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Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.

Ride: Astro Blaster

E - Words: 16,790 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Sep 28, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2013
260 0 0 0 0

Chapter 18 - Astro Blaster

"And now, please welcome, for the 4th consecutive year," the crowd began to roar with applause and Blaine smiled at the hug his uncle gave him from behind, "Your 2012 Freestyle Vert Champion, Blaine Anderson!"

The chanting was thunderous. Blaine stopped for only a moment to drink it all in, waving at the crowd as many of his fans gave him a standing ovation. And then his eyes moved to the front of the stadium where his family was and his heart immediately swelled in his chest.

Cooper was a little teary eyed as he stood next to Justin's sister Jasmine and her boyfriend. He was pointing hard at his younger brother and shouting out words of encouragement.

Burt was clapping and giving him that 'I'm insanely proud of you but I'm still your boyfriend's dad and will chop your neck if necessary' look, which happened to be one of Blaine's favorite looks from him, believe it or not.

Justin stood between Burt and David wearing an 'I Heart Blaine Anderson' t-shirt he had just bought from the merchandise table, partly because his own shirt was lost, but no one needed to know that, and David was jumping up and down with Naomi and Jeff as Nick and Victoria smiled happily at their friend, applauding along with the audience.

Blaine knew he was lucky to have friends like them; friends who supported him and smiled when he did, cried when he did as well, and he knew he could rely on.

And then there was Kurt.

Once Blaine laid eyes on him, Kurt was all that he could see, really. Through the midst of the cameras flashing, the girls starting a "Mr. BMX" chant, the announcer and commissioner of their league waiting to congratulate him and hand over his trophy, all that Blaine saw was his boyfriend.

Kurt stood tall with a sleeping Mikey in his arms and a bright smile on his face. He simply smiled and his eyes shined brightly, and Blaine felt the happiest he had in quite some time. He was happy that he had Kurt, he was proud of the man he was becoming, and he was ecstatic that he had such an amazing man to spend the rest of his life with.

Because ultimately, that was the plan.

"Mr. Blaine Anderson," the announcer repeated with a sense of urgency, smiling once he had the teenager's attention again. "Come on up, young man."

Blaine looked back to Kurt and smiled quickly before jogging up to the stage, shaking the hands of each of the Board members as he went down the line and finally the hands of the vice president and commissioner as he approached them.

"Excellent job, Blaine. We're proud to have such a great talent like you in the league. You're making your family and your fans proud today!" the commissioner handed the trophy over as the vice president smiled, putting a gold medal around Blaine's neck. The teenager smiled too and accepted everything with a humbled 'thank you' before approaching the announcer.

The cheering had actually increased when Blaine stepped up to the podium and shook the announcer's hand. Mikey had started to stir, burying his face deeper into Kurt's neck. Kurt had kissed him in the curls and held him a little higher to stop him from sliding down his body, all before turning his attention back to the man of the hour. Blaine kept his eyes on him and smiled.

"Wow. This is amazing, guys…" The crowd hollered a little more and waved their posters in the air before Blaine smiled, waving a bit before attempting to speak over them. "I just want to say a few quick words of thanks and I'll be out of your hair." He looked down at the trophy and stepped close to the microphone as the photographers continued to snap pictures.

"It's an honor that I get to stand here in front of the beautiful fans of BMX and Skateboarding for four straight years as your Freestyle Vert Champion." he smiled at the applause and nodded, "I thank God that I was healthy enough to continue to compete, despite the things my family and I have been through. Simply put, this is something I love to do, and I'm truly blessed to have the support I have, so thank you all."

After another eruption from the crowd, Blaine nodded and continued. "I need to thank my uncle Donald for his dedication to this family and for not quitting on me, even when I gave up on myself. I didn't think I wanted to live after losing my father and my sister, but my uncle and his beautiful wife were there for me every step of the way. Now, I'm like ten times better than he was." The crowd laughed and Don joined in, rolling his eyes playfully at his nephew. Blaine grinned at him. "I love you, unc."

The man put his hand over his heart to say it was an honor. Blaine hadn't been the easiest kid to train after they lost Cooper Senior and Ariel. At first the boy was withdrawn and angry all the time, and then his attitude and ego was simply atrocious. But Blaine definitely came a long way from the kid he was four years ago, and Donald couldn't be any more proud of him.

"Next," Blaine looked to the front row, "I need to say thanks to my big brother, Cooper. I put him through a lot growing up. I used to walk in on Coop and his girlfriends, and when I was 10 I tried driving his first car to impress a girl five years older than me and crashed right into the side of our house." The crowd laughed and Blaine saw Kurt smiling and rolling his eyes, smiling back. "I was a pain in the neck little brother, and there were times that Cooper annoyed me to no end, but the fact of the matter is I wouldn't trade him for the world, and I am so lucky to have a brother that would do anything for me. I adore you, man."

Burt shook his head at Cooper as a tear trailed down the man's face. Cooper pointed to Blaine and beat his fist over his chest a couple times. It was quite moving.

"And to Legacy," the crowd went nuts and the boys smiled at Blaine, waving over, "you're the best friends that a guy could ask for. I know we drive each other crazy at times but truth be told, I love each and every one of you. There isn't a thing I wouldn't do for you boys. Thank you being my friend for all these years."

Kurt smiled at Nick as the shorter teen clapped for his best friend.

"Papa Bear," Blaine said softly, probably trying to mask his emotions at this point, "I need to say 'thank you' a million times to you sir, because I probably wouldn't be standing here right now if it wasn't for you." Don clapped and looked over to Burt who gave a soft smile towards the stage. "Thank you, Mr. Hummel, for believing in me and giving me a chance. Thanks for trusting me with your son, and thanks for being like a second father to me. I love you a lot."

The crowd cheered and Kurt couldn't hide his smile as he looked over at his father. Kurt began to rock Mikey who was tightly snuggling him in sleep a little bit slower as his eyes found the man. Burt tipped his hat to Blaine and mouthed 'I love you too, son' and it took a lot for Kurt not to get emotional. He thought about their history and smiled. Blaine and his father had gone from pretty much hating one another to being family, and Kurt was proud of each of them.

"And that brings me to the love of my life," Blaine smiled as his eyes moved to Kurt a few seats over, "the gorgeous Ohio native with beautiful blue eyes and a little blonde boy in his arms that couldn't stay awake long enough to see his big cousin win first place."

The crowd had already started cooing and Kurt blushed, not knowing why he didn't expect this to happen but totally not expecting this to happen. His cheeks already hurt from smiling so much and apparently Blaine wasn't done.

"Kurt. You are hands down the best thing that ever happened to me." Blaine stopped to make sure his words were taken in as he looked over at the center of the first row. Kurt stared back with that gorgeous smile of his and Blaine wasn't surprised when his heart started to speed up. "As proud as I am to be wearing this medal, on stage with this trophy in my hand, nothing makes me happier than being with you, beautiful. I love you so much and I hope you're proud to be with me, too."

Kurt didn't care to look at those in the crowds who had suddenly lost interest in the speech because their idol had a boyfriend. His only concern was the curly haired, sweaty, stinky boy on stage with the million dollar smile and golden eyes that were set on him. He felt a little tear dropping on his cheek as Blaine blew a kiss to him and held the trophy in the air. "This one is for you, Kurt. Thank you everybody! Much love!"

Much of the crowd went absolutely crazy; the ones that weren't still awwwwww-ing because that was the cutest thing they'd ever seen or scowling because of their homophobic tendencies. Blaine stepped away from the podium, held the trophy high in the air for all of his fans, and then bowed before waving and thanking them. He shook hands with the men on stage once more as people continued to shout for him, and then he jumped down and accepted a bro hug from Shane who had actually won first place in Semifinals that day, but had lost in Finals by 1.83 points.

Blaine teased and said he'd get 1.83 tattooed on his cheek and follow Shane around all day, earning him a punch in the arm as the two laughed it off. Shane made a mental note to hug Kurt later, because before the Ohioan showed up, Blaine wasn't this type of guy to laugh with one of his competitors. He'd lightened up tremendously and was enjoying living now, and Shane was proud of the younger teen.

Mikey started to become heavier from his frequent tossing in Kurt's arms, and the teen gave him a wet smack on the cheek with his lips.

"Mikey. Wake up, munchkin."

Mikey put his hands over Kurt's mouth and the elder laughed, grabbing it away. "How can you sleep through all of this noise? There is no doubt that you're related to your big cousin, huh?"

The boy opened his eyes a little and held on to Kurt's collar as he picked his head up, tiredly glancing around. Burt walked over and took a hesitant Mikey into his own arms, and the boy only relaxed when he realized who it was.

"Hello Mr. Hummey."

Burt smiled at Kurt and gestured over to Blaine, but his son only frowned at how he was holding the little Kinsella. "Go say hello before the reporters snatch him up, kiddo."

"Can you not hold him like a football?"

Burt rolled his eyes and Mikey smiled, holding his arms out and pretending to be superman. "The kid likes it. Now go say hello."

Kurt shook his head at the both of them before walking off. He could see curly hair and an Adidas t-shirt through a storm of people and took a deep breath before maneuvering the crowd.

"It's truly a blessing, and I'm just grateful to be here. I'm not too sure about the next events; I'd like to enjoy the rest of my summer and focus on school for now. But you'll definitely know." Blaine finished answering one reporter and tried to break free but another stepped up.

"Anderson, how long have you been with your boyfriend?"

Don patted Ian on the back and stepped aside so that Blaine could finish up. He didn't see Blaine's face change at the question he was just asked.

"I'd appreciate it if any questions asked pertained to the day's competitions or the sport in general. If you want to ask personal questions we can set up an interview afterwards."

Kurt heard his name being shouted when he was halfway there and waved to a few girls in the audience, smiling albeit confused. They said they saw the video on Facebook and loved it and Kurt chuckled a little, thanking them and continuing on. That would need to take some getting used to.

"My questions have to do with your acceptance speech," the reporter who had on an LA Sun badge held the recorder to Blaine's face, as did the other journalists around him, "I think your fans and people in the LGBT community would love to offer you support in your coming out and hear more of your backstory."

Blaine glanced around at the other reporters and smiled a little. "Does anyone want to talk to me about the competition today? I'd be glad to answer those questions."

The LA Sun reporter was pushed back a bit as the others stepped up, asking questions about the BMX move he landed and how his uncle influenced him, so on and so forth. They were all trying to write the best article on the up and coming kid from San Francisco with the talent, the sponsors, and the bright future. Blaine didn't mind responding to things as long as it dealt with his job.

