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Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.

Ride: In Your Dreams

E - Words: 14,376 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Sep 28, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2013
268 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

There's embarrassing mistakes because this one is unedited. I'll get to it later. 

Chapter 19 - In Your Dreams

To Burt:

Help me.

To Burt:

Are you around? I need you to respond to me as soon as you get this, ok?

To Burt:


To Burt:

Your son broke up with me. I feel dead inside.

To Burt:

My life has no purpose now.

From Burt:

Who is this?

To Burt:

. It's Blaine. Blaine Anderson. I've been with your son for almost 2 months now.

To Burt:

You and I have met on several different occasions…

From Burt:

I keep forgetting you have my number.

To Burt:

I said your son broke up with me. You have one son, Papa Bear. Who else would it be? Please keep up, man. This is a hard time for me.

From Burt:

So am I kicking your ass now? You must've done something to hurt him, obviously.

To Burt:

He won't speak to me. He's literally packing his things up.

To Burt:

And do you want to know what it is that I did?

To Burt:

I ate the last Yoplait. I ate the last Yoplait and he called things off.

To Burt:

Because obviously we didn't mean more than the last Yoplait to him.

From Burt:

Even I know not to touch his yogurt, kid. You're on your own.

To Burt:

So you're not going to help me out with this?

From Burt:

I'm going back to work, Blaine.

Kurt walked into the kitchen and leant against the door frame; his arms folded as he stared at Blaine. The elder teen frowned a little and placed his phone on the counter.

"Hey babe—"

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Kurt questioned, his eyes boring a hole straight into honey colored ones across the room. Blaine could only shake his head as he shrugged dejectedly.

"Like I told you before, beautiful, I didn't know that was the last one. I honestly thought there was more. And you know Jeff ate a majority of them when he was over here last night. I only had one and I didn't know it was the last one—"

"It's always the same thing with you, Blaine. You know that?" Kurt turned and walked away from the kitchen, trying his best not to laugh as he did so. "You're always trying to pass blame on someone else and then you belittle everything and make these insane excuses."

Blaine followed him into the living room where Nick sat on the couch, shaking his head at everything happening around him. "Did you really have to pack things, though? Is this how it's always going to be? Every time we fight, you pack things and leave?"

"I hope you two are practicing for a drama exercise at Pace or something because this is fucking ridiculous—"

"STAY OUT OF THIS DUVAL!" The boys said simultaneously. Nick shook his head even harder and went back to his video game.

"Freaking weirdos…"

Kurt sat down on the staircase to do his laces, not bothering to look up at his silly 'ex' boyfriend. He knew he'd laugh right away and this was a little bit too fun. Blaine on the other hand was pouting harder than he ever hard. He went to stand in front of the door with folded arms, telling himself he wasn't going to move until he and Kurt made this right.

"You're going to make me late for work," Kurt finished tying his second shoe and stood to his feet, smoothing his hands across his royal blue Ralph Lauren Polo. Of course Blaine couldn't help but follow his hands and his boyfriend smirked at how predictable he was. "So, please excuse me."

"Let me take you to work so we can talk about this."

"Jeff is taking me to work," Kurt crossed his arms as he approached, tilting his head to one side. Nick's ears perked up at the mention of Jeff, naturally. They weren't exactly exclusive but they'd been going out every day since they got back from Disneyland and with everything that'd happened between them since now and then, there was no doubt in Nick's mind that they'd make it official soon. It was all a matter of asking…

How do I ask? I need to do something big…

"Now, if you'd please," after motioning for Blaine to move, Kurt gave him the sexiest smile he could muster, which honestly didn't take much work, and pushed the teen aside. "I need to go make some money to buy myself some more yogurt, thank you."

Blaine rolled his eyes as he stumbled to the left a bit, watching Kurt open the door of the beach house. He walked over to the door and took a nice long look at the Raspberry colored Polo Ralph Lauren shorts his ex was wearing. Did he really have to call him his ex, though? It wouldn't be official in Blaine's book until Kurt changed their relationship status on Facebook, to be honest. But back to the shorts. They were very nice shorts, so he stared a little. Or a lot.

"Call me when you get to work!"

Kurt waved absently before walking around the pool on the side of the house to go up to where Jeff parked the vehicle. He drove his dad's car today, Kurt noticed, and he smiled when the skater saw him coming.

Blaine closed the door and sighed, dragging a hand down his face. "Can you believe that?"

Nick continued to press buttons on the controller as he shook his head adamantly. "As a matter of fact, B, I cannot believe that."

Jeff smiled into the hug he got and made sure not to do anything to get his ass kicked by Blaine as he reciprocated. His friend may not have been outside, but he knew Blaine had a sixth sense about when someone was flirting with Kurt. It was like how Spider-Man had his 'Spidey senses' tingle. With Blaine, if someone hugged Kurt too long, or happened to glance at his ass when he walked past, he swore the rider got this itch and would start looking around the vicinity, trying to find out what exactly was happening. It was funny in a really weird as fuck type of way.

"So what's up, Ohio?" Jeff pulled away with a smile, tossing the toothpick he was using away. "How's your day so far?"

Kurt got into the new model Nissan Maxima and strapped in, looking around the spacious vehicle. He smiled at Jeff when he settled into the driver's side. "Everything is going okay, I guess. Besides the fact that Blaine ate my last yogurt."

Jeff's eyes went wide as he started the vehicle. "Did you hurt him?"

"No," Kurt laughed and looked out the window as his friend started to pull off, "I'm not into the whole domestic abuse scene. But I did tell him it was over between us and he's taking it pretty hard."

Jeff turned his music off completely as he laughed and turned to face Kurt. "You're wrong for that. You know that boy would take a bullet for you. The idea of not being together is probably destroying him right now."

Kurt bit his lip and turned to face Jeff as the blonde began to drive onto a backstreet. "I broke up with him because he ate the last yogurt." He put the words in air quotes and smiled, "I'm sure he knows I'm not being real…"

"Was it Yoplait yogurt?" Jeff questioned seriously. "Because we all know how you feel about Yoplait, Ohio…"

Kurt rolled his eyes and looked away again. "You all are ridiculous. It was indeed Yoplait but there's no way in hell we'd legitimately break up over something like that. In fact, I can't see us ending it over anything for a long, long time."

Jeff smiled at the words as he yielded for traffic. "Are you two ready for that Pace audition or what?"

Now, Kurt nodded proudly. "We're ready. Blaine has perfected Bach's Sonata No. 1. I'm amazed watching him play. He has this grace and effortlessness about him that—"

"Turns you on," Jeff provided, wiggling his eyebrows. Kurt blushed as he giggled a bit.

"No. Well, yeah, but that wasn't what I was going to say," he shook his head when Jeff scoffed and bit back a laugh, "I was actually going to say there's this effortlessness that makes you think he's been playing 20 years or so. He's an incredible musician and it just blows my mind."

Jeff nodded, steering the car around a corner. "That boy was born to play music. He was born to love you, and to play music."

Kurt blushed even darker now and turned to face his friend. "You must want something…"

"No," Jeff laughed and put his foot on the brakes, "I'm being completely honest. Now, Pace is going to provide you with the greatest senior year in the history of senior years. Blaine's auditioning for Orchestra and I have no doubt he'll blow their minds with his Johann Sebastian Bach and anything else they ask him to play, but you know there are maybe four other guys auditioning for your spot…" Jeff pulled off and onto the main road, glancing to his right a bit to see Kurt, "You without a doubt have the voice. I know that the judges like Riley and O'Connor would probably kill to have a talented countertenor graduate from their school. You have the advantage with that."

"But?" Kurt played at the hem of his shorts and looked at the blonde, "I feel like there's a 'but' here…"

"But," Jeff supplied, "I don't know if the other dudes auditioning may have something they find appealing as well. That's why I need to hear you audition for me now."

Kurt smiled and shook his head as they drove past a movie rental place. "Are you serious, Jeff?"

"I'm extremely serious, Ohio," Jeff looked up into his rearview mirror as he continued, "Listen. I've been through the audition process. I've watched kids go up before me. Even though I auditioned for the Dance program, it's not much of a difference. I needed to stand out a part from the rest. They wanted me to give them something that the rest refused to because they were too busy playing it safe."

"And that was?" Kurt questioned sincerely. He was willing to do what was necessary. It wasn't even about not having to go to JFK High School anymore, because as much as he hated the idea of attendingthe Southern California version of McKinley, he wasn't auditioning for this arts school with the sole purpose of not having to go thereThe whole point of this was to be successful and start planting the seed for the rest of his life. After Pace would be New York, and there he'd hopefully get into the college of his dreams. There, the seed would start to grow, and he'd feed it until it bloomed completely and he was the performer he knew he could be. This was what Kurt wanted for his life—the very thing he talked about with his mother for so many nights; some when she was alive, many when she wasn't. Getting into this school was so much more than the obvious. It was what he needed if he had any chance of being the person he wanted to be.

