Teacher's Pet
Chapter 19: Education Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Teacher's Pet: Chapter 19: Education

E - Words: 2,597 - Last Updated: Aug 21, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Jul 01, 2013 - Updated: Aug 21, 2013
185 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Last chapter before graduation! This chapter was a bit cheesy but I felt both Blaine and Kurt needed to educate themselves before Kurt graduated and they could reunite with each other.

With Kurt in school for the next couple months, Blaine had to confess he had way too much time on his hands waiting for graduation day. He'd found himself a small job at an elementary school as a substitute for their English teacher who had the flu. It didn't pay exceptionally well, but it left little worry for Blaine about paying bills, so he wouldn't have to shed any tears about resigning from his job at Mckinley.

He also had to confess that he was counting down the days until Kurt's graduation, sometimes he would send him little text messages each month to keep the boy going through without each other. He'd send him a little text that'd say, 'I love you,' 'I can't wait until I can have you in my arms', or 'Stay strong my beautiful.'

One night Kurt had call him in total hysterics, apparently he'd been having trouble falling asleep for the past weeks and the jacket he'd usually curl up with at night was losing Blaine's scent. Blaine had forewarned him that he needed to tell Burt he was making a call to Blaine before they lost their end-of-the-year privilege, in which Burt greatly encouraged the phone call since he was tired of Kurt bawling in the middle of the night and crying for Blaine like an infant. He'd directed Kurt to lay in bed without the jacket and close his eyes, Blaine began to sing Gone, Gone, Gone by Phillip Phillips. He barely got past the first verse before he heard the quiet breathing of Kurt on the other line. He smiled to himself hearing soft little snores come from the young boy, and finished the last verse under his breath as he circled the drain himself.

"Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you."

Now it was less than a month before Kurt's graduation, and June couldn't go by any slower for Blaine. The day's lagged on with the same routine.

Wake up.

Drink coffee.

Go to work.

Sit at home for six hours until bedtime.

One night it was storming outside heavily, and he was sitting at his desk chair in his bedroom surfing the internet on his computer. He saw an advertisement on the side of his email that happened to catch his eye.

BDSM site for adults 18 and up, dominants and submissives welcome.

He couldn't resist. Soon enough he had five pages open with information about being a dominant, caring for your submissives, how to deal with punishments, and the real meaning to a BDSM lifestyle.

Blaine figured if he was going to spend the rest of his life with Kurt, and if they were going to continue their dominant and submissive lifestyle, he needed to learn more about being a dominant so he wouldn't mentally damage Kurt again. He began to scroll down page after page, and the more he read, the more he realized this wasn't just a silly game to pass time. He found a page about safety for the submissives and clicked on it. He read about how the importance of how safety for the submissive is evident, and that communication is key in a healthy and strong relationship. Blaine had confidence in himself that he'd done pretty well for a first time dom, until he read the last bullet point.

"Dominants are never to administer punishment under stress or anger. You need to be calm, or else you can severely damage your submissive."

Blaine felt a twinge of guilt turn in his stomach.

"Never abandon a submissive at it's worst. It can cause trauma for the submissive and lower their self esteem. Submissives deserve to know they are loved, and must always have comfort after an important punishment."

Blaine sighed to himself as he reminisced about forcing Kurt to submit. He'd never meant to damage Kurt, he was just trying to do what was best for the both of them...which had not turned out well as he remembered. He made a mental note to always keep his head clear before punishments. He loved Kurt with all his heart. He just wanted to make him happy.

Blaine was up until six o'clock in the morning on the website, and by the end when he nearly collapsed in his chair sleep-deprived, he felt more confident that when he had Kurt all to his own, he would give him every ounce of love, attention, and care that he could.


School let out around two forty, and because Kurt was blessed with a beautiful Navigator he sped out of the parking lot and took a different route opposite his neighborhood. He started to look up in his GPS a specific bar for underaged teenagers. It was an hour away, but Santana had told him about it, and he was more than eager to let all his worries away and just dance and let himself loose for one night.