Kurt finally made his way to Don and hugged him tightly before stepping back and watching his boyfriend handle the media. He shook his head at how they all hounded him and the professionalism that Blaine handled them with. It was a bit much for a 17 year old, but he was doing well.

"I'll be right back, Kurt," Don patted his arm and walked away with one of his old friends, and Kurt nodded as he rested against a barricade. A few fans of Legacy waved at him and snapped pictures and Kurt smiled shyly, not sure if he wanted the attention. He didn't want to be recognized when he knew there were people who weren't fans of him and Blaine being together—

"Excuse me; your name is Kurt right?"

Kurt glanced up and a man about his height with gray hair and smooth brown eyes was smiling back at him.

"Kurt, that's correct." He skeptically took the offered hand the reporter extended to shake it. "Nice to meet you…"

"My name is Todd Graham and I'm a reporter with the LA Sun. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

Kurt looked hesitant and glanced over at Blaine, but the man quickly spoke to reassure.

"Don't worry. Your boyfriend is fine with it. It's just a piece for my LGBT readers."

Kurt nodded, though still unsure. The man smiled, starting the recorder before Kurt could have time to think it over and decline the interview.

"Thank you. Please state your full name and age for the record."

"Kurt Hummel. I turn 17 in a little over a week."

Todd nodded. "Mr. Hummel, how long have you been dating Blaine Anderson?"

Kurt flinched a little when the reporter held the device to his face, much closer than he felt it needed to be. "Almost two months now."

Todd Graham nodded. "How did Blaine come out to you? Did he come out to his family first? Had he always been interested in boys or were you the first?"

Kurt seemed to be overwhelmed a bit and the reporter apologized. "I'm sorry, Mr. Hummel. One at a time." The man gave a half smile and resumed, slower this time. "Were you the first boy he was interested in?"

The teen nodded. "Yes, I was."

"So is Blaine bisexual?"

"I don't think me answering questions about Blaine's sexuality is important, right now—"

Todd interrupted Kurt with another question. "Are you only with Blaine Anderson because of his success in the sport—"

"What? No!"

"You know that he used to date girls." Todd stared straight at Kurt as he spoke, "How did that impact your decision to be with him. How are you certain that with his money and fame, he won't be unfaithful? You are the only boy he's ever been interested in, after all. Right?"

"You have less than one second to walk away from him and you better pray that I don't see any mention of Kurt or my brother's relationship in whatever trashy article you plan on writing. Do I make myself clear?" Cooper looked down at the older man who stood frozen for a second before quickly nodded and gathered his things.

"T-Thank you for your time, Mr. Hummel."

Kurt looked at him as the man retreated, walking over to Shane Smith now. He took a deep breath and then turned to Cooper.

"I—He said he wanted to write an article for the LGBT community. Then he started asking me questions like… things that would probably do nothing but throw shade at Blaine."

Cooper rolled his eyes as he looked over to the LA Sun writer. "Don't talk to reporters, especially without Blaine. The media will rip you two apart within days if you do."

Kurt looked over to Blaine now as the elder Anderson continued. "That guy is not concerned about LGBT, Kurt. He wants his big break. Wait until Anderson Cooper or someone contacts the two of you, and then you can share. For now, say nada."

"Alright," Kurt took a deep breath and nodded. "Sorry about that."

Cooper smiled and looked at his little brother approaching. "You'll get used to the dos and don'ts of the spotlight. Now, someone is coming for you. I'm waiting for Justin's sister to ditch the boyfriend so I can go and talk to her."

Kurt rolled his eyes, not wanting anything to do with that drama. Cooper apparently liked Jasmine since his family moved to Long Beach from San Francisco, but she'd always been with her boyfriend, who Justin seemed to hate with a passion. That didn't make it right for them to try setting her up with Cooper when she was still in a relationsh—

"You," Blaine kissed Kurt's neck, "look," then his cheek, "so," his other cheek, "sexy." he finished with a long kiss to Kurt's lips that made maybe all of the girls in the audience squeal. Cooper laughed and shook his head as one chick started filming it.

Kurt brought his arms up to wrap around Blaine's neck, laughing as he tried to pull away from his boyfriend who seemed to be in the mood to make out. "I'm so freaking proud of you, Blaine. And I can't believe you did that on stage… I honestly don't know what to do with you."

"You're the only one who didn't see it coming, really," Cooper told him. "And I guess I'll get my hug later then…"

Blaine smiled and pulled away from Kurt, letting Cooper put him in a congratulatory headlock as always before it became hard to breathe. Kurt shook his head at both of them when Blaine started coughing and he soothingly patted his boyfriend on the back. "Don't you have taken girls to go bother?"

"That I do," Cooper grinned and nodded, walking off. "Have fun at the after party, boys. See you at Disneyland tomorrow."

Blaine rubbed at his throat as Kurt took his hand, leading him away. "I'll see you there, idiot."

"Where is this after party?" Kurt asked. Other riders began to pack their things after saying goodbye to their friends until the next competition- at least those that wouldn't be attending this after party. Blaine held Kurt's hand firmly when he saw Ian, making sure they went in another direction. He may be with Jose and all but he still didn't trust Justin's older cousin as far as he could throw him.

"It's Adidas' official after party in Beverly Hills at this fancy ass hotel. We're going to be in the hot tub all night." Blaine smiled when he and Mikey caught eyes and the boy's face lit up. "I might get just a little bit drunk tonight just so you know."

Kurt smiled and nodded. "I've never seen you trashed but something tells me you're a flirty drunk and I'm not going to like it too much."

"I'm a flirty sober," was Blaine's answer as wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist and led him through a group of people, "I'm a horny drunk. Very, very horny. But I'm not getting trashed, just a little tipsy."

"Ah," Kurt walked past the camera men and turned to Blaine, "I have to think of a way to congratulate you for coming in first at this party, then."

"Yeah," Blaine bit his lip and nodded, glancing from Kurt's lips down to his waist. "I think so too."

Naomi and Victoria attacked Blaine as soon as he was in hugging distance. Kurt laughed and moved away, almost getting trampled in the process. Jeff smiled and skated over as well, followed by the rest of Legacy. Kurt smiled from them to his dad who had Mikey on his back.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on him for me, dad." Kurt blew a kiss at Mikey and smirked when the little boy blushed. "When I leave him with Cooper or Blaze, all they do is use him to get chicks."

Burt chuckled to his son. "Puppies and kids work like a charm, kiddo. And Amber said that she and Blaze won't be in Long Beach for another hour or so. Their flight was delayed, but he'll be at this after party tonight that I'm not too sure I want you going to…"

Kurt looked at his father with a tired smile. "Dad, I'm not even going to do that much heroin, calm down."

"Yeah, ok kid," Burt shook his head and smiled when his son laughed, "Just be careful. And watch after these knuckle heads."

Kurt turned around and looked at Legacy before nodding to his father. "Will do, dad."

"Oh," Burt hiked Mikey a little higher on his back, "I don't want to know why this kid is asking me how much it would cost to tattoo your name on his stomach but if I find out you have a tattoo, Kurt—"

"I don't!" Kurt looked at Mikey who blushed and turned away. "Well… I don't…"

Burt looked at him.

"I thought of getting one but Blaine said no… because of my career and things like that. So, I mean for now, I don't…"

"Ok," Burt looked over at the guys and Blaine looking down at their medals and talking. "I'm guessing Blaine has one."

Kurt nodded. "He does."

"But it isn't Kurt's name," Mikey said adamantly. The thing is, whenever Mikey tells a lie, he plays with one of his spirally curls, almost twirling it around his finger. Burt definitely felt him doing so, and Kurt shook his head. At least the little boy tried this time. They'd just need to work on it.

"Okay, big fella."

Kurt wondered what his father would do with this information. "Maybe I should take him back…"

"Yeah, maybe you should," Burt let Mikey climb into Kurt's arms and smiled when the boy hugged his son tightly. He then felt Blaine squeezing him tightly and laughed, wrapping the short teenager in his arms. "Blaine, I'm so proud of you, buddy!"

Blaine didn't let go for a while, enjoying the man's firm pats on his back. "Thanks, Dad."

Kurt looked away from Blaine's smiling face to his father's, and noted how much softer it had gotten after the word. "You're welcome, Blaine."

They pulled away after a short talk that stayed between the two of them, and then enveloped one another in a second hug, all before sharing another small talk. Justin came over to say goodbye to Mikey and get his things from Kurt's bag.

"I need to stop home, drop off Jasmine and her dick of a boyfriend. I'll see you at the hotel pretty soon, bro."

"See you," Kurt laughed at the kiss on the cheek he got and the jealous scowl Mikey gave Justin because of it. "Drive safely."

"C'mere, booger!" Blaine roughly grabbed Mikey away and tossed him high into the air before catching him. "You fell asleep? I did some of my best riding and you fell asleep?" he tossed him in the air again and Mikey laughed as he landed in Blaine's arms, grabbing onto his cousin for dear life.

"Are you proud of me, fart face?"

Mikey nodded, still laughing. "The proudest. And sorry I fell asleep, Blainey."

Blaine kissed him hard and put him down on the ground. "It's fine. I can't stay mad at you. Disneyland tomorrow, right?"

Mikey grinned hard showing off all of his tiny teeth. "Yes."

"Perfect." Blaine turned back to Kurt and smiled. "I'm just gonna walk with your dad to take Mikey to my uncle. We're going to head to the hotel when I'm back."

Kurt felt Jeff skate over and stand next to him as he glared at his father. "What are you two up to?"

"Nothing!" Burt lied obviously, "I'll see you Monday morning, right?"

Kurt smoothed out his Team Legacy t-shirt as he stared at his father. "Monday morning, dad."

"And you'll call me when you're at Disneyland tomorrow morning and when you're in the hotel tomorrow night?"

Kurt smiled as Blaine laughed and nodded. "I'll call you dad. Way to change the conversation."

Burt shrugged, trying to hide his guilt over whatever he was about to talk to Blaine about. He walked over to Kurt and hugged him, "I love you, kiddo. Be good. Watch out for Mikey or I will let Pam kick your ass without doing a thing." Kurt nodded and smiled, "And you better win me a stuffed toy or something. I know you won Blaine like five in New York."

Kurt looked up at his dad and grinned. "I'll win you the biggest thing I can find. And I have Pam watching what you eat so don't think you're getting away with anything."

Burt frowned.

"Love you dad," Kurt said with a laugh, and Jeff hugged the man next, making Burt shake his head. "Don't forget to walk Diesel."

