Aug. 21, 2013, 3:43 p.m.
Aug. 21, 2013, 3:43 p.m.
To Kurt Hummel, the apocalypse would be the love of his life being ripped away from his arms, only for him to never see them again, locked in a prison of forever lonesomeness and dire heartbreak.
This very friday, is the end of the world for Kurt.
He sat on the couch in his living room, the TV still on with re-runs of past super bowls, and scattered chip bowls on the coffee table in front of him. Rachel had been sent home by Burt when Kurt refused to speak to him, forcing himself to be completely mute. His father was standing in front of him with a hard glare downwards, a disapproving look on his face that only made Kurt feel more nauseated then he already felt.
"Well? Are you going to speak up or am I going to have to make a call?"
"No, no...." Kurt leaned back on the couch and folded his arms, looking down at his feet. "I'll speak."
"Then tell me what you've been doing with your teacher."
"I've been..." Kurt trailed off, closing his eyes to silently apologize to Blaine in advance. 'I've been secretly dating him..."
"For how long."
"Two years now." Kurt mumbled, feeling the glare directed at him harden.
Burt huffed. "And what exactly have you been doing with him?"
"No, no. I want to hear everything."
Kurt glanced up at Burt with guilt in his eyes. "We haven't exactly restrained ourselves from anything...."
Burt let out a sigh. "God, Kurt," he shook his head in disbelief, "I can't even believe I'm hearing this, how could you do this?"
"It's not like I'm doing it for fun, dad, we're in love." He protested.
"Don't bring up that love shit with me. He's manipulating you, you're just a child Kurt."
"I'm eighteen." Kurt spits out. "According to the law I'm legal to think for myself."
"Well you started dating him when you were sixteen right?"
Kurt sank back down on the couch.
"Yeah, that's what I thought. And this relationship was all consensual?"
"He's an adult Kurt I don't know what he's forced you to do!"
"He's twenty two!" Kurt lets out a distressed noise. "He's not that older than me, and yes, everything was consensual. I chose to go to his house every weekend, and I chose to fool around with him." Burt collapsed back in his recliner and put his face in his hands. Kurt rolled his eyes in response. "Dad you're being ridiculous about this, I'm legal, he didn't become my teacher until this year, he loves me, I love him, end of story." Kurt stood up to leave the room.
"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel you sit your ass back down on the couch or so help me you will not be able to leave this house until you're thirty."
Kurt huffed angrily and sat back down, looking away from Burt. "So what? Am I grounded?"
"For lying to me for two years? Heck yeah you are. So I presume all those sleepovers you went to were at his house?"
Kurt nodded grimly.
"Is he giving you good grades because you're having sex with him?"
"No! God dad would you stop that?"
"Well I don't know what to believe any more, Kurt!" Burt threw his hands up. "You've been lying to me about everything you've been doing, everywhere you've been going, how can I trust you when you can so easily go behind my back and sleep with some older man."
"He's twenty two." Kurt hissed. "Only four years ahead."
"Yeah for years too much, but this is going to stop immediately." Burt stood up, storming over to the kitchen. "And heck, I thought he was a good guy, saying such nice things about you on your report card. No wonder he's so passionate about you, he's only defiled you and taken your virginity! Who knows how many A's you've gotten because he gets to take advantage of you whenever he feels, and you, allowing him like an innocent student with no brain."
Kurt stood up quickly and followed his dad. "Where are you going?"
"I'm going to get that teacher of yours fired!" Burt grabbed the home phone off the hook of the kitchen wall.
"No!" Kurt shrieked, ripping the phone away from him. "You can't do that please, I love him!"
"He's manipulating you, Kurt, you don't know what to feel."
"Yes I do! I fell in love with him, I asked him out, everything he's done to me is because I've asked him to."
"Give me back the phone, Kurt."
"Dad we can talk about this, please! He's the only person I'll ever want to be with!"
"Now you're being ridiculous, he loves you for your body Kurt, and you deserve so much more than that."
Kurt felt the tears brim to his eyes, and Burt sighed in distress. "Kurt I'm sorry, but this is to protect you. If he was a mature adult who truly loved you he would have told me what was going on. Hiding it hasn't exactly helped everything."
"He lied to protect me, because he knew you wouldn't be able to handle this well."
"And I'm supposed to be happy for you?" Burt snorted. "For sneaking around behind my back and lying straight to my face?"
"I just want to be happy for once." He croaked out, clearing his throat as he blinked back tears. "I just want to have someone hold me and tell me I'm beautiful."
