Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.
Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.
Before you read this, please, please, please visit the Official Blog for this story. There are a couple OCs added and all of their pictures and bios are on the website:
Visit ridelikeklaine.com and click on The Ride Characters to see them. Beware that there are spoilers so don't do read the posts yet, lol, just look at the characters and READ THE CHAPTER FIRST. Spoilers.
Sorry I just updated this very late.
Enjoy, please. Thanks for the reviews. I love you all. :)
Chapter 10- Don't Wake Me Up
It turned out that picking a song for an audition was going to be a little more difficult that Kurt anticipated. Out of the hundreds of millions of songs to have ever been recorded, there was one that he'd have to choose; one that would showcase the talent Kurt Hummel knew he possessed, as well as showcased how musically gifted Blaine was on several different instruments. Since they decided during their time in New York that they'd audition together—Kurt by voice and Blaine through instrumental, both came to the conclusion that a joint audition would best suit them. The thing was they now had to find the perfect song that would prove they both belonged in the Pace High School of the Performing Arts. Needless to say, the pressure was suffocating.
Kurt pressed the off button on Blaine's AC unit, walking over to his boyfriend's closet and grabbing a spare sweater. Beautiful music filled the room as Blaine strummed his guitar, humming along to the tune and watching through his lashes as Kurt pulled on an old sweatshirt of his. The image never failed to make him smile. Everything from Kurt sleeping in his clothes to skateboarding in his helmet were examples of things that made Blaine's heart go mad. As his boyfriend walked back over to the bed, he smiled to himself, looking down at his guitar and playing softly.
Nick (being the amazing friend he was) added a few songs to Rachel's everlasting list of potential audition choices. He recalled talking to a few people who majored in singing and as Nick told him the first day they met, Broadway related songs were usually the best way to go. And being that Kurt's vocal range was pretty astounding, Nick made sure to contribute a list that would celebrate that.
As Kurt combed through the potentials, he listened to his boyfriend slowly begin to sing. The words were soft spoken and barely there as he began to pick up his strumming, each chord a little louder than the last.
Blaine smiled as Kurt looked up at him through his lashes. He swore the blue eyed beauty grew more gorgeous by the second. "How's the search coming?" he asked genuinely, licking his lips at the way Kurt bit his. The teen smiled and looked back down at different lyrics.
"I'm sort of at a standstill." Kurt answered in response. His eyes found Defying Gravity and he considered trying that again before turning the page. "Are you sure you don't want to help me?"
Blaine smiled as he plucked the strings slowly. "I think you should take a break. You're losing sleep over this when I keep telling you it'll be fine."
"We don't know that," Kurt dropped the papers and rolled onto his back. His hair touched Blaine's bare feet as he looked up at the ceiling. "I'm sure you're a shoe in, no matter what instrument you decide on… though you should probably be studying for your entrance exam, too—"
"Good luck with that." Kurt playfully rolled his eyes as he listened, "Studying over the summer?" Blaine shook his head. With a smile, he glanced down by his feet at Kurt; that grin on his lips always succeeding in making him crazy. "I don't see that happening."
"Any who," Kurt played at a few locks of hair that fell against his forehead, "I really can't afford to drop the ball on this. My zoned school will be one that offers practically no arts programs—"
"My current school." Blaine said as he switched melodies completely. Kurt turned his head to face him, nodding.
"Yes. I don't want to go there and not be able to get into the college I've been dreaming of for the past two years. I mean there's always fashion but… I want to be a performer."
Blaine smiled as they locked eyes. He sat up a bit and nodded, "I can understand that baby. You belong in Pace. I'd hate having you go to my crummy school."
"And I'd hate you not going to Pace with me in the slight chance I can actually get in." Kurt said back with a smirk. His boyfriend bit his lower lip and nodded.
"You can definitely get in Kurt, but I know what you mean."
They fell quiet and Kurt looked back up at the ceiling, now resting both hands above his chest. Blaine's music got a little louder and his song was a little clearer now.
"I'll tell you what," as he played he watched Kurt turn to face him, "you pick a song, and then I'll pick a song. We'll do this until we narrow it down to ten, and then rehearse each one."
Kurt rolled onto his side and faced him, anticipating the rest of his boyfriend's plan.
"What works, we keep. What doesn't, we chuck. After we've narrowed it down to three, we'll discuss it some more and pick whatever feels best." Blaine reached over for his purple guitar pick after making the suggestion, and he felt proud when he could tell that Kurt absolutely loved it.
"That's an amazing idea. It really takes the stress out of it knowing that we have some time to mull this over too." He smiled and turned back to the papers. Blaine nodded in response.
"Exactly. So you pick your favorites first; whichever you'd been leaning towards."
Kurt grinned and his excitement would be visible to a blind man. "Ok."
The teen ended up trying to pick his five songs all at once. It made sense since Blaine was busying himself with his instrument, probably composing a new piece for Mikey. Kurt really loved that, and when Blaine showed him the many songs he'd written since he was 12, he almost suggested auditioning with one of those. Especially the teen's more recent work. But they were personal and Kurt felt amazing knowing he was the only one Blaine shared them with.
Blaine felt a sudden calm come over him as they lie in his room. The day was young and it was just Kurt and Blaine. Neither had any intention of letting another person into their bubble, at least not now. It was now that Blaine could be himself with the one person who wouldn't judge him, or never asked too much. And with that comfort, Blaine always found himself letting go, piece by piece.
I should ink my skin with your name
Kurt glanced over at him as he sifted through papers, smiling involuntary when Blaine's beautiful golden eyes found his.
And take my passport out again
And just replace it
The boy smiled shyly as he played his acoustic guitar—the one that his little sister and Mikey once got crayon all over. He played his guitar, smiling, and singing lyrics beautifully into the air.
See I could do without a tan
On my left hand
Where my fourth finger meets my knuckle
The voice never once ceased in giving Kurt butterflies. Whether speaking, or saying something incredibly inappropriate, and especially when singing, Blaine could always succeed in making Kurt's skin heat up; goose bumps rising on his skin.
Blaine sang as he watched his boyfriend turn away, looking back down at his song choices. He'd made four piles, working with the most adorable blush on his face.
And I should run you a hot bath
Fill it up with bubbles
Kurt couldn't focus on what he was doing. All that mattered was Blaine being beautiful and looking beautiful, sounding beautiful and reminding him exactly why he was head over heels. He gave up for a minute, laying his head on folded arms and looking up at the boy he adored.
Blaine smiled softly at him, continuing with the lyrics.
'Cause maybe you're loveable
And maybe you're my snowflake
Kurt giggled at the words, eliciting a wide grin from Blaine as he resumed,
And your eyes turn from green to gray in the winter
I'll hold you in a cold place
And you should never cut your hair
'Cause I love the way you brush it off your forehead
Kurt blushed as their eyes locked with one another's. Blaine laughed a bit, steadily strumming a slow, beautiful melody.
And you will never know
Just how beautiful you are to me
Blaine bit his lip, nodding along to his strumming. "Yes, beautiful?"
"Stop making me blush," Kurt said coyly. Blaine rolled his eyes at that, but had to smile when he saw his boyfriend making his way up the bed to sit beside him.
But maybe I'm just in love
When you wake me up
The words made Kurt blush even more and Blaine chuckled softly, a sigh of contentment leaving his lips when Kurt lay on his shoulder.
"You're adorable when you blush."
"You're adorable when you help me pick songs." the coiffed teen replied with a smirk.
Blaine smiled.
And you will never know
Just how beautiful you are to me
Kurt placed his hand over Blaine's as they moved along the strings. He smiled, taking Kurt's hand in his and strumming the guitar together.
But maybe I'm just in love
When you wake me up
For a moment the two sat quietly, making music and smiling to themselves at every note that entered the air. Blaine couldn't help but think how happy he was in this very moment, and nothing changed when Kurt sat up and looked at him. The sexy smile Blaine loved replaced the adorable one he also loved, and the boy leant in slowly. Of course he was met half way, though Kurt stopped to whisper right against his lips.
"I love you, Blaine Anderson."
Blaine smiled against his lips, and then those lips kissed him sweetly, passionately, and sensually. Both remained still as their mouths touched tentatively, reinforcing the words Kurt had just uttered. He closed his eyes and reveled in the way his boyfriend's mouth claimed his.
Blaine was Kurt's.
They pulled back with a smile and surely, the pale teen was blushing beautifully. Blaine could honestly say there was little he loved more than seeing Kurt so shy and adorable, besides the man himself. But before he could tell him, Kurt was speaking again.
"Hey, Cooper. He's asleep right now but I'll let him know you called."
Blaine's eyebrow rose along with his confusion, but Kurt only continued as he gently caressed his face.
"Everything is great, actually. The trip was so amazing, we had a blast."
"What are you talking about, babe?"
Blaine couldn't feel Kurt's hand on his cheek anymore, and the boy slowly started to disappear in front of him. He shook his head no frantically, reaching out his hand to hold him down, but it was already too late. Kurt was gone.
His eyes shot open then and Blaine's heart broke even more when he realized it was all just a dream.
A beautiful, amazing, perfect dream.
Mikey was beside him with Darwin in his lap and Kurt IV to his left, watching whatever was happening on the television. Because of Blaine jerking awake, the boy turned to see him and Blaine blinked a few times, looking around the room with confusion and trying best to hide his disappointment. His boyfriend was at the edge of the bed with an iPhone to his ear.
"You ok, Blainey?"
His neck cracked when he nodded, though Mikey wasn't so quick to believe him. The blonde continued to watch him for a little while. He knew what it was like to wake up sad because of his bad dreams, and he could tell his cousin didn't look very happy.
Listening to Kurt speak, Blaine lie back against the pillow and let out a sigh.
"Looking forward to it," Kurt said with a soft laugh.
Man, did Blaine adore that laugh.
"We'll see you soon, then. Ok…" he chuckled again, "Goodbye, Cooper."
As he hung up, Kurt turned back to toss the phone back where it was beside his boyfriend. In doing so, he noticed a still sleepy Blaine looking over at him. He grinned, happy that he'd finally woken up and blew a quick kiss.
"Why, hey there sleepy head. You really take 'Lazy Sunday' in a literal sense, I see."
It turned out that even being blown kisses made Blaine the happiest guy in all of southern California. But at the same time, he was really upset. He forced a small smile and shrugged a bit before forcing his face back into the pillow. Mikey looked from his cousin to Kurt who raised an eye at his boyfriend in confusion.
"What's the matter with Blainey?" Mikey asked softly, playing with the foot of his stuffed animal. Kurt smiled reassuringly at the tot before he could get too sad.
"I'm not sure. Honey, are you okay?" Kurt repositioned himself on the bed as he asked, turning his body away from the TV so that he was facing Mikey and Blaine.
Blaine buried his head a bit further in the pillow and stared in the opposite direction. The picture of him and Kurt from when they'd first gotten together was in a little frame with cheesy hearts all over it; Kurt kissing his cheek and him smiling like a lunatic. It was one of his favorite couple-y pictures (though every picture they took was classified as one of his favorites) and Blaine only sighed as he looked at it.
Kurt smirked when he noticed they were being ignored. He knew Blaine wasn't a morning person but seriously, it was almost 5 in the evening now. No one wakes up grumpy at 5 in the evening. He smiled at Mikey whose adorable concern was all over his face, and looked down at Blaine's bare feet. Trailing a hand smoothly along the back of his thigh, he smirked when his fingers found the teen's foot and tickled him teasingly.
Blaine closed his eyes and relaxed when Kurt's hand rubbed his leg. But when he felt him tickling his feet he snorted and jerked his foot away. "Stop that."
Kurt smiled and brought his hand back to himself. "Well stop pouting. You're upsetting Mikey."
"Yeah! You're upsetting me."
Blaine rolled his eyes as he stared at the picture. "Then don't look at me. Watch your movie."
Mikey pouted and Kurt crossed his arms. "Blaine."
Blaine stuffed his face into the pillow and waved them off. Kurt shook his head. How difficult could one person be?
"Why are you sad, Blainey?"
Kurt crawled a little further up the bed; settling between the cousins. Blaine felt the bed shift but ignored them even further. "I think I know why he's sad."
Mikey looked at him. "Why?"
"He needs Kurt and Michael kisses of course."
Blaine shook his head. "Don't kiss me—"
"Get him!"
Mikey laughed as Kurt jumped on Blaine's back, attacking one side of the curly haired teen. He kissed the other cheek and giggled until his cheeks were red at Blaine's squirming; Kurt tickling the boy's bare back.
Kurt pinched his boyfriend in the side as he held him down, placing kisses everywhere he could reach. In response, Blaine laughed and buried his face even deeper, trying to escape the two boys around him.
"C'mon," Blaine's voice was muffled from the pillows and laughing so hard, "Mikey your kisses are so wet stop— Kurt, stop tickling me!"
Mikey kissed him harder and left his cousin with a wet spot on his cheek. Kurt only stopped his tickling fit because he was laughing so hard.
"I'm f-fine," Blaine tried to shake his boyfriend off of him but he was pretty much trapped against the mattress. "Let me up. I need to use the bathroom."
Kurt smiled at Mikey and raised both eyebrows. "Should we let him up?"