"I know, I know." Burt patted Jeff on the back and told him and the rest of Legacy to enjoy their day at Disney tomorrow. David had finished putting his number in some girl's phone just in time to say goodbye.

Burt and Blaine took off after Mikey said goodbye to his Kurtie, and the three of them walked towards the park's exit. Blaine stopped to sign a few autographs along the way. Kurt watched his boyfriend and father suspiciously and Nick laughed as he walked over.

"I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them, man."

Kurt sat on the bench with Victoria as he agreed. "They're up to something. Oh well. After party tonight, ladies?"

Naomi smiled. "We're only going to watch Nick and Jeff in action."

Jeff's face dropped as Kurt laughed. "That's not funny. I'm not gonna drink anyway so the jokes on you."

"Sure you're not," Kurt said with a laugh. Jeff smirked because yes, he'd drink. But they didn't need to know that.

Naomi smirked at him and then looked to Nick who still seemed a bit uncomfortable. "Victoria and I are actually over ourselves, ok. We're happy for the two of you."

"We're still trying to understand what this is, Nay," Nick looked to Jeff, "well, I am."

David sat down next to Kurt with his gold medal around his neck. "I'm happy you were so distracted with your love life, man. First place victory for me."

Everyone laughed as Nick smiled and kicked the brown skinned boy. "Screw you, too, D."

"Maybe after Jeff," David barely got the words out before Nick was chasing him around the park. Jeff rolled his eyes at them as he rocked back and forth on his skateboard.

"Apparently someone is not as sure as you are," Vickie said, pushing her red hair back. "You two need to stop making out and talk about it."

"We've kissed twice, Vickie," Jeff said, "and I still feel weird talking about it in front of my ex and his ex who he's been with for years and still loves with all of his heart."

Kurt felt for both Nick and Jeff. It must've been hard coming to terms with what was happening between them when they were involved with such amazing girls. Naomi only shrugged at him as she crossed one leg over the other.

"I'd rather go through this loss now, than ten years from now when Nick and I are married. I've seen the way he looks at you when you make your corny little jokes that only he laughs at. Not even Mikey laughs at them and the kid laughs at everything."

Jeff smiled. "You're bullshitting."

"No she's not," Kurt said. "I laughed a few times out of pity but Nick is the only one that seems to enjoy them. Mikey just deadpans at you."

Victoria laughed and leant onto Kurt's shoulder. "Something to think about, Mr. Sterling…"

The park started to clear out, Jeff noticed. He shrugged at their words though. "It still feels weird. I mean I'm happy you girls are still here supporting us, and we're blessed you're in our lives. It's just taking some getting used to."

"We both love you," Victoria told him. "We really do. No matter what happens with you, whether you get together or think better of it, Nay and I are in your corners. Ok?"

Naomi nodded and gave that half smile that Nick adored so much. Kurt smiled at the both of them and then Jeff. The blonde mussed his hair and took a deep breath.

"I appreciate it."

Blaine walked back over, now alone. He nudged Jeff in the shoulder and grinned. "I'm so happy that you kicked Ian's ass. Now he can go back east with his ego knocked down a few."

Jeff smiled and kicked up his skateboard. "Who gives a shit about him? Let's go to this party, big man!"

Kurt smiled and grabbed his things, walking over to give Blaine a quick kiss. "Who's going to drive? I need to give Mr. BMX his kisses in the back row of seats…"

Blaine smiled and grabbed him by the hips, pulling him closer. Naomi and Victoria grinned as the two proceeded to kiss, and then kiss some more, and it was almost like everyone else was completely forgotten about as Blaine's hands snuck underneath Kurt's t-shirt.

"So Nick and Jeff are going to be like this, Nay," Victoria's eyebrows rose comically as Kurt bit on Blaine's bottom lip, "I can live with losing my boyfriend if they do this tonight."

Naomi nodded hard. "Same here. This is going to be a fun party."

Jeff rolled his eyes.

Nick was entirely out of breath when he returned, but he saw his best friend's hand sliding across Kurt's ass and frowned.

"I want you both to know that you are not having sex in the back of my truck. It is not happening, Blaine. Kurt. Do you hear me?"

David laughed as he struggled to catch his own breath. "I don't think they can hear you right now." He walked over and physically pulled the two of them apart, laughing when Blaine tried to chase Kurt's lips. "Sorry to interrupt the show but security is staring at us, and we need to go get shitfaced."

Kurt winked at Blaine as his boyfriend hungrily stared at his lips. "Ok, Legacy. Let's go to this after party, then."

Nick didn't even bother reprimanding Kurt and Blaine for being Kurt and Blaine in the backseat of his truck. He expected it. He did however explain to Kurt that it was perfectly okay for them to make out as long as he wasn't in Blaine's lap when it happened. He kind of needed to see out of the rear window and all.

The drive to the hotel for the after party was a bit long. There was traffic from all of the people leaving the competition, and there was also some Comic Con thing happening a few blocks over. It was times like this that they missed having Justin in the car to sing something for them, but he was with his family and planned to meet them there.

Jeff was in the passenger seat because Kurt, Blaine, Naomi, Vickie, and David all ran to the car first leaving only the driver and passenger seat available. Of course Kurt and Blaine wouldn't let him in the back with them because how can one horny couple properly dry hump with some Jeff guy in their row of seats, right? But Jeff simply nodded at all of them, mumbling that he'd 'remember this' as he took the seat next to Nick.

Luckily, the ride wasn't awkward or anything. It was a little bit because their ex-girlfriends were right behind him; the ex-girlfriends who knew that they had made out twice—once at Blaine's sleep over the other night and then again at the movies with Justin. Because Justin couldn't help but tweet the play by play of what was happening a few rows in front of him to the whole world.

JustJusBMX: Ah, the good ol "I need to stretch my arm so I'm just going to blatantly wrap it around your shoulder" move. Smooth, Jeff.

JustJusBMX: This movie isn't as good as watching my idiot friends, I'll tell you that.

DavidOfLegacy: JusJusBMX are you recording it?

JustJusBMX: DavidOfLegacy Dude, it's dark. You need to quench that thirst of yours.

JustJusBMX: I saw a little cheek smooch!

JustJustBMX: Now there's lip action, but very minimal.

JustJusBMX: My mentions are going crazy right now #NiffKiss

JustJusBMX: Get it Nick

JustJusBMX: Oh they're full on kissing right now. Aw yeah, this is happening.

JustJusBMX: Where did Jeff's left hand disappear to? We just don't know #HandJobInTheater13

JustJusBMX: I'm kidding. They're only making out… calm down perverts

Nick refused to talk to Justin for a couple days, and Kurt because he retweeted all of it. Well, until a few hours later when Kurt cooked fettuccine and he forgave him.

But it wasn't anyone else's fault that this felt so weird. It was just a… different… experience for them. And the fact that they each liked it was a bit to take in too.

From Santana:

Why isn't the hobbit answering me?

David popped his gum as he reached for his cell phone. Babel by Mumford and Sons came on the radio and Nick turned up the volume, hoping to drown out the sound of Kurt and Blaine in his backseat.

To Santana:

He's making out with Kurt at the moment. Are you still with Brittany?

From Santana:

Yes. I'll call him later. Congrats on winning.

To Santana:

Gracias bonita. ;)

From Santana:

Don't ever do that again.

"She plays so hard to get," David mumbled to himself.

About ten minutes had passed and they were actually driving at this point. It was good because Nick had never been one for traffic. He had patience for everything else but traffic, apparently.

Kurt gasped when he felt Blaine stroking his cock through the thin fabric shorts he wore, quickly moving Blaine's hand away and ignoring the exasperated sigh his boyfriend breathed out into his ear.

"I say we dump the guys of Premium in the pool tonight," David smiled at Victoria's words. "Especially Ian and Wes. They're so cocky."

"Is Blaze coming?"

"I don't know," Jeff pulled out his cell phone. "He told Kurt he won't be in town until about midnight so he'll definitely be late."

"I missed him at the competition," Naomi said, "Oh, Kurt! Hunter's coming to the party tonight. We told him you're auditioning Kurt. You guys will have a majority of your classes together. He's like the shit at Pace. Weird as hell, but it's his world in the vocal department."

Kurt didn't hear a single word said to him, naturally.

Naomi rolled her eyes as Vickie laughed. "Well excuse me. Proceed, horn dogs."

And that they did.

"These shorts are so tight," Blaine's hand had slowly moved from Kurt's right knee to between his thighs as Kurt's lips skirted across his neck. "I can't wait to see you try and get out of them."

Kurt grinned as he moved Blaine's hand away again for the umpteenth time. "I was hoping that you would take them off for me, actually."

Blaine smiled as Kurt started to suck on his neck. "That can be arranged." Eventually, the pair had worked it out so that they were both lying down in the backseat. Nick's music was up loud enough that neither was missed, really, and Blaine held onto the seat in front of him as he grinded between his boyfriend's legs.

"Baby," Kurt moaned into his ear and Blaine sighed as the car stopped for traffic, he guessed, "You reallyneed to slow down."

"It feels too good?" Blaine teased, slowly rubbing against Kurt as the rock song blared through the speakers. Kurt bit his lip and nodded, not replying until Blaine's eyes were locked on his.

"So good."

Blaine leant down to kiss him and they made out straight until the time they arrived at the hotel. Their friends were so kind that they acted as if they hadn't heard the Blaines or fucks that were mumbled in between songs. They also acted if as they didn't notice the way Blaine pulled his shirt down over the front of his jeans and rushed inside to check in.

"So I take it we won't be seeing much of you two tonight?"

Kurt put his bag on and approached the beautiful hotel, nodding his head yes. "You got that right."

"So let me understand this," Cooper smiled as he walked behind Justin, side by side with the blonde's older sister. "You aren't happy because he doesn't treat you right, he doesn't have a job and isn't interested in getting one, you both live with your father because you're basically supporting the both of you, and he doesn't let you go out with your friends because he thinks you'll cheat on him?"

Jasmine, a 23 year old blonde with the same bright blue eyes as her younger brother and an identical smile walked beside Cooper with her hands in the pockets of her denim shorts. She gave a small shrug as they approached their father's place. "It isn't so simple, CJ, and you know that. We've been together since 9th grade, and you've been trying since 9th grade, and I've been saying no since—"

"You've also been wasting your time since 9th grade," Cooper sipped a drink from his water bottle as they walked and Jasmine looked up at her younger brother who she knew was listening. "The worst part about all of this is that you're settling and you know that."

"Okay, maybe I am." Jasmine turned to Cooper and he looked at her as well, "I'm not so happy, but I know he loves me."