"I not only performed with my heart and soul, but I took risks, Ohio. I had choreography where it was 90% possible that I'd bust my ass trying to do some moves, which had happened in a lot of my rehearsals until I had bruises in a few places, but it paid off in the end. Riley even told me that had I not successfully landed the Grand Jetes, I still would've been chosen," Kurt nodded as he listened, taking it all in, "The key is to impress them by showing the type of performer you are. Passion goes a long way."

"Do you want to hear my audition song?"

"Of course," Jeff pulled up in front of Odyssey about ten minutes early and parked the car. Kurt could see Mikey inside with Don and smiled as he turned back to face his friend.

"It's Being Alive from Company."

Jeff smiled and nodded, removing his seatbelt and getting comfortable. "Hit me with it."

Kurt nodded, removing his seatbelt as well and turning in the seat a bit. He took a deep breath, cleared his throat, and began to sing, and Jeff listened closely.

Someone to hold you too close,
Someone to hurt you too deep,
Someone to sit in your chair,
To ruin your sleep.

Someone to need you too much,
Someone to know you too well,
Someone to pull you up short
And put you through hell.

Jeff's eyes rose a bit and he nodded. Kurt breathed in and continued to sing from his diaphragm.

Someone you have to let in,
Someone whose feelings you spare,
Someone who, like it or not,
Will want you to share
A little, a lot.

Someone to crowd you with love,
Someone to force you to care,
Someone to make you come through,
Who'll always be there,
As frightened as you
Of being alive,
Being alive,
Being alive,
Being alive.

"I'm going to stop you right there," Jeff reached between them and picked up his bag of BBQ potato chips. Kurt wasn't surprised that he'd chose a time like now to start eating so he waited patiently.

"You didn't like it?"

"Actually, it was hands down the best rendition of Being Alive that I've ever heard, even though you were nowhere near done— no disrespect to any of the greats like the lovely Streisand or Lupone or Mr. Raul Esparza. I'm simply saying you kicked their asses and we're just chilling in this Nissan. Imagine on stage."

"Bullshit," Kurt shook his head no when Jeff offered him some chips, "just say what you need to say because I'm not buying what you're selling."

Jeff shrugged as he chewed a bit. "You don't have to believe me but I'm stating my opinion. With that being said, I can promise you at least one of the other guys auditioning in your department will sing that same song. Guarantee."

Kurt's face dropped a bit.

"I can also guarantee that the judges hear it a lot."

"You're shitting me, right? Please say you're shitting me." Kurt looked at him seriously and when Jeff shook his head nope, his faith broke a little.

"I'm not shitting you, bro."

"Shit," Kurt threw his head back against the seat and sighed. "What the hell am I going to do now? We've been practicing so much and the audition is in a few days! I can't blow this, Jeff—"

"Calm down, Ohio," he put the chips down and nudged the boy wearing the royal blue in the shoulder. "That's what I'm here for. I'm here to help."

Kurt took a deep breath and nodded, still staring up at the ceiling. "Okay. So what do I sing? Defying Gravity was on the list and Rachel said it should definitely be a backup. I can totally hit the high F in my sleep even though I threw it purposely singing against her—"

"You're rambling like that cutie pie boyfriend of yours." Jeff said shaking his head.

Kurt smiled and took another quick breath, trying to relax. "Ex-boyfriend."

"Yeah, whatever," Jeff laughed along with his friend and checked the time, noting they still had a few minutes. "Listen, people probably audition with Defying Gravity as much as they do with Being Alive, if not more."

Kurt sighed and closed his eyes. "I'm screwed."

"I don't think so," Jeff took another chip and swallowed before responding, "Remember what I said about taking risks?"

Kurt nodded. "You said it like five minutes ago, of course I remember."

"Don't sass me, Ohio," Jeff laughed as Kurt smirked at him, "It's as simple as that. You and your boyfriend have to knock those judges out of their seats. You need to not only sing, but perform. Show all of them your singing skills, show them your acting, maybe a little dancing, and show them you have the ability to play off of another person to bring that performance to life."

Kurt stared at the ceiling as he thought about it. "I don't think I'm following. What song do you recommend then? Because that's a lot to do and it may be too over the top, you know what I mean?"

Jeff smiled as he nodded. "I think I get where you're going, and it would be over the top if you were doing all of this on stage by yourself, but you're not. You're singing a duet, Kurt. With the two of you on stage, and all of your charisma—"

"Wait," Kurt laughed after checking the time on the dashboard, "I really have to go in to work in another couple minutes but wait… you're expecting me to duet with Blaine? Is that the plan? The same Blaine who refuses to sing outside of our home because he's too," Kurt put his air quotes up again, "shy to sing around people that aren't close to him? Which I will never for the life of me understand…" Kurt mumbled the last part to himself and Jeff nodded to him.

"I love how you just called the beach house 'our home' by the way, but yes, that's what I expect, Ohio." Kurt tried not to blush as he wondered if he'd actually said that aloud, "I know how your boyfriend feels about sharing his voice, and Nick told me a few years ago that it all goes back to something that happened during a recital when they were like 9 years old, so I'm pretty sure Blaine can get over that fear by now." Kurt gave a bemused look and Jeff shrugged and continued, "Nick won't say what it was because he pledged his loyalty to his best friend, but just know that the reason Blaine doesn't sing is because of something that happened in fourth grade."

Kurt nodded. "Well I was fine with him being comfortable on stage and auditioning. I don't want to disturb that. He's opening up and he's willing to go to this school just to be with me for senior year. He really doesn't have to, you know, especially since I just ended our relationship over him eating the last yogurt cup."

Jeff smiled and swallowed another bite. "I think if you talk to him, he'd be willing to listen. And I know Blaine wants to sing with you. I know he'd love to sing a duet with you and proudly. And, you know that with the right song, you two could act it out perfectly and have the judges eating out your hands. Let's be real for a minute," Jeff grabbed another handful of chips and Kurt shook his head at him, "you two are going to be the power couple of Pace. The judges will be able to see that and they're going to love it."

"What about you and Nicholas," Kurt smiled as he caught eyes with Jeff, "because you two have power couple written all over you."

"How is that possible when we aren't even officially together?" Jeff asked with a soft laugh.

"Do you plan on changing that?"

"I plan on changing that just like you changed the topic of this conversation, Hummel."

Kurt smirked and shrugged. "I'm just saying. You should get on that, Sterling."

"Yeah," Jeff smiled and played with his bang a little, "I will. Tomorrow night, possibly. There's this diner a couple towns over. The waiting staff rides around on their rolling skates, it's totally cool."

Kurt nodded. "That sounds nice."

"It's in Laguna Beach and there's also a drive-in movie theater type of thing, just like in the '50s. I was thinking I'd ask Nick, and you'd ask Blaine, whenever you two settle your differences."

"Like a double date?" Kurt asked with a grin. "That'd be awesome! The only problem is you're making me change around my entire performance for this audition and I need to start from scratch. I don't think I have time to drive to Laguna Beach for dates right now…"

Jeff leant back in the seat. "You shouldn't worry about that audition, Ohio. I'm convinced that once Riley, O'Connor and Mrs. Benjamin see that you and Blaine are undeniably talented and the chemistry between you two is epic, they'll accept you on the spot. No deliberation or anything."

"That sounds great and all but I'd like to have a game plan before I show up for an audition in front of such prestigious people I admire deciding my fate."

"We're going on that double date, Kurt. You see, I'm calling you Kurt and not your real name, Ohio, so you know this is serious shit."

Kurt laughed and shook his head. "You're ridiculous, Jeffrey."

"I'm serious, man." Jeff glanced out of the driver's side window at a few people hanging out across the street as he resumed, "I want to ask him to be my boyfriend and I want you guys there. Well not in our car, because I intend to get my mack on, but in your car wherever you park."

Kurt nodded as he thought about it. "I'm going to talk to Blaine about the possibility of a duet. If he doesn't seem interested, I'm not pushing it. I'll stick with Being Alive and give it my all. Hopefully, if another guy sings it, I'll knock him out the park."

Jeff smiled softly and nodded. "Alright, bro. I can't fault you." his phone vibrated and he picked it up as Kurt continued.

"And this double date sounds like it could be a lot of fun. I've never been to a drive-in movie theater before. The whole late '50s early '60s thing gives it even more appeal."

From Blaine:

My nose is itching. Are you flirting with Kurt?

