his mouth. When they caught each others eyes once more, he reached up to take Kurt's hand, opening his mouth and pushing the finger all the way inside. He sucked the yogurt off slowly, allowing Kurt to pull it out of his mouth bit by bit. When he did, Kurt let his finger linger at Blaine's bottom lip, biting his own when the boy grinded his hips up slightly.

They continued this a couple more beats; Blaine sucking yogurt of Kurt's thumb, kissing softly at the tip when he pulled off; Kurt holding Blaine's gaze as his flattened tongue cleaned yogurt off Blaine's fingers, then sucking three into his mouth at once. It got to the point where Blaine's eyes had darkened so that they looked black; and the way he was staring let Kurt know how bad he wanted him. When they got to the bottom of the cup, Blaine was slowly thrusting forward, basically grinding up into his boyfriend's ass, and Kurt was encouraging it, gently moving his hips on top of him.

Kurt smirked, placing the last dollop on Blaine face, smearing it across his moist lips and over his chin. He smiled as he got a pointed glaze back, but let Blaine know he'd clean it off, all before leaning in and sucking on each of Blaine's lips a few seconds at a time. Hands immediately found his waist and drifted a bit lower as Kurt's tongue moved down to his chin, sucking off every last drop.

"Fuck, Kurt." Blaine threw his head back and thrust up, sighing at the beautiful friction. He closed his eyes when the taller teen began lapping at his neck, a soft moan escaping his lips. There was no way in hell this guy didn't have experience.

Kurt knew he must've been doing something right. Blaine kept gasping and whispering 'shit' every time he rocked his hips, and every time his tongue teased at his Adam's apple. After a while, he realized he had Blaine completely straddled as the elder lay flat on the bed, both hands running underneath Kurt's tank top across the smooth expanse of skin.

"Baby… kiss me," Blaine whispered, his eyes still shut. Kurt placed another kiss to his neck before sitting up and smiling at how far gone his boyfriend looked. He placed a soft kiss to Blaine's lips and smiled when he opened his eyes.

"Is that good?"

Blaine smiled, slightly out of breath, but shook his head no. "A little more." He smiled at Kurt's giggle, watching the boy move closer and closer to his lips. Once their lips connected for a kiss, he immediately took control.

Kurt hummed as Blaine's tongue entered his mouth. He tasted sweet like the Yoplait and that caramel frappe he drank earlier at the diner. But all thoughts other than 'oh my fucking god' left his mind once Blaine adjusted him so that their cocks were lined up, snapping his hips off the bed and grinding into him.

He broke away with a whimper, moaning into Blaine's shoulder. Blaine took the opportunity to suck hotly into his earlobe, adoring each and every shudder it got him and thrusting faster. The friction was one he couldn't describe, but all he knew was that he'd fall apart at any second. He also knew he needed more… so much more.

"Shit! Blaine, ohmygod Blaine," Kurt's voice was strained, trying to keep quiet but failing miserably. Blaine had slipped his hand beneath his shorts and briefs, squeezing his ass roughly with one hand and cupping Kurt's neck with the other. The bed thumped against the wall with each of their rapid movements, and before Kurt knew what was happening he was on his back; legs spread wide and Blaine sliding between them.

"Fuck," Blaine was completely short of breath, but he showed no intention of slowing down, "so good, Kurt… shit."

"I… yessss," Kurt gave up on forming sentences at this point, settling for the breathy 'aahhh's that left his parted lips as his eyes drifted closed. As Blaine grinded his hard, leaking cock down against Kurt's, he let his hands rest above his head, working his hips in a timed manner with his boyfriend's. Blaine's breathing was totally erratic and he was starting to drip with sweat as he pounded Kurt further into the bed; head buried in his neck and hands squeezing the flesh of his ass so much it might bruise. Kurt didn't complain though—he only gave sighs of pleasure and cries of bliss as his eyes rolled back, a tight feeling chugging deep in his gut. He knew he was close and he knew he'd come harder than he ever had.