"If he loves you he'd try and be a better person for you," Justin turned around and faced his shorter and older sister, "I've been telling her that since I was 13."

Cooper licked his lips and looked over at her. "I know why you said no to me in high school…"

"Because you dated all of my friends and all of their friends… and slept with Hillary's mom…"

Justin rolled his eyes and faced front. So much for being team Cooper.

"And," the man continued, "I've changed from that horny teenaged boy. I'm a man now. I make a living for myself. I show people respect. I could take you somewhere nice…"

"I appreciate that, CJ, but you know I've been with him forever and—"

Cooper grabbed her hand to prevent her from following Justin into the house. "You're afraid of starting over? That has to be it. I can't imagine it being anything else."

Jasmine smiled and looked off down the block. "I'm going inside to check on my father. I'll—"

"Go out with me."

She laughed and looked up at him. "Cooper. If Anthony wouldn't want me going out with the girls, what makes you think he'd want me going out with one of his friends from high school, who he knew had a crush on his cheerleading girlfriend?"

Cooper looked at her and smiled. "How about I pick you up when he's asleep and we'll have a nice little picnic on the beach. I have these candles Kurt gave me and I have no idea what to do with them."

Jasmine smiled and turned away. "Goodnight CJ."

"Text me when he's asleep… I'll be at my brother's beach house, ok?"

"Goodnight, CJ."

Cooper smiled and took a few steps back. "Goodnight, princess." He took a few steps back into the road. "I'll be waiting for that text!"

Kurt folded his arms around his boyfriend's neck as Blaine lips ghosted over his pulse point. The hot water felt way too good and being able to kick back and relax like this was just what the doctor ordered. Blaine's hands moving possessively over his ass beneath the hot tub's water felt amazing too, and Kurt bit down on his lip hard to stop himself from moaning.

There was a decent turn out to the after party. All of the riders and skaters were there enjoying themselves, as well as a bunch of fangirls (groupies) that were lucky enough to win tickets to get in. There was no doubt there'd be nothing but a bunch of alcohol, weed, and one night stands, at least that's what Blaine explained to Kurt. He also said that at least two of the random girls would get pregnant. That was the annual average.

The music was spot-on. Not only was it at a decent level, but the songs were perfect. Kurt rocked his body back on forth against Blaine in the water, smiling as his boyfriend's eyes darkened a little with each movement and smirking as he whispered in his ear.

"Are you enjoying yourself? I hope I'm not boring you…" Kurt winded his hips underneath the water and Blaine's eyes slowly drifted closed in response. "You can definitely go hang with your friends, you know."

Blaine grabbed his drink and took a sip, watching as his boyfriend bounced up and down on top of him, singing along to the music.

Can't let it get past me
You're far from plastic
Talk about getting blasted
I hate these blurred lines
I know you want it
I hate them lines
I know you want it
I hate them lines
I know you want it
But you're a good girl
The way you grab me
Must wanna get nasty
Go ahead, get at me

Blaine bit his lip as Kurt sat on his lap in the hot tub, grinding on top of him and singing along to Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines. As Kurt's teeth grazed across his earlobe, Blaine dug his nails into the boy's lower back. "I'll be a bad girl for you, though."

Kurt lost it and started laughing into the side of his boyfriend's face, pulling away to look at the boy offer him a trashy wink. "I can't stand you sometimes."

Blaine thrust up to meet Kurt's gyrating and the younger teen bit his lip as they locked eyes. "You don't mean that, beautiful."

"Of course I don't," Kurt leant in and kissed Blaine slowly on the lips; working his hips in Blaine's lap underneath the water. Blaine closed his eyes for a moment to enjoy, but just like that Kurt pulled away. "Have I told you how proud I am of you today?"

Blaine smiled and looked around at the party, thankful that they were in a secluded spot. "You've only told me about 417 times."

Kurt took a sip of Blaine's drink and swallowed slowly, getting used to the strong taste. "So you've been counting?"

"What makes you think I've been counting?" Blaine grinned at Kurt's chuckle and watched the boy's lips as they wrapped around the straw.

"Oh, I wonder what would make me think such a thing," Kurt's voice got quieter the closer he moved into Blaine's lips and they kissed deeper and much longer this time. Kurt played in his boyfriend's hair and Blaine squeezed his ass as they kissed; tongues touching and teeth clanking together at how close they were trying to get. By the time We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus started to play, Kurt could tell that he'd be screaming his boyfriend's name very loudly by the end of the night.

"What do you think about being my husband?"

Kurt laughed lightly as he turned to face his boyfriend. "Are you proposing to me in the hot tub right now?"

Blaine smiled as his eyes moved down to Kurt's chest. "Are you saying yes?"

"No, I'm not," Kurt leaned in for another slow kiss and bit down on his boyfriend's lip when Blaine grinded up again. He pulled away and smiled, "You have to come better than that. Romance me," Blaine kissed across his chin as Kurt continued, "And I'm going to be the one to propose to you, anyway."

"Mm," Blaine licked from Kurt's neck to his jaw, "I bet you won't."

"Remember you aren't the best at winning bets, Mr. Bejeweled." Kurt smiled and leant down for another kiss.

"But I won your heart, if I remember correctly…"

"So my heart was a prize?"

"Is a prize," Blaine answered as Kurt danced to the music, "much better than any trophy anyone could ever give me…"

"Oh," Kurt smiled at him as Blaine's wet hands moved up his back, "but you can't put my heart up on the wall like all of your accolades."

Blaine nodded. "True. But I could fuck you against the wall, and that's special too."

Kurt bit his lip as he smiled. "You've gone from talking about being my husband to fucking me against a wall. Drunk you is very fun."

Blaine laughed and nodded as he glanced up. "I'm not drunk, baby."

Kurt hummed skeptically as he kissed his forehead and danced to the music. Blaine smiled and leant against the edge of the hot tub, watching people splash in the pool at the far end of the party as his boyfriend danced on top of him. There were girls sliding around poles and David was right there, making out with a couple of them. Vickie and Nay were hanging out with Nick and Jeff, all of them drinking and laughing, and Justin was just walking in, a frightened look on his face as a majority of the females in the vicinity all but pounced on him.

A server came over with a couple more drinks and Kurt smiled, thanking him as he took the last two and put it on the rim of the hot tub. Blaine smirked at him, lifting his eyebrow skeptically.

"Are you going to be hungover for your date with Michael tomorrow?"

Kurt rolled his eyes as he started to skirt his fingers over the lettering of Blaine's tattoo. "I'll be fine, Anderson. I need to be sober so I can give him hundreds of kisses."

Blaine reached for the drink and took a sip, ending up sucking on an ice cube. "On the cheek, sure."

Kurt grabbed his drink but didn't respond, only turning around to see the party. A couple girls stared over at them in the hot tub and Kurt started to grind in Blaine's lap a little harder, smirking when he felt two hands grab his waist.

"Can I fuck you right here?"

Kurt held the straw to his lips and smiled. "I don't know. I'll think about it."

"Oh," Blaine smiled, "well maybe you can fuck me here…"

Kurt licked his lips, leaning in a little closer. "The first time you bottom is going to be as special as the first time I bottomed. I'm not going to screw your brains out in front of all of these wonderful people."

Blaine drank a bit of his and smirked. "I love your confidence. Big turn on."

"I'll keep that in mind… now take me back to our suite, Mr. Anderson…"

"Can I come to his birthday party? I think it's the only place I'll be allowed to see him, Santana. His boyfriend hates me, not that I blame him, but—"

"And Kurt doesn't hate you is what you're telling me?" Santana turned in her seat at the bar to face Dave Karofsky. "Because I'm pretty sure I remember him hating your guts."

Karofsky faced the bartender and asked for another coke. The man nodded and grabbed a glass. "Kurt and I have been texting. He's the only one who knows about," he gestured around Scandals, the gay bar they were in, and then looked back at the girl, "about me. Well, besides you and his boyfriend, I guess."

Santana sipped her drink, trying not to get an attitude with the bartender over how weak it was. "Texting about…"

Karofsky nodded and slapped a ten dollar bill on the bar as his drink was placed in front of him. "About me being… being gay," he whispered, glancing around. Santana rolled her eyes.

"This is a gay bar, you dimwit. It isn't exactly a secret." A drag queen came and sat on the other side of her as a new song came on, and Karofsky faced his drink. "So you two talk about being gay. That's great. I'm not convinced he'll want to see you at his surprise birthday party. I'm not convinced Blaine, who's pouring a stack of money taller than he is into this little shindig will want to see you there either."

Karofsky held the drink to his lips and nodded. "Yeah, you're definitely right."

A tall, meerkat looking guy came over to the bar and sat beside him, glancing over at Santana before ordering an Amaretto Sour. "Hey babe. Who's your friend? "

Santana looked up as Karofsky introduced the two of them. "Santana, this is my…"

"Friend," the teen supplied.

Karofsky nodded, looking a little disappointed Santana noticed. "This is my friend, Sebastian. Sebastian, one of my old classmates from McKinley, Santana."

Santana nodded to him as she took another drink. "So I take it that friends mean you fuck him when your boyfriend is not around?"

"Santana!" Dave hushed her as he looked around. "Can you not be yourself right now? C'mon…"

Sebastian smiled and handed the bartender some cash including a generous tip. "I don't have a boyfriend, young lady. And last I checked, who I fucked wasn't any of your concern…"

Santana looked at Karofsky and shook her head. "You could do a lot better than this. Even you could do a lot better."

Sebastian smiled to himself as he took a sip of his drink.

"I'm going to get going, though. And if my friends are ok with seeing you at the party, then you'll get an invite."

"Party?" Sebastian perked up, "Where's this party and when?"

Karofsky looked over to him and then back down at his coke. "I just want to see Kurt, ok? And say thanks. Leave a gift, or something. I won't stay long."

Santana nodded as she fixed her tight skirt. "Just don't bring the asswipe here and it shouldn't be a problem."

Sebastian smiled and tipped his drink to her as the girl exited the bar. Karofsky took a deep breath after watching her go and turning back to his coke.

"So what do you say we get out of here? It's kind of dead tonight." Sebastian downed his drink and stood up, looking for his cell phone in his pockets. "I'll even let you drive my baby. I'll even suck you off if you promise not to crash her."

Dave blushed as the bartender walked past, knowing he'd heard that. "Alright. Give me a minute."

"Meet me at the car," Sebastian answered a phone call, and Dave could hear a distinct hey baby before everything else became blurred. He shook his head and put the rest of his drink to his lips, downing it and following after him.