"He has to go." The boy answered seriously, making an earnest face. Blaine snorted.
"Fine," Kurt rolled away and lay on the bed crossways, tickling Mikey's foot instead and grinning when the silly boy jerked away with his ridiculous laugh. That laugh was insane. "You're free to go, Mr. BMX."
Blaine shook his head and stood up, glaring at the two on the bed and smiling when Kurt blew him another kiss. He honestly couldn't help it. Only if he was able to say what he wanted to say right now.
Outside the room, Blaine closed his bedroom door behind himself. He took a quick breath as he let go of the doorknob, all before turning away and heading towards the bathroom. On the way, he wiped the slobber from Mikey's kisses off his face and smiled to himself.
I'll have to get him back later.
Inside the bathroom, Blaine stared at himself in the mirror. Curls were everywhere and his eyes were a little red; admittedly because he'd almost cried when he woke up, not because he was tired.
Why was he being tortured by his subconscious now?
Wasn't it enough to be tortured by the reality of it?
The dream was way too vivid. Insanely vivid. He could feel Kurt touching him; he could feel his fingers on the strings of his guitar, and his heart racing when those blue eyes met his. And the words…
"I love you, Blaine Anderson."
They were spoken so clear and so confident, like Kurt was never more sure of anything in his life.
Was he really sure?
Blaine shook his head at his reflection, willing the tears away. He turned on the cold water and took another deep breath, splashing some over his face.
And then he repeated the action.
It physically hurt having to wake up from that; especially with Kurt and Mikey being there and just being amazing. Life would be so much easier if he could say it.
"I'm gonna tell him. I'm going to take him somewhere special… I'll give him an amazing night and like Nick said show him that I love him. And I'll tell him too," Blaine told himself in the mirror. He looked down at the pendant hanging over his chest and nodded, "I'm gonna tell Kurt I love him."
The door to Kurt's room closed and Blaine swallowed hard, wiping his face with his royal purple towel. He turned and exited the bathroom, almost walking into his little cousin who stood outside the door.
"What was all of that about? You had me scared."
Blaine rolled his eyes, ruffling the boy's curls. "I'm fine, little man. Where are you going?"
Mikey gestured with his head, "I'm helping momma with dinner. You wanna come?"
"I'll hang out with Kurt," the elder said, "Tell me when dinner is ready okay?"
"Okay, Blainey." Mikey smiled at the handshake he and Blaine made up and went off, clambering his way down the steps.
Blaine smiled as he watched the boy go. Once the sound of his little footsteps disappeared, he walked towards his bedroom door.
Inside, Kurt was on the bed flipping through channels. He glanced up at the sound of Blaine reentering the room and smiled adorably. Blaine took in the sight of Kurt wearing an old t-shirt of his and a dark pair of sweats that were a bit too short; smiling again because he was wearing his clothes.
"You should come join me," the Ohio native began, "We're watching Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. Well, we were watching it. Mikey smelled food when you opened the door so he ditched me."
Blaine smiled softly, locking the door behind him and approaching the bed. "So much for you trying to replace me as BFF," he said, sitting down beside him. "Your little mini-me ditched you for BBQ."
"I could never replace you, dork." Kurt said with a smirk, leaning in close until Blaine's lips were touching his. He noticed Blaine's tense body relax tenfold at the contact before pulling back with a bemused expression.
Blaine sighed when he felt Kurt moving away. He opened his eyes and found his boyfriend giving him a weary look. "What's the matter?"
Kurt shrugged. "I was going to ask you the same thing, actually."
The only response he got was a slight smile as Blaine sat back on the bed, looking up at the television. "I don't know what you mean, darling. I'm just tired." Kurt stared at him and Blaine smirked, continuing. "What? I am."
"You slept on the plane ride back here, and then you slept for a couple hours just now. You cannot still be tired, Blaine Anderson."
Blaine shrugged this time, never moving his eyes away from the TV. "It was a long night. I'm sure you remember it Mr. 'Oh god yes! There, Blaine!'" he finished with a smirk after mimicking his boyfriend's words the previous night.
Kurt rolled his eyes and looked away. "You obviously underestimate how well I know you, honey."
"That's not true." Blaine inched closer to him as he spoke, "How about we watch the movie and continue to be lazy for the rest of the day." Kurt looked down at Blaine's hand on his thigh and smiled when the teen started to kiss along his jawline.
"Or," Kurt stilled his hand and Blaine smirked, "you can lie down with me and we can talk about what's going on."
Blaine glanced up and caught eyes with him. Something about the sincerity in Kurt's eyes won him over every time.
"We can do that, baby..." Blaine smiled as Kurt urged him onto his back until he was flat on the bed. Kurt then straddled him, smirking as he laced their hands together.
"Okay… this definitely works." Blaine mused, placing his lower lip between his teeth.
"So… when you came back into the room I could literally feel your stress. What's going on?"
Blaine tightened his hold on Kurt's hands as he spoke. "I just had a… weird dream. It seemed real so it shook me a bit, but I'm fine."
Kurt nodded, allowing Blaine to take hold of his hips as he rested on top of him. "We should talk about it."
"Mm, no cupcake." Blaine began to slip his hand underneath the t-shirt Kurt wore, frowning when it was slapped away. "Kurt."
"At least tell me if it was a bad dream."
"It wasn't bad at all."
They had a stare down for a moment or two, and Kurt eventually digressed. "If you say so."
He noticed Blaine sigh in what appeared to be relief, but instead of getting into anything else; he rolled off of him and lay beside the rider.
"Do you see what Mikey made me?" Kurt held up his wrist that was now dressed in a colorful threaded friendship bracelet; beads that read 'M-i-k-e-y' with a heart on each side decorated it. "My new must have accessory."
Blaine turned his head and nodded at the bracelet. It screamed Mikey with all those random ass colors. But like the genius he was, purple was utilized the most. "Did you make him one too?"
Kurt nodded obviously as he rested his elbows on the mattress. "Of course I did. He'll show you when he comes back upstairs. It's mostly shades of blue… that's his favorite color you know. He said that it's been that way since he's met me." Blaine rolled his eyes at that and Kurt laughed. "Well what can you do? He's a charmer like his cousin."
Blaine couldn't argue with that. "Did you make one for me?"
Kurt smirked, dropping his head a bit to kiss Blaine on the lips. "We're supposed to make them together. That's the friendship part of it."
His boyfriend scoffed. "You just didn't want to make me one," Blaine told him, "no need to come up with excuses."
Kurt smiled as he pulled back to look into Blaine's eyes. "Ok. You're extremely grumpy."
Blaine shrugged. "I'm not. I'm just tired babe."
"Hm," Kurt gave him another kiss, this time a bit longer, all before getting up on his knees. "Turn over. I'm going to give you a massage."
Blaine raised an eyebrow to see if he was serious, and when Kurt looked back at him expectantly with a sexy grin, the rider quickly turned onto his stomach and put himself fully on the bed.
Kurt crawled to follow him. The movie continued in the background and they listened to the dialogue; the younger smiling softly as he sat straddled just at the top of Blaine's thighs. He observed him lying on the pillows on top of crossed arms and began to caress him, starting at the small of his back, touching warm skin, and running all the way up to Blaine's shoulders. "You're so tense, baby."
Blaine felt himself relaxing instantly as Kurt massaged his shoulders. He tilted his head so that his boyfriend could get better access and hummed his contentment. "I guess coming back here reminds me of what's back here, you know?" Kurt nodded as he listened, watching Blaine unwind at the movement of his hands. "Can't help but be a little stressed."
Kurt hummed acknowledgment. He could understand that. Applying a bit more pressure to Blaine's muscles, he spoke softly. "I'll continue to give you a massage and we'll talk. How does that sound?"
Blaine closed his eyes and nodded. "Sounds good."
Kurt's fingers trailed up and down Blaine's bare back, reveling in the sounds the teen made. They were… nice.
"Mm, that's good, baby."
Very nice.
He rubbed that spot again. "You're stressing. I don't like my Superman stressing."
Blaine bit his lip when he felt Kurt massaging his lower back. "I know baby. That feels so good." Kurt watched his hands and nodded, not replying though. Blaine took the opportunity to begin. "Are you coming with me and Coop on Wednesday?"
His boyfriend lifted an eyebrow at the question. "Should I?"
Blaine opened his eyes as Kurt continued to work on top of him. "It'd be nice."
There was no response at first, and Blaine didn't understand why. It seemed simple enough, didn't it? Kurt should've guessed that Blaine would want him there after all.
"I know," the younger finally began, "I just thought the point of this was for you two to talk. Can you do that with the big distraction of your totally gay boyfriend in the room?"
Blaine rolled his eyes and closed them. He felt Kurt's hands making their way back to his shoulders as he spoke. "I really hate it when you do that, Kurt."
Kurt played with the curls at the nape of Blaine's neck. "What am I doing?"
"Stop belittling yourself. You're my gay boyfriend. Fine. That shouldn't mean that I can't have a conversation with someone while you're in the room. And last I checked I wasn't exactly straight so your point isn't even a bit valid."
Kurt smiled. "I don't mean it like that and you know it. I'm saying that you and your mom need to get back on the right track and I don't know if I need to be in the middle of it... you know what I mean."
"I just want you there."
Blaine was adamant, and Kurt knew he would get his way. "Then I'll come, I guess."
"You guess?"
Kurt bit his lip, caressing the boy's shoulders carefully. "Well you know, honey… It's your mom—your rock before there was a Kurt."
Blaine scoffed. "There was always a Kurt," he grumbled into the pillow. Kurt smiled, steadily massaging Blaine's back and leaning forward to kiss him in his crazy curls.
"And," he continued, "you two need each other more than you're willing to admit. I'm sure she wants to say things to you one on one and with me there, I don't know…"
Blaine nodded. "So you won't come."
He smiled once more, "I'll come, Blaine. I'll just wait outside, maybe? Hang out with your big bro for a while."
Blaine liked that. Well, he liked that Kurt would be around for moral support. He knew he could count on him. What he wasn't too fond of was Cooper spending time with his boyfriend. Who knew the ridiculous childhood stories he'd bring up, promptly embarrassing the hell out of him. Either way, Kurt would be there. That made him feel a little less anxious. "Ok."
Kurt's hands made their way to the muscles of Blaine's back, firmly pressing in and massaging the stress away. He licked his lips when the teen sighed and became a little looser because of the work of his hands. "How does this feel?"
Blaine hummed in reply. "So good, baby."
His boyfriend nodded, pretending the words weren't affecting him as much as they were affecting him. If he got turned on any more, Blaine would definitely feel it. To avoid that, Kurt began a new conversation. "So, back to practicing tomorrow, huh?"
Blaine kept his eyes closed and nodded. "Yeah. At least I'll be able to get my mind off of everything for a while."
"That's always good," Kurt responded. "I only work a few hours."
"Mm," Blaine bit his lip to hold back the other moans he almost let loose. This massage was feeling a lot better than Kurt probably intended for it to feel. "You want to do something afterwards?"
Kurt smirked. Like he even had to ask. "Sure. What do you have in mind?" he rubbed over the side of his boyfriend's tanned body and awaited a response.
Blaine moved further into the pillow. "Well maybe—"
Blaine's cell phone went off beside him. Kurt looked over at the vibrating cell phone and went to grab it, but Blaine reached for it instead.
"I got it. Please don't stop what you're doing."
Kurt smiled. "Ok, honey."
The screen read 'Jus' and Blaine pressed accept. "What's up, bro?"
"I spoke to her when we landed." an adorable voice replied back.
Blaine rolled his eyes but smiled, then biting his lip when Kurt massaged him deeper. "Oh yeah? How'd that go for you?"
Justin smiled as he spoke and Blaine could hear the silly grin. "Not so bad. Listen, we're all going to the diner at midnight. Nick, Naomi, Jeff, Vickie, David… you and Kurt better be there too. She said she'll meet up with me there."
Blaine nodded. "Midnight? I think we can make that."
Kurt listened and shook his head. His dad would definitely catch him sneaking out one of these nights.
"Ok then. See you later."
"Later." Blaine replied before pulling the phone away from his ear. Kurt kneaded the flesh of his lower back as he watched him check a few text messages and put the phone beside him.
"Where were we, baby?"
"We were making plans for tomorrow," Kurt told him; his fingers running right above the waistband of Blaine's shorts. The teen hummed as Kurt continued, "After I get off work we're supposed to do something."
Blaine licked his lips as he relaxed against the pillows. Kurt's fingers were amazing and it took a lot of reserve not to flip them over right now. "Oh yeah," he began, "we need to take Mikey to the beach. After we go to the skate park of course. I've been promising him we'd build a sand castle that's his height since last year and I should get that done before he's my height."
Kurt laughed. "Which will probably be next month—"
"Stop with the short jokes Hummel—"
"But that's perfectly fine with me," Kurt cut him off with a grin, still working on Blaine's muscles, "of course I may need to hide under an umbrella or something because I'm not getting burned up. Tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter than today."
Blaine smiled, "I promise not to let the big bad sun get to you. Bring that thing with the pages you're always looking at and chill out on our blanket. We'll take it easy."
Kurt laughed lightly as his fingers made their way to Blaine's backbones, "Would 'that thing with the pages' you are referring to happen to be a book?"
