Teacher's Pet
Chapter 8: Bathroom Mischief Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Teacher's Pet: Chapter 8: Bathroom Mischief

E - Words: 1,719 - Last Updated: Aug 21, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Jul 01, 2013 - Updated: Aug 21, 2013
200 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: It was a bit short, but I like cliff hangers ;) Tell me if you liked it! I love hearing feedback!

The sixth period class bell rang, and Blaine dismissed his students with a reminder of their nights homework and test that friday. He piled up the class' weekend homework on his desk before he grabbed his coffee and took a giant gulp of it. He'd been waiting all day for his lunch break, and a well earned one for the teenage crap he had to deal with. He was also stressed, overly stressed. Kurt had informed him the day after he'd stayed over that his father had almost caught him in his lie about where he was sleeping over, and that he wasn't able to sleep over until Burt could earn his trust again.

The situation upset Blaine greatly, of course, but he was in /no/ mood to be fired, arrested, or even worse, be stabbed to death by Burt Hummel.

Burt Hummel. The name itself made him squirm in his seat.

He's had a prolonged fear of being caught by Kurt's father, being found out that he had 'ruined his son's innocence,' and he had no plans of dying because of a screwdriver 'accident' or some other mechanical tool Kurt's father beheld, so he immediately agreed with Kurt that taking a month break from their sleepovers would help him gain his father's trust back, and be good for the both of them

He was so, very, very wrong.

His body was starting to change greatly, even in only a week of being away from Kurt. When he would be writing out on the chalkboard he could easily crack the chalk in half with even the slightest, gentlest touch. And when he'd drop textbooks on the students desks he'd nearly knock over their whole desk. Something was definitely up, even other fellow teachers could tell, like when he'd pat Principal Figgins on the back and nearly knocked him to the ground with the force.

His body was growing, terrifying rapidly. He couldn't control it, and it wasn't as if he was eating spinach by the can-full. His muscles and veins were growing larger, even his face was growing more defined and his bone structure was morphing into one of a built forty year old.

It was completely unusual.

Blaine grabbed a pencil to start grading some homework papers, but immediately snapped the wooden utensil in half, causing a frustrated sigh to be exhaled by him. "Fuck it." he muttered under his breath, standing up and heading out of the classroom to the mens faculty bathroom near the classroom.


Kurt's head rested against the cool wood of his desk, snoozing off through yet another one of his classes on that monday morning. He was in a deep sleep, dreaming about dragging his finger tips through soft, white beach sand with a sunset beaming onto his bare back. He was shirtless, in his familiar swim trunks, and as he looked up from the soft sand he saw a red glare from the sunset, and squinted his eyes to see a blurry form out in the body of the ocean. But suddenly he felt a hand clap against his shoulder, and he was awaken from his dream only to lift up his head and see Rachel and Mercedes looking up at him with worried looks.

"Boo have you been getting enough sleep? This is the third class I've seen you snoring in, and Ms. Moreau was tempted to put you in the nurses office during the french exam."

Kurt groaned, running his fingers through his hair to shape it out. "Shit, I'm sorry I've just been so exhausted these past weeks."

Rachel hugged her books tight to her chest and sighed. "Well maybe if you tried that Oolong Tea your body would be in better shape."

"Rachel, I don't think tea is going to help me." Kurt rolled his eyes, sighing as he grabbed his books and stuffed them into his side back. "Besides, I probably have the flu or something."

"Why don't you stay home then, Kurt." Mercedes cooed, helped Kurt stand up from the desk before she kissed his cheek. "I'll make you soup and visit you in bed, but you need to get better, boy, you look terrible!" The bell rang for eighth period, and the girls left him with sympathetic smiles. He rubbed at his hazy eyes and grabbed his bag which almost dragged him to the ground. He squeaked as he dropped his bag, which suddenly felt like it weighed four hundred pounds, and tried to heave it up again. His body started to ache as he picked it up and wrapped it around his shoulder, causing him to groan in pain and drop it again back to the tiled ground.

Screw it. He thought with a huff of breath, and started to drag the bag out of the classroom on the floor.