"You sound so good…" Blaine told him. He spread Kurt's cheeks and the boy's hand found his hair, pulling roughly.

"Blaine… I'm gonna…" Kurt bit his lip to hold back the scream as he came. Blaine felt the boy tense against him and breathed heavily, thrusting forward a couple more times before he felt his release near as well. As his muscles tightened, he listened to Kurt's moans and gave one more long thrust forward before he came long and hard into his boxers, clenching the bed sheets and groaning into Kurt's shoulder.

The couple lay there for more than a few minutes in complete silence. Blaine focused on regaining composure, and Kurt focused on the fact that he had just done something sexual with his boyfriend. He had to admit it was so much more than he ever imagined.

When both had relaxed and the stickiness in their underwear got to be uncomfortable, Blaine lifted his head from where it rested above Kurt's heart. He smiled at the carefree look of his boyfriend and placed a soft kiss on his lips, rolling his eyes when Kurt blushed.

"I like yogurt."

Kurt laughed, looking up at the purple ceiling. "Yogurt is good."

They smiled for a moment, Blaine shaking his head as he watched Kurt's shy grin. He couldn't believe the situation he was in but would not trade it for the world. He always wanted to be happy with someone and now he felt like he could have that… not because Kurt gave him crazy orgasms or moaned in an octave that drove his absolutely nuts, but because Kurt was everything.

"How about I get us changed and we go hang out outside?"

Kurt smiled. That sounded like a good idea. "Let's do it."


Kurt used the upstairs bathroom to change into a new pair of underwear—Blaine let him wear a pair of boxers that had little dollar signs on it, while the elder went downstairs to change. Kurt put his sweat shorts back on and grabbed his phone from Blaine's bed, going down the steps. He smiled at the interior design of the home. It was clearly beach themed with shells placed in various locations and the ocean blue paint fading into a sunny orange near the top depicting the sunset. Instead of looking around like he'd done earlier in Blaine's room, he decided to go outside and wait. Blaine would give him a tour when he was ready.

He stood outside for a while, eventually trailing over to the ATV and taking a seat. Blaine was taking a lot longer than expected. When he felt his phone vibrate, he yawned and reached for it, cursing when he saw it was a call from Mercedes. He'd forgotten that they were supposed to chat with her an hour ago.


"What happened?" the girl asked straight away. Kurt smiled apologetically.

"I know, I know. I completely forgot. The day stretched a little longer than expected."

He could hear Mercedes laugh and smiled, thankful she wasn't mad. "It's fine. Hey, can I ask you a question?"

Kurt made a strange face at the question. Since when did Mercedes ask permission before asking questions? "Sure. What's up?"

Blaine jogged down the steps of his home with a beach towel thrown over his shoulder, and a guitar in his hand. Kurt gave him an incredulous look as he listened to his friend.

"…because we got a whole bunch of views on a couple of the videos. Born this Way, 4 Minutes, and especially Single Ladies… and someone kept spamming the comments. A username 'BMXxSwag' wrote 'God damn Kurt, dat ass is killing me #YumTheFuckO' more times than I can count."

Blaine smiled as he finally arrived, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek. "Who're you talking to?"

"Hashtag yum-the-fuck-o? What?" he said into the phone.

Blaine smirked at his boyfriend's confusion. He must've been talking to one of those New Directions people.

"Yes… so that was confusing…"

"Well Mercedes," Kurt began, looking at Blaine, "my friends did happen to watch the videos a few times. Isn't that right, Blaine?"

Blaine bit his lip, nodding.

"Oh," Mercedes said. "Well I didn't know you were still with him. Enjoy yourself."

"How about you let me speak with your friend, and I let you take the 4 wheeler for a spin?" Blaine held out his free hand and sat the guitar down, smiling when Kurt looked at him suspiciously.

"Um, he wants to talk to you. Is that cool?"

Mercedes hesitated but eventually said yes. "I'd love to, as a matter of fact." Kurt smirked at her response before handing his BlackBerry over.

"Good luck with her, babe."