Blaine smirked. "Is that what they're called?"
"You're silly," Kurt leant down and kissed him in the hair again, "but that sounds perfect. Don't forget I have to take off Mikey's training wheels off tomorrow. And get him really cool BMX gear so he can be like you. He's been so excited about it."
Blaine nodded. "He wouldn't let me forget about tomorrow being 'Big Boy Bike Day' so don't worry. You get off at 3, right?"
"Sure do." Kurt told him.
"Well I'll sign him out a little early from school and we'll come by the shop… Kurt that feels so fucking good."
Kurt bit his lip into a smirk. "I'm glad to hear that."
A pair of hands caressed the side of Blaine's body until they reached his hips, and then went back up. He sighed happily and spoke, "We'll stop by, get his stuff…" Kurt ran his fingers through Blaine's curls and the teen almost moaned at the way his scalp was being massaged, "and then we'll all go to the park for a bit… damn…"
Kurt smiled, adjusting his body a bit and sitting further up on top of Blaine. One hand played in his hair and the other rubbed his left shoulder, "And then the beach."
Blaine hummed. "Yeah… the beach."
They remained quiet for a few minutes. Everything was Kurt and Blaine; massages and soft hums, the old Disney flick playing in the background while they enjoyed each other's company.
Kurt's phone went off five minutes afterwards and he peeked onto the dresser where it lay to see an incoming email from Santana. He shook his head as Blaine reached for it.
"I'm sure whatever she has to say is not important right now."
Blaine smirked as he unlocked Kurt's phone. "Let's find out." He opened the message and relaxed into Kurt's hands as he read the text aloud.
"Dear Porcelain,
We arrived back in Lima today a little after 2PM. Everyone was bummed because we came back without a first place trophy and without our favorite homosexual. I guess what I'm trying to say is we miss you, Hummel. Almost as much as Chandler misses having someone around who actually liked him—" Blaine froze for a moment and turned back to see Kurt the best he could with their positioning, "who's Chandler?"
Kurt rolled his eyes. "Read the rest, please."
Blaine nodded, facing forward again.
"But the important thing is you're happy with hobbit the hedgehog and have incredible sex on a regular basis." Blaine stopped to chuckle, "I like this chick."
Kurt smiled, "She's something else."
"And you never know." he resumed, "Maybe one day this summer we'll all see each other again. It could be wishful thinking, but we miss you, lady face.
Oh, Brit and Lord Tubbington say hello.
Yours truly,
Blaine scrolled down to make sure that was all before addressing Kurt again. "Lady face?"
Kurt nodded. "That's Santana being sweet, honey. I saw you two talking when I was over with my ex. Seems like you both hit it off well?"
Blaine shrugged at the memory. "She insulted me a few times but then she turned out to be okay."
Kurt laughed a bit and Blaine smiled at the sound. "Like I said. Seems like you both hit it off well."
Blaine grinned. That must've been Santana liking him then. "Cool. Speaking of your life in Ohio, now would be a good time to tell me more about Ohio Kurt. Since we're talking with one another and all."
Kurt nodded. That seemed fair. "You ask questions and I answer."
"Okay," Blaine rested on folded arms once more. "Where did you hang out in Lima. Like here it's Layla's Diner. Where was that for you there?"
"Breadstix," Kurt answered surely. "The food was mediocre at best but that was our place. I loved the Lima Bean too, despite Chandler always forgetting my coffee order."
Blaine shook his head. "Not-fat mocha, right?"
Kurt smiled. "How'd you know that? I just get regular coffee when we go to the diner."
"The first night we snuck out and went to the diner, you got upset because they didn't have non-fat mochas at Layla's—just regular and decaf. I watched you do this little pouty thing where you stuck out your bottom lip and it was probably the most adorable thing I'd ever seen. But that was weird so I looked away."
Kurt lifted his eyebrow as a grin spread across his face. "Oh that is precious."
Blaine smiled. "Come lie next to me."
So Kurt did. He moved aside and lay down beside the rider, smiling as he snuggled into Blaine's side. "I can't believe you remember that. That's an incredibly minor detail for the crazy day and night we had."
Blaine looked into his eyes. "You scanned the menu like a hundred times and ended up letting me order for us."
Kurt nodded with a grin. "And you got us those huge burgers and two lemonades."
Blaine bit his lip. "And then José texted you and ruined my night."
His boyfriend laughed. "God, you're adorable when you're jealous."
"I'm crazy about you baby." Blaine told him honestly. He almost melted when Kurt shortened the distance between them and kissed his lips.
"Any other questions?"
Blaine nodded as he placed a hand over Kurt's hip; the two lying in bed face to face. "Favorite memory from Lima that isn't glee club related."
Kurt smiled. "Definitely hanging out with mom and dad."
Blaine smiled in return. "What did you guys do?"
Kurt moved closer and spoke. Their noses bumped because of the action. "Well we would have family game night sometimes and my mom would help me cheat against my dad and we'd always beat him. In everything." Kurt smiled, "We were terrible."
Blaine smiled. "What else?"
Kurt laughed a little before he spoke again. "We'd play dress up. I don't want to go into details but just know little me could work a pair of heels and my dad looks amazing in burgundy lip gloss."
Blaine snorted and Kurt let himself laugh a little more. "I was a weirdo."
"I'm sure you were beautiful."
Kurt rolled his eyes. "If you say so." He got quiet and thought a while. "There was also this boy…"
One of Blaine's eyebrows quirked up along with his curiosity. "A boy?"
Kurt smiled at his boyfriend's jealousy after two seconds into the story. "Calm down. I was only about 6… but before you came along, he was totally someone I could see myself falling for. Head over heels," Kurt said. Blaine looked at him and he ignored his glare, continuing his story telling. "He had just turned 7 when I met him. Such a freaking babe, too. My mom liked him a lot."
Blaine nodded. "What made him so special? I mean if your mom approved and all… because he sounds like a douche to me."
Kurt laughed and Blaine smiled, watching the boy's cheeks turn pink. "How could he sound like a douche? I've only said two things about him."
Blaine rolled his eyes at that. "He just does."
Kurt smiled. He decided to ignore him, though he thought about how to answer the previous question. "He liked me for me right away. We met at the park one day when my mom and I were taking a shortcut through there. I was never heavy in the friend department but this little boy wanted to be my friend so badly. I hated that I had to go. We only played for like 5 minutes, if I remember correctly."
Blaine rolled his eyes. "And you were head over heels after five minutes?"
Kurt smiled harder. "Look who's talking, handsome." He laughed when Blaine nodded in defeat, smirking and not even bothering to argue that point.
"You got it."
Kurt lay his head down on his folded arms. "You shouldn't be bothered by that. I guess him and I weren't meant to be, honey."
Blaine leant in and kissed him, making his boyfriend smile. "I feel bad for him. He missed out and I lucked out."
Kurt shrugged. "I don't know about that. I'm the lucky one.." he was kissed again and Blaine smiled against his lips, as did Kurt in return. That was until the next statement was made.
"Tell me about Karofsky."
Blaine felt his boyfriend tense from where he touched him, and saw the smile that was on his face quickly disappear. His eyebrows went up in response as he watched Kurt's reaction.
"Was he that bad? I say his name and your mood changes completely?"
Kurt swallowed and shook his head. "I… you knowing his name sort of threw me for a loop. And I was trying to get you to relax and then you bring up the one guy who I feared the most."
Blaine didn't' reply to that. He instead looked on expectantly, watching Kurt's lips as he waited for them to move.
Kurt sighed and his breath ghosted over Blaine's lips. "I don't even know where to start."
Blaine moved in and kissed him. Kurt hummed into it and relaxed a little. "The beginning would be nice," he responded as he pulled away. "And I want you to be honest with me. I'm already getting angry over this guy, but I don't want any secrets."
Kurt nodded in response, taking another deep breath, and resting his forehead against his boyfriend's. "The beginning. Ok."
Blaine rubbed Kurt's arm encouragingly and the blue eyed teen smiled and began. "I met Dave… his name is Dave Karofsky," Blaine nodded and Kurt resumed, "I met him in middle school. We were in the same seventh grade class and I sat in front of him. We weren't ever close, but we didn't have problems either. It was like we knew of each other and that's where it ended."
Blaine nodded.
"So," the hand that Kurt didn't have under his head rested on Blaine's bare chest, tracing tiny patterns just below his collar bone, "seventh grade came and went. Then in the eighth grade he went to a different school. During this time, my um… style developed a bit more. I began to dress differently; nice clothes that I actually liked instead of dingy jeans and sweat shirts. I know my dad meant well but… no." Blaine listened closely, staring at Kurt though the boy looked down at the movement of his hand, "Of course, I started getting heat for it. One of the boys I had a crush on teased me for being immensely feminine and everyone would laugh. But that was the furthest it went in 8th grade; teasing. If I fast forward a year to McKinley, that's where my life took a terrible turn, and Karofsky did play a part in that."
When Kurt felt Blaine tensing up beside him, he had to stop to calm the boy down. Blaine realized how he was reacting to the story and apologized, taking a deep breath.
"It only gets rougher so I need you to stay calm, Blaine."
His boyfriend nodded. Kurt took note of how he tried to relax and softly began.
"Freshman year is when it all started. I was humiliated and ridiculed and literally hated entering that building. All of the jocks felt the need to pick on those who were according to them 'lesser on the food chain' and I was definitely an easy target. I was little and a loner, and though I wasn't out at the time I was still different. Different isn't really appreciated in Lima. And because Karofsky had made the football team, he and his goons made me a priority for their ignorance."
Blaine didn't say anything until he was sure that the venom that certainly would be in his voice had subsided. "Did you go to someone for help?"
Kurt smiled at that. "One teacher yelled at me for almost making her spill her coffee when Karofsky flung me into the locker in front of her. That should explain how great the faculty at McKinley is."
Blaine shook his head and rolled over, staring at the ceiling. Kurt rested his head on his shoulder and spoke.
"They didn't care. And it only got worse when I auditioned for the glee club sophomore year. All of the football players were making my life a living hell. They threw slushies in my face, as well as in my friends' faces, they threw me into dumpsters and completely ruined what I was wearing. I'd go home, Blaine, and I'd shout, and scream, and throw things all around my room in the basement. I remember having to sit in the corner and just talk to my mom, humming the song she used to sing to me."
When Kurt felt Blaine's fists clenching, he sighed, reaching down to take his hand. Blaine continued to look at the ceiling and his anger could be sensed from a mile away.
"So eventually I denied my sexuality to ease the pain. There was spam all over my Facebook page with hate messages, taunts of 'fag' and 'fairy' and other things that I don't need to say. So I joined my football team as kicker and then everyone suddenly liked me. The taunting stopped. I won a game for them and no one dared throw me into a dumpster. But that wasn't who I was and I hated hiding. I came out and things gradually increased to worse and worse—"
"Why was he expelled?" Blaine asked, cutting his boyfriend off. He turned his head to look at Kurt just to make sure the teen wouldn't sugar coat it or put off telling the truth. He needed to know.
Kurt forced a smile as he looked into Blaine's honey eyes. "Wow. You know a lot, don't you?" Blaine only looked at him and the boy sighed, beginning. "Last year during the fall, Karofsky had pushed me to my limit. He'd gone out of his way to be the one to torture me and to make sure I knew it was him who was treating me like filth. I hated it. With my dad having just suffered a heart attack and the anniversary of when I lost my mom coming up, all the pain and fear I felt was bottling up inside me and I couldn't take it. He shoved me one day and I about had it." Blaine looked at him as he explained, and Kurt thought about stopping because he could practically hear Blaine's heart racing with hatred. But Blaine didn't want any secrets and that's how it should be. "I f-followed after him, shouting, angry… enraged is more like it. But I followed him into the locker room and gave him a piece of my mind. I told him I despised him and he kissed me…" Kurt's eyes were beginning to become damp at memory of the story. "He kissed me and I just remember never hating anything more in life than how disgusting I felt at that moment." Blaine sat up now and pulled away from Kurt, running a hand through his hair. Kurt watched him and lie back, rubbing the small of his back slowly before continuing.
"If you want me to stop I will."
Blaine was quiet for a few minutes and it was evident that he was trying to calm down. There wasn't much he could do, Kurt thought, and he didn't have to do anything. All of this was in the past and he was elated to be away from that now.
"Go on," Blaine said; his head still in his hands. Kurt nodded and stroked his back softly.
"I'll make a long story short from here on out," he said, "Dave said he wasn't a faggot and if I told anyone what happened, he'd k-kill me. I—" Blaine tensed up immensely at this point and stood to his feet.
"Santana said they let him back into the school. He threatened your life and you had to see him again every day? Are you fucking kidding, me Kurt? Nobody fought for you?"
So Santana's the one who's been telling him things, Kurt shook his head and finally sat up on the bed. "My dad fought tooth and nail, but our words and our threats were nothing to the school board it turned out. They let him back and Karofsky promised to turn a new leaf—"
"That's bullshit—"
"I know," Kurt leant onto his bended knees, wrapping his arms around them, "can you calm down? I'm here and I'm happy and that's done—"
"You tell me some guy who'd been making your life a living hell didn't even have to pay for what he did and I'm supposed to be okay, Kurt?"