The past months had been hell without Blaine, and when Santana informed him that a couple Cheerios were meeting at a small club an hour from Lima, he jumped at the chance. He pulled his Navigator into a small parking lot of a community theatre house. Entering through a double door entrance he hears loud music booming through speakers, the bass turned up so it vibrated below Kurt's feet. He entered the large auditorium, filled with teenagers grinding and dancing to the beat of the music. He felt so vulnerable in the large crowed and stayed near the walls away from the sweaty drunk teenagers. He wondered how in the world they smuggled alcohol into the club, but then he noticed a lit up bar near the stage. He made his way to the bar quickly, needing to get away from all the sweat and heated bodies.


He turned his head, seeing Brittany and Santana practically glued to each other dancing and waving to him. He noticed other girls from the Cheerios and gave a modest wave before continuing his way to the bar. He jumped up on a barstool and rested his head on his hands, breathing out a sigh of relief as the blasting music drowned out all his sorrows. He felt eyes on him from the back of his head but ignored it, he was in no mood to fool around.

"Tough day?" Kurt looked up to see a young bartender cleaning off a glass. "Alcohol does the trick."

"I think I'll just have ginger ale." He smiles politely. "I'm the go-to driver for the girls in cheerleading uniforms back there." The bartender smiled and poured him a glass. Kurt spun his stool to the side to watch the teenagers in the crowd laugh and grin with happiness, dancing with whomever lover they could find and just grind their worries away. He remembered those nights with Blaine when they'd turn up old 90's music and just dance in just their socks and underwear, sliding across the hardwood floors of Blaine's apartment and giggling as they collided each other. Those nights of his seventeenth year were so carefree and wonderful, and sometimes they'd even drive more than a hundred miles to go to a specific lake where you could park your car and jump in. Blaine used to hoist Kurt over his shoulder and jump off a large rock into the lake, they'd both laugh and Kurt would chase him angrily, but after awhile they would just entangle each other in their arms and embrace in pure happiness, smiling and relaxing in the water with just each other to feel. The memories pained Kurt, and he wished Blaine never accepted the job at Mckinley, that they were the same age and wouldn't have to be judged by everybody else around them because of their shared romance.

A couple on the bar stools next to Kurt startled him out of his memories, and he couldn't help but listen in on the conversion.

"I'm sick of this."

"You're being ridiculous.."

"But he was touching you, he had his hands on your waist..."

"He was having fun!"

"Grinding on you is flirting, Adrian."

"Nick please..."

He heard rustling, and Kurt glanced over to see the taller boy of the couple grabbing the other's chin and forcing him to look up.

"You belong to me." Nick says sternly. "You are mine entirely, and only I can please you, do you understand me?"

The boy Adrian lowered his eyes to the ground and nodded. "Yes, Sir." He whispered softly.

Kurt's eyes widened. Were they a dominant and submissive couple too?"

The taller man, Nick, started to walk away to head towards the bathrooms, leaving the smaller boy Adrian to sulk against the bar, twirling his fingers around his glass.

Kurt didn't mean to dig into a couple's problems, but he was more than intrigued. He tapped the brunette boy's shoulder and said softly. "Excuse me?"

Adrian looked up at Kurt, picking up his head. "Yes?" His blue eyes were glassy with tears.

Kurt licked his lips. "I'm so sorry for snooping on your conversation but did you just call that man Sir?"

The boys cheeks flushed an entirely deep red. "Oh...I...you wouldn't really understand..."

"Is he your dominant?" Kurt blurts out, he sounded so childish but he'd never met another couple that enjoys role playing such as him and Blaine's.

Adrian seemed to relax, and he nodded his head. "Yes, he is in fact. How could you tell?"

"Because he's strict and unfair, the same as my dominant."

Adrian chuckled. "Well I'm more than glad to meet another submissive who understands what I'm going through. I'm Adrian." He held out his hand, which Kurt gladly took.

"Kurt." He smiles. "I've never met a couple who does that type of role playing before...I guess I just got over excited that I wasn't alone."