Burt leaned against the counter, staring at Kurt. "Kurt you need to know you're beautiful without some man confirming it."
"He loves every part of me, Dad. We didn't get together so I could get good grades and he could screw a young teenager, we fell in love looking into each others eyes and singing 80's songs at a party. I didn't even know he was going to become a teacher."
It was reasonable, Burt thought, and he was close to caving in because the look on his son's face was killing his insides. He hadn't seen Kurt this wound up and desperate until the night he visited his mother in the hospital. He was going to cave in and let it go, but he needed to protect Kurt. "I'm sorry, bud, but I want you to find someone else. I just don't think this Blaine guy is what you deserve. Give me the phone."
Kurt's heart felt as if it had collapsed into his stomach. "No..." He mumbled.
Kurt smashed the phone on the ground screaming suddenly, "no!"
Both looked down to where the phone was shattered, plastic flown everywhere, and Burt's face couldn't have flushed a deeper red while Kurt was in shock.
"Go to your room."
Kurt looked up, eyes blinking. "Dad-."
"Kurt." Burt voice was harsh, and Kurt knew if he didn't race to his room now he would regret it. He flew out and down the stairs to his room without a word, leaving Burt to try and control his anger so he wouldn't barge down there and give the boy a piece of his mind. He cleaned up the phone and tossed the broken pieces in the trash before he went out the front door, into his car, and started to drive.
Blaine felt like it was 1991 again, sitting in a small chair in the guidance office being convicted of some classroom crime. He was always a rambunctious teenager in High School and always got himself into trouble. Whether it was talking smack to the teacher or gloating in the sense of beating up a six feet tall football player, he was a feisty eighteen year old.
But this time, Blaine couldn't slip out of the office with a detention slip, or an apology swearing he would never repeat his actions.
This time, Blaine was doomed for.
He felt like a small child sitting in front of a disappointed Emma Pillsbury, his head dropped low and hands wringing nervously together. "I didn't mean to hurt him, Emma."
Emma was sitting across from him with a sad look on her face, but no sympathy was given to Blaine, she was done dealing with him. "I know, but what you have been doing is completely inappropriate for a teacher, Blaine, you should have known the dangers."
"I did I just.." He sighs. "Kurt is so persuasive."
Emma chuckles softly. "We all know that, but you should be mature enough to know how to say no."
Blaine closed his eyes. "I know." He groans. "God I've messed up so freaking badly."
"Well you need to clean it up with Kurt first if you want to take care of this mess."
Blaine stared across at Emma. "Are you going to turn me into the authorities?"
Emma shook her head. "No, those are not my morals, I believe in love Blaine, I do. But I also believe in doing what's right, and you need to fix Kurt because you've hurt him very badly. You've given him some empty promises and it's hurting him mentally."
Blaine nodded dumbly. "I know."
Emma sighs softly. "I know you just wanted to care for Kurt and protect him, but you shouldn't have taken this job offer if you knew you couldn't handle yourself."
"I need the money. I want to buy an apartment for me and Kurt after he graduates here and live in New York."
Emma rested her head on her hand. "You're really serious about him, aren't you?"
"More than ever." Blaine smiles sadly. "But I'm afraid after you and Rachel finding out we aren't going to be able to enjoy each other's company in school anymore." Blaine took out his resignation letter, causing Emma to widen her eyes. "I knew when you called me in that you had found out about me and Kurt, so I planned just in case you were going to tell Figgins to write my resignation letter for my leave. I can't work here anymore, it's too risky, and I've broken too many rules to even deserve this job anymore. I have to mature if I want to be a teacher, and Kurt is just a distraction in my way of doing so"
"Blaine...." Emma smiles and reaches across to grab his hand. "You're doing the right thing."
Blaine bites back tears and nods. "I know." He whispers. I know, it is the right thing.
"This doesn't mean you have to resign from your relationship with Kurt, though."
Blaine sighs. "Well, it all depends if-."
"You monster!" A shout could be heard from the hallway, and suddenly the door was swung open to reveal Burt Hummel in the doorway, face flushed red and fists clenched. "You're a petophile you hear me? Preying on innocent children while pretending to be a friendly teacher, how dare you!" He screamed, grabbing Blaine by his tie and yanking him out of the chair.
"Mr. Hummel!" Emma shrieked, jolting out of her chair. "We can resolve this please!"
"He took advantage of my son behind my back, there's nothing to resolve."
