June 1, 2014, 4:53 p.m.
June 1, 2014, 4:53 p.m.
So the next chapter will be the last for this fic, i hope you enjoyed it :) The last chapter will be up tomorrow! x
Hope you enjoy this chapter! x
It had taken a week for them to even get the adoption forms, and he had been right they needed his parent's signature or they would have to go the legal route and he would have to go into care while they sorted it out.
He had managed to convince Kurt to give asking his parents a try; there was no way that he wanted to go into care for however long it would be.
His stomach churned at the thought of seeing his parents again, before he came out he never thought that he would ever hate his parents. He didn't want to hate them but the way they had dismissed him from the family for being himself left him with no choice.
Kurt's car pulled up to his parents' house and he took a breath, Kurt's dad had wanted to come and Kurt had to do a lot of convincing to let them go on their own but he still wasn't feeling 100% comfortable around him and Kurt thought it might be easier to go on their own.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kurt asked and he nodded not trusting his voice.
"I can't go into care Kurt," he said simply and he felt a hand on his.
He gave Kurt a small smile before they both climbed out of the car walking towards the front door.
He gave three knocks to the door and took a step back. There was a shuffling noise behind the front door and the door opened.
His dad looked just as he remembered, a little taller with his with brown and slightly gray hair, a frown lines that dug into his forehead and the same colour eyes as himself.
"What do you want?" He said rudely crossing his arms against his chest.
"We just want you to sign some papers and you will never see me again," he whispered feeling himself shrink.
His father let out a small low chuckle. "And why do you think I would do that?"
"Because if you don't we will just do it through the legal system and they will make you sign it, as well as there being a possibility that you go to jail for neglect of your child," Kurt spat and his heart started to race he would never speak to his dad that way.
"What the hell are you doing bringing another queer to our house Blaine," his dad said coming out from the door way giving him a shove backwards.
"Please just sign the papers," he said holding them out.
Kurt took the papers and stood between them.
"Don't touch him, just sign the papers now and you never see us again or don't and we'll be back," Kurt said shoving the papers into his father's chest.
His dad growled snatching the paper and then the pen from Kurt's hand.
He signed them before throwing them back.
"He was a useless queer anyway; he deserved to be with Nath-".
He stood there in shock as his father's horrible words were cut off by Kurt's fist connecting with his cheek.
"You're the useless parent, Blaine deserves better than you!" Kurt yelled before he grabbed his hand and they walked back towards the car.
He was speechless and it was only when they were back on the road that he had the courage to speak.
"Thanks for sticking up for me Kurt," he said lightly touching Kurt's slightly swollen hand.
"I'm sorry I hit him I just couldn't listen to that, I don't understand how he can't see how perfect you are," he said and he smiled watching Kurt turn a little red.
"At least he signed the papers," he said looking at his dad's signature at the bottom of the adoption forms.
Kurt smiled. "Welcome to the family".
Blaine thought for a moment. "Wont these make me your step brother?" he said scrunching up his face.
"Blaine this was the only way that we would be able to have you living permanently with us, and we won't think of it that way, no one will," Kurt said taking his hand off the wheel briefly to give his hand a squeeze.
Blaine smiled. "You don't know how glad I am that you knocked me down that day," Blaine said leaning over giving Kurt a kiss on the cheek.
Kurt giggled. "I felt so bad; I couldn't sleep because I wanted to apologies to you again".
"Really?" Blaine smiled.
"Yeah," he said continuing to giggle.
"You're adorable," he said looking at his boyfriend.
"not as adorable as you," Kurt replied.
"We could do this all day, but you would still be the adorablest," Blaine said and Kurt smirked.
"That's not even a word". He said as they pulled into Kurt's drive way.
"But it suits you," he whined as the car shut off.
"I love you," Kurt said as he got out of the car going around to the other side and opening his door.
He got out of the car grabbing Kurt around the waist, and turned him around so he was pressed up against the car.
"I love you too," he replied pulling him in for a kiss.
The kissed each other desperately until he heard a noise behind him. He let go spinning round almost falling over with embarrassment when he saw Burt standing there.
"I guess you got the signature then," Burt smiled keeping his distance.
Blaine took a deep breath before walking towards Burt pulling him into a hug.
"Thank you for helping me," he said as Burt hugged him back.
"Thank you for making my kid happy, I've never seen his so happy," Burt replied.
He heard the car door slam and he let go of Burt before turning to Kurt taking his hand.
"This is the best thing that's ever happened to me," Blaine said pulling Kurt into a hug.
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I promise you that from now on things are going to be better," Kurt whispered into his ear.
"Things already are," he replied.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Last chapter will be up tomorrow! :)