Kurt looked at him. "He came back and he didn't bother me again. He even apologized and we really didn't talk or acknowledge each other since then. In person at least."
Blaine stopped pacing and shook his head, turning to Kurt.
"When I was with Chandler, he private messaged me on Facebook again. It was another apology and an 'I hope you two are happy' type of thing." Kurt looked down at his hands and shrugged, "I didn't reply for a week or so because honestly… it was out of left field and I didn't know what he was up to. But I did say thank you."
Blaine rolled his eyes.
"And then I got another message right before my dad told me about the opportunity he had out here. It was from Dave and it just said 'hey'. I never replied to it but at times, I feel guilty. Like maybe he needed someone to talk to about it—"
"He's not to talk to you, Kurt," Blaine warned.
Kurt nodded. He knew when Blaine was playing and when he wasn't, and right now he was serious.
"I get that. I'm saying I wish he had someone to talk to. Not everyone can decide as easy as you decided that you're happy to change your whole entire life around. Growing up in Ohio is so much different than it is here and having someone to listen to can make a world of a difference."
Blaine looked at him and Kurt shrugged.
"I didn't reply, though. Can you come and lie down?"
After a few seconds, Blaine ran a hand through his hair once more and took another breath. He walked back over to the bed and sat down in front of Kurt, looking the teen in the eyes.
Kurt smiled softly at him and went to speak, but Blaine spoke before him.
"So you've had one guy basically harass you physically and emotionally, and the guy who supposedly cared about you and was your boyfriend turned out to neglect you constantly."
Kurt shrugged. "My past wasn't the prettiest," he joked.
Blaine shook his head. "I don't think it's funny."
"Well, I have to teach myself to see what I do have and be thankful for that. If not, I'll probably go to a place that so many other kids our age go and I could not be depressed over them."
"You'll never feel the way you felt at McKinley ever again as long as I'm here." Blaine moved in closer and took Kurt's now cold hands, frowning as he recounted the conversation, "I'm not going to let you down like everyone else did."
Kurt smiled softly. "I know. And I'm the luckiest man on earth to have you, Blaine Anderson."
The elder smiled, about to speak but was cut off by soft knocks on the door. They were quick like Mikey's little hands always did. "Dinner time!" he shouted. "Mr. Hummey came over, too!"
Blaine smiled at the voice. "Coming, munchkin."
Kurt kissed his cheek and got up first, looking for a pair of slippers to slide his feet into.
"I'll meet you guys down there," he said, "I need to use the restroom."
"C'mere," Blaine told him, watching Kurt force his way into an old pair of Nike slippers. The teen smiled as he turned around.
Blaine licked his lips at the way his sweats hugged Kurt's body, "C'mere."
The younger smirked as he approached, leaning down until they were eye level. He smiled, whispering against Blaine's lips.
"Are you okay?"
Blaine nodded, brushing noses with Kurt as he did so. "I hate the thought of what you went through, though."
Kurt nodded. "I'm great now."
"I know." Blaine said. "I just don't get it. Your friends were all over me in New York like I was such a piece of crap when they did shit to protect you."
Kurt placed the softest kiss he could to Blaine's lips and didn't pull away until the boy relaxed. "We all made our mistakes and we're all passed it. They're trying to be better; I'm trying to be better. It's a work in progress. Now let's go before my dad thinks we're having sex or something."
Blaine smiled a bit, lowering his head. "Let me put a shirt on."
Kurt bit his lip before sighing sadly. Blaine smirked at him. "See you out there."
"Ok babe."
"We're totally going to get caught babe," Kurt tried to stay quiet though he wanted to giggle at the moment. Blaine smiled against his neck as he kissed him; the two hidden in the dark parking lot of Layla's Diner. Because of how they were tucked away on Blaine's ATV, patrons leaving and entering the restaurant couldn't see what was going on in the dimly lit area.
"Stay quiet and we'll be fine." Blaine teased, poking his tongue out to play at his boyfriend's jawline. Kurt bit his lip, rolling his hips slowly on Blaine's lap. Blaine in turn squeezed his waist tighter, sucking a spot on Kurt's neck and hoping Kurt would let him do it long enough to make a mark.
"What if someone walks by? Like a police officer, for instance… stop," Kurt let himself giggle now when his boyfriend roughly squeezed his ass, "I don't want to be hard when we go inside with our friends."
Blaine laughed now. "I think I could help you with that right here."
"We can totally see you both," Jeff got out of his truck and slammed the door shut, smirking at Kurt's 'deer-in-headlights' reaction. Victoria smiled and gave a light wave as she joined her boyfriend.
"Don't let us interrupt, boys."
Blaine rolled his eyes at her but smiled at his ridiculous friends. "I guess we have to stop now."
Kurt nodded obviously.
"Unless you don't mind an audience…"
"Blaine," Kurt grinned and ignored Jeff and Vickie's wolf whistles, "C'mon. Let's go inside."
"Fine," Blaine allowed his boyfriend to climb off his lap, then getting off of his ATV himself. They walked over and joined the couple and all went towards the entrance.
Inside, Nick, Naomi, Justin, and David were already present. They were at their normal table in the back which was already about full. Blaine and Kurt walked over hand in hand while Justin stood to help Jeff drag an extra table and a few chairs over to theirs. Kurt slid in the booth next to David and Blaine sat beside him, wasting no time placing his arm around his boyfriend.
"Hi fellas." Naomi said with a smile. She winked at Kurt who returned it, and then fist bumped Blaine.
"Hey. How's everyone?" Kurt asked.
Nick nodded as Justin plopped down next to him. "Pretty good, Ohio. We've been in here a good twenty minutes. What took you so long?"
Blaine grinned but Kurt rushed to answer first. "We were um, waiting for Jeff and Vickie."
Victoria rolled her eyes as her boyfriend snorted.
Justin smiled knowingly but only turned his hat to the back. It was David who spoke next.
"Should we order now? What time is this girl coming?"
"And what's her name?" Blaine asked, hoping it wasn't someone he once fooled around with. Because that happened with Jeff's ex and it was really awkward.
Justin slid a menu down the table to Kurt and Blaine as he spoke. "Her name is Teresa. And don't worry Blaine, I went out of my way to make sure I'd be the first one of everyone at this table she'd ever been involved with… Kurt, Vickie, and Naomi included."
Kurt smirked. "It was just one night, Jus. Don't worry."
"Oh shit," Nick reached out for a high five and Kurt reciprocated, winking at Justin. His blonde friend smirked before rolling his eyes away.
"Screw you too, Kurt."
Blaine pulled out his cellphone. "What time is she coming?" David asked again.
"I'll text her now," Kurt joked. The table 'oooooo'd and Justin stuck his finger up. Blaine shook his head.
"Should've flirted with me when you had the chance, Jus."
Justin ignored him. "She's on her way with a few friends," he told them. David sighed.
"I saw her friends and the party Friday and they weren't hot at all. They weren't even lukewarm."
"Well that doesn't matter because I'm sure you and your ex are going to get married," Vickie told him, knocking Jeff's hand off her thigh. "You and Maya have been on and off for what? Since your freshman year at least."
David shrugged. "It's over for good this time."
"No it isn't." Blaine mumbled.
"I say we get a waitress over here," Jeff waved a hand in the air almost hitting Blaine in the head as he did so. Nick pulled his earphones out and put everything in his pocket, returning an arm around his girlfriend.
"What are we getting babe?" Kurt asked, scanning the menu. "I'm not all that hungry because of dinner."
Blaine nodded as he looked down at it with Kurt. "Same here. Share some sweet potato curly fries with me."
"Hm," Kurt nodded. "That sounds good. And cheesecake"
Blaine nodded too. "And cheesecake, baby."
"How was dinner?" Jeff asked with a smirk. "I heard Mr. Hummel joined you, B."
Kurt smiled at Blaine as the boy rolled his eyes. "It went well." Kurt said.
"It really didn't. His dad kept asking me questions about my future...and on top of everything else he's the King of Cock Blocks."
"Parents," Jeff said, shaking his head. Vickie smiled. Jeff and her parents weren't the best of friends.
Kurt smiled. "I think it went well."
The waitress came over to take orders at the same time the bell at the door's entrance sounded. Justin finished speaking and turned back, smiling at the girl he saw walking through the door. She glanced around for a bit until her brown eyes landed on him. They both stared for a moment and then she waved adorably. Justin quickly returned it.
And then in followed Shane, and then José, and behind him were a few of the guys Shane surrounded himself with, and to top it all off, Justin was taken aback when Ian entered the diner. The elder smiled at him, and then at Blaine who Kurt felt tense up inexplicably.
Kurt turned to see who Blaine was looking at when he heard Jeff give a very elaborate 'Fuck'. Ian winked before following behind one of the other guys and sitting at a corner table.
"What the hell are they doing here?" Blaine pulled his arm away from Kurt as he stared at the group. "That's your girlfriend's friends? Shane's friends? And since when does Ian hang out with them? Why is he here?"
Justin turned back and faced front. "Well she's not my girlfriend, Blaine, so I don't really know everyone she surrounds herself with."
"I can't believe that douchebag is here," Jeff said. David shook his head next to Kurt.
"These aren't the friends I remember, I must say. At least Shane doesn't hang out with Peter anymore. Wes and Blaze are a million times better than Peter."
The waitress cleared her throat. Blaine and the rest of the group looked up at her.
"Can we continue or do you all need a minute?"
Justin glanced back at Teresa as Naomi spoke. He saw her smile and couldn't help but return it, though José saw the two of them and raised an eyebrow.
"Teresa," he said.
Ian slid a chair over to them and sat where he had a great view of Kurt's table. Shane noticed Justin and Teresa's small smiles at each other and laughed.
"Uh oh."
"What?" she asked, turning back to her brother. José looked up again and saw Justin turn back to face his friends, though Blaine was staring at the table like it'd magically set ablaze if he did so long enough.
"She has the hots for my little cousin?" Ian said with a smile. Wes grabbed a menu and shook his head.
"Really Teresa? Justin? We went to school together and he's a playboy if anything."
Ian smiled. "He's learned from the best."
"It's not happening," José told her, picking up his menu. "Now I know why you wanted to come out with us tonight."
Shane smiled at her and shook his head. "Leave the girl alone. She's your sister, not your daughter. Justin really isn't all that bad, right Ian?"
Ian nodded. "He's a good kid. He doesn't want me anywhere near Kurt, that's what gets me."
Blaze put his bottle of water down after swallowing. He noticed Blaine looking at him and turned to his friends. "Who's Kurt?"
José shook his head. "Some guy I thought I actually had a chance with until Blaine came along."
Ian's face changed completely and he smiled. "You and Kurt? I need to hear this story."
"Blaine?" Blaze cut in with a bemused tone, "As in Blaine Anderson?"
"That's the one," Shane said with a shrug. "He seems… happier. Well happy, is the word."
Blaze nodded. He turned around and saw the kid he assumed to be Kurt smiling against Blaine's lips, probably trying to calm him down.
"I agree with Shane," Teresa said. "You can't stop me from talking to someone José."
Ian licked his lips and smiled at José. "I really need to hear this story."
José smiled. "I don't want to talk about it."
"I'll tell it," Shane said. His friend hit him and he laughed. "What? You've only complained to me about… a hundred times."
"Why is she with them?" Naomi asked with confusion. "I don't even think I've seen her around before. Especially not with Shane."
"I don't know," Justin shrugged and slid down in his seat. "This kind of changes how easy I thought it'd be to get her alone."
Nick nodded.
"Well David and Wes were like best friends in high school. Let them be your middle men," Blaine said. "Though I don't know how I feel about this chick now."
Kurt watched a guy he wasn't familiar with glance over again. That'd been the fifth time in as many minutes. "Who's that, babe?"
Blaine followed Kurt's gaze over to the other table and saw his old friend quickly looking away. "Oh. Blaze. Well his real name is Tristian but we all called him Blaze."
Nick sent a wave the kid's way and the handsome 18 year old sent him a head nod. "We all used to be really close."
Kurt looked at Nick and Naomi tried to warn Kurt not to get into it. Kurt either ignored her or missed the warning altogether. "What happened to make you guys not so close?"
Blaine cut in before Nick could answer. "We grew apart."
Justin turned back around. "Ian is going to come over here at some point. I just want you guys to know."
Kurt thought against extending the conversation past Blaine's last words and nodded. "Can we all agree now to ignore his nonsense?"
Vickie kissed Jeff's cheek as he stared at his competition. "Especially you, sweetie."
Blaine shrugged. "What are we doing after this?"
Naomi gave David his phone back and the boy passed it to Kurt. "How does the beach sound?" She asked.
"We should go to the beach after this." Wes recommended.
Ian shrugged. "That's fine with me. Can we talk business since José won't let me in on the Kurt story?"
José smirked, rolling his eyes.
Shane nodded. "If you want in on my team I'm inviting you now. I already have a skater but you're better so I'm coming to you first."
"I'm the best, actually."
Shane ignored him and continued. "We split money evenly. I'm incredibly fair. My coach pays for everything from the funds we bring in so you wouldn't have to worry about anything. You respect me, I respect you." He rubbed over his arm tattoo and continued, "Our competition is amazing, and they happen to be sitting across the diner, and I'd really like to kick Blaine's ass this year so—"
Ian smiled. "Count me in."