Jeff rolled his eyes. Apparently the 'Blaine senses' needed a little bit of work. "I tell you what," the elder began, "you come to Laguna Beach with us. We'll do a bit of shopping then head over to the diner for the movie. Then, I'll explain to Blaine everything I just told you. The boy would do anything for you, Ohio. He knows how bad you need into this school and I know a duet would secure that position. I'm certain he won't even think twice about it."

Kurt nodded his head a couple times and smiled a little. "Alright, Jeff. We're on, then."

"You're the best!" the blonde clapped a couple times before fist pumping. "Tomorrow is going to be awesome!"

Kurt laughed, biting his lip, "And the whole being able to make out in the car thing sounds like fun, no matter how cliché it may be."

"Exactly!" Jeff grinned until he noticed a four foot tall, curly haired, purple and white striped shirt little human walking up to the passenger side window. "Oh, it must be time for you to go in. Your escort is here."

Kurt turned to look out the window and smiled when he saw Mikey waiting for him outside. "Alright Jeff. Thanks for the ride and we'll talk tonight."

"For sure, bro," Jeff waved hello to Mikey as Kurt stepped out of the car. "What's up, hippo butt?"

"The sky!" Mikey stuck his tongue out and took Kurt's hand as the blue eyed teen closed the car door. Jeff laughed and shook his head.

"You tell him, Munchkin," Kurt picked the little boy up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "How's my little man doing?"

"I'm great," Mikey hugged Kurt and waved goodbye to Jeff again as Kurt opened the door and entered the shop. "How are you, Kurtie?"

"Pretty good, cutie. Good afternoon, Farrah," Kurt put Mikey down by the skateboard the boy was riding through the shop and smiled at the girl. It'd been so fun messing with her every day since Blaine came in first and broadcasted their relationship in front of however many thousands of people in the stadium and the BMX fans watching from around the world. She was in the audience and had become even more bitter, which Kurt didn't think was possible, but he sure enjoyed it. Even Peter didn't seem to want to be bothered with her any more.

"Kurt," Farrah replied monotonously. "As soon as Steve is back from lunch, you can go work on your repairs."

Kurt nodded and walked to the back register to clock in. Mikey hummed as he skated along behind him; his little legs trying hard to stay balanced.

"I have a motor bike to repair today, Munchkin. I sure wish I had someone to help me with the tools…"

"I will!" Mikey smiled as Kurt went behind the counter. "Mr. Hummey taught me all about tools. I can help you!"

Kurt smiled down at him and winked. "Perfect."


"Blaine…. Blaine are… are you crying?"

"I'm not crying!" Blaine sat up on the couch next to his best friend and folded his legs to sit Indian style. "I'm watching you play this stupid game."

Nick smiled and turned to look at his best friend, poking him in the arm. "I'm just going to ask this once because you're starting to worry me." Blaine never gave him eye contact, continuing to stare as the menu screen for Madden popped up. "You are aware that he was joking with you, right? You do know that you two really aren't broken up…"

Blaine ran his fingers through his growing curls and shook his head. "What makes you think I'm even thinking about him in the first place? I just want to watch you play this video game, Nick."

Nick laughed a little and turned to face front, resuming with the video game. "Okay Blaine."

The two were quiet and had stayed that way for the next twenty minutes. Every once and a while, Nick would turn to his right to check on his best friend. For the most part, Blaine was calm, watching him play the football game and nodding when Nick made a good play. And there was one instant where Blaine grabbed his wallet and went into the kitchen to make a phone call, but beside that, he was pretty relaxed.

Nick saw his phone's screen light up on the coffee table and said thank you to his best friend when Blaine grabbed the Galaxy phone for him.

"It's a text from Jeff." Blaine put the phone on Nick's thigh and sat back again.

"Thanks bro," Nick looked up and saw how out of it Blaine seemed, trying his best to hide his smile. "So did you go to the kitchen with your wallet because you were ordering us something to eat?"

From Jeff:

I can't wait to see you again.

Nick blushed as he read the message, hoping to hide the fact before he could be seen. Luckily, his best friend wasn't paying much attention. He simply shook his head no and responded to the question. "I had to call the florist. If you want to eat, we can leave in about an hour and go to Layla's." Blaine started to drum his hands over his thighs. "I think my ex will be on his lunch break and we're more likely to run into him there." He sighed and looked down at his chest, "And what do I tell people who ask about my tattoo? 'Oh, Kurt? That's my ex-boyfriend. I wanted to propose to him on his 18th birthday but when we were 17, he broke up with me after I ate the last of his yogurt.' That sounds really fucking smart."

"You've got to be kidding me, B," Nick laughed a little, "get over yourself and go buy him some more yogurt, you dunce. And you're supposed to be using your free time to plan this trip to Ohio when Kurt is at work, yet you're sitting here moping over the fakest break up in the history of relationships." Nick started typing out a reply and continued to shake his head. "And that entire explanation is the reason why you shouldn't be proposing to anyone when you guys turn 18. We all have a lot of growing to do and there's no rush at all, man."

To Jeff:

So when will you see me again?

"Even if I'm one hundred percent certain we're going to be together for the rest of our lives?" Blaine asked him.

Nick smirked. "You also seem one hundred percent certain that he broke up with you a few hours ago, B."

Blaine turned to look at him. "So if Jeff proposed to you when you guys were 18, you'd say no?"

Nick nodded. "You do realize that we turn 18 much sooner and Jeff and I aren't even together yet. You and Kurt are just turning 17. You'd have been dating a year at that point."

"So," Blaine didn't seem willing to let it go and Nick smiled. He knew once his friend had an idea in his head, he ran with it. The tattoo was an excellent example of this. "So let's say you two were together a year and you knew for sure that Jeff was who you wanted to go home to every night."

Nick cleared his throat and nodded, trying not to blush. "Continue."

"Would you not propose because you're only 18 and that's too young?"

"I think that it isn't so much the age for me as it is the amount of time I would need. A year is great for some people, B. Hell, five weeks is great for others, and they go on their honeymoon after knowing each other less than 3 months. But in my predicament, I really want to be sure." Nick tossed the controller down and felt his phone vibrate again. "This feels weird to say because Jeff is totally one of my best friends but I happen to like him. And things are going great between us, and if they still are a year from now, stupendous. That's great," he smiled at Blaine and shrugged a little, "but personally, I want to take a few years, work out the kinks, get through school and everything before I imagine walking down the aisle with someone. That's whether it be Jeff or whomever."

Blaine nodded. "I don't see the harm in putting a ring on Kurt's finger."

"You already did," Nick said with a smile.

Blaine looked down at the matching chain and pendant he had on that he and Kurt shared. "That's true, but it's not on the correct hand. I want one on the left hand so these thirsty bitches know to back off."

"You see," Nick sat up a little straighter, "to me, an engagement ring isn't simply a sign that Kurt is taken and I need to back off. I mean sure, someone with morals would definitely look down and see a band on his finger and know to step away, but there are people who won't care."

Blaine looked over at him.

"An engagement ring is a symbol that the person is taking the first step towards spending the rest of their life with you. An engagement ring is a commitment that he's promising to stay faithful to you and only you. An engagement ring tells me that he's dedicated, and no matter what happens in the future—good and bad— he's willing to stick it out. That's whether you go broke and can't afford a place to stay; you lose a loved one and go into a bit of depression, you get terribly sick and need to be taken care of—whatever it is, if I see that ring, it means this person is ready to deal with it all with you. Now me, I can't ask someone to promise me that after a year. Not when we're 18, Blaine. That's a lot to ask from an 18 year old, whether they love you or not."

Blaine looked away and nodded.

"I'm not questioning whether or not Kurt would do all of that and more for you. I know you two will get married anyway, but I think it'll mean more, just my opinion which doesn't matter because it isn't my relationship, by the way," Nick added, watching his best friend nod, "But I think it'd mean more if you lived before proposing and never needed to doubt each other. Have a story to tell. Spend a few years in New York in school and grow stronger with one another, bro. And that ring won't be an accessory to ward guys off but it'll have a story behind it."

"You're right. I'm going to go get my laptop. We need to look for a few things to do while we stay in Ohio." Blaine stood up and stretched, smiling over at his best friend. "When I come back downstairs we can order something to eat."

Nick smiled and nodded, knowing good and damn well his friend was going to propose in a year anyway. He watched Blaine walk away before shaking his head with a small smirk and reaching for his cell phone.

From Jeff:

We can go to Laguna Beach tomorrow. I have the day planned already if you're up for it :)

From Jeff:

And if you already have plans, don't worry, we'll just reschedule.

Nick smiled and typed out a response.

To Jeff:

What time should I be ready?