"Of course you're not alone, theres tons of couples around here that role play, of course most of them are older, but it's very popular among the gay community here."

Kurt nodded. "And you enjoy being a submissive?"

Adrian smiled genuinely. "As much as I will whine about punishments and being sat in a corner for four hours for talking back to my dominant Nick, I really do love being controlled, and pleased, and taken care of. We have a strong connection and I just love having him protect me in each and every way. It's comforting. You must feel the same with your dom."

"Well...." Kurt trails off. "We're definitely new at this, there's so many things we've never tried and...I just don't feel like I'm being the best submissive I can be."

Adrian gave Kurt a sympathetic look. "I was like you in the beginning, feeling worthless, useless, frightful for what will happen when you disobey your dom. But let me tell you about being a submissive, you're doing this for a reason right? Your dominant has a job, which is to take care of you in a way no man in a normal relationship would. He wants to control your every way shape and form, he wants you to know he will love you no matter what, but with mistakes, comes punishment. He wants you to know that no matter what happens he is in control and will protect you. But, as a submissive you have a job too. You're the reason your dom lives and breathes, you're the factor he must control. As a submissive you are as much part of making your relationship strong as your dominant is. You may not think you have control, but you do. You give your dominant a safeword, you give him your love and body, and let him love you. As a submissive you are making your dominant happy just as he is to you, and you are giving him permission when you are being punished to discipline you for your mistakes. When you grow older, you will come to realize that no matter how powerful he is with his action, you are just as powerful with your words."

Kurt wanted to cry and fall into Adrian's arms. He was right. He was completely, and utterly right. He couldn't just wilt and fall at the seams when Blaine left him, he needed to communicate and speak up. He needed his dominant just as his dominant needed him. "Thank you, thank you so much." He wraps his arms around Adrian and hugs him tightly.

"Don't fret, kid." Adrian smiles. "You're going to be great. When I get out of high school we're going to be able to go farther in our relationship than ever before, and you will too."

"I will. I'm going to show Blaine that he is my dominant and I need him more than the world."

"Blaine....cute name. You tell Blaine that a fellow submissive warns him to take care of you, you're a sweet kid and I'd hate to see you unhappy."

"Don't worry, he always makes me happy." Kurt smiles to himself, and he hears a voice behind them speak up.

"I see you met a friend, Adrian."

"Oh! Nick this is Kurt, he's a submissive too!"

Nick grins. "Really now?"

Kurt couldn't help but feel like a small mouse under the man's tall, masculine figure. He had dirty blonde hair and the deepest, lilly pad colored eyes that shone a bright green that illuminated through the blackness of the club.

"Happy to meet you, Kurt. But I'm afraid me and Adrian need to be going home before his mother calls my mother." He flashes a smile and takes Adrian's hand to lead him out.

Kurt stood up from his stool quickly. "Wait!" He walked up to Nick and asked, "Before you go, I need to ask you something for...well for future reference when I'm with my dominant."

Nick raised an eyebrow. "Go ahead, then."

"What's the most important factor in a dominant and submissive lifestyle?"

Nick smiled and bent down to Kurt's level. "There are two things, Kurt. Having honesty and trust. Without those things, your relationship will crumble. You have to remember that you are allowed to be scared, and so is your dominant. But you have to trust each other and explore each others boundaries."

Kurt nodded slowly and gave him a thankful smile. "Okay." He breathes out.

"You'll do alright kid, if he's the right man for you he'll know to take care of you well." Nick ruffles Kurt's hair before heading back out.

Adrian waved. "Bye Kurt!"

Kurt waved, and with a huge smile he left the club as well with tipsy cheerleading girls following behind him, along with Santana stumbling, crying, and shouting spanish curses into the night sky.

He got into the car and flipped open his sun visor to grab his keys. He noticed a picture he had tape there of him and Blaine on their anniversary, and he shed a tear before kissing his fingers and pressing it to the pictures. Blaine's soft, smooth singing voice filled his ears again as he remembered their late night call.

"You will never sleep alone, I'll love you long after you're gone."


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