Aug. 21, 2013, 3:43 p.m.
Aug. 21, 2013, 3:43 p.m.
"Walk with me."
Kurt sniffled, following as Blaine turned on his heels and started to walk down the hallway. His arms hugged around himself as he cried softly, entering the English office as Blaine held the door for him, closing it behind him once he was inside.
"Have a seat."
Kurt sat in the chair across from the desk, eyes lowered to the ground. Blaine sat in the rolling chair across from him and rested his arms on the desk, eyeing Kurt with a soft look as he waited. Kurt hesitantly reached across the desk to tap Blaine's elbow.
"You may speak."
"Why are you doing this." Kurt mumbles, wiping away the tears that were dripping down his cheeks."
"Because you need it, Kurt." Blaine responds, sitting back in his chair and putting his feet up on the desk. "You have no control over your actions, and you have to speak your mind even when it could hurt other people. You are poorly disciplined, and I'm sick of having to clean up after your mess."
"I didn't mean to hurt anyone." Kurt gave a small croak, wiping at his cheeks as more tears dribbled down.
"I know." Blaine sighed. "But I need to teach you right from wrong since obviously you've been getting away with murder these past few years. You haven't had it easy in school Kurt, but I'm not going to allow you to manipulate me and ruin everything that we have. You have to learn about tough love, and if you want..." He lowered his voice. "If you want a relationship with me, then you're going to keep your mouth shut, go to saturday detention with Coach Sylvester, and treat me as a superior. You will do as I say, study all night to get straight A's so your dad doesn't have to give me a phone call about your behavior. And I swear if you act out again I will switch you out of my class, or maybe even quit and move to New York. I'll wait until you graduate and get your shit together before I comfort you again because I am tired of praising you for your mistakes, pet." The name slipped from his lips, he was so deep in anger, growing more and more furious throughout his rant that he hadn't even noticed the change in him. He as well didn't catch the complete wrecked expression on Kurt's face, and the boy's lip wobbled before he broke into tears. "I'm so sorry, Sir! I really am I love you so much!"
"Stop it." Blaine hisses. "Keep your voice down."
"I'm sorry." Kurt sobs, in a more quiet, broken voice. "I'm sorry Sir..."
"Shhh." Blaine got up and out of his seat, grabbing a box of tissues and removing one to bend down next to Kurt and wipe the tears that splashed down his cheeks. "I have a class in five minutes, you have to pull yourself together."
Kurt whimpered and squeezed his eyes shut as more tears poured out. "I miss you so much, I miss your touch, your kisses, I miss your love."
Blaine wiped the tears from Kurt's cheeks gently, nodding. "I know, Kurt, I know. I've never stopped loving you, I'm doing this for your own good." He tossed the tissues into a wastebasket. He cupped Kurt's cheeks and pressed their foreheads together. "You have to submit to me Kurt, we'll live through the next months on our own I promise, it will all pay off on graduation day when I can sweep you off your feet and buy us an apartment together."
"I love you so much." Kurt croaks.
Blaine just shushes him. "Go to class, and be strong for me."
"Yes, Sir." Kurt mumbles, allowing Blaine to tug him out of the chair. He opened the door and quickly shooed Kurt out of the office, leaving the boy to wipe the remainder of tears from his eyelashes and try and get a hold of his wrecked self.
A couple months went by. And day by day turned worse and worse for Kurt Hummel. He grew more terrified of Blaine, walking on eggshells because one wrong look could cause anyone to be suspicious, and Blaine would leave him faster than he could even attempt to apologize. He was exhausted each and every day from studying hard just to please Blaine and earn perfect grades as he was told to do. But he had no choice, he loved Blaine entirely, and wouldn't risk the slightest slip to ruin their relationship. He would please his Dom, and in return, they would be lovers after high school with no problems. Burt, in fact, was more than happy with Kurt's grades in english class, and mentioned his achievement during a friday night movie.
"Kiddo I think we should celebrate."
Kurt munched on a handful of popcorn, legs draped across his fathers lap. "Why?"
"I'm looking at your report card right now, it's fantastic! You received an 100 in English class with a very praising note left by a teacher named....Mr Anderson."
Kurt paused his chewing. "Huh, well maybe we can bake cookies or something to celebrate I don't want much..."
"Oh no, this deserved much more. Heck, I want to call this guy up and invite him for dinner for being so passionate about you..."
Kurt started to choke on a popcorn kernel.
"..As a student....Kurt are you okay?"
"Dad..." Kurt cleared his throat, setting te bowl of popcorn down on the coffee table and curling up in the blanket draped over him. "It would extremely awkward to invite my /teacher/ over to dinner, don't you think?"
"Aw come on, I've never seen you study a textbook harder in your life, it's as if he put a magic spell on you that glues your eyes to your school work!"
He's doing something like that...
"Well I'm inviting this Mr. Anderson over, I have to meet the man who's bringing my son to the top of his class." Burt hoisted himself off the couch, and Kurts eyes widened before he frantically pulled his dad back down on the couch.
"No! I mean...I'll ask him in class, but he's a very busy man, dad...."
"Hey, any guy that's proud and passionate of my son is welcome here."
If only you knew.
"But if you want to ask him in class that's fine, just get back to me so I can have Carole prepare a special dinner."
"I will, DONT worry." Kurt assured him with a forced smile.
"Alright, I'm going to go microwave another bag of popcorn since you inhaled the whole first bag already." Burt got off the couch with a grunt and strolled into the kitchen.
Kurt stared at the report card on the coffee table, wondering what could have possibly been written that Burt would be so intrigued to meet Blaine. He finally snatched it and unfolded it, reading along his English grade.
"Mr Hummel, your son Kurt is one of the most intelligent, hard working students I have ever met. This is my first teaching job, and Kurt had done nothing but made it a great pleasure to he his English teacher."
Kurt snorted.
That's because I gave you a blowjob user your desk after school that one time, or maybe the time when you fucked me against the chalkboard and ruined one of me good Marc Jacob zip-ups.
"I am so proud of Kurt, he struggled at first, but is now fully focused on his goal, and I want you to know I am very passionate about your sons work. Praise him, as he is one of the most obedient teenagers I've ever met."
One of the most obedient teenagers I've ever met.
One of the most obedient teenagers.
Most obedient teenagers.
Kurt suddenly broke into a wide smile and hugged the paper to his chest. "Thank you, Sir." He whispers, absolutely glowing at the first praise he's received in months.