Blaine rolled his eyes, watching Kurt strap on the helmet and start up the engine. "Need help with that? I'm not sure if you can handle the ride, baby."

Kurt scoffed, revving the engine even more, and taking off down the beach. He made a u-turn and went in the direction of the city where a couple people remained, camping out by the shore. Blaine smirked, holding the phone to his ear.


"Blaine," she said back, "what was that noise?"

"Oh, Kurt's just taking my ATV for a spin. It looks like he'll be a pro for a first timer…" hopefully she didn't catch the sexual undertone to that because he really hadn't meant to say it aloud.

"Sounds like fun." Yepp. She missed it completely.

"So how are you, Mercedes?"

"I'm fine. Just worried about my boy Kurt."

Blaine shook his head, walking closer to the shore and spreading the towel down. "I don't know why you'd do something like that. Kurt is fine." He glanced across the beach and saw the boy enjoying himself, standing up and riding along the sand. "You won't have to worry about him as long as he's with me, sweetheart."

He could hear the girl laugh lightly. "I don't know why you expect me to trust you just because you say so."

Blaine walked back over to his guitar and picked it up. "I guess you don't really have to. As long as he does." There was no response and Blaine resumed. "I'm a good guy and I like him. And I know you're friends with Chester and all of that is cool. I'm sure Chester was a good guy as well, but they're not together anymore."


"Chauncey… whatever his name is."


"Him, yeah," Blaine sat down on the beach towel with his guitar, glancing up to look at his boyfriend. He couldn't wait for Kurt to ride him like that… "I'm sorry, what?"

"I was saying," Mercedes repeated, "This isn't even about Chandler. It's about you and him. I just want you to know that he's been through a lot, that I'm sure he hasn't mentioned, and my friends and I weren't there for him. I'm not letting him down this time."

Blaine wondered what exactly that meant as he answered. "I appreciate that, but there isn't a need to protect him from me. I'm his boyfriend and I'll protect him.

"How many boyfriends have you had before this?"

Blaine bit his lip. "He's the first one. Hopefully the last."

"He's the first person you've ever dated?"

Blaine rolled his eyes. "I never said that. I've dated before, but he's the first guy. If you're going to judge me than I suggest you save your breath, Mercedes. I mean this in the nicest way possible; I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone else but Kurt."

He heard Mercedes hum a bit and eventually the girl responded. "That's fine Blaine. I'll be happy as long as he's happy. Hopefully it stays that way."

Blaine nodded, watching the ATV come closer and closer. "We're going to spend a little time together. He'll call you later. It was nice speaking to you."

She laughed, knowing he was more than likely lying. "See you next weekend, Blaine."

Kurt parked the ATV near Blaine's house and hopped off, putting the helmet down and pulling his hoodie around him. He saw his boyfriend hang up the phone and reach for his guitar, smiling as he watched him play a few chords.

"I didn't know you had plans of serenading me on the beach tonight. Isn't this romantic?"

Blaine smirked, playing a tune Kurt wasn't familiar with. "I know. I'm the best boyfriend ever."

Kurt lay down next to him on the towel. "How'd the conversation go?"

"She's clearly Team Carlton. How do you think it went?"

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Chandler. And you're ridiculous. What happened?"

Blaine shrugged, plucking the strings lightly. "She doesn't trust me. Nobody does."

"I do."

"Do you really?" Blaine asked sincerely. Kurt smiled softly at the genuine greens swimming in his eyes as he nodded.

"I didn't at first because I was scared. But now I do."

Blaine nodded. They were quiet, looking out over the beach. Blaine's song became louder and louder, and Kurt closed his eyes as he listened. The melody was beautiful; soft in the perfect spots and smooth where it needed to be. So Blaine had a beautiful voice and knew how to play an instrument, but didn't want to audition for Pace? That was ridiculous.

"I've never heard this song before. It sounds beautiful."