Working with Mikey had turned out to be a success. He was quite the handyman, and he took pride in everything Mr. Hummey had taught him.

Don stayed on his end of the room making phone calls and planning Justin's next competition. It'd be on the East coast, so he would be missing in action for a little bit while the guys were in school. Kurt was already a little down, but Justin was finished with high school and since he didn't seem interested in college, continuing to compete full time was the best move for him.

To top it all off, the kid was good.

Kurt tried to ignore whenever Don mentioned having to go on the business trip with Blaine. It'd be right after the audition and Kurt did not want to think about Blaine leaving again, no matter how short a time it was compared to the last time. There were plus sides, though, and the main one was Blaine would be back in time to celebrate Kurt's birthday with him. The blue eyed teen considered doing something simple, nothing over the top. Blaine's birthday party was a bit much—it was basically an excuse to throw a party where everyone could get high and drink and fuck. Kurt didn't need anything like that, he doubted anyone beside Legacy and the girls and maybe Mikey if he was stealth enough to sneak out of the house would show up.

Dinner at a nice restaurant would be fantastic, Kurt thought to himself with a smile. Maybe we could even drive to LA again.

"Okay, Michael. Time to get you home." Don stood up from the desk and adjusted his glasses. "You know the deal."

"I have soccer practice," Mikey told Kurt. He handed his best friend a rag to wipe his hands on and Kurt smiled.

"Thank you, Munchkin. And score a goal for me at practice, will ya?"

Mikey smiled and nodded, walking around the motorbike Kurt was working on and kissing the teen on the cheek. "I will love. Love you. Bye bye."

Donald grabbed his keys and walked over to the two with a smile, grabbing his son and holding him in his arms.

"Bye, Mikey. I miss you already," Kurt said with a laugh as Don rolled his eyes. "Love you more."

"You and Blaine better not ever call things off because this little guy wouldn't know what to do with himself if you weren't together."

Kurt's face went blank before he chuckled a little. "That's something you won't ever have to worry about, Donnie."

Don nodded and blew a raspberry into his son's cheek. "I'll be back in a couple hours, Kurt. Then you can get out of here for the day."

"See you then," Kurt stood up as they left and went over to his water bottle. He checked the time on his cell phone and noticed a few messages.

From Dad:

Please take Blaine back, Kurt. Call him and tell him you forgive him. I swear if that kid calls me one more time, I'm breaking his leg off and hitting him with it. Hard.

From Nick:

He's been crying.

Kurt rolled his eyes at the drama of it all, about to make a phone call to Blaine when there was a few knocks on the back office door. He turned, knowing that Farrah would just storm in like she owned the place, and Steve usually knocked twice and then opened. It obviously wasn't one of them.

"Yes? Come in…"

A short Hispanic guy entered after turning the door knob slowly. "Are you Mr. Kurt Hummel?"

Kurt smiled when he saw the bouquet of flowers in the delivery man's hands. "Yes, I am." He walked over to the man and signed for them, smiling when he looked at the assortment of flowers. "Thank you."

"He said to tell you that he loves you, and he's sorry." The man handed the bouquet over and tiredly left the office. Kurt imagined that driving all over Long Beach and apologizing for people must not have been the most fun job in the world, so he felt for him. He closed the door and looked at the beautiful flowers, taking a smell and humming in response.

Kurt placed the flowers down on the desk and read the card, laughing to himself as he bit his lip and shaking his head a little.

Dear Kurt,

I was such a fool.
You are the sun, moon, and stars
Please be mine again

A haiku by Blaine Alexander Anderson

Kurt laughed as he picked his phone up, finally calling his boyfriend. The phone rang a few times before Blaine answered, but it wasn't his usual Hey beautiful or Get your sexy ass over here right now greetingInstead, Blaine asked him to hold.

Piano music began to play a few seconds later and Kurt sat down at his desk with a smile.

"Baby what are you do—"

Same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now
Our song on the radio but it don't sound the same
When our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me down
'Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name

Kurt started to laugh as he listened. "Blaine, baby listen—"

It all just sounds like oooooh…


Mmm, too young, too dumb to realize
That I should have bought you flowers
And held your hand
Should have gave you all my hours
When I had the chance
Take you to every party
'Cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby's dancing
But he's dancing with another man

"Are you going to go out with me tomorrow night?"

The piano music stopped playing and Blaine stopped singing his passionate rendition of Bruno Mars' When I Was Your Man. "Go out tomorrow? Like together?"

"Like with you as my boyfriend, idiot," Kurt said with a giggle, "and why would you tell my dad I broke up with you over the damn yogurt, silly. Look at your life right now."

Blaine let go of a deep breath and his voice sounded much clearer now, as if he took the phone off of speaker. "I'd love to go out with you tomorrow night."

Kurt smiled. "Good, honey. Thank you for the flowers and the haiku, and the song. I love you and when I get home from work I'll call you. Deal?"

Kurt could hear Nick calling his best friend an idiot as Blaine responded. "Don't forget. I love you too, cupcake."

Kurt smiled and sniffed the flowers again. They smelled lovely. "Goodbye, handsome."

They hung up and Kurt shook his head some more. He honestly didn't know what to do with that boy, but he was definitely looking forward to double date night the next day.

For now, it was back to work.


"Can I ask you a question?"

Blaine stared at the screen of his laptop as took a bite of his chicken lo mein. "You just did, dumb-dumb."

Nick finished chewing his food before replying; his eyes focused on the movie playing on TV. "It's a serious question. Like a real serious question."

Blaine turned to face him and nodded. "I'm all ears, bro."

"Alright," Nick put his food down on the coffee table and turned to face Blaine, pulling the pillow in his lap as he did so. "What was it like the first time you and Kurt messed around?"

Blaine smirked and twirled the noodles around on his fork. "This just quickly went from me hanging out with my bro to a slumber party with two chicks in a matter of seconds, Nicky."

"Just answer the question," Nick sat back against the arm of the chair and looked at Blaine. "I'm going to be honest, man," Blaine took a bite and listened to his friend, "Waiting is good and all that, and sex is important to me. But… I don't know if you want to hear this…"

Blaine shrugged and swallowed, turning to face him. "There's probably nothing you can say to make me blush. I've done some extreme shit, Nick."

Nick rolled his eyes and nodded. "Yeah… my hotel room was next to yours so I'm aware."

Blaine smiled.

"Anyway, Jeff is very talented with his… everything." The brunette blushed and looked down at the pillow and Blaine rolled his eyes. He was acting like the biggest virgin in the state of California right now. "You know he has that tongue ring and his hands are a lot bigger… I just—"

"You want to fuck him or you want him to fuck you," Blaine supplied. Nick's eyes went wide as he kicked his friend in the leg.

"Dude, you don't have to be so blunt."

Blaine smiled. "And you don't have to be a bitch, man. We're 17 and we like sex. Just fucking say it."

Nick held the pillow tighter and shrugged. "It feels fantastic when we mess around and I'm thinking if one day, after we're together, it somehow turned into more… what do I do?"

Blaine put his food down as well and turned to face his best friend. "Meaning…?"

"Meaning," Nick sighed, "like… say we wanted to have sex and—"

"Anal sex?"

"What other sex would I be asking about?"

"Well I'm guessing you've never sucked a cock before so oral could've been a choice."

Nick blushed and looked down again. "Bro… we've, yeah I have. We've done some things already."

Blaine nodded and kicked his feet up. "I can't tell you much about bottoming just yet because Kurt is being a total dick about it, but I can tell you what I know about topping."

Nick smirked and nodded. "How's he being a dick?"

Blaine sighed. "He's giving me the whole 'I'll fuck you when I'm ready to fuck you' thing. Being a tough guy and all," Blaine shook his head, "Sometimes he'll finger me and I don't know if you've ever tried it but it feels incredible. And Kurt has this long cock that I know would drive me absolutely stupid—"

"Bro, can we not go down this path…" Nick licked his lips and grabbed for his drink. "I know how you get when you go into details about sex and I'm trying to save you from having to leave me alone in the living room and go take a 30 minute shower."

Blaine smirked and picked his food back up. "Ok, man."

"I just want to know… like how does it differ from being with a chick? I think I'm topping the first time for sure, but how's it feel receiving?"

Blaine took a bite and hummed acknowledgement. "It takes a lot more prep than when with a girl. I kiss her neck and make her suck me off and she's wet. The good thing about being with a dude though, especially if you're the one topping, is that you get to experience just how intimate the stretching process can be."

Nick nodded and took another sip.

"You know that lube is necessary, I'm sure."

"Yeah, I know."

