Teacher's Pet
Chapter 13: Happy Monday Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Teacher's Pet: Chapter 13: Happy Monday

E - Words: 1,953 - Last Updated: Aug 21, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Jul 01, 2013 - Updated: Aug 21, 2013
162 0 0 1 0

Author's Notes: I know, I know. "Where's the smut?" It will all happen my little darlings, but first, Kurt needs an attitude adjustment.

For the rest of the month of January, Kurt and Blaine did not speak a word to one another in school. Kurt of course tried to start up conversations after class with Blaine, desperate to hear that soft tenor voice chuckle, or even make a slight comment towards what had happened weekends ago. But Blaine was stubborn, and shooed Kurt away with a remark that he had to grade midterm papers. Kurt would have been a wreck without the attention of his lover, as he always was, but after he had submitted so painfully that friday night, he wasn't as starved for his dominator anymore. He obeyed with he was shooed, and kept quiet when Blaine gave him a hard stare after he would try and say hello in the hallways. It was torture acting as if his teacher was merely an educator in his life and nothing more, but after his punishment his mindset was on obeying and submitting, so anything Blaine said, he complied to.

Kurt had Blaine's English class the next period, and was already flushing to his cheeks. The past classes he had sat in the front, Blaine's decision so he was forced to pay attention, and although his teacher was lenient with every other student chatting away during his lessons and texting, if Kurt dared open his mouth to speak to another student, Blaine would send him to Principal Figgins office, no questions asked. It was horrible sitting in the office with his hands folded in his lap, explaining to Principal Figgins about his 'disruption' and getting yet another lunch detention with Blaine.

Those lunch detentions were anything but 'quality time' with his boyfriend. Blaine would make him clean everything, the chalkboard, the desks, the windows, and he would have to organize each textbook by number. He couldn't even have a small casual conversation with the man, or send him a smile. Blaine was rock hard and could not be broken, he would have to suffer in silence while his boyfriend gave him his own silent treatment. Ever since the Rachel incident, it was boyfriends no more in school, even over the phone, and Blaine was anything but a friendly teacher to Kurt. He was a tyrant, and he wouldn't stop until every student's questions simmered away and they would believe that Kurt and Blaine hadn't even known each other until this year.

Kurt entered the classroom along the swarm of students, and his eyes were glued to where Blaine was flipping through pages of a textbook at his teaching desk. He sat down right in the front next to Brittany and Santana, and folded his hands in his lap, his head facing down towards his pre-opened textbook. He spoke to no one, and kept himself quiet.

Blaine looked up as his class filed in and filled up the seats, grinning. "Good morning class, I want you all to hand in your papers on diction and tone at the front and then take your quiz off the cabinet and begin. You have fifteen minutes to complete the quiz so I suggest you don't waste time."

Kurt handed in his homework, giving a glance to Blaine who ignored him completely, and grabbed the quiz off the filing cabinet with an annoyed huff.

"I also suggest you cut the attitude, Mr Hummel."

Of course Blaine heard it, he had ears like a goddamn deer. He heard every little mistake Kurt made, and had to point it out.

"I'm sorry, Mr Anderson." Kurt mumbled, sitting down at his desk.

The class remained silent for the rest of the period, Kurt nibbled on his pencil furiously as he tried to finish up his quiz before the class ended. Five minutes remained, and he was finishing up the last question when the loudspeaker of the classroom switched on and Principal Figgins voice could be heard.

"Kurt Hummel please report to the principal's office immediately."

Everybody's head turned towards Kurt, eyes glaring into his skin as if he was a criminal. Kurt frowned, turning towards Blaine at the front with a confused expression, but Blaine didn't seem fazed at all.

"Kurt I'd like to speak with you in the hallway before you go." Blaine got up and walked right out of the room, leaving the door ajar for Kurt to follow.

Brittany pouted and leaned over from her desk to Kurt. "Kurt did you kill someone?" He sighed heavily and glared towards where Blaine had left the classroom.

"No Brit, but somebody probably thinks I did." He got up from his desk and swung his bag over his shoulder, joining Blaine outside.

Blaine shut the door once Kurt was out of the classroom and leaned against the wall, arms folded and face like stone.

Kurt stared at him with a confused expression, sulking in the silence for a few moments before he tapped Blaine's arm.

Blaine nodded. "Speak."

"Why am I going to the Principals office?" He whispered, hugging his arms around himself.

"I told Principal Figgins you physically hurt Rachel Berry and he wants to speak with you about your attitude and anger management problems."

"Anger...anger management problems?" Kurt was in disbelief, whispering in a low voice. "Why would you tell him about what happened?"

"I told him I caught you two in the hallway, you swung at her for no reason and I had to pull you two apart before your fists stop swinging. I'm worried Kurt, we're all worried about your lashing out."

"Lashing out?"

"Stop repeating me." Blaine snapped. "Kurt Hummel you have some serious anger problems, you can't keep your hands to yourself or keep your mouth shut and you need some help."