Wes smiled. "Great."
"Now," Ian turned back to José. "We're both single. What a coincidence."
Teresa rolled her eyes. "If you get to do this in front of me, I'm definitely talking to Justin."
"Should I go over there?" Justin asked Kurt. Kurt smiled.
"Text her and see what's going on. It's obvious she wants to talk to you."
Blaine returned his arm around Kurt. "Give me a kiss."
David took his phone back and put it away. "I wonder where Hunter is. Isn't he with Shane's crew, too?"
Kurt giggled against Blaine's lips, deepening the kiss and ignoring Nick who threw ketchup packets at them.
Jeff nodded at the question, watching Justin as he typed. "He is. Did I tell you he almost got kicked out of Pace?"
Nick laughed. "Oh yeah. That guy's a fucking riot."
"He's an idiot," Vickie cut in. "He hides a freaking cat in his locker."
Naomi smirked. "I don't know if Kurt and Blaine are ready for some of the weirdos at that school."
Blaine smiled as Kurt kissed the corner of his lips. "I don't know if that school is ready for me really."
"She said her brother is being overprotective. Her brother José."
Blaine rolled his eyes at Justin's words. "Oh god."
Kurt smiled as David laughed. "Honestly? José being overprotective? He's a softie."
"José's going to kick your ass," Jeff said, smirking at his girlfriend's laughter.
"You guys are terrible friends. I should've come alone."
Kurt smiled. "We're sorry." Nick agreed. "Just joking with you, ya big lug."
The waitress came over with appetizers and Naomi thanked her. "Tell Teresa we're going to the beach."
Justin nodded. That was a great idea.
We're going to the beach. You should come –Jus
"Is that him?" Shane asked with a grin. Teresa rolled her eyes.
"Leave me alone, Shane."
"Hunter just texted me," Wes said. "He's on punishment."
Blaze smiled. "What's new, really?"
"So you saw him on the beach?" Ian tried to coax the story out of the teen and José smiled up at the TV, watching clips on ESPN.
"I saw him on the beach, yes."
Ian nodded. "And then?"
The boy shook his head. "I thought he was beautiful but I was too scared to approach him."
Shane got up. "I can't take this story one more time. I'm going to bother Legacy."
"I'm coming too," Wes stood up and followed after him.
"Oh, what the hell." Blaze stood up and pocketed his cell phone, "wait for me."
"He is beautiful," Ian added. "And you're gorgeous. So what went wrong?"
"Oh my god," Teresa looked at her brother obviously. "I do not want to hear this." Ian smirked at her and the girl's face him next. "Can we keep the flirting to a minimum? In front of his little sister, at least?"
"Sorry." José said with a smile. "I'll make it short, Ian. I liked him. Jeff and Justin tried to set us up, and they meant well, but Blaine was already claiming him as his before he even realized it. I was talking to Kurt and it was going well, but Blaine showed up and ripped him away."
Ian smiled. "I'm guessing this is before Blaine came out?"
José shrugged. "I don't even know if he came out officially. Not with words at least. More with… actions. But yes."
Teresa smiled down at her phone and José watched her with thin eyes.
"So you just let Blaine win?" Ian shook his head and it was clear that he was disappointed. José only rolled his eyes at that.
"The guy was already falling for Blaine. There was nothing I could do. And believe it or not, I can see how great they are for each other. I support them."
"So if some guy came in here right now and whisked me away, you wouldn't fight for me?"
Teresa rolled her eyes.
"Ian," José began, "I just met you three hours ago. And when you got out the car you lip locked some chick. I don't know how much I'd fight to be honest with you."
Ian laughed. "I'd fight for you, José."
"Oh my god," she sighed. José smiled.
"Ian, stop. You're scarring my baby sis."
"She's not a baby," he said.
"Thank you," Teresa actually smiled at Ian for the first time and José rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, okay."
"We're just coming over to say what's up, guys," Shane said with a smile. Blaine stared at him.
Justin fist bumped Shane as Wes gave David dap. "I'll be the one to ask. Why is my cousin here?"
Blaze sent a head nod Blaine's way but the rider only looked away. Kurt saw the teen frown and wondered what the exchange was about. Blaine didn't seem to want to tell him, but it was obvious something went down between the two… between the group really, if Blaze stopped hanging out with all of them.
Shane finished yawning and replied to Justin's question. "Ian's in Long Beach because he just joined Premium."
"You guys still suck." Blaine said.
Shane ignored him. "And we're looking forward to seeing you all during group competitions."
Naomi smiled as she glanced back. "Is Ian really flirting with José right now?"
They all turned back and Kurt smirked. "Oh boy." he shook his head.
"Anything to keep their hungry asses away from you." Blaine said.
"José is actually nice, Blaine." Jeff told him. The curly haired teen shrugged.
When the waitress showed up with food, Wes gestured over to their table. Shane nodded, slapping his best friend on the back. Blaze nodded too, looking away from the Kurt kid who gave him an encouraging smile.
"We'll see you losers around. Bye New Guy, by Naomi, by Vickie."
"I'm not all that new anymore," Kurt said with a smile. Shane smiled as well, backtracking to his table and waving goodbye to the girls.
Blaine shook his head. "What a half brain."
"They seem ok." Kurt said. "You don't like any one."
"I like you."
Blaine started up the ATV, revving the engine a few times. He saw Ian exit the restaurant behind Shane and send both he and Kurt a wave. Of course, he in turn sent back a middle finger.
Kurt put the helmet on and strapped it, all before adjusting his V-neck over his jeans. Nick pulled out his car keys and hung up his phone.
"Ok. The twins and my mom are asleep so I'm going to sneak back in the house, get our surfboards, and sneak back out. We'll meet on the beach in 15 the most."
Blaine nodded as Kurt got on the 4 wheeler behind him. "See you in a few bro."
"See you, Nick."
Nick turned away and went to go find the others at the same time Blaine pulled off, shooting out of the parking lot and into the road.
Justin unlocked his dad's car and let David into the passenger side. He was about to get in when he saw José walking by, staring at him like only an older brother whose younger sister showed interest in the guy he was staring at could look. Justin smiled and rolled his eyes.
"I need to talk to you."
José nodded. "I think you do."
Teresa hopped in the bed of Shane's truck next to Blaze and Justin smiled as he heard the girl laughing. "I didn't know she was your sister, dude."
José approached him and nodded. "I don't think she knew I knew you. But this is the situation and I can't have her played with—"
"I don't play with girls, José. I've been with quite a few but I've never once pursued a girl and pushed her away when I was finished. Everything has been casual—"
"This doesn't make me feel any better."
Justin smiled. "And the one girl I was actually involved with turned out to play me. This is a different story. I want to get to know her, and you should feel better knowing that you know me. I'm not a jerk."
José hummed, glancing over to Shane who looked at him expectantly. "This is my sister. I know I'm gay and all but I won't hesitate to kick someone's ass over her, Justin."
Justin nodded. "That's understandable. We're just talking, that's all. We're not even together." Nick pulled out of the parking lot as he resumed, "Besides, remember that you owe me one. I got you Kurt's number."
José snorted. "The same Kurt that's with another guy right now, right?"
Justin laughed. "Hey. I got you his number. It was up to you to do the rest."
"Fine," José nodded. "You're right. Just remember what I said."
Justin nodded.
"We're all headed to the beach."
"Us too."
José nodded. "See you there."
"My cousin's a dummy, by the way." Justin smirked knowingly, opening the door to his father's Mercedes Benz. The same one he had no permission to be driving right now.
José looked back at him with a smile. "Why are you telling me that?"
"Because you like him," Justin said obviously. José hid his blush well as he looked away, but the blonde grinned. "See you at the beach."
"Yeah," José watched him close the door and the car start, "see you there."
"Hurry up, Suero." Shane called from his vehicle. "Before the sun comes up. I have to practice in a few hours."
"So you want to learn how to surf tonight babe?" Blaine got off the ATV first, grabbing the bag that they stopped at Don's house for.
Kurt smirked as he pulled the helmet off his head. "I don't think I should learn at night."
"It's a full moon. There's enough light." Blaine said with a smile, laying a blanket down next to Nick and Naomi's. "I'll teach you."
"I'm in jeans, though." Kurt frowned, "And I heard Vickie say something about sharks."
Blaine laughed. "Victoria swears a shark nipped her the last time we surfed at night. I don't recall sharks ever nipping anything. Don't listen to her. If you want I can zip home and get you some swim trunks."
Kurt smiled as he glanced around. "Everyone's already here. You can't leave. Ian might get me."
Blaine bit his lip into the sexiest smile. "Stop teasing me."
Kurt grinned. "I think I'm just going to ride your ATV around the beach. You can teach me another time."
"Okay gorgeous."
Kurt put the helmet around the handle bars. "I need ten kisses before you go, though—oh!" Kurt laughed as he was tackled to the sand and Blaine's lips were all over his neck, "Oh you're getting sand in my hair, Anderson. We're three feet away from the blanket and you decide to do this. You're a dead man…"
Ian glanced over to where they were and watched, reaching into the bed of his vehicle for a surfboard.
Blaine smiled, pulling up to connect their lips. "Sorry. Nine more and then you can kill me all you want."
"Promise?" Kurt asked after the second kiss.
Blaine kissed him a third time. "No."
"José, please get away from me," Teresa said with a laugh. Her older brother was giving her the 'I'll tell dad if you kiss a boy' speech. He pulled off his t-shirt and shrugged.
"Papi will not be happy."
"I'll tell papi if you kiss Ian." she smirked at him and José gave her a look.
I'm waiting, beautiful –Jus
"I don't even like him."
"Don't like who?" Ian walked over with his surfboard, smiling at the pair. Teresa took the opportunity to sneak away when José smiled at the 21 year old.
"You, actually."
Ian smirked. "Sure, José. Do you surf?"
"I haven't in a while."
"Oh," Ian looked over to Blaine and Jeff running towards the ocean. "I think you should. Shane has an extra board."
"Well my inner lifeguard is kicking in and there's going to be a lot of people out there right now. I don't think all of you should surf so close together. It's dangerous."
Ian smiled. "Lifeguard?"
The teen rolled his eyes. "Yes. So you go have fun and I'll be here in case any of you need me."
Ian bit his lip into a smile. "I'll be back to keep you company." He turned to his cousin who wasn't that far off, sitting in the bed of Shane's car as he and the dirty blonde chatted. "Justin! Are you coming?"
Justin turned his attention away from Shane to Ian. With the movement, he noticed the girl he'd been trying to talk to one on one all day practically was approaching. Shane smiled and walked off, past Teresa and over to Ian.
"I'm good, cuz," Justin replied, smiling as he stood up. She smiled up at him and he took a deep breath.
Ian smiled at them before looking back at José. "How cute."
"Hey," she finally reached and accepted the hug he wasted no time extending her way. "It's nice to finally talk to you."
Justin nodded, dropping his arms to his side and smiling as he spoke. "I've been looking forward to this since I got back to Cali. Come take a walk with me… let's get away from your crazy ass brother."
She laughed and nodded. "Please. Let's."
"You're fucking crazy, Kurt."
He laughed, watching Vickie stumble off the ATV as he revved the engine and shrugged. "You sure you don't want to do one more lap? Ouch," he laughed, catching the helmet. "Jerk."
"I'd rather go in that shark infested ocean than ride that thing with you again."
Blaze smiled from where he sat at the two. Kurt saw him turn to watch the guys and Naomi surfing and cut off the engine to the 4 wheeler. "Don't get nipped," he told her.
"Leave me alone."
Kurt smiled, standing up and putting the helmet where he kept it. He waved at José who looked over at him, smiling at the way the Latino waved back.
Blaine could deny it all he wanted. The guy was cute.
Another glance around the beach showed him Justin and Teresa were further west, sharing a spot near the shore as they spoke. He smiled and looked out to his boyfriend; the curly haired, shirtless, hot teen was riding a wave and laughing at Nick who'd just experienced an epic wipeout. That was until the same thing happened to him.
"Ay dios mio," José shook his head. "These fucking idiots."
Kurt went over to his and Blaine's striped purple blanket, sitting as he took his phone out. He noticed a text from Rachel and raised an eyebrow as he read it.
Noah made a slide show of pictures he took of you and Blaine at the Fair in NYC. Log on to Facebook. It's very cute. –Rachel
Kurt went to the Facebook app on his phone, shaking his head as he typed in his password. He found Puck's page and looked at the photos, rolling his eyes at the hearts photoshopped into the pictures, but smiling as he looked at all of them. Blaine looked like the happiest kid ever with all of his stuffed animals and then there was him, looking blissfully in love. He smiled.
"I am incredibly obvious." he said to himself.
"You are." a voice answered behind him. Kurt looked up and saw the tall brown haired kid looking down at him. "Hey."
"Hey," Kurt replied cautiously.
"My name is Blaze." The boy said. "Can I sit with you?"
Kurt thought about that, looking out to Blaine. He was busy taunting Shane and Ian so he wasn't really paying attention. "Are you straight?"