Can we go back, this is the moment

Tonight is the night, we'll fight till it's over

So we put our hands up like the ceiling can't hold us
Like the ceiling can't hold us

The party got crazier as people got more and more drunk. Justin rolled his eyes away from Ian and Jose having at it in the pool and seriously thought about sending the both of them to their room, praying it wasn't anywhere near his. It was bad enough Kurt and Blaine's room was on top of his. Ian kept telling him all night to enjoy himself but he'd rather be somewhere else with someone else.

Jeff jumped around as he danced to the music; the chain around his neck moving up and down with his actions. Victoria danced with a random guy from another crew that Justin remembered came in third place in Nick and David's division. He watched the guy closely to make sure he was respectful. He didn't mind getting into a fight tonight if he had to.

Kurt and Blaine were walking hand in hand through the pool party, heading back into the hotel. David gave Kurt a thumbs-up and the Ohio native winked back before disappearing through the doors.

From Quinnie:

Are you having a good time, big head?

Nick smiled as Jeff came over to him; the blonde rapping lyrics as he pulled him up from his seat to dance poolside. Justin smiled and typed out a response.

To Quinnie:

It's ok. It's good seeing my friends so happy.

"Maybe I don't feel like dancing right now," Nick said, trying to hide his laughter when Jeff's hyper off Hypnotiq dancing turned completely insane. "You're making me tired."

"Either you dance, or we go inside."

Nick put his hands in the pockets of his swim trunks. "How drunk are you right now?"

From Quinnie:

Your friends are happy? That's good. But how are –you- doing, Jus?

"I had one drink," Jeff told him, pushing his wet hair away from his face. "I just did a backflip off the DJ's table. What drunk person do you know can successfully land a backflip off of a heightened object, Nick?"

Nick bit his lip and looked out over the party. "I don't really want to dance. I came in second place today, I'm exhausted. I just want to unwind."

To Quinnie:

What would you say to me moving to Ohio for a year?

Justin bit his lip and pressed send, looking up over the party again. A girl came over and started dancing on him and Jus leant back as he watched her.

From Quinnie:

Why would you do that? And what about moving in with David? You both are totally excited about that.

Jeff stopped dancing like an idiot and nodded his head along to the beat instead. "We'll head up to your room then. How does that sound?"

Nick nodded as he nervously rubbed over his bicep. "It sounds good to me."

Jeff smiled and gestured over to his things. "Let me grab my clothes."

Nick nodded. "I'll wait here.

Justin typed out a response as the girl turned around in his lap, grinding a little slower now. He pressed send and watched her movements.

To Quinnie:

I know. I just I was closer to you. I wish I could move there and maybe get a job; you could be my girl… I don't know. I love Cali but I may need a new start. And I really want you.

"What's your name?"

The girl fixed her bikini top and smiled at Justin. "Andrea," she answered, running her hands down his chest. "I've been a fan for a long, long time."

He nodded before looking up to check on the girls. Naomi was fine, fighting in the water with David. Vickie was still with that kid. Jeff and Nick were sneaking upstairs, it seemed.

From Quinnie:

As selfish as I can be, and as bad as I want you too, I think your dad needs you around. And you promised David you'd move in…

"I'm glad to hear that," Justin smiled up at her before typing on his phone, "I'm grateful for the support. It means a lot to me, Andrea."

She smiled and leaned down, kissing across his neck.

To Quinnie:

That's true. Get some sleep though, I'm going to try and enjoy this party.

From Quinnie:

Oh, ok Jus. Have a good time.

Justin turned his phone off and pocketed it, leaning back in the chair. Andrea put her hair in a bun before slowly kissing down his chest, and eventually lower, and Justin glanced down and enjoyed it. People wanted him to enjoy himself, so he would.

Kurt smiled against his fist and moaned as Blaine's tongue flickered against the rim of his ass. "I really do fucking hate you… right now… damn, baby."

Blaine smiled as he bit playfully at the swell of Kurt's ass, licking circles over the spot. They were both completely naked and hadn't even made it into the bedroom of their hotel suite yet. Blaine sat on the sofa, legs spread wide as he rested his feet on the edge of the coffee table. Between his legs was Kurt who shifted between moaning and laughing as he cursed out his boyfriend. Blaine had Kurt's ass in his face, holding the boy firmly by the waist as he buried his face there, licking quickly between his crack. He tried not to laugh as Kurt gave up on life and laid his head on the coffee table; feet hitting the back of the couch as his toes curled.

"I don't even understand how I got in this position… fuck, eat me Blaine…"

Blaine slowly worked his tongue in and out of Kurt's tight hole, pushing past the rim and flicking in and out until it was nice and wet. Kurt groaned and pushed his ass back into his boyfriend's face as Blaine's hand moved down his back. They were rough and touched him in all the right places as Kurt grinded against Blaine's face, still biting on his fist.

"So I decided I'm not going to fuck you against that wall unless you call me daddy again," Blaine smiled and licked over his boyfriend's left ass cheek, biting down teasingly afterwards. "So get to it."

Kurt reached underneath him, in between Blaine's legs and started to stroke the rider's already leaking cock. "That was a one-time thing," he explained, snapping his wrist and slowly dragging his fist over Blaine's length as his boyfriend went back to rimming him, "it slipped."

Blaine squeezed each of Kurt's ass cheeks as he buried his face again, thrusting his tongue in and out, twirling it, and stretching him as much as he could. "It slipped because you liked it," Blaine bit his lip as Kurt's thumb rolled over the head of his cock, "and I loved it, so you should say it again."

"Maybe," Kurt smiled as Blaine's tongue swirled against his hole again, "mm, I'll consider it while you're fucking me against the wall. I always get my way, Anderson."

Blaine smiled as he kissed Kurt's entrance. "Okay, beautiful. Go get me a condom."

Kurt laughed as he was picked up and tossed on the couch next to Blaine, licking the precum off his fingers before going over to the door where their bags were. He knelt down to grab a condom and lube, glancing back to Blaine stroking himself as he walked over to the stereo system; curls everywhere on his head as he mussed them.

"Pick a wall," Blaine continued to touch his cock as he went through the music selection, "any wall." He glanced back at Kurt who stood up, sexily swaying to the opposite end of the room with the items in hand. "Hm. That one?"

Kurt leant back against the wall and looked over at the mantle as he spread his arms out. "This one. It has a bit more space and it's right next to the window if people want to watch… and if you do a good job, I'll fuck you as hard as you want me to when we get home…"

Blaine smiled as the beat to a song Kurt recognized from hearing David play around the beach house started to play at the perfect volume. He walked over and Kurt bit his lip as he looked at the boy's tattoo on his chest, "You're such a kinky bastard, Hummel. I'm impressed."

Kurt nodded, falling to his knees as soon as Blaine was in front of him. The elder looked down and braced himself with a hand against the wall; his eyes drifting closed as soon as the wet heat from Kurt's mouth was around the tip of his cock. "Shit, baby. Go deeper for me."

Craving your body all through the night
Feels like I'm going through withdraws
I wanna hold you
I want you inside of these of these arms

Kurt licked along the base before opening his mouth and taking it all in his mouth. He felt Blaine's stiff body relax a bit as he bobbed his head slowly.

I'm dying to taste you, I can't deny
Can't get out of my mind
Please let me hold you
Cause I need your lovin' tonight

Blaine let go of a deep breath as he glanced down at Kurt; the blue eyed teen innocently looking back up at him as his lips slid up and down his cock. He put the condom wrapper to his lips and ripped it open with his teeth as his other hand held Kurt's head in place for his small thrusts in and out of the boy's mouth.

"You're so good for me, baby," Blaine continued to move forward as Kurt relaxed his throat, accepting more of him. He mumbled a curse beneath his breath and took the condom out, staring back down at his boyfriend whose hand wrapped around the part of Blaine's cock his mouth couldn't reach.

"Oh shit," Blaine threw his head back and exhaled hard. Kurt began to massage his nuts with one hand and skirt his nails along Blaine's abs with the other; all the while continuing to blow him like it was his 9 to 5.

Whenever I'm near you
My love just comes down
Whenever I see you
I just want you around
Cause I wanna feel you
All through the day and the night

"Kurt… let me fuck you baby," Blaine looked down and watched Kurt slowly pull off; his body shaking when the younger teen sucked on the head for a few seconds longer. As Kurt finally let go, he licked his lips and smiled a bit, remaining on his knees to put the condom on for Blaine.

"Did you enjoy how I sucked your cock, daddy?"

Blaine's eyes darkened as he poured some of the lube into his palm. He nodded as he started to warm it up. "Get up."

Kurt smiled after he rolled the latex onto Blaine, standing up as instructed and leaning back against the wall. He winced a little at the pain of his knees against the carpet. Blaine stroked the lube over his cock and wiped the excess over his chest pressing Kurt against the wall and tilting his head as he leant in.

Their kisses were much filthier than the ones they'd shared previously. Kurt was sucking on Blaine's tongue in no time and Blaine was roughly biting all over his boyfriend's lips. Their tongues were touching each other's outside their mouths and the moans they made were the sexiest noise either boy had ever heard. Blaine thrust against Kurt's cock and felt the boy's legs go a little weak, and he smirked, grabbing the back of his thighs and picking him up.

"Oh, I love this song," Blaine said against Kurt's lips as a new one came on. Kurt wrapped his legs loosely around his boyfriend's waist, definitely ashamed of how desperately he wanted his boyfriend to fuck him right now. Blaine lined up at his entrance and rubbed the head of his cock against Kurt's ass, starting to sing along.

Ooh I got a body full of liquor
With a cocaine kicker
And I'm feeling like I'm thirty feet tall
So lay it down, lay it down

You got your legs up in the sky
With the devil in your eyes
Let me hear you say you want it all
Say it now, say it now

Kurt threw his head against the wall and bit down hard on his bottom lip. "A little slower, baby."

Blaine nodded, slowing down how quickly he was pushing in. "You want me to stretch you with my fingers?"

Kurt shook his head no as he arched his back; eyes shut tight as he got used to the stretch. "No." he moaned when Blaine started to play with his cock, "Mm, shit, just a little slower…"

Blaine wanted nothing more than to thrust in, but he was completely obedient to what his boyfriend needed. He watched Kurt's face as he slowly inched inside, about a third of the way in when Kurt asked for a little more.

Look what you're doing, look what you've done
But in this jungle you can't run


Blaine smirked as Kurt tried to thrust up into his hand.

'Cause what I got for you
I promise it's a killer,
You'll be banging on my chest
Bang bang, gorilla

"Stop singing and give me more," Kurt smirked to himself as he wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, pushing himself down against his boyfriend's cock. "Fuck me, baby."