Blaine nodded his thanks. "I wrote it for my little sister. Ariel was her name…" he continued to strum, knowing Kurt's eyes were on him but focusing only on the calm water, specifically a boat sailing in the distance, "I wrote it for her and Mikey actually. They would've been the same age this September… only a few days apart. Whenever they'd cry I'd start playing… dad taught me how to play when I was really young. Nick and I, actually." he smiled a little, looking down at his fingers running along the instrument. "And I don't know why I brought you out here." Kurt placed his hand on Blaine's knee and that finally yielded the boy to look at him. "I swear I do the same thing every time."

"Think about them?" Kurt asked. He watched Blaine nod; all before the boy distanced himself again, staring out over the ocean. "I don't want you to feel like you can't think about them around me. What kind of boyfriend would I be to discourage that?"

Blaine continued to play the song, shaking his head.

"Whenever you're ready to talk to me about your dad and Ariel, I'll be here. I bet it'll help you heal, too."

Blaine nodded. He strummed gently, smiling a bit when Kurt sat up just to lean in and kiss his cheek.

"I'm not rushing you. Never."

"I know baby," Blaine told him. "I know." He stopped playing, placing the guitar down next to him. Kurt rested his head on his shoulder and took Blaine's right hand in his own, lacing their fingers together.

"I like this a lot. Did I tell you that?"

Blaine smiled. He liked it too. "Are you warming up to the beach yet?"

Kurt shrugged. "I like it when it's not hot out. But then I get really cool at night so there's no winning I guess."

Blaine kissed his hair. "Come here. I'll keep you warm."

Kurt tried not to blush as Blaine pulled him closer into his arms, the two of them smiling as they looked out over the ocean. The moon was full and glistened beautifully and of course Blaine felt the need to ruin the moment.

"So you wanna fuck or…"

Kurt pulled away laughing, slapping his boyfriend in the arm. Blaine caught his hands after the first two hits and pulled him close again, capturing his lips in the perfect kiss.

Clarissa and Victor, Blaine's mom and her boyfriend, had parked the car in their usual spot. The couple carried their bags and walked onto the beach, after a few paces making it to their rental property. Victor reached for his keys after mumbling about what a long ride it was, Clarissa nodding her agreement. As much as she loved Napa Valley, she hated the commute.

As they reached the front door, Victor rolled his eyes at where Blaine had left the expensive 4 wheeler they'd bought him for Christmas. He told the boy on more than one occasion not to leave it on the beach and instead to bring it onto the property. Before he could complain to the woman behind him, he noticed two bodies not far from the shore, embracing as they kissed. One looked a lot like his future stepson.

"Clarissa, honey," he turned back to the dark haired woman, "Is that Blaine?"

The brunette middle aged woman raised an eyebrow, stepping further on to the deck to get a better view. There was no doubt that the shirtless boy was her son… but the person he was with… was that a…a boy?

Victor dropped his bags and stormed past her, en route to what he knew to be Blaine and another boy kissing and laughing in front of his home. The closer he got, the more he could make out the obvious homosexual who had his arms wrapped around Blaine's neck.

Clarissa followed behind him, not sure what the man was going to do. She sped up so that she was a couple paces behind Victor, trying to understand what was going on. The noise from their quick approach made both boys startled, the pale boy's eyes going wide as he quickly tumbled back, Blaine turning back to see what was going on.

"Blaine? What is this?" Victor didn't sound even a little pleased. The curly haired teen looked from him to his mother as Kurt slid back a little.

"Mom… hey… um," glancing back to a concerned Kurt, he faced forward again… the words not coming out. "I—"

"Sweetie…" Clarissa got a good look at Blaine's friend and she could see the boy pleading with her, probably not to be an asshole, "what is this?"

Victor looked pissed—his whole body rigid as he awaited a response.

"Well…this is Kurt Hummel. We're together." Kurt wished now more than ever that he could disappear. This wasn't only uncomfortable for himself but also for Blaine. Especially for Blaine.