Blaine nodded. "There are different types for different reasons. It does hurt at first because of course it's so damn tight, but it'll feel a lot better with time." Blaine took casually took another bite as if he weren't having the conversation he was currently having. "You have to remember to listen to your partner, and if it's the opposite way, you have to talk to your partner. Tell him what you want or need and it'll be better. Communication is important."

Nick looked at his best friend and nodded as he took it all in. No pun intended. "Alright. Communicate. Got it."

"Also, it's important to go slow at first. Use a lot of lube and make sure you go slow. One finger first, then as requested, add more," Blaine finished off his food and grabbed his coke. "Then, when he's panting, you adjust your fingers and crook them a little until you feel this little nub… he'll probably thrust off the bed," Blaine smirked and faced his friend, "that's the spot you want to hit time and time again until he loses the ability to see for a few minutes."

"Alright," Nick laughed and tossed the pillow away, "I'm no longer asking you for sex advice. You make everything so damn awkward."

Blaine laughed, showing a little confusion. "What'd I do? I'm just telling you what I know, man."

"Alright," Nick shook his head and laughed a little. "I appreciate it, bro. Thanks."

Blaine smiled and shrugged. "Alright, man. The Lima heads are talking about getting entertainment for the party. Justin has already volunteered to sing and I've already said fuck no." Nick chuckled and Blaine rubbed his chin, "I want to do something special but I'm having the ultimate brain far right now."

Nick went back to eating. "That's easy. Serenade him with a nice song in front of everyone close to you. It'll be adorable and you know Kurt would enjoy it, Blaine…"

"You know how I feel about singing, Nick."

Nick nodded and looked back at the TV. "Well, that was my suggestion. Think of something else, then."

Blaine bit his lip and looked down at the computer. This was going to take a little bit of work.


"Hm," Burt stepped onto the lot and scratched the bare scalp beneath his hat. "What do you think about this one? The blue matches Blaine's ATV."

Justin looked at the motorcycle and nodded his approval. "A Kawasaki Ninja. This is one of the sexiest bikes I've ever seen."

The dealer smiled, about to speak when Burt cut him off. Burt had even gone as far as to ask the man not to speak unless he had a question because he was all too familiar with salesman and how slick they could be. Luckily, he had his own knowledge of things in this field and could handle himself for the most part. "It's pretty nice, huh? I told my boy when he was 12 he could have one for his 18th birthday, but we sold his truck and moved here, so I figured I could get him some wheels."

Justin nodded. "I thought you were playing me when you said you were going motorcycle shopping for Kurt's birthday. But this is incredible, Burt. He'll love it."

"I hope so," Burt looked around a little bit more, observing the other bikes. "He's a great kid, Jus. He deserves a lot more, you know?"

Justin smiled and sat down on the motorcycle. "Trust me, I know. Kurt and David are my best friends," He ran his fingers along the body of the bike and nodded, "He's going to lose it when he sees this."

Burt smiled. "So you're going to Ohio with the rest of 'em?"

The salesman began to whistle and pace back and forth, probably out of boredom, all until Burt looked at him.

"I'm going, yeah," Justin smiled and looked up at him. "It'll be good to get away from everything. My dad is only getting worse with his drinking and I don't know what else to do. Plus, I have a girl I'm really interested in over there."

Burt smirked and nodded. "Quinn, right? She was like Kurt's little sister growing up. Lived down the block from us and went to the same elementary school."

Justin smiled and nodded. "She's the one. I want to be with her but being thousands of miles apart isn't helping."

"I want to lease this one," Burt said to the salesman, pointing to the midnight blue motorcycle. The man nodded and went off, mumbling something about paperwork before Burt turned to look at Justin again. "Distance is hard, and on top of having to deal with your family life, I know things aren't so easy. But if she's worth it, you'll be willing to do the right thing."

Justin stood up and got off of the bike, fixing his jeans as he listened. "What do you mean?"

"Well, for starters kid," Burt walked towards the dealership and Justin followed behind him, "You should first stop messing around with the different girls. I understand the last girl left you in a bit of a funk and you were confused about it—"

"She must've realized I'm a loser with how randomly she called it off," Justin said with a shrug. Burt shook his head.

"Whether she thought that or not, there's no excuse for you to treat yourself or the girls you hook up with the way you do. I know Kurt's told you about my 'You Matter' speech and I'm not afraid to give it to you right now."

"That's not necessary," Justin said with a laugh. "I know what you mean, though. I was considering staying in Ohio for a while to see where it went but she didn't seem interested."

"Of course she doesn't want you to rearrange your whole life like that. You're teenagers and she's had to grow up very quickly."

Justin quietly continued to walk beside him.

"Just go to Ohio, keep an eye on my kid and his ridiculous boyfriend, and enjoy yourself. Alright?"

Justin smiled. "Yeah. You got it boss. I think I can do that."

Burt smiled. "Great. Now let's go get Kurt his bike."


"I can't believe you're filming this." Blaine smiled as his legs dangled over the ground. "But I guess you better because you can believe this is the last time I'll be doing this."

Kurt laughed as he pointed the camera at his boyfriend's face. "Believe it or not, this is top 10 in the category 'Best Moments of Kurt Hummel's Life'. I didn't even have to ask you to get on, you just got on!"

Blaine tried to hide his smile as he started to push himself. "If you were a good boyfriend who cared about me, you'd be pushing me yourself."

Kurt rolled his eyes and looked around for Mikey. He saw him with Cooper and Diesel, all running around on the soccer field and being silly. "You're right. Your feet don't touch the ground so I better push you."

"Screw you, Hummel."

Kurt bit his lip and put the camera down, walking around Blaine on the swings so that he could push his silly boyfriend. He was substantially heavier than Mikey and Kurt rolled his eyes. "I can't believe I'm doing this."

Blaine smiled as he started to move forward. "I can't believe I'm on the stupid swings, so we're even."

"Mm," Kurt grinned and shook his head, waiting for Blaine's swing to come back before pushing him even harder.

"Ouch," Blaine turned his head to look at him, "take it easy, will ya? I didn't know you were Bruce Banner."

Kurt ignored him and pushed a couple more times before taking the swing beside him. Blaine looked 100% bored as he went up and down, and Kurt laughed as he began to push himself.

"I hate you, sometimes."

"Is that so?" Blaine kicked his legs out and went higher, looking over to his boyfriend who started to get some air himself, "I don't remember that being what you said to me the first time you came here. In that very spot," Blaine pointed over to where they stood when Kurt first told him that he loved him.

Kurt held onto the chains tightly as he flew into the air. "Well you were looking sexy and playing guitar and singing and I was taken over by my feels."

"Well I feel that you should get on the monkey bars with me after this."

"Not gonna happen," Kurt laughed and faced front; kicking his legs out as he went higher. "Maybe next time."

Blaine rolled his eyes but couldn't keep from sounding at the beautiful sound that was Kurt's laugh. The two of them continued to swing for a moment before Blaine couldn't take it anymore. He slowed down and came to a complete stop; turning in the swing to look at the beautiful boy he loved having the time of his life on one of the most basic of inventions. "Where are you taking me tomorrow?"

Kurt started to slow down too, and answered after he dragged his feet against the mat to stop. "Jeff and I were talking and we thought it would be fun if you and I and he and Nick went on a double date."

Blaine smiled at the idea and nodded. "That sounds awesome. Where at?"

"Laguna Beach, he says. There's a diner that has a drive-in movie setting and I'm totally excited to go."

Blaine smiled some more. "I've heard of that place. David and Justin both got banned, like in the same week."

Kurt now looked confused. "Why?"

"Because they took their dates there and had sex, which management prohibits." Blaine shook his head, "I don't know if Jus thought it would be a good idea to do the same exact thing David did a few days before and expect a different outcome or what, but they're not allowed back."

Kurt stood up and walked over to Blaine, turning the swing so that they were facing the proper direction and sitting down in his boyfriend's lap. "You know how best friends are, honey. They're eager to share the same experiences."

Blaine smiled and let go of the chain, wrapping his arm around Kurt's midsection and holding him close. "Yeah," he was happy that mostly everyone was at the beach today so they could share this small moment, "I think I know what you mean."

Kurt smiled and reveled in the feeling of Blaine holding him close. "I love you."

"Hm," Blaine kissed the boy over his clothed shoulder and smiled, "You don't hate me?"

Kurt laughed and shook his head no. "Not at the moment. Just go with it."

"I love you too, you asshole."

They laughed and talked some more until Kurt turned around on the swing just so that they could make out. Neither had stopped until Cooper instructed Mikey to shout out 'Get some, Squirt' which made Kurt feel bad for making out around the little boy to begin with and Blaine feel angry about his idiot older brother. He'd remember this whenever Jasmine was wise enough to leave that dummy of hers and get with CJ. He'd remember it so well.