Blaze smiled and nodded. "I'm straight. Don't worry."
"Then by all means," Kurt scooted aside with a smile. Blaze smiled as he took a seat beside him. "I'm sorry. It's just that my boyfriend is—"
"Totally protective," Blaze finished. "I caught that."
Kurt nodded. They looked out over the ocean and saw Naomi and Vickie balancing on the same board. That lasted five seconds until Nick and Jeff tipped them over.
"So you're new, I presume."
Kurt stretched out the blanket, nodding the affirmative. "I've only been here a few weeks."
Blaze nodded. "I live in San Diego now but I used to live out here. Convinced my mom to let me come back and stay over the summer so I can compete with Shane."
Kurt glanced over at him and saw the teen playing with his earring. "I heard you were close with Blaine and Nick."
He smiled. "I still talk to Nick sometimes but… Blaine wants nothing to do with anyone from my family." he shrugged, "I think one day he'll come around but I know it hurts so I don't judge him."
Kurt only stared at the kid beside him wondering what in the hell he could possibly be talking about. Blaze caught his expression and looked back at everyone surfing. "I'm guessing you don't have clue what I'm going on about, huh?"
Kurt gave a small smile. "Not even a little bit."
Blaze nodded. "Well, we pretty much grew up together. Blaine's father was a research scientist and my father was a financial analyst, both with the same company." Kurt listened as he glanced up at Jeff running away from Naomi. "They were pretty close and because of that, Blaine and I pretty much came up together. We knew all about growing up in a busy office and all of the boring shit it entailed. Laughed when the old men said we'd be a part in the company one day. It wasn't until his uncle moved out here that we started BMX riding, and we were pretty good for young kids. I street freestlyle though… like Justin. Blaine decided to do like his uncle and stick to the ramps. But we both were good in competitions and all and luckily, our families supported us. Not many kids who compete have parents who care. It's bike riding, after all."
Kurt nodded. That was what Chandler loved to say. "So you two were close. Where did it go downhill and why does he not like your family?"
Blaze sighed, resting his arms on bent knees. "We had a competition one day a few years back. It was finals, and for a 13 and 14 year old to make it to finals was pretty fucking amazing."
Kurt smiled.
"Our dads got out of the office early and were leaving from Long Beach to Los Angeles where finals were. The drive is a couple hours and they would've made it… had they gotten there." Blaze took a breath and the blue eyed teen turned to face him. "My father was behind the wheel. Ariel—Blaine's baby sister, she was strapped in the back. Mr. Anderson was in the passenger side. The way my father told the story was he was driving, and Mr. Anderson had fallen asleep. They worked long hours, you know?"
Kurt realized this was the story of how Blaine lost his dad and sister at the way Blaze's voice trembled as the boy spoke.
"And my father told us… he said he'd been falling asleep behind the wheel."
"Blaze," Kurt said quickly, "You don't have to finish. This… I can tell this is painful. Blaine never speaks about it either—"
"It's fine." Blaze interrupted. "I um… it's hard for me to talk about it too, sometimes. But I need the therapy since I've been dodging sessions lately," he smiled, though the pain could be seen in his eyes, "He fell asleep too, mostly at traffic lights. He knew because they'd beep at him when he wouldn't move. Well the last time he fell asleep was before he reached the red light, and he drove straight through a busy intersection. His car was collided with by an SUV on Ariel and Mr. Anderson's side. It sent the car spinning, and then another vehicle hit it which turned them upside down." Blaze gulped and Kurt felt a tear falling down his face. "Mr. Anderson was pronounced dead at the scene. Ariel and my dad were rushed to the hospital. Ariel died that night because of brain injuries from being flipped around so… I remember hearing there was a lot of swelling and … I cried so fucking hard. Blaine and I were so upset our fathers ditched and when we got the news, we cried all the way to the hospital. My father survived, though." he now relaxed his legs and looked at Kurt, shaking his head at the memories. "After hours and hours of surgery, he lived. It took months but he recuperated. Blaine hated him, Cooper Jr. hated him, hell, I hated him. But most of all he hated himself."
"Why are you speaking in past tense? Is he okay?"
Blaze shook his head no. "He actually committed suicide last year. The guilt was too much. And now it's just me and my mom, and she cries every fucking day."
Kurt wiped his face and turned away. "God, I'm so sorry to hear that."
Blaze nodded. "It's… fine, I guess. All things happen for a reason. I always tell myself that when I think about them. They're in a much better place, as cliché as that is."
"It's true," Kurt said. "I tell myself the same thing about my mother. She was victim to a drunk driver."
Blaze looked at him. "I'm sorry, Kurt."
"I was a lot younger than you guys, so now I'm at peace with her being gone. But you know, no matter how much of a cliché we think it is, it's true."
Blaze nodded, looking away from him. "Yeah."
"So I'm better at surfing too," Ian smiled as he swam beside Jeff. The blonde ignored him as he grabbed his board.
"And you know I'm coming in first on Saturday, right?"
"I honestly don't care for you." Jeff told him. Blaine paddled over on his board as the waves drifted them around.
"Is this low life bothering you?"
"Blaine," Ian smiled as he saw him, "I'd been meaning to talk to you."
Jeff looked to his friend and shook his head. "There's a wave. I'm out of here."
Blaine nodded, watching the skater go off. Ian got up on his board and sat down. "Did you want to ask advice on how not to be a dick or…"
"You and Kurt," he grinned, "are fucking hot. How can I get in on that? I mean can you imagine the both of us making him come together? And then I can make you come."
Blaine looked down at his clenched fists. "You have two seconds to get the fuck away from me."
Ian smirked. "That's probably the same amount of time you have before Kurt has a new boyfriend. He and Blaze have been pretty cozy for the past ten minutes."
Blaine turned around so fast he almost caught a mean case of whiplash. Surely enough, Kurt was talking to his old friend as Blaze smiled; nodding his head to whatever was being said.
Ian glanced back at José who seemed to be looking around the beach, rather frantically in his opinion. Ian realized it may've been because his cousin and Teresa had gone MIA. He smirked as he mounted the board, swimming over and standing up. The wave that came in was rather large and Jeff shouted as he rode it. Ian got in at the last second, but the water washed over both of them and Nick winced.
It was a few seconds and Vickie and Naomi waited to see where the boys were. It was dark, though, and neither could make out much.
Nick stepped forward, still drying his hair with his beach towel. Shane walked up beside him.
"Yo? Jeff? Dude we can't see you!"
José turned away from his search for his younger sister and looked into the ocean. All he saw was the water rippling around, until someone finally popped up about fifteen yards out.
"I'm fine!" Jeff gasped for air after shouting. "That wave was fucking strong!"
Shane looked around and noticed he could only barely see Jeff. "Where's Ian?"
Jeff let the waves carry him back and forth as he looked around him. "Ian?" he called out.
There was nothing.
José walked closer to the shore. "Do you see him?"
Jeff swam around a bit. "I don't see him!"
"Fuck," José ran towards the water and dove in as the others watched on.
A few seconds later, José was over near Jeff and told the blonde to swim back to shore. He nodded, watching as the Latino spotted Ian's board not for off and swam towards it.
"C'mon, Ian," Nick looked around for Justin and noticed he was gone, "Dammit."
José felt at a loss because it was so dark out. Even the light from the full moon wasn't doing so much to help. He shouted for the 21 year old and got nothing, and took a deep breath before going under water. As soon as he did, he felt a hand grab his ass and turn him around.
They rose to the surface and Ian laughed, pulling the teen closer to him.
"Are you out of your fucking mind," José gasped, wiping a hand across his face. "I thought you were in trouble you ass—"
"You obviously care," Ian said with a smile. "I thought you didn't like me?"
José smirked. "I like you even less now, jackass."
Ian smiled. "Oh really?"
"I think I hate you for this." José pushed him away and started to swim. Ian laughed a little. "I think it's time you all get out the water. No one's supposed to be swimming anyway."
"Yes, boss," Ian dragged his board and followed after him.
"So, I'm kind of curious as to how you and Blaine happened." Blaze cleared his throat, mussing his messy hair. "I didn't know he wasn't straight either. He actually stole my ex-girlfriend from me." he said with a smile.
Kurt laughed. "Knowingly?"
"Yes," Blaze nodded. "He's the fucking guy around these parts. He and Shane of course."
Kurt nodded. "I realized."
"So," Blaze noticed Blaine was watching them and sighed, "how'd it happen?"
Kurt smiled at his boyfriend when he saw him staring. Blaine raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you believe in the term 'soulmates'?"
Blaze smirked. "That says it all."
Kurt blushed, smiling at Blaine a little harder. "Yeah."
"Nick said they're arranging a surprise birthday party for him."
"They won't tell me anything," Kurt noticed his boyfriend dragging his board out of the ocean and presumably over towards them. "They say I'm going to tell Blaine everything."
Blaze smile. "You would."
"Would not. Not purposely," he continued.
"What are you doing for his birthday then?"
Kurt licked his lips as he thought about how to begin, but Blaze snorted.
"Never mind. Spare me the details."
"No not that," Kurt smiled. "Get your mind out of the gutter. I have a few things planned but he's making it difficult. Keeps telling me not to do anything, and then we're always together so it's hard to get done what I need to."
Blaze nodded. "You've got yourself a situation."
"But we need to spend our spare time together anyway. We have a Pace audition late July and it'd mean the world to me if he and I could get in."
"Hm," he took a sip of some water, "you an actor?"
"Singer," Kurt said. "I can do both, though. I want to do both."
Blaze smiled. "I sing too. I'll be majoring in music this August at a small school in San Diego. I set up a studio in my basement for when I'd have assignments."
Kurt turned to him and smiled. "That's incredible. I probably wouldn't leave my house if there was a studio in my basement."
Blaze laughed. "Let me know if you want to stop by. Maybe make a sample CD for your judges at Pace to have with you entrance application and I am not trying to get you into my house for myself." He stated clearly. "Bring your boyfriend by all means."
Kurt smiled. "Thanks. I might take you up on that, Blaze."
He nodded. "Maybe you can help me get my friend back? I miss him."
Blaine placed his board down next to Shane who was at this time shaking his head at Ian chasing behind José. The rider started to walk over to Kurt where he sat beside Blaze, smiling back when his boyfriend winked at him, but looking at his old friend wearily.
"I'd love to help you get your friend back."
Blaze smiled.
"Hey babe," Blaine stood in front of them, shivering a little from the cold water. Kurt smiled and gave him a towel.
"Sit down and join us, honey," Kurt told him. Blaze moved aside and made space but Blaine shook his head no.
"It's late. You have to work and I have practice. We should get out of here."
Kurt looked at him and Blaze took a breath, standing up. "I'm gonna go join the others. Nice meeting you, Kurt."
Kurt nodded with a small smile. "Nice meeting you. Have a good night."
"You too." He turned to the hazel eyed teen. "Later, Blaine."
"Yeah." He didn't look at him, only staying focused on Kurt. "Let's go gorgeous."
Blaze turned and walked away, pulling his cellphone out as he did so. When he was a few yards away, Kurt looked back to his boyfriend who was wrapped in a towel.
"Really, Blaine?"
"C'mon. You drive back. I'm fucking freezing."
"You didn't need to be rude to him," Kurt said softly. Blaine looked at him in response. After a few seconds, the younger sighed and stood up, grabbing their blanket and folding it. "Let me get everything together. Dry up and get your shirt back on, honey."
"What did he tell you?" Blaine questioned shakily. Kurt assumed his break in voice was because of his low body temperature. He finished folding the blanket and stuffed it into their bag, looking back up to his boyfriend.
Blaine nodded.
"He just started telling me, Blaine."
"No," the elder shook his head. "It's fine." he began walking towards the ATV and Kurt picked the bag up, following behind them."
"My brother is really going to kill me," Teresa said with a smile. "And then my dad will bring me back to life just to kill me again."
Justin smiled as they looked out at the horizon. His father's car was parked on the border of Long Beach and the neighboring town. "Great. The girl I like has a protective father and older brother. Could I have been more lucky?"
She laughed, tilting her head so she could look at him. "It could always be worse."
"If you say so," Justin said with a smile. He'd been smiling ever since they started talking.
"Besides," she looked forward again, "both of them are huge pushovers."
"Because you're the only girl. You're spoiled."
Teresa smiled widely, glancing out the window. "I am not."
"You are," he told her, looking forward once more. "And that's the sun."
"Hm," she nodded, noticing it was getting a bit lighter. "Can I ask you a question?"
He nodded, looking over to her. "Anything, beautiful."
She blushed, looking down at her hands. "Why me?"
Justin laughed a little, slouching down in the passenger seat. "Why not you?"
"Seriously." She turned in the seat to face him and Justin glanced back, brushing dark hair out of the girls face. Teresa smiled at the contact, taking his hand in hers. "You're amazing. You could have any girl you want. I can name fifteen girls off the top of my head that hyperventilate every time you walk by, and they're all beautiful. I guess I'm asking why not them? Why me?"
Justin looked at her for a moment longer and licked his lips. "I guess because the world didn't stop spinning when I looked at them. It did when I saw you, though. So we can either see where this goes, and I can smile knowing that I have a great girl who never once doubts herself when she looks at someone else, or you can decide it's too much for you. What's it gonna be?"