Neither Victor or Clarissa responded for a while and Blaine lowered his head, moving to stand up. Once he did, he wiped a bit of sand of his hands and pulled at his sagging basketball shorts, looking over to his mother again. "He's new to Long Beach and—"

"I'm sorry.. He's you're what?" Victor asked incredulously. This boy had to lose his mind.

Blaine felt his temper growing. He really didn't like this guy. "We're together, Victor. As in Kurt is my boyfriend…"

Clarissa looked down at Kurt again before catching eyes with her second born son. "You're dating… a boy?"

Kurt stood up as well, wondering if he should leave the family to talk. Blaine shook his head no when he noticed. "Relax baby," he told him, pleading with his eyes. Kurt took a deep breath and nodded, ignoring Victor's heavy gaze on him.

"Blaine, son… you're not a homo. Stop playing games and go in the house."

Blaine snapped around to see if he heard that correctly. His mother's boyfriend showed no sign of wanting to recant. "Excuse me?"

"Victor," Clarissa stepped forward but the man held up his hand, staring Blaine in the eyes and continuing.

"He's clearly a homo, son," he pointed to Kurt but never took his eyes off Blaine, "but don't let this queer trick you into thinking you're one too."

Kurt tensed at his words, knowing that Blaine would retaliate. He was absolutely right as Blaine took a step towards the man, hatred burning in his eyes. "First, you need to watch what you say about him, so help me god… and second, I am not, nor will I ever be your son." He spat the words out vehemently like they were the most disgusting thing he'd ever tasted, only relaxing when he heard Kurt's voice.

"Blaine… its fine, I promise." he told him just above a whisper.

Victor scoffed. "Tell the fairy to go home. It's time for you to be in the house."

"Are you out of your mind?" Clarissa stood in between her son and the man, staring up at the latter. "Don't disrespect either of them like this!"

"Are you?" Victor asked with an incredulous laugh, "You're letting him disrespect you yet again! First with the parties and now by bringing this homo shit to our home!"

Blaine's fists clenched as he took another step past his mother, but Kurt grabbed him before he could do anything he'd regret. "Stop, Blaine."

"Go, Victor."

Victor nodded, glance back at the two teenagers. "I'm not letting my child be raised around this abomination. You need to do something about it."

Clarissa closed her eyes as both Kurt and Blaine raised their eyebrows at the statement. The man went back towards the house as Blaine worked himself out of his boyfriend's hold.

"Child?" he asked. The woman turned around, slowly lifting her eyes to look at Blaine's. "What is he talking about?"

"Blaine…" she shook her head as she glanced at Kurt, "what is this?"

"It is what I said it is, mom. Kurt's my boyfriend." He said it simply, not faltering his gaze, "And I promise you if I ever hear him disrespect him again—"

"Blaine," Kurt said softly. None of this was worth him threatening someone and getting in trouble over. Blaine sighed, relaxing his shoulders and turning around.

"I know. Sorry."

Clarissa shook her head, taking a few paces forward until she could only see Kurt. "I don't understand any of this, and I really wish we could've met differently… I'm so sorry about what my fiancé said to you."

"Fiancé?" Blaine turned to face them in disbelief. "What the fuck is going on?"

Kurt sighed, wanting to walk away but wanting to be there for Blaine even more.

"I'm pregnant, Blaine… and Victor and I are getting married." Tears welled in her eyes and Blaine only looked at her. "I'm so sorry—"

"I'm staying at uncle Don's for a while."

Kurt felt his heart break once the shock died down and Blaine grabbed his hand, leading them away.

"Blaine, wait—" she pleaded.

"Let's go babe."

Kurt frowned, following after him. "You don't want to hear her out?"

The boy scoffed. "There's nothing to hear."

When they reached the ATV, Blaine handed his boyfriend the helmet and asked if he had everything. Kurt nodded, placing it on his head, trying not to glance back to Blaine's mom but doing so anyway. The woman looked so hurt and confused and it literally pained him. Blaine didn't seem as bothered though, climbing on the vehicle and starting it up.

"Come on, babe."