And at least Kurt was all for kisses in front of his house when Blaine dropped him home. That was fun.


"Do you really think that's a good idea? It sounds like it sucks, to be honest with you."

Kurt grabbed a yogurt from one of the ten 8-packs of Yoplait his boyfriend had bought him. It was amazing having a boyfriend as whipped as Blaine was. "What do you mean, Cedes?"

"I mean," she cleared her throat a little bit and resumed, "I heard your performance. It was incredible. Now, you have to start from the beginning."

Kurt nodded his agreement as he took a spoon and the yogurt up to his room, taking his father's hat off as he walked by and smirking at the man's scowl. "It definitely sucks. I'd been rehearsing pretty much every day for the past couple weeks and Blaine had learned the instrumental pretty quickly. It definitely sucks."

As he walked up the steps, Kurt adjusted his Bluetooth headset and listened to Mercedes' voice stream in. "Have you talked to Blaine about the duet possibility? I know he isn't team 'public singing' or anything."

Kurt went into his room and closed the door behind him. "I haven't yet, but Jeff said he wants to. Just to impress upon him how important 'taking a risk' is. The way I see it, we'll either do amazing, or fall on our faces."

"I bet it'll be the first," Cedes said. "But my lunch break is over, boo. You both will do amazing. Call me Friday and we'll talk about getting your butt back here for Christmas break or something."

Kurt smiled to himself and said ok. He missed his Lima friends, no matter how much the town itself sucked to him. "Enjoy your night. Bye Cedes."

They hung up and Kurt finally opened his Yoplait, trying not to think too much about the audition. Everything told him he should be freaking out about this because this audition was everything and it was imperative that he get in, but when Blaine was involved. He couldn't bring himself to worry.

There were a couple knocks on the door and Kurt swallowed around his spoon, smiling when his father stuck his head inside. "Hey old man. What's up?"

Burt leant against the door frame and smiled back. "Give your old man some company. I won't make you watch sports, I promise."

Kurt smiled and hopped out of bed. "Football starts soon, right? I like when the guys wear the ultra-tight pants."


The next day, the guys had drove the almost hour ride to Laguna Beach.

Blaine made sure not to mention the drama he had with those idiots from a rival team—another couple guys that he and Justin had got into it with. But that was a while back. It wasn't necessary to mention.

They'd arrived in the city around 4PM. It was a beautiful day and Kurt seemed excited to be seeing a new place in Cali. Of course, it was just another beach with more palm trees and good looking people walking around, but seeing a new place was exciting, nonetheless.

First, they did a little shopping at a mall. Kurt and Blaine ended up buying something for Mikey and Jeff shook his head, knowing they'd go broke when they actually had kids of their own. They also happened to pass a tattoo parlor and Kurt had to talk Blaine out of randomly getting a tongue piercing and making their date very fucking awkward.

Nick bought ice cream for Jeff while Kurt tried on this outfit Blaine was eager to buy for him. He just really wanted to see his boyfriend in yoga pants and was willing to go running with him if that's what it came to. When Kurt and Blaine came out with their bags, Nick was sucking strawberry flavored ice cream from Jeff's bottom lip. Kurt laughed at Blaine's wolf whistle before dragging his boyfriend back to the car.

"Come on guys. It's getting late."


"Are you comfortable?" Kurt laughed into Blaine's cheek as he adjusted himself on top of his boyfriend. The passenger side seat of the car went back a little bit more as Blaine nodded, pulling the lever down a bit and relaxing back against the head rest.

"Y-Yeah," Blaine licked his lips and Kurt continued to kiss along his jawline; the younger teen relaxing between Blaine's dark denim jeans clad legs. "I'm good. This is perfect."

"Perfect," Kurt repeated with a grin. His lips met Blaine's as he slowly slid up and down; working his hips at a slow, even rhythm. Blaine hummed into each kiss and groaned in disapproval whenever Kurt pulled away. He almost complained the last time, but Kurt asked him a question to distract him. "Do you know what you taste like right now?"

A strawberry banana milkshake," Blaine smiled as he said it and Kurt giggled, kissing him a little deeper. When their tongues touched, Blaine felt Kurt's clothed cock rubbing against his and closed his eyes for a moment; holding his boyfriend at the hips. "Mm, baby" he thrust up, causing Kurt to smirk, "And I'm willing to bet good money that the only reason you're making out with me right now is because I had that milkshake earlier—"

Kurt shut his boyfriend up by pressing him hard into the seat and sucking the boy's tongue into his mouth. Blaine inhaled sharply and moaned something that sounded purely desperate the harder Kurt started to grind. After a moment, Kurt pulled back and smiled, licking his own lips.

"Let's say that it is the only reason I'm kissing these gorgeous lips," he kissed Blaine again, his mouth lingering over the curly haired teen's a bit, "Because I'm going to be honest, you taste really good right now," he leant up, and his blue eyes were slightly darker as he rolled his hips against Blaine's thigh, "What're you going to do about it? It's not like you're going to tell me no, Blaine. Let's be real."

Blaine threw his head back against the seat, laying down flat and biting his lip when Kurt's hands trailed from his shins over his thighs. "I could tell you no if I wanted to."

Kurt smiled as his right hand landed on Blaine's cock, stroking him softly over the bulge in his jeans. Blaine fought to keep his eyes open and not moan while the blue eyed teen responded. "Then tell me no now, Blaine."

Blaine let out a deep breath and Kurt smiled, knowing he got his way. "You're so predictable."

The drive-in movie theater they were in was packed to capacity. They only allowed 20 cars per showing; that was enough for the waiting staff to get good tips and the people there to all be able to see the film. Thankfully, the boys all had pretty good spots right in the front row.

Nick and Jeff were parked several feet away. Jeff still used his dad's car so that he wouldn't have to drive his SUV and block other people from viewing the film, but he doubted anyone actually had the intentions of coming to this spot to watch whatever movie the large diner was showing. He knew for a fact that Nick and Blaine knew that he and Kurt came up with the double date plan with the sole purpose of messing around in the car for 90 minutes.

Not that he minded at all.

Because shit, he really, really didn't mind. If they knew their intentions, so be it.


Hair pulling wasn't really a kink of his, until now of course. There was something about the way Nick's fingers grabbed a few of his blonde locks and tightened as the boy moaned. It was hot, to say the least.

"Let me know if you want me to stop, Nick. Maybe I'll think about it…"

"I don't," Nick held onto the back seat, laughing when his head hit the door. "Fuck, that hurt."

"But pain can be nice, right?" Jeff asked with a smile as he whispered into the brunette's ear. His teeth pulled playfully at Nick's ear lobe at first, and then a little rougher right beneath the boy's piercings. "Or did you and Naomi always play it safe?"

Nick chuckled sarcastically and turned to face sideways, granting the blonde better access to his neck. "Are you suggesting that I seem like I'm boring in bed?"

"Not at all," Jeff smirked, kissing the skin around his date's chain, "I know you're amazing in bed when we're drunk." He laughed and Jeff continued, "I just need to know you sober…"

"I was going to ask you to be my boyfriend tonight but you're just making fun of me," Nick bit his lip and looked at the ceiling of the car, "I guess I'll have to reconsider that."

"Ask me," Jeff said with a smile, getting up and looking Nick in the eyes. "Ask me."

"No." Nick smirked and leant up, connecting their lips.

The waitress roller skated in between both cars and shook her head, fully aware of what was going on. She could see Kurt's hand against the window and the black vehicle rocking back and forth every other minute or so, and the fact that no one was in the front seats of Jeff and Nick's ride spoke volumes. Even though her manager liked to know when there were kids messing around, she made sure not to say a thing. The guys happened to be great tippers.

"Mm… fuck baby wait," Blaine stilled Kurt's hips to stop him from grinding against him, "just a minute."

Kurt sighed and dropped his head onto Blaine's shoulder. "Why do we keep stopping?" he groaned when Blaine shifted beneath him and his thigh rubbed Kurt's cock, causing his toes to curl at the contact, "oh, fuck…"

"I just," Blaine sat up a bit, as much as he could in the small space with his boyfriend between his legs, "it's kind of hot right now. Aren't you hot?"

Kurt noticed his face was a bit flush and there was a little bead of sweat dropping from his hairline. "So should we stop?"

"Just for a minute," Blaine licked his lips, not believing he was doing this. When was the last time he asked for a minute to cool down? But being in public with Kurt whispering dirty things in his ears and practically dry humping him in the passenger side of their car was so much of a turn on he didn't know what to do with himself. There was no doubt that having sex here was totally a negative, though. Like he told his boyfriend before, people were banned for that, and that's exactly why Justin and David hadn't brought dates along for this shindig tonight.