Blaine couldn't believe what was happening. How did Burt find out? Did Kurt tell him? If this wasn't his day of death he didn't know what would be.
"M-Mr. Hummel I can explain..." He stuttered out.
Burt flung him across the room so he would slam his back against the glass wall, and rolled up his sleeves. "Explain what!? That you defiled my son and lied to my face!" He punched him right into the nose.
A crack echoed the office, and Blaine shouted, "I love Kurt, please!" He quickly covered his stomach as Burt punched his fist into it, Emma gasped in response and grabbed Burt by his arms.
"Mr. Hummel please sit down, violence is not the answer, let Blaine explain himself."
"I don't want to hear it." Burt spat. "You're just a predator."
It made Blaine sick to his stomach to hear those words directed to him, and he clutched at his stomach before looking up at Burt with teary eyes. "Please," he croaked and gasped for air, "let me explain."
Burt wrinkled his nose and disgust as he stared down at Blaine, and Emma quickly left the room to get a first aid kit. He grabbed Blaine by the arm and sat him roughly down in the chair, closing the door to the office harshly. "Explain then." He gritted out.
Blaine grabbed a tissue and covered his nose, which was gushing of blood from Burt's hit. He gulped and squeezed his eyes shut. "I never meant any of this to happen I am so sorry, please hear me out. I never thought you would be okay with us, and I was an idiot for dating your son behind your back but I never meant any harm to Kurt or your relationship with him. I love Kurt, so much it kills me. I'd do anything for him..." he quickly gasps for air before he continues his babbling, "and honestly I would give him the world if I could. We fell in love at a bar which somehow he snuck into and I thought he was the most beautiful boy on earth, I really didn't know his age until the third date and by then he'd already stolen my heart completely." Tears started to run down his cheeks as he reminisced. "Mr. Hummel, your son is so amazing, and strong, and wise. I mean that. I meant everything I said on his report card. He deserved all those grades because he worked from them, and let me tell you he talks about you like you're one of the greatest people on earth. I envy you for how you've raised Kurt, and I just want to be another person in his life that I can share his laughter with and tell him how much I love him." Blaine felt sobs wrack his body, and he let out a whimper as he pitifully cried. "I really love him, Mr. Hummel."
Burt stood in silence before Emma entered the office again and started to clean up the bloody mess on Blaine's face. Blaine stared up at Burt with desperate eyes while the man contemplated his response for a moment. He finally sat down next to Blaine in the chair and sighed heavily. "I love him too." He says, rubbing his face. "I'm just trying to protect him."
Blaine nodded slowly, hissing as Emma starts to place bandages across his face. Burt shook his head and glanced at Blaine. "You're lucky I like you kid or else your whole face would be broken."
Blaine's eyes lightened up. "Does that mean..."
"It means I'm not going to get you fired. I remember when Kurt was a young boy and he used to play with those Ken dolls, he'd sort out their weddings and cut up all his mother's nice napkins so he could create tuxedos for them. He was one smart kid." Burt started to smile, and Blaine could only smile in response. "He always dreamed of finding someone who loved him, and after his mother passed...I've been sort of picky because I want him to find someone to take care of him, someone who won't hurt him." Burt looked up at Blaine and leaned close. "If you promise to me that you will give my son a happy, healthy life, and you will care for him and love him through all his faults....then I give you my blessing to be with him."
Blaine felt as if a huge weight had heaved off his chest, and breathed out his entire lungs. "Oh my god, Mr. Hummel, I-I don't know what to say..."
"Say you'll quit your job here...."
"I already have my resignation letter."
Burt nodded appreciatively. "Good man. Then go home, find a new job for the rest of the year to get yourself along, and when the year ends you and Kurt can reunite again. If my son finds happiness and serenity with you, than why would I want to stop it?"
Blaine looked down at Emma, who was absolutely beaming with happiness, and she stepped back so Blaine could launch out of his chair and hug his arms around Burt tightly. "Thank you so much." He whispered, tears of happiness welling up in his eyes.
"Alright, kid, I get it." Burt doesn't allow the hug to go on for very long before he detaches himself from Blaine and brushes off his shirt. "I'm going to go home now to take care of a very distressed Kurt..."
"May I?" Blaine quickly says. "I know we've both done some things we shouldn't have but...I think I need to let him know everythings going to be okay so he doesn't do anything drastic..."
Burt huffs before smiling slightly. "What a guy, go fix Kurt, I'll be home soon. I'll give you half an hour and then I want to speak with him."