Blaine pushed in a little deeper. His own eyes drifted closed as he buried himself inside, still singing while Kurt moaned and got used to it.

Ooh, yeah
You and me baby making love like gorillas

"Fuck me," Kurt repeated, opening his eyes as his hands tangled into Blaine's curls, pulling them a little suggestively. Blaine took his hand off of Kurt's cock and held him up in the air, spreading his ass cheeks as he pushed him into the wall.

And then, he thrust in and out. And sang.

Yeah, I got a fistful of your hair
But you don't look like you're scared
You just smile and tell me, "Daddy, it's yours."

"Oh fuck!" Kurt pulled even harder on his boyfriend's hair as Blaine pressed him against the wall and pounded into him, connecting with his prostate on each thrust, "Blaine! Shit, please!"

Blaine grinned into his ear as the song continued to play, "tell me it's mine, Kurt."

'Cause you know how I like it,
You's a dirty little lover

"Daddy, it's yours," Kurt repeated the lyrics and scratched down Blaine's back when he sped up, "Oh-Oh my fucking g-goodness—yes!"

Blaine dug his nails into Kurt, spreading his ass as far apart as he could as he pulled his cock back until only the head was still there, all before slamming back in. Kurt's legs tightened drastically around his waist and Blaine smiled against his cheek, continuing to sing.

If the neighbors call the cops,
Call the sheriff, call the SWAT r10; we don't stop,
We keep rocking while they're knocking on our door
And you're screaming, "Give it to me baby,
Give it to me motherfucker!"

"Fuck," Kurt let go of Blaine and held on only with the tight grasp his legs had around the boy's waist. His arms went above his head and stayed there against the wall, and eventually Blaine pressed him back even further as he moved one of his hands to pin Kurt's wrists on the wall above his head.

"You like it, baby?"

Kurt's body shook with each thrust and he was genuinely concerned Blaine would fuck him right through the wall until they ended up in the neighboring hotel room. "I love it, Blaine."

Blaine started to kiss Kurt's neck as the music played in the background; his own grunts in time with his thrusts. "Nobody else will ever make you feel like this."

Kurt wanted to respond, but the coiling in his gut only had him mumbling nonsense.

"Nobody else will ever fuck you as hard as I'm fucking you right now, Kurt." Blaine's grip around Kurt's wrists tightened and he sped up, sliding in and out of his boyfriend much easier now. "This," he squeezed Kurt's ass and smacked it loud enough to echo, "is all mine. Always."

Kurt bit his lip into a smile as his toes curled. "Yes, daddy."

"Fuck," Blaine slowed down again, not wanting to cum just yet, "you're so fucking sexy."

Kurt looked up at Blaine trapping his hands against the wall and bit his lip.

Oh, look what you're doing, look what you've done
But in this jungle you can't run
'Cause what I got for you
I promise it's a killer,
You'll be banging on my chest
Bang bang, gorilla

"There, baby please," Kurt moaned out, trying his best to arch his back but with the way his boyfriend had him pinned, it wasn't working, "Please, don't move—"

"I know where you need me," Blaine slowly moved in and out to the beat of the music, enjoying the drag of Kurt tight around him, "I just don't want you to cum yet, beautiful."

Kurt's head hit the wall. "I am so remembering this when it's your turn, you dick."

Blaine smirked, singing in his ear.

You and me baby making love like gorillas

I bet you never ever felt so good, so good

Kurt shook when Blaine's cock hit his prostate, panting as he got even closer. "Holy fuck!"

I got your body trembling like it should, it should
You'll never be the same baby once I'm done with you

Blaine smiled as he let go of Kurt's hands, moving his own to spread his boyfriend's thighs. Kurt held on for dear life as Blaine picked him up even higher in the air, all before laying him down on the floor with his legs high in the air. "Blaine—oh…oh god," Blaine gripped each of Kurt's ankles on each side of his head and pushed them apart as he stared down at his cock moving in and out of his boyfriend's ass. "Oh, yes! Yes!"Kurt dug into the carpet with one hand and his own hair with the other, smiling as Blaine quickly fucked right against his prostate, "Baby I'm … fuck me, daddy…"

"You want me to fuck you harder?" Blaine pushed Kurt's legs towards the blue eyed teen's face by the calves as the sounds of their bodies smacking together filled the room. "Like this, baby?"

Kurt couldn't reply because his orgasm hit him so hard. His entire body convulsed as he came in long ropes over his chest, a little bit shooting up to his chin once Blaine grabbed his cock and started to stroke him through it. Kurt simply laid there, eyes closing shut as Blaine continued to fuck him, milking him softly.

"Shit," Blaine looked down at his boyfriend's chest rising and falling quickly as he pulled out of him, taking off the condom and tossing it before climbing over his body. Kurt moaned tiredly as Blaine lifted him by the head, holding him in place while he jerked off against his boyfriend's lips.

"Open your mouth, Kurt."

You and me baby we'll be fuckin' like gorillas

Kurt opened his eyes and looked up at Blaine who slowly stroked himself in front of his face. He leant back on his elbows and parted his lips, sticking his tongue out to lick the head of Blaine's cock. Blaine moaned, moving his fist quicker and throwing his head back as Kurt kissed the tip of it. "I'm so close, baby."

Kurt smiled and started to suck on the tip of it. "Cum for me, daddy."

"Oh f-fuck," Blaine stuttered into his hand once more before hitting his orgasm. Kurt opened his mouth a little wider, though most of it ended up all over his cheek and chin. Blaine groaned as he watched Kurt trying to catch what he could and struggled to keep stroking himself through it. "So hot, K-Kurt."

Kurt licked his lips as Blaine collapsed next to him on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. They both lay there for a while, neither saying anything because they were too in awe to speak even.

About half an hour had passed and Kurt got angry with himself for letting cum dry on him and lying on the shaggy carpet as sweaty and sticky as he was. Blaine could sense Kurt's agitation and opened his eyes from where he'd just about fell asleep.


Kurt looked down at himself and then back up at the ceiling. "I can't move…"

"I'll carry you," Blaine said softly, "just give me a minute. I came a little too hard…"

Kurt smiled as he did his best to turn his head and face him. "Well you did go into porn star mode and all…" he trailed off and closed his eyes. "What am I going to tell Mikey tomorrow?"

Blaine hummed and scratched his navel. "That you were exercising and pulled a hamstring. He'll want a ham sandwich. We'll get him one. He'll forget about everything."

Kurt nodded. "Ok."

Blaine sat up slowly, taking another deep breath and looking over at the things that fell off the hotel room's mantle. "Shit. When did that happen?"

Kurt glanced over at the figurines and closed his eyes. "I think it was during the second verse."

"Oh," Blaine got up and pulled his lazy boyfriend up, throwing him over his shoulder and walking towards the shower. "I liked the second verse a lot."

Things weren't going as swimmingly in Nick's room.

Jeff was watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and getting used to being ignored by Nick, because he figured that was pretty much where their friendship was headed.

He got awkward when it came time to talk about being together.

He got awkward when it came time to talk about not being together.

He got awkward when it came time to talk about messing around.

Don't misunderstand, he didn't mind getting off with Jeff, he just didn't want to discuss the feelings that came with it. They were… awkward.

To top it all off, their room was next to Blaine's and they could hear things falling to the floor as the boys no doubt fucked each other's brains out.

So Jeff ate some popcorn and watched cartoons on the hotel room's flat screen TV. Nick sat across the room watching him instead.

It wasn't as subtle as he may've believed it was.

"Nick." Jeff finished chewing and looked at him. "If we're just going to sit here, I can definitely go back down to the party. I know you're tired but I'm kind of bored."

Nick looked at him. "You're just leaving because I don't want to talk about anything."

Jeff nodded. "Partly. But I'm also leaving because I'm bored."

Nick rubbed the stubble on his chin and nodded. "Fine. Have fun."

There was a bit more dialogue on the television before the commercial came on, and Jeff put the bowl of popcorn down. "Yeah. Thanks, bro."

He took a few steps over to his things and picked them up, and Nick sighed. This wasn't what he wanted, but he didn't know what the hell he wanted. It was Jeff, yeah, but still… it was just so fucking hard.

"Are the twins gonna come? My little bro'll be there," Jeff put his backpack on turned around, caught a bit off guard when Nick was out of his seat.

"They're going to visit our dad in Phoenix. He and my mom are actually getting along," Nick rubbed his palms together and winced when he felt how sweaty they were. "I wonder how he would feel if I told him I liked one of my best friends who just so happens to be a guy…"

Jeff smiled a little as realization hit. "You're afraid of what he'll think? He loves me."

"He loves Blaine too," Nick replied. "But he wouldn't like Blaine as much if he thought I wanted to do him."

"You want to do Blaine?"

Nick sighed and tried to hide his smile. "You're being an ass, Jeff. You know what I'm trying to say. My dad doesn't know that I'm… whatever I am."

Jeff nodded with a sly smile. "You're Jeffsexual."

Nick laughed and looked towards the door. "He looks for excuses not to see us. This would be the best thing for him, having a son with a boyfriend." He then turned back to face Jeff. "If we were to start dating… I mean."

Jeff looked at him. "If you care about what other people say about us then I'll let you know right now we're not going to work."

"I care what my family thinks, Jeff, yeah," Nick shrugged and looked down at his slippers, "I don't even know right now… I feel good when I'm with you but I always have, you're like my bro."

"And if this is going to get anymore weird than it already is, I'd rather be your 'bro'" he made air quotes, "than to lose you, really."

Nick looked over at him.

"I'm going to be very honest with you, Nicholas. I like you and I have for a while. I don't think it's a secret to anyone that I like guys and girls. Kurt knew from the second he got here. I can't tell you how many sex dreams I've had about Cooper growing up—"

Nick laughed and shook his head. "C'mon. Can we not do this—"

"Just hear me out," Jeff walked over to Nick's side of the room and sat down as Nick leant against the sofa. "You never want to talk about things and it's making this shit even harder."

Nick went to mute the television as he nodded. "I'm listening."

Jeff slouched back on the sofa. "I happened to have fantasies about guys when I was younger, not as many as I had about girls but they were there. And I never talked about it with anyone because I figured maybe I was just attracted to guys. Maybe I wouldn't ever fall for one. But then we got closer, and the drunken fun began, and things changed." he looked over to Nick who took a seat now. "I just want it to be said that if you wanted to see where we could go, I'd be all for it. If not, you're still one of my best friends in the world and I'm grateful for that."