This wasn't the first time his body acted up. He'd been growing more weaker by the minute ever since two weekends ago when he and Blaine had said goodbye. His arms grew more bony along with his legs, and his ribs were jutting out of his chest as if he had been starving himself for days, which he hadn't. His dad was growing worried, but just as he kept telling him, it was probably the flu.

He dragged his backpack to his locker down the hallway, and opened the lock up before grabbing his books for eighth period, although he had no idea why to bother when he was going to gym, and was going to be ten minutes late for jumping jacks and embarrassing jockstraps.

He set his math textbook in his locker before he looked at himself in the reflection of his small portable mirror in the back of his locker. He gasped at the sight of himself. His whole face was incredibly pale, an ill color less natural than his own skin color. His cheekbones were bulging out of his face, and their were horrid bags under his eyes that gave him a stressed, exhausted look. He shoved his bag into his backpack and closed his locker before racing to the nearest men's bathroom, holding his face as tears stung in his eyes.


Blaine splashed water on his face as he finished washing up in the faculty bathroom. He gripped onto the sides of the sink and took a good look at his scruffy, unshaven face in the mirror. He had stubble upon his chin and above his lip, and his hair was left ungelled and curly and free, glorious curls hanging onto his forehead. He rubbed his face before jumping slightly as the door to the bathroom flew open, footsteps squeaking as someone entered the room. His head turned, only for his jaw to drop as he saw Kurt standing in the middle of the bathroom, breathing fast and gasping for air as he hugged his arms around himself. His eyes were strained on the boys emaciated, thin, and sick looking body. He looked back up to the Kurt's face where tears started to well up in the rim of his eyes.

"Oh my god, Kurt." Blaine rushed over to Kurt and grabbed his arms, pulling them away from him to take a good look at his tiny body. "Jesus Christ you look awful, baby, what is happening?" He asked worried, cradling his cheeks and inspecting his pale bony cheeks and hazy looking eyes.

Kurt whimpered before croaking out. "Blaine." His head fell to rest in his chest and his arms wrapped around his waist to cling to him tightly. Blaine immediately wrapped his arms around Kurt in return and hugged him to his chest.

"Oh baby what has happened to you? Are you sick?"

Kurt sniffled and sobbed into Blaine's neck. "I don't know!" I feel so weak and awful and I don't know what to do." He hiccuped as he started to sob hard, Blaine's hand rubbing up and down his back in an attempt to soothe him.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't cry. I think you need to go to the nurse and go home, you look very ill and I'm worried about you."

Kurt shook his head and clung to Blaine's chest tighter, his body now starting to tremble.

Blaine sighed and pressed a kiss to the top of Kurt's hair. "Baby you have to..."

"No...No please I need you."

"I'll call you or video chat you at home."

"No I need you!" Kurt shouted, letting out a sob as he cried into Blaine's button up shirt, staining it with his salty tears. Blaine looked down at Kurt with a worried look, blinking his eyes as he tried to collect thoughts in his mind.

"Kurt...do you think."

"Please touch me."

And that confirmed it. Kurt was starved for dominance, and thank goodness Blaine had read up on submissives craving their dom's in an excessive way that their bodies start to weaken along with their minds. He ripped Kurt away from his body, which didn't take much since the boy was a broken twig and his arms were like tree trunks. He cradled the back of Kurt's neck and nodded. "I'll take care of you, pet." He whispered, pulling him in to press his lips to Kurt's, his other arm wrapping around his waist and pulling their bodies flush together. Kurt whimpered into the kiss and kissed Blaine back sweetly before their hunger for each other took over the kiss. Blaine sucked in Kurt's bottom lip, hand slipping down to squeeze at Kurt's lips before resting back at the small of his back. Kurt's hands cupped at Blaine's cheeks, tears continuing to roll down his cheek as Blaine slipped his tongue between his lips and found Kurt's tangling them together and sucking, which made Kurt melt into his arms. The relief started to pour off of the couple as they kissed passionately, their lips crashing together and tongues battling while their bodies rubbed against each others. They continued to kiss and just enjoy the warmth of one another, before the door of the doorknob of the bathroom door jiggled and the door opened.

A gasp echoed the bathroom.


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