Clarissa watched Kurt finally turn away and straddle the 4 wheeler, sitting close behind Blaine and wrapping his arms around him. She also saw her son relax tremendously at the action, all before cranking the ATV and driving off.


The ride was filled with tension all on Blaine's behalf. He drove fast and more reckless than he ever had, barely stopping at stop signs and cutting cars off. Kurt gripped him tightly, trying to convey that it'd be alright, but at the moment his boyfriend didn't seem to want reassurance.

They pulled up in front of the Hummel residence, Blaine cutting off the engine and wasting no time hopping off the vehicle. He cleared his throat and spit on the ground, forcing his hands into his pockets and looking around the quiet neighborhood.

Kurt pulled the helmet off and attached it to the handle bars as usual. He glanced over to his quiet boyfriend, waiting to see if he'd relax a bit. Blaine only paced back and forth, ruffling his hair and looking at the ground.

"We should talk about this." Kurt said quietly. Blaine shook his head no.

"I hate talking. At least about sad stuff."

"I like talking," Kurt said with a light smile, "so we should learn to meet half way, maybe?"

Blaine looked away, shrugging his shoulders. Kurt shook his head and looked up at him, his head cocked to the side in the way that Blaine honestly adored.


A pickup truck turned onto the block and Kurt turned to see his father quickly pulling into the driveway. He looked from the dark vehicle to his boyfriend who watched Burt park and climb out the Ford truck, slamming the door behind him. The man immediately laid his eyes on Blaine, shaking his head at the sight. This kid would be a problem, he was convinced.

"Hey dad," Kurt said with a smile. Burt glanced to his son on the 4 wheeler and raised an eyebrow.

"Hi Kurt. Blaine… I can see your underwear, son."

Blaine pulled his hands out his pockets and pulled his shorts up, pulling at the drawstring when they were by his waist. He saw Kurt smirking at him and rolled his eyes, looking back to his boyfriend's father.

"Hello sir."

Burt nodded, holding onto the fence. "Hello." He looked away and to his son who looked very complacent. "Kurt, don't you think it's time to come inside?"

Kurt frowned at his dad's question before turning his attention to Blaine. The boy only shrugged, (and that was seriously starting to get on Kurt's nerves) and gestured over to his uncle's house. "Text me or something."

Kurt smiled, getting up off the ATV and walking over to Blaine. He said thank you to the boy as he accepted his things back; phone, keys… and something else Blaine had slipped to him. He saw a silver ring when he glanced into his hand, but knew his father was watching so he walked off.

"You might as well kiss him goodnight." Burt said aloud. "I'm not stupid."

Kurt stopped dead in his tracks as he walked towards his father, and Blaine's eyes went wide as he smirked, looking far down the block. He tried not to worry about the fact that Burt knew now because obviously the man was about to let Kurt kiss him goodnight. That was a good thing, right?

Kurt smiled at his all-knowing father before turning around. He saw Blaine smirking and wanted to hit him so bad. "I am in so much trouble," he whispered, laughing when Blaine wrapped his arms around him. "Don't make it worse."

Blaine smiled, holding him carefully. "You might as well kiss me, then."

Kurt smiled back, remembering his dad was creeping and kissed the boy chastely. Blaine held him close, enjoying the feeling for as long as he could. He hated what Kurt had to experience with Victor and his mom; he really needed to relax and Kurt did that for him. Unfortunately, the boy pulled away, smiling as he blushed. "Call me as soon as you can, please."

"OK, baby." he responded.

Kurt said goodnight and walked off, ignoring his dad's heated gaze as he brushed past him. Blaine watched him go sadly, wishing they could have another sleepover, but when he noticed Burt staring at him he cleared his throat and set to walk off.

"Goodnight, Mr. Hummel."

"Night." The man responded, turning to follow his son. He and Blaine had a stare down as he walked to his door and Blaine walked to Don's. Eventually it was the teen that turned away, pulling out his keys and walking inside. Burt looked away, entering his house and watching Kurt walk straight to the kitchen. He closed the door behind himself and locked it, dropping his bag and walking into the living room.