Blaine nodded quickly and beamed. "Thank you so much."
Blaine arrived at Kurt's house in no less than ten minutes with his terrible driving and speeding down the road to Kurt's neighborhood. But he was desperate to see him. He zoomed through the front door and entered the empty house, calling out. "Kurt?" Hearing no response he started to walk down the hallway and to Kurt's bedroom, hearing soft whimpering coming from the doorway. He frowned, pushing open the door to Kurt's room and peered his head inside. There Kurt sat curled up on his bed with what Blaine recognized was his leather jacket around him that had been missing for months. The boy was sobbing to himself quietly, head buried in the jacket, and Blaine's heart completely broke at the sight. He knocked on the door gently and whispered so not to frighten him. "Can I come in?"
Kurt continued to sob, his whole body curled up on itself and his hands gripping tightly at the back of the leather jacket. Blaine sighed and entered the room, closing the door behind him gently. He walked over to the bed and kicked his shoes off before climbing onto the sheets. He slid next to Kurt and leaned close so he could hear his voice. "I'm right here baby, there's no need to cry."
Kurt picked his head up, face contorted with confusion, and Blaine only felt worse as he saw the bags under Kurt's eyes and tears stains on his cheeks. His lips were slightly bloody from where Blaine figured he'd been nibbling on them, and his eyes were completely glassy. "Bla....Blaine?" He whispered, narrowing his eyes before they widened and he leaped across the bed to tackle Blaine in a hug. "Blaine!" He let out a sob, and Blaine wrapped his arms tightly around him as he laid Kurt on his side so he could cuddle him to his chest. He tucked Kurt's head between the crook of his shoulder and laid his hands at the back of Kurt's shirt, rubbing slow circles.
"Shh, that's right baby I'm here."
"I thought you weren't going to come back." Kurt's small voice croaked out. "Everythings bad Blaine, I ruined everything."
"No, no you didn't." Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head, and Kurt picked his head up again to look at him in wonder.
"Wait...why are you here?"
Blaine smiled softly and pressed a kiss to his nose. "Your father paid me a little visit at the school, but after a long talk and explanation he gave me permission to be with you so long as I quit my job at Mckinley."
Kurt's eyes softened. "Blaine you shouldn't have done that for me..."
"I wanted to." Blaine assured him. "Kurt I'd do anything for you, and if its quitting my job and finding one elsewhere than so be it, that's not too hard."
Kurt smiled wide before burying his face back in Blaine's chest and entangling their legs together. "I'm so glad you're here." He mumbled into his shirt. "I thought my dad was going to kill you."
"As did I. But as long as you keep honest with him and do good in school, I'll be yours forever after you graduate."
Kurt sighed in relief and clutched at the back of Blaine's shirt, closing his eyes as he whispers. "Promise?"
"I promise." Blaine murmurs back, drawing circles at the small of Kurt's back to calm him, brushing his lips gently against his forehead and placing tiny kisses to his soft skin. "I love you, Kurt. I can't stay here for long, but just know that I love you."
"I love you too." Kurt rubbed his eyes with a fist and hugged Blaine tightly. "I'm going to miss you."
"I will too, but this is just for a few more months. You'll live." He grabbed a blanket and picked it up and over Kurt, detaching the jacket from between them before eyeing it. "Did you steal this from me?"
A little giggle confirmed it for Blaine, and he just smiled in amusement. "I find it cute you like to snuggle with my scent."
"It helped for the nights that I cried."
Blaine paused, bringing his hand up to card his fingers through Kurt's soft hair and sigh. "Kurt, I want to also apologize to you for what I did this year. I abandoned you, without any comfort, something a dominant should never do. I left you in your time of need, and I am so, so sorry."
"It's okay, Blaine, really..."
"No, it's not. I was an asshole to you, and I wish you could forgive me for what I've done."
Kurt looked up at Blaine, smiling softly before he leaned up and pressed their lips together in a soft, yet sweet and firm kiss. Blaine kissed Kurt back gently, cupping his cheeks while Kurt gripped at his shirt sleeves, and for the rest of the fifteen minutes that they had together. They held each other and gave kisses that promised each other eternity. It wasn't until Blaine had to depart that they started to cry again, but that promising kiss held them together like glue, and Kurt waved sadly from the front porch as he watched Blaine drive away in his Blue Civic, hugging the jacket Blaine allowed him to keep to his chest and whispering to himself.
"Only four more months, only for, and then he will be mine."