Teresa squeezed his hand and smiled. "We should go out somewhere soon."
He raised his eyebrow. "As boyfriend and girlfriend?"
"As friends." she told him. "And then if you still like me and I still like you, we'll talk about it."
"I like you."
"We've spent a few hours together," she smiled, "I could be one of those annoying, clingy chicks and you wouldn't even know it."
Justin rolled his eyes and Teresa laughed. "I know enough, but I'd be a dumb ass to not jump on the opportunity to take you out. How long do I have to wait?"
"Whenever you're free, but you should know I can't date until my father approves of the guy."
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Justin laughed, looking away. "Does José have to go through that?"
"Nope. Totally not fair."
Justin sighed and she laughed.
"I'm sorry."
"I'll do it." Justin told her. "We'll have our date and then if you still like me, I'll meet your dad. Cool?"
The girl faced front. "Great, actually."
They smiled at the horizon, and Justin acknowledged the fact that he'd need to get the car back soon before his own father killed him.
A few more minutes, he thought, sliding his hand into hers again.
Nursery school wasn't too bad today.
There was play time early. They went over the date and day of the week. Mikey knew today was Monday, June 13th. And that was helpful because he knew which shows would come on tonight. The shows that came on Mondays were some of his favorites.
There was snack time and there were Cheez-Its and apple juice. Mikey sat next to Lynne who he'd gotten a lot closer to as of late. They discussed the terms of their relationship the previous week and everything was working out well. She knew that she was to call him 'honey' and only share juice boxes with him; ever. He understood that other girls were off limits and if he colored another picture for Amy, he wouldn't be able to hold her hand during story time any more. The two were willing to compromise with each other, and both were happy.
Skyler Smith had come to be Mikey's good friend over the past few days. Skyler was the type of friend that you sat next to and immediately got in trouble for talking. But he was funny and Mikey liked to laugh. He also had a lot of coloring books like Mikey, so they meshed pretty well.
When story time came, Skyler snuck a few racecars onto the rug to play with instead of listening to their teacher. Mikey sat between him and Lynne, holding her hand and watching his friend with the brown hair that was everywhere drive his little cars all over the rug. Lynne ignored them, instead paying attention to 1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.
"Are you playing hide and seek with us over break time?" Skyler whispered, turning to his best friend. "I'm gonna be first."
Mikey looked away from the teacher and over to the boy beside him. "I'm leaving early today, remember?"
"Oh yeah," Skyler picked up his racecar and smiled. "Ask your mom if I can come over tomorrow. I'll bring my big boy bike too."
"Michael and Skyler." Mrs. Mandarin said in a warning tone. "Pay attention boys."
Mikey nodded and Skyler went back to playing with his racecars.
Oh me! Oh my!
Oh me! Oh my! she read
What a lot of funny things go by.
Some have two feet and some have four.
Some have six feet and some have more.
Where do they come from?
I can't say.
But I bet they have come a long, long way—
Two knocks on the classroom door made the class look up. Mrs. Mandarin smiled when she saw Blaine standing in the doorway and Mikey grinned at his big cousin.
"I'll see you tomorrow, honey." Lynne said. Mikey nodded, leaning in to hug her goodbye. "Later babe."
Skyler turned to look at Blaine who was on the phone, only pulling away to tell his cousin to hurry it up.
"Bye Skyler."
"Bye Mike."
"Bye everyone."
"Bye Michael," the class shouted, waving at him. He rushed over to his cubby to get his things; backpack and lunch box, and then put his hat on backwards.
Mrs. Mandarin waved goodbye to Blaine and resumed with story time. He nodded, picking up Mikey, blowing raspberries into his cheek, and carrying him out to his uncle's vehicle.
"I'll call you back, bro. I'm about to drive again."
Mikey wiped the wet kiss off of his cheek with a grimace and Blaine smirked. "Can I play a game on your phone, Blainey?"
Blaine hung up and nodded. "We have a few stops to make, ok? So be patient with me." he dropped him down by the second row of the SUV and opened the door. Mikey waited, then climbing up into the truck and eventually, into his car seat. He navigated through the iPhone as Blaine strapped him in.
"Where are we going?"
Blaine turned Mikey's hat to the front so he'd be able to sit back. "First the mall, and then somewhere for food, and then to Kurt."
"Ok." he smiled at the kiss he got in the hair before Blaine closed the door.
Kurt was just about finished for the day. He did a few repairs and worked on rebuilding the motorbike he'd been doing when the parts arrived at the shop. He had to put up with Don's singing as the man worked in the office on some numbers, and Jenna texting him constantly about New York. His favorite yet was:
I bet you rode him like he rides that bicycle ;) –jenna xoxo
Don left twenty minutes ago for lunch, and Kurt found himself spinning around in his work chair and staring at the ceiling. He was trying everything not to fall asleep. Last night ran a bit long (even after he and Blaine had left the beach) and it was taken a bit of work to keep his eyes open.
He went on Facebook for about ten minutes, commenting on Puck's slideshow and doing a little something that'd make Blaine smile. He accepted Shane's friend request and smirked at all the messages from his boyfriend on the teen's page, all along the lines of 'Legacy Premium' and 'How does second best feel?'. Other terrible things like that.
When that got old, Kurt bothered Justin about Teresa, and then threatened Jeff to tell him information about the party they were planning for Blaine. When he got nothing, he promised he'd never cook anything for him again.
It is supposed to be a beach party and we already got a couple DJs but that's all I'm saying. –J
That brought him to where he was now, brainstorming gift ideas for his boyfriend. He still had weeks until Blaine would turn 17—21 days to be exact, and maybe that'd be ample time to do what he wanted to, but the way Kurt saw it, the earlier he began, the easier it'd be.
The door to his repair room slowly opened and Blaine poked his head inside, smiling at his bored boyfriend who sat at the repair desk. Kurt smiled when he saw him, hopping out of his seat and rushing over.
"Hi beautiful," Blaine smiled, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist. "Miss me?"
Kurt kissed his lips softly, tugging at his shirt collar. "I missed you a lot. Where's my little one?"
Blaine kissed him again, sliding his hands over Kurt's ass. "Being spoiled by Jenna. He has his bike so," he kissed him on the neck and Kurt smiled, "I'll let you do what you need to while I get him some gear."
Kurt nodded against him though neither moved away. His lips found Blaine's and stayed there, moving slowly and opening slightly, accepting his boyfriend's curious tongue. They moved even closer until they were flush against one another, and before Kurt knew it he was pressed against the door.
There was a quick intake of breath and a light moan as Kurt ran his hands through his boyfriend's hair; playing in curls and sucking teasingly on his lower lip.
"I wanna take you home now," Blaine practically growled, grinding his hips forward. Kurt threw his head against the door and rolled his hips forward as well.
"What about all of our plans?" he asked, "You have to practice and we still have to take Mikey to the beach… mm," Kurt bit his lip to stay quiet when Blaine's hand cupped him through his jeans, "Blaine…"
"Then I guess I'll have to watch you fall apart here." Blaine whispered, squeezing his ass roughly. "Lock the door."
Kurt gulped hard but nodded. He quickly reached beside him and turned the lock, taking a quick breath and watching with dark eyes as Blaine led him over to his desk. He was backed against it, picked up and sat down over a bunch of reports he'd filled out that morning, and kissed so hard he practically forgotten where they were.
Blaine pulled away a minute or two later, sitting in his work chair and rolling right over to Kurt on the desk. He carded fingers through curly hair, breathing erratically when his boyfriend roughly pulled his pants and boxer briefs just under the curve of his cheeks.
"Oh shit," Kurt threw his head back and stared at the ceiling, wincing at the pain from how quickly it happened. Blaine licked over the slit, holding Kurt's waist steady before taking the half hard cock into his mouth.
Kurt closed his eyes for a moment and enjoyed it. The rider started off slow but increased gradually, blowing him quickly and sucking on the tip every few strokes. When Kurt was fully hard, Blaine pulled off and licked his lips.
"Get up and bend over for me."
Kurt raised an eyebrow at the demand, though his dick not so shyly twitched in between them. "Bend over?"
Blaine dragged him off the table and Kurt held back a yelp as he stumbled down, all before he was turned around and forced against the desk. He stared at the wall as his clothes were pulled down even lower, and then there were kisses being painted all over his flesh.
"Blaine," he licked his lips and grabbed for his cock, slowly touching himself, "baby…"
Blaine placed a soft kiss on Kurt's left cheek, rubbing gingerly on his right one. "Can I taste you, baby?" he licked over the spot he'd previously rubbed; his tongue trailing little patterns as he massaged Kurt's other cheek now.
Kurt opened his eyes for a moment, nodding frantically. This… he hadn't even imagined this ever happening. He read up on rimming when he was 13 maybe, and had since then decided that it must've been a joke. People didn't do that, right? But now that Blaine had his cheeks spread and was kissing at his entrance, he felt incredibly naïve for his assumptions.
"Blaine, oh … oh yes," there was a tiny swipe of Blaine's tongue against the rim and Kurt's head fell on the desk, "please…"
Blaine kissed him again, and Kurt couldn't help but speed up the pace his hand was moving over his cock. He felt his boyfriend's tongue slipping into his hole and gasped, tensing slightly.
The only thing going through Blaine's mind at the moment was fuck, he's tight. He began to work him open with his long tongue, holding Kurt by the waist and moving deeper and deeper until he couldn't anymore. He heard his boyfriend's whining out in pleasure and felt his own dick hardening, swirling his tongue in and out of Kurt until the boy was writhing against the desk.
And then Kurt said he was going to come.
Blaine pulled away and turned the younger teen away, taking Kurt's hand that was on his cock in his, and sinking his lips tightly over the boy's leaking cock. Kurt didn't bother holding back. He let himself moan Blaine's name as one hand held the rider's head in place, fucking his mouth until he was reaching his climax.
They hadn't heard the keys jingle on the other side of the door, or the lock as it was turned, but Kurt did hear Farrah step into the office as he rode it out, clenching tightly as he moved in and out of Blaine's mouth. And he saw the look of shock on her face as she dropped the papers she was holding turn to hate, and he smiled, playing with the curls that laced his fingers until he got oversensitive.
"Sweetie… wait," he pulled Blaine off slowly as the girl looked away.
Blaine wiped his mouth and glanced back, smirking as he saw who'd come in. He blocked his boyfriend so he could pull up his pants and get situated. "Hey Farrah."
"I hope you enjoyed your job while it lasted," she didn't bother picking the papers up. Kurt could do it himself. "Donald will hear about this, Kurt."
Kurt was too high off of that orgasm to even worry about whatever she was babbling on about. "Okay."
"Bye Farrah." Blaine said; smiling as the girl left. He turned to Kurt and leant back in the seat. "I still wanna take you home."
Kurt nodded, looking down at him and seeing the tent in his boyfriend's sweat shorts. "Let me do what I need to for Mikey and we can get out of here."
Mikey found himself hanging out with Nick and his little sisters for the rest of the day. Kurt felt guilty, but Blaine told him to relax. The twins were helping him with his big boy bike, he had a ton of new bike gear for when he fell while learning, and he was extremely excited to finally have those pesky training wheels off. Besides, Nick figured the more they stayed away from him; the easier it'd be to plan Blaine's birthday party. The same one Blaine told them time and time again he did not want.
That brought them back to the Hummel residence where the couple had a hard time getting upstairs. They did eventually, though Blaine's shirt was lost along the way, along with all of their footwear, and now Blaine was being pushed against the bed.
He landed on his back and smiled, leaning on his elbows and watching as Kurt tossed his own shirt away before climbing on top of him.
Their mouths fought for dominance as they kissed nonstop. Kurt eventually won, slipping his tongue between Blaine's lips and exploring every centimeter possible. He worked his hips on top of his boyfriend and Blaine moaned, scratching from the small of his back to right over his ass where he gripped him tightly. There was gasping and 'baby's and a few groans of approval when Kurt sucked hard on Blaine's collarbone. The elder flipped them over and Kurt smiled, staring into dark golden eyes as Blaine attacked his lips again.
There was biting, and the digging of nails into skin, and a bit of hair pulling as they rolled around Kurt's bed. The only time Blaine did pull away was to undo the drawstrings of his shorts, cursing when Kurt took the opportunity to stroke his hard cock as he did so.
"Get rid of your pants."
Kurt smiled, pumping Blaine once more so that the boy growled. "Yes, Mr. Anderson."
Blaine bit his lip and pushed his clothes down and off his body. He kissed Kurt's chest, helping him get his off as well before Kurt was rolling on top of him.
"I really did miss you today," he grabbed Blaine's cock in his hand, rubbing it over softly and thumbing at the head. Blaine lay back and watched Kurt sitting on top of him.
"How much did you miss me, baby?"
Kurt smiled. Blaine's hands teased along the pale skin of his V and he continued to jerk him off.
"So fucking much," he told him. Blaine looked up into his eyes and smiled; his hands now trailing lower to over Kurt's spread thighs.
"Enough to let me finger you right now?"
Kurt smiled. "Enough to let you do whatever you want to me… I think I should get to feel you come first though."
Blaine nodded, flipping them over again. He smirked at Kurt's gasp as he settled between his legs. "Not if I can make you come first."