"Will you be my date tomorrow?" Nick asked before he lost the nerve. Jeff glanced at him with a bit of confusion painted on his face.


Nick took another breath and was about to speak when he heard more noise coming from Blaine and Kurt's hotel room. He shook his head and continued, "Tomorrow, when we go to Disneyland, would you like to be my date?"

Jeff smiled and Nick had to look away, trying his best not to blush. Nick didn't blush.

Shit, I'm blushing.

"I would love to be your date tomorrow, Nick." Jeff stood up, grabbing his bag and walking towards the door. "I expect you to pick me up from my hotel room at 10 sharp."

Nick shook his head and mumbled "Diva." as he stood up to follow. Jeff opened the door and stepped into the hallway, ignoring the sound of Kurt and Blaine obnoxiously shout singing Katy Perry lyrics in their room next door. He turned back to smile at Nick who leant against the doorway.

"Goodnight, shorty."

Nick smiled and looked away. "Goodnight, blondie."

The taller teen waved goodbye once more for good measure and walked away to his end of the floor. Nick didn't go inside until Jeff's door closed, leaning against the door and smiling to himself.

He wasn't sure what he was getting himself into, but he knew if he didn't at least try, he'd more than likely end up regretting it.


"Hey baby girl," Blaine spoke into his headset as he put his watch on. "You've been trying to reach me?"

"Don't call me that," Santana's voice still sounded sleepy and Blaine shook his head as he checked the time.

"You're three hours ahead of me and you're still in bed? Go to Starbucks or something."

"Well it's a Sunday," she responded, and Blaine could tell the girl was stretching. "No one gets up early on Sunday. And besides, I had a very long night…"

"Tell Brit I said hello."

"Will do." Blaine smiled as she continued, "And I called to congratulate you and your friends on the unicycle races you guys compete in or whatever it is you do. We're proud here in Ohio."

Blaine rolled his eyes and walked out of the bathroom, grabbing his and Kurt's things. "There had to be more than that."

"Kurt's new BFF wants to come to the party."

It took a minute for Blaine to catch on but once he did, he shook his head no. "Not happening, Tana."

"That's what I told him, short stack." Blaine met up with Justin outside the room and followed the taller teen to the elevator. "But he just wants to say happy birthday and thank Porcelain for all the help, I guess. It's not like he's going to do anything with all of Leprosy and the New Directions there."

"Legacy," Blaine corrected, "and I honestly don't give a fuck. It's bad enough Kurt talks to him in the first place," they stepped onto the elevator and Justin nodded along to the music in his headphones as he fixed his backpack, "There's no way I want him within a 500ft radius of Kurt."

The girl yawned and nodded. "I'll make sure he gets the memo. I do at least hope you think it through, and this is coming from me… a person who couldn't give two shits about anything."

Blaine leant against the wall as another person stepped in the elevator.

"What are you idiots about to do anyway?"

"Taking my little cousin to Disneyland," Blaine smoothed his hand over his shirt and continued, "Then it's back to Long Beach to get ready for this fucking audition. I'm such a wreck."

"You'll be fine. I'm going back to sleep."

Blaine rolled his eyes, stepping off the elevator after Justin did. "Gee, thanks for the encouragement. Tell Corey I fucked his ex against the wall of a 5-star hotel in Beverly Hills last night and then sucked his cock until he woke up this morning for me, please."

Santana laughed and hummed lightly. "Having you in Lima will be fun. Bye, Shrimp."

"Later, Tana." Blaine hung up the phone and stepped into the lobby, joining Kurt, Nick, and Jeff. David would be back soon from dropping the girls off and then they'd leave for the amusement park.

"You guys want to leave for breakfast or eat here?" Jeff asked, smiling widely when he noticed Blaine and Kurt had on matching Mickey Mouse sleeveless hoodies. "Aww!"

Kurt smiled at his boyfriend and nodded his approval. "I like your outfit."

"Yours is nice too," Blaine winked and wrapped his arm around his boyfriend. They had on the same yellow hoodie that had a picture of Mickey Mouse whistling, matching red shorts that Mickey wears with the oval shaped buttons, and even their sneakers (Blaine must've hit it pretty good if he convinced Kurt to wear sneakers) were the same pair of Adidas. Nick stopped to take a picture for the Legacy fans knowing they'd eat it up.

"But seriously," Jeff rubbed his stomach. "Food."

"We can stay here," Justin said, "I'm pretty sure CJ is on his way with Mikey now and I don't want to hold the little man up."

Kurt picked up on his friend's mood and didn't get to ask what was up because Blaine was leading him towards the food hall. "C'mon before Jeff cleans house babe."

"Alright," Kurt followed, smiling as Blaine's fingers brushed over the ring he wore. The guys found a table at the far end of the room and Blaine pulled Kurt into his lap before grabbing the menu.

From Sami:

Are you still with that chump?

Kurt laughed at the message as Blaine threw packs of Splenda at Justin.

To Sami:

I am.

From Sami:

Damn. Well, you know where to reach me ;P

There was nothing that Blaine loved more than all things Disney. It was known by pretty much everyone that he had an embarrassing addiction to the culture; the songs, the movies, memorabilia, the channel. There were nights that Kurt woke up at 4 in the morning and found his boyfriend glued to the television asKim Possible aired. So it wasn't like this wasn't well known information.

Blaine Anderson loved all things Disney.

What Blaine Anderson wasn't fond of was having to share his boyfriend with a soon to be five year old who thought it was cool to ask for kisses no matter where they were.

They stopped for ice cream and Mikey demanded a kiss to the cheek.

They took pictures with Donald Duck and oh, Mikey wanted another kiss to the cheek.

Sometimes Mikey wouldn't even ask. Sometimes they'd be walking through the park and Kurt would just look at Mikey and kiss him hard on the cheek and keep walking.

Blaine shook his head.

Nick and Jeff had abandoned him to go to Splash Mountain. Blaine didn't mind because he'd caught the two of them holding hands at one point and thought it was totally adorable. He didn't want to be that guy and cock block, so he stepped back.

David and Jus were being all bromantic themselves, and he kind of groaned as he looked ahead of him and saw Kurt walking hand in hand with Mikey. He didn't even know why he agreed to this nonsense.

And he wasn't jealous.

It was him and Kurt wearing the matching outfit. Kurt had on his 1st place gold medal from the other day,not Mikey's. There was nothing for him to be jealous of. Who'd be jealous anyway?

"You're totally jealous of our little cousin," Cooper said as he walked by, shaking his head at his younger brother as Jasmine laughed at him. Blaine pouted and looked at them.

"I am not."

"You know Kurtie," Mikey took a quick look around the park and smiled, "I'm really enjoying myself. I'm happy you took me here."

Kurt smiled as he picked the little boy up again, holding him high in his arms. "Anything for you, munchkin. And just think of this as a reward. You listen to your parents and do well in school and good things will come your way."

Mikey smiled and nodded. "Okay."

"Now where are we going?" Kurt opened the map for his little best friend and Mikey looked down with his finger pressed to his chin, contemplating their next move.

"Wanna go see Mickey?"

Kurt smiled. "Of course I want to go see Mickey."

Sam fell off his skateboard even harder this time, but that didn't stop Brittany from giving him a standing ovation. Rachel took a sip from her smoothie as she watched the blonde get up off the ground, dusting off his shorts.

"Maybe I should stick to football."

"Maybe," Puck said as he looked up from his cell phone. "So, what's up people? Are we planning this party or what?"

Santana walked over with Mike and took a seat at their bench in the park. She shook her head at Sam who tried to ride the skateboard over and didn't do a good job at all.

"I'm still trying to remember what I ever saw in you, Trouty."

Chandler looked up from his book to respond. "He has a pulse. Isn't that your only criteria, Hopez?"

Santana stopped sipping her green tea Frappuccino with a splash of vanilla and turned to face Chandler as Sam took a seat beside her. Tina was on a blanket with Mercedes and Quinn and shook her head becausehere we go.

"You don't want to start with me today, gum drop," she got up and walked over to his bench, crossing her arms over her chest. Brittany licked her ice cream cone and watched. "I'm really not in the mood. Now—"

"I don't know why you think I'm afraid of you, Santana." Chandler closed his book and looked up at her. "I'm not. I only came here because I'd like to help with Kurt's party and I don't intend to be harassed by any sluts today. Go back to your seat."

Finn stood up and stretched. It was about the time of day Chandler and Santana did their daily 'we hate each other's guts' argument. He patiently waited so that they could begin and get on with their days.

Santana smiled and took out her phone, dialing a few numbers and putting the call on speaker. She held it high in the air as it rang and Chandler gave her an amused look.

"Ay mamita. ¿Qué pasa?"

"Don't speak Spanish," Santana told Blaine, "How's Disneyland treating you?"

"Oh I'm about to ride the Buzz Lightyear ride and this little girl on line in front of me gave me a sticker—"

"I don't care. Listen," Quinn smiled and shook her head and Rachel joined the girls on the picnic blanket, not interested in whatever was about to happen because she knew her friend would end up embarrassed as shit. "I'm here in Lima's Whitestone Park, the same place you and Kurt met all those years back, you know the adorable little story he told me, and I'm just trying to plan a kick ass birthday party with all the money you provided and Chandler won't stop bothering me."


Chandler rolled his eyes. "I don't have time for this—"

Puck smiled as he watched.

"Oh, the ex…" Blaine's voice lowered in register when he caught on, "Chameleon, I don't like when people bother my friends. Please play nice. I'm not even sure why you're coming to this party in the first place but be a good boy, please?"

"Don't patronize me," Chandler said loud and clear so that Blaine would be able to hear. "I'm just as much as Kurt's friend as anyone here, and if I want to come I'll come."

"You know who else came?" Blaine asked, and Santana grinned.

Let him have it.

"Now Blaine, behave—" she said instead, but he ignored her. His ego didn't take much to get pumped to the maximum.

"Kurt came pretty fucking hard last night when I screwed him against the wall. And then the floor. And thencame pretty fucking hard."

Everyone's eyes went wide and Santana smiled, "Blaine. C'mon, little one. Play nice."

"That's fine," Chandler shrugged and stood up, and his friends groaned as he started to walk away, "You don't want me here, I won't be here."

"Chandler," Tina called out after him and Finn shook his head as he watched him go.

"Chandler! C'mon!" Rachel stood up and stared at Santana. "Honestly? Was that necessary?"

"Who's that?" Blaine asked. Santana put the phone to her ear and said goodbye before hanging up. "Alright, now that the unwanted is gone, let's get this party planning underway."