At first it was awkwardly quiet. Kurt pretended to look for something in the fridge knowing his dad would start up sooner or later. Apparently it was sooner.

"So he's straight, huh?"

Kurt smirked, pulling out a can of diet soda and entering the living room. "Not so much."

His father didn't respond. Instead, he turned on the television and sat back, quickly finding ESPN and watching Sports Center.

"I know what you're thinking." Kurt said simply.

Burt smiled, shaking his head. "What am I thinking, Kurt?"

"That he's going to hurt me."

Kurt watched his dad pretty much nod at the statement. "And you aren't thinking that?"

"I'd be a liar if I said it didn't cross my mind at some point." Kurt stepped forward, twirling the can in his hands. "But I trust him."

Burt sighed. His head hadn't stopped shaking since the conversation started. "I don't understand this relationship."

Kurt laughed. "Neither do I dad. Blaine is one of a kind and sometimes he's hard to read. But he needs me a lot right now and I'm not bailing on him."

Burt looked at him.

"I'm going to need you to trust me."

"Why do you trust him?"

Kurt looked back at his father. "It's not something I can explain, it's just something I know. It's… it's just second nature."

They both grew quiet. The only noise heard was that of the commentators on the television. "You have work in the morning. You should probably get some rest, yeah?"

Kurt nodded. "Yes. Goodnight dad."

Burt smiled, turning to see him. "Goodnight. Love you son."


Blaine lay in bed, staring at the inside of his locket. His father and sister looked so happy and full of life he had to close it. it was only torture when he got like this.

Silently, Blaine prayed that he'd be able to get to the point where Kurt was with Elizabeth. He didn't think he'd ever get there honestly. Not with his mother about to marry some chump and carrying the ignorant man's seed.

Mikey tossed and turned in the bed and Blaine glanced over, pulling the little boy closer to him. He knew he had bad dreams and sometimes it helped when he held him.

His ringtone went off and Blaine quickly went to grab his phone off the charger before his cousin could wake up.

"Hi baby. What's up?"

Kurt listened to the somber voice on the other line and sighed. "What happened to my phone call?"

"Sorry." Blaine said with a sad smile, "didn't want to depress you. I kinda feel like crying right now…"

"Oh baby," Kurt had a serenity to his voice that made Blaine smile instead. He also smiled because that was the first time Kurt called him baby all day. "I'm here if you need me. Please don't shut me out."

"I know that love, I know," Blaine said. "I…" he broke off, shaking his head in the dark. "I have Mikey here so I don't want to make too much noise."

Kurt breathed softly into the receiver. "I miss you."

Blaine smiled. "I miss you too. How soon until your father kills me?"

"I told him about us." Kurt smiled, "he wasn't pleased but I don't think he wants you dead, either."

"That's reassuring."

Kurt laughed. They both got quiet and Blaine stared at the ceiling, listening to Kurt breathe and wishing he could sneak in. He wasn't going to risk it though.

"What is this ring you gave me?"

Blaine smiled. "I'll tell you later. Just put it on."

Kurt rolled his eyes, but did as told. "You're so mysterious, Anderson."

Blaine bit his lip, closing his eyes. Kurt spoke again softly.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

Blaine shook his head no as if he could be seen. The last thing he wanted to do was think about that douche. "I'll take you out for lunch tomorrow during your break. We'll talk then. For now I just want to relax."

"Ok," Kurt told him. "I just want you to know I'm sorry about all of that… I don't want you to do anything stupid—"

"None of it was your fault, baby. And I won't."

Kurt sighed. "Please."

"I won't," Blaine laughed lightly. "Sing to me please. I thought my shower would put me to sleep but I can't."

Kurt smiled. "Alright. Any requests?"

"A beautiful-borderline cheesy love song."

Kurt laughed, raking his mind. "Okay. You're lucky I started liking you."

Blaine smiled. "I know."