Kurt's nails dug into the sheets as Blaine slid forward, rubbing their cocks together. He sighed with parted lips, letting his spread legs bend at the knee as Blaine moved up and down between them.
There was no doubt that Blaine was aiming to leave a mark on his neck, but Kurt couldn't even bother to make him stop. He moaned, lying there and enjoying the pleasure engulfing his entire body as Blaine's hips snapped forward.
"Can you imagine me inside you, baby?"
"Shit," Kurt groaned, thrusting up himself and matching Blaine's rhythm.
Blaine sped it up a bit. "Can you imagine me fucking you?"
Kurt's eyes rolled back and he came without warning, tensing and dropping his legs as Blaine continued to move his hips against him. Once Blaine heard his name leaving Kurt's lips, he cursed beneath his breath, coming as well.
A few minutes later, Kurt opened his eyes and found that Blaine had collapsed on top of him. He groaned at the discomfort of come in between them and closed his eyes again.
Kurt smiled, looking up at the time. "At least let me go get your shirt and our stuff… before we sleep too long and my dad pops in here."
Blaine sighed but acknowledged he had a point. "Ok, baby." he smiled at the kiss on the jaw he got before rolling off, wincing at the mess on his stomach and chest. "I miss you already."
Kurt smiled, easing his way out of the bed. "Miss you more."
"Why aren't you eating, sweet pea?"
Mikey shook his head no when his mother tried hovering food in front of him. "I ate too much, momma."
Blaine took a bite of his apple as he walked into the kitchen, kissing his Aunt on the cheek. "Hey Mikey."
"Hi Blainey. I got a band-aid."
Blaine turned around and saw his little cousin gesturing to his knee. "Why weren't you wearing your knee pads?"
Mikey told his mom no again. "I ate at Nick's momma." He turned to Blaine. "Justin doesn't wear knee pads so I took them off."
"Justin's a butt face," Blaine walked over to the fridge and peeked inside.
"Where were you today, mister?" Aunt Pam asked, folding her arms as she leant against the island. Blaine smiled, staring in the fridge. "You're getting in pretty late."
"I was with Kurt." he answered. "I think I'm going to order some pizza…"
"So you dropped your cousin off with your best friend and hid somewhere with your boyfriend?"
Blaine smirked, closing the fridge and facing the woman. Her knowing brown eyes got him every time. "We needed some time alone."
"Did you have fun with my gift?"
"God, auntie," Blaine rolled his eyes, walking past her quickly and trying not to blush. The woman laughed, grabbing him by the arm.
"I can't ask? I'm just curious."
"Not yet auntie."
"What gift?" Mikey asked, eventually giving in and taking a bite of his dinner. It smelt amazing. "The condoms?"
Pam looked at her son who gave her an inquisitive look. She then looked to Blaine who wore the typically innocent face he wore when he was guilty.
"He asked what they were. I couldn't lie."
Pam rolled her eyes. "Where's my Kurt?"
"He went out with David," Blaine answered with another bite of his apple. "Can he stay over tonight? If Mr. Hummel says he can?"
Mikey reached for his cup as he listened. "Please mom?"
"Sure," she told them, "you know he's always welcome. As long as his dad lets him stay sweetie."
Blaine tossed the rest of his apple in the trash and blew her a kiss. "Thank you auntie. I'm getting in the shower. Later munchkin."
Mikey waved, going back to his plate.
"Michael if you aren't hungry, don't eat." his mother told him.
Blaine pushed the door open and smiled at his uncle who was coming through the door. "Hey unc."
"Blaine… wait," Don caught him around the shoulder when he tried to brush past, "Hey. Peter stopped by the shop today."
Blaine tensed, turning back to him. "Why?"
Don looked his nephew in the eyes. "He left a message for you. About the money he owes you from a bet."
Blaine realized he'd stop breathing when he felt choked up a few seconds later. His uncle only stared at him, almost daring him to admit what he know knew to be the truth, but Blaine shook his head no.
"I don't know what—"
"Don't lie to me, Blaine Alexander." Don stepped closer to him and Blaine looked away, shaking his head.
"I told him to forget it." Blaine told him. "I don't want the stupid money."
"Go sit down, Blaine."
The teen sighed, walking away from the stairs and over to the couch. He took a seat and slouched down, staring at the blank television. Don slid out of his shoes and walked over to join him.
"I'm sure you know how I feel about this sport, Blaine."
His nephew nodded.
"I grew up with it and I've watched it grow to be what it is today. I love this sport, and to have my own flesh and blood share the same love that I do for it, and contribute just as much as I've been contributing, it feels amazing. It felt amazing, Blaine."
"Let me speak," he turned to face him on their sofa, pulling his eye glasses off as he spoke. Blaine nodded, looking ahead of him. "Now you know the rules. You've been doing this for years." Blaine nodded. That much was true. "And I have half a mind to take you out of the individual competitions this summer."
Blaine shook his head. His uncle looked at him and sighed. They were both quiet for a minute or so, and Blaine ran a hand through his hair as he tried to imagine the rest of his summer without competitions. That was one of the things he felt kept him out of trouble, and Kurt would be disappointed in him. His father would be disappointed in him.
Don rubbed his neck, watching the conflict on the young man's face. He took another breath and spoke softly. "I love you, bud."
Blaine nodded. He was still quiet for a moment, but eventually responded. "I love you too, unc."
Don looked at him. "And you've made me so proud, persevering through the things you've faced as of late. But this was so disappointing—"
"Can I say something?" he asked, cutting in. His uncle hesitated; sighing before he nodded. Blaine resumed. "I just want you to know it wasn't premeditated at all. I swear I didn't go there with the intent to do it, it just happened. Peter was taking bets and he—"
"Said something bad about Kurt?"
Blaine looked at him. "About me being a cock sucker."
Don looked away.
"And that wasn't even it. He'd been saying shit about Kurt since… he met him. That pretty much put him on my list."
Don sighed. "There's no excuse for you to do something illegal Blaine—"
"I don't want you to put me on the sidelines over this, unc. I was stupid, sure. There was a chance to make a fool out of him and make him feel the way he tried to make Kurt feel and I took advantage of it."
"And had someone found out other than your uncle?"
Blaine shrugged. "I didn't think that far."
Don sighed. "Listen, Blaine. I know you love Kurt, and I'm happy for you and him. But you can't be stupid."
Blaine shrugged again.
"If this happens again, Blaine—"
"It won't."
"If it does," Don continued, "I'll make sure you're disqualified and someone with a bit more respect for the game can have a chance."
Blaine nodded. "It won't happen."
Don smiled and looked away. "Okay. I'm going to have dinner with my wife and son. And I hope you think about this talk."
Blaine stood up. "I hope you're not mad at me."
Don stood up and nodded. "I'm not mad at you Blaine. I just hope you know what I expect from you going forward."
Blaine smiled, ruffling the old man's hair. "I'm sorry unc."
"Get out of here." Donald smiled, watching the young man as he pulled back and went towards the stairs. He shook his head and with a sigh, walked towards the kitchen and pushed the kitchen door open.
"Kiss me, woman!"
"Is he answering?"
Kurt shook his head no. "It's ringing then going to voicemail."
David looked through the glass at the display jewelry. "I like that. It matches and it's cute and something cute couples would totally wear."
Kurt smiled at the bracelets but shook his head, eventually hanging the phone up. "He'd never wear that, David."
"Get him a ring, too." Blaze told him.
Wes rolled his eyes. "They may as well be married."
"They're not married?" Shane asked.
"We're not married. Stop," Kurt looked at the necklaces. "I could get him a new chain for his pendant."
David rolled his eyes now. "Gets something that matches! It'll be so cute."
"She's adorable though," Justin said, smiling at Shane. The elder stared at him.
"Shut up, Justin."
"Look," Blaze pointed at something behind the employee who had grown very much tired of the boys in the jewelry store. Kurt followed his finger and smiled at what he saw.
"Wow. That's… perfect."
"And it matches," David said, grinning as he spoke. "You get one for you and Blaine."
"Yes, David," Kurt said as he smiled. "I think I will."
"You'll take the set?" the girls asked.
Kurt nodded with a smile. "Thank you sweetie— do you hear that?"
Blaze nodded, looking down at Kurt's bag. "I think your phone is vibrating."
Kurt looked at him and then at the BlackBerry in his hand. "I'm holding my phone."
"Then your bag is vibrating."
Kurt reached inside and sure enough, a backlight was shining as a phone that was in his satchel vibrated. Kurt reached for it skeptically, quirking an eyebrow when Blaine's name and number flashed across a brand new iPhone he'd never seen before.
"I'm going to kill him."
"Seven hundred bucks for a new phone?" Shane smirked and looked at Wes. "They must be married."
Kurt rolled his eyes at them, ignoring David who said 'they now have matching phones too!' and pressed answer.
"Hi." Blaine said as nonchalantly as possible. "Like your new phone?"
Kurt pulled out his card and handed it to the lady, "I was perfectly fine with my BlackBerry, thank you."
"Well that sucked. Listen," Blaine cleared his throat and said something to Mikey in the background, "I need you to spend the night with me."
Kurt grinned, leaning against the counter. "You need me to, huh?"
Blaine hummed. "Yes. So call Papa Bear. Let's make it happen."
Justin started laughing in the background and Kurt walked away, trying to get a moment of silence. "I'll see what I can do. Are you studying for your exam at Pace?"
Blaine nodded as he pressed buttons on his PlayStation controller. "Uh huh."
"I'll start in five… in twenty minutes. Promise."
Kurt smiled. "Ok babe. I'll quiz you when I get there."
"No but thanks. Having fun?"
Kurt glanced back at his friends being idiots and nodded. "Yup. But I keep reaching out for your hand and you aren't here."
Blaine laughed lightly in his ear. "That's what you get for allowing David a schedule."
"I know," Kurt smiled, "See you soon if my dad has had a good day."
Blaine sure hoped he would. "Mwah."
Kurt grinned. "Mwah. Bye honey."
Wes exited the store in the mall first, handing Kurt his bag, receipt and credit card. "Where to next?"
"I'm gonna get out of here guys."
"Really new guy?" Shane asked teasingly, "You boys can't hang."
Kurt smiled and shrugged. He had to get home to Blaine. "Can someone hold the birthday stuff for me so he doesn't find it?"
Justin nodded at that. "We'll put it in the trunk. I'll drive you home bro."
"Take me to Nick's." David said, slapping five with Wes and bumping fist with Blaze and Shane. Kurt said goodbye to all of them and promised Blaze they'd keep in touch, walking beside Justin as he pulled out his dad's car keys.
"You're not going to get in trouble for driving this thing, right?"
Justin nodded. "If I get caught maybe. But for now I'm fine."
Kurt nodded. "So David. What's going on at Nick's?"
"Food and liquor. Nothing new. Naomi brought over a bunch of movies, I hear."
Justin smiled. "I know you're going to ask, Kurt. No I'm not drinking."
Kurt shrugged. "I wasn't going to."
"You were."
"He's going to see Teresa anyway," David said. Justin nodded.
"So is it official?" Kurt sang, bumping arms with him. The blonde blushed.
"Not yet." He smiled as they exited the mall, "But I'm working on it."
Hi dad. –Kurt
Burt looked down at the flip phone he'd had for the past seven years and read the screen. One of his employees had come into the area to clock out and he smirked down at the text.
The answer is no. –BH
Kurt looked at his BlackBerry screen and shook his head. Blaine's hopeful look fell.
"He didn't even say hi back."
"Let me try," Mikey said, climbing up onto the couch. He abandoned his crayons on the floor and climbed onto Kurt's lap. "Call him."
Kurt smiled, fixing the boy's pajama top. "What are you going to say?"
Blaine hopped over the couch and sat down next to them, reaching for the remote.
"I'm going to say that I want you to stay."
"Let him do it," Blaine told Kurt, turning the channel away from NBC. "Your dad likes Mikey and you know he'll say yes."
Mikey nodded with a slight smile. "He does. I'll ask nicely and if that doesn't work, I'll start crying."
Blaine nodded. "He won't be able to say no, babe. Do it."
Kurt shook his head but went to his father's phone number. "You are too much like your cousin, Mikey."
The boy smiled.
As Mikey held the phone to his ear, he climbed off the couch and walked over to his father's chair. Blaine leant back against Kurt, whose arm was draped over the sofa, resting his curly head on the teen's chest. Kurt kissed him in the hair and looked over at Mikey, anticipating the conversation.
Burt stood up and stretched, wincing as his knees cracked. It would only be another hour before he could leave for the night, and thankfully a nice, warm bed would be waiting for him at home. Stepping out into the shop—one that was much larger and much more advanced than Hummel's Tire and Lube could've ever been, Burt thought, he stretched and looked around at his men working. It should be said that he was proud of the little shop he built from the ground up back in Lima, though. It'd been a dream of his and he accomplished it, all before selling the land for the opportunity out here. This was so much more than what they had back in Ohio, and he hoped his son took that as a lesson. Hard work gets you places.
It hurt when Kurt told him they'd be building a strip mall where Hummel's Tires and Lube was since other landowners sold their property on the block as well. It was hard to hear, but anything to hel