"Maybe we can um, just start the car for a bit. Turn the headlights off so we don't disturb anyone… but I think we need to run the AC."

Kurt bit his lip, shaking his head no. "I'd much rather hear you moan, to be honest." He reached down against the seat and grabbed Blaine's ass, laughing when his boyfriend immediately thrust up into him. Blaine's eyes rolled back as Kurt lay down on top of him once more; hands still grabbing the swell of his ass and lips all over his pulse point.

"Baby… just give me a minute," Blaine luckily caught himself before he could say 'please fuck me' and said what he actually meant to say. "Just a minute. Please."

Kurt groaned and pulled his hands back to himself, eventually climbing off of Blaine and rolling into the driver's seat. Blaine adjusted the seat until it was in sitting position and no longer laying back. He fixed his jeans with a shaky laugh, nodding his thanks to Kurt as the blue eyed teen turned the key in the ignition.

After Blaine turned the AC on, the two sat there for a while. The dialogue went back and forth on whatever movie was on and Kurt tapped at the steering wheel as he glanced up at the screen. His mind eventually wandered to everything he had to get done over the week instead of the hard on he was trying to ignore, and it helped a bit. There was another AM shift at work tomorrow, and the following day, and then there was some more rehearsing for their Pace audition, especially if they were changing everything around. Also, of course there needed to be Mikey time, and dinner with his dad, Amber and Blaze. He still wasn't ready for Blaine to go on that work related trip but that had to be done as well. So much to do, so little time.

But the Pace audition was blowing his mind.

"What are you thinking about?"

Kurt looked up at the sound of his boyfriend's voice and smiled. "Oh, just about how busy this week is going to be. I'm still a little scared about Wednesday, honestly, and I don't want you to leave on Thursday… little things."

Blaine turned to look at his boyfriend. "We're going to do amazing at that audition, baby. Don't worry. And I'll only be gone a few days this time, baby. It isn't gonna be bad this time."

Kurt smiled softly and his head hit the head rest. "I know. Still. I'm going to miss you just as much as last time… why'd you have to be so talented?"

Blaine smiled and took his boyfriend's hand. "I love you, sweet pea."

Kurt smiled and looked over at him. "I love you too, pooh bear."

Blaine grinned and looked up at the screen.

"I was talking to Jeff about the audition on Sunday…well yesterday," Kurt told him, "and I sang Being Alive and everything."

Blaine smiled and looked at him again. "How much did he like it?"

"Well he says he loved it," Kurt smiled too, "but it's a very typical song to be performed for auditions."

Blaine raised an eyebrow as he waited for the rest. Kurt sighed and resumed.

"He also told me that there are a few other guys auditioning for the same spot and if I want to be accepted—"

"I can easily break their noses. That'll affect their singing right?"

Kurt bit his lip and Blaine smiled at how sexy he looked. "Please tell me you're joking right now, baby."

Blaine leant over the console and kissed his boyfriend's lips. "I'm joking I guess. What is it that Jeff said?"

Kurt sighed and kissed Blaine again before pulling back. "Please let it go on the record that I am by no means pressuring you to do anything you don't want to. Okay?"

Blaine sat back in his seat and nodded. "Just tell me what he said, baby."

Kurt licked his lips and began. "He said that in order to get in, I'll need to take risks. Playing it safe will more than likely bore Leonard Riley and the other judges and boring won't get me admission into Pace. He also told me that the best way, and again… I'm not saying that you have to do this because I'm sure I can find a way to impress the judges without using you as a crutch—" Blaine listened as Kurt rambled, "but he thinks that we should sing a duet together. our chemistry will drive the judges crazy, if I'm paraphrasing him accurately."

Blaine chewed his lip as he stared at the movie screen.

"If that's not an option for you, sweetheart, I totally get it."

"I know," Blaine told him. "And I like the fact that only you and Mikey and whoever else happens to be around at the time gets to hear me sing. I'm not saying my voice is a gift from god or anything but I know that it makes you happy and I like that only you and him have that."

Kurt smiled and climbed over into his boyfriend's lap. Blaine moved the chair back a little bit again and smiled when he was kissed on the cheek. "As sweet as that is, I can honestly say that I wouldn't mind you sharing your gifts and talents with the rest of the world. We could use more beautiful things on this earth and your voice is one of them."

Blaine smiled, leaning up to kiss his boyfriend on the lips and smiling when the boy pulled back with a laugh. "So would you like to sing a duet, babe?"

Kurt smiled at the thought alone. "It would be amazing. I'd be able to stay over more under the pretense of us rehearsing. We'd get to spend more time together and my dad wouldn't be able to yell at me for missing curfew, right?" Blaine smiled. The boy knew just how to get him. "And, being able to sing with you on stage would be amazing, baby. If you're up for it, I'd love it."

Blaine nodded as he played with the hem of his boyfriend's shirt. "The reason I stopped singing in the first place is really stupid and it happened when I was a kid. I can't even remember the whole thing but I know it had to do with some girl who used to bully me."

Kurt smiled and sat up a bit, looking down at his boyfriend. "Are you serious?"

"I am," Blaine shrugged and settled back into the seat, "and the idea of saving my voice just for you guys who didn't judge me was enough for me. But I want to take risks with you, so why the hell not? Let's sing a duet!" Blaine kissed Kurt hard on the lips and laughed at his boyfriend's reaction, all until he heard Kurt's response.

"You are so getting the best sex of your life because of this."

Things weren't that far off in the car to their left, either. Nick was having a hard time making sure they didn't get banned from the diner, but in between thrusting into Jeff's mouth and moaning about how good it felt, he found time to look around the lot of the diner to make sure he didn't see any employees.

The date night was a success.


Blaine had never, ever felt this good.


He bit his lip as Kurt pushed his legs apart and moved deeper inside of him, touching that spot that lit his entire body up for what seemed to be the hundredth time. He couldn't talk to ask for it harder or tell Kurt that he needed to cum, like now, or that this was indeed as promised the best sex of his life, but he hoped his boyfriend understood that.

"Look at you, baby," Kurt held one of Blaine's legs in the air as he slowly pulled back, "I told you I'd fuck you when I was ready and aren't you glad you waited?"

Blaine nodded feverishly as his fingers dug into the bed sheets. There was only the slightest source of light coming into the bedroom through their curtains and it reflected perfectly off of Kurt. All that Blaine could focus on was the way Kurt's abdomen muscles flexed as he fucked him harder and harder; the teen taking quick breaths the deeper he got.

"F-Fuck me…"

Kurt nodded as he took a hold of Blaine's cock and slowly began to stroke it. "You know that I will, Blaine. Just let me play a little bit longer."

Blaine went from being banged until his head was hitting the headboard time after time, to being turned onto his stomach and fucked while he screamed into the pillow. He didn't expect to enjoy it this much, though—the way Kurt pulled his hair and groaned each time Blaine's ass clapped from how hard he was taking it, or the way he'd hold him by the hips and pull him back onto his cock as if he was more experienced at fucking than he was breathing—but all that Blaine knew was that he didn't want it to end.

"I can take more, Kurt." He buried his face into the pillow and groaned as Kurt sped up, "Mmmph—"

Kurt smacked him hard on the ass and plunged in deeper, and Blaine heard his ringtone going off somewhere around him.

And then his eyes slowly peeled open, and he realized he was humping the living daylights out of his pillow and breathing as hard as he did when he ran laps around the park. He cursed and sat up a sweaty, writhing mess, and looked for his cell phone on the dresser next to him.

The person who actually happened to be an unknown number had hung up, and Blaine collapsed back against the mattress with a breathy sigh. He couldn't remember the last sex dream he had, and none of them were that vivid. None of them included him getting his ass handed to him by an incredibly hot guy and waking up as hard as he'd ever been, that's for certain.


He looked at the clock and it was almost four in the morning. If he didn't get off and quick, he'd probably murder somebody.

Blaine looked down at the tent in his boxers and took a deep breath, shaking his head.

To Kurt:

Baby? Are you up?

After the longest five minutes of his life, Blaine picked the phone up and tried dialing his boyfriend when he didn't get a text back. This probably seemed really cheap and like a late night booty call, but if he could go over to Kurt's and get snuck in just for an hour or so, his life would be 69% better right now.


Unfortunately, Kurt was fast asleep, as expected. Blaine hung up the phone and tossed it to the end of his bed and laid back down, staring hard up at the ceiling. His room was dark minus a little moonlight coming from the window. It was also a little hot too… that may've had something to do with the physical exertion of the teenager's interesting dream a few minutes ago, but he pushed the bed sheets off of him and bit his lower lip, pushing his boxers down over his ass and fighting to get them past the massive boner he had. Once he was completely naked, he took another breath and sat back up, turning the lamp on beside his bed.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Blaine shook his head and pulled a box he'd brought from that sex shop he stopped in out of the drawer. He wasn't intending to use it on his own, and he didn't want Kurt to know he'd actually purchased anything from there without him, but now was not the time for his pride to feel good about itself.