"Santana, even I think that wasn't cool." Brittany told her. "We all hate him but you know he still has feelings for Kurt."

Sam jumped in now. "And you know that Blaine loves to brag about his sex life with Kurt. That wasn't cool, Santana."

"What?" Santana walked over to the group and played dumb. "Since when does Blaine do that?"

Sam looked at her as he opened his twitter app, eventually reading aloud.

BMXxSwag: Kurt and I have the most amazing sex life.

"That's his most recent tweet."

Santana shrugged. "Oh well. I'll apologize later. Now… can we plan this damn itinerary?"

"We need to drive up to Cleveland to see an Indians game at some point," Finn said with a smile.

"Does Kurt even like football?" Quinn asked.

"It's baseball, and of course he does," Puck said, loving the idea. "What else?"

The girls rolled their eyes. "He does not," Mercedes said.

"Paint ball."

"Something that Kurt would actually enjoy like seeing a play…" Rachel suggested. Puck screwed his face up.

"And the surprise party," Santana said, "should it have a theme? Something to do with music since he'll be accepted to that Pace school by then, right."

"Maybe we can hire an actual singer. Blaine is loaded right?" Puck asked. He took Sam's skateboard and started to skate along the ground. "Like Usher or something."

"I'm available and I don't charge much," Mercedes teased, ignoring the scoffs from her friends. "Well screw you guys too."

"We'll talk to Blaine and we'll come up with something I guess." Santana went to sit down next to Brittany and glanced over at Mike. "I say we have Asian persuasion and Justin jump out of a birthday cake and give Kurt a sexy dance."

Mike laughed and shook his head no. "Blaine isn't kicking my ass, thank you."

"No, that'd be really hot" Sam nodded his head, "I'd do it too. We can make it the most awkward thing ever. And I'll bring back the Justin Bieber Experience for Kurt. He loved that."

"There we go," Santana took notes on her phone. "Alright, let me go find Tyler Oakley and apologize. Keep brainstorming, guys!"

"Look at him," Blaine mumbled just loud enough for Justin to hear as the two walked a few feet behind Kurt and Mikey. "You'd think I wasn't even here. You'd think their hands are glued together or something."

Justin stopped to take a few pictures of Goofy's playhouse as the pair walked by. He waved happily at Goofy, making Blaine roll his eyes.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Dude," Justin put his phone away and stepped aside for a family walking by, "you said that Mikey could enjoy his date with Kurt and you are a man of your word, correct?" Blaine rolled his eyes yet again and shook his head, looking up ahead to Kurt and Mikey walking through Disneyland. "Besides," Justin continued, "it's not like Mikey is trying to make a move on him or anything. The kid is about to turn 5."

"Then why does he keep looking back at me and sticking out his tongue?" Blaine grumbled, staring at the back of the curly blond head. "Little smug—"

"You're ridiculous."

"All I'm saying is that I won the championships yesterday. I came in first." Blaine pointed to his chest as he explained; dark curls sticking from beneath his Mickey ears hat. "I should get a little time with my boyfriend. But no, what do I get? We've been in this park, walking around for hours watching them have the time of their lives."

"We got to see you enjoy yourself three times in a row on that Buzz Lightyear Astro Blaster ride, Blaine. We had to beg you not to go on a fourth time."

"Well Buzz is one of my favorites and the ride was fun," Blaine responded. He put his hands in the pockets of his shorts and dragged himself along. They all knew how he felt about Toy Story so it shouldn't be that much of a surprise. After Blaine said hello to a few fans that recognized him, he went right back to moping. "Buzz was pretty much the highlight of today."

Justin smiled as he gestured over to a Roger Rabbit ride. Blaine was probably the most dramatic man he'd ever met and ever would meet. "I'm going over there with David. Maybe when I'm back you'll have a life."

Blaine smirked. "Thanks as always, Jus."

"Go hang out with your boyfriend and your cousin, please." Justin took a few steps back, trying not to laugh at his friend. "And enjoy yourself. We're the champions for crying out loud."

Blaine looked ahead and saw Kurt carrying Mikey now; the two of them smiling at a castle they stood near. The both of them seemed to be enjoying themselves and after all, that was what the day was about. He nodded to Justin and started to walk off.

"What do you say we go get something to eat and then see the parade next?" Kurt asked the toddler, chuckling when curls tickled his face. "And we seriously need to look into a haircut, Mikey."

The boy looked up at the castle as his best friend held him up in the air. "I don't want to go to the parade because I'm afraid of Captain Jack Sparrow."

Kurt smiled. "He's a nice guy, I promise. I'll keep you safe. And Johnny Depp is hot-"

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" Kurt grinned as he turned around to face the sound of Blaine's voice, trying not to laugh at the look on his boyfriend's face. "We're just trying to decide if we're going to the next Soundsational Parade, love."

"Mhm," Blaine smiled and removed his hands from his pockets. "I don't want to interrupt but Nick's with Jeff, and Jus is with D," he pouted a bit and looked at his little cousin, "Cooper is with Jasmine… I know you two are all cuddly and everything but I'm gonna be lonely if you don't let me in on this date."

Kurt rolled his eyes. Blaine had pretty much been Mikeyblocking him all day long.

"I don't want you to be lonely," Mikey said with a small smile. "You can come with us to the Mad Tea Party. We're riding the tea cups!"

"Yup," Kurt let him slide down and took his hand once more, "because while someone was riding the Buzz Lightyear ride over and over again, the line for the tea cups got really long. Now we're walking back over there."

Blaine smirked and grabbed his boyfriend's free hand, walking besides them at their even pace. "Do I get to steer the tea cup ride?"

"Nope," Mikey shook his head, "you're going to go way too fast and I'm going to get a headache. Kurtie will do it."

Kurt smiled cheekily at Blaine as he answered. "I won't let you down, Mikey."

Blaine sighed as Mikey led the way, pulling each of them along as if he knew where he was going. At one point, Blaine reorganized them so that his cousin was holding each of their hands between them, and a couple times, people stopped to pose for photos with Blaine. Kurt smiled and was patient, knowing that with Blaine getting a lot more buzz and with him coming in 1st at the competition the previous day, he was going to have to get used to it.

What he wasn't used to was the girls that wanted pictures with the both of them together.

"You two are the hottest things in the world! I love you both!"

This would take some getting used to.

The tea cups were a lot of fun for Mikey. Blaine just ended up spamming Kurt's phone with texts as he navigated the ride, spinning the cups around and going at a decent speed for Mikey.

From Blaine:

Can we go back to the Buzz Lightyear ride after this?

From Blaine:

What's for lunch?

From Blaine:

Hey Daddy.

From Blaine:


From Blaine:

And you have an exhibitionism kink we should probably talk about, you little nasty thing you.

From Blaine:

I bet you'd be into being filmed, eh?

From Blaine:

When are you gonna top?

From Blaine:

We never went back to that sex shop.

From Blaine:

Omg Mikey keeps giving you the dreamy eyes. He's pathetic.

From Blaine:

You are going to be so upset with me when you check your phone. Lol

From Blaine:

We should definitely twerk during our Pace audition. Just for shits and giggles.

From Blaine:

Buzz. Lightyear.

From Blaine:

I have Taylor Swift stuck in my head.

From Blaine:

Oh you really stink at this whole navigating the tea cup things YAWN

From Blaine:

I think-I think when it's all over, it just comes back in flashes, you know? It's like a kaleidoscope of memories.

From Blaine:


From Blaine:


From Blaine:

Hey. Kurt. I love you.

From Blaine:

Buzz. Lightyear. Astro Blaster.

Kurt turned off both of their phones after they got off the ride.

The one day getaway was just what the guys of Legacy and little Legacy Jr. needed after all of the stress from competitions (and the stress from Eric Milton as well, but they were happy he got what was coming to him). Nick and Jeff weren't exactly being lovey-dovey or anything, but they had spent a majority of the day together having fun and posing with Disney characters, as well as talking. Maybe they were discussing whether or not they wanted a relationship. Kurt had a feeling that Jeff would date Nick in a heartbeat, but he wasn't as sure how Nick felt about all of this. He knew that he was lucky to have Blaine because he had no problem dealing with the fact that he liked a boy. Other people took time, and that was understandable.

Mikey went crazy when they walked up to the Innovations exhibit. There was no denying that he was the number 1 Iron Man fan in all of Disneyland that day, and Kurt and Blaine neglected to tell him that Iron Man would be here. The surprised look on his face was so much better.

The three of them had no doubt stayed there the longest, even longer than Blaine did with Buzz Lightyear, and it was worth it to see the smile on their little man's face. When they left, Mikey was right back in between them, holding their hands and talking about all the fun they'd had.

And the day wouldn't be complete until Kurt won his friends some stuffed animals. He won Blaine the biggest and bestest Buzz Lightyear and Woody stuffed toys he could find. Mikey got a Minion from Despicable Me, Tigger from Winnie the Pooh, Sulley from Monsters Inc, and Stitch from Lilo & Stitch. David got Mickey but couldn't get anymore because he had to help carry Mikey's stuff, Justin got Pluto but couldn't get anymore because he had to help carry Mikey's stuff, and Nick and Jeff each won each other a Nemo and Dory, and got Simba from Lion King and Rolly from 101 Dalmations thanks to Kurt.

Jeff thanked Kurt with a soft kiss on the cheek and received a hard kick on the ass from Blaine. It was your typical day.

But it wasn't all that typical.

It was perfect.

The night ended with all of Legacy looking up at the fireworks together. Blaine smiled at the kiss on the lips he got from Kurt as he held Mikey on his shoulders. Jeff was surprised when Nick's hands slid into his own, and smiled as he looked up at the show in the sky. Justin smiled because he saw Cooper cuddle close to his older sister, and seriously hoped that one day that man would be his brother-in-law in the future and not that dick Anthony. Only time would tell.

"Group photo," David pulled out his camera and made all of his friends get together. The flash went off after they smiled and Blaine rubbed his eyes, complaining just as much as he always did.

It was perfect.

Cooper hugged his little brother, Kurt, and Mikey goodnight before leaving to take Jasmine home. He smiled as he watched with Justin for a while before the two of them left. Kurt took Mikey by the hand as the sleepy boy held his hand tightly, and they walked towards the hotel. Eventually, Blaine scooped him up and let him fall to sleep in his arms.

"Blaine," Kurt said, looking to his left to the beautiful boy he was so proud of.

Blaine looked over to him and smiled. "Yes, beautiful?"

Kurt smiled and took his hand. "I love you, honey."

Blaine grinned and blushed as he looked back at him. "I love you, too."


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