Kurt stared dumbfounded at Blaine, eyes glassy and almost teary. "B-But...But Mr Anderson I didn't mean to..."

"But you did." Blaine patted Kurt's shoulder. "And I know you won't do it again if I have anything to say about it, but for now we're going to get you help and some nice punishment. Now head along before the Principal finds you himself, we have a low tolerance policy here."

Kurt snorted. "Say that to the jocks that used to beat me up freshman year."

"Kurt, go." Blaine gritted out.

"I'm sorry." Kurt mumbled, rushing down the hallway and away from Blaine as quick as he could. He entered the glass office and checked in with the front desk before they directed him towards the Principals office. He entered inside, closing the door behind him, and his eyes widened as he spotted Rachel sitting in one of the two seats placed in front of the desk.

"Good morning, Mr Hummel. Have a seat, please."

Kurt lowered his eyes and slowly sat down in front of Principal Figgins' desk, nervously playing with his fingers as Rachel flinched aside him.

Figgins sat back in his chair and folded his arms in his lap, sighing. "Mr Hummel, I can't say I'm surprised to see you sitting in front of me, since the past month I've had copious amounts of visitations from you."

Kurt remained quiet.

"I've been told by your english teacher Mr Anderson that you physically hurt one of your fellow classmates, Rachel Berry. We of course investigated since we have never heard of such a calm, hospitable student like you physically hurting someone, and called her up here. But now seeing the bruises and stitches across her face, we believed him."

Kurt dared to look to his right at Rachel, picking his head up as he noticed her entire nose was purple and blue, and there were stitches across the corner of her mouth, giving her an awful 'Joker' type look. "Oh god, Rachel..." He gasped, she winced and turned away from him.

"We suggest you don't talk to Miss Berry, as she's still very frightened from your lashing out at her unexpectedly. She has told us her side of the story, but now we'd like to hear yours before we choose the right settlement."

Kurt glanced over at Rachel, wondering what in the hell she had told them. But he figured Blaine had a talk with her, and they had planned everything out.

"Well..." Kurt swallowed. "Principal Figgins, I spotted Rachel in the hallway that day and well...I was extremely irritated at her because of..."

"Glee Club..." Rachel chimed in quietly.

Kurt silently thanked her with a nod, and looked back at Figgins. "Glee Club...she got one of the solo's I wanted and I guess, I had enough of always being placed in the back of the ensemble so I lashed out at her and took out my anger on her. I didn't realize what I was doing at the moment, and me and Rachel use to be such good friends...I didn't know I was going to ruin our friendship, honestly."

Figgins nodded. "Is this true Rachel."

She nodded slowly, her eyes still looking wary over the arrangement of trophies and books in the back of the office, staying glued on the shelves and not daring to look anywhere else.

"Yes, Principle Figgins. Me and Kurt used to be great friends..." Her voice cracked.

Oh god please don't cry.

"I just hope we can repair our friendship again." She started to cry, taking one of the tissues from the desk and dabbing the tears off her cheeks with a sniffle.

"It's okay, Miss Berry, I promise it will be." Figgins gave a hard glance at Kurt, filled with anger.

And the award for most snobby, unbelievable drama queen goes to Rachel Berry, the bitch who could barely act and yet still stole the show.

"Mr Hummel, you are sentenced to Saturday detention with Coach Sylvester, she will teach you how to deal with your anger instead of taking it out on innocent students. As well as Mr Anderson, who decided that it would be best if he could have a talk with you after school each day about personal battles, and problems that are bothering you."

Since when did Blaine become his therapist? Or want to talk to him?

"I understand, Principal Figgins." Kurt cursed mentally.

"And in addition to that I want you to behave when it comes to jealousy of your peers, and to be on your best behavior when Rachel is trying to repair what you have broken. "

"I will."

"Good, now hug it out and go back to class."

Both Rachel and Kurt stood up out of their seats, and Rachel was the first to initiate the hug since Kurt was frozen like a statue. She hugged him tightly, laying her head on his shoulder, and he really believed she was being her normal self, when a whisper snapped him out of the hug.

"Blaine doesn't just want to talk to you after school does he?"

Kurt sighed, whispering back into her ear. "Sadly, Rach...No, no he doesn't."

"Good luck." She pulled back from the hug with a smile, and grabbed her floral little backpack, heading out the door. "Bye Principal Figgins! See you at the fundraiser next Saturday!"

Figgins waved before Kurt dismissed as well, hearing a gruff behind him. "No more foolish actions Hummel, I'm watching you." Kurt merely hurried out of the office, pushing open the door and turning to walk out of the front desk office to lunch, when Blaine's figure stopped him. His arms were folded and eyes narrowed behind the glass wall, and Kurt stopped short, his hands going numb on the door handle as Blaine's eyes entered into his brain, and he began to cry as Blaine opened the door for him.

"I'm so sorry, Sir..."


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