Blaine popped the cap of his lube after opening the box and pulling out the long, flesh toned vibrator. He licked his lips and took a deep breath as he slicked the length of the toy, feeling a blush on his cheeks because of his actions. It was ridiculous because he was all alone, but still.

He was generous with the lube and made sure it was warm before stroking his cock with the excess. Immediately, he threw his head back and groaned, grinding up into his fist and collapsing against the mattress.

"Fuck," he bit his lip and forced himself to let go before he ended up coming into his fist. Releasing a quick breath, the rider held the vibrator at his entrance and started to push in.

Blaine was familiar with the pain that came at first. He knew it'd be a while before he got used to the intrusion, but at the same time this toy was a bit thicker than all of Kurt's fingers that he'd been fucked with. Blaine closed his eyes as he eased it in slowly; letting his legs fall apart as he adjusted to the feeling, and pulling it in and out to work himself open a bit. After biting down hard on the inside of his cheek for a bit over five minutes, the teen finally felt comfortable enough to push it deep inside of him.

That felt nice.

Blaine reached for his phone and redialed Kurt's number before returning to maneuvering the vibrator in and out of him. He hadn't turned it on just yet, not wanting to use it until he'd found his prostate.


You've reached the voicemail of Kurt Hummel. I'm not by the phone right now, but please leave a detailed message with your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Why didn't you say Kurt Anderson?

Blaine, I asked you to be quiet until I was finish recording the BEEP

Blaine was breathing heavily as he held the base of his cock, he shifted the toy inside of him and angled it so that it'd touch—fuck

"Ohmygod—K-Kurt," Blaine almost lost it. His lips were at the receiver of the iPhone so that when his boyfriend listened to the message, he would be able to hear everything clearly. "Baby… I n-need you…"

After pulling it out again and holding one of his muscled legs high in the air as he pushed it back in, Blaine groaned and rubbed the head of it against his prostate. "Shit, oh right there… please Kurt…"

His cock twitched; standing harder at attention as Blaine arched his back off the bed. His hand started to move slowly up and down the length, eventually massaging his nuts and teasing his perineum while he pretty much moaned like a whore into the voicemail of his boyfriend. Right when he felt he could take it, the hand pushing the toy in and out moved to the switch to turn the vibrator on.

"OH—SHIT!" Blaine's legs dropped against the bed hard and he sat up; the toy sliding even further inside of him as a result. All at once his legs started to shake and the swirling feeling he got in his gut began to stir, and Blaine clutched the side of the bed with one hand as the other flew up and down his cock.

"Kurt, please baby," he gasped for air as his body shook, "K-Kurt… please," the toy vibrated directly against his prostate causing him so much pleasure it almost hurt, "Fuck me, Kurt. Right there, baby. I'm so close—I'm so fucking… yes…"

Blaine's mouth fell open as he came hard. He felt a cramp forming in his leg from how hard his toes had curled and the expensive sheets Kurt had purchased for their bed had cum all over it, but right now, he couldn't bring himself to care. The teen fell back and winced at the oversensitivity of the vibrator, pulling it out of himself slowly.

"Shit," he was sweating even harder now, but slowly a smile started to form on his face. He looked at the phone and saw the call was still going, lazily grabbing it and putting it to his lips.

"Goodnight, baby. See you for dinner and rehearsal later."

And then he hung up.


"Hey kiddo, whatcha been listening to all morning?"

Kurt jumped at his father's voice entering the kitchen as he removed the ear buds from his ear. "Oh this? Nothing, dad. Blaine and I are singing a duet now so I'm just going over the song we chose."

"Oh," Burt nodded and walked over to his plate, "I want to be surprised so don't share anything with me."

Kurt nodded and stopped the voicemail, choosing to save it before hanging up. He'd only listened to it 13 times that morning and had some pretty dirty thoughts at their kitchen table over breakfast as he did so. Now, it was time to get rid of the boner and acknowledge that he was at the table having breakfast with his dad. "So are you going into the shop today?"

Burt nodded his head yes. He was actually only going to make sure Kurt's birthday gift was delivered and then he'd be coming right back home, preparing for dinner with Amber, Blaze, and his boys. "Yup. What time are you off work today?"

"Hopefully before 3 so I can be home on time for tonight," Kurt picked up his coffee and smiled at his dad, "Don said I could leave but I don't like doing so before my work is done."

"Because you're my son," Burt told him, sticking his fork into the turkey bacon and trying not to shake his head. Kurt smiled at him.

"Yeah. I've already did the prep for dinner and you have nothing to worry about."

"That sounds great," Burt took a bite of his food and nodded to Kurt, "you take good care of your old man, and I'm lucky to have you. I hope those 12 grandchildren Blaine keeps telling his mother and I you two are going to give us are as good to you as you are to me."

Kurt laughed and rolled his eyes before sipping a bit of the coffee. "Don't listen to Blaine, dad. He's insane."

"Insane Blaine."

"Exactly," Kurt smiled and stood up from the table. "I'm going to finish getting ready. You're dropping me off right, pops?"

Burt continued to chew on the bacon as he nodded, "Yes I am. Your hair looks fine."

"That won't make me style it any quicker," Kurt smiled, "but nice try."


Blaine walked a bit behind his friends as he listened to the song playing in his headphones. He paid careful attention to the lyrics and the melodies, though he knew this song like he knew the back of his hand.

David was dancing on top of a bench at the mall, doing his slick dance moves and winking at girls going by. Nick laughed as he skated up on his boyfriend's board, all until they noticed security coming and made a run for it. Blaine rolled his eyes at his friends with a smile, continuing to follow after them.

It was close to one in the afternoon now and they'd pretty much bullshitted their day away. It started at Layla's where Justin almost asked Blaine why he had a new swagger to his walk, but decided not to. They ate, then ended up hanging out at the skate park a bit, then walking on the beach and doing the same shit they always did; running their mouths, pushing each other like idiots, Jeff made a sandcastle and Blaine walked around shirtless, enjoying showing off his tattoo while thinking about getting a few more. By the time they'd gotten to the mall, Justin had taken a phone call from Quinn and stayed to himself a bit. Blaine did the same, putting his headphones on and listening to the song he and Kurt chose to duet to.

And now, the group had walked into a sneaker store for Nick. Jeff wrapped his arms around the teen's waist as they looked at a selection of shoes and David tried not to cry.

Was it possible to have two OTPs? Because he felt some weird shit happening in his heart.

From Kurt:

What time are you coming over for dinner?

Blaine read the message and licked his lips, wondering if Kurt heard the message. He hasn't said anything about it that morning.

To Kurt:

What time should I be there? I'm still with the guys…

"What do you think?" Nick held up a pair of orange, green and white Nikes and Justin adamantly shook his head no.

From Kurt:

Dinner should be all done by six. I'm asking though because I really, really want to fuck you before then and I don't know how long I'll have a free house.

Blaine winced as he dropped his phone, thankful for the headphones that held it up just before it could hit the ground. All of his friends and a few other people present looked to make sure he was ok, and the teen smiled shyly before picking it up.

"I have a retro New York Mets jersey that'd go perfectly with that, honestly." Jeff said, ignoring Justin who continued to say no. "It even says Sterling on the back of it. You can have it if you want."

Blaine and David did the manliest squee they could muster as Justin's heart eyes came out in full effect.

"That is so cute," Blaine said.

Nick blushed and rolled his eyes, turning away from his friends.

To Kurt:

My aunt and uncle's place will be empty until about six when she gets in with him. Did you like the voicemail?

"You better buy those ugly sneakers now."

"They're not ugly," Nick said with a laugh, shoving Justin. Blaine shook his head with a laugh at the guys he got to call his best friends and bit his lip at the incoming text message.

From Kurt:

I've only listened to it a hundred or so times, Blaine. I'll be off work in another hour or so, then I'm going to start dinner. You'll text me when you're close and then I'll get Blaze to watch the food for me.

From Kurt:

Then I'll get to hear you moan for me because I'm inside you.

"Make me moan."

Justin slowly turned around and looked down at Blaine. Blaine looked up at him and deadpanned.

"I wasn't talking to you."

Justin shook his head and faced front again.

To Kurt:

What position?

From Kurt:

Spoiler alert.

Blaine bit his lip and smiled.

To Kurt:

Alright, baby. See you soon.


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