They both smiled in silence, in their respective rooms, staring up at their respective ceiling. Kurt began to sing softly, his voice high but clear, just enough to make Blaine fall in love with him for the millionth time that day.

Maybe it's intuition

But some things you just don't question

Like in your eyes

I see my future in an instant

and there it goes

I think I've found my best friend

I know that it might sound more than

a little crazy but I believe

Kurt closed his eyes before continuing, listening to Blaine's soft breaths. Of course he wanted to hold him, let him know it was fine, but this would do for now. There'd always be tomorrow.

I knew I loved you before I met you

I think I dreamed you into life

I knew I loved you before I met you

I have been waiting all my life

Blaine smiled. Hopefully this song wasn't coincidental. He felt his eyes drifting closed as Kurt continued, his beautiful voice playing a perfect melody in his head. He wanted to have it play all night, just so he knew he could dream about him. That would be so perfect.

Kurt stopped after hitting the chorus again and smiled. Blaine hadn't protested, so he knew the boy was drifting to sleep if he wasn't already there. Softly, he said his name, and Blaine grumbled adorably into the line.

"Goodnight, Blaine."

Blaine sighed, blowing a kiss into the phone. "Night beautiful."


The last thing Farrah was expecting to see as she cleaned the windows of the shop was Blaine's supposedly broken ATV parked across the street; with the BMX rider seated comfortable on it with her coworker perched on top of his lap. They were practically trying to swallow one another as they kissed, hands in each other's clothes and tongue's exploring each other's mouths.

She stared blatantly, not believing her eyes. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's body and deepened the kiss (if at all possible) and Kurt dragged his hands from Blaine's tight shirt to the boy's hair, digging roughly. Disgustedly, Farrah looked away cleaning the windows and getting ready for opening.

For the next few minutes, this continued. She shot them glances and checked her watch for the time, clocking to make sure this wasn't how the boy was spending the time he was supposed to be working. Kurt had exactly 3 minutes to be inside and clocked in she noted, rolling her eyes when she glanced up again and Blaine smirked at her, squeezing Kurt's ass as the boy kissed his neck.

"Jenna, take the windows," she dropped her rag and stormed off, over to her counter. Jenna rolled her eyes but walked over; abandoning the price tags she'd been putting around the store. When she got there, her eyes went wide at the sight of Kurt making out with sex on a stick Blaine Anderson across the street.

"What the—"

Kurt grinned as Blaine sucked hard on his lower lip, unlacing his fingers from his hair and poking him in the chest. "C'mon, I gotta go."

"Call out… say you're sick…"

Kurt grinned as he pulled away. "Your uncle saw me fifteen minutes ago, honey."

Blaine pouted, sticking out his lower lip childishly. He smiled when Kurt kissed it, all before hopping off his lap.

"Have fun at the skate park. Stay out of trouble."

Blaine rolled his eyes. "I'll be good, I swear."

Kurt rolled his eyes, looking both ways along the quiet road before crossing. He heard Blaine say 'god damn' at the way he shook his hips and grinned, otherwise ignoring him.

Jenna was at the window with a rag and Windex and a dropped jaw when he got to the shop. He laughed before leaning in and kissing the blonde's cheek.

"You okay, girl?"

"Were you just swapping spit with 'he's straight slash we're not dating' Blaine Anderson?"

Kurt smirked. "I was." He looked around the shop and found Farrah ignoring him completely. "Good morning."

"Kurt." She said, still not looking up. He smirked and rolled his eyes.

"I'll be in the back if anyone needs me."

He adjusted his satchel and walked through the store with a smile. It felt so good to shut that bitch up. Hopefully it'd stay that way.

End Notes:

Songs mentioned:


Songs mentioned:

Whistle- Flo Rida

I'ma Boss – Meek Mill

Girl on Fire – Alicia Keys

Party Rock Anthem – LMFAO

Dog Days Are Over – Florence and the Machine

Born this Way – Lady Gaga

Single Ladies – Beyoncé

4 Minutes – Madonna

I Knew I Loved You – Savage Garden



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